#!/bin/bash # ###################################################################### # # Author: Andrwe Lord Weber # Mail: lord-weber-andrwerenona-studiosorg # Version: 0.2 # URL: http://andrwe.dyndns.org/doku.php/blog/scripting/bash/privoxy-blocklist # ################## # # Sumary: # This script downloads, converts and installs # AdblockPlus lists into Privoxy # ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # # TODO: # - implement: # domain-based filter # ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # # script variables and functions # ###################################################################### # array of URL for AdblockPlus lists URLS=( # Big ones "https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylist.txt" "https://secure.fanboy.co.nz/fanboy-adblock.txt" # Supplement EasyList: Anti privacy & german "https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easyprivacy.txt" "https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistgermany.txt" # Supplement fanboy: Adult ads & annoyances "https://secure.fanboy.co.nz/fanboy-adblocklist-addon.txt" "https://secure.fanboy.co.nz/fanboy-adult.txt" # Misc "http://rickrolldb.com/ricklist.txt" "http://malwaredomains.lanik.us/malwaredomains_full.txt" ) # privoxy config dir (default: /etc/privoxy/) CONFDIR=/etc/privoxy # directory for temporary files TMPDIR=/tmp/privoxy-blocklist TMPNAME=$(basename ${0}) ###################################################################### # # No changes needed after this line. # ###################################################################### function usage() { echo "${TMPNAME} is a script to convert AdBlockPlus-lists into Privoxy-lists and install them." echo " " echo "Options:" echo " -h: Show this help." echo " -q: Don't give any output." echo " -v 1: Enable verbosity 1. Show a little bit more output." echo " -v 2: Enable verbosity 2. Show a lot more output." echo " -v 3: Enable verbosity 3. Show all possible output and don't delete temporary files.(For debugging only!!)" echo " -r: Remove all lists build by this script." } [ ${UID} -ne 0 ] && echo -e "Root privileges needed. Exit.\n\n" && usage && exit 1 # check whether an instance is already running [ -e ${TMPDIR}/${TMPNAME}.lock ] && echo "An Instance of ${TMPNAME} is already running. Exit" && exit DBG=0 function debug() { [ ${DBG} -ge ${2} ] && echo -e "${1}" } function main() { cpoptions="" [ ${DBG} -gt 0 ] && cpoptions="-v" for url in ${URLS[@]} do debug "Processing ${url} ...\n" 0 file=${TMPDIR}/$(basename ${url}) actionfile=${file%\.*}.script.action filterfile=${file%\.*}.script.filter list=$(basename ${file%\.*}) # download list debug "Downloading ${url} ..." 0 wget -t 3 --no-check-certificate -O ${file} ${url} >${TMPDIR}/wget-${url//\//#}.log 2>&1 debug "$(cat ${TMPDIR}/wget-${url//\//#}.log)" 2 debug ".. downloading done." 0 [ "$(grep -E '^\[Adblock.*\]$' ${file})" == "" ] && echo "The list recieved from ${url} isn't an AdblockPlus list. Skipped" && continue # convert AdblockPlus list to Privoxy list # blacklist of urls debug "Creating actionfile for ${list} ..." 1 echo -e "{ +block{${list}} }" > ${actionfile} sed '/^!.*/d;1,1 d;/^@@.*/d;/\$.*/d;/#/d;s/\./\\./g;s/\?/\\?/g;s/\*/.*/g;s/(/\\(/g;s/)/\\)/g;s/\[/\\[/g;s/\]/\\]/g;s/\^/[\/\&:\?=_]/g;s/^||/\./g;s/^|/^/g;s/|$/\$/g;/|/d' ${file} >> ${actionfile} debug "... creating filterfile for ${list} ..." 1 echo "FILTER: ${list} Tag filter of ${list}" > ${filterfile} # set filter for html elements sed '/^#/!d;s/^##//g;s/^#\(.*\)\[.*\]\[.*\]*/s|<([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\\s+.*id=.?\1.*>.*<\/\\1>||g/g;s/^#\(.*\)/s|<([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\\s+.*id=.?\1.*>.*<\/\\1>||g/g;s/^\.\(.*\)/s|<([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\\s+.*class=.?\1.*>.*<\/\\1>||g/g;s/^a\[\(.*\)\]/s|.*<\/a>||g/g;s/^\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\)\.\(.*\)\[.*\]\[.*\]*/s|<\1.*class=.?\2.*>.*<\/\1>||g/g;s/^\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\)#\(.*\):.*[:[^:]]*[^:]*/s|<\1.*id=.?\2.*>.*<\/\1>||g/g;s/^\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\)#\(.*\)/s|<\1.*id=.?\2.*>.*<\/\1>||g/g;s/^\[\([a-zA-Z]*\).=\(.*\)\]/s|\1^=\2>||g/g;s/\^/[\/\&:\?=_]/g;s/\.\([a-zA-Z0-9]\)/\\.\1/g' ${file} >> ${filterfile} debug "... filterfile created - adding filterfile to actionfile ..." 1 echo "{ +filter{${list}} }" >> ${actionfile} echo "*" >> ${actionfile} debug "... filterfile added ..." 1 debug "... creating and adding whitlist for urls ..." 1 # whitelist of urls echo "{ -block }" >> ${actionfile} sed '/^@@.*/!d;s/^@@//g;/\$.*/d;/#/d;s/\./\\./g;s/\?/\\?/g;s/\*/.*/g;s/(/\\(/g;s/)/\\)/g;s/\[/\\[/g;s/\]/\\]/g;s/\^/[\/\&:\?=_]/g;s/^||/\./g;s/^|/^/g;s/|$/\$/g;/|/d' ${file} >> ${actionfile} debug "... created and added whitelist - creating and adding image handler ..." 1 # whitelist of image urls echo "{ -block +handle-as-image }" >> ${actionfile} sed '/^@@.*/!d;s/^@@//g;/\$.*image.*/!d;s/\$.*image.*//g;/#/d;s/\./\\./g;s/\?/\\?/g;s/\*/.*/g;s/(/\\(/g;s/)/\\)/g;s/\[/\\[/g;s/\]/\\]/g;s/\^/[\/\&:\?=_]/g;s/^||/\./g;s/^|/^/g;s/|$/\$/g;/|/d' ${file} >> ${actionfile} debug "... created and added image handler ..." 1 debug "... created actionfile for ${list}." 1 # install Privoxy actionsfile cp ${cpoptions} ${actionfile} ${CONFDIR} if [ "$(grep $(basename ${actionfile}) ${CONFDIR}/config)" == "" ] then debug "\nModifying ${CONFDIR}/config ..." 0 sed "s/^actionsfile user\.action/actionsfile $(basename ${actionfile})\nactionsfile user.action/" ${CONFDIR}/config > ${TMPDIR}/config debug "... modification done.\n" 0 debug "Installing new config ..." 0 cp ${cpoptions} ${TMPDIR}/config ${CONFDIR} debug "... installation done\n" 0 fi # install Privoxy filterfile cp ${cpoptions} ${filterfile} ${CONFDIR} if [ "$(grep $(basename ${filterfile}) ${CONFDIR}/config)" == "" ] then debug "\nModifying ${CONFDIR}/config ..." 0 sed "s/^\(#*\)filterfile user\.filter/filterfile $(basename ${filterfile})\n\1filterfile user.filter/" ${CONFDIR}/config > ${TMPDIR}/config debug "... modification done.\n" 0 debug "Installing new config ..." 0 cp ${cpoptions} ${TMPDIR}/config ${CONFDIR} debug "... installation done\n" 0 fi debug "... ${url} installed successfully.\n" 0 done } # create temporary directory and lock file mkdir -p ${TMPDIR} touch ${TMPDIR}/${TMPNAME}.lock # set command to be run on exit [ ${DBG} -le 2 ] && trap "rm -fr ${TMPDIR};exit" INT TERM EXIT # loop for options while getopts ":hrqv:" opt do case "${opt}" in "h") usage exit 0 ;; "v") DBG="${OPTARG}" ;; "q") DBG=-1 ;; "r") echo "Do you really want to remove all build lists?(y/N)" read choice [ "${choice}" != "y" ] && exit 0 rm -rf ${CONFDIR}/*.script.{action,filter} && \ sed '/^actionsfile .*\.script\.action$/d;/^filterfile .*\.script\.filter$/d' -i ${CONFDIR}/config && \ echo "Lists removed." && exit 0 echo -e "An error occured while removing the lists.\nPlease have a look into ${CONFDIR} whether there are .script.* files and search for *.script.* in ${CONFDIR}/config." exit 1 ;; ":") echo "${TMPNAME}: -${OPTARG} requires an argument" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done debug "URL-List: ${URLS}\nPrivoxy-Configdir: ${CONFDIR}\nTemporary directory: ${TMPDIR}" 2 main # restore default exit command trap - INT TERM EXIT [ ${DBG} -lt 2 ] && rm -r ${TMPDIR} [ ${DBG} -eq 2 ] && rm -vr ${TMPDIR} exit 0