@echo off rem This script downloads Eldev startup script as `%USERPROFILE%\.local\bin\eldev.bat'. rem rem curl.exe is included in Windows 10 since April-2018-Update (1803) rem In your `.github/workflows/*.yml' add this: rem rem curl.exe -fsSL https://raw.github.com/emacs-eldev/eldev/master/webinstall/github-eldev.bat | cmd /Q rem The usual way to check for the presence of an argument is to test rem if their argument reference %[1-9] has a value. Though when piping rem to cmd, these references do not exist and instead is better to use rem a counter. set ARGS=0 for %%x in (%*) do set /A ARGS+=1 rem optionally pass download URL as parameter to allow testing in PRs set URL=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emacs-eldev/eldev/master/bin/eldev.bat if %ARGS%==1 set URL=%1 set ELDEV_BIN_DIR=%USERPROFILE%\.local\bin mkdir %ELDEV_BIN_DIR% curl.exe -fsSL %URL% -o %ELDEV_BIN_DIR%\eldev.bat || exit /b echo %ELDEV_BIN_DIR%>> %GITHUB_PATH%