/* author: @fabiantheblind This script shows how to read and write files */ main(); function main(){ var randomname = Number(new Date()); // get the textfile var filepath = "~/Desktop/"+randomname +".txt"; var write_file = File(filepath); if(!write_file.exists){ // if the file does not exist create one write_file = new File(filepath); }else{ // if it exsists ask the user if it should be overwritten var res = confirm ("The file already exists. Should I overwrite it", true, "titleWINonly"); // if the user hits no stop the script if(res != true){ return; }; }; var out;// our output // we know already that the file exist // but to be shure if( write_file!='' ){ //Open the file for writing. out = write_file.open( 'w', undefined, undefined ); write_file.encoding = "UTF-8"; write_file.lineFeed = "Unix"; //convert to UNIX lineFeed // txtFile.lineFeed = "Windows"; // txtFile.lineFeed = "Macintosh"; }; // got an output? if( out != false ){ // loop the list and write each item to the file write_file.writeln("Hello World!"); // allways close files! write_file.close(); } var read_file = File(filepath); read_file.open('r', undefined, undefined); if( read_file!=''){ alert ("this is read only\n "+ read_file.read()); read_file.close(); } var append_file = File(filepath); append_file.open('a', undefined,undefined); if( append_file!='' ){ append_file.writeln("Hello I'm an appended line!"); append_file.close(); } var read_again_file = File(filepath); read_again_file.open ('r', undefined, undefined); if( read_again_file!='' ){ alert ("this is read only again\n"+ read_again_file.read()); read_again_file.close(); } // there is also an open for appending option // try to play with: // File.open ('a', undefined, undefined); };