# CustomEzsignfoldersignerassociationActionableElementResponse ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **pkiEzsignfoldersignerassociationID** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Ezsignfoldersignerassociation | **fkiEzsignfolderID** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Ezsignfolder | **bEzsignfoldersignerassociationDelayedsend** | **Bool** | If this flag is true the signatory is part of a delayed send. | **bEzsignfoldersignerassociationReceivecopy** | **Bool** | If this flag is true. The signatory will receive a copy of every signed Ezsigndocument even if it ain't required to sign the document. | **tEzsignfoldersignerassociationMessage** | **String** | A custom text message that will be added to the email sent. | **bEzsignfoldersignerassociationAllowsigninginperson** | **Bool** | If the Ezsignfoldersignerassociation is allowed to sign in person or not | **objEzsignsignergroup** | [**EzsignsignergroupResponseCompound**](EzsignsignergroupResponseCompound.md) | | [optional] **objUser** | [**EzsignfoldersignerassociationResponseCompoundUser**](EzsignfoldersignerassociationResponseCompoundUser.md) | | [optional] **objEzsignsigner** | [**EzsignsignerResponseCompound**](EzsignsignerResponseCompound.md) | | [optional] **bEzsignfoldersignerassociationHasactionableelementsCurrent** | **Bool** | Indicates if the Ezsignfoldersignerassociation has actionable elements in the current step | **bEzsignfoldersignerassociationHasactionableelementsFuture** | **Bool** | Indicates if the Ezsignfoldersignerassociation has actionable elements in a future step | [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)