# Contributing ## Topics * [Getting Help](#getting-help) * [Reporting Issues](#reporting-issues) * [Development](#development) * [Thank You!](#thank-you) ## Getting Help I monitor [StackOverflow](http://stackoverflow.com) under the [SWXMLHash tag](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/swxmlhash) and try to answer questions there when possible - that is likely a better place to ask questions than in the Issues section here. ## Reporting Issues When reporting issues, please include: * Which version of Xcode you're using * Which OS or platform you're targeting * Any stack trace or compiler error * Code snippets that reproduce the behavior Both bug reports and feature requests are welcome! ## Development SWXMLHash currently uses XCTest for its tests. To run the tests, you can either run them from within Xcode or you can run `rake test`. The coding style used is dictated by [SwiftLint](https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint). You can get SwiftLint by running `brew install swiftlint`. To run it, just clone the repository and run `swiftlint`. There is a `.swiftlint.yml` for lint configuration. Prior to submitting a pull request, please verify that: * The code compiles * All tests pass * SwiftLint reports no issues ## Thank You Thanks for your interest in contributing to SWXMLHash!