<# .SYNOPSIS A CloudStack/CloudPlatform API client. .DESCRIPTION A feature-rich Apache CloudStack/Citrix CloudPlatform API client for issuing commands to the Cloud Management system. .PARAMETER command The command parameter is MANDATORY and specifies which command you are wanting to run against the API. .PARAMETER options Optional command options that can be passed in to commands. #> # Writen by Jeff Moody (fifthecho@gmail.com) # Based off code written by Takashi Kanai (anikundesu@gmail.com) # # 2011/9/16 v1.0 created # 2013/5/13 v1.1 created to work with CloudPlatform 3.0.6 and migrated to entirely new codebase for maintainability and readability. # 2013/5/17 v2.0 created to modularize everything. # 2013/6/20 v2.1 created to add Powershell 2 support # 2013/9/03 v2.5 created to add better error handling # 2016/8/28 v2.6 Small refactor to fix signature mismatch in some cases. Powershell V3+ only supported (loic.lambiel@exoscale.ch) # 2018/3/28 v2.7 Switch from XML to JSON output. (yoan.blanc@exoscale.ch) [VOID][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"); $WebClient = New-Object net.WebClient #$DebugPreference = "Continue" function New-CloudStack{ Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $apiEndpoint , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $apiPublicKey , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $apiSecretKey ) $cloudStack = @() $cloudStack += $apiEndpoint $cloudStack += $apiPublicKey $cloudStack += $apiSecretKey return $cloudStack } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-CloudStack function calculateSignature{ Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String[]] $SECRET_KEY , [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $HASH_STRING ) Write-Debug("Hash String: $HASH_STRING") $HMAC_SHA1 = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1 $HMAC_SHA1.key = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($SECRET_KEY) $Digest = $HMAC_SHA1.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($HASH_STRING)) $Base64Digest = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($Digest) $signature = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($Base64Digest) Write-Debug("Digest: $Base64Digest") Write-Debug("Signature: $signature") return $signature } function Get-CloudStack{ Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String[]] $cloudStack , [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $command , [String[]] $options ) $ADDRESS = $cloudStack[0] Write-Debug ("Address: $ADDRESS") $API_KEY = $cloudStack[1] Write-Debug ("API_KEY: $API_KEY") $SECRET_KEY = $cloudStack[2] Write-Debug ("SECRET_KEY: $SECRET_KEY") Write-Debug ("Options: $options") $optionString="apikey="+($API_KEY) $options += "command="+$command $options += "response=json" $options = $options | Sort-Object Write-Debug ("Options sorted: $options") foreach($o in $options){ $optionString += "&" + $o.split('=')[0] + "=" + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($o.split('=')[1])) } $optionString = $optionString -replace [Regex]::Escape("+"), "%20" $URL = $ADDRESS + "?" + $optionString Write-Debug("Pre-signed URL: $URL") Write-Debug("Option String: $optionString") $signature = calculateSignature -SECRET_KEY $SECRET_KEY -HASH_STRING $optionString.ToLower() $URL += "&signature="+$signature Write-Debug("URL: $URL") $Response = "" try { if ($psversiontable.psversion.Major -ge 3) { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URL -Method Get -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable ErrorOut Write-Debug $Response } else { Write-Error "PowerShell V3 or later is required" } } catch{ Write-Error "ERROR!" $errorType = $ErrorOut.GetType() if ($errorType.Name -eq "ArrayList") { Write-Error $ErrorOut[0] } else { Write-Error $ErrorOut } Write-Error "If this is unclear, please go to $URL in a browser for the API response." } Write-Debug "Response: $Response" return $Response } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-CloudStack function Import-CloudStackConfig{ # Read configuration values for API Endpoint and keys $ChkFile = "$env:userprofile\cloud-settings.txt" $FileExists = (Test-Path $ChkFile -PathType Leaf) If (!($FileExists)) { Write-Error "Config file does not exist. Writing a basic config that you now need to customize." Write-Output "[general]`n" | Out-File $ChkFile Write-Output "Address=http://(your URL):8080/client/api`n" | Out-File -Append $ChkFile Write-Output "ApiKey=(Your API Key)`n" | Out-File -Append $ChkFile Write-Output "SecretKey=(Your Secret Key)" | Out-File -Append $ChkFile Return 1 } ElseIf ($FileExists) { Get-Content "$env:userprofile\cloud-settings.txt" | foreach-object -begin {$h=@{}} -process { $k = [regex]::split($_,'='); if(($k[0].CompareTo("") -ne 0) -and ($k[0].StartsWith("[") -ne $True)) { $h.Add($k[0], $k[1]) } } $ADDRESS=$h.Get_Item("Address") $API_KEY=$h.Get_Item("ApiKey") $SECRET_KEY=$h.Get_Item("SecretKey") Write-Debug "Address: $ADDRESS" Write-Debug "API Key: $API_KEY" Write-Debug "Secret Key: $SECRET_KEY" $config = @() $config += $ADDRESS $config += $API_KEY $config += $SECRET_KEY if (($ADDRESS -ne "http://(your URL:8080/client/api?") -and ($API_KEY -ne "(Your API Key)") -and ($SECRET_KEY -ne "(Your Secret Key)")) { return $config } else { Write-Error "Please configure the $env:userprofile\cloud-settings.txt file" return 1 } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Import-CloudstackConfig function Get-CloudStackUserData{ Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $userdata ) Write-Debug "User Data: $userdata" $userdatab64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($userdata)) Write-Debug "Base64 Encoded User Data: $userdatab64" $encodeduserdata = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($userdatab64) return $encodeduserdata } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-CloudStackUserData