#!/usr/bin/env python """ Dynamic BigJob (ManyJob) Example This Module is used to launch a set of bigjobs. DON'T EDIT THIS FILE (UNLESS THERE IS A BUG) THIS FILE SHOULD NOT BE COMMITTED TO SVN WITH USE-SPECIFIC PATHS! """ import sys import getopt import time import pdb import os import traceback import logging # BigJob implementation can be swapped here by importing another implementation, # e.g. condor, cloud, azure import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd() + "/../") from bigjob import bigjob, subjob, description from bigjob_dynamic.many_job import * """ This variable defines the coordination system that is used by BigJob e.g. advert://localhost (SAGA/Advert SQLITE) advert://advert.cct.lsu.edu:8080 (SAGA/Advert POSTGRESQL) redis://localhost:6379 (Redis at localhost) tcp://localhost (ZMQ) """ COORDINATION_URL = "advert://localhost" #COORDINATION_URL = "advert://advert.cct.lsu.edu:8080" NUMBER_JOBS=8 def has_finished(state): state = state.lower() if state=="done" or state=="failed" or state=="canceled": return True else: return False def main(): try: print "ManyJob load test with " + str(NUMBER_JOBS) + " jobs." starttime=time.time() """ submit via mj abstraction resource_list.append( {"resource_url" : "gram://eric1.loni.org/jobmanager-pbs", "processes_per_node":"4", "number_of_processes" : "4", "allocation" : None, "queue" : "workq", "working_directory": (os.getcwd() + "/agent"), "walltime":10 }) """ resource_list = [] resource_dictionary = {"resource_url" : "fork://localhost/", "number_of_processes" : "32", "processes_per_node":"1", "allocation" : None, "queue" : None, "working_directory": (os.getcwd() + "/agent"), "walltime":3600 } resource_list.append(resource_dictionary) #Flags for controlling dynamic BigJob add_additional_resources=True remove_additional_resources=False print "Create Dynamic BigJob Service " mjs = many_job_service(resource_list, COORDINATION_URL) jobs = [] job_start_times = {} job_states = {} cwd = os.getcwd() for i in range(0, NUMBER_JOBS): # create job description jd = description() jd.executable = "/bin/date" jd.number_of_processes = "1" jd.spmd_variation = "single" jd.arguments = [""] jd.working_directory = os.getcwd(); jd.output = "stdout-" + str(i) + ".txt" jd.error = "stderr-" + str(i) + ".txt" subjob = mjs.create_job(jd) subjob.run() print "Submited sub-job " + "%d"%i + "." jobs.append(subjob) job_start_times[subjob]=time.time() job_states[subjob] = subjob.get_state() print "************************ All Jobs submitted ************************" while 1: finish_counter=0 result_map = {} for i in range(0, NUMBER_JOBS): old_state = job_states[jobs[i]] state = jobs[i].get_state() if result_map.has_key(state) == False: result_map[state]=0 result_map[state] = result_map[state]+1 #print "counter: " + str(i) + " job: " + str(jobs[i]) + " state: " + state if old_state != state: print "Job " + str(jobs[i]) + " changed from: " + old_state + " to " + state if old_state != state and has_finished(state)==True: print "Job: " + str(jobs[i]) + " Runtime: " + str(time.time()-job_start_times[jobs[i]]) + " s." if has_finished(state)==True: finish_counter = finish_counter + 1 job_states[jobs[i]]=state # Dynamic BigJob add resources at runtime # if more than 30 s - add additional resource if time.time()-starttime > 10 and add_additional_resources==True: print "***add additional resources***" mjs.add_resource(resource_dictionary) add_additional_resources=False # remove resources from dynamic bigjob if (time.time()-starttime > 15 and remove_additional_resources==True): bj_list = mjs.get_resources() if len(bj_list)>0: print "***remove resources: " + str(bj_list[0]) mjs.remove_resource(bj_list[0]) remove_additional_resources=False print "Current states: " + str(result_map) time.sleep(5) if finish_counter == NUMBER_JOBS: break mjs.cancel() runtime = time.time()-starttime print "Runtime: " + str(runtime) + " s; Runtime per Job: " + str(runtime/NUMBER_JOBS) except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) try: mjs.cancel() except: pass """ Test Job Submission via ManyJob abstraction """ if __name__ == "__main__": main()