--- layout: post title: Oracle EBS Rapid Clone category : Oracle tags : [Oracle, Database, DBA, EBS] --- ## 克隆环境 * OS: IBM AIX 5.3 64bit * EBS: 64bit * DB: 64bit ERPProd和ERPTest环境一样,在硬件方面ERPTest配置稍低 ## 准备工作 关闭克隆目标系统的数据库、应用等。目前ERP环境采用定期克隆,这里还需要删除克隆目标系统上以前的数据 1)关闭测试环境应用、监听、数据库 --testmgr adstpall.sh apps/xxxxxx --testora addlnctl.sh stop ERP addbctl.sh stop immediate 2)删除测试环境数据 --testora rm -rf /u2/TEST/testora/testdata /u2/TEST/testora/testdb & --testora rm -f /erpdata/redodata/redo*.dbf --testmgr rm -rf /u2/TEST/testmgr/testappl /u2/TEST/testmgr/testora & 3)删除测试环境上一次克隆时做的备份 --testmgr cd /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn rm -rf _pages_120422bk & rm -rf html_120422bk & rm -rf java_120422bk & rm -rf clone_120422bk & rm -rf util_120422bk & 4)备份测试环境上一次克隆的数据 --testmgr mv /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn/_pages /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn/_pages_120527bk mv /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn/html /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn/html_120527bk mv /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn/java /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn/java_120527bk mv /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn/clone /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn/clone_120527bk mv /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn/util /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn/util_120527bk ## 2.正式克隆 在执行rapid clone时,会从原系统创建克隆用的模板配置文件,当原系统文件复制到目标 系统时,rapid clone工具将使用目标心痛的配置来更新这些模板配置文件,达到克隆出另 外一套系统的目的。 1)关闭应用、监听、数据库 --prodmgr adstpall.sh apps/xxxxxx --prodora addlnctl.sh stop PROD addbctl.sh stop immediate 2)数据库预克隆 --prodora cd /u1/PROD/prodora/proddb/9.2.0/appsutil/scripts/PROD_erpprod perl adpreclone.pl dbTier 3)应用预克隆 --prodmgr cd /u1/PROD/prodmgr/prodcomn/admin/scripts/PROD_erpprod perl adpreclone.pl appsTier 4)关闭原系统数据 因克隆后,数据库已经开启,再次关闭db --prodora addbctl.sh stop immediate 5)拷贝原系统数据到目标系统 目前ERP正式、测试环境使用AIX 5.3操作系统,共用磁阵,拷贝数据可以采用挂载文件系统 的方式进行 卸载正式环境上/u1文件系统 --root@prod fuser -u /dev/fslv00 umount /u1 varyoffvg prodvg 挂载/u1到测试环境 --root@test varyonvg prodvg mount /u1 复制原系统数据到目标系统 --root@test cp -hrf /u1/PROD/prodora/proddb /u2/TEST/testora/testdb & cp -hrf /u1/PROD/prodora/proddata /u2/TEST/testora/testdata & cp -hrf /u1/PROD/prodmgr/prodappl /u2/TEST/testmgr/testappl & cp -hrf /u1/PROD/prodmgr/prodora /u2/TEST/testmgr/testora & cp -hrf /u1/PROD/prodmgr/prodcomn/_pages /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn/_pages & cp -hrf /u1/PROD/prodmgr/prodcomn/html /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn/html & cp -hrf /u1/PROD/prodmgr/prodcomn/java /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn/java & cp -hrf /u1/PROD/prodmgr/prodcomn/util /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn/util & cp -hrf /u1/PROD/prodmgr/prodcomn/clone /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn/clone & 检查复制数据任务是否完成 --root@test jobs 或 ps -ef|grep cp 复制完成后,测试环境上卸载/u1,并将/u1挂载至原系统 --root@test unmount /u1 varyoffvg prodvg --root@prod varyonvg prodvg mount /u1 开启原系统数据库、应用等,使应用正常提供服务 开启DB、监听 --prodora adautocfg.sh 备份jserv.properties文件 --prodmgr cp /u1/PROD/prodmgr/prodora/iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/jserv.properties /u1/PROD/prodmgr/prodora/iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/jserv.properties.dist adautocfg.sh 正式环境加上第三方jar包 开启应用 --prodmgr adstrtal.sh apps/xxxxxx ## 3.配置目标系统 配置目标系统,主要是运行一些配置命令,设置目标系统的sid,路径,端口等 1)更改文件所属用户组 --root@test chown -R testora:dba /u2/TEST/testora/testdb /u2/TEST/testora/testdata & chown -R testmgr:dba /u2/TEST/testmgr/testora /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn /u2/TEST/testmgr/testappl & 2)配置重做日志 原系统中新增了重做日志组,路径/erpdata/redodata 复制重做日志 su - testora 切换时会提示找不到环境文件,属于正常现象(.profile[11]: /u2/TEST/testora/testdb/9.2.0/ERP_erp.env) 复制redolog到/erpdata/redodata下 cp /u2/TEST/testora/testdata/redo01.dbf /erpdata/redodata cp /u2/TEST/testora/testdata/redo02.dbf /erpdata/redodata cd /erpdata/redodata 更改重做日志组设置 系统中重做日志组更改了路径,此时需要手动更改adcrdb.zip中的配置 --testora cd /u2/TEST/testora/testdb/9.2.0/appsutil/clone/data/stage cp adcrdb.zip adcrdb.zip.120527bk unzip adcrdb.zip Archive: adcrdb.zip inflating: adcrdbclone.sql inflating: adcrdb.sh inflating: dbfinfo.lst 修改redolog路径,共四处 vi adcrdbclone.sql GROUP 1 ('%s_dbhome2%/redo01.dbf', '/erpdata/redodata/redo01.dbf') SIZE 314572800 重新打包adcrdb文件 zip -o adcrdb.zip adcrdbclone.sql adcrdb.sh dbfinfo.lst 运行orainstRoot.sh脚本 --root@test /tmp/orainstRoot.sh 配置和开启数据库层 从原系统克隆复制过来的配置需要根据目标系统进行一些调整,需谨慎 --testora cd /u2/TEST/testora/testdb/9.2.0/appsutil/clone/bin perl adcfgclone.pl dbTier Do you want to use a virtual hostname for the target node (y/n) [n] ?: Target instance is a Real Application Cluster (RAC) instance (y/n) [n]: Target System database name [PROD]:ERP Target system RDBMS ORACLE_HOME directory [/u1/PROD/prodora/proddb/9.2.0]:/u2/TEST/testora/testdb/9.2.0 Target system utl_file accessible directories list [/usr/tmp, /usr/tmp, /u1/PROD/prodora/proddb/9.2.0/appsutil/outbound/PROD_erpprod]: /usr/tmp,/usr/tmp,/u2/TEST/testora/testdb/9.2.0/appsutil/outbound/ERP_erp Number of DATA_TOP's on the target system [2]:1 Target system DATA_TOP 1:/u2/TEST/testora/testdata Do you want to preserve the Display set to erpprod:1.0 (y/n) [y] ?:n Target system Display [erptest:0.0]::0.0 Do you want to preserve the port values from the source system on the target system (y/n) [y] ?:n Enter the port pool number [0-99]: 3 ... ... 再次运行orainstRoot.sh脚本 --root@test /tmp/orainstRoot.sh 配置和开启应用层 --testmgr cd /u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn/clone/bin perl adcfgclone.pl appsTier Do you want to use a virtual hostname for the target node (y/n) [n] ?: Target system database SID [PROD]:ERP Target system database server node [erpprod]:erp Target system database domain name [egolife.com]: Does the target system have more than one application tier server node (y/n) [n] ?: Is the target system APPL_TOP divided into multiple mount points (y/n) [n] ?: Target system APPL_TOP mount point [/u1/PROD/prodmgr/prodappl]:/u2/TEST/testmgr/testappl Target system COMMON_TOP directory [/u1/PROD/prodmgr/prodcomn]:/u2/TEST/testmgr/testcomn Target system 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME directory [/u1/PROD/prodmgr/prodora/8.0.6]:/u2/TEST/testmgr/testora/8.0.6 Target system iAS ORACLE_HOME directory [/u1/PROD/prodmgr/prodora/iAS]:/u2/TEST/testmgr/testora/iAS Do you want to preserve the Display set to erpprod:1.0 (y/n) [y] ?:n Target system Display [erptest:0.0]::0.0 Location of the JDK on the target system [/usr/java14]: Do you want to preserve the port values from the source system on the target system (y/n) [y] ?:n Enter the port pool number [0-99]: 3 UTL_FILE_DIR on database tier consists of the following directories. 1. /usr/tmp 2. /usr/tmp 3. /usr/tmp 4. /u2/TEST/testora/testdb/9.2.0/appsutil/outbound/TEST_erptest 5. /u2/TEST/testora/testdb/9.2.0/appsutil/outbound/TEST_erptest 6. /usr/tmp Choose a value which will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node [1]:1 addisctl.sh version 115.15 /u2/TEST/testmgr/testora/8.0.6/vbroker/bin/osagent Started osagent. Osagent logs messages to the file /u2/TEST/testmgr/testora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/osagent.log. Waiting for OAD to start... Started OAD. OAD logs messages to the file /u2/TEST/testmgr/testora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/oad.log. Discoverer Locator Started. Locator logs messages to the file /u2/TEST/testmgr/testora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/locator.log. Registering Discoverer Session Completed registration of repository_id = IDL:DCISessionManager:1.0 object_name = erptest.egolife.com_8003OracleDiscovererSession4 reference data = path_name = /u2/TEST/testmgr/testora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/runses.sh activation_policy = UNSHARED_SERVER args = (length=4)[-session; erptestegolife.com_8003OracleDiscovererSession4; -prefere nce; erptest.egolife.com_8003OracleDiscovererPreferences4; ] env = NONE for OAD on host Registering the Collector Completed registration of repository_id = IDL:DCICollector:1.0 object_name = erptest.egolife.com_8003OracleDiscovererCollector4 reference data = path_name = /u2/TEST/testmgr/testora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/runcol.sh activation_policy = SHARED_SERVER args = (length=2)[-collector; erptest.egolife.com_8003OracleDiscovererCollector4; ] env = NONE for OAD on host Applying preferences from file : /u2/TEST/testmgr/testora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/pref.txt Finished applying preferences Closing down registry.. Registry File sync... Registering Discoverer Preference Repository Completed registration of repository_id = IDL:DCICORBAInterface:1.0 object_name = erptest.egolife.com_8003OracleDiscovererPreferences4 reference data = path_name = /u2/TEST/testmgr/testora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/runpref.sh activation_policy = SHARED_SERVER args = (length=2)[-preference; erptest.egolife.com_8003OracleDiscovererPreferences4; ] env = NONE for OAD on host addisctl.sh: exiting with status 0 .end std out. .end err out. ## 4.完成目标系统最终设置 1)Profile参数设置 更改颜色和Site name System profile -> Java Color Scheme : blue Site Name : ERP 2)重新配置应用 关闭应用 --testmgr adstpall.sh apps/xxxxxx 运行自动配置脚本 --testmgr adautocfg.sh 删除原系统节点 -apps select * from fnd_nodes ; DELETE FROM FND_NODES WHERE NODE_NAME='ERPPROD'; 3)更改工作流设置 --sysadmin Administrator -> workflow -> Notification Mailers -> Edit 将PROD改为ERP,用户名密码为testmgr的用户名密码 修改并发管理器的节点名为ERP Standard Manager 4)取消请求 取消所有定期跑的请求,如AIS、报表、定期请求等 5)更改密码 生产环境克隆到测试环境后,为安全起见,必须更改测试环境密码 更改数据库和应用用户密码,在更改密码前,先关闭应用 --testmgr adstpall.sh apps/xxxxxx 运行fndcpass命令,更改密码 FNDCPASS apps/oldpassword 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS newpassword 更改wdbsvr.app中记录的密码 vi $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/cfg/wdbsvr.app password = newpassword 运行自动配置脚本 --testmgr adautocfg.sh 6)初始化参数设置 关闭数据库 --testora addbctl.sh stop immediate 设置归档参数 cd /u2/TEST/testora/testdb/9.2.0/dbs vi initERP.ora log_archive_start = true # if you want automatic archiving log_archive_dest_1 ='location=/u2/TEST/testora/arclog/' log_archive_format ='arch_%t_%s.arc' 开启数据库 $ sqlplus /nolog SQL> conn /as sysdba SQL> startup mount pfile='/u2/TEST/testora/testdb/9.2.0/dbs/initERP.ora'; SQL> alter database archivelog; SQL> archive log start; SQL> archive log list; SQL> alter database open; SQL> alter system switch logfile; SQL> create spfile from pfile; SQL> shutdown immediate SQL> startup SQL> alter system set sga_max_size = 3000M scope=spfile; SQL> shutdown SQL> startup ## 5.错误记录 ### 1)2012-04-22 出错记录 将testvg挂载到正式环境后复制出现IO错误,重新挂载时出错 # mount /u2 Replaying log for /dev/fslv00. mount: 0506-324 Cannot mount /dev/fslv00 on /u2: The media is not formatted or the format is not correct. 0506-342 The superblock on /dev/fslv00 is dirty. Run a full fsck to fix. 解决方法 在测试环境将testvg重新激活,使用fsck修复。复制时将prodvg挂载到测试环境进行复制。 testvg无法挂载到正式环境的原因待查。 # fsck /u2 The current volume is: /dev/fslv00 Primary superblock is valid. J2_LOGREDO:log redo processing for /dev/fslv00 Primary superblock is valid. *** Phase 1 - Initial inode scan *** Phase 2 - Process remaining directories *** Phase 3 - Process remaining files *** Phase 4 - Check and repair inode allocation map File system inode map is corrupt; FIX? y Superblock marked dirty because repairs are about to be written. *** Phase 5 - Check and repair block allocation map File system is clean. Superblock is marked dirty; FIX? y All observed inconsistencies have been repaired. ### 2)2010-11-21 出错记录 Completed Apply... Sun Nov 21 15:30:38 2010 Beginning APPSIAS_ERP registration to central inventory... ORACLE_HOME NAME : APPSIAS_ERP ORACLE_HOME PATH : /u2/TEST/testmgr/testora/iAS Using Inventory location in /etc/oraInst.loc Log file located at /etc/oraInventory/logs/OracleHomeCloner_11210330.log ERROR: Registration Failed... Please check log file. You can rerun this registration with the following script: /u2/TEST/testmgr/testappl/admin/out/ERP_erp/regOUI_APPSIAS_ERP.sh Skipping the starting of services INFO : Rapid Clone completed successfully , but the AutoConfig run recorded some errors. Please review the AutoConfig section in the logfile. If required, you can re-run AutoConfig from command line after fixing the problem Once Autoconfig issue is fixed , you can start services$ $ /u2/TEST/testmgr/testappl/admin/out/ERP_erp/regOUI_APPSIAS_ERP.sh Using Inventory location in /etc/oraInst.loc Log file located at /etc/oraInventory/logs/OracleHomeCloner_11210334.log Registration failed ERRORCODE = 1 ERRORCODE_END # cat /etc/oraInventory/logs/OracleHomeCloner_11210340.log|more Registering local Oracle Home located at /u2/TEST/testmgr/testora/iAS to central oracle inventory RC-00126: Update inventory failed. Unable to create a new Oracle Home at /u2/TEST/testmgr/testora/iAS. Oracle Home already exists at this location. Select another location. Raised by oracle.apps.ad.clone.util.OracleHomeCloner Registering local Oracle Home located at /u2/TEST/testmgr/testora/iAS to central oracle inventory RC-00126: Update inventory failed. Unable to create a new Oracle Home at /u2/TEST/testmgr/testora/iAS. Oracle Home already exists at this location. Select another location. Raised by oracle.apps.ad.clone.util.OracleHomeCloner 解决方法 mv /tmp/oraInventory /tmp/oraInventory.bk /tmp/orainstRoot.sh ## 参考 * Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone * EBS 11i Creating a Clone using Oracle Application Manager (OAM Clone)