ARTICLE_SOURCE_FILES = funcionales documentacion_activa consejospruebas calidad integracion_continua tdd SOURCE_FILES = book.asc $(foreach article,$(ARTICLE_SOURCE_FILES),$(article).asc $(article)-biblio.asc) XSLT_OPTS = --xsltproc-opts="--stringparam chapter.autolabel 0 --stringparam chunk.section.depth 0 --stringparam toc.section.depth 0" BUILD_ID = $(shell git log -1 --format='Committed %ci %H') BUILD_LINK = $(shell git log -1 --format='Versión %ci %h') BUILD_ID_URL = $(shell git log -1 --format='') COMMIT_DATE_TIME = $(shell date --date="`git log -1 --format='%ci'`" --utc '+%Y-%m-%d') FILENAME = $(shell git log -1 --format='camino_$(COMMIT_DATE_TIME)_%h') libro: html epub chunked pdf html: $(FILENAME).html epub: $(FILENAME).epub chunked: $(FILENAME).chunked/index.html pdf: $(FILENAME).pdf .PHONY: html epub chunked pdf book.asc: Makefile sed -n '/#ARTICLELIST#/,$$ !p' >book.asc for i in $(ARTICLE_SOURCE_FILES); do \ echo "include::$$i.asc[]\n" >>book.asc; \ done sed -e '1,/#ARTICLELIST#/d' -e '/#BIBLIOLIST#/d' >>book.asc for i in $(ARTICLE_SOURCE_FILES); do \ echo "include::$$i-biblio.asc[]\n" >>book.asc; \ done sed -e '1,/#BIBLIOLIST#/d' >>book.asc sed 's/#BUILDID#/$(BUILD_ID)/' book.asc >book.asc-tmp && mv book.asc-tmp book.asc $(FILENAME).html: $(SOURCE_FILES) asciidoc -b html5 -a toc -a toclevels=1 -a themedir=`pwd`/theme-libro --theme=libro book.asc # Build id sed 's|^Last updated.*|$(BUILD_LINK)|' book.html >book.html-tmp && mv book.html-tmp book.html # Table of contents -> Índice general sed 's|Table of Contents|Índice general|' book.html >book.html-tmp && mv book.html-tmp book.html # Fix generation of dashes next to words (with no space in between) sed -e 's/ --\([^ ->]\)/ \—\1/g' -e 's/\([^<][^ -]\)--\([ ,\.:;)(]\)/\1\—\2/' book.html >book.html-tmp && \ ./ book.html-tmp >book.html && \ rm book.html-tmp mv book.html $(FILENAME).html $(FILENAME).epub: book.xml libro.css a2x $(XSLT_OPTS) -f epub --stylesheet libro.css book.xml rm -rf epub-tmp mkdir epub-tmp && cd epub-tmp && unzip ../book.epub for i in epub-tmp/OEBPS/ch*.html; do \ xmllint -format $$i >$$i.tmp; \ ./ $$i.tmp >$$i; \ ./ $$i >$$i.tmp; \ mv $$i.tmp $$i; \ done ./ epub-tmp/OEBPS/toc.ncx >epub-tmp/toc.ncx && mv epub-tmp/toc.ncx epub-tmp/OEBPS/toc.ncx ./ epub-tmp/OEBPS/content.opf >epub-tmp/content.opf && mv epub-tmp/content.opf epub-tmp/OEBPS/content.opf cp cover.html epub-tmp/OEBPS cp cover.png epub-tmp/OEBPS cd epub-tmp && rm -f ../book.epub && zip -r ../$(FILENAME).epub * $(FILENAME).chunked/index.html: book.xml libro.css cp book.xml $(FILENAME).xml a2x $(XSLT_OPTS) -f chunked --stylesheet libro.css $(FILENAME).xml # Table of contents -> Índice general sed 's|Table of Contents|Índice general|' $(FILENAME).chunked/index.html >$(FILENAME).chunked/index.html-tmp && mv $(FILENAME).chunked/index.html-tmp $(FILENAME).chunked/index.html for i in $(FILENAME).chunked/ch*.html; do \ xmllint -format $$i >$$i.tmp; \ ./ $$i.tmp >$$i; \ sed -e 's/ --\([^ ->]\)/ \—\1/g' -e 's/\([^<][^ -]\)--\([ ,\.:;)(]\)/\1\—\2/' $$i >$$i.tmp && \ ./ $$i.tmp >$$i; \ rm $$i.tmp; \ done book.xml: $(SOURCE_FILES) asciidoc -b docbook book.asc sed 's/]*>/&LANGUAGE=\1 /' book.xml >tmp.xml && mv tmp.xml book.xml cover.pdf: cover.png convert $< $@ $(FILENAME).pdf: book.tex cover.pdf rm -rf tex-tmp mkdir tex-tmp cat $< >tex-tmp/book.tex convert cc-by-sa-big.png tex-tmp/cc-by-sa.pdf cd tex-tmp && \ sed -e 's/[áéíóúñ]/_/gi' -e 's/cc-by-sa.png/cc-by-sa.pdf/g' book.tex >tmp.tex && \ ../ tmp.tex >book.tex && \ TEXINPUTS=/usr/share/dblatex/latex/style//::/etc/asciidoc/dblatex:/usr/share/dblatex/latex// pdflatex book.tex && \ TEXINPUTS=/usr/share/dblatex/latex/style//::/etc/asciidoc/dblatex:/usr/share/dblatex/latex// pdflatex book.tex && \ pdftk C=../cover.pdf B=book.pdf cat C B3-end output book-with-cover.pdf keep_final_id && \ ../set_pdf_metadata.bash ../$(FILENAME).pdf 'El camino a un mejor programador' 'Varios Autores' $(BUILD_ID_URL) book.tex: $(SOURCE_FILES) a2x -a lang=es $(XSLT_OPTS) -f tex book.asc # Make the table of contents only have the article names sed 's/^\\setcounter{tocdepth}{[0-9]\+}/\\setcounter{tocdepth}{0}/' book.tex >book.tex-tmp && mv book.tex-tmp book.tex # Add Javascript and Scala language definition rules for the # "listings" package. Thanks to Lena Herrmann and Mark/Eivind # for the tip: # # / # Also, set secnumdepth to -1 so # those pesky "Chapter X" are not show at all sed 's/\\begin{document}/\\lstdefinelanguage{JavaScript}{keywords={typeof,new,true,false,catch,function,return,null,catch,switch,var,if,in,while,do,else,case,break},ndkeywords={class,export,boolean,throw,implements,import,this},sensitive=false,comment=[l]{\/\/},morecomment=[s]{\/*}{*\/},morestring=[b]'"'"',morestring=[b]"}\n% "define" Scala\n\\lstdefinelanguage{scala}{\nmorekeywords={abstract,case,catch,class,def,%\ndo,else,extends,false,final,finally,%\nfor,if,implicit,import,match,mixin,%\nnew,null,object,override,package,%\nprivate,protected,requires,return,sealed,%\nsuper,this,throw,trait,true,try,%\ntype,val,var,while,with,yield},\notherkeywords={=>,<-,<\\%,<:,>:,\\#,@},\nsensitive=true,\nmorecomment=[l]{\/\/},\nmorecomment=[n]{\/*}{*\/},\nmorestring=[b]",\nmorestring=[b]'"'"',\nmorestring=[b]"""\n}\n\\setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1}\n\\renewcommand\\contentsname{\\'"'"'Indice}\n&/' book.tex >book.tex-tmp && mv book.tex-tmp book.tex # Fix dashes, also probably only for Spanish sed -e 's/ -{}-{}\([^ -]\)/ \\textemdash{}\1/g' -e 's/\([^ -]\)-{}-{}\([ ,\.:;)(]\)/\1\\textemdash{}\2/' book.tex >book.tex-tmp && mv book.tex-tmp book.tex clean: rm -rf tex-tmp epub-tmp rm -f book.tex cover.pdf rm -rf camino_*.chunked camino_*.pdf camino_*.html camino_*.epub rm -f camino_*.xml