// Tweets // A plugin to process a JSON feed of tweets into a HTML container // Created by Donovan Hutchinson // Requires: // jQuery // Handlebars (for templating) // Full instructions: http://github.com/donovanh/tweets-plugin/ // Based on: jQuery Plugin Boilerplate by Stefan Gabos ;(function($) { $.tweets = function(options) { var defaults = { searchPhrase: 'hop.ie', templateID: 'tweet-template-default', destinationID: 'tweet-container', tweetSource: 'Your source URL, eg. tweets.example.com', maxTweets: 15 } var plugin = this; var updateTimer = null; plugin.settings = {} var init = function() { plugin.settings = options || defaults; // Check if the destination exists if ($('#'+plugin.settings.destinationID).length == 0) { console.log('Tweets plugin error: Please supply a destination element for the tweets.'); return; } // Check if there's a source to get the tweets (essential) if (plugin.settings.tweetSource.length == 0) { console.log('Tweets plugin error: This plugin requires a server component specified. Please check github.com/donovanh/tweets/ for details.'); return; } plugin.settings.searchPhrase = cleanSearchPhrase(plugin.settings.searchPhrase); // Get the tweet template if ($('#'+plugin.settings.templateID).length == 0) { // Use the default template plugin.settings.templateHTML = tweet_template_default; } else { plugin.settings.templateHTML = $('#'+plugin.settings.templateID).html(); } if (plugin.settings.searchPhrase.length > 0) { $.get(plugin.settings.tweetSource+'/search/'+plugin.settings.searchPhrase, function(data) { var outputHTML = ''; console.log(data.statuses); if (data.statuses !== undefined && data.statuses.length > 0) { $.each(data.statuses, function(index, tweet) { tweet.text = replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(tweet.text); tweet.relative_timestamp = time_ago(tweet.created_at); var template = Handlebars.compile(plugin.settings.templateHTML); outputHTML += template(tweet); }); } $("#"+plugin.settings.destinationID).html(outputHTML); }); // Since the success was successful, add a listener for a stream of further tweets listenForMoreTweets(plugin.settings); } else { console.log('Tweets plugin error: Please supply a searchPhrase.'); return; } // Set timeout to update the timestamps updateTimer = window.setInterval(function() { updateDatestamps(); }, 10000); } // Default handlebars template var tweet_template_default = '
\ \




\ {{relative_timestamp}}\

'; // plugin.foo_public_method = function() { // // code goes here // } // Private methods var listenForMoreTweets = function(settings) { var socket = io.connect(settings.tweetSource); socket.on('tweet', function (data) { addToTopOfList(data, settings); }); socket.emit('stream', settings.searchPhrase); } var addToTopOfList = function(tweet, settings) { tweet.text = replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(tweet.text); tweet.relative_timestamp = time_ago(tweet.created_at); tweet.from_user = tweet.user.screen_name; tweet.profile_image_url = tweet.user.profile_image_url; tweet.from_user_name = tweet.user.name; var template = Handlebars.compile(settings.templateHTML); var existingHTML = $("#"+settings.destinationID).html(); var outputHTML = $('
'); outputHTML.html(template(tweet)); outputHTML.find('.tweet').addClass('new'); $("#"+settings.destinationID).html(outputHTML.html() + existingHTML); // Remove new class to trigger a flash in the CSS transition $('.tweet').removeClass('new'); // Makre sure we don't have too many tweets showing trimTweets(settings.maxTweets); } var trimTweets = function(maxTweets) { // Trim the number of tweets shown to reduce memory usage if ($('.tweet').length > maxTweets) { $.each($('.tweet'), function(index, tweet) { if (index > maxTweets) { $(tweet).remove(); } }); } } var cleanSearchPhrase =function(searchphrase) { return searchphrase.replace('#', '%23'); } var updateDatestamps = function() { // Scan all the tweets and update the timestamps on each $.each($('.tweet'), function(index, tweet) { var dateHTML = $(tweet).find('p.timing'); var originalDate = $(dateHTML).attr('data-created-at'); var relativeDate = time_ago(originalDate); $(dateHTML).find('a').text(relativeDate); }); } var replaceURLWithHTMLLinks = function(text) { var exp = /(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/ig; return text.replace(exp,"$1"); } var time_ago = function(time){ switch (typeof time) { case 'number': break; case 'string': time = +new Date(time); break; case 'object': if (time.constructor === Date) time = time.getTime(); break; default: time = +new Date(); } var time_formats = [ [60, 'seconds', 1], // 60 [120, '1 minute ago', '1 minute from now'], // 60*2 [3600, 'minutes', 60], // 60*60, 60 [7200, '1 hour ago', '1 hour from now'], // 60*60*2 [86400, 'hours', 3600], // 60*60*24, 60*60 [172800, 'Yesterday', 'Tomorrow'], // 60*60*24*2 [604800, 'days', 86400], // 60*60*24*7, 60*60*24 [1209600, 'Last week', 'Next week'], // 60*60*24*7*4*2 [2419200, 'weeks', 604800], // 60*60*24*7*4, 60*60*24*7 [4838400, 'Last month', 'Next month'], // 60*60*24*7*4*2 [29030400, 'months', 2419200], // 60*60*24*7*4*12, 60*60*24*7*4 [58060800, 'Last year', 'Next year'], // 60*60*24*7*4*12*2 [2903040000, 'years', 29030400], // 60*60*24*7*4*12*100, 60*60*24*7*4*12 [5806080000, 'Last century', 'Next century'], // 60*60*24*7*4*12*100*2 [58060800000, 'centuries', 2903040000] // 60*60*24*7*4*12*100*20, 60*60*24*7*4*12*100 ]; var seconds = (+new Date() - time) / 1000, token = 'ago', list_choice = 1; if (seconds == 0) { return 'Just now' } if (seconds < 0) { seconds = Math.abs(seconds); token = 'from now'; list_choice = 2; } var i = 0, format; while (format = time_formats[i++]) if (seconds < format[0]) { if (typeof format[2] == 'string') return format[list_choice]; else return Math.floor(seconds / format[2]) + ' ' + format[1] + ' ' + token; } return time; } init(); } })(jQuery);