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$.extend({}, args, argsIn); return $.appnet.core.call(url, vars.end.method, args, vars.data); } function addEndpoint(base, group, end) { if (end.url_params.length === 0 && end.data_params.length === 0 && end.array_params.length === 0) { group[end.name] = function (args) { return call({ base: base, end: end }, args); }; } else if (end.url_params.length === 1 && end.data_params.length === 0 && end.array_params.length === 0) { group[end.name] = function (first, args) { return call({ base: base, end: end, first: first }, args); }; } else if (end.url_params.length === 2 && end.data_params.length === 0 && end.array_params.length === 0) { group[end.name] = function (first, second, args) { return call({ base: base, end: end, first: first, second: second }, args); }; } else if (end.url_params.length === 0 && end.data_params.length === 1 && end.array_params.length === 0) { group[end.name] = function (data, args) { return call({ base: base, end: end, data: data }, args); }; } else if (end.url_params.length === 1 && end.data_params.length === 1 && end.array_params.length === 0) { group[end.name] = function (first, data, args) { return call({ base: base, end: end, first: first, data: data }, args); }; } else if (end.url_params.length === 2 && end.data_params.length === 1 && end.array_params.length === 0) { group[end.name] = function (first, second, data, args) { return call({ base: base, end: end, first: first, second: second, data: data }, args); }; } else if (end.url_params.length === 0 && end.data_params.length === 0 && end.array_params.length === 1) { group[end.name] = function (list, args) { return call({ base: base, end: end, list: list }, args); }; } else if (end.url_params.length === 1 && end.data_params.length === 0 && end.array_params.length === 1) { group[end.name] = function (first, list, args) { return call({ base: base, end: end, first: first, list: list }, args); }; } else if (end.url_params.length === 2 && end.data_params.length === 0 && end.array_params.length === 1) { group[end.name] = function (first, second, list, args) { return call({ base: base, end: end, first: first, second: second, list: list }, args); }; } else if (end.url_params.length === 0 && end.data_params.length === 1 && end.array_params.length === 1) { group[end.name] = function (data, list, args) { return call({ base: base, end: end, data: data, list: list }, args); }; } else if (end.url_params.length === 1 && end.data_params.length === 1 && end.array_params.length === 1) { group[end.name] = function (first, data, list, args) { return call({ base: base, end: end, first: first, data: data, list: list }, args); }; } else if (end.url_params.length === 2 && end.data_params.length === 1 && end.array_params.length === 1) { group[end.name] = function (first, second, data, list, args) { return call({ base: base, end: end, first: first, second: second, data: data, list: list }, args); }; } else { console.log('Skipping ' + end.group + '.' + end.name); } } function addChained() { $.appnet.all = {}; addAll('getSubscriptions', $.appnet.channel.getUserSubscribed); addAllOne('getMessages', $.appnet.message.getChannel); addAllOne('getUserPosts', $.appnet.post.getUser); addAllOne('getFollowing', $.appnet.user.getFollowing); addAllOne('getFollowers', $.appnet.user.getFollowers); addAllList('getChannelList', $.appnet.channel.getList); addAllList('getUserList', $.appnet.user.getList); } function addAll(name, single) { $.appnet.all[name] = allFromSingle(single); } function addAllOne(name, single) { $.appnet.all[name] = function (target, args) { var callWithTarget = function (a) { return single(target, a); }; return allFromSingle(callWithTarget)(args); }; } function allFromSingle(single) { return function (args) { if (! args) { args = {}; } args.count = 200; var result = []; function fetchMore(response) { if ($.wait !== undefined) { response = JSON.parse(response.toString()); } result = result.concat(response.data); if (response.meta.more) { args.before_id = response.meta.min_id; var promise = single(args); return promise.then(fetchMore); } else { var meta = {}; if (response.meta.max_id) { meta.max_id = response.meta.max_id; } return { data: result, meta: meta }; } } var first = single(args); return first.then(fetchMore); }; } function addAllList(name, single) { $.appnet.all[name] = function (list, args) { var start = 0; var end = start + (list.length < 200 ? list.length : 200); var result = []; function fetchMore(response) { if ($.wait !== undefined) { response = JSON.parse(response.toString()); } result = result.concat(response.data); start += 200; end = start + (list.length < start + 200 ? list.length : 200); if (start < list.length) { var promise = single(list.slice(start, end), args); return promise.then(fetchMore); } else { return { data: result }; } } var first = single(list.slice(start, end), args); return first.then(fetchMore); }; } run($.appnet.endpoints); }(jQuery)); /* * note.js * * Functions for manipulating app.net annotations * */ /*global jQuery: true */ (function ($) { 'use strict'; $.appnet.note.find = function (type, list) { var result = null; var i = 0; if (list) { for (i = 0; i < list.length; i += 1) { if (list[i].type === type) { result = list[i].value; break; } } } return result; }; }(jQuery)); /* * recipes.js * * Shortcuts for manipulating App.net objects. * */ /*global jQuery: true */ (function ($) { 'use strict'; function _uploadFile(type, filename) { var mime = require('mime'); var obj = { type: type, content: { file: filename, content_type: mime.lookup(filename) } }; return $.ajax({ url: $.appnet.endpoints.base + 'files', type: 'POST', dataType: 'multipart', data: obj, headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + $.appnet.userToken } }); } var BroadcastMessageBuilder = function() { }; BroadcastMessageBuilder.prototype.send = function () { var self = this; var parseLinks = this.parseLinks || this.parseMarkdownLinks; var message = { annotations: [], entities: { parse_links: !!parseLinks, parse_markdown_links: !!this.parseMarkdownLinks } }; var uploadPromise; // XXX: photo/attachments are only currently supported under node.js if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { var Q = require('q'); var uploadPromises = []; if (this.photo) { var fileObj = _uploadFile('com.github.duerig.appnetjs.photo', this.photo); uploadPromises.push(fileObj.then(function (response) { var photo = response.data; if (photo) { message['annotations'].push({ type: 'net.app.core.oembed', value: { '+net.app.core.file': { file_id: photo.id, file_token: photo.file_token, format: 'oembed' } } }); } return response; })); } if (this.attachment) { var fileObj = _uploadFile('com.github.duerig.appnetjs.attachment', this.attachment); uploadPromises.push(fileObj.then(function (response) { var attachment = response.data; if (attachment) { message['annotations'].push({ type: 'net.app.core.attachments', value: { '+net.app.core.file_list': [ { file_id: attachment.id, file_token: attachment.file_token, format: 'metadata' } ] } }); } return response; })); } uploadPromise = Q.all(uploadPromises); } else { // Create a promise which is immediately fufilled so that // our reliance on Q doesn't bleed out of node.js-land; just // use a jQuery promise instead var deferred = $.Deferred(); deferred.resolve(); uploadPromise = deferred.promise(); } return uploadPromise.then(function () { if (self.text) { message.text = self.text; } else { message.machine_only = true; } if (self.headline) { message.annotations.push({ type: 'net.app.core.broadcast.message.metadata', value: { subject: self.headline } }); } if (self.readMoreLink) { message.annotations.push({ type: 'net.app.core.crosspost', value: { canonical_url: self.readMoreLink } }); } return $.appnet.message.create(self.channelID, message); }); }; $.appnet.recipes.BroadcastMessageBuilder = BroadcastMessageBuilder; }(jQuery));