$(document).ready(function() { var lastRequest = null; var sync = Backbone.sync; module("Backbone.Collection", { setup: function() { Backbone.sync = function() { lastRequest = _.toArray(arguments); }; }, teardown: function() { Backbone.sync = sync; } }); var a = new Backbone.Model({id: 3, label: 'a'}); var b = new Backbone.Model({id: 2, label: 'b'}); var c = new Backbone.Model({id: 1, label: 'c'}); var d = new Backbone.Model({id: 0, label: 'd'}); var e = null; var col = new Backbone.Collection([a,b,c,d]); var otherCol = new Backbone.Collection(); test("Collection: new and sort", function() { equal(col.first(), a, "a should be first"); equal(col.last(), d, "d should be last"); col.comparator = function(a, b) { return a.id > b.id ? -1 : 1; }; col.sort(); equal(col.first(), a, "a should be first"); equal(col.last(), d, "d should be last"); col.comparator = function(model) { return model.id; }; col.sort(); equal(col.first(), d, "d should be first"); equal(col.last(), a, "a should be last"); equal(col.length, 4); }); test("Collection: get, getByCid", function() { equal(col.get(0), d); equal(col.get(2), b); equal(col.getByCid(col.first().cid), col.first()); }); test("Collection: get with non-default ids", function() { var col = new Backbone.Collection(); var MongoModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ idAttribute: '_id' }); var model = new MongoModel({_id: 100}); col.add(model); equal(col.get(100), model); model.set({_id: 101}); equal(col.get(101), model); }); test("Collection: add model with attributes modified by set", function() { var CustomSetModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { number_as_string: null //presence of defaults forces extend }, validate: function (attributes) { if (!_.isString(attributes.num_as_string)) { return 'fail'; } }, set: function (attributes, options) { if (attributes.num_as_string) { attributes.num_as_string = attributes.num_as_string.toString(); } Backbone.Model.prototype.set.call(this, attributes, options); } }); var CustomSetCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: CustomSetModel }); raises(function(){ new CustomSetCollection([{ num_as_string: 2 }]); }); }); test("Collection: update index when id changes", function() { var col = new Backbone.Collection(); col.add([ {id : 0, name : 'one'}, {id : 1, name : 'two'} ]); var one = col.get(0); equal(one.get('name'), 'one'); one.set({id : 101}); equal(col.get(0), null); equal(col.get(101).get('name'), 'one'); }); test("Collection: at", function() { equal(col.at(2), b); }); test("Collection: pluck", function() { equal(col.pluck('label').join(' '), 'd c b a'); }); test("Collection: add", function() { var added = opts = secondAdded = null; e = new Backbone.Model({id: 10, label : 'e'}); otherCol.add(e); otherCol.bind('add', function() { secondAdded = true; }); col.bind('add', function(model, collection, options){ added = model.get('label'); equal(options.index, 4); opts = options; }); col.add(e, {amazing: true}); equal(added, 'e'); equal(col.length, 5); equal(col.last(), e); equal(otherCol.length, 1); equal(secondAdded, null); ok(opts.amazing); var f = new Backbone.Model({id: 20, label : 'f'}); var g = new Backbone.Model({id: 21, label : 'g'}); var h = new Backbone.Model({id: 22, label : 'h'}); var atCol = new Backbone.Collection([f, g, h]); equal(atCol.length, 3); atCol.add(e, {at: 1}); equal(atCol.length, 4); equal(atCol.at(1), e); equal(atCol.last(), h); }); test("Collection: add multiple models", function() { var col = new Backbone.Collection([{at: 0}, {at: 1}, {at: 9}]); col.add([{at: 2}, {at: 3}, {at: 4}, {at: 5}, {at: 6}, {at: 7}, {at: 8}], {at: 2}); for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { equal(col.at(i).get('at'), i); } }); test("Collection: can't add model to collection twice", function() { raises(function(){ // no id, same cid var a2 = new Backbone.Model({label: a.label}); a2.cid = a.cid; col.add(a2); ok(false, "duplicate; expected add to fail"); }, "Can't add the same model to a collection twice"); }); test("Collection: can't add different model with same id to collection twice", function() { raises(function(){ var col = new Backbone.Collection; col.add({id: 101}); col.add({id: 101}); ok(false, "duplicate; expected add to fail"); }, "Can't add the same model to a collection twice"); }); test("Collection: add model to multiple collections", function() { var counter = 0; var e = new Backbone.Model({id: 10, label : 'e'}); e.bind('add', function(model, collection) { counter++; equal(e, model); if (counter > 1) { equal(collection, colF); } else { equal(collection, colE); } }); var colE = new Backbone.Collection([]); colE.bind('add', function(model, collection) { equal(e, model); equal(colE, collection); }); var colF = new Backbone.Collection([]); colF.bind('add', function(model, collection) { equal(e, model); equal(colF, collection); }); colE.add(e); equal(e.collection, colE); colF.add(e); equal(e.collection, colE); }); test("Collection: add model with parse", function() { var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({ parse: function(obj) { obj.value += 1; return obj; } }); var Col = Backbone.Collection.extend({model: Model}); var col = new Col; col.add({value: 1}, {parse: true}); equal(col.at(0).get('value'), 2); }); test("Collection: add model to collection with sort()-style comparator", function() { var col = new Backbone.Collection; col.comparator = function(a, b) { return a.get('name') < b.get('name') ? -1 : 1; }; var tom = new Backbone.Model({name: 'Tom'}); var rob = new Backbone.Model({name: 'Rob'}); var tim = new Backbone.Model({name: 'Tim'}); col.add(tom); col.add(rob); col.add(tim); equal(col.indexOf(rob), 0); equal(col.indexOf(tim), 1); equal(col.indexOf(tom), 2); }); test("Collection: comparator that depends on `this`", function() { var col = new Backbone.Collection; col.negative = function(num) { return -num; }; col.comparator = function(a) { return this.negative(a.id); }; col.add([{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}]); equal(col.pluck('id').join(' '), '3 2 1'); }); test("Collection: remove", function() { var removed = otherRemoved = null; col.bind('remove', function(model, col, options) { removed = model.get('label'); equal(options.index, 4); }); otherCol.bind('remove', function(model, col, options) { otherRemoved = true; }); col.remove(e); equal(removed, 'e'); equal(col.length, 4); equal(col.first(), d); equal(otherRemoved, null); }); test("Collection: events are unbound on remove", function() { var counter = 0; var dj = new Backbone.Model(); var emcees = new Backbone.Collection([dj]); emcees.bind('change', function(){ counter++; }); dj.set({name : 'Kool'}); equal(counter, 1); emcees.reset([]); equal(dj.collection, undefined); dj.set({name : 'Shadow'}); equal(counter, 1); }); test("Collection: remove in multiple collections", function() { var modelData = { id : 5, title : 'Othello' }; var passed = false; var e = new Backbone.Model(modelData); var f = new Backbone.Model(modelData); f.bind('remove', function() { passed = true; }); var colE = new Backbone.Collection([e]); var colF = new Backbone.Collection([f]); ok(e != f); ok(colE.length == 1); ok(colF.length == 1); colE.remove(e); equal(passed, false); ok(colE.length == 0); colF.remove(e); ok(colF.length == 0); equal(passed, true); }); test("Collection: remove same model in multiple collection", function() { var counter = 0; var e = new Backbone.Model({id: 5, title: 'Othello'}); e.bind('remove', function(model, collection) { counter++; equal(e, model); if (counter > 1) { equal(collection, colE); } else { equal(collection, colF); } }); var colE = new Backbone.Collection([e]); colE.bind('remove', function(model, collection) { equal(e, model); equal(colE, collection); }); var colF = new Backbone.Collection([e]); colF.bind('remove', function(model, collection) { equal(e, model); equal(colF, collection); }); equal(colE, e.collection); colF.remove(e); ok(colF.length == 0); ok(colE.length == 1); equal(counter, 1); equal(colE, e.collection); colE.remove(e); equal(null, e.collection); ok(colE.length == 0); equal(counter, 2); }); test("Collection: model destroy removes from all collections", function() { var e = new Backbone.Model({id: 5, title: 'Othello'}); e.sync = function(method, model, options) { options.success({}); }; var colE = new Backbone.Collection([e]); var colF = new Backbone.Collection([e]); e.destroy(); ok(colE.length == 0); ok(colF.length == 0); equal(undefined, e.collection); }); test("Colllection: non-persisted model destroy removes from all collections", function() { var e = new Backbone.Model({title: 'Othello'}); e.sync = function(method, model, options) { throw "should not be called"; }; var colE = new Backbone.Collection([e]); var colF = new Backbone.Collection([e]); e.destroy(); ok(colE.length == 0); ok(colF.length == 0); equal(undefined, e.collection); }); test("Collection: fetch", function() { col.fetch(); equal(lastRequest[0], 'read'); equal(lastRequest[1], col); equal(lastRequest[2].parse, true); col.fetch({parse: false}); equal(lastRequest[2].parse, false); }); test("Collection: create", function() { var model = col.create({label: 'f'}, {wait: true}); equal(lastRequest[0], 'create'); equal(lastRequest[1], model); equal(model.get('label'), 'f'); equal(model.collection, col); }); test("Collection: create enforces validation", function() { var ValidatingModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ validate: function(attrs) { return "fail"; } }); var ValidatingCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: ValidatingModel }); var col = new ValidatingCollection(); equal(col.create({"foo":"bar"}), false); }); test("Collection: a failing create runs the error callback", function() { var ValidatingModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ validate: function(attrs) { return "fail"; } }); var ValidatingCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: ValidatingModel }); var flag = false; var callback = function(model, error) { flag = true; }; var col = new ValidatingCollection(); col.create({"foo":"bar"}, { error: callback }); equal(flag, true); }); test("collection: initialize", function() { var Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ initialize: function() { this.one = 1; } }); var coll = new Collection; equal(coll.one, 1); }); test("Collection: toJSON", function() { equal(JSON.stringify(col), '[{"id":0,"label":"d"},{"id":1,"label":"c"},{"id":2,"label":"b"},{"id":3,"label":"a"}]'); }); test("Collection: Underscore methods", function() { equal(col.map(function(model){ return model.get('label'); }).join(' '), 'd c b a'); equal(col.any(function(model){ return model.id === 100; }), false); equal(col.any(function(model){ return model.id === 0; }), true); equal(col.indexOf(b), 2); equal(col.size(), 4); equal(col.rest().length, 3); ok(!_.include(col.rest()), a); ok(!_.include(col.rest()), d); ok(!col.isEmpty()); ok(!_.include(col.without(d)), d); equal(col.max(function(model){ return model.id; }).id, 3); equal(col.min(function(model){ return model.id; }).id, 0); same(col.chain() .filter(function(o){ return o.id % 2 === 0; }) .map(function(o){ return o.id * 2; }) .value(), [0, 4]); }); test("Collection: reset", function() { var resetCount = 0; var models = col.models; col.bind('reset', function() { resetCount += 1; }); col.reset([]); equal(resetCount, 1); equal(col.length, 0); equal(col.last(), null); col.reset(models); equal(resetCount, 2); equal(col.length, 4); equal(col.last(), a); col.reset(_.map(models, function(m){ return m.attributes; })); equal(resetCount, 3); equal(col.length, 4); ok(col.last() !== a); ok(_.isEqual(col.last().attributes, a.attributes)); }); test("Collection: trigger custom events on models", function() { var fired = null; a.bind("custom", function() { fired = true; }); a.trigger("custom"); equal(fired, true); }); test("Collection: add does not alter arguments", function(){ var attrs = {}; var models = [attrs]; new Backbone.Collection().add(models); equal(models.length, 1); ok(attrs === models[0]); }); test("#714: access `model.collection` in a brand new model.", 2, function() { var col = new Backbone.Collection; var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({ set: function(attrs) { equal(attrs.prop, 'value'); equal(this.collection, col); return this; } }); col.model = Model; col.create({prop: 'value'}); }); test("#574, remove its own reference to the .models array.", function() { var col = new Backbone.Collection([ {id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}, {id: 4}, {id: 5}, {id: 6} ]); equal(col.length, 6); col.remove(col.models); equal(col.length, 0); }); test("#861, adding models to a collection which do not pass validation", function() { raises(function() { var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({ validate: function(attrs) { if (attrs.id == 3) return "id can't be 3"; } }); var Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Model }); var col = new Collection; col.add([{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}, {id: 4}, {id: 5}, {id: 6}]); }, "Can't add an invalid model to a collection"); }); test("Collection: index with comparator", function() { expect(4); var counter = 0; var col = new Backbone.Collection([{id: 2}, {id: 4}], { comparator: function(model){ return model.id; } }).on('add', function(model, colleciton, options){ if (model.id == 1) { equal(options.index, 0); equal(counter++, 0); } if (model.id == 3) { equal(options.index, 2); equal(counter++, 1); } }); col.add([{id: 3}, {id: 1}]); }); test("Collection: throwing during add leaves consistent state", function() { expect(4); var col = new Backbone.Collection(); col.bind('test', function() { ok(false); }); col.model = Backbone.Model.extend({ validate: function(attrs){ if (!attrs.valid) return 'invalid'; } }); var model = new col.model({id: 1, valid: true}); raises(function() { col.add([model, {id: 2}]); }); model.trigger('test'); ok(!col.getByCid(model.cid)); ok(!col.get(1)); equal(col.length, 0); }); test("Collection: multiple copies of the same model", function() { var col = new Backbone.Collection(); var model = new Backbone.Model(); raises(function() { col.add([model, model]); }); raises(function() { col.add([{id: 1}, {id: 1}]); }); }); });