# EzsigntemplatedocumentResponse ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **pkiEzsigntemplatedocumentID** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Ezsigntemplatedocument | **fkiEzsigntemplateID** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Ezsigntemplate | **sEzsigntemplatedocumentName** | **String** | The name of the Ezsigntemplatedocument. | **iEzsigntemplatedocumentPagetotal** | **Int** | The number of pages in the Ezsigntemplatedocument. | **iEzsigntemplatedocumentSignaturetotal** | **Int** | The number of total signatures in the Ezsigntemplate. | **bEzsigntemplatedocumentHassignedsignatures** | **Bool** | If the Ezsigntemplatedocument contains signed signatures (From internal or external sources) | [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)