# EzsigntemplatesignatureRequest ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **pkiEzsigntemplatesignatureID** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Ezsigntemplatesignature | [optional] **fkiEzsigntemplatedocumentID** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Ezsigntemplatedocument | **fkiEzsigntemplatesignerID** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Ezsigntemplatesigner | **fkiEzsigntemplatesignerIDValidation** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Ezsigntemplatesigner | [optional] **eEzsigntemplatesignaturePositioning** | [**FieldEEzsigntemplatesignaturePositioning**](FieldEEzsigntemplatesignaturePositioning.md) | | [optional] **iEzsigntemplatedocumentpagePagenumber** | **Int** | The page number in the Ezsigntemplatedocument | **iEzsigntemplatesignatureX** | **Int** | The X coordinate (Horizontal) where to put the Ezsigntemplatesignature on the page. Coordinate is calculated at 100dpi (dot per inch). So for example, if you want to put the Ezsigntemplatesignature 2 inches from the left border of the page, you would use \"200\" for the X coordinate. | [optional] **iEzsigntemplatesignatureY** | **Int** | The Y coordinate (Vertical) where to put the Ezsigntemplatesignature on the page. Coordinate is calculated at 100dpi (dot per inch). So for example, if you want to put the Ezsigntemplatesignature 3 inches from the top border of the page, you would use \"300\" for the Y coordinate. | [optional] **iEzsigntemplatesignatureWidth** | **Int** | The width of the Ezsigntemplatesignature. Size is calculated at 100dpi (dot per inch). So for example, if you want the Ezsigntemplatesignature to have a width of 2 inches, you would use \"200\" for the iEzsigntemplatesignatureWidth. | [optional] **iEzsigntemplatesignatureHeight** | **Int** | The height of the Ezsigntemplatesignature. Size is calculated at 100dpi (dot per inch). So for example, if you want the Ezsigntemplatesignature to have an height of 2 inches, you would use \"200\" for the iEzsigntemplatesignatureHeight. | [optional] **iEzsigntemplatesignatureStep** | **Int** | The step when the Ezsigntemplatesigner will be invited to sign | **eEzsigntemplatesignatureType** | [**FieldEEzsigntemplatesignatureType**](FieldEEzsigntemplatesignatureType.md) | | **tEzsigntemplatesignatureTooltip** | **String** | A tooltip that will be presented to Ezsigntemplatesigner about the Ezsigntemplatesignature | [optional] **eEzsigntemplatesignatureTooltipposition** | [**FieldEEzsigntemplatesignatureTooltipposition**](FieldEEzsigntemplatesignatureTooltipposition.md) | | [optional] **eEzsigntemplatesignatureFont** | [**FieldEEzsigntemplatesignatureFont**](FieldEEzsigntemplatesignatureFont.md) | | [optional] **bEzsigntemplatesignatureRequired** | **Bool** | Whether the Ezsigntemplatesignature is required or not. This field is relevant only with Ezsigntemplatesignature with eEzsigntemplatesignatureType = Attachments. | [optional] **eEzsigntemplatesignatureAttachmentnamesource** | [**FieldEEzsigntemplatesignatureAttachmentnamesource**](FieldEEzsigntemplatesignatureAttachmentnamesource.md) | | [optional] **sEzsigntemplatesignatureAttachmentdescription** | **String** | The description attached to the attachment name added in Ezsigntemplatesignature of eEzsigntemplatesignatureType Attachments | [optional] **iEzsigntemplatesignatureValidationstep** | **Int** | The step when the Ezsigntemplatesigner will be invited to validate the Ezsigntemplatesignature of eEzsigntemplatesignatureType Attachments | [optional] **iEzsigntemplatesignatureMaxlength** | **Int** | The maximum length for the value in the Ezsigntemplatesignature This can only be set if eEzsigntemplatesignatureType is **FieldText** or **FieldTextarea** | [optional] **sEzsigntemplatesignatureRegexp** | **String** | A regular expression to indicate what values are acceptable for the Ezsigntemplatesignature. This can only be set if eEzsigntemplatesignatureType is **Text** or **Textarea** | [optional] **eEzsigntemplatesignatureTextvalidation** | [**EnumTextvalidation**](EnumTextvalidation.md) | | [optional] **eEzsigntemplatesignatureDependencyrequirement** | [**FieldEEzsigntemplatesignatureDependencyrequirement**](FieldEEzsigntemplatesignatureDependencyrequirement.md) | | [optional] **sEzsigntemplatesignaturePositioningpattern** | **String** | The string pattern to search for the positioning. **This is not a regexp** This will be required if **eEzsigntemplatesignaturePositioning** is set to **PerCoordinates** | [optional] **iEzsigntemplatesignaturePositioningoffsetx** | **Int** | The offset X This will be required if **eEzsigntemplatesignaturePositioning** is set to **PerCoordinates** | [optional] **iEzsigntemplatesignaturePositioningoffsety** | **Int** | The offset Y This will be required if **eEzsigntemplatesignaturePositioning** is set to **PerCoordinates** | [optional] **eEzsigntemplatesignaturePositioningoccurence** | [**FieldEEzsigntemplatesignaturePositioningoccurence**](FieldEEzsigntemplatesignaturePositioningoccurence.md) | | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)