/* author: @fabiantheblind this script creates a textpath and plays with anchors !Ride The Walrus */ var pw = 200; var ph = 200; // create a doc with a size of 200 w and h var doc = app.documents.add({ documentPreferences:{ pageWidth : pw, pageHeight: ph } }); // the page is already there var page = doc.pages.item(0); // create a graphicLine var gl = page.graphicLines.add(); var off = 12.7; var p1 = [off, ph/2]; var p2 = [pw/2, (ph/2) - off]; var p3 = [pw - off, ph/2]; var pathpoint1 = gl.paths[0].pathPoints[0]; var pathpoint2 = gl.paths[0].pathPoints[1]; var pathpoint3 = gl.paths[0].pathPoints.add(); pathpoint1.anchor = p1; pathpoint2.anchor = p2; pathpoint3.anchor = p3; pathpoint1.rightDirection = [p1[0] + off, p1[1] - off]; pathpoint2.leftDirection = [p2[0] - off*2, p2[1] + off*2]; pathpoint2.rightDirection = [p2[0] + off*2, p2[1] + off*2]; pathpoint3.leftDirection = [p3[0] - off, p3[1] + off]; gl.strokeWeight = 0; gl.textPaths.add({contents:"Ride the Wallrus!"}); var par = gl.textPaths.item(0).paragraphs.item(0); var ptsz = par.pointSize; // get the actual pointsize // a while loop // if the tf is not overlflowing scale up do{ par.pointSize = ptsz; ptsz++; } while(gl.textPaths.item(0).overflows == false); ptsz = ptsz - 5; par.pointSize = ptsz;