""""pathogen execute pathogen#infect() filetype plugin on " IMPORTANT: Uncomment one of the following lines to force " " using 256 colors (or 88 colors) if your terminal supports it, " " but does not automatically use 256 colors by default. set t_Co=256 " "set t_Co=88 " let g:CSApprox_attr_map = { 'bold' : 'bold', 'italic' : '', 'sp' : '' } " colorscheme apprentice "COLORSCHEME syntax enable set background=dark colorscheme base16-ateliersavanna " or, for the light background mode: " set background=light " colorscheme base16-atelierdune " or any of the other schemes: " colorscheme base16-atelierforest " colorscheme base16-atelierplateau " colorscheme base16-atelierheath " colorscheme base16-ateliercave " colorscheme base16-ateliersulphurpool " colorscheme base16-atelierlakeside " colorscheme base16-atelierseaside " colorscheme base16-atelierdune " colorscheme base16-atelierestuary let g:airline_theme='one' " let g:csv_autocmd_arrange = 1 syn on syntax enable set number " Be smart when using tabs ;) set smarttab set expandtab set shiftwidth=2 set tabstop=2 set shortmess+=filmnrxoOtT " abbrev. of messages (avoids 'hit enter') set viewoptions=folds,options,cursor,unix,slash " better unix / windows compatibility set virtualedit=onemore " allow for cursor beyond last character set history=1000 " Store a ton of history (default is 20) set showmode " display the current mode if has('cmdline_info') set ruler " show the ruler set rulerformat=%30(%=\:b%n%y%m%r%w\ %l,%c%V\ %P%) " a ruler on steroids set showcmd " show partial commands in status line and " selected characters/lines in visual mode endif if has('statusline') set laststatus=2 " Broken down into easily includeable segments set statusline=%<%f\ " Filename set statusline+=%w%h%m%r " Options set statusline+=\ [%{&ff}/%Y] " filetype set statusline+=\ [%{getcwd()}] " current dir set statusline+=%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %p%% " Right aligned file nav info endif set noshowmode " Linebreak on 500 characters "set lbr "set tw=500 set autoindent " set si "Smart indent set wrap "Wrap lines set incsearch " find as you type search set backspace=indent,eol,start " backspace for dummies set linespace=0 " No extra spaces between rows set showmatch " show matching brackets/parenthesis set hlsearch " highlight search terms set winminheight=0 " windows can be 0 line high set ignorecase " case insensitive search set smartcase " case sensitive when uc present set wildmenu " show list instead of just completing set wildmode=list:longest,full set wildignore=*.meta set scrolljump=5 " lines to scroll when cursor leaves screen set scrolloff=3 " minimum lines to keep above and below cursor " set foldenable " auto fold code set list set listchars=tab:,.,extends:#,nbsp:. " Highlight problematic whitespace " make . work with visually selected lines xnoremap . :norm. " Start interactive EasyAlign in visual mode (e.g. vipga) xmap ga (EasyAlign) " " Start interactive EasyAlign for a motion/text object (e.g. gaip) nmap ga (EasyAlign) let mapleader = "\" nnoremap w :w nnoremap o :w nnoremap :w "new line above or below nnoremap L :pu! _:']+1 nnoremap l :pu _:'[-1 " "Dash search " :nmap d DashSearch "MOVEMENT nnoremap j gj nnoremap k gk " Get off my lawn nnoremap :echoe "Use h" nnoremap :echoe "Use l" nnoremap :echoe "Use k" nnoremap :echoe "Use j" "CAPS->HELP->ESC? map map! map map! "toggle line numbers nmap \1 :setlocal number! "toggle paste nmap \p :set paste! cmap w!! w !sudo tee % >/dev/null "ARDUINO au BufRead,BufNewFile *.ino set filetype=arduino call tcomment#DefineType('arduino', '//%s') "C au BufRead,BufNewFile *.c set filetype=c call tcomment#DefineType('c', '//%s') nnoremap f :CtrlP nnoremap ; :CtrlPBuffer " nnoremap r :CtrlPClearAllCaches let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = { \ 'dir': '\.git$\|\.hg$\|\.svn$|node_modules$', \ 'file': '\.exe$\|\.so$\|\.dll$' } let g:ctrlp_clear_cache_on_exit = 1 let g:ctrlp_mruf_relative = 1 let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 0 let g:ctrlp_dotfiles = 0 let g:ctrlp_switch_buffer = 0 let g:netrw_silent = 1 " When the type of shell script is /bin/sh, assume a POSIX-compatible " " shell for syntax highlighting purposes. let g:is_posix = 1 " Treat
  • and

    tags like the block tags they are let g:html_indent_tags = 'li\|p' "Gundo nnoremap :GundoToggle "next and previous buffer nmap n :bn nmap b :bp "more natural split opening set splitbelow set splitright "Easier split navigations nnoremap nnoremap nnoremap nnoremap " vv to generate new vertical split nnoremap vv v nnoremap zz n "fzf set rtp+=/usr/local/opt/fzf """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "Vimux """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" let g:VimuxUseNearest =1 " Prompt for a command to run map vp :VimuxPromptCommand " Run last command executed by VimuxRunCommand map vl :VimuxRunLastCommand " Inspect runner pane map vi :VimuxInspectRunner " Zoom the tmux runner pane map vz :VimuxZoomRunner " Close normal app & run command nnoremap r :w :call VimuxSendKeys("^C") :VimuxRunLastCommand " Close esp32 monitor & run command nnoremap u :w :call VimuxSendKeys("^]") :VimuxRunLastCommand " Kill normal command nnoremap vk :call VimuxSendKeys("^C") " Kill esp32 monitor nnoremap v] :call VimuxSendKeys("^]") let g:tmux_navigator_save_on_switch =1 let g:tmux_navigator_disable_when_zoomed = 1 "try the built-in make nnoremap m :make autocmd QuickFixCmdPost * copen autocmd FileType python setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=4 " " autosource vimrc " augroup VimrcSource " " autocmd! " Remove all autocmd's for the VimrcSource group " autocmd BufWritePost .vimrc source $MYVIMRC " augroup END set viminfo^=%