#+Title: Example Presentation #+Author: Eric Schulte #+EPRESENT_FRAME_LEVEL: 1 * TODO One -- intro :hello:world: :PROPERTIES: :ARCHIVE: hello :END: # a comment, which will not be displayed Simple presentations run by Emacs - run in Emacs - uses Org-mode markup - looks pretty good ** with subheadings and some other stuff * DONE Two -- source code Call =epresent-run= to present an Org-mode buffer. #+begin_src emacs-lisp ;;;###autoload (defun epresent-run () (interactive) (unless (eq major-mode 'org-mode) (error "EPresent can only be used from Org Mode")) (setq epresent--org-buffer (current-buffer)) (epresent--get-frame) (epresent-mode) (epresent-top)) #+end_src * Three -- LaTeX images Kinetic Energy: \begin{equation*} e = \frac{1}{2}mv^2 \end{equation*} * Four -- tables Squares | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 4 | | 3 | 9 | | 4 | 16 | | 5 | 25 | | 6 | 36 | #+TBLFM: $2=$1*$1 * Five -- images in-line image display [[file:org-mode-unicorn.png]] * Six -- executing source code 1. Press =c= to move to the next code block. #+begin_src sh date #+end_src 2. Press =C= to move to the previous code block. #+begin_src sh uname -a #+end_src 3. When a code block is executed with =C-c C-c=, the page is refreshed to show the results. #+begin_src sh echo "in $(pwd)" #+end_src