# # Cookbook Name:: ambari # Recipe:: default # # Copyright 2013, David W. Streever # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # include_recipe "apache2" include_recipe "iptables::disabled" baseRepoDir = node['hdp_repo']['base_repo']['dir'] test1 = node['hdp_repo']['ambari']['version'] test2 = node['hdp_repo']['os_base']['item'] bash "yum-repolist" do code "yum repolist" end yum_package "yum-utils" do action :install flush_cache [:before] end yum_package "createrepo" do action :install flush_cache [:before] end # Directory to store pre-configured repos that point to the local repo host. directory node['hdp_repo']['yum_repos']['local_dir'] do owner "root" group "root" recursive true mode 0755 action :create end directory node['hdp_repo']['base_tgz']['dir'] do owner "root" group "root" recursive true mode 0755 action :create end directory node['hdp_repo']['artifacts']['dir'] do owner "root" group "root" recursive true mode 0755 action :create end remote_file node['hdp_repo']['jdk']['bin'] do source node['hdp_repo']['jdk']['source_bin'] owner "root" owner "root" mode 0644 action :create_if_missing end remote_file node['hdp_repo']['jdk7']['tgz'] do source node['hdp_repo']['jdk7']['source_tgz'] owner "root" owner "root" mode 0644 action :create_if_missing end remote_file node['hdp_repo']['ext-2_2']['zip'] do source node['hdp_repo']['ext-2_2']['source'] owner "root" owner "root" mode 0644 action :create_if_missing end remote_file node['hdp_repo']['mysql_connector']['zip'] do source node['hdp_repo']['mysql_connector']['source'] owner "root" owner "root" mode 0644 action :create_if_missing end remote_file node['hdp_repo']['jce_policy-6']['zip'] do source node['hdp_repo']['jce_policy-6']['source'] owner "root" owner "root" mode 0644 action :create_if_missing end remote_file node['hdp_repo']['jce_policy-7']['zip'] do source node['hdp_repo']['jce_policy-7']['source'] owner "root" owner "root" mode 0644 action :create_if_missing end template "#{node['hdp_repo']['yum_repos']['ambari']}" do source "ambari.repo.erb" owner "root" group "root" mode 0644 variables({ :localRepoHostRepo => "#{node['hdp_repo']['location']['host']}/repos", :ambariVersion => node['hdp_repo']['ambari']['default_version'], :hdpUtilsVersion => node['hdp_repo']['hdp_utils']['default_version'] }) end remote_file node['hdp_repo']['jdk']['bin'] do source node['hdp_repo']['jdk']['source_bin'] mode 0644 action :create_if_missing end directory "#{baseRepoDir}" do owner "root" group "root" mode 0755 recursive true action :create end node['hdp_repo']['os_base']['items'].each do |os| # AMBARI node['hdp_repo']['ambari']['versions'].each do |version| ambariSourceFile = "ambari-#{version}-#{os}.tar.gz" # Download remote_file "#{node['hdp_repo']['base_tgz']['dir']}/#{ambariSourceFile}" do source "#{node['hdp_repo']['repo']['public_url']}/ambari/#{os}/#{ambariSourceFile}" mode 0644 action :create_if_missing end # Extract bash 'extract_ambari' do cwd node['hdp_repo']['base_tgz']['dir'] code <<-EOH if [ ! -d #{baseRepoDir}/ambari/#{os}/1.x/updates/#{version} ]; then tar xzf #{ambariSourceFile} -C #{baseRepoDir} fi EOH end end # HDP Utils node['hdp_repo']['hdp_utils']['versions'].each do |version| utilsSourceFile = "HDP-UTILS-#{version}-#{os}.tar.gz" #http://s3.amazonaws.com/public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/HDP-UTILS- # Download remote_file "#{node['hdp_repo']['base_tgz']['dir']}/#{utilsSourceFile}" do source "#{node['hdp_repo']['repo']['public_url']}/HDP-UTILS-#{version}/repos/#{os}/#{utilsSourceFile}" mode 0644 action :create_if_missing end # Extract bash 'extract_HDP_UTILS' do cwd node['hdp_repo']['base_tgz']['dir'] code <<-EOH if [ ! -d #{baseRepoDir}/HDP-UTILS-#{version}/repos/#{os} ]; then tar xzf #{utilsSourceFile} -C #{baseRepoDir} fi EOH end end # HDP 1.3.x node['hdp_repo']['hdp_1.3']['versions'].each do |version| hdpSourceFile = "HDP-#{version}-#{os}-rpm.tar.gz" # Download remote_file "#{node['hdp_repo']['base_tgz']['dir']}/#{hdpSourceFile}" do source "#{node['hdp_repo']['repo']['public_url']}/HDP/#{os}/#{hdpSourceFile}" mode 0644 action :create_if_missing end # Extract bash 'extract_HDP_1.3' do cwd node['hdp_repo']['base_tgz']['dir'] code <<-EOH if [ ! -d #{baseRepoDir}/HDP/#{os}/1.x/updates/#{version} ]; then tar xzf #{hdpSourceFile} -C #{baseRepoDir} fi EOH end end # HDP 2.0.x node['hdp_repo']['hdp_2.0']['versions'].each do |version| hdpSourceFile = "HDP-#{version}-#{os}-rpm.tar.gz" # Download remote_file "#{node['hdp_repo']['base_tgz']['dir']}/#{hdpSourceFile}" do source "#{node['hdp_repo']['repo']['public_url']}/HDP/#{os}/#{hdpSourceFile}" mode 0644 action :create_if_missing end # Extract bash 'extract_HDP_2.0' do cwd node['hdp_repo']['base_tgz']['dir'] code <<-EOH if [ ! -d #{baseRepoDir}/HDP/#{os}/2.x/updates/#{version} ]; then tar xzf #{hdpSourceFile} -C #{baseRepoDir} fi EOH end end # HDP 2.1.x GA node['hdp_repo']['hdp_2.1']['versions']['GA'].each do |version| hdpSourceFile = "HDP-#{version}-#{os}-rpm.tar.gz" # Download remote_file "#{node['hdp_repo']['base_tgz']['dir']}/#{hdpSourceFile}" do source "#{node['hdp_repo']['repo']['public_url']}/HDP/#{os}/#{hdpSourceFile}" mode 0644 action :create_if_missing end # Extract bash 'extract_HDP_2.1_GA' do cwd node['hdp_repo']['base_tgz']['dir'] code <<-EOH if [ ! -d #{baseRepoDir}/HDP/#{os}/2.x/GA/#{version} ]; then tar xzf #{hdpSourceFile} -C #{baseRepoDir} fi EOH end end # HDP 2.1.x updates node['hdp_repo']['hdp_2.1']['versions']['updates'].each do |version| hdpSourceFile = "HDP-#{version}-#{os}-rpm.tar.gz" # Download remote_file "#{node['hdp_repo']['base_tgz']['dir']}/#{hdpSourceFile}" do source "#{node['hdp_repo']['repo']['public_url']}/HDP/#{os}/#{hdpSourceFile}" mode 0644 action :create_if_missing end # Extract bash 'extract_HDP_2.1_GA' do cwd node['hdp_repo']['base_tgz']['dir'] code <<-EOH if [ ! -d #{baseRepoDir}/HDP/#{os}/2.x/updates/#{version} ]; then tar xzf #{hdpSourceFile} -C #{baseRepoDir} fi EOH end end end directory "#{baseRepoDir}/ambari/centos6/RPM-GPG-KEY" do owner "root" group "root" mode 0755 recursive true action :create end remote_file "#{baseRepoDir}/ambari/centos6/RPM-GPG-KEY/RPM-GPG-KEY-Jenkins" do source "http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/ambari/centos6/RPM-GPG-KEY/RPM-GPG-KEY-Jenkins" mode 0644 action :create_if_missing end