# Contributing to slackin-swift First off - thank you!!! ## The Goal As of this writing, [slackin](https://github.com/rauchg/slackin) is the goal to aim for. By aiming for this, we hope to prove that Swift is as viable as Node.js for web applications. Once software parity has been reached, a manifesto can be designed to discuss future ideas, but this should always remain simple to use, just like the original :smile: ## Branching Please fork slackin-swift and submit a pull request to make any contributions. Repeated contributors who would like to maintain any branches that exist should email me about becoming a full-time collaborator [here](mailto:david@okun.io) ## Pull Requests Please submit any feature requests or bug fixes as a pull request. Please make sure that all pull requests have the following: - a descriptive title - a meaningful body of text to explain what the PR does - if it fixes a pre-existing issue, include the issue number in the body of text Pushing directly to master is disallowed. ## Running locally To run Lumina locally, please follow these steps: - Clone the repository - Run `swift build` - Run `.build/debug/slackin-swift **insert token here**` --OR-- `./runDocker **insert token here**` To develop on slackin-swift: - Run `swift package generate-xcodeproj` **Thanks for contributing! :100:**