# CommunicationRequestCompound ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **pkiCommunicationID** | **Int** | The unique ID of the Communication. | [optional] **eCommunicationImportance** | [**FieldECommunicationImportance**](FieldECommunicationImportance.md) | | [optional] **eCommunicationType** | [**FieldECommunicationType**](FieldECommunicationType.md) | | **objCommunicationsender** | [**CustomCommunicationsenderRequest**](CustomCommunicationsenderRequest.md) | | [optional] **sCommunicationSubject** | **String** | The subject of the Communication | [optional] **tCommunicationBody** | **String** | The Body of the Communication | **bCommunicationPrivate** | **Bool** | Whether the Communication is private or not | **eCommunicationAttachmenttype** | **String** | How the attachment should be included in the email. Only used if eCommunicationType is **Email** | [optional] **iCommunicationAttachmentlinkexpiration** | **Int** | The number of days before the attachment link expired. Only used if eCommunicationType is **Email** and eCommunicationattachmentType is **Link** | [optional] **bCommunicationReadreceipt** | **Bool** | Whether we ask for a read receipt or not. | [optional] **aObjCommunicationattachment** | [CustomCommunicationattachmentRequest] | | **aObjCommunicationrecipient** | [CommunicationrecipientRequestCompound] | | **aObjCommunicationreference** | [CommunicationreferenceRequestCompound] | | **aObjCommunicationexternalrecipient** | [CommunicationexternalrecipientRequestCompound] | | [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)