# EzsignsignatureResponse ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **pkiEzsignsignatureID** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Ezsignsignature | **fkiEzsigndocumentID** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Ezsigndocument | **fkiEzsignfoldersignerassociationID** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Ezsignfoldersignerassociation | **fkiEzsignsigningreasonID** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Ezsignsigningreason | [optional] **sEzsignsigningreasonDescriptionX** | **String** | The description of the Ezsignsigningreason in the language of the requester | [optional] **iEzsignpagePagenumber** | **Int** | The page number in the Ezsigndocument | **iEzsignsignatureX** | **Int** | The X coordinate (Horizontal) where to put the Ezsignsignature on the page. Coordinate is calculated at 100dpi (dot per inch). So for example, if you want to put the Ezsignsignature 2 inches from the left border of the page, you would use \"200\" for the X coordinate. | **iEzsignsignatureY** | **Int** | The Y coordinate (Vertical) where to put the Ezsignsignature on the page. Coordinate is calculated at 100dpi (dot per inch). So for example, if you want to put the Ezsignsignature 3 inches from the top border of the page, you would use \"300\" for the Y coordinate. | **iEzsignsignatureHeight** | **Int** | The height of the Ezsignsignature. Size is calculated at 100dpi (dot per inch). So for example, if you want the Ezsignsignature to have an height of 2 inches, you would use \"200\" for the iEzsignsignatureHeight. | [optional] **iEzsignsignatureWidth** | **Int** | The width of the Ezsignsignature. Size is calculated at 100dpi (dot per inch). So for example, if you want the Ezsignsignature to have a width of 2 inches, you would use \"200\" for the iEzsignsignatureWidth. | [optional] **iEzsignsignatureStep** | **Int** | The step when the Ezsignsigner will be invited to sign | **iEzsignsignatureStepadjusted** | **Int** | The step when the Ezsignsigner will be invited to sign | [optional] **eEzsignsignatureType** | [**FieldEEzsignsignatureType**](FieldEEzsignsignatureType.md) | | **tEzsignsignatureTooltip** | **String** | A tooltip that will be presented to Ezsignsigner about the Ezsignsignature | [optional] **eEzsignsignatureTooltipposition** | [**FieldEEzsignsignatureTooltipposition**](FieldEEzsignsignatureTooltipposition.md) | | [optional] **eEzsignsignatureFont** | [**FieldEEzsignsignatureFont**](FieldEEzsignsignatureFont.md) | | [optional] **iEzsignsignatureValidationstep** | **Int** | The step when the Ezsignsigner will be invited to validate the Ezsignsignature of eEzsignsignatureType Attachments | [optional] **sEzsignsignatureAttachmentdescription** | **String** | The description attached to the attachment name added in Ezsignsignature of eEzsignsignatureType Attachments | [optional] **eEzsignsignatureAttachmentnamesource** | [**FieldEEzsignsignatureAttachmentnamesource**](FieldEEzsignsignatureAttachmentnamesource.md) | | [optional] **bEzsignsignatureRequired** | **Bool** | Whether the Ezsignsignature is required or not. This field is relevant only with Ezsignsignature with eEzsignsignatureType = Attachments. | [optional] **fkiEzsignfoldersignerassociationIDValidation** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Ezsignfoldersignerassociation | [optional] **dtEzsignsignatureDate** | **String** | The date the Ezsignsignature was signed | [optional] **iEzsignsignatureattachmentCount** | **Int** | The count of Ezsignsignatureattachment | [optional] **sEzsignsignatureDescription** | **String** | The value entered while signing Ezsignsignature of eEzsignsignatureType **City**, **FieldText** and **FieldTextarea** | [optional] **iEzsignsignatureMaxlength** | **Int** | The maximum length for the value in the Ezsignsignature This can only be set if eEzsignsignatureType is **FieldText** or **FieldTextarea** | [optional] **eEzsignsignatureTextvalidation** | [**EnumTextvalidation**](EnumTextvalidation.md) | | [optional] **eEzsignsignatureDependencyrequirement** | [**FieldEEzsignsignatureDependencyrequirement**](FieldEEzsignsignatureDependencyrequirement.md) | | [optional] **sEzsignsignatureRegexp** | **String** | A regular expression to indicate what values are acceptable for the Ezsignsignature. This can only be set if eEzsignsignatureType is **FieldText** or **FieldTextarea** and eEzsignsignatureTextvalidation is **Custom** | [optional] **objContactName** | [**CustomContactNameResponse**](CustomContactNameResponse.md) | | **objContactNameDelegation** | [**CustomContactNameResponse**](CustomContactNameResponse.md) | | [optional] **objSignature** | [**SignatureResponseCompound**](SignatureResponseCompound.md) | | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)