# EzmaxinvoicingResponseCompound ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **pkiEzmaxinvoicingID** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Ezmaxinvoicing | [optional] **fkiEzmaxinvoicingcontractID** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Ezmaxinvoicingcontract | **fkiEzmaxpricingID** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Ezmaxpricing | **fkiSystemconfigurationtypeID** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Systemconfigurationtype | **sSystemconfigurationtypeDescriptionX** | **String** | The description of the Systemconfigurationtype in the language of the requester | **yyyymmEzmaxinvoicing** | **String** | The YYYYMM period of the Ezmaxinvoicing | **iEzmaxinvoicingDays** | **Int** | The number of days invoiced | **eEzmaxinvoicingPaymenttype** | [**FieldEEzmaxinvoicingPaymenttype**](FieldEEzmaxinvoicingPaymenttype.md) | | **dEzmaxinvoicingRebatepaymenttype** | **String** | The percentage of rebate depending of the payment type | **iEzmaxinvoicingContractlength** | **Int** | The length of the contract in years | **dEzmaxinvoicingRebatecontractlength** | **String** | The percentage of rebate depending of the contract length | **bEzmaxinvoicingRebateEzsignallagents** | **Bool** | Whether the rebate for eZsign is for all agents | **objAudit** | [**CommonAudit**](CommonAudit.md) | | [optional] **objEzmaxinvoicingcontract** | [**EzmaxinvoicingcontractResponseCompound**](EzmaxinvoicingcontractResponseCompound.md) | | **objEzmaxpricing** | [**CustomEzmaxpricingResponse**](CustomEzmaxpricingResponse.md) | | **aObjEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal** | [EzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalResponseCompound] | | **aObjEzmaxinvoicingsummaryexternal** | [EzmaxinvoicingsummaryexternalResponseCompound] | | **aObjEzmaxinvoicingsummaryinternal** | [EzmaxinvoicingsummaryinternalResponseCompound] | | **aObjEzmaxinvoicingagent** | [EzmaxinvoicingagentResponseCompound] | | **aObjEzmaxinvoicinguser** | [EzmaxinvoicinguserResponseCompound] | | **aObjEzmaxinvoicingezsignfolder** | [CustomEzmaxinvoicingEzsignfolderResponse] | | **aObjEzmaxinvoicingezsigndocument** | [CustomEzmaxinvoicingEzsigndocumentResponse] | | [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)