/* File: flexie.js About: Version 1.0.3 Project: Flexie Description: Legacy support for the CSS3 Flexible Box Model License: The MIT License Copyright (c) 2010 Richard Herrera Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* Class: Flexie Scoped to the Flexie Global Namespace */ /*jslint evil: true, regexp: false, plusplus: false */ /*global window, document */ var Flexie = (function (win, doc) { // Scope public properties var FLX = {}, // Each Flexie-modified DOM node gets a unique identifier FLX_DOM_ID = 0, FLX_DOM_ATTR = "data-flexie-id", FLX_PARENT_ATTR = "data-flexie-parent", // Store support for flexbox SUPPORT, // Store reference to engine ENGINE, ENGINES = { "NW" : { s : "*.Dom.select" }, "DOMAssistant" : { s : "*.$", m : "*.DOMReady" }, "Prototype" : { s : "$$", m : "document.observe", p : "dom:loaded", c : "document" }, "YAHOO" : { s : "*.util.Selector.query", m : "*.util.Event.onDOMReady", c : "*.util.Event" }, "MooTools" : { s : "$$", m : "window.addEvent", p : "domready" }, "Sizzle" : { s : "*" }, "jQuery" : { s : "*", m : "*(document).ready" }, "dojo" : { s : "*.query", m : "*.addOnLoad" } }, // Store reference to library LIBRARY, // Regular Expressions PIXEL = /^-?\d+(?:px)?$/i, NUMBER = /^-?\d/, SIZES = /width|height|margin|padding|border/, MSIE = /(msie) ([\w.]+)/, WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS = /\t|\n|\r/g, RESTRICTIVE_PROPERTIES = /^max\-([a-z]+)/, PROTOCOL = /^https?:\/\//i, LEADINGTRIM = /^\s\s*/, TRAILINGTRIM = /\s\s*$/, ONLY_WHITESPACE = /^\s*$/, CSS_SELECTOR = /\s?(\#|\.|\[|\:(\:)?[^first\-(line|letter)|before|after]+)/g, // String constants EMPTY_STRING = "", SPACE_STRING = " ", PLACEHOLDER_STRING = "$1", PADDING_RIGHT = "paddingRight", PADDING_BOTTOM = "paddingBottom", PADDING_LEFT = "paddingLeft", PADDING_TOP = "paddingTop", BORDER_RIGHT = "borderRightWidth", BORDER_BOTTOM = "borderBottomWidth", BORDER_LEFT = "borderLeftWidth", BORDER_TOP = "borderTopWidth", HORIZONTAL = "horizontal", VERTICAL = "vertical", INLINE_AXIS = "inline-axis", BLOCK_AXIS = "block-axis", INHERIT = "inherit", LEFT = "left", END_MUSTACHE = "}", PREFIXES = " -o- -moz- -ms- -webkit- -khtml- ".split(SPACE_STRING), DEFAULTS = { orient : HORIZONTAL, align : "stretch", direction : INHERIT, pack : "start" }, // Global reference objects FLEX_BOXES = [], POSSIBLE_FLEX_CHILDREN = [], DOM_ORDERED, RESIZE_LISTENER, // Minification optimizations TRUE = true, FALSE = false, NULL = null, UNDEFINED, // If IE, which version? BROWSER = { IE : (function () { var ie, ua = win.navigator.userAgent, match = (MSIE).exec(ua.toLowerCase()); if (match) { ie = parseInt(match[2], 10); } return ie; }()) }, /* selectivizr v1.0.0 - (c) Keith Clark, freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license. selectivizr.com */ selectivizrEngine; function trim (string) { if (string) { string = string.replace(LEADINGTRIM, EMPTY_STRING).replace(TRAILINGTRIM, EMPTY_STRING); } return string; } // --[ determineSelectorMethod() ]-------------------------------------- // walks through the engines object testing for an suitable // selector engine. // Moving outside Selectivizr scope because detection is needed before running selectivizrEngine function determineSelectorMethod() { // compatiable selector engines in order of CSS3 support var engines = ENGINES, method, engine, obj; for (engine in engines) { if (engines.hasOwnProperty(engine)) { obj = engines[engine]; if (win[engine] && !method) { method = eval(obj.s.replace("*", engine)); if (method) { ENGINE = engine; break; } } } } return method; } // Event handler for onload/onresize events function addEvent(type, func) { type = "on" + type; var oldevent = win[type]; if (typeof win[type] !== "function") { win[type] = func; } else { win[type] = function () { if (oldevent) { oldevent(); } func(); }; } } function attachLoadMethod(handler) { if (!ENGINE) { LIBRARY = determineSelectorMethod(); } // compatiable selector engines in order of CSS3 support var engines = ENGINES, method, caller, args, engine, obj; for (engine in engines) { if (engines.hasOwnProperty(engine)) { obj = engines[engine]; if (win[engine] && !method && obj.m) { method = eval(obj.m.replace("*", engine)); caller = obj.c ? eval(obj.c.replace("*", engine)) : win; args = []; if (method && caller) { if (obj.p) { args.push(obj.p); } args.push(handler); method.apply(caller, args); break; } } } } if (!method) { addEvent("load", handler); } } function buildSelector (node) { var selector = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (node.id) { selector += "#" + node.id; } else if (node.FLX_DOM_ID) { selector += "[" + FLX_DOM_ATTR + "='" + node.FLX_DOM_ID + "']"; } return selector; } function setFlexieId (node) { if (!node.FLX_DOM_ID) { FLX_DOM_ID = (FLX_DOM_ID + 1); node.FLX_DOM_ID = FLX_DOM_ID; node.setAttribute(FLX_DOM_ATTR, node.FLX_DOM_ID); } } function buildSelectorTree(text) { var rules = [], ruletext, rule, match, selector, proptext, splitprop, properties, i, j, x; // Tabs, Returns text = text.replace(WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS, EMPTY_STRING); // Leading / Trailing Whitespace text = text.replace(/\s?(\{|\:|\})\s?/g, PLACEHOLDER_STRING); ruletext = text.split(END_MUSTACHE); for (i in ruletext) { if (ruletext.hasOwnProperty(i)) { text = ruletext[i]; if (text) { rule = [text, END_MUSTACHE].join(EMPTY_STRING); match = (/(\@media[^\{]+\{)?(.*)\{(.*)\}/).exec(rule); if (match && match[3]) { selector = match[2]; proptext = match[3].split(";"); properties = []; for (j in proptext) { if (proptext.hasOwnProperty(j)) { x = proptext[j]; splitprop = x.split(":"); if (splitprop.length && splitprop[1]) { properties.push({ property : splitprop[0], value : splitprop[1] }); } } } if (selector && properties.length) { rules.push({ selector : selector, properties : properties }); } } } } } return rules; } function findFlexboxElements(rules) { var selectors, properties, property, value, shortProp, selectorSplit = /\s?,\s?/, createUniqueObject, addRules, key, uniqueChildren = {}, uniqueBoxes = {}, i, j, rule, k, l, selector, m, n, prop; createUniqueObject = function (selector, rules, prop, value) { var unique, i, j, rule; unique = { selector : trim(selector), properties : [] }; for (i = 0, j = rules.properties.length; i < j; i++) { rule = rules.properties[i]; unique.properties.push({ property : trim(rule.property), value : trim(rule.value) }); } if (prop && value) { unique[prop] = value; } return unique; }; addRules = function (selector, rules, prop, value) { var box = (prop && value) ? uniqueChildren[selector] : uniqueBoxes[selector], exists, x, i, j, rule, k, l; if (box) { for (i = 0, j = rules.properties.length; i < j; i++) { rule = rules.properties[i]; for (k = 0, l = box.properties.length; k < l; k++) { x = box.properties[k]; if (rule.property === x.property) { exists = k; return false; } } if (exists) { box.properties[exists] = rule; } else { box.properties.push(rule); } } if (prop && value) { box[prop] = value; } } else { if (prop && value) { uniqueChildren[selector] = createUniqueObject(selector, rules, prop, value); } else { uniqueBoxes[selector] = createUniqueObject(selector, rules, NULL, NULL); } } }; for (i = 0, j = rules.length; i < j; i++) { rule = rules[i]; selectors = trim(rule.selector).replace(selectorSplit, ",").split(selectorSplit); for (k = 0, l = selectors.length; k < l; k++) { selector = trim(selectors[k]); properties = rule.properties; for (m = 0, n = properties.length; m < n; m++) { prop = properties[m]; property = trim(prop.property); value = trim(prop.value); if (property) { shortProp = property.replace("box-", EMPTY_STRING); switch (shortProp) { case "display" : if (value === "box") { addRules(selector, rule, NULL, NULL); } break; case "orient" : case "align" : case "direction" : case "pack" : addRules(selector, rule, NULL, NULL); break; case "flex" : case "flex-group" : case "ordinal-group" : addRules(selector, rule, shortProp, value); break; } } } } } for (key in uniqueBoxes) { if (uniqueBoxes.hasOwnProperty(key)) { FLEX_BOXES.push(uniqueBoxes[key]); } } for (key in uniqueChildren) { if (uniqueChildren.hasOwnProperty(key)) { POSSIBLE_FLEX_CHILDREN.push(uniqueChildren[key]); } } return { boxes : FLEX_BOXES, children : POSSIBLE_FLEX_CHILDREN }; } function matchFlexChildren(parent, lib, possibleChildren) { var caller, unique, matches = [], i, j, child, k, l, node, key; for (i = 0, j = possibleChildren.length; i < j; i++) { child = possibleChildren[i]; if (child.selector) { caller = lib(child.selector); caller = caller[0] ? caller : [caller]; if (caller[0]) { for (k = 0, l = caller.length; k < l; k++) { node = caller[k]; if (node.nodeName !== UNDEFINED) { switch (node.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { case "script" : case "style" : case "link" : break; default : if (node.parentNode === parent) { // Flag each unique node with FLX_DOM_ID setFlexieId(node); unique = {}; for (key in child) { if (child.hasOwnProperty(key)) { unique[key] = child[key]; } } unique.match = node; matches.push(unique); } break; } } } } } else { // Flag each unique node with FLX_DOM_ID setFlexieId(child); matches.push({ match : child, selector : buildSelector(child) }); } } return matches; } function getParams(params) { var key; for (key in params) { if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) { params[key] = params[key] || DEFAULTS[key]; } } return params; } function buildFlexieCall(flexers) { var selector, properties, property, value, shortProp, display, orient, align, direction, pack, lib, caller, children, box, params, flexboxes = {}, match, childMatch, nestedFlexboxes, flexieParentSelector = "[" + FLX_PARENT_ATTR + "]", i, j, flex, k, l, prop, target, key, m, n, child, o, p, existing; // No boxflex? No dice. if (!flexers) { return; } for (i = 0, j = flexers.boxes.length; i < j; i++) { flex = flexers.boxes[i]; flex.selector = trim(flex.selector); selector = flex.selector; properties = flex.properties; display = orient = align = direction = pack = NULL; for (k = 0, l = properties.length; k < l; k++) { prop = properties[k]; property = trim(prop.property); value = trim(prop.value); if (property) { shortProp = property.replace("box-", EMPTY_STRING); switch (shortProp) { case "display" : if (value === "box") { display = value; } break; case "orient" : orient = value; break; case "align" : align = value; break; case "direction" : direction = value; break; case "pack" : pack = value; break; } } } // Determine library lib = LIBRARY; // Call it. caller = lib(flex.selector); // In an array? caller = caller[0] ? caller : [caller]; for (k = 0, l = caller.length; k < l; k++) { target = caller[k]; // If is DOM object if (target.nodeType) { // Flag each unique node with FLX_DOM_ID setFlexieId(target); // Find possible child node matches children = matchFlexChildren(target, lib, flexers.children); // Find any nested flexbox elements nestedFlexboxes = selector + " " + flexieParentSelector; // Make sure there is some value associated with box properties params = { target : target, selector : selector, properties : properties, children : children, display : display, orient : orient, align : align, direction: direction, pack : pack, nested : nestedFlexboxes }; match = flexboxes[target.FLX_DOM_ID]; if (match) { for (key in params) { if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) { value = params[key]; switch (key) { case "selector" : if (value && !(new RegExp(value).test(match[key]))) { match[key] += ", " + value; } break; case "children" : for (m = 0, n = params[key].length; m < n; m++) { child = params[key][m]; childMatch = FALSE; for (o = 0, p = match[key].length; o < p; o++) { existing = match[key][o]; if (child.match.FLX_DOM_ID === existing.match.FLX_DOM_ID) { childMatch = TRUE; } } if (!childMatch) { match[key].push(child); } } break; default : if (value) { match[key] = value; } break; } } } } else { flexboxes[target.FLX_DOM_ID] = getParams(params); flexboxes[target.FLX_DOM_ID].target.setAttribute(FLX_PARENT_ATTR, TRUE); } } } } DOM_ORDERED = LIBRARY(flexieParentSelector); FLEX_BOXES = {}; for (i = 0, j = DOM_ORDERED.length; i < j; i++) { target = DOM_ORDERED[i]; FLEX_BOXES[target.FLX_DOM_ID] = flexboxes[target.FLX_DOM_ID]; } // Loop through each match, initialize constructor for (key in FLEX_BOXES) { if (FLEX_BOXES.hasOwnProperty(key)) { flex = FLEX_BOXES[key]; // One final check to ensure each flexbox has a display property if (flex.display === "box") { // Constructor box = new FLX.box(flex); } } } } function calcPx(element, props, dir) { var dim = dir.replace(dir.charAt(0), dir.charAt(0).toUpperCase()), value = element["offset" + dim] || 0, i, j, prop; if (value) { for (i = 0, j = props.length; i < j; i++) { prop = parseFloat(element.currentStyle[props[i]]); if (!isNaN(prop)) { value -= prop; } } } return value; } function getTrueValue(element, name) { var left, rsLeft, ret = element.currentStyle && element.currentStyle[name], style = element.style; if (!PIXEL.test(ret) && NUMBER.test(ret)) { // Remember the original values left = style.left; rsLeft = element.runtimeStyle.left; // Put in the new values to get a computed value out element.runtimeStyle.left = element.currentStyle.left; style.left = ret || 0; ret = style.pixelLeft + "px"; // Revert the changed values style.left = left || 0; element.runtimeStyle.left = rsLeft; } return ret; } function unAuto(element, prop, name) { var props; switch (name) { case "width" : props = [PADDING_LEFT, PADDING_RIGHT, BORDER_LEFT, BORDER_RIGHT]; prop = calcPx(element, props, name); break; case "height" : props = [PADDING_TOP, PADDING_BOTTOM, BORDER_TOP, BORDER_BOTTOM]; prop = calcPx(element, props, name); break; default : prop = getTrueValue(element, name); break; } return prop; } function getPixelValue(element, prop, name) { if (PIXEL.test(prop)) { return prop; } // if property is auto, do some messy appending if (prop === "auto" || prop === "medium") { prop = unAuto(element, prop, name); } else { prop = getTrueValue(element, name); } return prop; } function getComputedStyle(element, property, returnAsInt) { var value; if (element === UNDEFINED) { return; } if (win.getComputedStyle) { value = win.getComputedStyle(element, NULL)[property]; } else { if (SIZES.test(property)) { value = getPixelValue(element, (element && element.currentStyle) ? element.currentStyle[property] : 0, property); } else { value = element.currentStyle[property]; } } if (returnAsInt) { value = parseInt(value, 10); if (isNaN(value)) { value = 0; } } return value; } function clientWidth(element) { return element.innerWidth || element.clientWidth; } function clientHeight(element) { return element.innerHeight || element.clientHeight; } function appendProperty(target, prop, value, prefixName) { var cssText = [], i, j, prefix; for (i = 0, j = PREFIXES.length; i < j; i++) { prefix = PREFIXES[i]; cssText.push((prefixName ? prefix : EMPTY_STRING) + prop + ":" + (!prefixName ? prefix : EMPTY_STRING) + value); } target.style.cssText += cssText.join(";"); return target; } function appendPixelValue(target, prop, value) { var targets = target && target[0] ? target : [target], i, j; for (i = 0, j = targets.length; i < j; i++) { target = targets[i]; if (target && target.style) { target.style[prop] = (value ? (value + "px") : EMPTY_STRING); } } } function calculateSpecificity (selector) { var selectorGrid, matrix, total, i, j, chunk; selectorGrid = selector.replace(CSS_SELECTOR, function (e, f) { return "%" + f; }).replace(/\s|\>|\+|\~/g, "%").split(/%/g); matrix = { _id : 100, _class : 10, _tag : 1 }; // Start with rule index position total = 0; // Add each selector value to total. for (i = 0, j = selectorGrid.length; i < j; i++) { chunk = selectorGrid[i]; if ((/#/).test(chunk)) { total += matrix._id; } else if ((/\.|\[|\:/).test(chunk)) { total += matrix._class; } else if ((/[a-zA-Z]+/).test(chunk)) { total += matrix._tag; } } return total; } function filterDuplicates (matches, children, type) { var filteredMatches = [], exists, spec = (type ? "ordinal" : "flex") + "Specificity", i, j, x, k, l, f; for (i = 0, j = matches.length; i < j; i++) { x = matches[i]; if ((!type && x.flex) || (type && x["ordinal-group"])) { x[spec] = x[spec] || calculateSpecificity(x.selector); exists = FALSE; for (k = 0, l = filteredMatches.length; k < l; k++) { f = filteredMatches[k]; if (f.match === x.match) { if (f[spec] < x[spec]) { filteredMatches[j] = x; } exists = TRUE; return FALSE; } } if (!exists) { filteredMatches.push(x); } } } return filteredMatches; } function createMatchMatrix(matches, children, type) { var groups = {}, keys = [], totalRatio = 0, group, order = "ordinal-group", BoxOrdinalAttr = "data-" + order, i, j, kid, k, l, x, key; // Filter dupes matches = filterDuplicates(matches, children, type); for (i = 0, j = children.length; i < j; i++) { kid = children[i]; for (k = 0, l = matches.length; k < l; k++) { x = matches[k]; if (type) { // If no value declared, it's the default. group = x[order] || "1"; if (x.match === kid) { x.match.setAttribute(BoxOrdinalAttr, group); groups[group] = groups[group] || []; groups[group].push(x); } } else { // If no value declared, it's the default. group = x.flex || "0"; if (x.match === kid && (!x[group] || (x[group] && parseInt(x[group], 10) <= 1))) { totalRatio += parseInt(group, 10); groups[group] = groups[group] || []; groups[group].push(x); } } } if (type && !kid.getAttribute(BoxOrdinalAttr)) { group = "1"; kid.setAttribute(BoxOrdinalAttr, group); groups[group] = groups[group] || []; groups[group].push({ match : kid }); } } for (key in groups) { if (groups.hasOwnProperty(key)) { keys.push(key); } } keys.sort(function (a, b) { return b - a; }); return { keys : keys, groups : groups, total : totalRatio }; } function attachResizeListener(construct, params) { if (!RESIZE_LISTENER) { var storedWidth, storedHeight, currentWidth, currentHeight, docBody = doc.body, docEl = doc.documentElement, resizeTimer, innerWidth = "innerWidth", innerHeight = "innerHeight", clientWidth = "clientWidth", clientHeight = "clientHeight"; addEvent("resize", function () { if (resizeTimer) { window.clearTimeout(resizeTimer); } resizeTimer = window.setTimeout(function () { currentWidth = win[innerWidth] || docEl[innerWidth] || docEl[clientWidth] || docBody[clientWidth]; currentHeight = win[innerHeight] || docEl[innerHeight] || docEl[clientHeight] || docBody[clientHeight]; if (storedWidth !== currentWidth || storedHeight !== currentHeight) { FLX.updateInstance(NULL, NULL); storedWidth = currentWidth; storedHeight = currentHeight; } }, 250); }); RESIZE_LISTENER = TRUE; } } function cleanPositioningProperties (children) { var i, j, kid, w, h; for (i = 0, j = children.length; i < j; i++) { kid = children[i]; w = kid.style.width; h = kid.style.height; kid.style.cssText = EMPTY_STRING; kid.style.width = w; kid.style.height = h; } } function sanitizeChildren (target, nodes) { var children = [], node, i, j; for (i = 0, j = nodes.length; i < j; i++) { node = nodes[i]; if (node) { switch (node.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { case "script" : case "style" : case "link" : break; default : if (node.nodeType === 1) { children.push(node); } else if ((node.nodeType === 3) && (node.isElementContentWhitespace || (ONLY_WHITESPACE).test(node.data))) { target.removeChild(node); i--; } break; } } } return children; } function parentFlex (target) { var totalFlex = 0, parent = target.parentNode, obj, matrix, isNested; while (parent.FLX_DOM_ID) { obj = FLEX_BOXES[parent.FLX_DOM_ID]; matrix = createMatchMatrix(obj.children, sanitizeChildren(parent, parent.childNodes), NULL); totalFlex += matrix.total; isNested = TRUE; parent = parent.parentNode; } return { nested : isNested, flex : totalFlex }; } function dimensionValues (target, prop) { var parent = target.parentNode, obj, dimension, i, j, rule; if (parent.FLX_DOM_ID) { obj = FLEX_BOXES[parent.FLX_DOM_ID]; for (i = 0, j = obj.properties.length; i < j; i++) { rule = obj.properties[i]; if ((new RegExp(prop)).test(rule.property)) { dimension = TRUE; return FALSE; } } } return dimension; } function updateChildValues (params) { var i, j, x; if (params.flexMatrix) { for (i = 0, j = params.children.length; i < j; i++) { x = params.children[i]; x.flex = params.flexMatrix[i]; } } if (params.ordinalMatrix) { for (i = 0, j = params.children.length; i < j; i++) { x = params.children[i]; x["ordinal-group"] = params.ordinalMatrix[i]; } } return params; } function ensureStructuralIntegrity (params, instance) { var target = params.target; if (!target.FLX_DOM_ID) { target.FLX_DOM_ID = target.FLX_DOM_ID || (++FLX_DOM_ID); } if (!params.nodes) { params.nodes = sanitizeChildren(target, target.childNodes); } if (!params.selector) { params.selector = buildSelector(target); target.setAttribute(FLX_PARENT_ATTR, TRUE); } if (!params.properties) { params.properties = []; } if (!params.children) { params.children = matchFlexChildren(target, LIBRARY, sanitizeChildren(target, target.childNodes)); } if (!params.nested) { params.nested = params.selector + " [" + FLX_PARENT_ATTR + "]"; } params.target = target; params._instance = instance; return params; } selectivizrEngine = (function () { var RE_COMMENT = /(\/\*[^*]*\*+([^\/][^*]*\*+)*\/)\s*?/g, RE_IMPORT = /@import\s*(?:(?:(?:url\(\s*(['"]?)(.*)\1)\s*\))|(?:(['"])(.*)\3))\s*([^;]*);/g, RE_ASSET_URL = /(behavior\s*?:\s*)?\burl\(\s*(["']?)(?!data:)([^"')]+)\2\s*\)/g, RE_SELECTOR_GROUP = /((?:^|(?:\s*\})+)(?:\s*@media[^\{]+\{)?)\s*([^\{]*?[\[:][^{]+)/g, // Whitespace normalization regexp's RE_TIDY_TRAILING_WHITESPACE = /([(\[+~])\s+/g, RE_TIDY_LEADING_WHITESPACE = /\s+([)\]+~])/g, RE_TIDY_CONSECUTIVE_WHITESPACE = /\s+/g, RE_TIDY_TRIM_WHITESPACE = /^\s*((?:[\S\s]*\S)?)\s*$/; // --[ trim() ]--------------------------------------------------------- // removes leading, trailing whitespace from a string function trim(text) { return text.replace(RE_TIDY_TRIM_WHITESPACE, PLACEHOLDER_STRING); } // --[ normalizeWhitespace() ]------------------------------------------ // removes leading, trailing and consecutive whitespace from a string function normalizeWhitespace(text) { return trim(text).replace(RE_TIDY_CONSECUTIVE_WHITESPACE, SPACE_STRING); } // --[ normalizeSelectorWhitespace() ]---------------------------------- // tidys whitespace around selector brackets and combinators function normalizeSelectorWhitespace(selectorText) { return normalizeWhitespace(selectorText.replace(RE_TIDY_TRAILING_WHITESPACE, PLACEHOLDER_STRING).replace(RE_TIDY_LEADING_WHITESPACE, PLACEHOLDER_STRING)); } // --[ patchStyleSheet() ]---------------------------------------------- // Scans the passed cssText for selectors that require emulation and // creates one or more patches for each matched selector. function patchStyleSheet(cssText) { return cssText.replace(RE_SELECTOR_GROUP, function (m, prefix, selectorText) { var selectorGroups, selector, i, j, group; selectorGroups = selectorText.split(","); for (i = 0, j = selectorGroups.length; i < j; i++) { group = selectorGroups[i]; selector = normalizeSelectorWhitespace(group) + SPACE_STRING; } return prefix + selectorGroups.join(","); }); } // --[ getXHRObject() ]------------------------------------------------- function getXHRObject() { if (win.XMLHttpRequest) { return new win.XMLHttpRequest(); } try { return new win.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { return NULL; } } function parseInlineStyles ( text ) { var reg = /]*>([^<>]*)<\/style[\s]?>/img, match = reg.exec(text), stylesheets = [], rawCSSText; while (match) { rawCSSText = match[1]; if (rawCSSText) { stylesheets.push(rawCSSText); } match = reg.exec(text); } return stylesheets.join("\n\n"); } // --[ loadStyleSheet() ]----------------------------------------------- function loadStyleSheet(url) { var xhr = getXHRObject(), responseText; xhr.open("GET", url, FALSE); xhr.send(); responseText = (xhr.status === 200) ? xhr.responseText : EMPTY_STRING; if (url === window.location.href) { responseText = parseInlineStyles(responseText); } return responseText; } // --[ resolveUrl() ]--------------------------------------------------- // Converts a URL fragment to a fully qualified URL using the specified // context URL. Returns null if same-origin policy is broken function resolveUrl(url, contextUrl) { // IE9 returns a false positive sometimes(?) if (!url) { return; } function getProtocolAndHost(url) { return url.substring(0, url.indexOf("/", 8)); } // absolute path if (PROTOCOL.test(url)) { return getProtocolAndHost(contextUrl) === getProtocolAndHost(url) ? url : NULL; } // root-relative path if (url.charAt(0) === "/") { return getProtocolAndHost(contextUrl) + url; } // relative path var contextUrlPath = contextUrl.split("?")[0]; // ignore query string in the contextUrl if (url.charAt(0) !== "?" && contextUrlPath.charAt(contextUrlPath.length - 1) !== "/") { contextUrlPath = contextUrlPath.substring(0, contextUrlPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } return contextUrlPath + url; } // --[ parseStyleSheet() ]---------------------------------------------- // Downloads the stylesheet specified by the URL, removes it's comments // and recursivly replaces @import rules with their contents, ultimately // returning the full cssText. function parseStyleSheet( url ) { if (url) { return loadStyleSheet(url).replace(RE_COMMENT, EMPTY_STRING). replace(RE_IMPORT, function( match, quoteChar, importUrl, quoteChar2, importUrl2, media ) { var cssText = parseStyleSheet(resolveUrl(importUrl || importUrl2, url)); return (media) ? "@media " + media + " {" + cssText + "}" : cssText; }). replace(RE_ASSET_URL, function( match, isBehavior, quoteChar, assetUrl ) { quoteChar = quoteChar || EMPTY_STRING; return isBehavior ? match : " url(" + quoteChar + resolveUrl(assetUrl, url, true) + quoteChar + ") "; }); } return EMPTY_STRING; } // --[ init() ]--------------------------------------------------------- return function () { // honour the tag var url, stylesheets = [], stylesheet, i, j, baseTags = doc.getElementsByTagName("BASE"), baseUrl = (baseTags.length > 0) ? baseTags[0].href : doc.location.href, externalStyles = doc.styleSheets, cssText, tree, flexers; for (i = 0, j = externalStyles.length; i < j; i++) { stylesheet = externalStyles[i]; if (stylesheet != NULL) { stylesheets.push(stylesheet); } } // Add self to test for inline styles stylesheets.push(window.location); for (i = 0, j = stylesheets.length; i < j; i++) { stylesheet = stylesheets[i]; if (stylesheet) { url = resolveUrl(stylesheet.href, baseUrl); if (url) { cssText = patchStyleSheet(parseStyleSheet(url)); } if (cssText) { tree = buildSelectorTree(cssText); flexers = findFlexboxElements(tree); } } } buildFlexieCall(flexers); }; }()); // Flexie box constructor FLX.box = function (params) { return this.renderModel(params); }; FLX.box.prototype = { properties : { boxModel : function (target, children, params) { var selectors, stylesheet, paddingFix, generatedRules, i, j, selector; target.style.display = "block"; if (BROWSER.IE === 8) { target.style.overflow = "hidden"; } // We'll be using floats, so the easiest way to retain layout // is the dreaded clear fix: if (!params.cleared) { selectors = params.selector.split(/\s?,\s?/); stylesheet = doc.styleSheets; stylesheet = stylesheet[stylesheet.length - 1]; paddingFix = "padding-top:" + (getComputedStyle(target, PADDING_TOP, NULL) || "0.1px;"); generatedRules = [ "content: '.'", "display: block", "height: 0", "overflow: hidden" ].join(";"); for (i = 0, j = selectors.length; i < j; i++) { selector = selectors[i]; if (stylesheet.addRule) { if (BROWSER.IE < 8) { target.style.zoom = "1"; if (BROWSER.IE === 6) { stylesheet.addRule(selector.replace(/\>|\+|\~/g, ""), paddingFix + "zoom:1;", 0); } else if (BROWSER.IE === 7) { stylesheet.addRule(selector, paddingFix + "display:inline-block;", 0); } } else { stylesheet.addRule(selector, paddingFix, 0); stylesheet.addRule(selector + ":before", generatedRules, 0); stylesheet.addRule(selector + ":after", generatedRules + ";clear:both;", 0); } } else if (stylesheet.insertRule) { stylesheet.insertRule(selector + "{" + paddingFix + "}", 0); stylesheet.insertRule(selector + ":after{" + generatedRules + ";clear:both;}", 0); } } params.cleared = TRUE; } }, boxDirection : function (target, children, params) { var nestedSelector, nested, i, j, kid, node; if ((params.direction === "reverse" && !params.reversed) || (params.direction === "normal" && params.reversed)) { children = children.reverse(); for (i = 0, j = children.length; i < j; i++) { kid = children[i]; target.appendChild(kid); } // box-direction is inheritable. // We need to see if there are any nested flexbox elements nestedSelector = LIBRARY(params.nested); for (i = 0, j = nestedSelector.length; i < j; i++) { node = nestedSelector[i]; nested = FLEX_BOXES[node.FLX_DOM_ID]; if (nested && nested.direction === INHERIT) { nested.direction = params.direction; } } params.reversed = !params.reversed; } }, boxOrient : function (target, children, params) { var self = this, wide, high, i, j, kid; wide = { pos : "marginLeft", opp : "marginRight", dim : "width", out : "offsetWidth", func : clientWidth, pad : [PADDING_LEFT, PADDING_RIGHT, BORDER_LEFT, BORDER_RIGHT] }; high = { pos : "marginTop", opp : "marginBottom", dim : "height", out : "offsetHeight", func : clientHeight, pad : [PADDING_TOP, PADDING_BOTTOM, BORDER_TOP, BORDER_BOTTOM] }; if (!SUPPORT) { for (i = 0, j = children.length; i < j; i++) { kid = children[i]; kid.style[(BROWSER.IE >= 9) ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat"] = LEFT; if (params.orient === VERTICAL || params.orient === BLOCK_AXIS) { kid.style.clear = LEFT; } if (BROWSER.IE === 6) { kid.style.display = "inline"; } } } switch (params.orient) { case VERTICAL : case BLOCK_AXIS: self.props = high; self.anti = wide; break; default : self.props = wide; self.anti = high; break; } }, boxOrdinalGroup : function (target, children, params) { var organizeChildren, matrix; if (!children.length) { return; } organizeChildren = function (matrix) { var keys = matrix.keys, iterator = params.reversed ? keys : keys.reverse(), i, j, key, k, l, kid; for (i = 0, j = iterator.length; i < j; i++) { key = iterator[i]; for (k = 0, l = children.length; k < l; k++) { kid = children[k]; if (key === kid.getAttribute("data-ordinal-group")) { target.appendChild(kid); } } } }; matrix = createMatchMatrix(params.children, children, TRUE); if (matrix.keys.length > 1) { organizeChildren(matrix); } }, boxFlex : function (target, children, params) { var self = this, testForRestrictiveProperties, findTotalWhitespace, distributeRatio, matrix, restrict, whitespace, distro; if (!children.length) { return; } testForRestrictiveProperties = function (matrix) { var flexers = matrix.groups, keys = matrix.keys, max, i, j, key, k, l, x, m, n, rule; for (i = 0, j = keys.length; i < j; i++) { key = keys[i]; for (k = 0, l = flexers[key].length; k < l; k++) { x = flexers[key][k]; max = NULL; for (m = 0, n = x.properties.length; m < n; m++) { rule = x.properties[m]; if ((RESTRICTIVE_PROPERTIES).test(rule.property)) { max = parseFloat(rule.value); } } if (!max || x.match[self.props.out] > max) { appendPixelValue(x.match, self.props.pos, NULL); } } } }; findTotalWhitespace = function (matrix) { var groupDimension = 0, whitespace, ration, i, j, kid, k, l, pad; for (i = 0, j = children.length; i < j; i++) { kid = children[i]; groupDimension += getComputedStyle(kid, self.props.dim, TRUE); for (k = 0, l = self.props.pad.length; k < l; k++) { pad = self.props.pad[k]; groupDimension += getComputedStyle(kid, pad, TRUE); } groupDimension += getComputedStyle(kid, self.props.pos, TRUE); groupDimension += getComputedStyle(kid, self.props.opp, TRUE); } whitespace = target[self.props.out] - groupDimension; for (i = 0, j = self.props.pad.length; i < j; i++) { pad = self.props.pad[i]; whitespace -= getComputedStyle(target, pad, TRUE); } ration = (whitespace / matrix.total); return { whitespace : whitespace, ration : ration }; }; distributeRatio = function (matrix, whitespace) { var flexers = matrix.groups, keys = matrix.keys, flex, specificity, ration = whitespace.ration, widthRation, trueDim, newDimension, i, j, key, k, l, x; for (i = 0, j = keys.length; i < j; i++) { key = keys[i]; widthRation = (ration * key); for (k = 0, l = flexers[key].length; k < l; k++) { x = flexers[key][k]; if (x.match) { flex = x.match.getAttribute("data-flex"); specificity = x.match.getAttribute("data-specificity"); if (!flex || (specificity <= x.flexSpecificity)) { x.match.setAttribute("data-flex", key); x.match.setAttribute("data-specificity", x.flexSpecificity); trueDim = getComputedStyle(x.match, self.props.dim, TRUE); newDimension = Math.max(0, (trueDim + widthRation)); appendPixelValue(x.match, self.props.dim, newDimension); } } } } }; matrix = createMatchMatrix(params.children, children, NULL); if (matrix.total) { params.hasFlex = TRUE; restrict = testForRestrictiveProperties(matrix); whitespace = findTotalWhitespace(matrix); // Distribute the calculated ratios among the children distro = distributeRatio(matrix, whitespace); } }, boxAlign : function (target, children, params) { var self = this, targetDimension, kidDimension, flexCheck = parentFlex(target), i, j, pad, k, l, kid; if (!SUPPORT && !flexCheck.flex && (params.orient === VERTICAL || params.orient === BLOCK_AXIS)) { if (!dimensionValues(target, self.anti.dim)) { appendPixelValue(target, self.anti.dim, NULL); } appendPixelValue(children, self.anti.dim, NULL); } // Remove padding / border from target dimension targetDimension = target[self.anti.out]; for (i = 0, j = self.anti.pad.length; i < j; i++) { pad = self.anti.pad[i]; targetDimension -= getComputedStyle(target, pad, TRUE); } switch (params.align) { case "start" : break; case "end" : for (i = 0, j = children.length; i < j; i++) { kid = children[i]; kidDimension = targetDimension - kid[self.anti.out]; kidDimension -= getComputedStyle(kid, self.anti.opp, TRUE); appendPixelValue(kid, self.anti.pos, kidDimension); } break; case "center" : for (i = 0, j = children.length; i < j; i++) { kid = children[i]; kidDimension = (targetDimension - kid[self.anti.out]) / 2; appendPixelValue(kid, self.anti.pos, kidDimension); } break; default : for (i = 0, j = children.length; i < j; i++) { kid = children[i]; switch (kid.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { case "button" : case "input" : case "select" : break; default : var subtract = 0; for (k = 0, l = self.anti.pad.length; k < l; k++) { pad = self.anti.pad[k]; subtract += getComputedStyle(kid, pad, TRUE); subtract += getComputedStyle(target, pad, TRUE); } kid.style[self.anti.dim] = "100%"; kidDimension = kid[self.anti.out] - subtract; appendPixelValue(kid, self.anti.dim, NULL); kidDimension = targetDimension; kidDimension -= getComputedStyle(kid, self.anti.pos, TRUE); for (k = 0, l = self.anti.pad.length; k < l; k++) { pad = self.anti.pad[k]; kidDimension -= getComputedStyle(kid, pad, TRUE); } kidDimension -= getComputedStyle(kid, self.anti.opp, TRUE); kidDimension = Math.max(0, kidDimension); appendPixelValue(kid, self.anti.dim, kidDimension); break; } } break; } }, boxPack : function (target, children, params) { var self = this, groupDimension = 0, firstComputedMargin = 0, targetPadding = 0, totalDimension, fractionedDimension, currentDimension, remainder, length = children.length - 1, kid, i, j, value, pad; for (i = 0, j = children.length; i < j; i++) { kid = children[i]; groupDimension += kid[self.props.out]; groupDimension += getComputedStyle(kid, self.props.pos, TRUE); groupDimension += getComputedStyle(kid, self.props.opp, TRUE); } firstComputedMargin = getComputedStyle(children[0], self.props.pos, TRUE); totalDimension = target[self.props.out] - groupDimension; // Remove padding / border from target dimension for (i = 0, j = self.props.pad.length; i < j; i++) { pad = self.props.pad[i]; totalDimension -= getComputedStyle(target, pad, TRUE); } // If totalDimension is less than 0, we have a problem... if (totalDimension < 0) { totalDimension = Math.max(0, totalDimension); } switch (params.pack) { case "end" : appendPixelValue(children[0], self.props.pos, targetPadding + firstComputedMargin + totalDimension); break; case "center" : if (targetPadding) { targetPadding /= 2; } appendPixelValue(children[0], self.props.pos, targetPadding + firstComputedMargin + Math.floor(totalDimension / 2)); break; case "justify" : fractionedDimension = Math.floor((targetPadding + totalDimension) / length); remainder = (fractionedDimension * length) - totalDimension; i = children.length - 1; while (i) { kid = children[i]; currentDimension = fractionedDimension; if (remainder) { currentDimension++; remainder++; } value = getComputedStyle(kid, self.props.pos, TRUE) + currentDimension; appendPixelValue(kid, self.props.pos, value); i--; } break; } target.style.overflow = ""; } }, setup : function (target, children, params) { var self = this, matrix, flexCheck, key, func; if (!target || !children || !params) { return; } if (SUPPORT && SUPPORT.partialSupport) { matrix = createMatchMatrix(params.children, children, NULL); flexCheck = parentFlex(target); children = sanitizeChildren(target, target.childNodes); self.properties.boxOrient.call(self, target, children, params); if (!matrix.total || !LIBRARY(params.nested).length) { if ((params.align === "stretch") && !SUPPORT.boxAlignStretch && (!flexCheck.nested || !flexCheck.flex)) { self.properties.boxAlign.call(self, target, children, params); } if ((params.pack === "justify") && !SUPPORT.boxPackJustify && !matrix.total) { self.properties.boxPack.call(self, target, children, params); } } } else if (!SUPPORT) { for (key in self.properties) { if (self.properties.hasOwnProperty(key)) { func = self.properties[key]; func.call(self, target, sanitizeChildren(target, target.childNodes), params); } } } }, trackDOM : function (params) { attachResizeListener(this, params); }, updateModel : function (params) { var self = this, target = params.target, children = params.nodes; // Null properties cleanPositioningProperties(children); if (params.flexMatrix || params.ordinalMatrix) { params = updateChildValues(params); } self.setup(target, children, params); self.bubbleUp(target, params); }, renderModel : function (params) { var self = this, target = params.target, nodes = target.childNodes; // Sanity check. if (!target.length && !nodes) { return false; } params = ensureStructuralIntegrity(params, this); // Setup properties self.updateModel(params); // Resize / DOM Polling Events // Delay for an instant because IE6 is insane. win.setTimeout(function () { self.trackDOM(params); }, 0); return self; }, bubbleUp : function (target, params) { var self = this, flex, parent = params.target.parentNode; while (parent) { flex = FLEX_BOXES[parent.FLX_DOM_ID]; if (flex) { cleanPositioningProperties(flex.nodes); self.setup(flex.target, flex.nodes, flex); } parent = parent.parentNode; } } }; FLX.updateInstance = function (target, params) { var box, key; if (target) { box = FLEX_BOXES[target.FLX_DOM_ID]; if (box && box._instance) { box._instance.updateModel(box); } else if (!box) { box = new FLX.box(params); } } else { for (key in FLEX_BOXES) { if (FLEX_BOXES.hasOwnProperty(key)) { box = FLEX_BOXES[key]; if (box && box._instance) { box._instance.updateModel(box); } } } } }; FLX.getInstance = function (target) { return FLEX_BOXES[target.FLX_DOM_ID]; }; FLX.destroyInstance = function (target) { var box, destroy, i, j, x, key; destroy = function (box) { box.target.FLX_DOM_ID = NULL; box.target.style.cssText = EMPTY_STRING; for (i = 0, j = box.children.length; i < j; i++) { x = box.children[i]; x.match.style.cssText = EMPTY_STRING; } }; if (target) { box = FLEX_BOXES[target.FLX_DOM_ID]; if (box) { destroy(box); } } else { for (key in FLEX_BOXES) { if (FLEX_BOXES.hasOwnProperty(key)) { destroy(FLEX_BOXES[key]); } } FLEX_BOXES = []; } }; FLX.flexboxSupport = function () { var partialSupportGrid = {}, height = 100, childHeight, dummy = doc.createElement("flxbox"), child = '', tests, result, key, value; dummy.style.width = dummy.style.height = height + "px"; dummy.innerHTML = (child + child + child); appendProperty(dummy, "display", "box", NULL); appendProperty(dummy, "box-align", "stretch", TRUE); appendProperty(dummy, "box-pack", "justify", TRUE); doc.body.appendChild(dummy); childHeight = dummy.firstChild.offsetHeight; tests = { boxAlignStretch : function () { return (childHeight === 100); }, boxPackJustify : function () { var totalOffset = 0, i, j; for (i = 0, j = dummy.childNodes.length; i < j; i++) { totalOffset += dummy.childNodes[i].offsetLeft; } return (totalOffset === 135); } }; for (key in tests) { if (tests.hasOwnProperty(key)) { value = tests[key]; result = value(); if (!result) { partialSupportGrid.partialSupport = TRUE; } partialSupportGrid[key] = result; } } doc.body.removeChild(dummy); return ~ (dummy.style.display).indexOf("box") ? partialSupportGrid : FALSE; }; FLX.init = function () { FLX.flexboxSupported = SUPPORT = FLX.flexboxSupport(); if ((!SUPPORT || SUPPORT.partialSupport) && LIBRARY) { selectivizrEngine(); } }; // Flexie Version FLX.version = "1.0.3"; // Load when the DOM is ready attachLoadMethod(FLX.init); return FLX; }(this, document));