require 'formula' class Cppad < Formula homepage '' url '' version '20131101' sha1 '343a7cee69ae8c25e50519753447255a2fafae23' head '', :using => :svn # Only one of --with-boost, --with-eigen and --with-std should be given. depends_on 'boost' => :optional depends_on 'eigen' => :optional depends_on 'adol-c' => :optional option 'with-std', 'Use std test vector' option 'without-check', 'Skip comprehensive tests (not recommended)' depends_on 'cmake' => :build fails_with :gcc do build 5658 cause <<-EOS.undent A bug in complex division causes failure of certain tests. See EOS end def install if ENV.compiler == :clang opoo 'OpenMP support will not be enabled. Use --use-gcc if you require OpenMP.' end cmake_args = ["-Dcmake_install_prefix=#{prefix}", "-Dcppad_documentation=YES"] cppad_testvector = 'cppad' if build.with? 'boost' cppad_testvector = 'boost' elsif build.with? 'eigen' cppad_testvector = 'eigen' cmake_args << "-Deigen_prefix=#{Formula.factory('eigen').prefix}" cmake_args << "-Dcppad_cxx_flags=-I" + Formula.factory('eigen').include + '/eigen3' elsif build.include? 'with-std' cppad_testvector = 'std' end cmake_args << "-Dcppad_testvector=#{cppad_testvector}" cmake_args << "-Dadolc_prefix=#{Formula.factory('adol-c').prefix}" if build.with? 'adol-c' mkdir 'build' do system "cmake", "..", *cmake_args if build.with? 'check' ohai 'Running tests. Please be patient.' system 'make check' end system 'make install' end end end