// ==UserScript== // @name Image Extensions // @description Expand images nicely // @namespace dnsev // @version 3.0.4 // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_listValues // @run-at document-start // @icon  // @include http://boards.4chan.org/* // @include https://boards.4chan.org/* // @include http://boards.4channel.org/* // @include https://boards.4channel.org/* // @include http://i.4cdn.org/* // @include https://i.4cdn.org/* // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dnsev/iex/master/builds/iex.meta.js // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dnsev/iex/master/builds/iex.user.js // ==/UserScript== (function () { "use strict"; // Timing function var timing = (function () { var perf, now; if ( (perf = window.performance) && (now = perf.now || perf.mozNow || perf.msNow || perf.oNow || perf.webkitNow) ) { return function () { return now.call(perf); }; } else { perf = null; now = null; return function () { return new Date().getTime(); }; } })(); // Variables var doc = document, doc_el = doc.documentElement, user_agent = navigator.userAgent.toString(), is_firefox = (user_agent.indexOf("Firefox") >= 0), is_chrome = (user_agent.indexOf(" Chrome/") >= 0), is_opera = (!is_firefox && !is_chrome && user_agent.indexOf("MSIE") < 0), userscript = {"include":["http://boards.4chan.org/*","https://boards.4chan.org/*","http://boards.4channel.org/*","https://boards.4channel.org/*","http://i.4cdn.org/*","https://i.4cdn.org/*"],"name":"Image Extensions","grant":["GM_getValue","GM_setValue","GM_deleteValue","GM_listValues"],"run-at":"document-start","namespace":"dnsev","updateURL":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dnsev/iex/master/builds/iex.meta.js","downloadURL":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dnsev/iex/master/builds/iex.user.js","version":"3.0.4","icon":"","description":"Expand images nicely"}, api = null, settings = null, sync = null, style = null, hotkey_manager = null, hover = null, image_hover = null, file_link = null, file_view = null; // Failure if (doc_el === null) { console.log("iex failed to start: document.documentElement = " + doc_el + ";"); console.log(doc_el); return; } // Better binding Function.prototype.bind = function (self) { var fn = this; if (arguments.length > 1) { var slice = Array.prototype.slice, push = Array.prototype.push, args = slice.call(arguments, 1); return function () { var full_args = slice.call(args); push.apply(full_args, arguments); return fn.apply(self, full_args); }; } else { return function () { return fn.apply(self, arguments); }; } }; // Helper functions var MutationObserver = (window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver); var wrap_generic_event = function (self, callback) { // Get any extra arguments var extra_args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); // Return the function wrapped return function (event) { // Setup arguments var new_args = [ event , this ], i = 0, im = extra_args.length; for (; i < im; ++i) new_args.push(extra_args[i]); // Run callback return callback.apply(self, new_args); }; }; var wrap_mouseenterleave_event = (function () { // Handle mouseover/mouseout events to make sure the target is correct var on_mouseenterleave_prehandle = function (event, callback, self, extra_args) { // Must check for same parent element var parent = event.relatedTarget; // Error handling try { // Find parents while (parent) { if (parent === this) return; parent = parent.parentNode; } // Setup event arguments var new_args = [ event , this ], i = 0, im = extra_args.length; for (; i < im; ++i) new_args.push(extra_args[i]); // Okay, trigger event return callback.apply(self, new_args); } catch (e) {} }; // Return a wrapping function return function (self, callback) { // Get any extra arguments var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); // Return the function wrapped return function (event) { return on_mouseenterleave_prehandle.call(this, event, callback, self, args); }; }; })(); var add_event_listener = function (list, node, event, callback, capture) { node.addEventListener(event, callback, capture); list.push([node, event, callback, capture]); }; var remove_event_listeners = function (list) { var list_len = list.length, i = 0, li; for (; i < list_len; ++i) { li = list[i]; li[0].removeEventListener(li[1], li[2], li[3]); } }; var stop_event = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return false; }; var get_event_mouse_button = function (event) { // 1=left, 2=middle, 3=right if (event.which) { if (event.which === 1) return 1; else if (event.which === 2) return 2; else if (event.which === 3) return 3; } else { if ((event.button & 1) !== 0) return 1; else if ((event.button & 2) !== 0) return 3; else if ((event.button & 4) !== 0) return 2; } return 0; }; var select_input = function (node, caret_start, caret_end) { var len = (node.value || "").length; // Bound if (caret_start === undefined) { caret_start = 0; caret_end = len; } else if (caret_end === undefined) { if (caret_start < 0) caret_start = 0; else if (caret_start > len) caret_start = len; caret_end = caret_start; } else { if (caret_start < 0) caret_start = 0; else if (caret_start > len) caret_start = len; if (caret_end < caret_start) caret_end = caret_start; else if (caret_end > len) caret_end = len; } // Select if (node.createTextRange) { var range = node.createTextRange(); range.move("character", caret_start); range.select(); } else { if (node.selectionStart) { node.focus(); node.setSelectionRange(caret_start, caret_end); } else { node.focus(); } } }; var $ = function (tag) { return doc.createElement(tag); }; $.node = function (tag, class_name) { var n = doc.createElement(tag); n.className = class_name + style.theme; return n; }; $.node_ns = function (ns, tag, class_name) { var n = doc.createElementNS(ns, tag); n.setAttribute("class", class_name + style.theme); return n; }; $.text = function (text) { return doc.createTextNode(text); }; $.a = function (class_name) { var n = doc.createElement("a"); n.className = class_name + style.theme; return n; }; $.div = function (class_name) { var n = doc.createElement("div"); n.className = class_name + style.theme; return n; }; $.span = function (class_name) { var n = doc.createElement("span"); n.className = class_name + style.theme; return n; }; $.label = function (class_name) { var n = doc.createElement("label"); n.className = class_name + style.theme; return n; }; $.input = function (class_name) { var n = doc.createElement("input"); n.className = class_name + style.theme; return n; }; $.input.check = function (class_name) { var n = doc.createElement("input"); n.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); n.className = class_name + style.theme; return n; }; $.input.text = function (class_name) { var n = doc.createElement("input"); n.setAttribute("type", "text"); n.className = class_name + style.theme; return n; }; $.input.file = function (class_name) { var n = doc.createElement("input"); n.setAttribute("type", "file"); n.className = class_name + style.theme; return n; }; $.input.button = function (class_name) { var n = doc.createElement("input"); n.setAttribute("type", "button"); n.className = class_name + style.theme; return n; }; var crc32 = (function () { var crc_table = new Uint32Array([ //{ 0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xEE0E612C, 0x990951BA, 0x076DC419, 0x706AF48F, 0xE963A535, 0x9E6495A3, 0x0EDB8832, 0x79DCB8A4, 0xE0D5E91E, 0x97D2D988, 0x09B64C2B, 0x7EB17CBD, 0xE7B82D07, 0x90BF1D91, 0x1DB71064, 0x6AB020F2, 0xF3B97148, 0x84BE41DE, 0x1ADAD47D, 0x6DDDE4EB, 0xF4D4B551, 0x83D385C7, 0x136C9856, 0x646BA8C0, 0xFD62F97A, 0x8A65C9EC, 0x14015C4F, 0x63066CD9, 0xFA0F3D63, 0x8D080DF5, 0x3B6E20C8, 0x4C69105E, 0xD56041E4, 0xA2677172, 0x3C03E4D1, 0x4B04D447, 0xD20D85FD, 0xA50AB56B, 0x35B5A8FA, 0x42B2986C, 0xDBBBC9D6, 0xACBCF940, 0x32D86CE3, 0x45DF5C75, 0xDCD60DCF, 0xABD13D59, 0x26D930AC, 0x51DE003A, 0xC8D75180, 0xBFD06116, 0x21B4F4B5, 0x56B3C423, 0xCFBA9599, 0xB8BDA50F, 0x2802B89E, 0x5F058808, 0xC60CD9B2, 0xB10BE924, 0x2F6F7C87, 0x58684C11, 0xC1611DAB, 0xB6662D3D, 0x76DC4190, 0x01DB7106, 0x98D220BC, 0xEFD5102A, 0x71B18589, 0x06B6B51F, 0x9FBFE4A5, 0xE8B8D433, 0x7807C9A2, 0x0F00F934, 0x9609A88E, 0xE10E9818, 0x7F6A0DBB, 0x086D3D2D, 0x91646C97, 0xE6635C01, 0x6B6B51F4, 0x1C6C6162, 0x856530D8, 0xF262004E, 0x6C0695ED, 0x1B01A57B, 0x8208F4C1, 0xF50FC457, 0x65B0D9C6, 0x12B7E950, 0x8BBEB8EA, 0xFCB9887C, 0x62DD1DDF, 0x15DA2D49, 0x8CD37CF3, 0xFBD44C65, 0x4DB26158, 0x3AB551CE, 0xA3BC0074, 0xD4BB30E2, 0x4ADFA541, 0x3DD895D7, 0xA4D1C46D, 0xD3D6F4FB, 0x4369E96A, 0x346ED9FC, 0xAD678846, 0xDA60B8D0, 0x44042D73, 0x33031DE5, 0xAA0A4C5F, 0xDD0D7CC9, 0x5005713C, 0x270241AA, 0xBE0B1010, 0xC90C2086, 0x5768B525, 0x206F85B3, 0xB966D409, 0xCE61E49F, 0x5EDEF90E, 0x29D9C998, 0xB0D09822, 0xC7D7A8B4, 0x59B33D17, 0x2EB40D81, 0xB7BD5C3B, 0xC0BA6CAD, 0xEDB88320, 0x9ABFB3B6, 0x03B6E20C, 0x74B1D29A, 0xEAD54739, 0x9DD277AF, 0x04DB2615, 0x73DC1683, 0xE3630B12, 0x94643B84, 0x0D6D6A3E, 0x7A6A5AA8, 0xE40ECF0B, 0x9309FF9D, 0x0A00AE27, 0x7D079EB1, 0xF00F9344, 0x8708A3D2, 0x1E01F268, 0x6906C2FE, 0xF762575D, 0x806567CB, 0x196C3671, 0x6E6B06E7, 0xFED41B76, 0x89D32BE0, 0x10DA7A5A, 0x67DD4ACC, 0xF9B9DF6F, 0x8EBEEFF9, 0x17B7BE43, 0x60B08ED5, 0xD6D6A3E8, 0xA1D1937E, 0x38D8C2C4, 0x4FDFF252, 0xD1BB67F1, 0xA6BC5767, 0x3FB506DD, 0x48B2364B, 0xD80D2BDA, 0xAF0A1B4C, 0x36034AF6, 0x41047A60, 0xDF60EFC3, 0xA867DF55, 0x316E8EEF, 0x4669BE79, 0xCB61B38C, 0xBC66831A, 0x256FD2A0, 0x5268E236, 0xCC0C7795, 0xBB0B4703, 0x220216B9, 0x5505262F, 0xC5BA3BBE, 0xB2BD0B28, 0x2BB45A92, 0x5CB36A04, 0xC2D7FFA7, 0xB5D0CF31, 0x2CD99E8B, 0x5BDEAE1D, 0x9B64C2B0, 0xEC63F226, 0x756AA39C, 0x026D930A, 0x9C0906A9, 0xEB0E363F, 0x72076785, 0x05005713, 0x95BF4A82, 0xE2B87A14, 0x7BB12BAE, 0x0CB61B38, 0x92D28E9B, 0xE5D5BE0D, 0x7CDCEFB7, 0x0BDBDF21, 0x86D3D2D4, 0xF1D4E242, 0x68DDB3F8, 0x1FDA836E, 0x81BE16CD, 0xF6B9265B, 0x6FB077E1, 0x18B74777, 0x88085AE6, 0xFF0F6A70, 0x66063BCA, 0x11010B5C, 0x8F659EFF, 0xF862AE69, 0x616BFFD3, 0x166CCF45, 0xA00AE278, 0xD70DD2EE, 0x4E048354, 0x3903B3C2, 0xA7672661, 0xD06016F7, 0x4969474D, 0x3E6E77DB, 0xAED16A4A, 0xD9D65ADC, 0x40DF0B66, 0x37D83BF0, 0xA9BCAE53, 0xDEBB9EC5, 0x47B2CF7F, 0x30B5FFE9, 0xBDBDF21C, 0xCABAC28A, 0x53B39330, 0x24B4A3A6, 0xBAD03605, 0xCDD70693, 0x54DE5729, 0x23D967BF, 0xB3667A2E, 0xC4614AB8, 0x5D681B02, 0x2A6F2B94, 0xB40BBE37, 0xC30C8EA1, 0x5A05DF1B, 0x2D02EF8D, ]); //} return function (data) { var crc = (0 ^ (-1)), data_len = data.length, ct = crc_table, i; for (i = 0; i < data_len; ++i) { crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ ct[(crc ^ data[i]) & 0xFF]; } return (crc ^ (-1)) >>> 0; }; })(); // Function for performing actions as soon as possible var on_ready = (function () { // Vars var callbacks = [], check_interval = null, check_interval_time = 250; // Data to store callback and relevant data var Data = function (callback, condition, time_limit) { this.callback = callback; this.condition = condition; this.time_limit = time_limit; }; Data.prototype.delay = function () { var limit = null, condition = this.condition, check; if (this.time_limit) { limit = setTimeout(function () { clearInterval(check); }, this.time_limit * 1000); } check = setInterval(function () { if (condition.call(null)) { clearInterval(check); if (limit !== null) clearTimeout(limit); this.callback.call(null); } }, 20); }; // Check if ready and run callbacks var callback_check = function () { if ( (document.readyState === "interactive" || document.readyState === "complete") && callbacks !== null ) { // Run callbacks var cbs = callbacks, cb_count = cbs.length, cb, i; // Clear callbacks = null; for (i = 0; i < cb_count; ++i) { cb = cbs[i]; if (!cb.condition || cb.condition.call(null)) { cb.callback.call(null); } else { cb.delay(); } } // Clear events and checking interval window.removeEventListener("load", callback_check, false); window.removeEventListener("readystatechange", callback_check, false); if (check_interval !== null) { clearInterval(check_interval); check_interval = null; } // Okay return true; } // Not executed return false; }; // Listen window.addEventListener("load", callback_check, false); window.addEventListener("readystatechange", callback_check, false); // Callback adding function return function (callback, condition, time_limit) { if (callbacks === null) { // Ready to execute if (!condition || condition.call(null)) { callback.call(null); } else { // Delay new Data(callback, condition, time_limit).delay(); } } else { // Delay callbacks.push(new Data(callback, condition, time_limit)); // Set a check interval if (check_interval === null && callback_check() !== true) { check_interval = setInterval(callback_check, check_interval_time); } } }; })(); // Module to manage data saving with an asynchronous paradigm var SaveAsync = (function () { // Storage type var using_localstorage = true, chrome_storage = null; // Check for chrome storage try { chrome_storage = chrome.storage.local || null; } catch (e) { chrome_storage = null; } // Check for GM storage try { if (GM_setValue && GM_getValue && GM_deleteValue && GM_listValues) { using_localstorage = false; } } catch (e) { using_localstorage = true; } // HTML5 storage var decode_value = function (value) { if (value) { try { return JSON.parse(value); } catch (e) {} } return value; }, object_byte_size = function (obj) { // Calculate byte length obj = JSON.stringify(obj); try { // Encode in utf-8 return unescape(encodeURIComponent(obj)).length; } catch (e) { return obj.length; } }, generic_get_value = function (key, callback) { var val = this.getItem(key, null); callback.call(null, decode_value(val)); }, generic_set_value = function (key, value, callback) { this.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value)); if (callback) callback.call(null); }, generic_del_value = function (key, callback) { this.removeItem(key); if (callback) callback.call(null); }, generic_get_keys = function (callback) { var keys = [], key; for (key in this) { keys.push(key); } callback.call(null, keys); }, generic_get_space_used = function (callback) { var size = 0, key; // Create representation for (key in this) { size += object_byte_size(key) + object_byte_size(decode_value(this.getItem(key, null))); } // Return callback.call(null, size); }, w_get_value = generic_get_value.bind(window.localStorage), w_set_value = generic_set_value.bind(window.localStorage), w_del_value = generic_del_value.bind(window.localStorage), w_get_keys = generic_get_keys.bind(window.localStorage), w_get_space_used = generic_get_space_used.bind(window.localStorage), s_get_value = generic_get_value.bind(window.sessionStorage), s_set_value = generic_set_value.bind(window.sessionStorage), s_del_value = generic_del_value.bind(window.sessionStorage), s_get_keys = generic_get_keys.bind(window.sessionStorage), s_get_space_used = generic_get_space_used.bind(window.sessionStorage), get_value, set_value, del_value, get_keys, get_space_used; // Userscript storage if (chrome_storage) { // Chrome storage var get_keys_callback = function (next_callback, obj) { var keys = [], key; for (key in obj) { keys.push(key); } next_callback.call(null, keys); }; var on_get = function (key, callback, value) { callback.call(null, value[key]); }; get_value = function (key, callback) { this.get(key, on_get.bind(null, key, callback)); }.bind(chrome_storage); set_value = function (key, value, callback) { var obj = {}; obj[key] = value; this.set(obj, callback); }.bind(chrome_storage); del_value = function (key, callback) { this.remove(key, callback); }.bind(chrome_storage); get_keys = function (callback) { this.get(null, get_keys_callback.bind(null, callback)); }.bind(chrome_storage); get_space_used = function (callback) { this.getBytesInUse(null, callback); }.bind(chrome_storage); } else if (using_localstorage) { // Local storage get_value = w_get_value; set_value = w_set_value; del_value = w_del_value; get_keys = w_get_keys; get_space_used = w_get_space_used; } else { // GM storage get_value = function (key, callback) { var val = GM_getValue(key, null); callback.call(null, decode_value(val)); }; set_value = function (key, value, callback) { GM_setValue(key, JSON.stringify(value)); if (callback) callback.call(null); }; del_value = function (key, callback) { GM_deleteValue(key); if (callback) callback.call(null); }; get_keys = function (callback) { var keys = GM_listValues(); callback.call(null, keys); }; get_space_used = function (callback) { var keys = GM_listValues(), size = 0, i; // Create representation for (i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { size += object_byte_size(keys[i]) + object_byte_size(decode_value(GM_getValue(keys[i], null))); } // Return callback.call(null, size); }; } // Return function list return { set: set_value, // key, value, callback() get: get_value, // key, callback(value) del: del_value, // key, callback() keys: get_keys, // callback([...]) space_used: get_space_used, // callback(bytes) w_set: w_set_value, w_get: w_get_value, w_del: w_del_value, w_keys: w_get_keys, w_space_used: w_get_space_used, s_set: s_set_value, s_get: s_get_value, s_del: s_del_value, s_keys: s_get_keys, s_space_used: s_get_space_used, mode: chrome_storage ? "chrome" : (using_localstorage ? "localstorage" : "gm"), }; })(); // Module to have "delayed" loops var Delay = (function () { var DelayEach = (function () { var DelayEach = function (i, array, callback, max_count, delay, remove) { this.i = i; this.array = array; this.callback = callback; this.max_count = max_count; this.delay = delay; this.timeout = null; this.timeout_fcn = remove ? run_loop_with_remove.bind(this) : run_loop.bind(this); // Run this.timeout_fcn.call(this); }; var run_loop = function () { // Reset this.timeout = null; // Find max i var i = this.i; var array = this.array; var callback = this.callback; var i_max = i + this.max_count; var continue_loop = (array.length > i_max); if (!continue_loop) i_max = array.length; // Loop for (; i < i_max; ++i) { callback.call(this, array[i], i, this); } // Continue if (continue_loop) { this.timeout = setTimeout(this.timeout_fcn, this.delay); } }; var run_loop_with_remove = function () { // Reset this.timeout = null; // Find max i var i = 0; var array = this.array; var callback = this.callback; var i_max = i + this.max_count; var continue_loop = (array.length > i_max); if (!continue_loop) i_max = array.length; // Loop for (; i < i_max; ++i) { callback.call(this, array[i], i, this); } this.array.splice(0, i); this.i += i; // Continue if (continue_loop) { this.timeout = setTimeout(this.timeout_fcn, this.delay); } }; DelayEach.prototype = { constructor: DelayEach, pop: function (value) { for (var i = this.array.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (this.array[i] === value) { this.array.splice(i, 1); return true; } } return false; }, push: function (item) { this.array.push(item); if (this.timeout === null) this.timeout_fcn.call(this); }, concat: function (other) { this.array = this.array.concat(other); if (this.timeout === null) this.timeout_fcn.call(this); }, }; return DelayEach; })(); return { each: function (array, callback, max_count, delay) { // Start if (arguments.length < 3 || max_count <= 0) max_count = 1; if (arguments.length < 4 || delay <= 0) delay = 1; return new DelayEach(0, array, callback, max_count, delay * 1000, false); }, queue: function (array, callback, max_count, delay) { // Start if (arguments.length < 3 || max_count <= 0) max_count = 1; if (arguments.length < 4 || delay <= 0) delay = 1; return new DelayEach(0, array, callback, max_count, delay * 1000, true); }, }; })(); // Class to manage tab synchronization events var Sync = (function () { var Sync = function () { this.key_name = "iex_sync"; this.listeners = {}; window.addEventListener("storage", (this.on_storage_change_bind = on_storage_change.bind(this)), false); }; var on_storage_change = function (event) { // Make sure it's an "addition" trigger if (event.key == this.key_name && event.newValue !== null) { var key = event.newValue, data = null; try { data = JSON.parse(key); key = data[0]; data = data[1]; } catch (e) { key = event.newValue; data = null; } if (key in this.listeners) { // Signal all var list = this.listeners[key]; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { // Signal list[i].call(this, key, data); } } } }; Sync.instance = null; Sync.prototype = { constructor: Sync, /** Remove any bound events or leftover data used by an instance */ destroy: function () { // Remove events window.removeEventListener("storage", this.on_storage_change_bind, false); }, /** Add a synchronization event listener @param key They sync key to listen for @param callback The function to be called Callback format is as follows: callback.call(Sync.instance, key, data) */ on: function (key, callback) { // Add to listener list if (key in this.listeners) { this.listeners[key].push(callback); } else { this.listeners[key] = [ callback ]; } }, /** Remove a synchronization event listener @param key They sync key used in the .on function @param callback The callback function used in the .on function @return true if it was removed successfully, false if it did not exist */ off: function (key, callback) { // Check if it exists if (key in this.listeners) { var list = this.listeners[key]; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { if (list[i] === callback) { // Remove from list list.splice(i, 1); // Remove key if empty if (list.length === 0) { delete this.listeners[key]; } // Success return true; } } } // Not found return false; }, /** Trigger a synchronization event @param key They sync key @return true if no errors occur, false otherwise */ trigger: function (key, data) { // Set the value try { // Trigger var value = JSON.stringify([ key , data ]); window.localStorage.setItem(this.key_name, value); window.localStorage.removeItem(this.key_name); // Okay return true; } catch (e) { // Failure return false; } }, }; return Sync; })(); // 4chan site and script interface var API = (function () { var API = function () { // Custom events this.events = { "page_type_detected": [], "script_detected": [], "thread_update": [], "settings_4chanx_open": [], "settings_4chanx_close": [], "settings_4chanx_section_change": [], "settings_vanilla_open": [], "settings_vanilla_close": [], "menu_4chanx_open": [], "menu_4chanx_close": [], "image_hover_open": [], "image_hover_close": [], "post_add": [], "post_remove": [], "quick_reply_add": [], "quick_reply_remove": [], "quick_reply_show": [], "quick_reply_hide": [], "file_info_update": [], }; this.getters = { "posts": get_all_posts.bind(this), }; // Nodes this.settings_4chanx_container = null; this.settings_vanilla_container = null; this.menu_4chanx_container = null; // Script this.is_4chanx = false; this.is_appchanx = false; this.page_type = ""; // Document listening this.doc_observer = null; this.body_observer = null; this.delform_observer = null; this.settings_observer = null; this.hover_ui_observer = null; this.header_settings_menu_observer = null; this.linkify_observer = null; this.quick_reply_observer = null; }; var on_asap = function () { // Hook hook_body_observers.call(this); hook_hover_observers.call(this, null); hook_delform_observers.call(this, null); hook_header_observers.call(this, null); // Detect scripts var el = document.documentElement; if (el) { detect_page_type.call(this, el); detect_scripts.call(this, el); var qr; if ((qr = el.querySelector("body>#qr,body>#quickReply"))) { trigger.call(this, "quick_reply_add", qr); trigger.call(this, "quick_reply_show", qr); hook_quick_reply_observers.call(this, qr); } } }; var on_document_observe = function (records) { var i, r; for (i = 0; i < records.length; ++i) { r = records[i]; if (r.attributeName == "class") { // Detect detect_scripts.call(this, r.target); } } }; var on_body_observe = function (records) { var i, j, nodes; for (i = 0; i < records.length; ++i) { if ((nodes = records[i].addedNodes)) { for (j = 0; j < nodes.length; ++j) { // Check on_body_element_add.call(this, nodes[j]); } } if ((nodes = records[i].removedNodes)) { for (j = 0; j < nodes.length; ++j) { // Check on_body_element_remove.call(this, nodes[j]); } } } }; var on_body_element_add = function (element) { var id = element.getAttribute("id"); if (id == "fourchanx-settings") { // 4chan-x / ccd0 trigger_settings_4chanx_open.call(this, element); } else if (id == "appchanx-settings") { // appchan-x / zixaphir trigger_settings_4chanx_open.call(this, element); } else if (id == "overlay") { // 4chan-x / ihavenoface var e2 = element.querySelector("#fourchanx-settings"); if (e2) { trigger_settings_4chanx_open.call(this, e2); } } else if (id == "settingsMenu") { // 4chan vanilla trigger_settings_vanilla_open.call(this, element); } else if (id == "hoverUI") { hook_hover_observers.call(this, element); } else if (id == "delform") { hook_delform_observers.call(this, element); } else if (id == "image-hover") { // Vanilla 4chan image hover trigger.call(this, "image_hover_open", { container: element }); } else if (id == "qp") { // 4chan-x var pc = element.querySelector(".postContainer"); if (pc) { trigger.call(this, "post_add", pc); } // else, post might not be loaded yet } else if (id == "header-bar" || id == "header") { hook_header_observers.call(this, element); } else if (id == "qr" || id == "quickReply") { // 4chan-x quick reply trigger.call(this, "quick_reply_add", element); trigger.call(this, "quick_reply_show", element); hook_quick_reply_observers.call(this, element); } /*else if (id == "quote-preview") { // Vanilla 4chan // Only a .post; no .postContainer trigger.call(this, "post_add", element); }*/ }; var on_body_element_remove = function (element) { var id = element.getAttribute("id"); if (id == "fourchanx-settings") { trigger_settings_4chanx_close.call(this, element); } else if (id == "appchanx-settings") { trigger_settings_4chanx_close.call(this, element); } else if (id == "overlay") { var e2 = element.querySelector("#fourchanx-settings"); if (e2) { trigger_settings_4chanx_close.call(this, e2); } } else if (id == "settingsMenu") { // 4chan vanilla trigger_settings_vanilla_close.call(this, element); } else if (id == "image-hover") { trigger.call(this, "image_hover_close", { container: element }); } else if (id == "qp") { // 4chan-x var pc = element.querySelector(".postContainer"); if (pc) { trigger.call(this, "post_remove", pc); } } else if (id == "qr" || id == "quickReply") { trigger.call(this, "quick_reply_hide", element); trigger.call(this, "quick_reply_remove", element); unhook_quick_reply_observers.call(this); } /*else if (id == "quote-preview") { // Vanilla 4chan // Only a .post; no .postContainer trigger.call(this, "post_remove", element); }*/ }; var on_delform_post_observe = function (records) { var nodes, n, i, j, k, im, jm, km, pc; i = 0; im = records.length; for (; i < im; ++i) { if ((nodes = records[i].addedNodes)) { j = 0; jm = nodes.length; for (; j < jm; ++j) { // Check n = nodes[j]; if (style.has_class(n, "postContainer")) { trigger.call(this, "post_add", n); } else if (style.has_class(n, "thread") || style.has_class(n, "board")) { pc = n.querySelectorAll(".postContainer"); k = 0; km = pc.length; for (; k < km; ++k) { trigger.call(this, "post_add", pc[k]); } } else if (style.has_class(n, "file-info")) { trigger.call(this, "file_info_update", n); } /*else if (n.tagName == "A" && style.has_class(n, "linkify")) { trigger.call(this, "linkify", n); }*/ } } if ((nodes = records[i].removedNodes)) { j = 0; jm = nodes.length; for (; j < jm; ++j) { // Check n = nodes[j]; if (style.has_class(n, "inline")) { pc = n.querySelector(".postContainer"); if (pc) { trigger.call(this, "post_remove", pc); } } else if (style.has_class(n, "thread") || style.has_class(n, "board")) { pc = n.querySelectorAll(".postContainer"); k = 0; km = pc.length; for (; k < km; ++k) { trigger.call(this, "post_remove", pc[k]); } } } } } }; var on_settings_observe = function (records) { for (var i = 0; i < records.length; ++i) { if (records[i].attributeName == "class") { // Section change trigger.call(this, "settings_4chanx_section_change", { container: this.settings_4chanx_container, section: records[i].target }); } } }; var on_quick_reply_observe = function (records) { var i, r; for (i = 0; i < records.length; ++i) { r = records[i]; if (r.attributeName == "hidden") { // Detect if (r.target.getAttribute(r.attributeName) === null) { trigger.call(this, "quick_reply_show", r.target); } else { trigger.call(this, "quick_reply_hide", r.target); } } } }; var on_hover_ui_observe = function (records) { var i, j, nodes, r; for (i = 0; i < records.length; ++i) { r = records[i]; if ((nodes = r.addedNodes)) { for (j = 0; j < nodes.length; ++j) { // Check on_hover_ui_element_add.call(this, nodes[j]); } } if ((nodes = r.removedNodes)) { for (j = 0; j < nodes.length; ++j) { // Check on_hover_ui_element_remove.call(this, nodes[j]); } } } }; var on_hover_ui_element_add = function (element) { var id = element.getAttribute("id"); if (id == "ihover") { if (element.getAttribute("data-full-i-d")) { trigger.call(this, "image_hover_open", { container: element }); } } else if (id == "qp") { var pc = element.querySelector(".postContainer"); if (pc) { trigger.call(this, "post_add", pc); } // else, post might not be loaded yet } else if (id == "menu") { // 4chan-x / ccd0, appchan-x trigger_menu_4chanx_open.call(this, element, null); } }; var on_hover_ui_element_remove = function (element) { var id = element.getAttribute("id"); if (id == "ihover") { trigger.call(this, "image_hover_close", { container: element }); } else if (id == "qp") { var pc = element.querySelector(".postContainer"); if (pc) { trigger.call(this, "post_remove", pc); } } else if (id == "menu") { // 4chan-x / ccd0, appchan-x trigger_menu_4chanx_close.call(this, element); } }; var on_4chanx_menu_observe = function (type, records) { var i, j, nodes, r; for (i = 0; i < records.length; ++i) { r = records[i]; if ((nodes = r.addedNodes)) { for (j = 0; j < nodes.length; ++j) { // Check on_4chanx_menu_element_add.call(this, nodes[j], type); } } if ((nodes = r.removedNodes)) { for (j = 0; j < nodes.length; ++j) { // Check on_4chanx_menu_element_remove.call(this, nodes[j], type); } } } }; var on_4chanx_menu_element_add = function (element, type) { var id = element.getAttribute("id"); if (id == "menu") { // 4chan-x trigger_menu_4chanx_open.call(this, element, type); } }; var on_4chanx_menu_element_remove = function (element, type) { var id = element.getAttribute("id"); if (id == "menu") { // 4chan-x trigger_menu_4chanx_close.call(this, element); } }; var on_menu_4chanx_entry_mouseenter = function (event, node) { if (this.menu_4chanx_container) { var focused = this.menu_4chanx_container.querySelectorAll(".focused"), i; for (i = 0; i < focused.length; ++i) { style.remove_class(focused[i], "focused"); } } style.add_class(node, "focused"); }; var on_menu_4chanx_entry_mouseleave = function (event, node) { // This is removed even for versions which menu items keep it (4chan-x / ccd0, etc.) style.remove_class(node, "focused"); }; var hook_document_observer = function () { var el = document.documentElement; if (!el) return; if (this.doc_observer === null) { // Create new observer this.doc_observer = new MutationObserver(on_document_observe.bind(this)); // Observe this.doc_observer.observe( el, { attributes: true } ); } }; var hook_body_observers = function () { // Observe the body var body = document.querySelector("body"); if (!body) return; if (this.body_observer === null) { // Create new observer this.body_observer = new MutationObserver(on_body_observe.bind(this)); // Observe this.body_observer.observe( body, { childList: true, } ); } }; var hook_hover_observers = function (hover_ui) { if (hover_ui === null) { hover_ui = document.getElementById("hoverUI"); if (!hover_ui) return; } if (this.hover_ui_observer === null) { // Create new observer this.hover_ui_observer = new MutationObserver(on_hover_ui_observe.bind(this)); // Observe this.hover_ui_observer.observe( hover_ui, { childList: true, } ); } }; var hook_delform_observers = function (delform) { if (delform === null) { delform = document.getElementById("delform"); if (!delform) return; } if (this.delform_observer === null) { // Create new observer this.delform_observer = new MutationObserver(on_delform_post_observe.bind(this)); // Observe this.delform_observer.observe( delform, { childList: true, subtree: true, } ); } }; var hook_header_observers = function (header) { if (header === null) { header = document.getElementById("header-bar"); if (!header) { header = document.getElementById("header"); if (!header) return; } } var button; if (this.header_settings_menu_observer === null && (button = header.querySelector(".menu-button"))) { // Create new observer this.header_settings_menu_observer = new MutationObserver(on_4chanx_menu_observe.bind(this, "main")); // Observe this.header_settings_menu_observer.observe( button, { childList: true, } ); } }; var hook_quick_reply_observers = function (qr) { // Observe the quick reply if (!qr) return; if (this.quick_reply_observer === null) { // Create new observer this.quick_reply_observer = new MutationObserver(on_quick_reply_observe.bind(this)); // Observe this.quick_reply_observer.observe( qr, { attributes: true, attributeOldValue: true, } ); } }; var unhook_quick_reply_observers = function () { // Stop observing if (this.quick_reply_observer !== null) { this.quick_reply_observer.disconnect(); this.quick_reply_observer = null; return true; } return false; }; var detect_page_type = function (doc_el) { // Detect page type var delform = doc_el.querySelector("#delform"); if (delform) { var flash_table = delform.querySelector(".flashListing"); if (flash_table) { // Flash board this.page_type = "board_flash"; } else { // Thread or board or catalog if (delform.querySelector(".board.catalog-small")) { // 4chan-x this.page_type = "catalog"; } else if (doc_el.querySelector("#search-box")) { this.page_type = "board"; } else { this.page_type = "thread"; } } } else { // Index if (doc_el.querySelector("#content>#threads")) { this.page_type = "catalog"; } else if (doc_el.querySelector("#doc")) { this.page_type = "error"; } else { // Image or video var n = doc_el.querySelectorAll("body>*"); if (n.length === 1) { n = n[0]; if (n.tagName === "IMG") { this.page_type = "image"; } else if (n === "VIDEO") { this.page_type = "video"; } } } } // Trigger event trigger.call(this, "page_type_detected", { page_type: this.page_type }); }; var detect_scripts = function (doc_el) { // Detect 4chan-x / appchan-x if (!this.is_4chanx) { this.is_4chanx = style.has_class(doc_el, "fourchan-x"); if (this.is_4chanx) { this.is_appchanx = style.has_class(doc_el, "appchan-x"); // Detected trigger.call(this, "script_detected", { name: "4chan-x" }); } } }; var trigger = function (event, data) { // Trigger if (event in this.events) { var e_list = this.events[event]; for (var i = 0; i < e_list.length; ++i) { e_list[i].call(this, data); } } }; var trigger_menu_4chanx_open = function (element, type) { // Find type var type_checks = { "main": { classes: [ "settings-link" , "image-expansion-link" , "gallery-link" ], count: 0, }, "post": { classes: [ "report-link" , "hide-reply-link" , "delete-link" ], count: 0, }, }, c = element.firstChild, t, tc, i; if (type === null) { type = "other"; while (c) { // Class if (style.has_class(c, "entry")) { // Check for class types for (t in type_checks) { tc = type_checks[t]; for (i = 0; i < tc.classes.length; ++i) { if (style.has_class(c, tc.classes[i])) { ++tc.count; tc = null; break; } } // Done if (!tc) break; } } // Next c = c.nextSibling; } // Check type i = 0; for (t in type_checks) { if (type_checks[t].count > i) { i = type_checks[t].count; type = t; } } } // Event this.menu_4chanx_container = element; trigger.call(this, "menu_4chanx_open", { container: element, type: type }); }; var trigger_menu_4chanx_close = function (element) { // Event this.menu_4chanx_container = null; trigger.call(this, "menu_4chanx_close", { container: element, }); }; var trigger_settings_4chanx_open = function (element) { // Open this.settings_4chanx_container = element; // Event trigger.call(this, "settings_4chanx_open", { container: element }); // Settings observer if (this.settings_observer !== null) { this.settings_observer.disconnect(); this.settings_observer = null; } var section = element.querySelector("section"); if (section) { this.settings_observer = new MutationObserver(on_settings_observe.bind(this)); // Observe this.settings_observer.observe( section, { attributes: true, } ); // Section change trigger.call(this, "settings_4chanx_section_change", { container: element, section: section }); } }; var trigger_settings_4chanx_close = function (element) { // Close this.settings_4chanx_container = null; if (this.settings_observer !== null) { this.settings_observer.disconnect(); this.settings_observer = null; } // Event trigger.call(this, "settings_4chanx_close", { container: element }); }; var trigger_settings_vanilla_open = function (element) { // Open this.settings_vanilla_container = element; // Event trigger.call(this, "settings_vanilla_open", { container: element }); }; var trigger_settings_vanilla_close = function (element) { // Close this.settings_vanilla_container = null; // Event trigger.call(this, "settings_vanilla_close", { container: element }); }; var get_all_posts = function () { // Acquire all .postContainer's var elements = null, e; var container = document.getElementById("delform"); if (container) { elements = Array.prototype.slice.call(container.querySelectorAll(".postContainer"), 0); } container = document.getElementById("hoverUI"); if (container) { e = Array.prototype.slice.call(container.querySelectorAll(".postContainer"), 0); if (elements) elements = elements.concat(e); else elements = e; } // Return return (elements === null ? [] : elements); }; var deep_dom_wrap = (function () { // Internal helper class var Offset = function (text_offset, node) { this.text_offset = text_offset; this.node = node; this.node_text_length = node.nodeValue.length; }; // Main function var deep_dom_wrap = function (container, tag, matcher, element_checker, setup_function, quick) { var text = "", offsets = [], d = document, count = 0, match_pos = 0, node, par, next, check, match, pos_start, pos_end, offset_start, offset_end, prefix, suffix, link_base, link_node, relative_node, relative_par, clone, i, n1, n2, len, offset_current, offset_node; // Create a string of the container's contents (similar to but not exactly the same as node.textContent) // Also lists all text nodes into the offsets array par = container; node = container.firstChild; if (node === null) return 0; // Quick exit for empty container while (true) { if (node !== null) { if (node.nodeType === 3) { // TEXT_NODE // Add to list and text offsets.push(new Offset(text.length, node)); text += node.nodeValue; } else if (node.nodeType === 1) { // ELEMENT_NODE // Action callback check = element_checker.call(null, node); // Line break if ((check & deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_LINE_BREAK) !== 0) { text += "\n"; } // Parse if ((check & deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_NO_PARSE) === 0) { par = node; node = node.firstChild; continue; } } // Next node = node.nextSibling; } else { // Done? if (par === container) break; // Move up node = par; par = node.parentNode; node = node.nextSibling; } } // Quick mode: just find all the matches if (quick) { // Match the text match = matcher.call(null, text, match_pos); if (match === null) return count; ++count; match_pos = match[1]; } // Loop to find all links while (true) { // Match the text match = matcher.call(null, text, match_pos); if (match === null) break; ++count; // Find the beginning and ending text nodes pos_start = match[0]; pos_end = match[1]; for (offset_start = 1; offset_start < offsets.length; ++offset_start) { if (offsets[offset_start].text_offset > pos_start) break; } for (offset_end = offset_start; offset_end < offsets.length; ++offset_end) { if (offsets[offset_end].text_offset > pos_end) break; } --offset_start; --offset_end; // Vars to create the link prefix = text.substr(offsets[offset_start].text_offset, pos_start - offsets[offset_start].text_offset); suffix = text.substr(pos_end, offsets[offset_end].text_offset + offsets[offset_end].node_text_length - pos_end); link_base = d.createElement(tag); link_node = link_base; relative_node = null; // Prefix update i = offset_start; offset_current = offsets[i]; offset_node = offset_current.node; if (prefix.length > 0) { // Insert prefix n1 = d.createTextNode(prefix); offset_node.parentNode.insertBefore(n1, offset_node); // Update text offset_node.nodeValue = offset_node.nodeValue.substr(prefix.length); // Set first relative relative_node = n1; relative_par = n1.parentNode; // Update offset for next search len = prefix.length; offset_current.text_offset += len; offset_current.node_text_length -= len; } else { // Set first relative relative_node = offset_node.previousSibling; relative_par = offset_node.parentNode; } // Loop over ELEMENT_NODEs; add TEXT_NODEs to the link, remove empty nodes where necessary // The only reason the par variable is necessary is because some nodes are removed during this process for (; i < offset_end; ++i) { // Next node = offsets[i].node; next = node.nextSibling; par = node.parentNode; // Add text link_node.appendChild(node); // Node loop while (true) { if (next) { if (next.nodeType == 3) { // TEXT_NODE // Done break; } else if (next.nodeType == 1) { // ELEMENT_NODE // Deeper node = next; next = node.firstChild; par = node; // Update link node clone = node.cloneNode(false); link_node.appendChild(clone); link_node = clone; continue; } else { // Some other node type; continue anyway node = next; next = node.nextSibling; // Update link node link_node.appendChild(node); continue; } } // Shallower node = par; next = node.nextSibling; par = node.parentNode; if (node.firstChild === null) par.removeChild(node); // Update link node if (link_node !== link_base) { // Simply move up tree (link_node still has a parent) link_node = link_node.parentNode; } else { // Create a new wrapper node (link_node has no parent; it's the link_base) clone = node.cloneNode(false); for (n1 = link_base.firstChild; n1; n1 = n2) { n2 = n1.nextSibling; clone.appendChild(n1); } link_base.appendChild(clone); link_node = link_base; // Placement relatives relative_node = (next !== null) ? next.previousSibling : null; relative_par = par; } } } // Suffix update offset_current = offsets[i]; offset_node = offset_current.node; if (suffix.length > 0) { // Insert suffix n1 = d.createTextNode(suffix); if ((n2 = offset_node.nextSibling) !== null) { offset_node.parentNode.insertBefore(n1, n2); } else { offset_node.parentNode.appendChild(n1); } // Update text len = offset_node.nodeValue.length - suffix.length; offset_node.nodeValue = offset_node.nodeValue.substr(0, len); // Update offset for next search offset_current.text_length += len; offset_current.node_text_length -= len; offset_current.node = n1; } // Add the last segment par = offset_node.parentNode; link_node.appendChild(offset_node); // Setup function if (setup_function !== null) setup_function.call(null, link_base, match); // Find the proper relative node relative_node = (relative_node !== null) ? relative_node.nextSibling : relative_par.firstChild; // Insert link if (relative_node !== null) { // Insert before it relative_par.insertBefore(link_base, relative_node); } else { // Add to end relative_par.appendChild(link_base); } // Remove empty suffix tags while (par.firstChild === null) { node = par; par = par.parentNode; par.removeChild(node); } // Update match position offsets[offset_end].text_offset = pos_end; match_pos = pos_end; } // Done return count; }; // Element type constants deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_PARSE = 0; deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_NO_PARSE = 1; deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_LINE_BREAK = 2; // Return the function return deep_dom_wrap; })(); var deep_dom_wrap_filter = function (node) { if (node.tagName === "BR" || node.tagName === "A") { return deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_NO_PARSE | deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_LINE_BREAK; } else if (node.tagName === "WBR") { return deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_NO_PARSE; } else if (node.tagName === "DIV") { if (style.has_class(node, "inline") || style.has_class(node, "inlined")) return deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_NO_PARSE | deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_LINE_BREAK; return deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_LINE_BREAK; } return deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_PARSE; }; var deep_dom_wrap_filter_simple = function (node) { if (node.tagName === "BR") { return deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_NO_PARSE | deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_LINE_BREAK; } else if (node.tagName === "WBR") { return deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_NO_PARSE; } else if (node.tagName === "DIV") { if (style.has_class(node, "inline") || style.has_class(node, "inlined")) return deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_NO_PARSE | deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_LINE_BREAK; return deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_LINE_BREAK; } return deep_dom_wrap.EL_TYPE_PARSE; }; API.prototype = { constructor: API, destroy: function () { // Remove event listeners if (this.doc_observer !== null) { this.doc_observer.disconnect(); this.doc_observer = null; } if (this.body_observer !== null) { this.body_observer.disconnect(); this.body_observer = null; } if (this.settings_observer !== null) { this.settings_observer.disconnect(); this.settings_observer = null; } if (this.hover_ui_observer !== null) { this.hover_ui_observer.disconnect(); this.hover_ui_observer = null; } if (this.delform_observer !== null) { this.delform_observer.disconnect(); this.delform_observer = null; } }, setup: function () { // Check for other addons hook_document_observer.call(this); on_ready(on_asap.bind(this)); }, on: function (event, callback) { // Add callback if (event in this.events) { this.events[event].push(callback); } }, off: function (event, callback) { // Add callback if (event in this.events) { var e_list = this.events[event]; for (var i = 0; i < e_list.length; ++i) { if (e_list[i] === callback) { // Remove e_list.splice(i, 1); return true; } } } return false; }, get: function (getter) { if (getter in this.getters) { return this.getters[getter].call(this); } return null; }, settings_4chanx_open: function (tab) { // Signal 4chan-x to open settings document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("OpenSettings", { detail: tab || "Main" })); }, settings_4chanx_close: function () { if (!this.settings_4chanx_container) return; // Click the overlay var overlay = document.getElementById("overlay"); if (overlay) { overlay.click(); } }, settings_4chanx_change_section: function (section) { if (!this.settings_4chanx_container) return; section = section.replace(/\s+/g, "-").toLowerCase(); var target_tab = this.settings_4chanx_container.querySelector(".tab-" + section); if (target_tab) { target_tab.click(); } }, settings_4chanx_is_open: function () { return (this.settings_4chanx_container !== null); }, settings_vanilla_open: function () { var settings_link = document.getElementById("settingsWindowLink"); if (settings_link) { settings_link.click(); } }, settings_vanilla_close: function () { if (!this.settings_vanilla_container) return; var button = this.settings_vanilla_container.querySelector(".panelHeader>span>.pointer"); if (button) { button.click(); } }, settings_vanilla_save: function () { if (!this.settings_vanilla_container) return; var button = this.settings_vanilla_container.querySelector("button[data-cmd='settings-save']"); if (button) { button.click(); } }, settings_vanilla_is_open: function () { return (this.settings_vanilla_container !== null); }, menu_4chanx_close: function () { if (!this.menu_4chanx_container) return; var par = this.menu_4chanx_container.parentNode; if (par) par.click(); }, menu_4chanx_is_open: function () { return (this.menu_4chanx_container !== null); }, menu_4chanx_add_entry: function (menu_container, element, order) { // Styling style.add_class(element, "entry"); element.style.order = (order || 0); // Events var e_enter = wrap_mouseenterleave_event(this, on_menu_4chanx_entry_mouseenter), e_leave = wrap_mouseenterleave_event(this, on_menu_4chanx_entry_mouseleave); element.addEventListener("mouseover", e_enter, false); element.addEventListener("mouseout", e_leave, false); // Add menu_container.appendChild(element); }, notification: function (type, content, lifetime, callback) { // Setup var detail = { type: type, content: content, }; if (arguments.length >= 3) { detail.lifetime = lifetime; } if (arguments.length >= 4) { detail.cb = callback; } // Display document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CreateNotification", { detail: detail })); }, post_is_image_expanded_or_expanding: function (post_container) { var n_file, n_img; // Expanded if (this.is_4chanx) { if (style.has_class(post_container, "expanded-image")) return true; // Get the .file container n_file = this.post_get_file_info_container(post_container); // Find image n_img = n_file.querySelector("img"); return (n_img && style.has_class(n_img, "expanding")); } else { // Get the .file container n_file = this.post_get_file_info_container(post_container); // Return return (style.has_class(n_file, "image-expanded") || n_file.querySelector("video.expandedWebm") !== null); } }, post_get_file_info: function (post_container) { return this.post_get_file_info_from_file_info_container(this.post_get_file_info_container(post_container)); }, post_get_file_info_from_file_info_container: function (file_info) { // Setup info var info = { url: "", thumb: null, spoiler: null, name: "", resolution: { width: 0, height: 0 }, resolution_thumb: { width: 0, height: 0 }, size: 0, size_label: "", }; // Nodes var n, m, n_p, style_str; if (file_info) { // Get info if ((n_p = file_info.querySelector(".file-info"))) { // 4chan-x if ((n = n_p.querySelector("a"))) { info.url = n.getAttribute("href") || ""; var n2 = n.firstChild; if (n2 !== null && n2.className && style.has_class(n2, "fnswitch") && (n2 = n2.querySelector(".fnfull")) !== null) { info.name = n2.textContent.trim(); } else { info.name = n.textContent.trim(); } } if ((n = n_p.lastChild)) { m = /([0-9\.]+)\s*(\w?b),(?:\s*([0-9]+)x([0-9]+))?/i.exec((n.textContent || "")); if (m) { info.size = parseFloat(m[1]); info.size_label = m[2].toLowerCase(); if (m[3] !== undefined) { info.resolution.width = parseInt(m[3], 10); info.resolution.height = parseInt(m[4], 10); } } } } else if ((n_p = file_info.querySelector(".fileText"))) { // Vanilla if ((n = n_p.querySelector("a"))) { info.url = n.getAttribute("href") || ""; // File name info.name = n_p.getAttribute("title") || n.getAttribute("title") || n.textContent || ""; // Attributes if ((n = n.nextSibling)) { m = /([0-9\.]+)\s*(\w?b),(?:\s*([0-9]+)x([0-9]+))?/i.exec((n.textContent || "")); if (m) { info.size = parseFloat(m[1]); info.size_label = m[2].toLowerCase(); if (m[3] !== undefined) { info.resolution.width = parseInt(m[3], 10); info.resolution.height = parseInt(m[4], 10); } } } } } // Thumbnail and spoiler status if ((n_p = file_info.querySelector(".fileThumb"))) { if ((n = n_p.querySelector("img:not(.full-image):not(.expanded-thumb)"))) { m = n.getAttribute("src"); if (style.has_class(n_p, "imgspoiler")) { info.spoiler = m; // Assume thumbnail if (info.url) { info.thumb = info.url.replace(/\/\/(.*)i\.4cdn\.org/g, "//t.4cdn.org").replace(/\.([^\.]*)$/, "s.jpg"); } } else { info.thumb = m; } // Resolution style_str = n.getAttribute("style"); m = /width\s*\:\s*([0-9\.]+)px/i.exec(style_str); if (m) { info.resolution_thumb.width = parseFloat(m[1]) || 0; } m = /height\s*\:\s*([0-9\.]+)px/i.exec(style_str); if (m) { info.resolution_thumb.height = parseFloat(m[1]) || 0; } } } } // Info return info; }, get_post_container_from_id: function (id) { return document.getElementById("pc" + id); }, post_get_file_info_container: function (post_container) { // Post body var node = post_container.querySelector(".post"); if (node && (node = node.firstChild)) { while (true) { // File container if (style.has_class(node, "file")) return node; // Next if (!(node = node.nextSibling)) return null; } } return null; }, post_get_image_container: function (post_container) { // Post body var node = post_container.querySelector(".post"); if (node && (node = node.firstChild)) { while (true) { // File container if (style.has_class(node, "file")) { // Get thumbnail container return node.querySelector(".fileThumb"); } // Next if (!(node = node.nextSibling)) return null; } } return null; }, post_get_post_container_from_image_container: function (image_container) { // Parent check var n = image_container; while ((n = n.parentNode) && !style.has_class(n, "postContainer")); return n; }, post_get_image_expanded_from_image_container: function (image_container) { if (this.is_4chanx) { return image_container.querySelector(".full-image"); } else { var n = image_container.querySelector("img.expanded-thumb"); if (n !== null) return n; if (image_container.parentNode === null) return null; return image_container.parentNode.querySelector("video.expandedWebm"); } }, post_get_file_nodes: function (post_container) { var post = post_container.querySelector(".post"), nodes, node; if (post !== null) { // File info container if ((node = post.firstChild)) { while (true) { // File container if (style.has_class(node, "file")) { nodes = { container: node, info_container: node.querySelector(".fileText,.file-info"), link_thumbnail: node.querySelector(".fileThumb"), link: null, }; if (nodes.info_container !== null) { nodes.link = node.querySelector("a"); } return nodes; } // Next if (!(node = node.nextSibling)) break; } } } return null; }, post_has_file: function (post_container) { var post = post_container.querySelector(".post"), node; if (post !== null && (node = post.firstChild)) { while (true) { // File container if (style.has_class(node, "file")) return true; // Next if (!(node = node.nextSibling)) break; } } return false; }, post_get_file_node_link_from_file_info: function (file_info) { return file_info.querySelector("a"); }, post_get_file_name_from_file_info: function (file_info) { var n = file_info.parentNode; if (n !== null && (n = n.parentNode) !== null) { } return null; }, post_get_file_container_from_file_info: function (file_info) { var n = file_info.parentNode; if (n !== null && (n = n.parentNode) !== null) { if (style.has_class(n, "file")) return n; } return null; }, post_get_nodes: function (post_container) { var post = post_container.querySelector(".post"), nodes, node, node2; if (post === null) return null; nodes = { subject: null, name: null, tripcode: null, date: null, no: null, number: null, comment: null, }; // Post info if ((node = post.querySelector(".postInfo"))) { nodes.subject = node.querySelector(".subject"); nodes.name = node.querySelector(".name"); nodes.tripcode = node.querySelector(".posterTrip"); nodes.date = node.querySelector(".dateTime"); if ((node2 = node.querySelectorAll(".postNum>a")).length >= 2) { nodes.no = node2[0]; nodes.number = node2[1]; } } // Comment for (node = post.lastChild; node; node = node.previousSibling) { if (style.has_class(node, "postMessage")) { nodes.comment = node; break; } } return nodes; }, post_get_id: function (post_container) { var id = post_container.getAttribute("id"); return id ? parseInt(id.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, ""), 10) : -1; }, post_get_id_from_node: function (node) { // Parent check while (true) { if (node === null) return -1; if (style.has_class(node, "postContainer")) return this.post_get_id(node); node = node.parentNode; } }, post_get_comment_container: function (post_container) { var post = post_container.querySelector(".post"), comment; if (post === null) return null; // Find comment comment = post.lastChild; while (true) { if (comment === null) return 0; if (style.has_class(comment, "postMessage")) break; comment = comment.previousSibling; } return comment; }, post_get_quotelinks: function (post_container) { return this.post_query_selector_all(post_container, ".quotelink"); }, post_comment_scan: function (post_container, regex, tag, setup_function) { var comment = this.post_get_comment_container(post_container), s_fn = null, m_fn; if (comment === null) return 0; // Matching function if (typeof(regex) === "function") { m_fn = regex; } else { if (!regex.global) return 0; m_fn = function (text, pos) { regex.lastIndex = pos; var m = regex.exec(text); if (m === null) return null; return [ m.index , m.index + m[0].length, m ]; }; } // Scanning function if (setup_function) { s_fn = setup_function; //s_fn = function (node, text) { setup_function(node, text); }; } return deep_dom_wrap(comment, tag, m_fn, tag ? deep_dom_wrap_filter : deep_dom_wrap_filter_simple, s_fn, (!tag) ); }, post_get_comment_text: function (post_container) { var post_text = "", comment = this.post_get_comment_container(post_container); if (comment !== null) { deep_dom_wrap(comment, null, function (text) { post_text = text; return null; }, deep_dom_wrap_filter_simple, null, true ); } return post_text; }, post_query_selector_all: function (post_container, selector) { var nodes = post_container.querySelectorAll(selector), other, other_len, i, first; if (nodes.length > 0 && (other_len = (other = post_container.querySelectorAll("div.inline,div.inlined")).length) > 0) { // Filter var filter = function (node) { while ((node = node.parentNode) !== post_container) { for (var i = 0; i < other_len; ++i) { if (other[i] === node) return true; } } return false; }; // Filter out nodes first = true; for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { if (filter(nodes[i])) { if (first) { first = false; nodes = Array.prototype.slice.call(nodes, 0); } nodes.splice(i, 1); continue; } } } return nodes; }, post_is_floating_or_embedded: function (post_container) { var p = post_container.parentNode; if (!p) return false; return ( style.has_class(p, "inline") || // 4chan x style.has_class(post_container, "inlined") || // vanilla p.id === "qp" || // 4chan x p === document.body || // vanilla p.id === "hoverUI" // 4chan x (?) ); }, get_quotelink_target: function (node) { return parseInt(node.textContent.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, ""), 10) || 0; }, get_header_rect: function () { var header = document.getElementById(this.is_4chanx ? "header-bar" : "boardNavMobile"); if (header) { return style.get_object_rect(header); } else { return { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, }; } }, observe_children: function (parent_node, cb) { // Create new observer var o = new MutationObserver(function (records) { var i, j, nodes; for (i = 0; i < records.length; ++i) { if ((nodes = records[i].addedNodes)) { for (j = 0; j < nodes.length; ++j) { // Check cb.call(null, true, nodes[j]); } } if ((nodes = records[i].removedNodes)) { for (j = 0; j < nodes.length; ++j) { // Check cb.call(null, false, nodes[j]); } } } }); // Observe o.observe( parent_node, { childList: true, } ); // Done return function () { o.disconnect(); }; }, get_post_container_from_post_number: function (post_number) { return document.getElementById("pc" + post_number); }, get_quick_reply_file_4chanx: function (callback) { // Event listener var temp_listener = function (event) { clearTimeout(timer); document.removeEventListener("QRFile", temp_listener, false); if (event.detail && event.detail instanceof File) { callback.call(event.detail); } else { callback.call(null); } }; // Events document.addEventListener("QRFile", temp_listener, false); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("QRGetFile", { bubbles: true, detail: null })); // Cancel event var timer = setTimeout(function () { timer = null; document.removeEventListener("QRFile", temp_listener, false); }, 1000); }, set_quick_reply_file_4chanx: function (file) { var detail = { file: this.files[0], name: null, }; if (cloneInto) { detail = cloneInto(detail, document.defaultView); } document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("QRSetFile", { bubbles: true, detail: detail })); }, }; return API; })(); // Notification var Notification = (function () { var Notification = function (data) { this.nodes = null; this.overlay_can_close_on_click = ("overlay_close" in data && data.overlay_close); this.on_overlay_click_bind = null; this.on_body_click_bind = null; this.on_close_click_bind = null; this.events = { "close": [] }; var body = document.querySelector("body"); if (body) { this.nodes = { container: null, body: null, close: null }; // Create notification container var container, n_body_outer, n_aligner, n_body_inner, n_body, n_content_outer, n_content, n_close, n_style, nc_title, nc_body; container = $.div("iex_notification"); container.addEventListener("click", this.on_overlay_click_bind = on_overlay_click.bind(this), false); this.nodes.container = container; n_body_outer = $.div("iex_notification_body_outer"); container.appendChild(n_body_outer); n_aligner = $.div("iex_notification_body_aligner"); n_body_outer.appendChild(n_aligner); n_body_inner = $.div("iex_notification_body_inner"); n_body_outer.appendChild(n_body_inner); if ("style" in data && [ "info" , "error" , "success" , "warning" ].indexOf(data.style) >= 0) { n_style = "iex_notification_" + data.style; } else { n_style = "iex_notification_info"; } n_body = $.div("iex_notification_body " + n_style); n_body.addEventListener("click", this.on_body_click_bind = on_body_click.bind(this), false); n_body_inner.appendChild(n_body); this.nodes.body = n_body; n_content_outer = $.div("iex_notification_content_outer"); n_body.appendChild(n_content_outer); n_close = $.a("iex_notification_close" + (data.close === false ? " iex_notification_close_hidden" : "")); n_close.textContent = "\u00D7"; n_close.addEventListener("click", this.on_close_click_bind = on_close_click.bind(this), false); this.nodes.close = n_close; n_content_outer.appendChild(n_close); n_content = $.div("iex_notification_content"); n_content_outer.appendChild(n_content); // Title if ("title" in data) { nc_title = $.div("iex_notification_content_title"); if (typeof(data.title) == typeof("")) { nc_title.textContent = data.title; } else { try { nc_title.appendChild(data.title); } catch (e) {} } n_content.appendChild(nc_title); } // Content if ("content" in data) { nc_body = $.div("iex_notification_content_body"); if (typeof(data.content) == typeof("")) { nc_body.textContent = data.content; } else { try { nc_body.appendChild(data.content); } catch (e) {} } n_content.appendChild(nc_body); } // Insert body.appendChild(container); // Events if ("on" in data) { for (var event in data.on) { this.on(event, data.on[event]); } } } }; var on_overlay_click = function (event) { // Close if (this.overlay_can_close_on_click) { destroy.call(this, "overlay"); } // Stop return stop_event(event); }; var on_body_click = function (event) { // Stop event.stopPropagation(); return false; }; var on_close_click = function (event) { // Remove destroy.call(this, "x"); // Stop return stop_event(event); }; var destroy = function (reason) { if (this.nodes) { // Close trigger.call(this, "close", { reason: reason }); // Remove events if (this.on_close_click_bind !== null) { this.nodes.close.removeEventListener("click", this.on_close_click_bind, false); this.on_close_click_bind = null; } if (this.on_overlay_click_bind !== null) { this.nodes.container.removeEventListener("click", this.on_overlay_click_bind, false); this.on_overlay_click_bind = null; } if (this.on_body_click_bind !== null) { this.nodes.body.removeEventListener("click", this.on_body_click_bind, false); this.on_body_click_bind = null; } // Remove var par = this.nodes.container.parentNode; if (par) { par.removeChild(this.nodes.container); } // Null this.nodes = null; this.events = {}; } }; var trigger = function (event, data) { // Trigger if (event in this.events) { var e_list = this.events[event]; for (var i = 0; i < e_list.length; ++i) { e_list[i].call(this, data); } } }; Notification.prototype = { constructor: Notification, close: function () { // Close destroy.call(this, "manual"); }, on: function (event, callback) { // Add callback if (event in this.events) { this.events[event].push(callback); } }, off: function (event, callback) { // Add callback if (event in this.events) { var e_list = this.events[event]; for (var i = 0; i < e_list.length; ++i) { if (e_list[i] === callback) { // Remove e_list.splice(i, 1); return true; } } } return false; }, }; return Notification; })(); // Settings control var Settings = (function () { var Settings = function () { // Settings values this.values = { "first_run": true, "image_expansion": { "enabled": false, "normal": { "enabled": true, "timeout": 0.0, "to_fit": true }, "spoiler": { "enabled": true, "timeout": 0.0, "to_fit": true }, "hover": { "zoom_invert": false, "zoom_borders_show": true, "zoom_borders_hide_time": 0.5, "zoom_buttons": true, "mouse_hide": true, "mouse_hide_time": 1.0, "header_overlap": false, "fit_large_allowed": true, "display_stats": 0 }, "extensions": { "jpg": { "background": 1, // 0 = never show, 1 = show before load (transparent), 2 = show before load (opaque) "mouse_wheel": 0 // 0 = zoom, 1 = volume control }, "png": { "background": 1, "mouse_wheel": 0 }, "gif": { "background": 1, "mouse_wheel": 0 }, "webm": { "background": 2, "mouse_wheel": 0 }, }, "video": { "autoplay": 1, // 0 = not at all, 1 = asap, 2 = when it can play "through", 3 = fully loaded "loop": true, "mute_initially": false, "volume": 0.5, "mini_controls": 1, // 0 = never, 1 = when mouse is over the video, 2 = when mouse is NOT over the video, 3 = always "expand_state_save": true }, "style": { "animations_background": true, "controls_rounded_border": true } }, "file_linkification": { "enabled": true, }, "annotations": { "enabled": true, "enabled_standalone": true, "editor": true, "editor_always_enable": false, "modify_urls": true, "transparent_until_hover": false, "toggle_hotkey": "a", "defaults": { "font": 1, "bold": false, "italic": false, }, }, }; this.save_key = "iex_settings"; // Value changing events this.change_events = {}; // Events this.ready_callbacks = []; // Notification instances this.notification_first_run = null; this.notification_install_fail = null; this.notification_image_hover = null; // Modifying other settings this.modifying_settings_4chanx_timer = null; this.modifying_settings_4chanx_callback = null; this.modifying_settings_vanilla_timer = null; this.modifying_settings_vanilla_callback = null; this.can_disable_image_hover = true; // If another image hover is detected // Data this.settings_container = null; this.settings_container_outer = null; this.settings_difficulty_container = null; this.settings_removal_data = null; this.settings_update_other_after_close = false; }; var on_settings_4chanx_section_change = function (data) { // Get section id var id = /section-([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)/.exec(data.section.className); id = id ? id[1].toLowerCase() : ""; // Hover settings var modify_image_hover = (id == (api.is_appchanx ? "script" : "main")); if (modify_image_hover) { // Forcibly modify 4chan-x settings if (this.modifying_settings_4chanx_timer !== null) { // Clear timer clearTimeout(this.modifying_settings_4chanx_timer); this.modifying_settings_4chanx_timer = null; // Get the hover setting var image_hover_setting = data.container.querySelector('input[name="Image Hover"]'); if (image_hover_setting) { setTimeout(on_settings_4chanx_section_change_modify.bind(this, image_hover_setting), 100); } else { // Callback trigger_modifying_settings_4chanx_cb.call(this, false, false, "not found"); } } // Modify display modify_settings_4chanx_display.call(this, data.container); } }; var on_settings_4chanx_section_change_modify = function (setting) { // If it's checked, click it to uncheck it var is_checked = setting.checked; if (is_checked) { setting.click(); } // Callback trigger_modifying_settings_4chanx_cb.call(this, true, is_checked, "okay"); sync.trigger("image_expansion_enable"); }; var on_settings_vanilla_open = function (data) { // Forcibly modify 4chan-x settings if (this.modifying_settings_vanilla_timer !== null) { // Clear timer clearTimeout(this.modifying_settings_vanilla_timer); this.modifying_settings_vanilla_timer = null; // Get the hover setting var image_hover_setting = data.container.querySelector("input[data-option='imageHover']"); if (image_hover_setting) { setTimeout(on_settings_vanilla_open_modify.bind(this, image_hover_setting), 10); } else { // Callback trigger_modifying_settings_vanilla_cb.call(this, false, false, "not found"); } } // Modify display modify_settings_vanilla_display.call(this, data.container); }; var on_settings_vanilla_open_modify = function (setting) { // If it's checked, click it to uncheck it var is_checked = setting.checked; if (is_checked) { setting.click(); } // Callback trigger_modifying_settings_vanilla_cb.call(this, true, is_checked, "okay"); sync.trigger("image_expansion_enable"); }; var on_modifying_settings_4chanx_timout = function () { // Callback trigger_modifying_settings_4chanx_cb.call(this, false, false, "timeout"); // Didn't happen this.modifying_settings_4chanx_timer = null; }; var on_modifying_settings_vanilla_timout = function () { // Callback trigger_modifying_settings_vanilla_cb.call(this, false, false, "timeout"); // Didn't happen this.modifying_settings_vanilla_timer = null; }; var on_menu_4chanx_open = function (data) { if (data.type != "main") return; var e = $.a("iex_4chanx_menu_link"); e.textContent = "iex settings"; e.addEventListener("click", on_menu_4chanx_entry_click.bind(this), false); api.menu_4chanx_add_entry(data.container, e, 135); }; var on_menu_4chanx_entry_click = function (event) { // Close api.menu_4chanx_close(); // Open settings this.settings_open(); }; var on_edit_iex_settings_click = function (event) { // Open settings if (api.is_4chanx) { api.settings_4chanx_close(); } else { api.settings_vanilla_close(); } this.settings_open(); // Stop event return stop_event(event); }; var on_main_page_iex_link_click = function (event) { // Open settings this.settings_open(); // Stop event return stop_event(event); }; var on_first_run_link_click = function (install, event) { // Selected this.change_value(["first_run"], false); this.save_values(); // Install or not? if (install) { // Perform install var cb = on_first_run_install_callback.bind(this); if (api.is_4chanx) { this.modify_4chanx_settings(cb); } else { this.modify_vanilla_settings(cb); } } // Close if (this.notification_first_run !== null) { this.notification_first_run.close(); this.notification_first_run = null; } // Stop event return stop_event(event); }; var on_first_run_install_callback = function (okay, settings_were_changed, status) { // Update settings if (okay) { this.change_value(["first_run"], false); this.change_value(["image_expansion", "enabled"], true); this.save_values(on_first_run_install_callback_complete.bind(this, okay, settings_were_changed, status)); } else { // Instant on_first_run_install_callback_complete.call(this, okay, settings_were_changed, status); } }; var on_first_run_install_callback_complete = function (okay, settings_were_changed, status) { // Event if (okay) { sync.trigger("install_complete"); } // Close settings if (api.is_4chanx) { // Close api.settings_4chanx_close(); } else { // Close or save if (settings_were_changed) { api.settings_vanilla_save(); } else { api.settings_vanilla_close(); } } if (okay) { // Reload window.location.reload(false); } else { // Error this.display_install_fail_notification(status); } }; var on_settings_update_other_complete = function (okay, settings_were_changed, status) { // Close settings if (api.is_4chanx) { // Close api.settings_4chanx_close(); } else { // Close or save if (settings_were_changed) { api.settings_vanilla_save(); } else { api.settings_vanilla_close(); } } if (!okay) { // Error this.display_install_fail_notification(status); } }; var on_initial_load = function () { on_ready(on_first_run_check.bind(this)); }; var on_first_run_check = function () { // First run check if (api.page_type == "board" || api.page_type == "thread" || api.page_type == "catalog") { if (this.values.first_run) { // Show message this.display_first_run_notification(); } } // Trigger ready trigger_ready.call(this); }; var on_insert_links = function () { var nav_nodes = [], nav, par, i, c, n, separate; if ((nav = document.getElementById("navtopright"))) { nav_nodes.push({ node: nav, is_parent: true, add_separators: true, before: true, }); } if ((nav = document.getElementById("navbotright"))) { nav_nodes.push({ node: nav, is_parent: true, add_separators: true, before: true, }); } if ((nav = document.getElementById("settingsWindowLinkMobile"))) { nav_nodes.push({ node: nav, is_parent: false, add_separators: false, before: true, }); } // Insert for (i = 0; i < nav_nodes.length; ++i) { par = nav_nodes[i].node; separate = nav_nodes[i].add_separators; if (nav_nodes[i].is_parent) { c = par.firstChild; } else { c = par; par = par.parentNode; if (!par) continue; } if (separate) { if (c && c.nodeType == 3) { // TEXT_NODE c.nodeValue = "] ["; } else { n = $.text("]"); if (c) par.insertBefore(n, c); else par.appendChild(n); c = n; } } n = $.node("a"); n.textContent = "iex"; n.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); n.setAttribute("rel", "noreferrer nofollow"); n.setAttribute("href", "https://dnsev.github.io/iex/"); n.addEventListener("click", on_main_page_iex_link_click.bind(this), false); par.insertBefore(n, c); c = n; if (separate) { n = $.text("["); par.insertBefore(n, c); } } }; var on_insert_links_condition = function () { return document.getElementById("navtopright") || document.getElementById("navbotright") || document.getElementById("settingsWindowLinkMobile"); }; var on_install_complete_sync = function () { // Close notifications if (this.notification_first_run !== null) { this.notification_first_run.close(); this.notification_first_run = null; } }; var on_settings_save_sync = function () { // Reload settings this.load_values(true, null); }; var on_image_expansion_enable_sync = function () { // Image hover has been enabled in another tab; make it so this tab can't re-disable it this.can_disable_image_hover = false; }; var on_notification_link_click = function (settings_open, close_object, event) { // Open if (settings_open) { this.settings_open(); } // Close if (close_object !== null) { close_object.close(); } // Stop event return stop_event(event); }; var on_notification_first_run_close = function () { this.notification_first_run = null; }; var on_notification_install_fail_close = function () { this.notification_install_fail = null; }; var on_notification_image_hover_close = function () { this.notification_image_hover = null; }; var on_iex_settings_overlay_click = function (event) { // Close this.settings_close(); // Stop event return stop_event(event); }; var on_iex_settings_body_click = function (event) { // Stop event event.stopPropagation(); return false; }; var on_iex_settings_close_click = function (event) { // Close this.settings_close(); // Stop event return stop_event(event); }; var on_iex_setting_checkbox_change = function (node, descriptor, event) { // Set var value_new = node.checked, value_old; if ("values" in descriptor) { value_new = descriptor.values[value_new ? 1 : 0]; } if ("modify" in descriptor) { value_new = descriptor.modify.call(this, value_new, descriptor); } // Value tree if ("tree" in descriptor) { // Change value_old = this.change_value(descriptor.tree, value_new); this.save_values(); } else if ("change" in descriptor) { // Modify value_new = descriptor.change.call(this, value_new, value_old); } // Update node node.checked = value_new; // After if ("after_callback" in descriptor) { descriptor.after_callback.call(this, value_new, value_old); } }; var on_iex_setting_textbox_change = function (node, descriptor, event) { // Set var value_new = node.value, value_old; if ("modify" in descriptor) { value_new = descriptor.modify.call(this, value_new, descriptor); } // Value tree if ("tree" in descriptor) { // Change value_old = this.change_value(descriptor.tree, value_new); this.save_values(); } else if ("change" in descriptor) { // Modify value_new = descriptor.change.call(this, value_new, value_old); } // Update node node.value = "" + value_new; // After if ("after_callback" in descriptor) { descriptor.after_callback.call(this, value_new, value_old); } }; var on_iex_setting_text_click = function (node, descriptor, event) { // Get new id var id_current = parseInt(node.getAttribute("data-iex-setting-current-id") || "", 10) || 0; var id_new = (id_current + 1) % descriptor.values.length; var update_id = false; // Set var value_new = descriptor.values[id_new], value_old; if ("modify" in descriptor) { value_new = descriptor.modify.call(this, value_new, descriptor); update_id = true; } // Value tree if ("tree" in descriptor) { // Change value_old = this.change_value(descriptor.tree, value_new); this.save_values(); } else if ("change" in descriptor) { // Modify value_new = descriptor.change.call(this, value_new, value_old); update_id = true; } // Update if (update_id) { var i = id_new; while (true) { i = (i + 1) % descriptor.values.length; if (i == id_new) break; if (descriptor.values[i] === value_new) { id_new = i; break; } } } node.setAttribute("data-iex-setting-current-id", id_new); node.textContent = ("value_labels" in descriptor ? descriptor.value_labels[id_new] : ("" + descriptor.values[id_new])); // After if ("after_callback" in descriptor) { descriptor.after_callback.call(this, value_new, value_old); } }; var on_iex_setting_display_settings = function () { // Close settings this.settings_close(); // Display this.display_settings_info_notification(); }; var on_iex_setting_delete_settings = function () { // Delete this.delete_values(on_iex_setting_delete_settings_complete.bind(this)); }; var on_iex_setting_delete_settings_complete = function () { // Reload this.settings_close(); window.location.reload(false); }; var on_iex_difficulty_link_click = function (event, node) { // Get target var target = node.getAttribute("data-iex-settings-difficulty-choice-level") || ""; // Update difficulty change_settings_difficulty.call(this, target); // Stop event return stop_event(event); }; var on_iex_setting_image_expansion_toggle = function (value_new, value_old) { // Update other settings after close this.settings_update_other_after_close = value_new; }; var on_save_values_callback = function (next_callback) { // Sync sync.trigger("settings_save"); if (next_callback) { next_callback.call(this); } }; var on_load_values_callback = function (events, next_callback, value) { if (value) { update_values.call(this, [], this.values, value, false, events); } if (next_callback) { next_callback.call(this); } }; var on_display_settings_info_notification_callback = function (saved_values) { // Get try { saved_values = JSON.stringify(saved_values, null, " "); } catch (e) {} // Alert message var message = $.node("div"), m_part; // Line 1 m_part = $.div("iex_spaced_div"); m_part.textContent = "These are iex's saved settings, which are useful for debugging purposes:"; message.appendChild(m_part); // Textarea m_part = $.node("textarea", "iex_notification_textarea"); m_part.setAttribute("spellcheck", "false"); m_part.value = saved_values; message.appendChild(m_part); // Display new Notification({ close: true, overlay_close: true, style: "success", title: "Saved iex settings", content: message, }); }; var modify_settings_4chanx_display = function (container) { // Get the hover setting var image_hover_setting = container.querySelector('input[name="Image Hover"]'); if (!image_hover_setting) return; // Find the parent to clone var image_hover_setting_container; try { image_hover_setting_container = image_hover_setting.parentNode.parentNode; } catch (e) { image_hover_setting_container = null; } if (image_hover_setting_container) { // Clone container var container_clone = image_hover_setting_container.cloneNode(true), i, description_old; // Remove input names and disable var inputs = container_clone.querySelectorAll("input"); for (i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) { inputs[i].disabled = true; inputs[i].removeAttribute("name"); } // Dim labels and descriptions var labels = container_clone.querySelectorAll("label"); for (i = 0; i < labels.length; ++i) { labels[i].style.opacity = "0.5"; } var descriptions = container_clone.querySelectorAll(".description"); for (i = 0; i < descriptions.length; ++i) { descriptions[i].style.opacity = "0.5"; } // Add new if (api.is_appchanx) { container_clone.appendChild($.text(" (disable iex)")); // Modify old description_old = image_hover_setting_container.querySelector("label"); if (description_old) { description_old.appendChild($.text(" (or use iex)")); } } else { var description_new = $.span("description"); var link_new = $("a"); link_new.setAttribute("href", "//dnsev.github.io/iex/"); link_new.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); link_new.textContent = "disable iex version to use"; link_new.addEventListener("click", on_edit_iex_settings_click.bind(this), false); description_new.appendChild($.text(" (")); description_new.appendChild(link_new); description_new.appendChild($.text(")")); container_clone.appendChild(description_new); // Modify old description_old = image_hover_setting_container.querySelector(".description"); if (description_old) { link_new = $("a"); link_new.setAttribute("href", "//dnsev.github.io/iex/"); link_new.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); link_new.textContent = "or use iex version"; link_new.addEventListener("click", on_edit_iex_settings_click.bind(this), false); description_old.appendChild($.text(" (")); description_old.appendChild(link_new); description_old.appendChild($.text(")")); } } // Insert new container image_hover_setting_container.parentNode.insertBefore(container_clone, image_hover_setting_container); // Hide old if (this.values.image_expansion.enabled) { image_hover_setting_container.style.display = "none"; } else { container_clone.style.display = "none"; } // Update checkbox value setTimeout(modify_settings_4chanx_display_delay.bind(this, inputs, image_hover_setting), 10); } }; var modify_settings_4chanx_display_delay = function (inputs, original) { for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) { inputs[i].checked = original.checked; } }; var modify_settings_vanilla_display = function (container) { // Get the hover setting var image_hover_setting = container.querySelector("input[data-option='imageHover']"); if (!image_hover_setting) return; // Acquire nodes to clone var c, containers_original = [], clone, inputs, par, i, j, n, iex_link, iex_descr; try { c = image_hover_setting.parentNode.parentNode; if (c) { if ((par = c.parentNode)) { containers_original.push(c); } else { c = null; } } } catch (e) { c = null; } if (c) { c = c.nextSibling; if (style.has_class(c, "settings-tip")) containers_original.push(c); } for (i = 0; i < containers_original.length; ++i) { c = containers_original[i]; // Clone container clone = c.cloneNode(true); // Disable inputs inputs = clone.querySelectorAll("input"); for (j = 0; j < inputs.length; ++j) { inputs[j].disabled = true; inputs[j].removeAttribute("data-option"); } if (i === 0) { // Dim if ((n = clone.querySelector("label"))) { n.style.opacity = "0.5"; } // Text for new iex_link = $("a"); iex_link.setAttribute("href", "//dnsev.github.io/iex/"); iex_link.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); iex_link.textContent = "disable iex version to use"; iex_link.addEventListener("click", on_edit_iex_settings_click.bind(this), false); iex_descr = $("span"); iex_descr.appendChild($.text(" (")); iex_descr.appendChild(iex_link); iex_descr.appendChild($.text(")")); clone.appendChild(iex_descr); // Text for old iex_link = $("a"); iex_link.setAttribute("href", "//dnsev.github.io/iex/"); iex_link.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); iex_link.textContent = "or use iex version"; iex_link.addEventListener("click", on_edit_iex_settings_click.bind(this), false); iex_descr = $("span"); iex_descr.appendChild($.text(" (")); iex_descr.appendChild(iex_link); iex_descr.appendChild($.text(")")); c.appendChild(iex_descr); } else { // Dim clone.style.opacity = "0.5"; } // Hide if (this.values.image_expansion.enabled) { c.style.display = "none"; } else { clone.style.display = "none"; } // Append par.insertBefore(clone, containers_original[0]); // Update checkbox value setTimeout(modify_settings_vanilla_display_delay.bind(this, inputs, image_hover_setting), 10); } }; var modify_settings_vanilla_display_delay = function (inputs, original) { for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) { inputs[i].checked = original.checked; } }; var trigger_ready = function () { // Trigger ready event if (this.ready_callbacks !== null) { for (var i = 0; i < this.ready_callbacks.length; ++i) { this.ready_callbacks[i].call(this); } this.ready_callbacks = null; } }; var trigger_change = function (tree, old_value, new_value, source) { var key = tree.join("-"); if (key in this.change_events) { // Get the proper tree tree = this.change_events[key].tree; // Callback list var list = this.change_events[key].callbacks; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { list[i].call(this, { tree: tree, old_value: old_value, new_value: new_value, source: source, }); } } }; var trigger_modifying_settings_4chanx_cb = function (okay, settings_were_changed, status) { // Show var body = document.querySelector("body"); if (body) style.remove_class(body, "iex_hide_other_settings"); // Callback if (this.modifying_settings_4chanx_callback !== null) { this.modifying_settings_4chanx_callback.call(this, okay, settings_were_changed, status); this.modifying_settings_4chanx_callback = null; } }; var trigger_modifying_settings_vanilla_cb = function (okay, settings_were_changed, status) { // Show var body = document.querySelector("body"); if (body) style.remove_class(body, "iex_hide_other_settings"); // Callback if (this.modifying_settings_vanilla_callback !== null) { this.modifying_settings_vanilla_callback.call(this, okay, settings_were_changed, status); this.modifying_settings_vanilla_callback = null; } }; var update_values = function (tree, values, new_values, remove, events) { // Updates var old_value, key; for (key in new_values) { if (key in values) { // Update if (new_values[key] instanceof Object) { // Deeper if (!(values[key] instanceof Object)) { values[key] = {}; } tree.push(key); update_values.call(this, tree, values[key], new_values[key], remove, events); tree.pop(); } else { // Replace old_value = values[key]; values[key] = new_values[key]; if (events && old_value !== values[key]) { tree.push(key); trigger_change.call(this, tree, old_value, values[key], "update"); tree.pop(); } } } else { // New if (new_values[key] instanceof Object) { // Deeper values[key] = {}; tree.push(key); update_values.call(this, tree, values[key], new_values[key], remove, events); tree.pop(); } else { // Replace values[key] = new_values[key]; if (events) { tree.push(key); trigger_change.call(this, tree, undefined, values[key], "update"); tree.pop(); } } } } // Removals if (remove) { for (key in values) { if (!(key in new_values)) { // Remove old_value = values[key]; delete values[key]; if (events) { tree.push(key); trigger_change.call(this, tree, old_value, undefined, "update"); tree.pop(); } } } } }; var string_to_float = function (value) { return parseFloat(value.trim()) || 0; }; var string_to_hotkey = function (value, descriptor) { value = value.trim().toLowerCase(); if (hotkey_manager.key_to_keycode(value) === 0) { // Return previous return this.get_value(descriptor.tree); } return value; }; var settings_open = function () { if (this.settings_container_outer !== null) return; var body = document.querySelector("body"), bg_color, settings_content, settings_buttons, cb, overlay, container, inner, n1, n2, n3, n4; if (!body) return; // Get background color bg_color = style.parse_css_color(style.get_true_style_of_class("post reply", "backgroundColor", "div")); settings_buttons = generate_settings_difficulty_selector.call(this); settings_content = generate_settings_container.call(this, generate_settings_descriptors.call(this)); this.settings_removal_data = settings_content[1].concat(settings_buttons[1]); // Create overlay = $.div("iex_settings_popup_overlay"); overlay.addEventListener("click", (cb = on_iex_settings_overlay_click.bind(this)), false); this.settings_removal_data.push({ node: overlay, event: "click", callback: cb, capture: false }); this.settings_container_outer = overlay; container = $.div("iex_settings_popup"); overlay.appendChild(container); inner = $.div("iex_settings_popup_aligner"); container.appendChild(inner); inner = $.div("iex_settings_popup_inner"); container.appendChild(inner); n1 = $.div("iex_settings_popup_table"); n1.style.backgroundColor = style.color_to_css(bg_color); inner.appendChild(n1); n1.addEventListener("click", (cb = on_iex_settings_body_click.bind(this)), false); this.settings_removal_data.push({ node: n1, event: "click", callback: cb, capture: false }); // Top n2 = $.div("iex_settings_popup_top"); n1.appendChild(n2); n3 = $.div("iex_settings_popup_top_content"); n2.appendChild(n3); n4 = $.div("iex_settings_popup_top_label"); n3.appendChild(n4); n4.textContent = "Image Extensions - Settings"; settings_buttons[0].className = "iex_settings_popup_top_right" + style.theme; n3.appendChild(settings_buttons[0]); this.settings_difficulty_container = settings_buttons[0]; // Middle n2 = $.div("iex_settings_popup_middle"); n1.appendChild(n2); n3 = $.div("iex_settings_popup_middle_content_pad"); n2.appendChild(n3); n2 = n3; n3 = $.div("iex_settings_popup_middle_content"); n2.appendChild(n3); n2 = n3; n3 = $.div("iex_settings_popup_middle_content_inner"); n2.appendChild(n3); n3.appendChild(settings_content[0]); this.settings_container = settings_content[0]; // Bottom n2 = $.div("iex_settings_popup_bottom"); n1.appendChild(n2); // Update difficulty change_settings_difficulty.call(this, "normal"); // Append body.appendChild(overlay); }; var generate_settings_difficulty_selector = function () { var d_container, d_choice, d_span, cb, settings_removal_data = []; d_container = $("div"); // Normal d_choice = $.a("iex_settings_difficulty_choice"); d_choice.textContent = "normal"; d_choice.setAttribute("data-iex-settings-difficulty-choice-level", "normal"); d_container.appendChild(d_choice); cb = wrap_generic_event(this, on_iex_difficulty_link_click); d_choice.addEventListener("click", cb, false); settings_removal_data.push({ node: d_choice, event: "click", callback: cb, capture: false }); d_span = $.span("iex_settings_difficulty_separator"); d_span.textContent = " | "; d_container.appendChild(d_span); // Advanced d_choice = $.a("iex_settings_difficulty_choice"); d_choice.textContent = "advanced"; d_choice.setAttribute("data-iex-settings-difficulty-choice-level", "advanced"); d_container.appendChild(d_choice); d_choice.addEventListener("click", cb, false); settings_removal_data.push({ node: d_choice, event: "click", callback: cb, capture: false }); d_span = $.span("iex_settings_difficulty_separator"); d_span.textContent = " | "; d_container.appendChild(d_span); // Homepage d_choice = $.a("iex_settings_homepage_link"); d_choice.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); d_choice.setAttribute("href", "//dnsev.github.io/iex/"); d_choice.textContent = "homepage"; d_container.appendChild(d_choice); d_span = $.span("iex_settings_difficulty_separator"); d_span.textContent = " | "; d_container.appendChild(d_span); // Close d_choice = $.a("iex_settings_popup_close_link"); d_choice.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); d_choice.setAttribute("href", "//dnsev.github.io/iex/"); d_choice.textContent = "\u00D7"; d_container.appendChild(d_choice); d_choice.addEventListener("click", (cb = on_iex_settings_close_click.bind(this)), false); settings_removal_data.push({ node: d_choice, event: "click", callback: cb, capture: false }); // Return return [ d_container , settings_removal_data ]; }; var generate_settings_descriptors = function () { var descriptors = []; // Image expansion descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Image Expansion", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "enabled" ], label: "Enabled", description: "Enable custom expansion of images on mouse hover", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "disabled" , "enabled" ], descriptors: [], after_callback: on_iex_setting_image_expansion_toggle.bind(this) }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Image Expansion", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "normal" , "enabled" ], label: "Enabled", sublabel: "for non-spoiler images", description: "Enable hover for non-spoiler images", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "disabled" , "enabled" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Image Expansion", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "spoiler" , "enabled" ], label: "Enabled", sublabel: "for spoiler images", description: "Enable hover for spoiler images", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "disabled" , "enabled" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Image Expansion", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "normal" , "to_fit" ], label: "Fit image", sublabel: "for non-spoiler images", description: "Automatically fit the image to the best screen size on hover", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "don't fit" , "fit" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Image Expansion", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "spoiler" , "to_fit" ], label: "Fit image", sublabel: "for spoiler images", description: "Automatically fit the image to the best screen size on hover", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "don't fit" , "fit" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Image Expansion", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "normal" , "timeout" ], modify: string_to_float, label: "Open timeout", sublabel: "for non-spoiler images", description: "Time to wait before displaying the image (in seconds)", type: "textbox", }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Image Expansion", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "spoiler" , "timeout" ], modify: string_to_float, label: "Open timeout", sublabel: "for spoiler images", description: "Time to wait before displaying the image (in seconds)", type: "textbox", }); // Hover settings descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Hover", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "hover" , "header_overlap" ], label: "Overlap header", description: "If the header is visible, the preview will not overlap it", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "don't overlap" , "overlap" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Hover", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "hover" , "fit_large_allowed" ], label: "Fit large", description: "When enabled, image zooming can be snapped to both vertical and horizontal scales", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "disabled" , "enabled" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Hover", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "hover" , "display_stats" ], label: "Display stats", description: "Show the file name and relevant stats on top of the preview", type: "text", values: [ 0 , 1 , 2 ], value_labels: [ "show" , "hide" , "hide all" ] }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Hover", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "hover" , "zoom_invert" ], label: "Zoom invert mouse", description: "Zoom location based on mouse will be inverted", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "not inverted" , "inverted" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Hover", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "hover" , "zoom_borders_show" ], label: "Zoom borders", description: "Display borders inside the preview displaying the mouse movement region", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "disabled" , "enabled" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Hover", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "hover" , "zoom_borders_hide_time" ], modify: string_to_float, label: "Zoom borders hide timeout", description: "Time to wait after mouse has stopped to hide the zoom borders (in seconds)", type: "textbox", }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Hover", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "hover" , "zoom_buttons" ], label: "Zoom buttons", description: "Show zooming buttons when the zoom% is hovered", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "disabled" , "enabled" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Hover", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "hover" , "mouse_hide" ], label: "Cursor hide", description: "Hide the mouse cursor when hovering the image after inactivity", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "don't hide" , "hide" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Hover", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "hover" , "mouse_hide_time" ], modify: string_to_float, label: "Cursor hide timeout", description: "Time to wait after mouse has stopped to hide cursor (in seconds)", type: "textbox", }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Hover", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "hover" , "mouse_hide_time" ], modify: string_to_float, label: "Cursor hide timeout", description: "Time to wait after mouse has stopped to hide cursor (in seconds)", type: "textbox", }); // File types descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Hover", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "extensions" , "jpg" , "background" ], label: "Thumbnail background (.jpg)", description: "How to display the thumbnail image in the background while loading", type: "text", values: [ 0 , 1 , 2 ], value_labels: [ "never show" , "semi-transparent" , "opaque" ] }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Hover", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "extensions" , "png" , "background" ], label: "Thumbnail background (.png)", description: "How to display the thumbnail image in the background while loading", type: "text", values: [ 0 , 1 , 2 ], value_labels: [ "never show" , "semi-transparent" , "opaque" ] }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Hover", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "extensions" , "gif" , "background" ], label: "Thumbnail background (.gif)", description: "How to display the thumbnail image in the background while loading", type: "text", values: [ 0 , 1 , 2 ], value_labels: [ "never show" , "semi-transparent" , "opaque" ] }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Hover", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "extensions" , "webm" , "background" ], label: "Thumbnail background (.webm)", description: "How to display the thumbnail image in the background while loading", type: "text", values: [ 0 , 1 , 2 ], value_labels: [ "never show" , "transparent" , "opaque" ] }); // Video settings descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Video", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "video" , "mini_controls" ], label: "Mini controls", description: "When to display the mini control bar", type: "text", values: [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ], value_labels: [ "never" , "mouse over preview" , "mouse NOT over preview" , "always" ] }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Video", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "video" , "autoplay" ], label: "Autoplay", description: "When the video should automatically play", type: "text", values: [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ], value_labels: [ "never" , "as soon as possible" , "when it can play \"through\"" , "when fully loaded" ] }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Video", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "video" , "loop" ], label: "Loop", description: "Enable automatic video looping", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "don't loop" , "loop" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Video", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "video" , "mute_initially" ], label: "Mute", description: "Mute the video when the preview is opened", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "don't mute" , "mute" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Video", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "video" , "volume" ], modify: string_to_float, label: "Default volume", description: "The default volume of a video when it is opened", type: "textbox", }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Video", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "video" , "expand_state_save" ], label: "Expansion state save", description: "The video state should be saved and resumed when expanding", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "don't save" , "save" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Video", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "extensions" , "webm" , "mouse_wheel" ], label: "Mouse wheel action (.webm)", description: "What scrolling the mouse should do for .webm files", type: "text", values: [ 0 , 1 ], value_labels: [ "zoom" , "volume control" ] }); // Link settings descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Linkification", tree: [ "file_linkification" , "enabled" ], label: "Named file URLs", description: "Appends the filename to the url as a #fragment (asthetic purposes)", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "disabled" , "enabled" ], }); // Style settings descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Style", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "style" , "animations_background" ], label: "Background image animations", description: "Use animated CSS transitions for the background image", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "unanimated" , "animated" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Style", tree: [ "image_expansion" , "style" , "controls_rounded_border" ], label: "Rounded borders on controls", description: "Use rounded corners on video control bars (doesn't work on Chrome)", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "square" , "rounded" ], }); // Annotations descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Annotations", tree: [ "annotations" , "enabled" ], label: "Enabled", description: "Enable image annotations", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "disabled" , "enabled" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Annotations", tree: [ "annotations" , "enabled_standalone" ], label: "Enabled on standalone images", description: "Enable image annotations on images opened in a new tab", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "disabled" , "enabled" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Annotations", tree: [ "annotations" , "editor" ], label: "Annotation editor", description: "Show the annotation editor option on the quick reply form", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "disabled" , "enabled" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Annotations", tree: [ "annotations" , "editor_always_enable" ], label: "Annotation editor always enabled", description: "Always enable the annotation editor when opening quick reply", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "disabled" , "enabled" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Annotations", tree: [ "annotations" , "modify_urls" ], label: "Modify image URLs", description: "Append a #fragment to image urls to allow standalone image annotations", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "disabled" , "enabled" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Annotations", tree: [ "annotations" , "transparent_until_hover" ], label: "Annotation transparency", description: "Make annotations more transparent when the mouse is not over them", type: "checkbox", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "regular" , "transparent" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Annotations", tree: [ "annotations" , "toggle_hotkey" ], modify: string_to_hotkey, label: "Toggle Hotkey", description: "The key to use for toggling annotations on/off", type: "textbox", }); var vals = [], val_labels = [], i; for (i = 0; i < Annotation.fonts.length; ++i) { vals.push(i); val_labels.push(Annotation.fonts[i].name); } descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Annotation Editor Defaults", tree: [ "annotations" , "defaults" , "font" ], label: "Default font", description: "Default font family for new annotations", type: "text", values: vals, value_labels: val_labels }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Annotation Editor Defaults", tree: [ "annotations" , "defaults" , "bold" ], label: "Default bold", description: "Default bold setting for new annotations", type: "text", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "not bold" , "bold" ], }); descriptors.push({ level: "normal", section: "Annotation Editor Defaults", tree: [ "annotations" , "defaults" , "italic" ], label: "Default italic", description: "Default italic setting for new annotations", type: "text", values: [ false , true ], value_labels: [ "not italic" , "italic" ], }); // Meta descriptors.push({ level: "advanced", section: "Debugging", change: on_iex_setting_display_settings.bind(this), label: "Display local settings", description: "Display all saved local data in a pop-up textbox", type: "text", values: [ true ], value_labels: [ "display" ] }); descriptors.push({ level: "advanced", section: "Debugging", change: on_iex_setting_delete_settings.bind(this), label: "Delete local settings", description: "Delete all saved local data and refresh the page", type: "text", values: [ true ], value_labels: [ "delete" ] }); // Return return descriptors; }; var generate_settings_container = function (descriptors, data) { // Create container var container = $.div("iex_settings_region"); // Groups data = data || []; var groups = {}; var group_count = 0; // Setup var d, i, j, g_key, g_container, g_label, g_set, g_span, g_div, g_table, g_half_left, g_half_right, g_input, g_input_label, cb, val, s_val, odd = true; for (i = 0; i < descriptors.length; ++i) { d = descriptors[i]; // Get group g_key = d.section || ""; if (g_key in groups) { g_container = groups[g_key]; } else { // New g_container = $.div("iex_settings_group" + (group_count > 0 ? " iex_settings_group_padding_top" : "")); container.appendChild(g_container); g_label = $.div("iex_settings_group_label"); g_label.textContent = g_key; g_container.appendChild(g_label); groups[g_key] = g_container; group_count += 1; odd = true; } // Add setting g_set = $.div("iex_settings_setting" + (odd ? " iex_settings_setting_odd" : "") + (i > 0 ? " iex_settings_setting_top_padding" : "")); g_set.setAttribute("data-iex-setting-level", d.level || "normal"); g_container.appendChild(g_set); g_table = $.div("iex_settings_setting_table"); g_set.appendChild(g_table); // Halves g_half_right = $.div("iex_settings_setting_right"); g_table.appendChild(g_half_right); g_half_left = $.div("iex_settings_setting_left"); g_table.appendChild(g_half_left); // Left half g_label = $.div("iex_settings_setting_label"); g_half_left.appendChild(g_label); g_span = $.span("iex_settings_setting_label_title"); g_span.textContent = d.label; g_label.appendChild(g_span); if ("sublabel" in d) { g_span = $.span("iex_settings_setting_label_subtitle"); g_span.textContent = d.sublabel; g_label.appendChild(g_span); } g_label = $.div("iex_settings_setting_description"); g_label.textContent = d.description; g_half_left.appendChild(g_label); // Right half: input g_div = $.label("iex_settings_setting_input_container"); g_half_right.appendChild(g_div); if (d.type == "checkbox") { g_div.className += " iex_settings_setting_input_container_reverse"; g_input = $.input.check("iex_settings_setting_input_checkbox"); g_div.appendChild(g_input); g_input_label = $.span("iex_settings_setting_input_label"); if ("value_labels" in d) { g_input_label.setAttribute("data-iex-checkbox-label-off", d.value_labels[0]); g_input_label.setAttribute("data-iex-checkbox-label-on", d.value_labels[1]); } else if ("values" in d) { g_input_label.setAttribute("data-iex-checkbox-label-off", "" + d.values[0]); g_input_label.setAttribute("data-iex-checkbox-label-on", "" + d.values[1]); } else { g_input_label.setAttribute("data-iex-checkbox-label-off", "off"); g_input_label.setAttribute("data-iex-checkbox-label-on", "on"); } g_div.appendChild(g_input_label); // Events cb = on_iex_setting_checkbox_change.bind(this, g_input, d); g_input.addEventListener("change", cb, false); data.push({ node: g_input, event: "change", callback: cb, capture: false }); // Check status if ("tree" in d) { val = this.get_value(d.tree); if ("values" in d) { g_input.checked = (val == d.values[1]); } else { g_input.checked = val; } } } else if (d.type == "textbox") { g_input = $.input.text("iex_settings_setting_input_textbox"); g_div.appendChild(g_input); // Events cb = on_iex_setting_textbox_change.bind(this, g_input, d); g_input.addEventListener("change", cb, false); data.push({ node: g_input, event: "change", callback: cb, capture: false }); // Text if ("tree" in d) { g_input.value = this.get_value(d.tree).toString(); } } else if (d.type == "text") { // Get current val = 0; if ("tree" in d) { s_val = this.get_value(d.tree); for (j = 0; j < d.values.length; ++j) { if (d.values[j] == s_val) { val = j; break; } } } else if ("get" in d) { val = d.get.call(this, d); } // Text g_input = $.a("iex_settings_setting_input_text"); g_input.textContent = ("value_labels" in d ? d.value_labels[val] : ("" + d.values[val])); g_input.setAttribute("data-iex-setting-current-id", val); g_div.appendChild(g_input); // Events cb = on_iex_setting_text_click.bind(this, g_input, d); g_input.addEventListener("click", cb, false); data.push({ node: g_input, event: "click", callback: cb, capture: false }); } // Sub-options if ("descriptors" in d) { g_div = $.div("iex_settings_region_container"); g_set.appendChild(g_div); g_div.appendChild(generate_settings_container.call(this, d.descriptors, data)[0]); } // Next odd = !odd; } // Return return [ container , data ]; }; var destroy_settings_data = function (data) { // Remove events for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { data[i].node.removeEventListener(data[i].event, data[i].callback, data[i].capture); } }; var change_settings_difficulty = function (target) { if (this.settings_container === null) return; // Setup var groups = this.settings_container.querySelectorAll(".iex_settings_group"), levels = [ "normal" , "advanced" ], level_target = levels.indexOf(target), settings, s, s_pre, i, j, odd, count, level, choices; // Modify settings for (i = 0; i < groups.length; ++i) { settings = groups[i].querySelectorAll(".iex_settings_setting"); odd = true; s_pre = null; count = 0; for (j = 0; j < settings.length; ++j) { s = settings[j]; level = levels.indexOf(s.getAttribute("data-iex-setting-level")); // Display if (level <= level_target) { // Un-hide style.remove_class(s, "iex_settings_setting_hidden"); ++count; // Oddity if (odd) { style.add_class(s, "iex_settings_setting_odd"); } else { style.remove_class(s, "iex_settings_setting_odd"); } odd = !odd; // Previous if (s_pre !== null) { style.add_class(s, "iex_settings_setting_top_padding"); } else { style.remove_class(s, "iex_settings_setting_top_padding"); } s_pre = s; } else { // Hide style.add_class(s, "iex_settings_setting_hidden"); } } if (count === 0) { style.add_class(groups[i], "iex_settings_group_hidden"); } else { style.remove_class(groups[i], "iex_settings_group_hidden"); } } // Modify difficulty choices = this.settings_difficulty_container.querySelectorAll(".iex_settings_difficulty_choice"); for (i = 0; i < choices.length; ++i) { level = choices[i].getAttribute("data-iex-settings-difficulty-choice-level"); if (level == target) { style.add_class(choices[i], "iex_settings_difficulty_choice_selected"); } else { style.remove_class(choices[i], "iex_settings_difficulty_choice_selected"); } } }; Settings.prototype = { constructor: Settings, setup: function () { // Events sync.on("install_complete", this.on_install_complete_sync_bind = on_install_complete_sync.bind(this)); sync.on("settings_save", this.on_settings_save_sync_bind = on_settings_save_sync.bind(this)); sync.on("image_expansion_enable", this.on_image_expansion_enable_sync_bind = on_image_expansion_enable_sync.bind(this)); // Modify other settings api.on("settings_4chanx_section_change", this.on_settings_4chanx_section_change_bind = on_settings_4chanx_section_change.bind(this)); api.on("settings_vanilla_open", this.on_settings_vanilla_open_bind = on_settings_vanilla_open.bind(this)); api.on("menu_4chanx_open", this.on_menu_4chanx_open_bind = on_menu_4chanx_open.bind(this)); // First load this.load_values(false, on_initial_load.bind(this)); on_ready(on_insert_links.bind(this), on_insert_links_condition, 0.5); }, get_value: function (tree) { // Traverse tree var val = this.values, i = 0, j = tree.length - 1; for (; i < j; ++i) { val = val[tree[i]]; } // Get return val[tree[i]]; }, change_value: function (tree, new_value) { // Traverse tree var val = this.values, i = 0, j = tree.length - 1; for (; i < j; ++i) { val = val[tree[i]]; } // Update var old_value = val[tree[i]]; val[tree[i]] = new_value; // Change event trigger_change.call(this, tree, old_value, new_value, "same"); // Return old return old_value; }, load_values: function (events, complete_callback) { // Async save SaveAsync.get(this.save_key, on_load_values_callback.bind(this, events, complete_callback)); }, save_values: function (complete_callback) { // Async save SaveAsync.set(this.save_key, this.values, on_save_values_callback.bind(this, complete_callback)); }, delete_values: function (complete_callback) { // Async delete SaveAsync.del(this.save_key, complete_callback); }, on_ready: function (callback) { if (this.ready_callbacks !== null) { // Add to callback list this.ready_callbacks.push(callback); } else { // Already ready callback.call(this); } }, on_change: function (tree, callback) { var key = tree.join("-"); if (key in this.change_events) { // Update old this.change_events[key].callbacks.push(callback); } else { // Create new var tree_clone = []; for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; ++i) { tree_clone.push(tree[i]); } this.change_events[key] = { tree: tree_clone, callbacks: [ callback ] }; } }, off_change: function (tree, callback) { var key = tree.join("-"); if (key in this.change_events) { // Update old var list = this.change_events[key].callbacks; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { if (list[i] === callback) { // Remove list[i].splice(i, 1); if (list.length === 0) { delete this.change_events[key]; } return true; } } } return false; }, modify_4chanx_settings: function (callback) { if (api.is_4chanx) { var body = document.querySelector("body"); if (body) style.add_class(body, "iex_hide_other_settings"); // Set the timer this.modifying_settings_4chanx_timer = setTimeout(on_modifying_settings_4chanx_timout.bind(this), 1000); this.modifying_settings_4chanx_callback = callback || null; // Open settings to Main tab var target_tab = api.is_appchanx ? "Script" : "Main"; if (api.settings_4chanx_is_open()) { api.settings_4chanx_change_section(target_tab); } else { api.settings_4chanx_open(target_tab); } } }, modify_vanilla_settings: function (callback) { if (!api.is_4chanx) { var body = document.querySelector("body"); if (body) style.add_class(body, "iex_hide_other_settings"); // Set the timer this.modifying_settings_vanilla_timer = setTimeout(on_modifying_settings_vanilla_timout.bind(this), 1000); this.modifying_settings_vanilla_callback = callback || null; // Open settings api.settings_vanilla_open(); } }, disable_image_expansion: function () { if (!this.can_disable_image_hover) return; // Disable settings.change_value(["image_expansion", "enabled"], false); settings.save_values(); // Alert message this.display_image_hover_notification(); }, settings_open: function () { settings_open.call(this); }, settings_close: function () { if (this.settings_container === null) return; // Remove destroy_settings_data.call(this, this.settings_removal_data); var par = this.settings_container_outer.parentNode; if (par) par.removeChild(this.settings_container_outer); this.settings_removal_data = null; this.settings_container = null; this.settings_container_outer = null; this.settings_difficulty_container = null; // Modify other settings if (this.settings_update_other_after_close) { this.settings_update_other_after_close = false; if (this.values.image_expansion.enabled) { // Modify var cb = on_settings_update_other_complete.bind(this); if (api.is_4chanx) { this.modify_4chanx_settings(cb); } else { this.modify_vanilla_settings(cb); } } } }, display_first_run_notification: function () { if (this.notification_first_run !== null) return; // Alert message var message = $("div"), m_title, m_part, m_link; // Line 1 m_title = $("div"); m_title.appendChild($.text("You've just installed ")); m_link = $("a"); m_link.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); m_link.setAttribute("rel", "nofollow noreferrer"); m_link.setAttribute("href", "https://dnsev.github.io/iex/"); m_link.textContent = "iex - Image Extensions"; m_title.appendChild(m_link); m_title.appendChild($.text("!")); // Line 2 m_part = $.div("iex_spaced_div"); m_part.textContent = "If you use 4chan-x or appchan-x, you can access iex settings through the header menu. Otherwise, look for the [ iex ] link at the top of the page."; message.appendChild(m_part); // Line 3 m_part = $.div("iex_spaced_div"); m_part.appendChild($.text("Any questions or issues can be addressed on ")); m_link = $("a"); m_link.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); m_link.setAttribute("rel", "nofollow noreferrer"); m_link.setAttribute("href", "https://github.com/dnsev/iex/issues"); m_link.textContent = "the github page"; m_part.appendChild(m_link); m_part.appendChild($.text(".")); message.appendChild(m_part); // Line 4 m_part = $.div("iex_spaced_div"); m_part.textContent = "Would you like to enable iex now? (page will be refreshed)"; message.appendChild(m_part); // Line 5 m_part = $("div"); m_link = $.a("iex_highlighted_link"); m_link.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); m_link.setAttribute("href", "//dnsev.github.io/iex/"); m_link.textContent = "enable now"; m_link.addEventListener("click", on_first_run_link_click.bind(this, true), false); m_part.appendChild(m_link); m_part.appendChild($.text(" or ")); m_link = $.a("iex_highlighted_link"); m_link.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); m_link.setAttribute("href", "//dnsev.github.io/iex/"); m_link.textContent = "leave disabled"; m_link.addEventListener("click", on_first_run_link_click.bind(this, false), false); m_part.appendChild(m_link); message.appendChild(m_part); // Display this.notification_first_run = new Notification({ close: false, overlay_close: false, style: "info", title: m_title, content: message, on: { close: on_notification_first_run_close.bind(this) } }); }, display_install_fail_notification: function (status) { if 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} else if ((m = /^rgb\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)$/.exec(color))) { return [ parseInt(m[1], 10), parseInt(m[2], 10), parseInt(m[3], 10), 1 ]; } else if ((m = /^rgba\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9\.]+)\s*\)$/.exec(color))) { return [ parseInt(m[1], 10), parseInt(m[2], 10), parseInt(m[3], 10), parseFloat(m[4]) ]; } else { // Default return [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ]; } }, color_to_css: function (color) { return "rgba(" + color[0] + "," + color[1] + "," + color[2] + "," + color[3] + ")"; }, get_window_rect: function () { var doc_el = document.documentElement, left = (window.pageXOffset || doc_el.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc_el.clientLeft || 0), top = (window.pageYOffset || doc_el.scrollTop || 0) - (doc_el.clientTop || 0); return { left: left, top: top, right: left + (window.innerWidth || doc_el.clientWidth || 0), bottom: top + (window.innerHeight || doc_el.clientHeight || 0), }; }, get_document_rect: function () { var doc_el = document.documentElement, left = (window.pageXOffset || doc_el.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc_el.clientLeft || 0), top = (window.pageYOffset || doc_el.scrollTop || 0) - (doc_el.clientTop || 0); return { left: left, top: top, right: left + (doc_el.clientWidth || window.innerWidth || 0), bottom: top + (doc_el.clientHeight || window.innerHeight || 0), }; }, get_document_size: function () { var doc_el = document.documentElement; return { width: (doc_el.clientWidth || window.innerWidth || 0), height: (doc_el.clientHeight || window.innerHeight || 0), }; }, get_document_offset: function () { var doc_el = document.documentElement; return { left: (window.pageXOffset || doc_el.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc_el.clientLeft || 0), top: (window.pageYOffset || doc_el.scrollTop || 0) - (doc_el.clientTop || 0), }; }, get_object_rect: function (obj) { var bounds = obj.getBoundingClientRect(), doc_el = document.documentElement, left = (window.pageXOffset || doc_el.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc_el.clientLeft || 0), top = (window.pageYOffset || doc_el.scrollTop || 0) - (doc_el.clientTop || 0); return { left: left + bounds.left, top: top + bounds.top, right: left + bounds.right, bottom: top + bounds.bottom, width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height, }; }, get_object_rect_relative: function (obj) { return obj.getBoundingClientRect(); }, get_object_size: function (obj) { var bounds = obj.getBoundingClientRect(); return { width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height, }; }, get_object_rect_inner: function (obj) { // Document scroll offset var doc_el = document.documentElement, left = (window.pageXOffset || doc_el.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc_el.clientLeft || 0), top = (window.pageYOffset || doc_el.scrollTop || 0) - (doc_el.clientTop || 0), bounds0, bounds1, bounds2, b1_w, b1_h; // Measure bounds with and without paddings bounds0 = obj.getBoundingClientRect(); this.add_class(obj, "iex_no_padding_br"); bounds1 = obj.getBoundingClientRect(); this.add_class(obj, "iex_no_padding_tl"); bounds2 = obj.getBoundingClientRect(); this.remove_classes(obj, "iex_no_padding_br iex_no_padding_tl"); b1_w = bounds1.right - bounds1.left; b1_h = bounds1.bottom - bounds1.top; return { left: left + bounds1.left + (b1_w - (bounds2.right - bounds2.left)), top: top + bounds1.top + (b1_h - (bounds2.bottom - bounds2.top)), right: left + bounds0.right + (b1_w - (bounds0.right - bounds0.left)), bottom: top + bounds0.bottom + (b1_h - (bounds0.bottom - bounds0.top)), }; }, get_prefixed_style: function (name) { // Returns var e = $("div"), prefixes, prefixes2, name2, n, i; name2 = name.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (match) { return "-" + match.toLowerCase(); }); name = name.replace(/-[a-z]/g, function (match) { return match[1].toUpperCase(); }); // Un-prefixed if (typeof(e.style[name]) === "string") { return [ name, name2 ]; } // Check prefixes prefixes = [ "webkit" , "Moz" , "O" , "ms" ]; prefixes2 = [ "-webkit-" , "-moz-" , "-o-" , "-ms-" ]; name = name[0].toUpperCase() + name.substr(1); for (i = 0; i < prefixes.length; ++i) { n = prefixes[i] + name; if (typeof(e.style[n]) === "string") { return [ n, prefixes2[i] + name2 ]; } } name = name[0].toLowerCase() + name.substr(1); return [ name, name2 ]; }, add_font: function (font_name, external_name, styles) { if (loaded_fonts !== null && font_name in loaded_fonts) return true; var styles_names = [ "r", "i", "b", "bi" ], styles_selected = [ false, false, false, false ], styles_count = 0, base_url = "https://dnsev.github.io/web/fonts/", src = "", url, i, j, f_weight, f_style, n, p; // Parent node if (!(p = doc.head || doc.body || doc_el)) return false; // External name base_url += (external_name ? external_name : font_name) + "/"; // Styles to load if (styles) { for (i = 0; i < styles.length; ++i) { j = styles_names.indexOf(arguments[i]); if (j >= 0) { styles_selected[j] = true; ++styles_count; } } } // Must load at least one if (styles_count === 0) styles_selected[0] = true; // Prepare source string for (i = 0; i < styles_names.length; ++i) { if (!styles_selected[i]) continue; url = base_url + styles_names[i] + "/webfont"; f_weight = ((i < 2) ? "normal" : "bold"); f_style = ((i % 2) === 0 ? "normal" : "italic"); src += "@font-face{" + "font-family:'" + font_name + "';" + "src:url('" + url + ".eot');" + "src:url('" + url + ".eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype')," + "url('" + url + ".woff2') format('woff2')," + "url('" + url + ".woff') format('woff')," + "url('" + url + ".ttf') format('truetype')," + "url('" + url + ".svg#" + external_name + "') format('svg');" + "font-weight:" + f_weight + ";" + "font-style:" + f_style + ";" + "}"; } // Create node n = document.createElement("style"); n.textContent = src; // State if (loaded_fonts === null) loaded_fonts = {}; loaded_fonts[font_name] = n; // Add to doc p.appendChild(n); }, }; return Style; })(); // Class to manage hotkey interactions var HotkeyManager = (function () { // Hotkey registration class var Hotkey = function (key, keyCode, modifiers, callback) { this.key = key; this.keyCode = keyCode; this.modifiers = modifiers; this.callback = callback; }; // Setup key conversions var key_conversions = { "backspace": 8, "tab": 9, "enter": 13, "shift": 16, "ctrl": 17, "alt": 18, "pause": 19, "capslock": 20, "esc": 27, "space": 32, "page up": 33, "page down": 34, "end": 35, "home": 36, "left": 37, "up": 38, "right": 39, "down": 40, "insert": 45, "delete": 46, ",": 188, ".": 190, "/": 191, "`": 192, "[": 219, "\\": 220, "]": 221, "'": 222, ";": (is_firefox || is_opera ? 59 : 186), "=": (is_firefox ? 107 : (is_opera ? 61 : 187)), "-": (is_firefox || is_opera ? 109 : 189), "numpad0": 96, "numpad1": 97, "numpad2": 98, "numpad3": 99, "numpad4": 100, "numpad5": 101, "numpad6": 102, "numpad7": 103, "numpad8": 104, "numpad9": 105, "numpad*": 106, "numpad+": 107, "numpad-": 109, "numpad.": 110, "numpad/": 111, }; var i, iEnd, iDiff; for (i = "a".charCodeAt(0), iEnd = "z".charCodeAt(0), iDiff = (i - "A".charCodeAt(0)); i <= iEnd; ++i) { key_conversions[String.fromCharCode(i)] = i - iDiff; } for (i = "0".charCodeAt(0), iEnd = "9".charCodeAt(0); i <= iEnd; ++i) { key_conversions[String.fromCharCode(i)] = i; } for (i = 112; i <= 123; ++i) { key_conversions["f" + (i - 112)] = i; } // Constructor var HotkeyManager = function () { // Event document.addEventListener("keydown", this.on_window_keydown_bound = this.on_window_keydown.bind(this), false); // Registrations this.registrations = {}; }; // Static values HotkeyManager.instance = null; HotkeyManager.MODIFIER_NONE = 0; HotkeyManager.MODIFIER_SHIFT = 1; HotkeyManager.MODIFIER_CTRL = 2; HotkeyManager.MODIFIER_ALT = 4; HotkeyManager.MODIFIER_TYPING = 8; // Public functions HotkeyManager.prototype = { constructor: HotkeyManager, /** Destroy any events and/or data created by the instance that will not be necessary after this object is no longer used. */ destroy: function () { // Remove event listener document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.on_window_keydown_bound, false); // Remove registrations this.registrations = {}; }, /** Convert a string-based key to an integer key code. @param key The string representing a key This should be lowercase @return An integer value representing the key, or 0 if not found */ key_to_keycode: function (key) { // Convert the key if (key in key_conversions) { return key_conversions[key]; } else { return 0; } }, /** Register a hotkey event. @param key The key to use, as a lowercase string. If the string contains a non-alphabetic character, use whichever symbol is on the key with the shift key NOT held. Check key_conversions for any other issues. @param [modifiers] Bitflags of which key modifiers are required. Available values are: HotkeyManager.MODIFIER_NONE HotkeyManager.MODIFIER_SHIFT HotkeyManager.MODIFIER_CTRL HotkeyManager.MODIFIER_ALT HotkeyManager.MODIFIER_TYPING Optional parameter @param callback A callback function, which will be called using: callback.call(HotkeyManager.instance, keydown_event, hotkey_instance) If the callback function returns false, no other hotkeys registered for this key will recieve the event. The default action of the event can be canceled with: event.preventDefault() event.stopPropagation() @return An object describing the registered hotkey. This value can be passed to the unregister function to remove the hotkey. */ register: function (key, modifiers, callback) { // Argument shifting if (arguments.length < 3) { modifiers = 0; callback = arguments[1]; } // Get key code var keyCode = this.key_to_keycode(key); // Create registration var reg = new Hotkey(key, keyCode, modifiers, callback); // Add to or create a list if (keyCode in this.registrations) { this.registrations[keyCode].push(reg); } else { this.registrations[keyCode] = [ reg ]; } // Return return reg; }, /** Unregister a hotkey event. @param hotkey The hotkey registration value returned from calling the register function. @return true if the hotkey was removed, false if it was not found (maybe already removed) */ unregister: function (hotkey) { if (hotkey.keyCode in this.registrations) { var list = this.registrations[hotkey.keyCode]; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { if (list[i] === hotkey) { // Successfully unregistered list.splice(i, 1); if (list.length === 0) { // Remove if empty delete this.registrations[hotkey.keyCode]; } return true; } } } // Not found return false; }, /** The event handler for the document.onkeydown event. This will propagate the event to any hotkeys if necessary. @param event The event event passed in */ on_window_keydown: function (event) { // Key and modifiers var key = event.which || event.keyCode || (event = window.event).keyCode; // Check if (key in this.registrations) { // Get modifiers var modifiers = (event.shiftKey ? 1 : 0) | (event.ctrlKey ? 2 : 0) | (event.altKey ? 4 : 0); // Check if typing var t = document.activeElement; if (t) { t = t.tagName; if (t == "INPUT" || t == "TEXTAREA") { modifiers |= 8; } } // Get registration list var list = this.registrations[key]; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { // Check modifiers if (modifiers === list[i].modifiers) { // Callback if (list[i].callback.call(this, event, list[i]) === false) { break; } } } } } }; // Return the class return HotkeyManager; })(); // Class to re-linkify file links var FileLink = (function () { var FileLink = function () { // Enabled this.enabled = false; this.disabled = false; this.post_queue = null; this.modifiers = []; // Binds this.on_api_post_add_bind = on_api_post_add.bind(this); this.on_api_file_info_update_bind = on_api_file_info_update.bind(this); }; var modify_href = function (node, filename) { var href = node.getAttribute("href"), i; if (href !== null) { href = href.replace(/#.*/, "") + "#!" + this.escape(filename); for (i = 0; i < this.modifiers.length; ++i) { href = this.modifiers[i].call(this, node, href); } node.setAttribute("href", href); } }; var on_api_post_add = function (post_container) { // Queue add hooks this.post_queue.push(post_container); }; var on_api_file_info_update = function (node) { var c = api.post_get_file_node_link_from_file_info(node), fn, n; if ( c !== null && (c.getAttribute("href") || "").indexOf("#") < 0 && (n = api.post_get_file_container_from_file_info(node)) !== null && (fn = api.post_get_file_info_from_file_info_container(n).name) ) { modify_href.call(this, c, fn); } }; var on_post_queue_callback = function (post_container) { // Find file var file_nodes = api.post_get_file_nodes(post_container), file_info; if ( file_nodes && (file_info = api.post_get_file_info(post_container)).name ) { // Modify hrefs if (file_nodes.link !== null) { modify_href.call(this, file_nodes.link, file_info.name); } if (file_nodes.link_thumbnail !== null) { modify_href.call(this, file_nodes.link_thumbnail, file_info.name); } } }; FileLink.prototype = { constructor: FileLink, destroy: function () { // Remove api events api.off("post_add", this.on_api_post_add_bind); api.off("file_info_update", this.on_api_file_info_update_bind); }, start: function () { // Enable if settings allow it if (settings.values.file_linkification.enabled) { this.enable(); } }, enable: function () { // Enable if (this.enabled) return; this.enabled = true; // Get posts this.post_queue = Delay.queue(api.get("posts"), on_post_queue_callback.bind(this), 50, 0.25); // Bind post acquiring api.on("post_add", this.on_api_post_add_bind); api.on("file_info_update", this.on_api_file_info_update_bind); }, disable: function () { // Not enabled or already disabled if (!this.enabled || this.disabled) return; // Disable this.disabled = true; // Unbind post acquiring api.off("post_add", this.on_api_post_add_bind); api.off("file_info_update", this.on_api_file_info_update_bind); }, escape: function (s) { return encodeURIComponent(s).replace(/\%20/g, "+"); }, unescape: function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/\+/g, "%20")); }, register_modifier: function (modifier) { this.modifiers.push(modifier); }, }; return FileLink; })(); // Class to manage files in a separate window var FileView = (function () { var FileView = function () { this.events = { "image": [], "video": [], }; }; var trigger_event = function (event, data) { var list = this.events[event], i; for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { list[i].call(null, data); } }; FileView.prototype = { constructor: FileView, start: function () { // Auto-loop .webm's var n = document.body.querySelector("video"); if (n) { n.loop = true; trigger_event.call(this, "video", n); } else if ((n = document.body.querySelector("img")) !== null) { trigger_event.call(this, "image", n); } }, on: function (event, callback) { if (event in this.events) { this.events[event].push(callback); return true; } return false; }, off: function (event, callback) { if (event in this.events) { var list = this.events[event], i; for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { if (callback === list[i]) { list.splice(i, 1); return true; } } } return false; }, }; return FileView; })(); // Hover container control var Hover = (function () { var Hover = function () { this.container = null; }; var on_asap = function () { var body = document.querySelector("body"); // Parent if (body) { // Create floating container this.container = $.div("iex_floating_container"); // Append body.appendChild(this.container); } }; var on_asap_condition = function () { return document.querySelector("body"); }; Hover.prototype = { constructor: Hover, destroy: function () { // Remove container var par = this.container.parentNode; if (par) par.removeChild(this.container); this.container = null; }, start: function () { // Setup on_ready(on_asap.bind(this), on_asap_condition); }, }; return Hover; })(); // Image hover control var ImageHover = (function () { var ImageHover = function (hover) { // Preview object this.mpreview = null; // Enabled this.enabled = false; this.disabled = false; this.current_image_container = null; this.current_hover_container = null; // Post queue this.post_queue = null; // Extension settings this.extensions_valid = { ".jpg": { ext: "jpg", mime: "image/jpeg", type: "image", }, ".jpeg": { ext: "jpg", mime: "image/jpeg", type: "image", }, ".png": { ext: "png", mime: "image/png", type: "image", }, ".gif": { ext: "gif", mime: "image/gif", type: "image", }, ".webm": { ext: "webm", mime: "video/webm", type: "video", }, }; // Parent node this.hover = hover; this.connector = null; // Open and closing timers this.preview_open_timer = null; this.preview_close_timer = null; this.zoom_borders_hide_timer = null; this.mouse_hide_timer = null; // Events this.events = { "change": [], }; // Event bindings this.on_image_mouseenter_bind = wrap_mouseenterleave_event(this, on_image_mouseenter); this.on_image_mouseleave_bind = wrap_mouseenterleave_event(this, on_image_mouseleave); this.on_image_connector_mouseenter_bind = wrap_mouseenterleave_event(this, on_image_connector_mouseenter); this.on_image_connector_mouseleave_bind = wrap_mouseenterleave_event(this, on_image_connector_mouseleave); this.on_image_click_bind = wrap_generic_event(this, on_image_click); // More bindings this.on_preview_close_timeout_bind = on_preview_close_timeout.bind(this); this.on_preview_zoom_borders_hide_timeout_bind = on_preview_zoom_borders_hide_timeout.bind(this); this.on_preview_mouse_hide_timeout_bind = on_preview_mouse_hide_timeout.bind(this); this.on_preview_image_load_bind = on_preview_image_load.bind(this); this.on_preview_image_error_bind = on_preview_image_error.bind(this); this.on_preview_video_ready_bind = on_preview_video_ready.bind(this); this.on_preview_video_can_play_bind = on_preview_video_can_play.bind(this); this.on_preview_video_can_play_through_bind = on_preview_video_can_play_through.bind(this); this.on_preview_video_load_bind = on_preview_video_load.bind(this); this.on_preview_video_error_bind = on_preview_video_error.bind(this); //this.on_preview_video_volume_change_bind = on_preview_video_volume_change.bind(this); this.on_preview_size_change_bind = on_preview_size_change.bind(this); this.on_preview_mouse_wheel_bind = on_preview_mouse_wheel.bind(this); this.on_preview_mouse_enter_bind = on_preview_mouse_enter.bind(this); this.on_preview_mouse_leave_bind = on_preview_mouse_leave.bind(this); this.on_preview_mouse_down_bind = on_preview_mouse_down.bind(this); this.on_preview_mouse_move_bind = on_preview_mouse_move.bind(this); this.on_preview_mouse_enter_main_bind = on_preview_mouse_enter_main.bind(this); this.on_preview_stats_zoom_control_click_bind = on_preview_stats_zoom_control_click.bind(this); this.on_image_connector_mousedown_bind = on_image_connector_mousedown.bind(this); this.on_window_resize_bind = on_window_resize.bind(this); this.on_window_scroll_bind = on_window_scroll.bind(this); this.on_api_post_add_bind = on_api_post_add.bind(this); this.on_api_post_remove_bind = on_api_post_remove.bind(this); this.on_api_image_hover_open_bind = on_api_image_hover_open.bind(this); // Callbacks this.on_settings_value_change_bind = on_settings_value_change.bind(this); settings.on_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "zoom_invert"], this.on_settings_value_change_bind); settings.on_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "zoom_borders_show"], this.on_settings_value_change_bind); settings.on_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "zoom_borders_hide_time"], this.on_settings_value_change_bind); settings.on_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "zoom_buttons"], this.on_settings_value_change_bind); settings.on_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "mouse_hide"], this.on_settings_value_change_bind); settings.on_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "mouse_hide_time"], this.on_settings_value_change_bind); settings.on_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "header_overlap"], this.on_settings_value_change_bind); settings.on_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "fit_large_allowed"], this.on_settings_value_change_bind); settings.on_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "display_stats"], this.on_settings_value_change_bind); settings.on_change(["image_expansion", "video", "autoplay"], this.on_settings_value_change_bind); settings.on_change(["image_expansion", "video", "loop"], this.on_settings_value_change_bind); settings.on_change(["image_expansion", "video", "mute_initially"], this.on_settings_value_change_bind); settings.on_change(["image_expansion", "video", "volume"], this.on_settings_value_change_bind); settings.on_change(["image_expansion", "video", "mini_controls"], this.on_settings_value_change_bind); settings.on_change(["image_expansion", "video", "expand_state_save"], this.on_settings_value_change_bind); settings.on_change(["image_expansion", "style", "controls_rounded_border"], this.on_settings_value_change_bind); settings.on_change(["image_expansion", "style", "animations_background"], this.on_settings_value_change_bind); // Settings this.hotkeys = null; this.mouse_x = 0; this.mouse_y = 0; this.paddings_active = false; this.display_window_max = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, }; this.settings = { fit_large_allowed: true, display_stats: 0, // 0: all, 1: some, 2: none zoom_limits: { increase: 2.0, decrease: 2.0, min: 1.0, max: 32.0, }, zoom_margins: { horizontal: 0.1, vertical: 0.1 }, zoom_invert: false, zoom_borders_show: true, zoom_borders_hide_time: 500, zoom_buttons: true, mouse_hide: true, mouse_hide_time: 1000, padding_extra: { left: 10, top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10 }, header_overlap: false, region_paddings: { left: 20, top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20 }, video: { autoplay: 1, // 0 = not at all, 1 = asap, 2 = when it can play "through", 3 = fully loaded loop: true, mute_initially: false, volume: 0.5, mini_controls: 1, // 0 = never, 1 = when mouse is over the video, 2 = when mouse is NOT over the video, 3 = always expand_state_save: true }, style: { controls_rounded_border: true, animations_background: true, }, }; }; var log2 = function (x) { return Math.log(x) / Math.LN2; }; var add_post_container_callbacks = function (post_container) { // Find file var image_container = api.post_get_image_container(post_container); if (image_container !== null) { // Add mouseover/mouseout/click listeners image_container.addEventListener("mouseover", this.on_image_mouseenter_bind, false); image_container.addEventListener("mouseout", this.on_image_mouseleave_bind, false); image_container.addEventListener("click", this.on_image_click_bind, false); } }; var remove_post_container_callbacks = function (post_container) { // Find file var image_container = api.post_get_image_container(post_container); if (image_container !== null) { // Remove listeners image_container.removeEventListener("mouseover", this.on_image_mouseenter_bind, false); image_container.removeEventListener("mouseout", this.on_image_mouseleave_bind, false); image_container.removeEventListener("click", this.on_image_click_bind, false); } }; var get_image_url_extension = function (url) { var ext = /(\.[^\.\?#]+)(?:[\?#]|$)/.exec(url); return (ext === null) ? "" : ext[1].toLowerCase(); }; var preview_open_test = function (image_container, post_container, obey_timer) { // Don't open if same if (this.current_image_container === image_container) { this.preview_close_cancel(); return; } // Get info if (post_container === null) post_container = api.post_get_post_container_from_image_container(image_container); var post_info = api.post_get_file_info(post_container); if (!post_info.url) return; // Don't open if expanded if (api.post_is_image_expanded_or_expanding(post_container)) return; // Spoiler check var val_check = (post_info.spoiler === null) ? settings.values.image_expansion.normal : settings.values.image_expansion.spoiler; if (!val_check.enabled) return; // Extension check var ext = get_image_url_extension.call(this, post_info.url); if (!(ext in this.extensions_valid)) return; // Open preview var time = val_check.timeout; if (time === 0 || !obey_timer) { this.preview_open(image_container, post_info, val_check.to_fit); } else { if (this.preview_open_timer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.preview_open_timer); } this.preview_open_timer = setTimeout(on_preview_open_timeout.bind(this, image_container, post_info, val_check.to_fit), time * 1000); } }; var preview_create = function () { var zoom_margins = this.settings.zoom_margins; // Create new this.mpreview = new MediaPreview(); // Setup size this.mpreview.set_view_borders(zoom_margins.horizontal, zoom_margins.vertical); // Hook events this.mpreview.on("image_load", this.on_preview_image_load_bind); this.mpreview.on("image_error", this.on_preview_image_error_bind); this.mpreview.on("video_ready", this.on_preview_video_ready_bind); this.mpreview.on("video_can_play", this.on_preview_video_can_play_bind); this.mpreview.on("video_can_play_through", this.on_preview_video_can_play_through_bind); this.mpreview.on("video_load", this.on_preview_video_load_bind); this.mpreview.on("video_error", this.on_preview_video_error_bind); //this.mpreview.on("video_volume_change", this.on_preview_video_volume_change_bind); this.mpreview.on("size_change", this.on_preview_size_change_bind); this.mpreview.on("mouse_wheel", this.on_preview_mouse_wheel_bind); this.mpreview.on("mouse_enter", this.on_preview_mouse_enter_bind); this.mpreview.on("mouse_leave", this.on_preview_mouse_leave_bind); this.mpreview.on("mouse_down", this.on_preview_mouse_down_bind); this.mpreview.on("mouse_move", this.on_preview_mouse_move_bind); this.mpreview.on("mouse_enter_main", this.on_preview_mouse_enter_main_bind); this.mpreview.on("stats_zoom_control_click", this.on_preview_stats_zoom_control_click_bind); window.addEventListener("resize", this.on_window_resize_bind, false); window.addEventListener("scroll", this.on_window_scroll_bind, false); // Add this.mpreview.add_to(this.hover.container); }; var preview_detach = function (destroy) { if (this.mpreview === null) return; // Unhook events this.mpreview.off("image_load", this.off_preview_image_load_bind); this.mpreview.off("image_error", this.off_preview_image_error_bind); this.mpreview.off("video_ready", this.off_preview_video_ready_bind); this.mpreview.off("video_can_play", this.off_preview_video_can_play_bind); this.mpreview.off("video_can_play_through", this.off_preview_video_can_play_through_bind); this.mpreview.off("video_load", this.off_preview_video_load_bind); this.mpreview.off("video_error", this.off_preview_video_error_bind); this.mpreview.off("video_volume_change", this.off_preview_video_volume_change_bind); this.mpreview.off("size_change", this.off_preview_size_change_bind); this.mpreview.off("mouse_wheel", this.off_preview_mouse_wheel_bind); this.mpreview.off("mouse_enter", this.off_preview_mouse_enter_bind); this.mpreview.off("mouse_leave", this.off_preview_mouse_leave_bind); this.mpreview.off("mouse_down", this.off_preview_mouse_down_bind); this.mpreview.off("mouse_move", this.off_preview_mouse_move_bind); this.mpreview.off("mouse_enter_main", this.off_preview_mouse_enter_main_bind); this.mpreview.off("stats_zoom_control_click", this.off_preview_stats_zoom_control_click_bind); window.removeEventListener("resize", this.on_window_resize_bind, false); window.removeEventListener("scroll", this.on_window_scroll_bind, false); // Nullify if (destroy) this.mpreview.destroy(); this.mpreview = null; }; var change_zoom_level = function (delta) { // Update zoom var set = this.settings, size_update = false, zoom_limits = set.zoom_limits, img_size = this.mpreview.size, disp_size_max = this.display_window_max, zoom = this.mpreview.zoom, fit = this.mpreview.fit, fit_large = this.mpreview.fit_large, fit_large_allowed = set.fit_large_allowed, z, w_scale, h_scale, z_scale, scale; if (delta > 0) { // Larger if (fit) { if (fit_large || !fit_large_allowed) { // Zoom in z = zoom * zoom_limits.increase; if (z > zoom_limits.max) z = zoom_limits.max; if (zoom != z) { // Update zoom = z; size_update = true; } } else { // Zoom in w_scale = disp_size_max.width / img_size.width; h_scale = disp_size_max.height / img_size.height; z_scale = (w_scale < h_scale) ? w_scale : h_scale; z = zoom * zoom_limits.increase; w_scale = disp_size_max.width / (img_size.width * z * z_scale); h_scale = disp_size_max.height / (img_size.height * z * z_scale); if (w_scale <= 1.0 && h_scale <= 1.0) { // Fit large fit_large = true; zoom = 1.0; } else { // Not fit large zoom = z; } // Update size_update = true; } } else { // Zoom in z = zoom * zoom_limits.increase; w_scale = disp_size_max.width / (img_size.width * z); h_scale = disp_size_max.height / (img_size.height * z); if (w_scale <= 1.0 || h_scale <= 1.0) { // Fit fit = true; fit_large = (Math.abs(w_scale - h_scale) < 1e-5) && fit_large_allowed; zoom = 1.0; } else { // Not fit zoom = z; } // Update size_update = true; } } else if (delta < 0) { // Smaller if (fit) { if (zoom == 1.0) { if (fit_large) { // Switch to normal fit w_scale = disp_size_max.width / img_size.width; h_scale = disp_size_max.height / img_size.height; z_scale = (w_scale < h_scale) ? w_scale : h_scale; w_scale = disp_size_max.width / (img_size.width * z_scale); h_scale = disp_size_max.height / (img_size.height * z_scale); scale = (w_scale > h_scale) ? w_scale : h_scale; scale = Math.pow(2, Math.floor(log2(scale))); fit_large = false; zoom = scale; size_update = true; } else { // Stop fitting if possible w_scale = disp_size_max.width / img_size.width; h_scale = disp_size_max.height / img_size.height; if (w_scale > 1.0 && h_scale > 1.0) { // Calculate new zoom scale = (w_scale < h_scale) ? w_scale : h_scale; scale = Math.pow(2, Math.floor(log2(scale))); // Update fit = false; fit_large = false; zoom = scale; size_update = true; } } } else { // Zoom out zoom /= zoom_limits.decrease; if (zoom < 1.0) zoom = 1.0; // Update size_update = true; } } else { // Zoom out z = zoom / zoom_limits.decrease; if (z < zoom_limits.min) z = zoom_limits.min; if (zoom != z) { // Update zoom = z; size_update = true; } } } // Update if (size_update) { // Update this.mpreview.set_zoom(zoom, fit, fit_large); this.preview_update(true, false, false); update_zoom_offset.call(this); } }; var change_zoom_borders_visibility = function (visible) { this.mpreview.set_view_borders_visible(visible); if (visible) { if (this.zoom_borders_hide_timer !== null) clearTimeout(this.zoom_borders_hide_timer); this.zoom_borders_hide_timer = setTimeout(this.on_preview_zoom_borders_hide_timeout_bind, this.settings.zoom_borders_hide_time); } }; var change_mouse_visibility = function (visible) { this.mpreview.set_mouse_visible(visible); if (visible && this.settings.mouse_hide) { if (this.mouse_hide_timer !== null) clearTimeout(this.mouse_hide_timer); this.mouse_hide_timer = setTimeout(this.on_preview_mouse_hide_timeout_bind, this.settings.mouse_hide_time); } }; var update_zoom_offset = function () { // Change zoom offset var rect = this.mpreview.get_inner_rect(), r_w = (rect.right - rect.left), r_h = (rect.bottom - rect.top), zoom_margins = this.settings.zoom_margins, x = (this.mouse_x - (rect.left + zoom_margins.horizontal * r_w)) / (r_w * (1.0 - 2.0 * zoom_margins.horizontal)), y = (this.mouse_y - (rect.top + zoom_margins.vertical * r_h)) / (r_h * (1.0 - 2.0 * zoom_margins.vertical)); if (x < 0) x = 0; else if (x > 1) x = 1; if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y > 1) y = 1; if (this.settings.zoom_invert) { x = 1.0 - x; y = 1.0 - y; } this.mpreview.set_offset(x, y); }; var on_asap = function () { var body = document.querySelector("body"); // Parent if (body) { // Create connector this.connector = $.div("iex_floating_image_connector"); this.connector.addEventListener("mouseover", this.on_image_connector_mouseenter_bind, false); this.connector.addEventListener("mouseout", this.on_image_connector_mouseleave_bind, false); this.connector.addEventListener("mousedown", this.on_image_connector_mousedown_bind, false); this.hover.container.appendChild(this.connector); } }; var on_asap_condition = function () { return document.querySelector("body"); }; var on_post_queue_callback = function (post_container) { // Add hooks add_post_container_callbacks.call(this, post_container); }; var on_preview_image_load = function (event) { // Hide fallback this.mpreview.set_background_style(0); }; var on_preview_image_error = function (event) { // Display fallback this.mpreview.set_background_style(2); // Show error this.mpreview.set_stat_status(true, event.reason, "error"); }; var on_preview_video_ready = function (event) { // Hide fallback this.mpreview.set_background_style(0); }; var on_preview_video_can_play = function (event) { // Auto-play if (this.settings.video.autoplay == 1 && !this.mpreview.video_interacted()) { this.mpreview.set_video_paused(false); } }; var on_preview_video_can_play_through = function (event) { // Auto-play if (this.settings.video.autoplay == 2 && !this.mpreview.video_interacted()) { this.mpreview.set_video_paused(false); } }; var on_preview_video_load = function (event) { // Auto-play if (this.settings.video.autoplay == 3 && !this.mpreview.video_interacted()) { this.mpreview.set_video_paused(false); } }; var on_preview_video_error = function (event) { // Display fallback this.mpreview.set_background_style(2); // Show error this.mpreview.set_stat_status(true, event.reason, "error"); }; // var on_preview_video_volume_change = function (event) { // Save volume changes // if (event.reason == "seek") { // settings.change_value(["image_expansion", "video", "volume"], event.volume); // settings.save_values(); // } // }; var on_preview_size_change = function (event) { // Update size this.mpreview.set_size(event.width, event.height, true); this.mpreview.set_stat_resolution(undefined, event.width + "x" + event.height); // Reposition this.preview_update(false, false, false); }; var on_preview_mouse_wheel = function (event) { if (event.mode === 0) { // Zoom change_zoom_level.call(this, event.delta); if (this.settings.zoom_borders_show) change_zoom_borders_visibility.call(this, true); } else { // if (event.mode === 1) { // Change volume if (this.mpreview.get_type() === MediaPreview.TYPE_VIDEO) { // New volume var v = this.mpreview.get_video_volume() + (event.delta * 5.0 / 100.0); // Bound if (v < 0.0) v = 0.0; else if (v > 1.0) v = 1.0; // Update this.mpreview.set_video_volume(v); if (this.mpreview.get_video_muted()) { this.mpreview.set_video_muted(false); } this.mpreview.set_show_volume_controls_temp(true, 0.5); } } change_mouse_visibility.call(this, true); }; var on_preview_mouse_enter = function (event) { // Cancel close this.preview_close_cancel(); change_mouse_visibility.call(this, true); // Mini controls var mc = this.settings.video.mini_controls; if (mc < 3) this.mpreview.set_vcontrols_mini_visible(mc == 1); }; var on_preview_mouse_leave = function (event) { // Delay close this.preview_close(false); // Mini controls var mc = this.settings.video.mini_controls; if (mc < 3) this.mpreview.set_vcontrols_mini_visible(mc == 2); }; var on_preview_mouse_down = function (event) { // Close this.preview_close(true); }; var on_preview_mouse_move = function (event) { // Change zoom offset this.mouse_x = event.x; this.mouse_y = event.y; update_zoom_offset.call(this); if (this.settings.zoom_borders_show) change_zoom_borders_visibility.call(this, true); change_mouse_visibility.call(this, true); }; var on_preview_mouse_enter_main = function (event) { // Hide paddings if (this.paddings_active) { this.paddings_active = false; this.mpreview.clear_paddings(); } }; var on_preview_stats_zoom_control_click = function (event) { // Zoom in/out change_zoom_level.call(this, event.delta); }; var on_preview_open_timeout = function (image_container, post_info, auto_fit) { // Nullify timer this.preview_open_timer = null; // Close this.preview_open(image_container, post_info, auto_fit); }; var on_preview_close_timeout = function () { // Nullify timer this.preview_close_timer = null; // Close this.preview_close(true); }; var on_preview_zoom_borders_hide_timeout = function () { this.zoom_borders_hide_timer = null; change_zoom_borders_visibility.call(this, false); }; var on_preview_mouse_hide_timeout = function () { this.mouse_hide_timer = null; change_mouse_visibility.call(this, false); }; var on_image_mouseenter = function (event, image_container) { // Don't run if disabled if (this.disabled) return; // Attempt to open this.current_hover_container = image_container; preview_open_test.call(this, image_container, null, true); }; var on_image_mouseleave = function (event, image_container) { // Don't run if disabled if (this.disabled) return; // Close preview this.current_hover_container = null; this.preview_close(false); }; var on_image_click = function (event, image_container) { // Don't run if disabled if (this.disabled) return; // Close preview setTimeout(on_image_click_delay.bind(this, image_container), 10); }; var on_image_click_delay = function (image_container) { var post_container = api.post_get_post_container_from_image_container(image_container); if (post_container === null) return; if (api.post_is_image_expanded_or_expanding(post_container)) { // Transfer state var expanded_node = null; if (this.settings.video.expand_state_save) { expanded_node = api.post_get_image_expanded_from_image_container(image_container); if (expanded_node !== null) { this.mpreview.transfer_video_state(expanded_node); } } // Close this.preview_close(true); // Observe expanded node if (expanded_node !== null && this.settings.video.expand_state_save) { observe_expanded.call(this, expanded_node, image_container); } } else { // Attempt to open if still hovered if (this.current_hover_container === image_container) { preview_open_test.call(this, image_container, post_container, false); } } }; var on_image_connector_mouseenter = function (event, image_container) { // Cancel close this.preview_close_cancel(); }; var on_image_connector_mouseleave = function (event, image_container) { // Close preview this.preview_close(false); }; var on_image_connector_mousedown = function (event) { // Close this.preview_close(true); }; var on_window_resize = function (event) { // Reposition this.preview_update(false, false, false); }; var on_window_scroll = function (event) { // Reposition this.preview_update(false, false, false); }; var on_api_post_add = function (container) { // Queue add hooks this.post_queue.push(container); }; var on_api_post_remove = function (container) { // Remove hooks remove_post_container_callbacks.call(this, container); }; var on_api_image_hover_open = function () { // Disable if (this.disabled) return; this.disable(); // Remove event api.off("image_hover_open", this.on_api_image_hover_open_bind); // Update settings settings.disable_image_expansion(); }; var on_settings_value_change = function (data) { // Update this.update_settings_from_global(); }; var on_hotkey = function (event, hotkey) { // Don't run if disabled if (this.disabled) return; if (hotkey.key == "esc") { // Close this.preview_close(true); return stop_event(event); } }; var observe_expanded = function (node, image_container) { // Ignore if invalid node if (node.parentNode === null || node.tagName !== "VIDEO" || style.has_class(node, "iex_observing")) return; style.add_class(node, "iex_observing"); var State = function (time, n) { this.time = time; this.volume = n.volume; this.muted = n.muted; this.paused = n.paused; }; var self = this, time_min_interval = 0.25 * 1000, state_pre = new State(timing() - time_min_interval, node), state = state_pre, current_time = 0.0, disconnect, on_volumechange, on_timeupdate, on_pause, on_play; // Listen for video state changing events on_volumechange = function (event) { var t = timing(); if (t - state.time >= time_min_interval) { state_pre = state; state = new State(t, this); } else { state.volume = this.volume; state.muted = this.muted; } }; on_pause = function (event) { var t = timing(); if (t - state.time >= time_min_interval) { state_pre = state; state = new State(t, this); } else { state.paused = this.paused; } }; on_play = function (event) { var t = timing(); if (t - state.time >= time_min_interval) { state_pre = state; state = new State(t, this); } else { state.paused = this.paused; } }; on_timeupdate = function (event) { current_time = this.currentTime; }; node.addEventListener("play", on_volumechange, false); node.addEventListener("pause", on_volumechange, false); node.addEventListener("timeupdate", on_timeupdate, false); node.addEventListener("volumechange", on_volumechange, false); // Observe for removal disconnect = api.observe_children(node.parentNode, function (added, n) { if (!added && n === node) { // Node removed disconnect(); n.removeEventListener("play", on_volumechange, false); n.removeEventListener("pause", on_volumechange, false); n.removeEventListener("timeupdate", on_timeupdate, false); n.removeEventListener("volumechange", on_volumechange, false); style.remove_class(n, "iex_observing"); // Update if (self.mpreview !== null && self.mpreview.is_visible()) { var t = timing(), s = state; if (t - s.time < time_min_interval) s = state_pre; // Update state self.mpreview.load_video_state({ time: current_time, volume: s.volume, muted: s.muted, paused: s.paused, }); } } }); }; var trigger_event = function (event, data) { var list = this.events[event], i; for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { list[i].call(null, data); } }; ImageHover.prototype = { constructor: ImageHover, destroy: function () { var par; // Detach preview preview_detach.call(this, true); // Create connector par = this.connector.parentNode; if (par) { this.connector.removeEventListener("mouseover", this.on_image_connector_mouseenter_bind, false); this.connector.removeEventListener("mouseout", this.on_image_connector_mouseleave_bind, false); this.connector.removeEventListener("mousedown", this.on_image_connector_mousedown_bind, false); par.removeChild(this.connector); } // Remove hotkeys if (this.hotkeys !== null) { for (var i = 0; i < this.hotkeys.length; ++i) { hotkey_manager.unregister(this.hotkeys[i]); } this.hotkeys = null; } // Remove api events api.off("post_add", this.on_api_post_add_bind); api.off("post_remove", this.on_api_post_remove_bind); api.off("image_hover_open", this.on_api_image_hover_open_bind); // Remove settings events settings.off_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "zoom_invert"], this.off_settings_value_change_bind); settings.off_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "zoom_borders_show"], this.off_settings_value_change_bind); settings.off_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "zoom_borders_hide_time"], this.off_settings_value_change_bind); settings.off_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "zoom_buttons"], this.off_settings_value_change_bind); settings.off_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "mouse_hide"], this.off_settings_value_change_bind); settings.off_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "mouse_hide_time"], this.off_settings_value_change_bind); settings.off_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "header_overlap"], this.off_settings_value_change_bind); settings.off_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "fit_large_allowed"], this.off_settings_value_change_bind); settings.off_change(["image_expansion", "hover", "display_stats"], this.off_settings_value_change_bind); settings.off_change(["image_expansion", "video", "autoplay"], this.off_settings_value_change_bind); settings.off_change(["image_expansion", "video", "loop"], this.off_settings_value_change_bind); settings.off_change(["image_expansion", "video", "mute_initially"], this.off_settings_value_change_bind); settings.off_change(["image_expansion", "video", "volume"], this.off_settings_value_change_bind); settings.off_change(["image_expansion", "video", "mini_controls"], this.off_settings_value_change_bind); settings.off_change(["image_expansion", "style", "controls_rounded_border"], this.off_settings_value_change_bind); settings.off_change(["image_expansion", "style", "animations_background"], this.off_settings_value_change_bind); }, start: function () { // Enable if settings allow it if (settings.values.image_expansion.enabled) { this.update_settings_from_global(); this.enable(); } }, enable: function () { // Enable if (this.enabled) return; this.enabled = true; // Setup nodes on_ready(on_asap.bind(this), on_asap_condition); // Get posts this.post_queue = Delay.queue(api.get("posts"), on_post_queue_callback.bind(this), 50, 0.25); // Bind post acquiring api.on("post_add", this.on_api_post_add_bind); api.on("post_remove", this.on_api_post_remove_bind); // Bind default image hover test api.on("image_hover_open", this.on_api_image_hover_open_bind); // Hotkeys var on_hotkey_bind = on_hotkey.bind(this); this.hotkeys = [ hotkey_manager.register("esc", 0, on_hotkey_bind), ]; }, disable: function () { // Not enabled or already disabled if (!this.enabled || this.disabled) return; // Disable this.disabled = true; // Stop the current preview this.preview_close(true); }, preview_open: function (image_container, post_info, auto_fit) { var display_stats = this.settings.display_stats, v_set = this.settings.video, mc = this.settings.video.mini_controls, ext, ext_info, ext_bg_show; // Clear timer if (this.preview_open_timer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.preview_open_timer); this.preview_open_timer = null; } if (this.preview_close_timer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.preview_close_timer); this.preview_close_timer = null; } // Set this.current_image_container = image_container; // Create new if (this.mpreview === null) { preview_create.call(this); this.update_mpreview(); } // Expansion type ext = get_image_url_extension.call(this, post_info.url); ext_info = this.extensions_valid[ext] || this.extensions_valid[""]; ext_bg_show = settings.values.image_expansion.extensions[ext_info.ext].background; if (ext_info.type == "video") { // Set video this.mpreview.set_vcontrols_mini_available(true); this.mpreview.set_video(post_info.url); // Playback settings this.mpreview.set_video_muted(v_set.mute_initially); this.mpreview.set_video_volume(v_set.volume); this.mpreview.set_video_paused(true, v_set.loop); this.mpreview.clear_video_interactions(); } else { // Set image this.mpreview.set_vcontrols_mini_available(false); this.mpreview.set_image(post_info.url); } // Background this.mpreview.set_background(post_info.thumb, ext_bg_show); this.mpreview.set_mouse_wheel_mode(settings.values.image_expansion.extensions[ext_info.ext].mouse_wheel); // Size if (post_info.resolution.width > 0 && post_info.resolution.height > 0) { this.mpreview.set_size(post_info.resolution.width, post_info.resolution.height, true); this.mpreview.set_stat_resolution((display_stats === 0), post_info.resolution.width + "x" + post_info.resolution.height); } else { this.mpreview.set_size(post_info.resolution_thumb.width, post_info.resolution_thumb.height, false); this.mpreview.set_stat_resolution((display_stats === 0), "unknown"); } // Stats if (post_info.name) { this.mpreview.set_stat_file_name((display_stats === 0), post_info.name); } this.mpreview.set_stat_file_size((display_stats === 0), post_info.size + post_info.size_label); // Mini controls this.mpreview.set_vcontrols_mini_visible(mc == 3 || mc == 2); // Set visible this.mpreview.set_visible(true); style.add_class(this.connector, "iex_floating_image_connector_visible"); // Update position this.mpreview.set_fixed(true); this.preview_update(false, true, auto_fit); // Trigger trigger_event.call(this, "change", { image_hover: this, image_container: image_container, type: ext_info.type, }); }, preview_close: function (immediate) { // Cancel the open timer if (this.preview_open_timer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.preview_open_timer); this.preview_open_timer = null; } if (this.mpreview === null || !this.mpreview.is_visible()) return; if (immediate) { // Immediate this.mpreview.set_visible(false); this.current_image_container = null; // Connector style.remove_class(this.connector, "iex_floating_image_connector_visible"); // Trigger trigger_event.call(this, "change", { image_hover: this, image_container: null, type: null, }); } else { // Delay if (this.preview_close_timer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.preview_close_timer); } this.preview_close_timer = setTimeout(this.on_preview_close_timeout_bind, 20); } }, preview_close_cancel: function () { // Cancel the timer if (this.preview_close_timer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.preview_close_timer); this.preview_close_timer = null; } }, preview_update: function (keep_mouse_inside, fit_reset, fit_start) { // Update the position and sizing of the preview after a zoom, resize, or open event if (this.mpreview === null || !this.mpreview.is_visible()) return; // Vars var set = this.settings, header_overlap = set.header_overlap, paddings = set.region_paddings, max_rect = style.get_document_rect(), img = this.current_image_container.querySelector("img") || this.current_image_container, img_rect = style.get_object_rect_inner(img), left = max_rect.left, top = max_rect.top, fit = this.mpreview.fit, fit_large = this.mpreview.fit_large, fit_large_allowed = set.fit_large_allowed, fit_axis = 0, w = this.mpreview.size.width, h = this.mpreview.size.height, zoom = this.mpreview.zoom, x, y, w_max, h_max, w_scale, h_scale; // Include header if (!header_overlap) { var header_rect = api.get_header_rect(); // Subtract if (header_rect.top <= max_rect.top && header_rect.bottom > max_rect.top) { // It's on the top max_rect.top = header_rect.bottom; } else if (header_rect.bottom >= max_rect.bottom && header_rect.top < max_rect.bottom) { // It's on the bottom max_rect.bottom = header_rect.top; } } // Update max_rect max_rect.left = img_rect.right; max_rect.left += paddings.left; max_rect.top += paddings.top; max_rect.right -= paddings.right; max_rect.bottom -= paddings.bottom; // Maximum size w_max = (max_rect.right - max_rect.left); h_max = (max_rect.bottom - max_rect.top); if (w_max < 1) w_max = 1; if (h_max < 1) h_max = 1; this.display_window_max.width = w_max; this.display_window_max.height = h_max; // Get the minimum scale and apply it w_scale = w_max / w; h_scale = h_max / h; if (fit_reset) { zoom = 1; fit = fit_start; fit_large = false; if (w_scale < 1.0 || h_scale < 1.0) { fit = true; fit_large = (Math.abs(w_scale - h_scale) < 1e-5) && fit_large_allowed; } } if (fit) { var best_scale; if ((w_scale > h_scale) == fit_large) { best_scale = w_scale; fit_axis = 0; } else { best_scale = h_scale; fit_axis = 1; } w *= best_scale; h *= best_scale; } w *= zoom; h *= zoom; // Limit this.mpreview.set_view_borders_visible_sides((w - w_max) > 1e-5, (h - h_max) > 1e-5); if (w > w_max) w = w_max; if (h > h_max) h = h_max; // Position x = max_rect.left; y = (img_rect.top + img_rect.bottom - h) / 2.0; if (y + h >= max_rect.bottom) y = max_rect.bottom - h; if (y < max_rect.top) y = max_rect.top; // Mouse inside if (keep_mouse_inside) { // Setup var off_right = 0, off_top = 0, off_bottom = 0, padding_extra = set.padding_extra, x_r = x + w, y_b = y + h; off_right = (this.mouse_x - x_r); off_top = (y - this.mouse_y); off_bottom = (this.mouse_y - y_b); // Right offset if (off_right <= 0) { off_right = 0; } else { off_right += padding_extra.right; if (x_r + off_right > max_rect.right) { off_right = Math.max(0, max_rect.right - x_r); } } // Top offset if (off_top <= 0) { off_top = 0; } else { off_top += padding_extra.top; if (y - off_top < max_rect.top) { off_top = Math.max(0, y - max_rect.top); } } // Bottom offset if (off_bottom <= 0) { off_bottom = 0; } else { off_bottom += padding_extra.bottom; if (y_b + off_bottom > max_rect.bottom) { off_bottom = Math.max(0, max_rect.bottom - y_b); } } // Set if (off_top > 0 || off_right > 0 || off_bottom > 0) { this.paddings_active = true; this.mpreview.set_paddings(off_top, off_right, off_bottom, 0); } else { this.paddings_active = false; this.mpreview.clear_paddings(); } } else { // No paddings this.paddings_active = false; this.mpreview.clear_paddings(); } // Set this.mpreview.set_window(x - left, y - top, w, h); this.mpreview.set_zoom(zoom, fit, fit_large, fit_axis); // Connector this.connector.style.left = (img_rect.right).toFixed(2) + "px"; this.connector.style.top = (img_rect.top).toFixed(2) + "px"; this.connector.style.width = (paddings.left).toFixed(2) + "px"; this.connector.style.height = (img_rect.bottom - img_rect.top).toFixed(2) + "px"; // Stats this.mpreview.set_stat_zoom((set.display_stats <= 1), (zoom * 100) + "%", fit ? " fit-" + (this.mpreview.fit_axis === 0 ? "x" : "y") : ""); }, update_settings_from_global: function () { // Copy settings var hs = settings.values.image_expansion.hover, vs = settings.values.image_expansion.video, ss = settings.values.image_expansion.style, set = this.settings, v_set = set.video, s_set = set.style; set.zoom_invert = hs.zoom_invert; set.zoom_borders_show = hs.zoom_borders_show; set.zoom_borders_hide_time = hs.zoom_borders_hide_time * 1000; set.zoom_buttons = hs.zoom_buttons; set.mouse_hide = hs.mouse_hide; set.mouse_hide_time = hs.mouse_hide_time * 1000; set.header_overlap = hs.header_overlap; set.fit_large_allowed = hs.fit_large_allowed; set.display_stats = hs.display_stats; v_set.autoplay = vs.autoplay; v_set.loop = vs.loop; v_set.mute_initially = vs.mute_initially; v_set.volume = vs.volume; v_set.mini_controls = vs.mini_controls; v_set.expand_state_save = vs.expand_state_save; s_set.controls_rounded_border = ss.controls_rounded_border; s_set.animations_background = ss.animations_background; if (this.mpreview !== null) { this.update_mpreview(); } }, update_mpreview: function () { // Rounded borders this.mpreview.set_vcontrols_borders_rounded(!is_chrome && this.settings.style.controls_rounded_border); this.mpreview.set_background_animations(this.settings.style.animations_background); // Zoom buttons this.mpreview.set_zoom_control_buttons_enabled(this.settings.zoom_buttons); }, on: function (event, callback) { if (event in this.events) { this.events[event].push(callback); return true; } return false; }, off: function (event, callback) { if (event in this.events) { var list = this.events[event], i; for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { if (callback === list[i]) { list.splice(i, 1); return true; } } } return false; }, }; return ImageHover; })(); // Media preview base var MediaPreview = (function () { var MediaPreviewGenericNodes = function (parent) { // Create the preview container var zoom_border_inner, stat_zoom_inc, stat_zoom_dec, stat_sep; // Vars this.stats_zoom_controls_enabled = true; this.zoom_controls_hide_timer = null; this.mouse_in_stats = false; this.on_hide_zoom_controls_timeout_bind = hide_zoom_controls.bind(parent, true, false); // Background this.background = $.div("iex_mpreview_background"); // iex_mpreview_background_disabled iex_mpreview_background_visible iex_mpreview_background_fallback // Zoom borders this.zoom_borders = $.div("iex_mpreview_zoom_borders"); // iex_mpreview_zoom_borders_visible iex_mpreview_zoom_borders_vertical iex_mpreview_zoom_borders_horizontal zoom_border_inner = $.div("iex_mpreview_zoom_borders_inner"); this.zoom_borders.appendChild(zoom_border_inner); // Stats container this.stats_container = $.div("iex_mpreview_stats_container"); // Zoom controls this.zoom_controls = $.span("iex_mpreview_stat iex_mpreview_stat_zoom_controls"); // iex_mpreview_stat_zoom_controls_visible iex_mpreview_stat_zoom_controls_fixed this.stats_container.appendChild(this.zoom_controls); stat_zoom_inc = $.span("iex_mpreview_stat_zoom_control iex_mpreview_stat_zoom_control_increase"); stat_zoom_inc.textContent = "+"; this.zoom_controls.appendChild(stat_zoom_inc); stat_zoom_dec = $.span("iex_mpreview_stat_zoom_control iex_mpreview_stat_zoom_control_decrease"); stat_zoom_dec.textContent = "\u2212"; this.zoom_controls.appendChild(stat_zoom_dec); this.zoom_controls_offset = $.span("iex_mpreview_stat_zoom_controls_offset"); this.stats_container.appendChild(this.zoom_controls_offset); // Stats items this.stat_zoom_container = $.span("iex_mpreview_stat"); this.stats_container.appendChild(this.stat_zoom_container); this.stat_zoom = $.span(""); this.stat_zoom_container.appendChild(this.stat_zoom); this.stat_zoom_fit = $.span(""); this.stat_zoom_container.appendChild(this.stat_zoom_fit); stat_sep = $.span("iex_mpreview_stat_sep"); stat_sep.textContent = ", "; this.stats_container.appendChild(stat_sep); this.stat_status = $.span("iex_mpreview_stat"); this.stats_container.appendChild(this.stat_status); stat_sep = $.span("iex_mpreview_stat_sep"); stat_sep.textContent = ", "; this.stats_container.appendChild(stat_sep); this.stat_resolution = $.span("iex_mpreview_stat"); this.stats_container.appendChild(this.stat_resolution); stat_sep = $.span("iex_mpreview_stat_sep"); stat_sep.textContent = ", "; this.stats_container.appendChild(stat_sep); this.stat_filesize = $.span("iex_mpreview_stat"); this.stats_container.appendChild(this.stat_filesize); stat_sep = $.span("iex_mpreview_stat_sep"); stat_sep.textContent = ", "; this.stats_container.appendChild(stat_sep); this.stat_filename = $.span("iex_mpreview_stat"); this.stats_container.appendChild(this.stat_filename); // Events parent.add_event_listener(this.stats_container, "mouseover", wrap_mouseenterleave_event(parent, on_stats_mouseenter), false); parent.add_event_listener(this.stats_container, "mouseout", wrap_mouseenterleave_event(parent, on_stats_mouseleave), false); parent.add_event_listener(this.stat_zoom, "mouseover", wrap_mouseenterleave_event(parent, on_stats_zoom_mouseenter), false); parent.add_event_listener(this.zoom_controls, "mousedown", on_stats_zoom_controls_mousedown.bind(parent), false); parent.add_event_listener(this.zoom_controls, "mouseover", wrap_mouseenterleave_event(parent, on_stats_zoom_controls_mouseenter), false); parent.add_event_listener(this.zoom_controls, "mouseout", wrap_mouseenterleave_event(parent, on_stats_zoom_controls_mouseleave), false); parent.add_event_listener(stat_zoom_inc, "click", on_stats_zoom_control_click.bind(parent, 1), false); parent.add_event_listener(stat_zoom_dec, "click", on_stats_zoom_control_click.bind(parent, -1), false); // Add parent.cpreview.add_content(this.background); parent.cpreview.add_overlay(this.stats_container, true); parent.cpreview.add_overlay(this.zoom_borders); }; var MediaPreviewImageNodes = function (parent) { // Image this.image = $.node("img", "iex_mpreview_image"); this.image.setAttribute("alt", ""); this.image.setAttribute("title", ""); // Events parent.add_event_listener(this.image, "load", on_image_load.bind(parent), false); parent.add_event_listener(this.image, "error", on_image_error.bind(parent), false); // Add parent.cpreview.add_content(this.image); }; var MediaPreviewVideoNodes = function (parent) { var svgns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", c_inner, svg_e1, svg_e2, c_div1, c_div2, c_div3, c_div4, c_buttons_left, c_buttons_right, c_play_button, c_volume_button; // Vars this.interacted = false; this.seeking = false; this.seeking_paused = false; this.volume_modifying = false; this.mouse_capturing_rect = null; this.mouse_capturing_element = null; this.on_capture_mousemove = on_vcontrols_capture_mousemove.bind(parent); this.on_capture_mouseup = on_vcontrols_capture_mouseup.bind(parent); this.on_capture_window_resize = on_window_resize.bind(parent); this.on_capture_window_scroll = on_window_scroll.bind(parent); // Video this.video = $.node("video", "iex_mpreview_video"); this.video.setAttribute("preload", "auto"); // Controller overlay this.overlay = $.div("iex_mpreview_vcontrols_container"); c_inner = $.div("iex_mpreview_vcontrols_container_inner"); this.overlay.appendChild(c_inner); this.overlay_table = $.div("iex_mpreview_vcontrols_table"); // iex_mpreview_vcontrols_table_visible iex_mpreview_vcontrols_table_visible_important iex_mpreview_vcontrols_table_mini c_inner.appendChild(this.overlay_table); // Pause/play button c_buttons_left = $.div("iex_mpreview_vcontrols_button_container"); 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svg_e2.setAttribute("d", "M 0.75,0.1 Q 1.3,0.5 0.75,0.9 L 0.75,0.75 Q 1.05,0.5 0.75,0.25 Z"); svg_e1.appendChild(svg_e2); svg_e2 = $.node_ns(svgns, "path", "iex_svg_volume_button_wave_small iex_svg_button_fill"); svg_e2.setAttribute("d", "M 0.75,0.75 Q 1.05,0.5 0.75,0.25 Z"); svg_e1.appendChild(svg_e2); svg_e2 = $.node_ns(svgns, "g", "iex_svg_volume_button_wave_mute_icon"); svg_e1.appendChild(svg_e2); svg_e1 = svg_e2; svg_e2 = $.node_ns(svgns, "polygon", "iex_svg_volume_button_wave_mute_icon_polygon"); svg_e2.setAttribute("points", "0.7,0.3 1.0,0.6 0.9,0.7 0.6,0.4"); svg_e1.appendChild(svg_e2); svg_e2 = $.node_ns(svgns, "polygon", "iex_svg_volume_button_wave_mute_icon_polygon"); svg_e2.setAttribute("points", "0.7,0.7 1.0,0.4 0.9,0.3 0.6,0.6"); svg_e1.appendChild(svg_e2); // Volume bar c_div2 = $.div("iex_mpreview_vcontrols_volume_container_position"); c_div1.appendChild(c_div2); this.volume_container = $.div("iex_mpreview_vcontrols_volume_container"); // iex_mpreview_vcontrols_volume_container_visible iex_mpreview_vcontrols_volume_container_visible_important c_div2.appendChild(this.volume_container); this.volume_bar = $.div("iex_mpreview_vcontrols_volume_bar"); // iex_mpreview_vcontrols_no_border_radius this.volume_container.appendChild(this.volume_bar); c_div3 = $.div("iex_mpreview_vcontrols_volume_bar_bg"); this.volume_bar.appendChild(c_div3); this.volume_progress = $.div("iex_mpreview_vcontrols_volume_bar_level"); c_div3.appendChild(this.volume_progress); // Events parent.add_event_listener(this.video, "loadedmetadata", on_video_loadedmetadata.bind(parent), false); parent.add_event_listener(this.video, "canplay", on_video_canplay.bind(parent), false); parent.add_event_listener(this.video, "canplaythrough", on_video_canplaythrough.bind(parent), false); parent.add_event_listener(this.video, "error", on_video_error.bind(parent), false); parent.add_event_listener(this.video, "progress", on_video_progress.bind(parent), false); parent.add_event_listener(this.video, "timeupdate", on_video_timeupdate.bind(parent), false); parent.add_event_listener(this.video, "ended", on_video_ended.bind(parent), false); var prevent = on_vcontrols_prevent_default_mousedown.bind(parent); parent.add_event_listener(c_inner, "mouseover", wrap_mouseenterleave_event(parent, on_vcontrols_mouseenter), false); parent.add_event_listener(c_inner, "mouseout", wrap_mouseenterleave_event(parent, on_vcontrols_mouseleave), false); parent.add_event_listener(this.overlay_table, "mousedown", on_vcontrols_container_mousedown.bind(parent), false); parent.add_event_listener(c_play_button, "click", on_vcontrols_play_button_click.bind(parent), false); parent.add_event_listener(c_volume_button, "click", on_vcontrols_volume_button_click.bind(parent), false); parent.add_event_listener(c_volume_button, "mouseover", wrap_mouseenterleave_event(parent, on_vcontrols_volume_button_mouseenter), false); parent.add_event_listener(c_buttons_right, "mouseout", wrap_mouseenterleave_event(parent, on_vcontrols_volume_button_container_mouseleave), false); parent.add_event_listener(this.seek_bar, "mousedown", on_vcontrols_seek_bar_mousedown.bind(parent), false); parent.add_event_listener(this.volume_bar, "mousedown", on_vcontrols_volume_bar_mousedown.bind(parent), false); parent.add_event_listener(this.time_current, "mousedown", prevent, false); parent.add_event_listener(this.time_duration, "mousedown", prevent, false); // Add parent.cpreview.add_content(this.video); parent.cpreview.add_overlay(this.overlay); }; var MediaPreview = function () { // Setup preview this.cpreview = new ContentPreview(); this.event_listeners = []; // Events var cp_nodes = this.cpreview.nodes, event_bind; this.add_event_listener(cp_nodes.container, "mouseover", wrap_mouseenterleave_event(this, on_mouseenter), false); this.add_event_listener(cp_nodes.container, "mouseout", wrap_mouseenterleave_event(this, on_mouseleave), false); this.add_event_listener(cp_nodes.container, "mousemove", on_mousemove.bind(this), false); this.add_event_listener(cp_nodes.container, "mousewheel", (event_bind = on_mousewheel.bind(this)), false); this.add_event_listener(cp_nodes.container, "DOMMouseScroll", event_bind, false); this.add_event_listener(cp_nodes.container, "mousedown", on_mousedown.bind(this), false); this.add_event_listener(cp_nodes.container, "contextmenu", on_contextmenu.bind(this), false); this.add_event_listener(cp_nodes.overflow, "mouseover", wrap_mouseenterleave_event(this, on_overflow_mouseenter), false); // Setup classes style.add_class(this.cpreview.nodes.padding, "iex_mpreview_padding"); // Setup nodes this.nodes = new MediaPreviewGenericNodes(this); this.nodes_image = null; this.nodes_video = null; // Settings this.type = MediaPreview.TYPE_NONE; this.zoom = 1; this.fit = false; this.fit_large = false; this.fit_large_allowed = true; this.fit_axis = 0; this.mouse_wheel_mode = 0; this.volume_controls_temp_timer = null; this.style = { vcontrols_rounded: true, }; this.size = { width: 0, height: 0, acquired: false }; // Events this.events = { "image_load": [], "image_error": [], "video_ready": [], "video_can_play": [], "video_can_play_through": [], "video_load": [], "video_error": [], "video_volume_change": [], "size_change": [], "mouse_wheel": [], "mouse_enter": [], "mouse_leave": [], "mouse_down": [], "mouse_move": [], "mouse_enter_main": [], "stats_zoom_control_click": [], "resize": [], }; }; MediaPreview.TYPE_NONE = 0; MediaPreview.TYPE_IMAGE = 1; MediaPreview.TYPE_VIDEO = 2; var trigger = function (event, data) { // Trigger if (event in this.events) { var e_list = this.events[event]; for (var i = 0; i < e_list.length; ++i) { e_list[i].call(this, data); } } }; var format_video_time = function (time) { time = Math.floor(time + 0.5); var s = (time % 60).toString(); if (s.length < 2) s = "0" + s; time = Math.floor(time / 60); return time + ":" + s; }; var update_size = function (width_new, height_new) { // Change this.size.width = width_new; this.size.height = height_new; this.size.acquired = true; // Event trigger.call(this, "size_change", { width: width_new, height: height_new, }); }; var update_video_duration_status = function () { var video = this.nodes_video.video, duration = video.duration; // Update seek bar if (isNaN(duration)) { // Update time numbers this.nodes_video.time_duration.textContent = ""; } else { // Update time numbers this.nodes_video.time_duration.textContent = format_video_time.call(this, duration); } }; var update_video_seek_status = function (time) { var video = this.nodes_video.video, duration = video.duration; // Update seek bar if (time < 0 || isNaN(duration)) { // Bar this.nodes_video.play_progress.style.width = "0"; // Update time numbers this.nodes_video.time_current.textContent = ""; } else { // Bar this.nodes_video.play_progress.style.width = ((time / duration) * 100).toFixed(2) + "%"; // Update time numbers this.nodes_video.time_current.textContent = format_video_time.call(this, time); } }; var update_video_play_status = function (paused) { var loop = this.nodes_video.video.loop, svg_play = this.nodes_video.svg_play; // Update button if (paused) { style.remove_class(svg_play, "iex_svg_play_button_playing"); } else { style.add_class(svg_play, "iex_svg_play_button_playing"); } if (loop) { style.add_class(svg_play, "iex_svg_play_button_looping"); } else { style.remove_class(svg_play, "iex_svg_play_button_looping"); } }; var set_video_volume = function (volume, reason, interacted) { var svg_volume = this.nodes_video.svg_volume; // Set volume on video if (volume >= 0) { if (volume > 1) volume = 1; this.nodes_video.video.volume = volume; } else { volume = this.nodes_video.video.volume; } // Update bar this.nodes_video.volume_progress.style.height = (volume * 100).toFixed(2) + "%"; // Update icons if (volume > 0.625) { style.change_classes_svg(svg_volume, "iex_svg_volume_button_high", "iex_svg_volume_button_low iex_svg_volume_button_medium"); } else if (volume > 0.125) { style.change_classes_svg(svg_volume, "iex_svg_volume_button_medium", "iex_svg_volume_button_low iex_svg_volume_button_high"); } else { style.change_classes_svg(svg_volume, "iex_svg_volume_button_low", "iex_svg_volume_button_medium iex_svg_volume_button_high"); } // Interacted if (interacted) this.nodes_video.interacted = true; // Event trigger.call(this, "video_volume_change", { reason: reason, volume: volume }); }; var setup_vcontrols_mouse_capture = function () { // Setup mouse capturing events if ( this.nodes_video.mouse_capturing_element === null && (this.nodes_video.mouse_capturing_element = document.documentElement) !== null ) { this.nodes_video.mouse_capturing_element.addEventListener("mousemove", this.nodes_video.on_capture_mousemove, false); this.nodes_video.mouse_capturing_element.addEventListener("mouseup", this.nodes_video.on_capture_mouseup, false); window.addEventListener("resize", this.nodes_video.on_capture_window_resize, false); window.addEventListener("scroll", this.nodes_video.on_capture_window_scroll, false); update_vcontrols_mouse_capture.call(this); } }; var teardown_vcontrols_mouse_capture = function () { // Destroy mouse capturing events if (this.nodes_video.mouse_capturing_element !== null) { this.nodes_video.mouse_capturing_element.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.nodes_video.on_capture_mousemove, false); this.nodes_video.mouse_capturing_element.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.nodes_video.on_capture_mouseup, false); window.removeEventListener("resize", this.nodes_video.on_capture_window_resize, false); window.removeEventListener("scroll", this.nodes_video.on_capture_window_scroll, false); this.nodes_video.mouse_capturing_element = null; } }; var update_vcontrols_mouse_capture = function () { // Update node rectangle if (this.nodes_video.seeking) { this.nodes_video.mouse_capturing_rect = style.get_object_rect(this.nodes_video.seek_bar); } else if (this.nodes_video.volume_modifying) { this.nodes_video.mouse_capturing_rect = style.get_object_rect(this.nodes_video.volume_bar); } }; var show_zoom_controls = function (force_open) { // Stop timer if (this.nodes.zoom_controls_hide_timer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.nodes.zoom_controls_hide_timer); this.nodes.zoom_controls_hide_timer = null; } // Display if (force_open) { var zoom_controls = this.nodes.zoom_controls, z_rect; style.add_class(zoom_controls, "iex_mpreview_stat_visible"); z_rect = style.get_object_rect(zoom_controls); this.nodes.zoom_controls_offset.style.width = (z_rect.right - z_rect.left).toFixed(2) + "px"; } }; var hide_zoom_controls = function (instant, timer_check) { if (instant) { // Hide style.remove_class(this.nodes.zoom_controls, "iex_mpreview_stat_visible"); this.nodes.zoom_controls_offset.style.width = ""; // Stop timer if (timer_check && this.nodes.zoom_controls_hide_timer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.nodes.zoom_controls_hide_timer); } this.nodes.zoom_controls_hide_timer = null; } else { // Set timer this.nodes.zoom_controls_hide_timer = setTimeout(this.nodes.on_hide_zoom_controls_timeout_bind, 10); } }; var set_zoom_controls_fixed = function (fixed) { // Set fixed var zoom_controls = this.nodes.zoom_controls; if (fixed) { var w_rect = style.get_document_rect(), z_rect = style.get_object_rect(zoom_controls); // Fix style.add_class(zoom_controls, "iex_mpreview_stat_zoom_controls_fixed"); zoom_controls.style.left = (z_rect.left - w_rect.left).toFixed(2) + "px"; zoom_controls.style.top = (z_rect.top - w_rect.top).toFixed(2) + "px"; } else { // Un-fix style.remove_class(zoom_controls, "iex_mpreview_stat_zoom_controls_fixed"); zoom_controls.style.left = ""; zoom_controls.style.top = ""; } }; var update_stat_sep_visibility = function (node, visible) { var n; if (visible) { // Previous for (n = node; (n = n.previousSibling); ) { if (style.has_class(n, "iex_mpreview_stat_sep_visible")) break; if (style.has_class(n, "iex_mpreview_stat_visible")) { if ((n = node.previousSibling) !== null && style.has_class(n, "iex_mpreview_stat_sep")) { style.add_class(n, "iex_mpreview_stat_sep_visible"); } break; } } // Next for (n = node; (n = n.nextSibling); ) { if (style.has_class(n, "iex_mpreview_stat_sep_visible")) break; if (style.has_class(n, "iex_mpreview_stat_visible")) { if ((n = node.nextSibling) !== null && style.has_class(n, "iex_mpreview_stat_sep")) { style.add_class(n, "iex_mpreview_stat_sep_visible"); } break; } } } else { // Hide next n = node.nextSibling; if (n !== null && style.has_class(n, "iex_mpreview_stat_sep")) { if (style.has_class(n, "iex_mpreview_stat_sep_visible")) { style.remove_class(n, "iex_mpreview_stat_sep_visible"); return; } } // Hide previous n = node.previousSibling; if (n !== null && style.has_class(n, "iex_mpreview_stat_sep")) { style.remove_class(n, "iex_mpreview_stat_sep_visible"); } } }; var on_window_resize = function (event) { // Update bar position if (this.nodes_video.mouse_capturing_element !== null) { update_vcontrols_mouse_capture.call(this); } }; var on_window_scroll = function (event) { // Update bar position if (this.nodes_video.mouse_capturing_element !== null) { update_vcontrols_mouse_capture.call(this); } }; var on_video_loadedmetadata = function (event) { if (this.type !== MediaPreview.TYPE_VIDEO) return; var video = this.nodes_video.video, w = video.videoWidth, h = video.videoHeight; // Update seek bar update_video_duration_status.call(this); update_video_seek_status.call(this, 0); // Un-hide video style.remove_class(video, "iex_mpreview_video_not_ready"); // Update size if (!this.size.acquired || (this.size.width != w || this.size.height != h)) { update_size.call(this, w, h); style.remove_class(video, "iex_mpreview_video_unsized"); } // Event trigger.call(this, "video_ready", {}); }; var on_video_canplay = function (event) { if (this.type !== MediaPreview.TYPE_VIDEO) return; // Event on_video_progress.call(this, event); trigger.call(this, "video_can_play", {}); }; var on_video_canplaythrough = function (event) { if (this.type !== MediaPreview.TYPE_VIDEO) return; // Event on_video_progress.call(this, event); trigger.call(this, "video_can_play_through", {}); }; var on_video_progress = function (event) { if (this.type !== MediaPreview.TYPE_VIDEO) return; var video = this.nodes_video.video, percent = 0.0; if (video.buffered.length > 0) { percent = (video.buffered.end(0) / video.duration); } // Update progress bar this.nodes_video.load_progress.style.width = (percent * 100).toFixed(2) + "%"; // Complete if (percent >= 1.0) { trigger.call(this, "video_load", {}); } }; var on_video_error = function (event) { if (this.type !== MediaPreview.TYPE_VIDEO) return; // Hide video style.remove_class(this.nodes_video.video, "iex_mpreview_video_visible"); this.nodes_video.video.removeAttribute("src"); // Error trigger.call(this, "video_error", { reason: "error" }); }; var on_video_timeupdate = function (event) { if (this.type !== MediaPreview.TYPE_VIDEO) return; // Update time progress update_video_seek_status.call(this, this.nodes_video.video.currentTime); }; var on_video_ended = function (event) { if (this.type !== MediaPreview.TYPE_VIDEO) return; // Update buttons update_video_play_status.call(this, this.nodes_video.video.paused); }; var on_vcontrols_mouseenter = function (event, node) { // Do not show for non-video if (this.type !== MediaPreview.TYPE_VIDEO) return; // Show controls style.remove_class(this.nodes_video.volume_container, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_volume_container_visible"); style.add_class(this.nodes_video.overlay_table, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_table_visible"); }; var on_vcontrols_mouseleave = function (event, node) { // Hide controls style.remove_class(this.nodes_video.overlay_table, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_table_visible"); }; var on_vcontrols_container_mousedown = function (event) { // Ignore if not left mb if (get_event_mouse_button(event) !== 1) return; // Stop event return stop_event(event); }; var on_vcontrols_play_button_click = function (event) { // Play/pause var video = this.nodes_video.video; this.set_video_paused(!video.paused, (event.shiftKey && video.paused) ? (!video.loop) : undefined); }; var on_vcontrols_volume_button_click = function (event) { // Mute/unmute this.set_video_muted(!this.nodes_video.video.muted); }; var on_vcontrols_volume_button_mouseenter = function (event, node) { // Show volume bar style.add_class(this.nodes_video.volume_container, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_volume_container_visible"); }; var on_vcontrols_volume_button_container_mouseleave = function (event, node) { // Hide volume bar style.remove_class(this.nodes_video.volume_container, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_volume_container_visible"); }; var on_vcontrols_seek_bar_mousedown = function (event) { // Get the mouse button if (get_event_mouse_button(event) !== 1) return; // Begin seeking var video = this.nodes_video.video; // Set paused state this.nodes_video.seeking = true; this.nodes_video.seeking_paused = video.paused; if (!video.paused) video.pause(); // Force visibility style.add_class(this.nodes_video.overlay_table, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_table_visible_important"); // Setup window mousemove and mouseup events setup_vcontrols_mouse_capture.call(this); // Initial update on_vcontrols_capture_mousemove.call(this, event); // Stop return stop_event(event); }; var on_vcontrols_volume_bar_mousedown = function (event) { // Get the mouse button if (get_event_mouse_button(event) !== 1) return; // Set paused state this.nodes_video.volume_modifying = true; // Force visibility style.add_class(this.nodes_video.overlay_table, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_table_visible_important"); style.add_class(this.nodes_video.volume_container, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_volume_container_visible_important"); // Setup window mousemove and mouseup events setup_vcontrols_mouse_capture.call(this); // Initial update on_vcontrols_capture_mousemove.call(this, event); // Stop return stop_event(event); }; var on_vcontrols_prevent_default_mousedown = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); return false; }; var on_vcontrols_capture_mousemove = function (event) { // Begin seeking var video = this.nodes_video.video, bar_rect = this.nodes_video.mouse_capturing_rect, percent, x, y; // Get mouse x/y if (event.pageX === undefined && (event = event || window.event).clientX !== undefined) { var html = document.documentElement, body = document.body; if (html && body) { x = ((event.clientX || 0) + (html.scrollLeft || (body && body.scrollLeft) || 0)) - (html.clientLeft || 0); y = ((event.clientY || 0) + (html.scrollTop || (body && body.scrollTop) || 0)) - (html.clientTop || 0); } } else { x = event.pageX || 0; y = event.pageY || 0; } // Set paused state if (this.nodes_video.seeking) { var duration = video.duration; if (!isNaN(duration)) { var loaded = (video.buffered.length > 0) ? video.buffered.end(0) / duration : 0.0; // Get percent percent = (x - bar_rect.left) / (bar_rect.right - bar_rect.left); // Bound if (percent < 0) percent = 0; else if (percent > loaded) percent = loaded; // Apply percent *= duration; video.currentTime = percent; update_video_seek_status.call(this, percent); } } else if (this.nodes_video.volume_modifying) { // Get percent percent = 1.0 - (y - bar_rect.top) / (bar_rect.bottom - bar_rect.top); // Bound if (percent < 0) percent = 0; else if (percent > 1.0) percent = 1.0; // Set volume set_video_volume.call(this, percent, "seeking", true); } }; var on_vcontrols_capture_mouseup = function (event) { if (this.nodes_video.seeking) { // Unpause if (!this.nodes_video.seeking_paused) this.nodes_video.video.play(); // Un-force visibility style.remove_class(this.nodes_video.overlay_table, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_table_visible_important"); // Done this.nodes_video.seeking = false; } else if (this.nodes_video.volume_modifying) { // Save volume set_video_volume.call(this, -1, "seek", true); // Un-force visibility style.remove_class(this.nodes_video.overlay_table, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_table_visible_important"); style.remove_class(this.nodes_video.volume_container, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_volume_container_visible_important"); // Done this.nodes_video.volume_modifying = false; } // Stop capture teardown_vcontrols_mouse_capture.call(this); }; var on_image_load = function (event) { if (this.type != MediaPreview.TYPE_IMAGE) return; // True size var w = this.nodes_image.image.naturalWidth, h = this.nodes_image.image.naturalHeight; // Update size if (!this.size.acquired || (this.size.width != w || this.size.height != h)) { update_size.call(this, w, h); style.remove_class(this.nodes_image.image, "iex_mpreview_image_unsized"); } // Event trigger.call(this, "image_load", {}); }; var on_image_error = function (event) { if (this.type != MediaPreview.TYPE_IMAGE) return; // Hide image style.remove_class(this.nodes_image.image, "iex_mpreview_image_visible"); this.nodes_image.image.removeAttribute("src"); // Error trigger.call(this, "image_error", { reason: "error" }); }; var on_mousewheel = function (event) { // Get direction var delta = (event.wheelDelta || -event.detail || 0); if (delta < 0) delta = -1; else if (delta > 0) delta = 1; // Trigger event trigger.call(this, "mouse_wheel", { delta: delta, mode: this.mouse_wheel_mode }); // Prevent return stop_event(event); }; var on_mouseenter = function (event, node) { // Trigger event trigger.call(this, "mouse_enter", {}); }; var on_mouseleave = function (event, node) { // Trigger event trigger.call(this, "mouse_leave", {}); }; var on_mousedown = function (event) { // Get the mouse button var button = get_event_mouse_button(event); // Activate close trigger.call(this, "mouse_down", { button: button }); return stop_event(event); }; var on_contextmenu = function (event) { // Stop return stop_event(event); }; var on_mousemove = function (event) { // Get mouse x/y var x, y; if (event.pageX === undefined && (event = event || window.event).clientX !== undefined) { var html = document.documentElement, body = document.body; if (html && body) { x = ((event.clientX || 0) + (html.scrollLeft || (body && body.scrollLeft) || 0)) - (html.clientLeft || 0); y = ((event.clientY || 0) + (html.scrollTop || (body && body.scrollTop) || 0)) - (html.clientTop || 0); } } else { x = event.pageX || 0; y = event.pageY || 0; } // Event trigger.call(this, "mouse_move", { x: x, y: y, }); }; var on_overflow_mouseenter = function (event, node) { // Trigger event trigger.call(this, "mouse_enter_main", {}); }; var on_stats_mouseenter = function (event, node) { // Stop hiding if it's already open this.nodes.mouse_in_stats = true; show_zoom_controls.call(this, false); }; var on_stats_mouseleave = function (event, node) { // Hide controls this.nodes.mouse_in_stats = false; hide_zoom_controls.call(this, false, true); }; var on_stats_zoom_mouseenter = function (event, node) { // Show controls if (this.nodes.stats_zoom_controls_enabled) { show_zoom_controls.call(this, true); } }; var on_stats_zoom_controls_mouseenter = function (event, node) { // Display controls and make fixed show_zoom_controls.call(this, true); set_zoom_controls_fixed.call(this, true); }; var on_stats_zoom_controls_mouseleave = function (event, node) { // Make un-fixed and possibly hide set_zoom_controls_fixed.call(this, false); if (!this.nodes.mouse_in_stats) { hide_zoom_controls.call(this, true, true); } }; var on_stats_zoom_controls_mousedown = function (event) { // Stop return stop_event(event); }; var on_stats_zoom_control_click = function (delta, event) { // Event trigger.call(this, "stats_zoom_control_click", { delta: delta }); // Stop return stop_event(event); }; MediaPreview.prototype = { constructor: MediaPreview, destroy: function () { // Clear this.clear(); // Remove events for (var i = 0, el; i < this.event_listeners.length; ++i) { el = this.event_listeners[i]; this.remove_event_listener(el[0], el[1], el[2], el[3]); } this.event_listeners = []; // Remove this.remove(); }, clear: function () { var type = this.type; this.type = MediaPreview.TYPE_NONE; // Clear background this.nodes.background.style.backgroundImage = ""; style.remove_classes(this.nodes.background, "iex_mpreview_background_visible iex_mpreview_background_visible_full iex_mpreview_background_disabled iex_mpreview_background_fallback"); if (type == MediaPreview.TYPE_IMAGE) { // Remove previous image style.remove_class(this.nodes_image.image, "iex_mpreview_image_visible"); this.nodes_image.image.removeAttribute("src"); } else if (type == MediaPreview.TYPE_VIDEO) { // Clear video style.remove_classes(this.nodes_video.video, "iex_mpreview_video_visible iex_mpreview_video_not_ready"); this.set_video_paused(true); this.nodes_video.video.removeAttribute("src"); // Clear seek status this.nodes_video.load_progress.style.width = "0"; this.nodes_video.play_progress.style.width = "0"; // Update time numbers this.nodes_video.time_current.textContent = ""; this.nodes_video.time_duration.textContent = ""; update_video_play_status.call(this, true); } // Clear stats this.clear_stats(); }, on: function (event, callback) { // Add callback if (event in this.events) { this.events[event].push(callback); } }, off: function (event, callback) { // Add callback if (event in this.events) { var e_list = this.events[event]; for (var i = 0; i < e_list.length; ++i) { if (e_list[i] === callback) { // Remove e_list.splice(i, 1); return true; } } } return false; }, get_type: function () { return this.type; }, get_video_volume: function () { return (this.type !== MediaPreview.TYPE_VIDEO) ? 0.0 : this.nodes_video.video.volume; }, get_video_muted: function () { return (this.type !== MediaPreview.TYPE_VIDEO) ? true : this.nodes_video.video.muted; }, set_image: function (image) { // Unset previous this.clear(); // Set type this.type = MediaPreview.TYPE_IMAGE; if (this.nodes_image === null) this.nodes_image = new MediaPreviewImageNodes(this); // Set style.add_class(this.nodes_image.image, "iex_mpreview_image_visible"); this.nodes_image.image.setAttribute("src", image.replace(/#.*$/, "")); }, set_video: function (video) { // Unset previous this.clear(); // Set type this.type = MediaPreview.TYPE_VIDEO; if (this.nodes_video === null) { this.nodes_video = new MediaPreviewVideoNodes(this); this.set_vcontrols_borders_rounded(this.style.vcontrols_rounded); } // Set style.add_class(this.nodes_video.video, "iex_mpreview_video_visible"); style.add_class(this.nodes_video.video, "iex_mpreview_video_not_ready"); this.nodes_video.video.setAttribute("src", video.replace(/#.*$/, "")); }, set_background: function (image, visibility_level) { // visibility_level: 0=hidden, 1=transparent, 2=full if (image) { // Set background style.add_class(this.nodes.background, "iex_mpreview_background_visible"); this.set_background_style(visibility_level); this.nodes.background.style.backgroundImage = 'url("' + image + '")'; } else { // Clear background style.remove_classes(this.nodes.background, "iex_mpreview_background_visible iex_mpreview_background_disabled iex_mpreview_background_visible_full"); this.nodes.background.style.backgroundImage = ""; } }, set_background_style: function (visibility_level) { // visibility_level: 0=hidden, 1=transparent, 2=full if (visibility_level === 0) { style.add_class(this.nodes.background, "iex_mpreview_background_disabled"); style.remove_class(this.nodes.background, "iex_mpreview_background_visible_full"); } else if (visibility_level == 1) { style.remove_classes(this.nodes.background, "iex_mpreview_background_disabled iex_mpreview_background_visible_full"); } else { style.add_class(this.nodes.background, "iex_mpreview_background_visible_full"); style.remove_class(this.nodes.background, "iex_mpreview_background_disabled"); } }, set_background_animations: function (animate) { if (animate) style.add_class(this.nodes.background, "iex_transitions"); else style.remove_class(this.nodes.background, "iex_transitions"); }, set_mouse_wheel_mode: function (mode) { this.mouse_wheel_mode = mode; }, set_view_borders: function (horizontal, vertical) { var zoom_borders = this.nodes.zoom_borders, w = (horizontal * 100).toFixed(2) + "%", h = (vertical * 100).toFixed(2) + "%"; // Set view borders sizing zoom_borders.style.left = w; zoom_borders.style.top = h; zoom_borders.style.right = w; zoom_borders.style.bottom = h; }, set_view_borders_visible: function (visible) { var zoom_borders = this.nodes.zoom_borders; // Change visibility if (visible === true) { style.add_class(zoom_borders, "iex_mpreview_zoom_borders_visible"); } else { style.remove_class(zoom_borders, "iex_mpreview_zoom_borders_visible"); } }, set_view_borders_visible_sides: function (horizontal, vertical) { var zoom_borders = this.nodes.zoom_borders; // Change visibility if (horizontal) style.add_class(zoom_borders, "iex_mpreview_zoom_borders_horizontal"); else style.remove_class(zoom_borders, "iex_mpreview_zoom_borders_horizontal"); if (vertical) style.add_class(zoom_borders, "iex_mpreview_zoom_borders_vertical"); else style.remove_class(zoom_borders, "iex_mpreview_zoom_borders_vertical"); }, set_mouse_visible: function (visible) { if (visible) style.remove_class(this.cpreview.nodes.padding, "iex_mpreview_mouse_hidden"); else style.add_class(this.cpreview.nodes.padding, "iex_mpreview_mouse_hidden"); }, add_to: function (parent) { this.cpreview.add_to(parent); }, remove: function () { this.cpreview.remove(); }, set_visible: function (visible) { this.cpreview.set_visible(visible); if (!visible) this.clear(); }, set_fixed: function (fixed) { this.cpreview.set_fixed(fixed); }, set_window: function (x, y, width, height, fixed) { this.cpreview.set_window(x, y, width, height, fixed); trigger.call(this, "resize", {}); }, set_zoom: function (zoom, fit, large, axis) { // Update fit if (fit !== undefined) { this.fit = fit; this.fit_large = large; } // Detect scale if (axis !== undefined) this.fit_axis = axis; var scale = 1.0; if (this.fit) { scale = (this.fit_axis === 0) ? (this.cpreview.display.width / this.size.width) : (this.cpreview.display.height / this.size.height); } // Set zoom if (zoom !== undefined) { this.zoom = zoom; } scale *= this.zoom; this.cpreview.set_size(this.size.width * scale, this.size.height * scale); trigger.call(this, "resize", {}); }, set_size: function (width, height, acquired) { this.size.width = width; this.size.height = height; if (acquired === true || acquired === false) this.size.acquired = acquired; }, set_offset: function (x, y) { this.cpreview.set_offset(x, y); }, set_paddings: function (top, right, bottom, left) { this.cpreview.set_paddings(top, right, bottom, left); }, clear_size: function () { this.cpreview.clear_size(); }, clear_paddings: function () { this.cpreview.clear_paddings(); }, video_interacted: function () { return (this.nodes_video !== null && this.nodes_video.interacted); }, clear_video_interactions: function () { if (this.nodes_video !== null) this.nodes_video.interacted = false; }, set_video_muted: function (muted) { if (this.nodes_video === null) return; // Apply this.nodes_video.video.muted = muted; // Change icon if (muted) style.add_class_svg(this.nodes_video.svg_volume, "iex_svg_volume_button_muted"); else style.remove_class_svg(this.nodes_video.svg_volume, "iex_svg_volume_button_muted"); // Interacted this.nodes_video.interacted = true; }, set_video_volume: function (volume) { if (this.nodes_video === null) return; set_video_volume.call(this, volume, "set", true); }, set_video_paused: function (paused, loop) { if (this.nodes_video === null) return; var video = this.nodes_video.video; // Loop if (loop === true || loop === false) { video.loop = loop; } // Pause or play if (paused) video.pause(); else video.play(); // Interacted this.nodes_video.interacted = true; // Update buttons update_video_play_status.call(this, paused); }, set_show_volume_controls_temp: function (show, duration) { if (this.type !== MediaPreview.TYPE_VIDEO) return; // Toggle var cls1 = "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_table_visible_temp", cls2 = "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_volume_container_visible_temp"; if (show) { style.add_class(this.nodes_video.overlay_table, cls1); style.add_class(this.nodes_video.volume_container, cls2); // Timer if (duration !== undefined) { if (this.volume_controls_temp_timer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.volume_controls_temp_timer); } this.volume_controls_temp_timer = setTimeout(this.set_show_volume_controls_temp.bind(this, false, 0.0), duration * 1000); } } else { // Hide style.remove_class(this.nodes_video.overlay_table, cls1); style.remove_class(this.nodes_video.volume_container, cls2); // Clear timeout if (this.volume_controls_temp_timer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.volume_controls_temp_timer); this.volume_controls_temp_timer = null; } } }, is_visible: function () { return this.cpreview.visible; }, get_inner_rect: function () { return style.get_object_rect(this.cpreview.nodes.overflow); }, get_window: function () { return this.cpreview.display; }, add_event_listener: function (node, event, callback, capture) { node.addEventListener(event, callback, capture); this.event_listeners.push([node, event, callback, capture]); }, remove_event_listener: function (node, event, callback, capture, remove) { node.removeEventListener(event, callback, capture); if (remove) { for (var i = 0, j = this.event_listeners.length; i < j; ++i) { if ( this.event_listeners[i][0] === event && this.event_listeners[i][1] === callback && this.event_listeners[i][2] === capture ) { this.event_listeners.splice(i, 1); return; } } } }, set_vcontrols_mini_available: function (available) { if (this.nodes_video === null) return; if (available) style.remove_class(this.nodes_video.overlay_table, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_table_mini_disabled"); else style.add_class(this.nodes_video.overlay_table, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_table_mini_disabled"); }, set_vcontrols_mini_visible: function (visible) { if (this.nodes_video === null) return; if (visible) style.add_class(this.nodes_video.overlay_table, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_table_mini"); else style.remove_class(this.nodes_video.overlay_table, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_table_mini"); }, set_vcontrols_borders_rounded: function (rounded) { this.style.vcontrols_rounded = rounded; if (this.nodes_video === null) return; if (rounded) { style.remove_class(this.nodes_video.volume_bar, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_no_border_radius"); style.remove_class(this.nodes_video.seek_bar, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_no_border_radius"); } else { style.add_class(this.nodes_video.volume_bar, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_no_border_radius"); style.add_class(this.nodes_video.seek_bar, "iex_mpreview_vcontrols_no_border_radius"); } }, clear_stats: function () { this.set_stat_zoom(false); this.set_stat_status(false); this.set_stat_resolution(false); this.set_stat_file_size(false); this.set_stat_file_name(false); }, set_stat_zoom: function (visible, text, text_fit) { if (visible === false) { style.remove_class(this.nodes.stat_zoom_container, "iex_mpreview_stat_visible"); update_stat_sep_visibility.call(this, this.nodes.stat_zoom_container, false); this.nodes.stat_zoom.textContent = ""; this.nodes.stat_zoom_fit.textContent = ""; } else { if (visible) { style.add_class(this.nodes.stat_zoom_container, "iex_mpreview_stat_visible"); update_stat_sep_visibility.call(this, this.nodes.stat_zoom_container, true); } this.nodes.stat_zoom.textContent = text; this.nodes.stat_zoom_fit.textContent = text_fit; } }, set_stat_status: function (visible, text, type) { if (visible === false) { style.remove_classes(this.nodes.stat_status, "iex_mpreview_stat_visible iex_mpreview_stat_red"); update_stat_sep_visibility.call(this, this.nodes.stat_status, false); this.nodes.stat_status.textContent = ""; } else { if (visible) { style.add_class(this.nodes.stat_status, "iex_mpreview_stat_visible"); update_stat_sep_visibility.call(this, this.nodes.stat_status, true); } if (type == "error") { style.add_class(this.nodes.stat_status, "iex_mpreview_stat_red"); } else { style.remove_class(this.nodes.stat_status, "iex_mpreview_stat_red"); } this.nodes.stat_status.textContent = text; } }, set_stat_resolution: function (visible, text) { if (visible === false) { style.remove_class(this.nodes.stat_resolution, "iex_mpreview_stat_visible"); update_stat_sep_visibility.call(this, this.nodes.stat_resolution, false); this.nodes.stat_resolution.textContent = ""; } else { if (visible) { style.add_class(this.nodes.stat_resolution, "iex_mpreview_stat_visible"); update_stat_sep_visibility.call(this, this.nodes.stat_resolution, true); } this.nodes.stat_resolution.textContent = text; } }, set_stat_file_size: function (visible, text) { if (visible === false) { style.remove_class(this.nodes.stat_filesize, "iex_mpreview_stat_visible"); update_stat_sep_visibility.call(this, this.nodes.stat_filesize, false); this.nodes.stat_filesize.textContent = ""; } else { if (visible) { style.add_class(this.nodes.stat_filesize, "iex_mpreview_stat_visible"); update_stat_sep_visibility.call(this, this.nodes.stat_filesize, true); } this.nodes.stat_filesize.textContent = text; } }, set_stat_file_name: function (visible, text) { if (visible === false) { style.remove_class(this.nodes.stat_filename, "iex_mpreview_stat_visible"); update_stat_sep_visibility.call(this, this.nodes.stat_filename, false); this.nodes.stat_filename.textContent = ""; } else { if (visible) { style.add_class(this.nodes.stat_filename, "iex_mpreview_stat_visible"); update_stat_sep_visibility.call(this, this.nodes.stat_filename, true); } this.nodes.stat_filename.textContent = text; } }, set_zoom_control_buttons_enabled: function (enabled) { if (this.nodes === null) return; this.nodes.stats_zoom_controls_enabled = enabled; }, transfer_video_state: function (node) { if (node.tagName === "VIDEO" && this.type === MediaPreview.TYPE_VIDEO) { // Transfer video state var v = this.nodes_video.video, muted = v.muted, volume = v.volume, time = v.currentTime, paused = v.paused, okay = false, fn; fn = function () { this.muted = muted; this.volume = volume; this.currentTime = time; if (paused) this.pause(); else this.play(); }; if (!node.paused || !isNaN(node.duration)) { // Immediate try { fn.call(node); okay = true; } catch (e) {} } if (!okay) { // Delay until playing var play_fn = function (event) { try { fn.call(this); } catch (e) {} this.removeEventListener("play", play_fn, false); }; node.addEventListener("play", play_fn, false); } } }, load_video_state: function (state) { if (this.type === MediaPreview.TYPE_VIDEO) { // Update var self = this, v = this.nodes_video.video, target = v.getAttribute("src") || "", event_fn, fn; fn = function () { // Set state this.set_video_muted(state.muted); this.set_video_volume(state.volume); this.set_video_paused(state.paused); this.nodes_video.video.currentTime = state.time; }; if (isNaN(v.currentTime) || v.buffered.length <= 0) { // Delay self = this; event_fn = function () { if (target === this.getAttribute("src") || "") { fn.call(self); } this.removeEventListener("loadedmetadata", event_fn, false); }; // Listen v.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", event_fn, false); } else { fn.call(this); } } }, get_size: function () { return this.size; }, }; return MediaPreview; })(); // Content preview base var ContentPreview = (function () { var ContentPreviewNodes = function () { // Main container this.container = $.div("iex_cpreview_container iex_cpreview_container_visible"); // Position/padding container this.padding = $.div("iex_cpreview_padding"); this.container.appendChild(this.padding); // Overflow container this.overflow = $.div("iex_cpreview_overflow"); this.padding.appendChild(this.overflow); // Offset container this.offset = $.div("iex_cpreview_offset"); this.overflow.appendChild(this.offset); }; var ContentPreview = function () { this.nodes = new ContentPreviewNodes(); this.visible = true; this.offset_x = 0; this.offset_y = 0; this.size = { width: 0, height: 0, }; this.display = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, }; this.fixed = false; this.auto = false; }; ContentPreview.prototype = { constructor: ContentPreview, set_visible: function (visible) { // Add or remove visibility this.visible = visible; if (visible) style.add_class(this.nodes.container, "iex_cpreview_container_visible"); else style.remove_class(this.nodes.container, "iex_cpreview_container_visible"); }, set_fixed: function (fixed) { // No change if (this.fixed == fixed) return; var container = this.nodes.container, doc_offset = style.get_document_offset(); // Fixed position this.fixed = fixed; if (this.fixed) { this.display.x -= doc_offset.left; this.display.y -= doc_offset.top; style.add_class(container, "iex_cpreview_container_fixed"); } else { this.display.x += doc_offset.left; this.display.y += doc_offset.top; style.remove_class(container, "iex_cpreview_container_fixed"); } // Position container.style.left = this.display.x.toFixed(2) + "px"; container.style.top = this.display.y.toFixed(2) + "px"; }, set_window: function (x, y, width, height, fixed) { var container = this.nodes.container, overflow = this.nodes.overflow; // Fixed position if (fixed !== undefined) { this.fixed = fixed; if (fixed) style.add_class(this.nodes.container, "iex_cpreview_container_fixed"); else style.remove_class(this.nodes.container, "iex_cpreview_container_fixed"); } // Position container.style.left = x.toFixed(2) + "px"; container.style.top = y.toFixed(2) + "px"; // Size overflow.style.width = width.toFixed(2) + "px"; overflow.style.height = height.toFixed(2) + "px"; // Set this.display.x = x; this.display.y = y; this.display.width = width; this.display.height = height; }, set_size: function (width, height, offset_x, offset_y) { var offset = this.nodes.offset, w_diff = width - this.display.width, h_diff = height - this.display.height; // Bound if (w_diff < 0) w_diff = 0; if (h_diff < 0) h_diff = 0; // Set size this.size.width = width; this.size.height = height; // Set offset if (offset_x !== undefined && offset_y !== undefined) { this.offset_x = offset_x; this.offset_y = offset_y; } // Set visible size offset.style.width = width.toFixed(2) + "px"; offset.style.height = height.toFixed(2) + "px"; style.add_class(offset, "iex_cpreview_offset_sized"); // Set visible offset offset.style.left = (w_diff * -this.offset_x).toFixed(2) + "px"; offset.style.top = (h_diff * -this.offset_y).toFixed(2) + "px"; }, set_offset: function (x, y) { var offset = this.nodes.offset, w_diff = this.size.width - this.display.width, h_diff = this.size.height - this.display.height; // Bound if (w_diff < 0) w_diff = 0; if (h_diff < 0) h_diff = 0; // Set offset this.offset_x = x; this.offset_y = y; // Set visible offset offset.style.left = (w_diff * -x).toFixed(2) + "px"; offset.style.top = (h_diff * -y).toFixed(2) + "px"; }, set_paddings: function (top, right, bottom, left) { // Set paddings this.nodes.padding.style.top = (-top).toFixed(2) + "px"; this.nodes.padding.style.left = (-left).toFixed(2) + "px"; this.nodes.padding.style.padding = top.toFixed(2) + "px " + right.toFixed(2) + "px " + bottom.toFixed(2) + "px " + left.toFixed(2) + "px"; }, set_auto_size: function (auto) { // No change if (this.auto == auto) return; var container = this.nodes.container; // Fixed position this.auto = auto; if (this.auto) { style.add_class(container, "iex_cpreview_container_auto"); } else { style.remove_class(container, "iex_cpreview_container_auto"); } // Position this.display.x = 0; this.display.y = 0; }, update_auto_size: function () { // Get size var size = style.get_object_size(this.nodes.container); // Set this.size.width = size.width; this.size.height = size.height; this.display.width = size.width; this.display.height = size.height; }, clear_size: function () { this.nodes.offset.style.width = ""; this.nodes.offset.style.height = ""; this.size.width = 0; this.size.height = 0; }, clear_paddings: function () { // Clear paddings this.nodes.padding.style.top = ""; this.nodes.padding.style.left = ""; this.nodes.padding.style.padding = ""; }, add_to: function (parent) { parent.appendChild(this.nodes.container); }, remove: function () { var par = this.nodes.container.parentNode; if (par) par.removeChild(this.nodes.container); }, add_content: function (node) { // Add to offset style.add_class(node, "iex_cpreview_content"); this.nodes.offset.appendChild(node); }, add_overlay: function (node, outside) { // Add to overflow or padding style.add_class(node, "iex_cpreview_overlay"); (outside ? this.nodes.padding : this.nodes.overflow).appendChild(node); }, }; return ContentPreview; })(); // Class for bit streaming to a string var BitStream = (function () { var BitStream = function () { this.value_pre = 0; this.value = 0; this.bits = 0; this.string = ""; this.pos = 0; this.pos_bit = 0; this.value_pre_decode = 0; }; BitStream.bits_per_char = 6; BitStream.bits_per_char_mask = (1 << BitStream.bits_per_char) - 1; BitStream.alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-"; BitStream.re_alphabet = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\-]*/; BitStream.alphabet_map = (function (alphabet) { var length = alphabet.length, map = {}, i; for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) map[alphabet[i]] = i; return map; })(BitStream.alphabet); BitStream.prototype = { constructor: BitStream, value_to_char: function (v) { return BitStream.alphabet[v]; }, pos_to_value: function (pos) { return (pos >= this.string.length) ? 0 : BitStream.alphabet_map[this.string[pos]]; }, encode_value: function (v) { return (v ^ ((this.value_pre + this.string.length) % BitStream.alphabet.length)); }, decode_value: function (v) { return (v ^ ((this.value_pre_decode + this.pos) % BitStream.alphabet.length)); }, add: function (value, bits) { var b; while (bits >= (b = BitStream.bits_per_char - this.bits)) { this.value |= (value << this.bits) & BitStream.bits_per_char_mask; this.value = this.encode_value(this.value); this.string += this.value_to_char(this.value); value >>>= b; bits -= b; this.bits = 0; this.value_pre = this.value; this.value = 0; } this.value |= (value & ((1 << bits) - 1)) << this.bits; this.bits += bits; if (this.bits<0)console.log("value=",value,bits); }, get: function (bits) { if (bits === undefined) bits = 1; var value = 0, shift = 0, c, cr, b; while (bits >= (b = BitStream.bits_per_char - this.pos_bit)) { cr = this.pos_to_value(this.pos); c = this.decode_value(cr); //c = (cr ^ ((this.value_pre_decode + this.pos) % BitStream.alphabet.length)); value |= ((c >>> this.pos_bit) & ((1 << b) - 1)) << shift; bits -= b; shift += b; this.pos_bit = 0; ++this.pos; this.value_pre_decode = cr; } if (bits > 0) { //c = (this.pos_to_value(this.pos) ^ ((this.value_pre_decode + this.pos) % BitStream.alphabet.length)); c = this.decode_value(this.pos_to_value(this.pos)); value |= ((c >>> this.pos_bit) & ((1 << bits) - 1)) << shift; this.pos_bit += bits; } return value; }, encode: function () { var s = this.string; if (this.bits > 0) s += this.value_to_char(this.encode_value(this.value)); return s; }, decode: function (string) { this.string = string; this.pos = 0; this.pos_bit = 0; this.value_pre_decode = 0; }, to_encoded_string: function () { // Converts the content decoded thus far into a new encoded string var s = this.string.substr(0, this.pos), c; if (this.pos_bit === 0) return s; c = this.decode_value(this.pos_to_value(this.pos)); c &= (1 << this.pos_bit) - 1; // mask off the end c = (c ^ ((this.value_pre_decode + this.pos) % BitStream.alphabet.length)); s += this.value_to_char(c); return s; }, remaining: function () { if (this.pos >= this.string.length) return 0; return (this.string.length - this.pos + 1) * BitStream.bits_per_char - this.pos_bit; }, eof: function () { return (this.pos >= this.string.length); }, }; return BitStream; })(); // Image annotation var Annotation = (function () { var Annotation = function (parent, settings) { this.parent = parent; this.selected = false; this.index = 0; this.font_index = 0; this.font_size_index = 8; this.font_size = 0; this.font_bold = false; this.font_italic = false; this.text_before = null; this.text = ""; this.text_display = ""; this.text_formatters = []; this.text_align = Annotation.AlignDefault; this.text_line_spacing = Annotation.line_spacing.to_index(0); this.text_char_spacing = Annotation.char_spacing.to_index(0); this.text_decoration = Annotation.TextDecorationNone; this.colors = [ 0, 1, 1 ]; // text, alt, background this.color_index_selected = 0; this.position = [ 32, 32 ]; this.size = [ 100, 100 ]; this.nodes = { edit: null, annotation: null, }; this.events = []; this.edit_data = (settings && settings.edit) ? new Annotation.EditData() : null; if (settings !== null) { this.index = settings.index || 0; if ("font_size_index" in settings) { this.font_size_index = settings.font_size_index; } if ("x" in settings) this.position[0] = settings.x; if ("y" in settings) this.position[1] = settings.y; if ("width" in settings) this.size[0] = settings.width; if ("height" in settings) this.size[1] = settings.height; if ("text_before" in settings) this.text_before = settings.text_before; if ("font" in settings) this.font_index = Math.min(Math.max(0, settings.font), Annotation.fonts.length); if ("bold" in settings) this.font_bold = settings.bold; if ("italic" in settings) this.font_italic = settings.italic; } this.font_size = Annotation.font_size_index_to_size(this.font_size_index); this.create_nodes((settings && settings.edit) || false); }; Annotation.EditData = function () { this.move_events = []; this.move_mode = 0; this.move_origin = [ 0, 0 ]; this.move_position = [ 0, 0 ]; this.move_size = [ 0, 0 ]; this.double_click_ignore = false; }; Annotation.prototype = { constructor: Annotation, set_annotation_rect: function (x, y, width, height) { this.position[0] = x; this.position[1] = y; this.size[0] = width; this.size[1] = height; this.update_annotation_rect(); }, update_annotation_rect: function () { var n1s = this.nodes.annotation.container.style, u = Annotation.scaling_mode_units; n1s.left = this.position[0] + u; n1s.top = this.position[1] + u; n1s.width = this.size[0] + u; n1s.height = this.size[1] + u; }, auto_size: function () { var a_rect = style.get_object_rect_relative(this.nodes.annotation.container), scale = this.parent.get_image_scale(), image_size = this.parent.get_image_size(), rect, n, x, y, w, h; // Size n = this.nodes.annotation.text; n.style.display = "inline-block"; n.style.width = "auto"; rect = style.get_object_rect_relative(n); n.style.display = ""; n.style.width = ""; // Update x = Math.round(this.position[0] + (rect.left - a_rect.left) / scale); y = Math.round(this.position[1] + (rect.top - a_rect.top) / scale); w = Math.ceil(rect.width / scale); h = Math.ceil(rect.height / scale); // Limits if (x + w > image_size.width) { x = image_size.width - w; } if (y + h > image_size.height) { y = image_size.height - h; } if (x < 0) { x = 0; if (w > image_size.width) { w = image_size.width; } } if (y < 0) { y = 0; if (h > image_size.height) { h = image_size.height; } } // Set this.set_annotation_rect(x, y, w, h); this.trigger("rect_change"); }, set_index: function (index) { this.index = index; this.nodes.edit.index_text.textContent = "#" + (index + 1); }, set_text_before: function (text) { this.text_before = text; }, set_text: function (text, dont_set_input) { // Parse var tf = new TextFormatter(); tf.parse(text); // Update values this.text = tf.raw_text; this.text_display = tf.text; this.text_formatters = tf.formatters; // Update input if (!dont_set_input && this.nodes.edit !== null) { this.nodes.edit.text.value = this.text; } // Apply this.apply_text(); }, set_font: function (index) { this.font_index = index; var f = Annotation.fonts[index], fn = f.css_name + "," + Annotation.fonts[0].css_name; if (f.external_name !== null) { // Load font style.add_font(f.css_name, f.external_name, f.external_settings); } this.nodes.annotation.content.style.fontFamily = fn; if (this.nodes.edit !== null) { this.nodes.edit.button_font.style.fontFamily = fn; } }, set_font_size: function (index) { this.font_size_index = index; this.font_size = Annotation.font_size_index_to_size(this.font_size_index); this.nodes.annotation.content.style.fontSize = this.font_size + Annotation.scaling_mode_units; if (this.nodes.edit !== null) { this.nodes.edit.button_font_size_text.textContent = this.font_size; } }, set_font_bold: function (bold) { this.font_bold = bold; if (bold) { style.add_class(this.nodes.annotation.text, "iex_annotation_content_bold"); if (this.nodes.edit !== null) { this.nodes.edit.button_font.style.fontWeight = "bold"; } } else { style.remove_class(this.nodes.annotation.text, "iex_annotation_content_bold"); if (this.nodes.edit !== null) { this.nodes.edit.button_font.style.fontWeight = ""; } } }, set_font_italic: function (italic) { this.font_italic = italic; if (italic) { style.add_class(this.nodes.annotation.text, "iex_annotation_content_italic"); if (this.nodes.edit !== null) { this.nodes.edit.button_font.style.fontStyle = "italic"; } } else { style.remove_class(this.nodes.annotation.text, "iex_annotation_content_italic"); if (this.nodes.edit !== null) { this.nodes.edit.button_font.style.fontStyle = ""; } } }, set_text_line_spacing: function (spacing) { this.text_line_spacing = spacing; this.nodes.annotation.content.style.lineHeight = (1 + Annotation.line_spacing.from_index(spacing)) + "em"; }, set_text_char_spacing: function (spacing) { this.text_char_spacing = spacing; this.nodes.annotation.content.style.letterSpacing = Annotation.char_spacing.from_index(spacing) + "em"; }, set_text_decoration: function (decoration) { this.text_decoration = decoration; this.nodes.annotation.text.style.textShadow = this.decoration_to_shadow_style(decoration, "#" + Annotation.colors[this.colors[1]]); if (this.text_formatters.length > 0) { this.apply_text(); // in case any formatting contains a decoration color modification } }, set_align: function (align) { var classes_old = this.align_to_classes(this.text_align), temp = this.align_to_classes_and_strings(align), classes_new = temp[0], align_strs = temp[1], cl = this.nodes.annotation.container.classList, i; this.text_align = align; for (i = 0; i < classes_old.length; ++i) { cl.remove(classes_old[i]); } for (i = 0; i < classes_new.length; ++i) { cl.add(classes_new[i]); } if (this.nodes.edit !== null) { this.nodes.edit.button_align.className = "iex_ae_annotation_button iex_ae_annotation_button_align iex_ae_annotation_button_align_" + align_strs[0] + " iex_ae_annotation_button_valign_" + align_strs[1] + style.theme; } }, set_color: function (index, color) { this.colors[index] = color; var c = "#" + Annotation.colors[color]; if (this.nodes.edit !== null && index === this.color_index_selected) { this.nodes.edit.button_color_bg.style.backgroundColor = c; } if (index === 0) { this.nodes.annotation.text.style.color = c; this.nodes.annotation.border1.style.borderColor = c; } else if (index === 1) { if (this.text_decoration !== Annotation.TextDecorationNone) { this.set_text_decoration(this.text_decoration); } else if (this.text_formatters.length > 0) { this.apply_text(); // in case any formatting contains a decoration color modification } } else { // if (index === 2) { this.nodes.annotation.background.style.backgroundColor = c; } }, set_color_index_selected: function (index) { this.color_index_selected = index; if (this.nodes.edit !== null) { this.nodes.edit.button_color_text.textContent = (index === 1 ? "alt" : (index === 2 ? "bg" : "txt" )); this.nodes.edit.button_color_bg.style.backgroundColor = "#" + Annotation.colors[this.colors[this.color_index_selected]]; } }, set_selected: function (selected, dont_select_text) { if (selected === this.selected) return; this.selected = selected; if (selected) { style.add_class(this.nodes.annotation.container, "iex_annotation_selected"); if (this.nodes.edit !== null) { style.add_class(this.nodes.edit.container, "iex_ae_annotation_editor_selected"); if (!dont_select_text) { this.select_text(null, false); } } } else { style.remove_class(this.nodes.annotation.container, "iex_annotation_selected"); if (this.nodes.edit !== null) { style.remove_class(this.nodes.edit.container, "iex_ae_annotation_editor_selected"); } } }, get_index: function () { return this.index; }, get_text: function () { return this.text; }, get_text_display: function () { return this.text_display; }, get_text_formatters: function () { return this.text_formatters; }, get_text_before: function () { return this.text_before; }, get_font: function () { return this.font_index; }, get_font_size: function () { return this.font_size_index; }, get_font_bold: function () { return this.font_bold; }, get_font_italic: function () { return this.font_italic; }, get_align: function () { return this.text_align; }, get_text_decoration: function () { return this.text_decoration; }, get_text_line_spacing: function () { return this.text_line_spacing; }, get_text_char_spacing: function () { return this.text_char_spacing; }, get_color: function (index) { return this.colors[index]; }, get_color_count: function () { return this.colors.length; }, get_color_index_selected: function () { return this.color_index_selected; }, get_position: function () { return this.position; }, get_size: function () { return this.size; }, is_selected: function () { return this.selected; }, get_formatter_text: function (text, formatters) { return TextFormatter.get_raw(text, formatters); }, escape_text: function (text) { return text.trim().replace(/\\/g, "\\\\"); }, load_from_state: function (state, text) { this.set_annotation_rect(state.rect.x, state.rect.y, state.rect.width, state.rect.height); this.set_font(state.font); this.set_font_bold(state.bold); this.set_font_italic(state.italic); this.set_font_size(state.font_size); this.set_align(state.align); this.set_color(0, state.colors[0]); this.set_color(1, state.colors[1]); this.set_color(2, state.colors[2]); this.set_text_decoration(state.text_decoration); this.set_text_line_spacing(state.line_spacing); this.set_text_char_spacing(state.char_spacing); // Update text if (state.text !== null) text = state.text; //this.set_text(text); this.text_display = text; this.text_formatters = state.formatters; if (this.nodes.edit !== null) { this.text = this.get_formatter_text(this.text_display, this.text_formatters); this.nodes.edit.text.value = this.text; } this.apply_text(); }, align_to_classes: function (align) { var classes = [], s, a; a = (align & Annotation.AlignHorizontal); if (a === Annotation.AlignJustify) { s = "justify"; } else if (a === Annotation.AlignLeft) { s = "left"; } else if (a === Annotation.AlignRight) { s = "right"; } else { // if (a === Annotation.AlignCenter) { s = "center"; } classes.push("iex_annotation_align_" + s); a = (align & Annotation.AlignVertical); if (a === Annotation.AlignTop) { s = "top"; } else if (a === Annotation.AlignBottom) { s = "bottom"; } else { // if (a === Annotation.AlignMiddle) { s = "middle"; } classes.push("iex_annotation_valign_" + s); if ((align & Annotation.AlignHOverflow) !== 0) { classes.push("iex_annotation_align_x"); } if ((align & Annotation.AlignVOverflow) !== 0) { classes.push("iex_annotation_valign_x"); } return classes; }, align_to_classes_and_strings: function (align) { var classes = [], strings = [], s, a; a = (align & Annotation.AlignHorizontal); if (a === Annotation.AlignJustify) { s = "justify"; } else if (a === Annotation.AlignLeft) { s = "left"; } else if (a === Annotation.AlignRight) { s = "right"; } else { // if (a === Annotation.AlignCenter) { s = "center"; } strings.push(s); classes.push("iex_annotation_align_" + s); a = (align & Annotation.AlignVertical); if (a === Annotation.AlignTop) { s = "top"; } else if (a === Annotation.AlignBottom) { s = "bottom"; } else { // if (a === Annotation.AlignMiddle) { s = "middle"; } strings.push(s); classes.push("iex_annotation_valign_" + s); if ((align & Annotation.AlignHOverflow) !== 0) { classes.push("iex_annotation_align_x"); } if ((align & Annotation.AlignVOverflow) !== 0) { classes.push("iex_annotation_valign_x"); } return [ classes , strings ]; }, decoration_to_shadow_style: function (decoration, color) { var s = ""; if (decoration === Annotation.TextDecorationShadow) { s = "0.0625em 0.0625em 0 " + color; } else if (decoration === Annotation.TextDecorationShadowBlur) { s = "0 0 0.0625em " + color; s += "," + s; } else if (decoration === Annotation.TextDecorationShadowBlurStrong) { s = "0 0 0.125em " + color; s += "," + s; s += "," + s; } return s; }, apply_text: function () { var container = this.nodes.annotation.text, pos = 0, pos_last = -1, bold = false, italic = false, decoration = -1, colors = [ -1, -1, -1 ], self = this, i, j, f, s, type, i_max; var add_node = function (text) { if (text.length === 0) return; var n = $("span"), c = "", d; n.textContent = text; if (bold) { c = "iex_annotation_format_bold"; if (italic) c += " iex_annotation_format_italic"; n.className = c; } else if (italic) { n.className = "iex_annotation_format_italic"; } if (colors[0] >= 0) { n.style.color = "#" + Annotation.colors[colors[0]]; } if (colors[2] >= 0) { n.style.backgroundColor = "#" + Annotation.colors[colors[2]]; } if (colors[1] >= 0) { if ((d = decoration) >= 0 || (d = self.text_decoration) > 0) { c = self.decoration_to_shadow_style(d, "#" + Annotation.colors[colors[1]]); if (c.length === 0) c = "none"; n.style.textShadow = c; } } else if (decoration >= 0) { c = self.decoration_to_shadow_style(decoration, "#" + Annotation.colors[self.colors[1]]); if (c.length === 0) c = "none"; n.style.textShadow = c; } container.appendChild(n); }; // Clear container.textContent = ""; // Add content i_max = this.text_formatters.length; for (i = 0; i < i_max; ++i) { f = this.text_formatters[i]; type = f[0]; s = this.text_display.substr(pos, f[1] - pos); pos = f[1]; if (type === Annotation.TextFormattingBold) { add_node(s); bold = !bold; } else if (type === Annotation.TextFormattingItalic) { add_node( s); italic = !italic; } else if (type === Annotation.TextFormattingNewline) { add_node(s); container.appendChild($("br")); ++pos; pos_last = pos; } else if (type === Annotation.TextFormattingHyphen) { s += "-"; add_node(s); container.appendChild($("br")); } else if (type === Annotation.TextFormattingColor) { add_node(s); j = f[2]; if (j >= colors.length) { for (j = 0; j < colors.length; ++j) colors[j] = -1; } else { colors[j] = f[3]; } } else if (type === Annotation.TextFormattingDecoration) { add_node(s); decoration = f[2]; } else if (type === Annotation.TextFormattingDecorationReset) { add_node(s); decoration = -1; } else { // if (type === Annotation.TextFormattingReset) { add_node(s); for (j = 0; j < colors.length; ++j) colors[j] = -1; bold = false; italic = false; decoration = -1; } } // Last s = this.text_display.substr(pos); add_node(s); }, destroy: function () { this.remove_nodes(); remove_event_listeners(this.events); this.events = []; }, remove_nodes: function () { var n; // Deselect if (this.is_selected()) this.set_selected(false); // Stop events if (this.edit_data !== null && this.edit_data.move_events.length > 0) { this.on_annotation_move_document_mouseup(null); } // Remove nodes if ((n = this.nodes.annotation.container).parentNode !== null) { n.parentNode.removeChild(n); } if (this.nodes.edit !== null) { if ((n = this.nodes.edit.container).parentNode !== null) { n.parentNode.removeChild(n); } } }, insert_before: function (annotation) { var n = this.nodes.annotation.container, n_o = annotation.nodes.annotation.container; n_o.parentNode.insertBefore(n, n_o); if (this.nodes.edit !== null && annotation.nodes.edit !== null) { n = this.nodes.edit.container; n_o = annotation.nodes.edit.container; n_o.parentNode.insertBefore(n, n_o); } }, add_to: function (annotation_container, edit_container) { var n = this.nodes.annotation.container; annotation_container.appendChild(n); if (this.nodes.edit !== null && edit_container !== undefined) { n = this.nodes.edit.container; edit_container.appendChild(n); } }, create_nodes: function (edit) { // Edit if (edit) { this.nodes.edit = {}; this.create_nodes_edit(); } // Annotation this.nodes.annotation = {}; this.create_nodes_annotation(edit); // Setup this.update_annotation_rect(); this.set_align(this.text_align); this.set_color(0, this.colors[0]); this.set_color(1, this.colors[1]); this.set_color(2, this.colors[2]); this.set_font(this.font_index); this.set_font_size(this.font_size_index); this.set_text_line_spacing(this.text_line_spacing); this.set_text_char_spacing(this.text_char_spacing); }, create_nodes_annotation: function (edit) { var n1, n2, n3, n4, borders, i; n1 = $.div("iex_annotation"); this.nodes.annotation.container = n1; if (edit) { style.add_class(n1, "iex_annotation_editing"); add_event_listener(this.events, n1, "mousedown", this.on_annotation_mousedown.bind(this), false); add_event_listener(this.events, n1, "mouseover", wrap_mouseenterleave_event(this, this.on_annotation_mouseover), false); add_event_listener(this.events, n1, "mouseout", wrap_mouseenterleave_event(this, this.on_annotation_mouseout), false); } else { add_event_listener(this.events, n1, "mousedown", this.on_annotation_mousedown_no_edit.bind(this), false); } if (Annotation.scaling_mode_px) { style.add_class(n1, "iex_annotation_scaling_px"); } if (settings.values.annotations.transparent_until_hover) { style.add_class(n1, "iex_annotation_transparent"); } n2 = $.div("iex_annotation_borders"); n1.appendChild(n2); if (edit) { borders = [ "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "top_left", "top_right", "bottom_left", "bottom_right" ]; for (i = 0; i < borders.length; ++i) { n3 = $.div("iex_annotation_border iex_annotation_border_" + borders[i]); n2.appendChild(n3); add_event_listener(this.events, n3, "mousedown", this.on_annotation_resize_mousedown.bind(this, i), false); } } n2 = $.div("iex_annotation_background"); n1.appendChild(n2); this.nodes.annotation.background = n2; n2.style.borderColor = "#" + Annotation.colors[this.colors[2]]; n2 = $.div("iex_annotation_outline"); n1.appendChild(n2); this.nodes.annotation.border1 = n2; n2.style.borderColor = "#" + Annotation.colors[this.colors[0]]; n2 = $.div("iex_annotation_content"); n1.appendChild(n2); if (edit) { add_event_listener(this.events, n2, "mousedown", this.on_annotation_move_mousedown.bind(this), false); add_event_listener(this.events, n2, "contextmenu", this.on_annotation_contextmenu.bind(this), false); add_event_listener(this.events, n2, "dblclick", this.on_annotation_dblclick.bind(this), false); } this.nodes.annotation.content = n2; n3 = $.div("iex_annotation_content2"); n2.appendChild(n3); n4 = $.div("iex_annotation_content3"); n3.appendChild(n4); this.nodes.annotation.text = n4; }, on_annotation_mousedown_no_edit: function (event) { //event.preventDefault(); }, create_nodes_edit: function () { var n1, n2, n3, n4, n5; n1 = $.div("iex_ae_annotation_editor"); this.nodes.edit.container = n1; add_event_listener(this.events, n1, "mousedown", this.on_edit_region_mousedown.bind(this), false); // Info bar n2 = $.div("iex_ae_annotation_editor_top"); n1.appendChild(n2); n3 = $.div("iex_ae_annotation_editor_top_row"); n2.appendChild(n3); n4 = $.div("iex_ae_annotation_editor_top_cell"); n3.appendChild(n4); n5 = $.div("iex_ae_annotation_editor_number"); n4.appendChild(n5); n5.textContent = "#" + (this.index + 1); this.nodes.edit.index_text = n5; n4 = $.div("iex_ae_annotation_editor_top_cell"); n3.appendChild(n4); n5 = this.create_button_alignment(); n4.appendChild(n5); add_event_listener(this.events, n5, "click", this.on_edit_align_click.bind(this), false); add_event_listener(this.events, n5, "mousedown", this.on_edit_button_mousedown.bind(this), false); this.nodes.edit.button_align = n5; n5 = this.create_button_color(); n4.appendChild(n5); add_event_listener(this.events, n5, "click", this.on_edit_color_click.bind(this), false); add_event_listener(this.events, n5, "mousedown", this.on_edit_button_mousedown.bind(this), false); this.nodes.edit.button_color = n5; n5 = this.create_button("A"); n4.appendChild(n5); add_event_listener(this.events, n5, "click", this.on_edit_font_click.bind(this), false); add_event_listener(this.events, n5, "mousedown", this.on_edit_button_mousedown.bind(this), false); n5.setAttribute("title", "Font"); this.nodes.edit.button_font = n5; n5 = this.create_button("", "iex_ae_annotation_button_small_text"); n4.appendChild(n5); add_event_listener(this.events, n5, "click", this.on_edit_font_size_click.bind(this), false); add_event_listener(this.events, n5, "mousedown", this.on_edit_button_mousedown.bind(this), false); n5.setAttribute("title", "Font size"); this.nodes.edit.button_font_size = n5; this.nodes.edit.button_font_size_text = n5.firstChild; n5 = this.create_button("\u2191"); n4.appendChild(n5); add_event_listener(this.events, n5, "click", this.on_edit_move_up_click.bind(this), false); add_event_listener(this.events, n5, "mousedown", this.on_edit_button_mousedown.bind(this), false); n5.setAttribute("title", "Move up"); this.nodes.edit.button_move_up = n5; n5 = this.create_button("\u2193"); n4.appendChild(n5); add_event_listener(this.events, n5, "click", this.on_edit_move_down_click.bind(this), false); add_event_listener(this.events, n5, "mousedown", this.on_edit_button_mousedown.bind(this), false); n5.setAttribute("title", "Move down"); this.nodes.edit.button_move_down = n5; n5 = this.create_button("\u00D7"); n4.appendChild(n5); add_event_listener(this.events, n5, "click", this.on_edit_remove_click.bind(this), false); add_event_listener(this.events, n5, "mousedown", this.on_edit_button_mousedown.bind(this), false); n5.setAttribute("title", "Remove"); this.nodes.edit.button_remove = n5; // Input n2 = $.div("iex_ae_annotation_editor_bottom"); n1.appendChild(n2); n3 = $.input.text("iex_ae_annotation_editor_input_text"); n2.appendChild(n3); n3.setAttribute("placeholder", "annotation"); n3.style.width = "100%"; n3.style.boxSizing = "border-box"; add_event_listener(this.events, n3, "input", this.on_edit_text_input.bind(this), false); add_event_listener(this.events, n3, "change", this.on_edit_text_change.bind(this), false); add_event_listener(this.events, n3, "focus", this.on_edit_text_focus.bind(this), false); this.nodes.edit.text = n3; }, create_button: function (text, extra_class) { var n1, n2, cls; cls = "iex_ae_annotation_button"; if (extra_class) { cls += " "; cls += extra_class; } n1 = $.span(cls); n2 = $.span("iex_ae_annotation_button_inner"); n1.appendChild(n2); n2.textContent = text; return n1; }, create_button_color: function () { var n1, n2, n3; n1 = $.span("iex_ae_annotation_button iex_ae_annotation_button_small_text"); n2 = $.span("iex_ae_annotation_button_inner iex_ae_annotation_button_inner_color"); n1.appendChild(n2); n3 = $.span("iex_ae_annotation_button_color"); n2.appendChild(n3); n2 = $.span("iex_ae_annotation_button_inner iex_ae_annotation_button_color_text"); n2.textContent = "txt"; n1.appendChild(n2); this.nodes.edit.button_color_bg = n3; this.nodes.edit.button_color_text = n2; n1.setAttribute("title", "Color"); return n1; }, create_button_alignment: function () { var n1, n2; n1 = $.span("iex_ae_annotation_button iex_ae_annotation_button_align"); n2 = $.span("iex_ae_annotation_button_inner"); n1.appendChild(n2); n1.setAttribute("title", "Alignment"); return n1; }, initialize_move: function (mode, event) { this.edit_data.move_mode = mode; this.edit_data.move_origin[0] = event.clientX; this.edit_data.move_origin[1] = event.clientY; this.edit_data.move_position[0] = this.position[0]; this.edit_data.move_position[1] = this.position[1]; this.edit_data.move_size[0] = this.size[0]; this.edit_data.move_size[1] = this.size[1]; remove_event_listeners(this.edit_data.move_events); this.edit_data.move_events = []; add_event_listener(this.edit_data.move_events, document, "mousemove", this.on_annotation_move_document_mousemove.bind(this), true); add_event_listener(this.edit_data.move_events, document, "mouseup", this.on_annotation_move_document_mouseup.bind(this), true); }, scroll_to_editor: function () { var scroll_region = this.nodes.edit.container.parentNode, scroll_container = scroll_region.parentNode, check = this.nodes.edit.text, bound = this.nodes.edit.container, r1 = style.get_object_rect_relative(check), r2 = style.get_object_rect_relative(scroll_container); if (r1.top < r2.top) { r1 = style.get_object_rect_relative(bound); r2 = style.get_object_rect_relative(scroll_region); scroll_container.scrollTop = r1.top - r2.top; } else if (r1.bottom > r2.bottom) { r1 = style.get_object_rect_relative(bound); scroll_container.scrollTop = r1.bottom - style.get_object_rect_relative(scroll_region).top - r2.height; } }, select_text: function (target, event) { this.scroll_to_editor(); var ret = true, active_change = (document.activeElement !== this.nodes.edit.text); if (target !== this.nodes.edit.text) { if (active_change) { select_input(this.nodes.edit.text, this.nodes.edit.text.value.length || 0); } ret = false; } if (event && !this.is_selected()) { this.trigger("select"); } return ret; }, on_edit_button_mousedown: function (event) { return stop_event(event); }, on_edit_align_click: function (event) { this.trigger("align"); }, on_edit_color_click: function (event) { this.trigger("color"); }, on_edit_font_click: function (event) { this.trigger("font"); }, on_edit_font_size_click: function (event) { this.trigger("font_size"); }, on_edit_move_up_click: function (event) { this.trigger("move_up"); }, on_edit_move_down_click: function (event) { this.trigger("move_down"); }, on_edit_remove_click: function (event) { this.trigger("remove"); }, on_edit_region_mousedown: function (event) { if (this.select_text(event.target, true)) return true; return true;//stop_event(event); }, on_edit_text_input: function (event) { this.set_text(this.nodes.edit.text.value, true); this.trigger("text_input"); }, on_edit_text_change: function (event) { this.set_text(this.nodes.edit.text.value, false); this.trigger("text_change"); }, on_edit_text_focus: function (event) { if (!this.is_selected()) { this.trigger("select"); } }, on_annotation_mousedown: function (event) { this.edit_data.double_click_ignore = false; if (get_event_mouse_button(event) === 2) return; event.stopPropagation(); }, on_annotation_mouseover: function (event) { }, on_annotation_mouseout: function (event) { }, on_annotation_contextmenu: function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); }, on_annotation_resize_mousedown: function (index, event) { if (get_event_mouse_button(event) !== 1) return; var resize_dir; if (index < 4) { resize_dir = (1 << index); } else { resize_dir = (index < 6) ? Annotation.ResizeNorth : Annotation.ResizeSouth; resize_dir |= ((index % 2) === 0) ? Annotation.ResizeWest : Annotation.ResizeEast; } // Move this.initialize_move(resize_dir, event); return stop_event(event); }, on_annotation_move_mousedown: function (event) { this.edit_data.double_click_ignore = false; var button = get_event_mouse_button(event); if (button === 2) return; if (button !== 1) return stop_event(event); // Move this.initialize_move(0, event); if (this.select_text(null, true)) return true; return stop_event(event); }, on_annotation_dblclick: function (event) { if (!this.edit_data.double_click_ignore) { this.auto_size(); } this.edit_data.double_click_ignore = false; return stop_event(event); }, on_annotation_move_document_mousemove: function (event) { this.edit_data.double_click_ignore = true; var scale = this.parent.get_image_scale(), image_size = this.parent.get_image_size(), xo = (event.clientX - this.edit_data.move_origin[0]) / scale, yo = (event.clientY - this.edit_data.move_origin[1]) / scale, x = this.edit_data.move_position[0], y = this.edit_data.move_position[1], w = this.edit_data.move_size[0], h = this.edit_data.move_size[1]; if (this.edit_data.move_mode === 0) { // Move x = Math.round(x + xo); y = Math.round(y + yo); // Limit if (x + w > image_size.width) { x = image_size.width - w; } if (y + h > image_size.height) { y = image_size.height - h; } if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; } else { if ((this.edit_data.move_mode & Annotation.ResizeWest) !== 0) { // Change x and width x = Math.round(x + xo); w = Math.round(w + (this.edit_data.move_position[0] - x)); if (x < 0) { w += x; x = 0; } if (w < 0) w = 0; } else if ((this.edit_data.move_mode & Annotation.ResizeEast) !== 0) { // Change width w = Math.round(w + xo); if (x + w > image_size.width) { w = image_size.width - x; } if (w < 0) w = 0; } if ((this.edit_data.move_mode & Annotation.ResizeNorth) !== 0) { // Change y and height y = Math.round(y + yo); h = Math.round(h + (this.edit_data.move_position[1] - y)); if (y < 0) { h += y; y = 0; } if (h < 0) h = 0; } else if ((this.edit_data.move_mode & Annotation.ResizeSouth) !== 0) { // Change height h = Math.round(h + yo); if (y + h > image_size.height) { h = image_size.height - y; } if (h < 0) h = 0; } } // Update this.set_annotation_rect(x, y, w, h); this.trigger("rect_change"); }, on_annotation_move_document_mouseup: function (event) { remove_event_listeners(this.edit_data.move_events); this.edit_data.move_events = []; this.trigger("rect_changed"); }, trigger: function (event_name, data) { this.parent.on_annotation_event(this, event_name, data); }, }; Annotation.ResizeNorth = 0x1; Annotation.ResizeSouth = 0x2; Annotation.ResizeWest = 0x4; Annotation.ResizeEast = 0x8; Annotation.AlignCenter = 0x0; Annotation.AlignLeft = 0x1; Annotation.AlignRight = 0x2; Annotation.AlignJustify = 0x3; Annotation.AlignMiddle = 0x0; Annotation.AlignTop = 0x4; Annotation.AlignBottom = 0x8; Annotation.AlignHOverflow = 0x10; Annotation.AlignVOverflow = 0x20; Annotation.AlignHorizontal = 0x3; Annotation.AlignVertical = 0xC; Annotation.AlignDefault = Annotation.AlignCenter | Annotation.AlignMiddle | Annotation.AlignHOverflow | Annotation.AlignVOverflow; Annotation.TextDecorationNone = 0x0; Annotation.TextDecorationShadow = 0x1; Annotation.TextDecorationShadowBlur = 0x2; Annotation.TextDecorationShadowBlurStrong = 0x3; Annotation.TextDecorationCount = 0x4; Annotation.TextFormattingBold = 0x0; Annotation.TextFormattingItalic = 0x1; Annotation.TextFormattingNewline = 0x2; Annotation.TextFormattingHyphen = 0x3; Annotation.TextFormattingColor = 0x4; Annotation.TextFormattingDecoration = 0x5; Annotation.TextFormattingDecorationReset = 0x6; Annotation.TextFormattingReset = 0x7; Annotation.TextCharSpacingRange = { min: -0.5, range: 1.5, steps: 15, }; Annotation.TextLineSpacingRange = { min: 0.0, range: 1.5, steps: 15, }; Annotation.scaling_mode_px = true; Annotation.scaling_mode_units = (Annotation.scaling_mode_px ? "em" : "px"); Annotation.colors = [ //{ // dark, normal, light "000000", "ffffff", // black and white "333333", "808080", "cccccc", // gray "5a0707", "e11212", "f3a0a0", // red "5a3807", "e18c12", "f3d1a0", // orange "544e07", "d4c412", "ede7a0", // yellow "2a560c", "6ad91f", "c3efa5", // green "0a5648", "19d7b6", "a3efe1", // teal "0a4356", "19a8d7", "a3dcef", // lt blue "141157", "342cdb", "adaaf0", // blue "340a56", "8419d7", "cda3ef", // purple "560a43", "d719a8", "efa3dc", // fuchsia ]; //} Annotation.color_shades = 3; Annotation.fonts = [{ name: "Arial", css_name: "arial", external_name: null, external_settings: null, }, { name: "Wild Words", css_name: "iex_wildwords", external_name: "ww", external_settings: [ "r", "b", "bi" ], }]; Annotation.font_size_settings = { base: 8, base_step: 1, step_duration: 8, step_count: 5, step_multiplier: 2, }; Annotation.font_size_index_to_size = function (index) { var fss = Annotation.font_size_settings; if (index < 0) { index = 0; } else if (index >= fss.step_duration * fss.step_count) { index = fss.step_duration * fss.step_count - 1; } var step = Math.floor(index / fss.step_duration), step_index = index % fss.step_duration, size = fss.base, step_size = fss.base_step, i; for (i = 0; i < step; ++i) { size += step_size * fss.step_duration; step_size *= fss.step_multiplier; } size += step_index * step_size; return size; }; Annotation.font_size_to_size_info = function (size) { var fss = Annotation.font_size_settings, base = fss.base, step = fss.base_step, base_next, i, off; // Min if (size < base) return [ 0 , base ]; // [ index, size ] for (i = 0; i < fss.step_count; ++i) { base_next = base + step * fss.step_duration; if (size < base_next) { off = (fss.step_duration - Math.round((base_next - size) / step)); return [ i * fss.step_duration + off, base + off * step ]; } step *= fss.step_multiplier; base = base_next; } // Max return [ i * fss.step_duration - 1, base - step / fss.step_multiplier ]; }; Annotation.char_spacing = { from_index: function (index) { var index_limit = Annotation.TextCharSpacingRange.steps; if (index < 0) { index = 0; } else if (index > index_limit) { index = index_limit; } return Annotation.TextCharSpacingRange.min + Annotation.TextCharSpacingRange.range * (index / index_limit); }, to_index: function (spacing) { if (spacing <= Annotation.TextCharSpacingRange.min) return 0; if (spacing >= Annotation.TextCharSpacingRange.min + Annotation.TextCharSpacingRange.range) return Annotation.TextCharSpacingRange.steps; return Math.round((spacing - Annotation.TextCharSpacingRange.min) / Annotation.TextCharSpacingRange.range * Annotation.TextCharSpacingRange.steps); }, }; Annotation.line_spacing = { from_index: function (index) { var index_limit = Annotation.TextLineSpacingRange.steps; if (index < 0) { index = 0; } else if (index > index_limit) { index = index_limit; } return Annotation.TextLineSpacingRange.min + Annotation.TextLineSpacingRange.range * (index / index_limit); }, to_index: function (spacing) { if (spacing <= Annotation.TextLineSpacingRange.min) return 0; if (spacing >= Annotation.TextLineSpacingRange.min + Annotation.TextLineSpacingRange.range) return Annotation.TextLineSpacingRange.steps; return Math.round((spacing - Annotation.TextLineSpacingRange.min) / Annotation.TextLineSpacingRange.range * Annotation.TextLineSpacingRange.steps); }, }; var TextFormatter = function () { this.code = ""; this.before = ""; this.after = ""; this.no_spaces = false; this.force_update = false; this.raw_text = ""; this.text = ""; this.formatters = []; this.match = null; this.match_length = 0; }; TextFormatter.bind = function (fn, args) { return function () { return fn.apply(this, args); }; }; TextFormatter.code_simple = function (formatting_code, extra) { if (this.before.length > 0 || (this.force_update = (this.after.length > 0))) { this.before = " "; this.after = ""; this.text += " "; } var f = [ formatting_code, this.text.length ]; if (extra !== undefined) Array.prototype.push.apply(f, extra); this.formatters.push(f); return true; }; TextFormatter.codes = { "\\": function () { this.no_spaces = false; this.text += this.before; this.text += this.code; this.text += this.after; return true; }, "h": function () { this.before = ""; this.after = ""; this.formatters.push([ Annotation.TextFormattingHyphen, this.text.length ]); return true; }, "n": function () { this.before = ""; this.after = ""; if (this.text.length > 0 && /^\s/.test(this.text[this.text.length - 1])) { // Sequential newlines this.text = this.text.substr(0, this.text.length - 1); } this.formatters.push([ Annotation.TextFormattingNewline, this.text.length ]); this.text += " "; return true; }, "c": function () { var c = 0, i, m, p; // Invalid check if ( this.after.length > 0 || (m = TextFormatter.re_color.exec(this.raw_text.substr(this.match.index + this.match_length))) === null ) { // Invalid return false; } // Move next this.match_length += m[0].length; p = this.match.index + this.match_length; // Whitespace if (this.before.length > 0) this.text += " "; // Color index if (m[1] !== undefined) { c = Math.min(parseInt(m[1], 10), 2); if (c > 0) { this.code += c; this.code += "."; } } // Color i = Math.min(parseInt(m[2], 10), Annotation.colors.length - 1); this.code += i; if (p < this.raw_text.length && TextFormatter.re_number.test(this.raw_text[p])) this.code += ":"; // Formatting this.formatters.push([ Annotation.TextFormattingColor, this.text.length, c, i ]); this.force_update = true; return true; }, "d": function () { var i, m; // Invalid check if ( this.after.length > 0 || (m = TextFormatter.re_number.exec(this.raw_text.substr(this.match.index + this.match_length))) === null ) { // Invalid return false; } // Move next this.match_length += m[0].length; // Whitespace if (this.before.length > 0) this.text += " "; // Decoration i = Math.min(parseInt(m[0], 10), Annotation.TextDecorationCount - 1); this.code += i; // Formatting this.formatters.push([ Annotation.TextFormattingDecoration, this.text.length, i ]); this.force_update = true; return true; }, "b": TextFormatter.bind(TextFormatter.code_simple, [ Annotation.TextFormattingBold ]), "i": TextFormatter.bind(TextFormatter.code_simple, [ Annotation.TextFormattingItalic ]), "C": TextFormatter.bind(TextFormatter.code_simple, [ Annotation.TextFormattingColor, [ 3 ] ]), "D": TextFormatter.bind(TextFormatter.code_simple, [ Annotation.TextFormattingDecorationReset ]), "R": TextFormatter.bind(TextFormatter.code_simple, [ Annotation.TextFormattingReset ]), }; TextFormatter.re_formatter = /(?:(\s*)\\([\w\W])(\s*))/g; TextFormatter.re_color = /^(?:([0-9])\.)?([0-9]+):?/; TextFormatter.re_number = /^[0-9]/; TextFormatter.re_space = /^\s/; TextFormatter.MaxTextFormatters = 127; // (2^(2^3 - 1) - 1) where 3 is TagWriter.bits_per.formatter_count_bits TextFormatter.get_raw = function (text, formatters) { var raw_text = "", pos = 0, i, f, s, type; // Add content for (i = 0; i < formatters.length; ++i) { f = formatters[i]; type = f[0]; s = text.substr(pos, f[1] - pos); pos = f[1]; raw_text += s.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\"); if (type === Annotation.TextFormattingBold) { raw_text += "\\b"; } else if (type === Annotation.TextFormattingItalic) { raw_text += "\\i"; } else if (type === Annotation.TextFormattingNewline) { if (raw_text.length > 0 && TextFormatter.re_space.test(raw_text[raw_text.length - 1])) { raw_text = raw_text.substr(0, raw_text.length - 1); // multiple newlines } raw_text += "\\n"; if (text.length > pos && TextFormatter.re_space.test(text[pos])) { ++pos; // whitespace } } else if (type === Annotation.TextFormattingHyphen) { raw_text += "\\h"; } else if (type === Annotation.TextFormattingColor) { if (f[2] >= 3) { // colors.length) { raw_text += "\\C"; } else { raw_text += "\\c"; if (f[2] > 0) { raw_text += f[2]; raw_text += "."; } raw_text += f[3]; if (text.length > pos && TextFormatter.re_number.test(text[pos])) { raw_text += ":"; // optional } } } else if (type === Annotation.TextFormattingDecoration) { raw_text += "\\d1"; } else if (type === Annotation.TextFormattingDecorationReset) { raw_text += "\\D"; } else { // if (type === Annotation.TextFormattingReset) { raw_text += "\\R"; } } // Last raw_text += text.substr(pos).replace(/\\/g, "\\\\"); return raw_text; }; TextFormatter.normalize_text = function (text) { return text.trim().replace(/\t\s*| \s+/g, " "); }; TextFormatter.prototype = { constructor: TextFormatter, parse: function (text) { var i = 0, fn, match_text; this.no_spaces = false; this.raw_text = TextFormatter.normalize_text(text); TextFormatter.re_formatter.lastIndex = 0; while ((this.match = TextFormatter.re_formatter.exec(this.raw_text)) !== null) { // Setup this.code = this.match[2]; // char this.before = this.match[1]; // before this.after = this.match[3]; // after this.text += this.raw_text.substr(i, this.match.index - i); this.match_length = this.match[0].length; // Process fn = TextFormatter.codes[this.code]; if (fn === undefined || !fn.call(this)) { // Invalid this.no_spaces = false; this.text += this.match[0]; } else { // Don't overflow if (this.formatters.length > TextFormatter.MaxTextFormatters) { this.formatters.splice(TextFormatter.MaxTextFormatters, this.formatters.length - TextFormatter.MaxTextFormatters); } } // Remove extra spaces between things like " \b \i \b \i " (turns into " \b\i\b\i") if (this.no_spaces && this.match.index === i) { this.before = ""; this.after = ""; } this.no_spaces = (this.match[1].length + this.match[3].length > 0); // Text update match_text = this.before + "\\" + this.code + this.after; if (this.force_update || match_text.length !== this.match_length) { this.raw_text = this.raw_text.substr(0, this.match.index) + match_text + this.raw_text.substr(this.match.index + this.match_length); this.force_update = false; } // Position update i = this.match.index + match_text.length; TextFormatter.re_formatter.lastIndex = i; } // Remainder if (i === 0) { this.text = this.raw_text; } else if (i < this.raw_text.length) { this.text += this.raw_text.substr(i); } }, }; Annotation.TextFormatter = TextFormatter; var State = function () { this.rect = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; this.font = 0; this.bold = false; this.italic = false; this.font_size = 0; this.align = 0; this.colors = [ 0, 0, 0 ]; this.text_decoration = 0; this.line_spacing = 0; this.char_spacing = 0; this.formatters = []; this.text = null; }; Annotation.State = State; return Annotation; })(); // Image annotation control var Annotator = (function () { // Annotator class var Annotator = function () { // Get posts this.post_queue = null; this.post_id_current = -1; this.annotation_nodes = { container: null, overlay: null, }; this.annotation_data = {}; this.annotations = []; this.annotations_active = false; }; // Public functions Annotator.prototype = { constructor: Annotator, start: function (image_hover, file_link) { // Get posts this.post_queue = Delay.queue(api.get("posts"), on_post_queue_callback.bind(this), 5, 0.125); // Bind post acquiring api.on("post_add", on_api_post_add.bind(this)); api.on("post_remove", on_api_post_remove.bind(this)); // Hover image_hover.on("change", on_image_hover_change.bind(this)); this.on_preview_size_change_bind = null; this.on_preview_resize_bind = null; this.toggle_hotkey = null; // Links if (settings.values.annotations.modify_urls) { file_link.register_modifier(on_image_link_change.bind(this)); } }, }; // Annotation data for a single image var AnnotationData = function (data) { this.datas = [ data ]; this.current = 0; }; // Private functions var re_annotation_texts = /^(?:|([\w\W]*?)(?:\r\n?|\n))[ \t]*>((?:[^>\r\n][^\r\n]*)?)(\r\n?|\n|$)/; var re_annotation = /([ \t]*)(\[iex:a\/([^\]]*)\])\s*$/g; var checked_attr = "data-iex-annotation-checked"; var on_api_post_add = function (post_container) { if (post_container.getAttribute(checked_attr) === "true") { post_container.setAttribute(checked_attr, "false"); } if (api.post_is_floating_or_embedded(post_container)) { // Immediate on_post_queue_callback.call(this, post_container); } else { this.post_queue.push(post_container); } }; var on_api_post_remove = function (post_container) { if (post_container.getAttribute(checked_attr) === "false") { this.post_queue.pop(post_container); } }; var on_post_queue_callback = function (post_container) { var not_processed = !post_container.getAttribute(checked_attr); post_container.setAttribute(checked_attr, "true"); // Process container if (not_processed) { // Not processed yet var tag = null, tag_node = null; api.post_comment_scan(post_container, function (text, pos) { re_annotation.lastIndex = pos; var m = re_annotation.exec(text), i; if (m === null) return null; i = m.index + m[1].length; return [ i , i + m[2].length , m ]; }, "a", function (node, match) { node.className = "iex_annotation_tag"; tag = match[2][3]; tag_node = node; } ); if (tag !== null) { setup_tag.call(this, post_container, tag, tag_node); } } /*else { // Already processed var tags = api.post_query_selector_all(post_container, "a.iex_annotation_tag"), i; }*/ }; var on_image_hover_change = function (data) { var n = data.image_container, p_id = (n === null || (n = api.post_get_post_container_from_image_container(n)) === null) ? -1 : api.post_get_id(n); if (p_id < 0) { if (this.post_id_current >= 0) { // Update set_current_post.call(this, data.image_hover, data.type, p_id); } } else if (p_id !== this.post_id_current) { // Update set_current_post.call(this, data.image_hover, data.type, p_id); } }; var on_preview_resize = function (image_hover, annotation_container) { var mpreview = image_hover.mpreview, cpreview = mpreview.cpreview, w = mpreview.get_size().width, scale = (w > 0 ? (cpreview.size.width / w) : 1.0); annotation_container.style.fontSize = scale.toFixed(16) + "px"; }; var on_preview_size_change = function (image_hover, annotation_data) { var true_size = image_hover.mpreview.get_size(), current = annotation_data.datas[annotation_data.current], tag_size = current.image; if (true_size.width !== tag_size.width || true_size.height !== tag_size.height) { // Scale var xs = true_size.width / tag_size.width, ys = true_size.height / tag_size.height, i, r; for (i = 0; i < this.annotations.length; ++i) { r = current.annotations[i].rect; this.annotations[i].set_annotation_rect( Math.round(r.x * xs), Math.round(r.y * ys), Math.round(r.height * xs), Math.round(r.width * ys) ); } } }; var on_image_link_change = function (node, href) { var a = node.getAttribute("data-iex-annotations"), post_id, data; // Fast mode if (a) return href + "#" + a; // Get id post_id = api.post_get_id_from_node(node); data = this.annotation_data[post_id]; if (data) { href += "#"; href += get_url_extension.call(this, data); } return href; }; var on_toggle_hotkey = function () { var post_id = this.post_id_current, annotation_data = this.annotation_data[post_id]; // Change annotation annotation_data.current = ((annotation_data.current + 2) % (annotation_data.datas.length + 1)) - 1; // Clear and create clear_annotations.call(this, image_hover); create_annotations.call(this, image_hover, post_id, annotation_data); }; var setup_tag = function (post_container, tag, tag_node) { var target_post_id = api.post_get_id(post_container), tr, post_info, file_nodes, post_id, data, texts, i, url_ex, url; // Validate tag tr = new TagReader(); if (!tr.read(tag)) { return set_tag_error.call(this, tag_node, tr.get_error()); } // Find post reference post_info = setup_tag_find_reference_post.call(this, post_container, tr); if (post_info[0] === null) { return set_tag_error.call(this, tag_node, post_info[2]); } // Find image if ((file_nodes = api.post_get_file_nodes(post_info[0])) === null) { // No image return set_tag_error.call(this, tag_node, "No image attached to post " + post_info[1]); } if (file_nodes.link === null || file_nodes.link_thumbnail === null) { // Invalid return set_tag_error.call(this, tag_node, "Image link and/or thumbnail missing for post " + post_info[1]); } // Find texts texts = setup_tag_find_annotation_texts.call(this, post_container); if (texts.length === 0) { // No text return set_tag_error.call(this, tag_node, "No annotation texts found"); } // Set annotation texts if (tr.annotations.length === 0) return; // okay, but no need to do anything if (texts.length > tr.annotations.length) { texts.splice(tr.annotations.length, texts.length - tr.annotations.length); } else if (texts.length < tr.annotations.length) { tr.annotations.splice(texts.length, tr.annotations.length - texts.length); } for (i = 0; i < texts.length; ++i) { tr.annotations[i].text = texts[i]; } // Set data tr.tag = tag; post_id = post_info[1]; if (post_id in this.annotation_data) { data = this.annotation_data[post_id]; data.datas.push(tr); } else { data = new AnnotationData(tr); this.annotation_data[post_id] = data; } // Update links url_ex = get_url_extension.call(this, data); url = (file_nodes.link.getAttribute("href") || "").replace(/#.*$/, ""); tag_node.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); tag_node.setAttribute("href", url + "#!" + url_ex); if (settings.values.annotations.modify_urls) { update_image_link.call(this, file_nodes.link, url_ex); update_image_link.call(this, file_nodes.link_thumbnail, url_ex); } // Apply annotations if open if (this.post_id_current === target_post_id && !this.annotations_active) { // Apply annotations create_annotations.call(this, image_hover, post_id, data); } return true; }; var setup_tag_find_annotation_texts = function (post_container) { var post_text = api.post_get_comment_text(post_container), lines = [], m; // Find lines while ((m = re_annotation_texts.exec(post_text)) !== null) { post_text = post_text.substr(m.index + m[0].length); lines.push(Annotation.TextFormatter.normalize_text(m[2])); } // Done return lines; }; var setup_tag_find_reference_post = function (post_container, tag_reader) { if (tag_reader.image.mode === "post") { var post_id = -1, comment, links, i, j, n, modval; if ( (comment = api.post_get_comment_container(post_container)) !== null && (links = api.post_get_quotelinks(comment)).length > 0 ) { // Find the post number if (tag_reader.image.post_number_suffix < 0) { for (i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) { post_id = api.get_quotelink_target(links[i]); n = api.get_post_container_from_id(post_id); if (n !== null && api.post_has_file(n)) { break; } } if (i >= links.length) { // Error return [ null, -1, "No post reference with an image found in the comment" ]; } } else { modval = Math.pow(10, tag_reader.image.post_number_suffix_digits); for (i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) { j = api.get_quotelink_target(links[i]); if ((j % modval) === tag_reader.image.post_number_suffix) { post_id = j; break; } } if (post_id < 0) { // Error i = tag_reader.image.post_number_suffix.toString(); while (i.length < tag_reader.image.post_number_suffix_digits) i = "0" + i; return [ null, -1, "No post reference ending in " + i + " found in the comment" ]; } n = api.get_post_container_from_id(post_id); } // Find the post container from the post number if (n === null) { // Error return [ null, -1, "Post number " + post_id + " could not be found" ]; } return [ n, post_id ]; } else { return [ null, -1, "No post references found in the comment" ]; } } // Else, assume it's the posted image return [ post_container, api.post_get_id(post_container) ]; }; var set_tag_error = function (tag_node, error) { style.add_class(tag_node, "iex_annotation_tag_error"); tag_node.setAttribute("title", "Invalid annotation tag: " + error); return false; }; var update_image_link = function (node, url_ex) { var url = node.getAttribute("href") || ""; url += (url.indexOf("#") < 0) ? "#!" : "#"; url += url_ex; node.setAttribute("data-iex-annotations", url_ex); node.setAttribute("href", url); }; var get_url_extension = function (a_data) { var url_ex = "", i, j, d; for (i = 0; i < a_data.datas.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) url_ex += "#"; d = a_data.datas[i]; url_ex += "iex:a/" + d.tag; d = d.annotations; url_ex += "?" + encodeURIComponent(d[0].text); for (j = 1; j < d.length; ++j) { url_ex += "&"; url_ex += encodeURIComponent(d[j].text); } } return url_ex; }; var set_current_post = function (image_hover, type, post_id) { if (this.annotations_active) { clear_annotations.call(this, image_hover); } this.post_id_current = post_id; var d; if (type === "image" && (d = this.annotation_data[post_id])) { // Check if this post_id has any annotations create_annotations.call(this, image_hover, post_id, d); } }; var clear_annotations = function (image_hover) { this.annotations_active = false; if (this.annotation_nodes.overlay !== null) { // Remove size event image_hover.mpreview.off("resize", this.on_preview_resize_bind); image_hover.mpreview.on("size_change", this.on_preview_size_change_bind); this.on_preview_resize_bind = null; this.on_preview_size_change_bind = null; // Remove overlay var n = this.annotation_nodes.overlay.parentNode; if (n !== null) n.removeChild(this.annotation_nodes.overlay); this.annotation_nodes.overlay = null; this.annotation_nodes.container = null; // Remove annotations for (var i = 0; i < this.annotations.length; ++i) { this.annotations[i].destroy(); } this.annotations = []; } // Remove hotkeys hotkey_manager.unregister(this.toggle_hotkey); this.toggle_hotkey = null; }; var create_annotations = function (image_hover, post_id, annotation_data) { var mpreview = image_hover.mpreview, cpreview = mpreview.cpreview; // Overlay this.annotations_active = true; if (annotation_data.current >= 0) { this.annotation_nodes.overlay = $.div("iex_annotation_overlay"); this.annotation_nodes.container = $.div("iex_annotation_container"); this.annotation_nodes.overlay.appendChild(this.annotation_nodes.container); this.annotation_nodes.overlay.style.pointerEvents = "none"; // Create annotations create_annotations_from_list.call(this, annotation_data.datas[annotation_data.current].annotations, this.annotations, this.annotation_nodes.container ); // Add cpreview.add_content(this.annotation_nodes.overlay); // Bind events this.on_preview_resize_bind = on_preview_resize.bind(this, image_hover, this.annotation_nodes.container); this.on_preview_size_change_bind = on_preview_size_change.bind(this, image_hover, annotation_data); mpreview.on("resize", this.on_preview_resize_bind); mpreview.on("size_change", this.on_preview_size_change_bind); // Trigger size update this.on_preview_resize_bind(); this.on_preview_size_change_bind(); } // Hotkey this.toggle_hotkey = hotkey_manager.register(settings.values.annotations.toggle_hotkey, HotkeyManager.MODIFIER_NONE, on_toggle_hotkey.bind(this)); }; var create_annotations_from_list = function (list, new_list, target) { var i, a; for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { a = new Annotation(null, null); a.load_from_state(list[i], null); a.add_to(target, null); new_list.push(a); } }; // Standalone annotator, for a single image var Standalone = function (image_node, annotation_data) { // Vars this.overlay = $.div("iex_annotation_standalone_overlay"); this.overlay.style.display = "none"; this.annotation_data = annotation_data; this.image_node = image_node; this.annotations = []; this.image_size = { width: 0, height: 0, acquired: false, }; this.image_node_rect = null; this.secondary_timer = null; this.on_secondary_timer_bind = this.on_secondary_timer.bind(this); // Image events this.image_node.addEventListener("load", this.on_image_load.bind(this), false); this.image_node.addEventListener("error", this.on_image_error.bind(this), false); this.image_size_poll_interval = setInterval(this.on_image_poll.bind(this), 200); // Changes window.addEventListener("resize", this.on_window_resize.bind(this), false); var ob = new MutationObserver(this.on_image_attribute_change.bind(this)); ob.observe(this.image_node, { attributes: true }); // Create annotations this.create_annotations(); // Insert overlay var rel = this.image_node.nextSibling; if (rel !== null) { this.image_node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.overlay, rel); } else { this.image_node.parentNode.appendChild(this.overlay); } // Start this.on_image_poll(); this.update_position(); // Hotkey this.toggle_hotkey = hotkey_manager.register(settings.values.annotations.toggle_hotkey, HotkeyManager.MODIFIER_NONE, this.toggle.bind(this)); }; Standalone.prototype = { constructor: Standalone, clear_annotations: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.annotations.length; ++i) { this.annotations[i].destroy(); } this.annotations = []; }, create_annotations: function () { if (this.annotation_data.current < 0) return; // Create annotations create_annotations_from_list.call(this, this.annotation_data.datas[this.annotation_data.current].annotations, this.annotations, this.overlay ); }, toggle: function () { // Change annotation this.annotation_data.current = ((this.annotation_data.current + 2) % (this.annotation_data.datas.length + 1)) - 1; // Clear and create this.clear_annotations(); this.create_annotations(); }, on_image_load: function () { if (!this.image_size.acquired) { this.acquire_size(); } }, on_image_error: function () { this.overlay.style.display = "none"; }, on_image_poll: function () { if (this.image_node.naturalWidth && this.image_node.naturalHeight) { this.acquire_size(); } }, on_window_resize: function () { this.update_position(); if (this.secondary_timer !== null) clearTimeout(this.secondary_timer); this.secondary_timer = setTimeout(this.on_secondary_timer_bind, 10); }, on_image_attribute_change: function () { this.update_position(); if (this.secondary_timer !== null) clearTimeout(this.secondary_timer); this.secondary_timer = setTimeout(this.on_secondary_timer_bind, 10); }, on_secondary_timer: function () { this.secondary_timer = null; this.update_position(); }, acquire_size: function () { this.image_size.width = this.image_node.naturalWidth; this.image_size.height = this.image_node.naturalHeight; this.image_size.acquired = true; this.overlay.style.display = ""; clearInterval(this.image_size_poll_interval); this.image_size_poll_interval = null; if (this.image_node_size !== null) { this.update_position(); if (this.secondary_timer !== null) clearTimeout(this.secondary_timer); this.secondary_timer = setTimeout(this.on_secondary_timer_bind, 10); } }, update_position: function () { this.image_node_rect = style.get_object_rect(this.image_node); var s = this.overlay.style; s.left = (this.image_node_rect.left) + "px"; s.top = (this.image_node_rect.top) + "px"; s.width = this.image_node_rect.width + "px"; s.height = this.image_node_rect.height + "px"; if (this.image_size.acquired) this.update_size(); }, update_size: function () { var scale = this.image_node_rect.width / this.image_size.width; this.overlay.style.fontSize = scale.toFixed(16) + "px"; }, }; // Annotation tag writer var TagWriter = function () { this.bit_stream = null; this.defaults = null; this.bits_per = { width: 0, height: 0, post_number: 0, formatter_count: 0, formatter_position: 0, }; }; TagWriter.prototype = { constructor: TagWriter, write: function (image, annotations, suffix_text) { // Setup this.bit_stream = new BitStream(); this.bits_per.width = TagWriter.log2bits(image.size.width); this.bits_per.height = TagWriter.log2bits(image.size.height); // Header this.write_header(image, annotations, suffix_text); // Annotations if (annotations.length > 0) { // Default values this.write_annotations_header(annotations); // Annotations for (var i = 0; i < annotations.length; ++i) { this.write_annotation_info(annotations[i]); } // Clear this.defaults = null; } // CRC var crc = crc32(this.bit_stream.encode()); this.bit_stream.add(crc, 32); // Clean var s = this.bit_stream.encode(); this.bit_stream = null; return "[iex:a/" + s + "]"; }, write_header: function (image, annotations, suffix_text) { var bits_per = TagWriter.bits_per; this.bit_stream.add(TagWriter.version, bits_per.version); // version this.bit_stream.add(annotations.length, bits_per.annotation_count); // number of annotations this.bit_stream.add((image.mode === "file" ? 0 : (image.mode === "post" ? 1 : 2)), bits_per.image_mode); // image mode [0=file, 1=post, 2=url] if (image.mode === "post") { // Find how unique the post number is var s = image.extra.toString(), refs = TagWriter.get_all_post_references(annotations, suffix_text), unique_digits = TagWriter.get_longest_same_end(s, refs); if (refs.length <= 1) { this.bit_stream.add(0, bits_per.post_number_bits); } else { ++unique_digits; this.bits_per.post_number = Math.ceil(Math.log(10) / TagWriter.ln2 * unique_digits); this.bit_stream.add(this.bits_per.post_number, bits_per.post_number_bits); this.bit_stream.add(parseInt(s.substr(s.length - unique_digits), 10), this.bits_per.post_number); } } this.bit_stream.add(this.bits_per.width, bits_per.width_bits); // bits for width this.bit_stream.add(this.bits_per.height, bits_per.height_bits); // bits for height this.bit_stream.add(image.size.width, this.bits_per.width); // width this.bit_stream.add(image.size.height, this.bits_per.height); // height }, write_annotations_header: function (annotations) { // Default values var bits_per = TagWriter.bits_per, i, k, f, v; this.defaults = {}; for (k in TagWriter.defaults_formatters) { f = TagWriter.defaults_formatters[k]; this.defaults[k] = TagWriter.find_most_common(annotations, f[0], f[1]); } // Write defaults this.bit_stream.add(this.defaults.font[0], bits_per.font); // font this.bit_stream.add(this.defaults.font[1] ? 1 : 0, bits_per.font_bold); // bold this.bit_stream.add(this.defaults.font[2] ? 1 : 0, bits_per.font_italic); // italic this.bit_stream.add(this.defaults.font_size, bits_per.font_size); // font size this.bit_stream.add(this.defaults.align, bits_per.align); // align this.bit_stream.add(this.defaults.color_deco[0], bits_per.color); // color this.bit_stream.add(this.defaults.color_deco[1], bits_per.color); // color alt this.bit_stream.add(this.defaults.color_deco[2], bits_per.color); // color bg this.bit_stream.add(this.defaults.color_deco[3], bits_per.text_decoration); // text decoration this.bit_stream.add(this.defaults.spacing[0], bits_per.line_spacing); // line spacing this.bit_stream.add(this.defaults.spacing[1], bits_per.char_spacing); // char spacing // Bit ranges this.bits_per.formatter_count = 0; this.bits_per.formatter_position = 0; for (i = 0; i < annotations.length; ++i) { f = annotations[i].get_text_formatters(); if (f.length > this.bits_per.formatter_count) this.bits_per.formatter_count = f.length; for (k = 0; k < f.length; ++k) { v = f[k][1]; if (v > this.bits_per.formatter_position) this.bits_per.formatter_position = v; } } if (this.bits_per.formatter_count > 0) this.bits_per.formatter_count = TagWriter.log2bits(this.bits_per.formatter_count); if (this.bits_per.formatter_position > 0) this.bits_per.formatter_position = TagWriter.log2bits(this.bits_per.formatter_position); this.bit_stream.add(this.bits_per.formatter_count, bits_per.formatter_count_bits); // bits per formatter count number this.bit_stream.add(this.bits_per.formatter_position, bits_per.formatter_position_bits); // bits per formatter position number }, write_annotation_info: function (annotation) { var pos = annotation.get_position(), size = annotation.get_size(), formatters = annotation.get_text_formatters(), bits_per = TagWriter.bits_per, i, f; // rect this.bit_stream.add(pos[0], this.bits_per.width); // x this.bit_stream.add(pos[1], this.bits_per.height); // y this.bit_stream.add(size[0], this.bits_per.width); // width this.bit_stream.add(size[1], this.bits_per.height); // height // font/bold/italic if (!this.is_default("font", annotation)) { this.bit_stream.add(annotation.get_font(), bits_per.font); // font this.bit_stream.add(annotation.get_font_bold() ? 1 : 0, bits_per.font_bold); // bold this.bit_stream.add(annotation.get_font_italic() ? 1 : 0, bits_per.font_italic); // italic } // font size if (!this.is_default("font_size", annotation)) { this.bit_stream.add(annotation.get_font_size(), bits_per.font_size); // font size } // text align if (!this.is_default("align", annotation)) { this.bit_stream.add(annotation.get_align(), bits_per.align); // align } // color / decoration if (!this.is_default("color_deco", annotation)) { this.bit_stream.add(annotation.get_color(0), bits_per.color); // color this.bit_stream.add(annotation.get_color(1), bits_per.color); // color alt this.bit_stream.add(annotation.get_color(2), bits_per.color); // color bg this.bit_stream.add(annotation.get_text_decoration(), bits_per.text_decoration); // text decoration } // spacing if (!this.is_default("spacing", annotation)) { this.bit_stream.add(annotation.get_text_char_spacing(), bits_per.line_spacing); // line spacing this.bit_stream.add(annotation.get_text_line_spacing(), bits_per.char_spacing); // char spacing } // Formatters this.bit_stream.add(formatters.length, this.bits_per.formatter_count); for (i = 0; i < formatters.length; ++i) { f = formatters[i]; this.bit_stream.add(f[0], bits_per.formatter_type); // formatter this.bit_stream.add(f[1], this.bits_per.formatter_position); // position if (f[0] === Annotation.TextFormattingColor) { this.bit_stream.add(f[2], bits_per.color_index); // color index this.bit_stream.add(f[3], bits_per.color); // color } else if (f[0] === Annotation.TextFormattingDecoration) { this.bit_stream.add(f[2], bits_per.text_decoration); // decoration } } }, is_default: function (key, annotation) { var formatter = TagWriter.defaults_formatters[key], value = formatter[1](this.defaults[key], formatter[0](annotation)); this.bit_stream.add(value ? 1 : 0, 1); return value; }, }; TagWriter.get_all_post_references = function (annotations, suffix_text) { var posts = [], post_map = {}, re_pattern = />>([1-9][0-9]*)/g, i, t; for (i = 0; i < annotations.length; ++i) { if ((t = annotations[i].get_text_before()) !== null) { TagWriter.get_post_references(t, re_pattern, posts, post_map); } TagWriter.get_post_references(annotations[i].get_text(), re_pattern, posts, post_map); } if (suffix_text !== null) { TagWriter.get_post_references(suffix_text, re_pattern, posts, post_map); } return posts; }; TagWriter.get_post_references = function (text, re_pattern, posts, post_map) { var m; while ((m = re_pattern.exec(text)) !== null) { m = m[1]; if (!(m in post_map)) { post_map[m] = true; posts.push(m); } } }; TagWriter.get_longest_same_end = function (value, all_values) { var length = 0, i, j, k, v, j_end; for (i = 0; i < all_values.length; ++i) { v = all_values[i]; if (value === v) continue; j_end = v.length - Math.min(v.length, value.length); j = v.length - 1; k = value.length - 1; while (j >= j_end && v[j] === value[k]) { --j; --k; } j = (v.length - 1) - j; if (j > length) length = j; } return length; }; TagWriter.find_most_common = function (array, formatter, compare_same) { var best = [ formatter(array[0]), 1 ], values = [ best ], i, j, f, v; for (i = 1; i < array.length; ++i) { f = formatter(array[i]); for (j = 0; j < values.length; ++j) { v = values[j]; if (compare_same(f, v[0])) { if (++v[1] > best[1]) best = v; break; } } if (j >= values.length) { values.push([ f , 1 ]); } } return best[0]; }; TagWriter.compare_same_arrays = function (a1, a2) { for (var i = 0; i < a1.length; ++i) { if (a1[i] !== a2[i]) return false; } return true; }; TagWriter.compare_same_values = function (a1, a2) { return (a1 === a2); }; TagWriter.log2bits = function (v) { if (v < 1) return 0; return Math.floor(Math.log(v) / TagWriter.ln2) + 1; }; TagWriter.ln2 = Math.log(2); TagWriter.version = 1; TagWriter.version_min = 1; TagWriter.bits_per = { version: 4, annotation_count: 6, image_mode: 2, post_number_bits: 5, width_bits: 4, height_bits: 4, formatter_count_bits: 3, formatter_position_bits: 5, font: 2, font_size: 5, font_bold: 1, font_italic: 1, text_decoration: 2, align: 6, color: 5, formatter_type: 3, color_index: 2, line_spacing: 4, char_spacing: 4, }; TagWriter.defaults_formatters = { font: [ function (annotation) { return [ annotation.get_font(), annotation.get_font_bold(), annotation.get_font_italic() ]; }, TagWriter.compare_same_arrays ], color_deco: [ function (annotation) { return [ annotation.get_color(0), annotation.get_color(1), annotation.get_color(2), annotation.get_text_decoration() ]; }, TagWriter.compare_same_arrays ], font_size: [ function (annotation) { return annotation.get_font_size(); }, TagWriter.compare_same_values ], align: [ function (annotation) { return annotation.get_align(); }, TagWriter.compare_same_values ], spacing: [ function (annotation) { return [ annotation.get_text_line_spacing(), annotation.get_text_char_spacing() ]; }, TagWriter.compare_same_arrays ], }; // Annotation tag reader var TagReader = function () { this.annotation_count = 0; this.image = { mode: null, post_number_suffix: -1, post_number_suffix_digits: 0, width: 0, height: 0, }; this.bits_per = { width: 0, height: 0, formatter_count: 0, formatter_position: 0, }; this.annotations = null; this.tag = null; this.bit_stream = null; this.defaults = null; this.error_message = null; }; TagReader.prototype = { constructor: TagReader, read: function (tag, header_validate) { this.bit_stream = new BitStream(); this.bit_stream.decode(BitStream.re_alphabet.exec(tag)[0]); // Header if (!this.read_header()) return false; if (header_validate && !header_validate(this)) return this.error("Invalid header"); // Annotations this.annotations = []; if (this.annotation_count > 0) { if (this.bit_stream.eof()) return this.error("Invalid stream"); // Defaults if (!this.read_annotations_header()) return false; // End of stream if (this.bit_stream.eof()) return this.error("Invalid stream"); // Annotations for (var i = 0; true; ) { if (!this.read_annotation()) return false; if (++i >= this.annotation_count) break; if (this.bit_stream.eof()) return this.error("Invalid stream"); } } // Get crc if (this.bit_stream.remaining() < 32) return this.error("Missing CRC"); var crc_true = crc32(this.bit_stream.to_encoded_string()), crc; crc = (this.bit_stream.get(32) >>> 0); if (crc_true !== crc) return this.error("CRC invalid"); // Okay return true; }, read_header: function () { var bits_per = TagWriter.bits_per, v, v2; // Version v = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.version); if (v < TagWriter.version_min || v > TagWriter.version) return this.error("Invalid version"); // Number of annotations this.annotation_count = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.annotation_count); // Image mode v = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.image_mode); if (v === 0) { this.image.mode = "file"; } else if (v === 1) { // Post this.image.mode = "post"; v = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.post_number_bits); if (v > 0) { // Post number suffix this.image.post_number_suffix = this.bit_stream.get(v); this.image.post_number_suffix_digits = Math.floor(Math.log(v) / Math.log(10)); } } else if (v === 2) { this.image.mode = "url"; } else if (v > 2) { return this.error("Invalid image mode"); } // Resolution v = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.width_bits); v2 = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.height_bits); this.bits_per.width = v; this.bits_per.height = v2; this.image.width = this.bit_stream.get(v); this.image.height = this.bit_stream.get(v2); return true; }, read_annotations_header: function () { var bits_per = TagWriter.bits_per; this.defaults = new Annotation.State(); this.defaults.font = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.font); // font if (this.defaults.font >= Annotation.fonts.length) this.defaults.font = 0; this.defaults.bold = (this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.font_bold) === 1); // bold this.defaults.italic = (this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.font_italic) === 1); // italic this.defaults.font_size = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.font_size); // font size this.defaults.align = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.align); // align this.defaults.colors[0] = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.color); // color[0] this.defaults.colors[1] = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.color); // color[1] this.defaults.colors[2] = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.color); // color[2] this.defaults.text_decoration = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.text_decoration); // text_decoration this.defaults.line_spacing = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.line_spacing); // line spacing this.defaults.char_spacing = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.char_spacing); // char spacing this.bits_per.formatter_count = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.formatter_count_bits); // bits per formatter count number this.bits_per.formatter_position = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.formatter_position_bits); // bits per formatter position number return true; }, read_annotation: function () { var bits_per = TagWriter.bits_per, annotation = new Annotation.State(), formatter_count, i, f; // rect annotation.rect.x = this.bit_stream.get(this.bits_per.width); annotation.rect.y = this.bit_stream.get(this.bits_per.height); annotation.rect.width = this.bit_stream.get(this.bits_per.width); annotation.rect.height = this.bit_stream.get(this.bits_per.height); if (annotation.rect.x > this.image.width) { annotation.rect.x = this.image.width; annotation.rect.width = 0; } else if (annotation.rect.x > this.image.width) { annotation.rect.width = this.image.width - annotation.rect.x; } if (annotation.rect.y > this.image.height) { annotation.rect.y = this.image.height; annotation.rect.height = 0; } else if (annotation.rect.y > this.image.height) { annotation.rect.height = this.image.height - annotation.rect.y; } // font/bold/italic if (this.is_default()) { // Default annotation.font = this.defaults.font; annotation.bold = this.defaults.bold; annotation.italic = this.defaults.italic; } else { annotation.font = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.font); annotation.bold = (this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.font_bold) === 1); annotation.italic = (this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.font_italic) === 1); if (annotation.font >= Annotation.fonts.length) annotation.font = 0; } // font size if (this.is_default()) { // Default annotation.font_size = this.defaults.font_size; } else { annotation.font_size = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.font_size); } // text align if (this.is_default()) { // Default annotation.align = this.defaults.align; } else { annotation.align = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.align); } // color / decoration if (this.is_default()) { // Default annotation.colors[0] = this.defaults.colors[0]; annotation.colors[1] = this.defaults.colors[1]; annotation.colors[2] = this.defaults.colors[2]; annotation.text_decoration = this.defaults.text_decoration; } else { annotation.colors[0] = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.color); annotation.colors[1] = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.color); annotation.colors[2] = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.color); annotation.text_decoration = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.text_decoration); } // spacing if (this.is_default()) { // Default annotation.line_spacing = this.defaults.line_spacing; annotation.char_spacing = this.defaults.char_spacing; } else { annotation.line_spacing = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.line_spacing); annotation.char_spacing = this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.char_spacing); } // Formatters formatter_count = this.bit_stream.get(this.bits_per.formatter_count); for (i = 0; i < formatter_count; ++i) { f = []; f.push(this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.formatter_type)); f.push(this.bit_stream.get(this.bits_per.formatter_position)); if (f[0] === Annotation.TextFormattingColor) { f.push(this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.color_index)); f.push(this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.color)); } else if (f[0] === Annotation.TextFormattingDecoration) { f.push(this.bit_stream.get(bits_per.text_decoration)); } annotation.formatters.push(f); } // Done this.annotations.push(annotation); return true; }, is_default: function () { return (this.bit_stream.get(1) === 1); }, error: function (message) { this.defaults = null; this.annotations = null; this.error_message = message; return false; }, clear: function () { this.defaults = null; this.annotations = null; this.bit_stream = null; this.error_message = null; }, get_error: function () { return this.error_message; }, }; // Static functions Annotator.create_image_overlay = function (image_node, annotation_data) { new Standalone(image_node, annotation_data); }; Annotator.check_url = function () { var hash = window.location.href, p = hash.indexOf("#"), ret = null, re, m, i, tag, lines, tr; if (p < 0) return null; hash = hash.substr(p); re = /#!?iex:a\/([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?/g; while ((m = re.exec(hash)) !== null) { tag = m[1]; if (m[2] === undefined) { lines = null; } else { lines = m[2].split("&"); for (i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { lines[i] = decodeURIComponent(lines[i]); } } tr = new TagReader(); if (lines.length !== null && tr.read(tag) && tr.annotations.length > 0) { if (ret === null) { ret = new AnnotationData(tr); } else { ret.datas.push(tr); } if (tr.annotations.length > lines.length) { tr.annotations.splice(lines.length, tr.annotations.length - lines.length); } for (i = 0; i < tr.annotations.length; ++i) { tr.annotations[i].text = lines[i]; } } } return ret; }; Annotator.process_tag = function (tag, header_validate) { var tr = new TagReader(); if (tr.read(tag, header_validate)) { return tr; } return null; }; Annotator.generate_tag = function (image, annotations, suffix_text) { return (new TagWriter()).write(image, annotations, suffix_text); }; return Annotator; })(); // Quick reply controller var QuickReplyController = (function () { var QuickReplyController = function () { api.on("quick_reply_add", on_quick_reply_add.bind(this)); api.on("quick_reply_remove", on_quick_reply_remove.bind(this)); api.on("quick_reply_show", on_quick_reply_show.bind(this)); api.on("quick_reply_hide", on_quick_reply_hide.bind(this)); document.addEventListener("QRFile", on_file_4chanx_poll.bind(this), false); document.addEventListener("QRPostSuccessful", on_file_post.bind(this), false); this.quick_reply_container = null; this.quick_reply_events = []; this.quick_reply_observers = []; this.quick_reply_file_input = null; 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} }; var on_quick_reply_remove = function (node) { remove_qr_events.call(this); remove_qr_nodes.call(this); if (this.editor !== null) { this.editor.set_qr_container(null); } }; var on_quick_reply_show = function (node) { this.set_enabled(settings.values.annotations.editor_always_enable); poll_file_4chanx.call(this); if (this.quick_reply_comment !== null) { if (this.quick_reply_poll_interval !== null) { clearInterval(this.quick_reply_poll_interval); } this.quick_reply_poll_interval = setInterval(on_comment_value_poll.bind(this), 2000); on_comment_value_poll.call(this); } }; var on_quick_reply_hide = function (node) { this.set_enabled(false); if (this.quick_reply_poll_interval !== null) { clearInterval(this.quick_reply_poll_interval); this.quick_reply_poll_interval = null; } if (this.quick_reply_poll_input_timer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.quick_reply_poll_input_timer); this.quick_reply_poll_input_timer = null; } this.quick_reply_comment_length = 0; this.quick_reply_comment_text = ""; update_available_post_references.call(this, []); }; var on_file_post = function (event) { this.set_enabled(false); this.clear(); }; var on_file_4chanx_poll = function (event) { var file = null; if (event.detail && event.detail instanceof File) { file = event.detail; } change_file.call(this, file, false); if ( file === null && this.quick_reply_file_n_submit !== null && style.has_class(this.quick_reply_file_n_submit, "has-file") ) { setTimeout(on_file_poll_check_failure.bind(this), 10); } else { // Clear poll error timeout if (this.file_poll_error_timeout !== null) { clearTimeout(this.file_poll_error_timeout); this.file_poll_error_timeout = null; } } }; var on_file_poll_check_failure = function () { if (style.has_class(this.quick_reply_file_n_submit, "has-file")) { // Clear poll error timeout if (this.file_poll_error_timeout === null) { on_file_poll_failure.call(this, null); } } else { // Clear poll error timeout if (this.file_poll_error_timeout !== null) { clearTimeout(this.file_poll_error_timeout); this.file_poll_error_timeout = null; } } }; var on_file_poll_failure = function () { this.file_poll_error_timeout = null; show_error_message.call(this); }; var on_enabled_check_change = function (event) { this.set_enabled(this.nodes.enabled_checkbox.checked); return stop_event(event); }; var on_input_file_button_click = function (event) { // If there's an error, redirect this to the secondary file input if (this.mode !== "file" && this.mode !== "none" && this.file !== null) { // Switch mode to file set_mode.call(this, "file"); } else if (this.quick_reply_file_input !== null && !is_showing_error_message.call(this)) { // Force change file this.force_change_to_file = true; var self = this, first = true; var click_fn = function (event) { if (event.target === self.quick_reply_file_input && first) { first = false; return; } self.force_change_to_file = false; document.removeEventListener("click", click_fn, true); }; document.addEventListener("click", click_fn, true); // this is to account for clicking "cancel" // Activate this.quick_reply_file_input.click(); 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change_file.call(this, (node.files.length > 0 ? node.files[0] : null), true); } else { poll_file_4chanx_with_errors.call(this); } }; var on_qr_file_click = function (node, event) { if (event.shiftKey && event.which === 1) { setTimeout(update_qr_input_file_events.bind(this, this.quick_reply_container, node), 10); } }; var on_input_file_fallback_change = function (event) { var file = null; if (this.nodes.fallback_file_input.files.length > 0) { file = this.nodes.fallback_file_input.files[0]; } this.nodes.fallback_file_input.value = null; change_file.call(this, file, true); }; var on_comment_change = function (event) { if (this.quick_reply_poll_input_timer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.quick_reply_poll_input_timer); this.quick_reply_poll_input_timer = null; } comment_value_update.call(this); update_editor_annotations.call(this); }; var on_comment_input = function (event) { if (this.quick_reply_poll_input_timer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.quick_reply_poll_input_timer); } var self = this; this.quick_reply_poll_input_timer = setTimeout(function () { self.quick_reply_poll_input_timer = null; comment_value_update.call(self); }, 200); }; var on_comment_value_poll = function () { if ( this.quick_reply_poll_input_timer === null && this.quick_reply_comment.value.length !== this.quick_reply_comment_length ) { comment_value_update.call(this); update_editor_annotations.call(this); } }; var update_qr_input_file_events = function (qr_container, old_node) { if (old_node !== null) { for (var i = 0; i < this.quick_reply_events.length; ++i) { if (this.quick_reply_events[i][0] === old_node) { this.quick_reply_events.splice(i, 1); continue; } } // Nullify change_file.call(this, null, true); } // Find new var n; if ((n = qr_container.querySelector("input[type=file]")) !== null) { // Watch for changes this.quick_reply_file_input = n; add_event_listener(this.quick_reply_events, n, "change", on_qr_file_change.bind(this, n), false); if (n.getAttribute("id") === "qrFile") { add_event_listener(this.quick_reply_events, n, "click", on_qr_file_click.bind(this, n), false); 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image_info = api.post_get_file_nodes(pc); references.push([ number, (image_info !== null && image_info.link !== null) ]); } } update_available_post_references.call(this, references); } else { this.quick_reply_comment_length = 0; this.quick_reply_comment_text = ""; update_available_post_references.call(this, []); } }; var change_file = function (file, forced) { if (this.file === null) { hide_error_message.call(this); if (file !== null) { set_file.call(this, file); } // else, both null } else { if ( forced || file === null || this.file.size != file.size || this.file.type != file.type || this.file.name != file.name || ( file.lastModifiedDate instanceof Date && this.file.lastModifiedDate instanceof Date && this.file.lastModifiedDate.getTime() != file.lastModifiedDate.getTime() ) ) { hide_error_message.call(this); set_file.call(this, file); } } }; var setup_qr_nodes = function (qr_container) { this.quick_reply_container = qr_container; var chan4x = (qr_container.getAttribute("id") == "qr"); // Setup DOM nodes var n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6; n1 = $.div("iex_quick_reply_extra" + (chan4x ? " iex_quick_reply_extra_4chanx" : "")); this.nodes.extra_container = n1; n2 = $.div("iex_quick_reply_label_table"); n1.appendChild(n2); n3 = $.div("iex_quick_reply_label_row"); n2.appendChild(n3); n4 = $.div("iex_quick_reply_label_cell"); n3.appendChild(n4); n5 = $.label("iex_quick_reply_label"); n4.appendChild(n5); n6 = $.input.check("iex_quick_reply_label_check"); n5.appendChild(n6); this.nodes.enabled_checkbox = n6; n6 = $.span("iex_quick_reply_label_text"); n6.textContent = "iex image annotations"; n5.appendChild(n6); n4 = $.div("iex_quick_reply_label_cell"); n3.appendChild(n4); n5 = $.span("iex_quick_reply_help_link_container"); n5.appendChild($.text("[")); n6 = $.a("iex_quick_reply_help_link"); n6.setAttribute("href", "https://dnsev.github.io/iex/annotations/help.html"); n6.setAttribute("rel", "nofollow noreferrer"); n6.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); n6.textContent = "Help"; n5.appendChild(n6); n5.appendChild($.text("]")); n4.appendChild(n5); n2 = $.div("iex_quick_reply_content"); n1.appendChild(n2); this.nodes.content_container = n2; n3 = $.div("iex_quick_reply_info"); n3.textContent = "Select an image to annotate:"; n2.appendChild(n3); n3 = $.div("iex_quick_reply_source_selection"); n4 = $.span("iex_quick_reply_source_selection_text"); n4.textContent = "From "; n3.appendChild(n4); n4 = $.input.button("iex_quick_reply_source_selection_file"); n4.value = "File"; this.nodes.input_file_button = n4; n3.appendChild(n4); n4 = $.span("iex_quick_reply_source_selection_text"); n4.textContent = " or "; n3.appendChild(n4); n4 = $.input.button("iex_quick_reply_source_selection_url"); n4.value = "URL"; this.nodes.input_url_button = n4; n3.appendChild(n4); n4 = $.span("iex_quick_reply_source_selection_text"); n4.textContent = " or reference post "; n3.appendChild(n4); n4 = $.node("select", "iex_quick_reply_source_selection_post"); n4.value = ""; this.nodes.input_post_number = n4; n5 = $.node("option", "iex_quick_reply_source_selection_post_option_default"); n5.value = ""; n5.textContent = ">>number"; n4.appendChild(n5); n3.appendChild(n4); n2.appendChild(n3); n3 = $.div("iex_quick_reply_error"); n3.appendChild($.text("Warning: image not detected properly.")); n3.appendChild($("br")); n3.appendChild($.text("Click \"Image\" to select for editing")); n3.setAttribute( "title", "This typically occurs due to an incompatability between scripts.\n" + "For example, appchan-x does not support sharing the post file.\n" + "Chrome may have similar issues." ); this.nodes.error_message = n3; n2.appendChild(n3); n3 = $.input.file("iex_quick_reply_file_input"); this.nodes.fallback_file_input = n3; n2.appendChild(n3); // Events add_event_listener(this.node_events, this.nodes.enabled_checkbox, "change", on_enabled_check_change.bind(this), false); add_event_listener(this.node_events, this.nodes.input_file_button, "click", on_input_file_button_click.bind(this), false); add_event_listener(this.node_events, this.nodes.input_url_button, "click", on_input_url_button_click.bind(this), false); add_event_listener(this.node_events, this.nodes.input_post_number, "change", on_input_post_number_change.bind(this), false); 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if (this.nodes.extra_container.parentNode !== null) { this.nodes.extra_container.parentNode.removeChild(this.nodes.extra_container); } for (var k in this.nodes) { this.nodes[k] = null; } }; var remove_qr_events = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.quick_reply_observers.length; ++i) { this.quick_reply_observers[i].disconnect(); } this.quick_reply_observers = []; remove_event_listeners(this.quick_reply_events); remove_event_listeners(this.node_events); this.quick_reply_events = []; this.node_events = []; this.quick_reply_file_input = null; this.quick_reply_file_n_submit = null; this.quick_reply_comment = null; this.quick_reply_comment_text = ""; this.quick_reply_comment_length = 0; this.quick_reply_comment_references = []; }; var is_showing_error_message = function () { return (this.quick_reply_container !== null && style.has_class(this.nodes.error_message, "iex_quick_reply_error_visible")); }; var show_error_message = function () { if (this.quick_reply_container !== null) { style.add_class(this.nodes.error_message, "iex_quick_reply_error_visible"); } }; var hide_error_message = function () { if (this.quick_reply_container !== null) { style.remove_class(this.nodes.error_message, "iex_quick_reply_error_visible"); } }; var update_editor = function () { if (this.mode === "file") { this.editor.set_file(this.file, this.file_url, this.mode); return; } else if (this.mode === "post") { if (this.post_reference_number_image !== null) { this.editor.set_file(null, this.post_reference_number_image, this.mode, this.post_reference_number); return; } } else if (this.mode === "url") { this.editor.set_file(null, this.custom_url, this.mode); return; } // "none" or invalid this.editor.hide(); this.editor.set_file(null, null, "none"); }; var update_editor_annotations = function () { if (this.editor !== null) { this.editor.load_annotations_from_text(this.quick_reply_comment_text); } }; var update_available_post_references = function (references) { // Only update this if the references are different var i, j; if (this.quick_reply_comment_references.length === references.length) { if (references.length === 0) return; // same var r1, r2; i = 0; while (true) { r1 = this.quick_reply_comment_references[i]; r2 = references[i]; if (r1[0] !== r2[0] || r1[1] !== r2[1]) break; if (++i >= references.length) return; // same } } // Update this.quick_reply_comment_references = references; var pn_select = this.nodes.input_post_number, selected_index = 0, first_selected_index = 0, first_selected = null, n, n2; // Remove j = 0; for (n = pn_select.firstChild; n !== null; n = n2) { n2 = n.nextSibling; if (n.value !== "") { pn_select.removeChild(n); } else { ++j; } } // Add for (i = 0; i < references.length; ++i) { n = references[i][0]; if (n === this.post_reference_number) { selected_index = i + j; } n2 = $.node("option", "iex_quick_reply_source_selection_post_option"); n2.value = n.toString(); n2.textContent = ">>" + n; if (!references[i][1]) { n2.disabled = true; } else if (first_selected === null) { first_selected = n2; first_selected_index = i; } pn_select.appendChild(n2); } // Select pn_select.selectedIndex = selected_index; // Select based on mode if (this.enabled && this.mode === "none" && first_selected !== null) { pn_select.selectedIndex = first_selected_index + j; set_post_reference.call(this, references[first_selected_index][0]); } else if (selected_index === 0) { // Deselect auto_detect_mode.call(this); } }; var set_file = function (new_file) { if (this.file_url !== null) { window.URL.revokeObjectURL(this.file_url); this.file_url = null; } this.file = new_file; if (this.file === null) { if (this.mode === "file") set_mode.call(this, "none"); } else { // Create url this.file_url = window.URL.createObjectURL(this.file); if ((this.mode === "none" && this.enabled) || this.force_change_to_file) { this.force_change_to_file = false; set_mode.call(this, "file"); } } }; var set_custom_url = function (url) { hide_error_message.call(this); if (url === null) { this.custom_url = null; auto_detect_mode.call(this); } else { this.custom_url = url; if (this.enabled) { if (!set_mode.call(this, "url")) { update_editor.call(this); } } } }; var set_post_reference = function (number) { hide_error_message.call(this); if (number === null) { this.post_reference_number = null; auto_detect_mode.call(this); } else { this.post_reference_number = number; // Get the image var pc, image_info, href; if ( (pc = api.get_post_container_from_post_number(this.post_reference_number)) !== null && (image_info = api.post_get_file_nodes(pc)) !== null && image_info.link !== null && (href = image_info.link.getAttribute("href")) ) { this.post_reference_number_image = href; } else { this.post_reference_number_image = null; } if (this.enabled) { if (!set_mode.call(this, "post")) { update_editor.call(this); } } } }; var set_mode = function (mode) { if (this.mode === mode) return false; this.mode = mode; if (mode === "file") { style.add_class(this.nodes.input_file_button, "iex_quick_reply_source_selection_file_selected"); } else { style.remove_class(this.nodes.input_file_button, "iex_quick_reply_source_selection_file_selected"); } if (mode === "post") { style.add_class(this.nodes.input_post_number, "iex_quick_reply_source_selection_post_selected"); 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} } if (this.mode !== "post") { var pn_select = this.nodes.input_post_number, opts = pn_select.options, i, n; for (i = 0; i < opts.length; ++i) { if (!opts[i].disabled && opts[i].value && (n = parseInt(opts[i].value, 10))) { pn_select.selectedIndex = i; set_post_reference.call(this, n); return; } } } set_mode.call(this, "none"); }; QuickReplyController.prototype = { constructor: QuickReplyController, is_enabled: function () { return this.enabled; }, set_enabled: function (enabled) { if (this.quick_reply_container === null || this.enabled === enabled) { if (this.nodes.enabled_checkbox !== null) { this.nodes.enabled_checkbox.checked = this.enabled; } return; } this.enabled = enabled; this.nodes.enabled_checkbox.checked = this.enabled; if (this.enabled) { style.add_class(this.nodes.extra_container, "iex_quick_reply_extra_enabled"); poll_file_4chanx.call(this); auto_detect_mode.call(this); } else { style.remove_class(this.nodes.extra_container, "iex_quick_reply_extra_enabled"); if (this.editor !== null) { this.editor.hide(); } set_mode.call(this, "none"); } }, get_text: function () { return this.quick_reply_comment_text; }, set_text: function (text) { this.quick_reply_comment_length = text.length; this.quick_reply_comment_text = text; this.quick_reply_comment.value = text; }, clear: function () { // Clear statuses set_mode.call(this, "none"); }, }; return QuickReplyController; })(); // Image annotation editor var AnnotationEditor = (function () { var AnnotationEditor = function (qr_container, qr_controller) { this.qr_controller = qr_controller; this.style_transform = style.get_prefixed_style("transform")[0]; this.visible = false; this.qr_container = null; this.qr_resize_timer = null; this.qr_resized_during_timer = false; this.qr_event_list = []; this.move_event_list = []; this.minimum_ratio_for_wide = 4.0 / 3.0; this.paddings = { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, }; this.image = { url: null, mode: null, extra: null, size: { width: 0, height: 0, }, }; this.cpreview = null; this.cpreview_zoom = 1; this.nodes = { container: null, image: null, image_error: null, edit_container: null, edit_container_empty: null, edit_color_buttons: [], edit_color_selected: -1, edit_font_selector: null, edit_font_size_selector: null, edit_font_bold_check: null, edit_font_italic_check: null, annotation_container: null, annotation_scroll_h: null, annotation_scroll_v: null, annotation_scroll_h_size: null, annotation_scroll_v_size: null, }; this.image_events = []; this.image_load_poll = null; this.preview_scale = 1.0; this.preview_move_events = []; this.preview_move_speed = [0, 0]; this.preview_move_origin = [0, 0]; this.preview_move_offset = [0, 0]; this.preview_scroll_range = [0, 0]; this.annotations = []; this.annotations_previous = this.annotations; this.annotation_text_suffix = null; this.annotation_text_suffix_previous = this.annotation_text_suffix; this.annotation_selected_index = -1; this.update_annotation_sizes_on_image_load = null; acquire_paddings.call(this); window.addEventListener("resize", on_window_resize.bind(this), false); this.set_qr_container(qr_container); }; var re_load_annotations = /^(?:|([\w\W]*?)(?:\r\n?|\n))[ \t]*>((?:[^>\r\n][^\r\n]*)?)(\r\n?|\n|$)/, re_load_tag = /^(?:|([\w\W]*?)(?:\r\n?|\n))[ \t]*(\[iex:a\/([^\]]*)\])\s*$/; var acquire_paddings = function () { var n = $("div"), r1, r2; n.className = "iex_annotation_editor_outer_paddings"; n.style.paddingRight = "0"; n.style.paddingBottom = "0"; 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n1 = $.div("iex_ae_preview_container"); container.appendChild(n1); // Message n2 = $.div("iex_ae_preview_message"); n1.appendChild(n2); n3 = $.div("iex_ae_preview_message_inner"); n2.appendChild(n3); this.nodes.image_error = n3; // Preview this.cpreview = new ContentPreview(); this.cpreview.set_auto_size(true); this.cpreview.add_to(n1); // Image n2 = $.node("img", "iex_ae_preview_image"); n2.setAttribute("alt", ""); n2.setAttribute("title", ""); this.nodes.image = n2; this.cpreview.add_content(n2); // Overlay n2 = $.div("iex_annotation_overlay"); this.cpreview.add_content(n2); n3 = $.div("iex_annotation_container"); n2.appendChild(n3); this.nodes.annotation_container = n3; // Events n2.addEventListener("mouseover", wrap_mouseenterleave_event(this, on_container_mouseover), false); n2.addEventListener("mouseout", wrap_mouseenterleave_event(this, on_container_mouseout), false); n2.addEventListener("mousewheel", (event_bind = on_container_mousewheel.bind(this)), false); n2.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", event_bind, false); 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n4.appendChild(n5); create_nodes_editing_text.call(this, n5); }; var create_nodes_editing_tools = function (container) { var n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6; // Create n1 = $.div("iex_ae_t3c0"); container.appendChild(n1); n2 = $.div("iex_ae_t3c1"); n1.appendChild(n2); n3 = $.div("iex_ae_t3c2"); n2.appendChild(n3); n4 = $.div("iex_ae_t3c3"); n3.appendChild(n4); // Top (colors) n5 = $.div("iex_ae_t3c4"); n4.appendChild(n5); n6 = $.div("iex_ae_t3c5"); n5.appendChild(n6); create_nodes_editing_tools_top.call(this, n6); // Top (colors) n5 = $.div("iex_ae_t3c4"); n4.appendChild(n5); n6 = $.div("iex_ae_t3c5"); n5.appendChild(n6); create_nodes_editing_tools_colors.call(this, n6); // Middle (fonts) n5 = $.div("iex_ae_t3c4"); n4.appendChild(n5); n6 = $.div("iex_ae_t3c5"); n5.appendChild(n6); create_nodes_editing_tools_fonts.call(this, n6); // Bottom (align) create_nodes_editing_tools_align.call(this, n6); }; var create_nodes_editing_tools_top = function (container) { var n1, n2, n3; n1 = $.div("iex_ae_t7c0"); 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this.nodes.edit_color_index_labels.push(n2); container.appendChild(n1); }; var create_nodes_editing_tools_colors = function (container) { var shades = Annotation.color_shades, i, j, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5; // Create n1 = $.div("iex_ae_t4c0"); container.appendChild(n1); n2 = $.div("iex_ae_t4c1"); n1.appendChild(n2); n3 = $.div("iex_ae_t4c2"); n2.appendChild(n3); // Black and white n4 = $.div("iex_ae_t4c3"); n3.appendChild(n4); n5 = $.div("iex_ae_t4c4"); n4.appendChild(n5); n5.appendChild(create_nodes_color_selector.call(this, 0)); n5.appendChild(create_nodes_color_selector.call(this, 1)); for (i = 2; i < Annotation.colors.length; i += shades) { n4 = $.div("iex_ae_t4c3"); n3.appendChild(n4); n5 = $.div("iex_ae_t4c4"); n4.appendChild(n5); for (j = 0; j < shades; ++j) { n5.appendChild(create_nodes_color_selector.call(this, i + j)); } } }; var create_nodes_color_selector = function (color_index) { var n1, n2, n3, cls; n1 = $.div("iex_ae_color_selector iex_ae_color_selector_disabled"); n1.setAttribute("title", "Color index: " + color_index); 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n3.appendChild(n4); n4.disabled = true; this.nodes.edit_decoration_selector = n4; add_opt(n4, "Normal", Annotation.TextDecorationNone).setAttribute("title", "Decoration index: 0"); add_opt(n4, "Shadow", Annotation.TextDecorationShadow).setAttribute("title", "Decoration index: 1"); add_opt(n4, "Blur", Annotation.TextDecorationShadowBlur).setAttribute("title", "Decoration index: 2"); add_opt(n4, "Strong Blur", Annotation.TextDecorationShadowBlurStrong).setAttribute("title", "Decoration index: 3"); }; var create_nodes_font_selection = function (container) { var i, n1; for (i = 0; i < Annotation.fonts.length; ++i) { n1 = $.node("option", "iex_ae_selection_option"); n1.textContent = Annotation.fonts[i].name; n1.value = i.toString(); container.appendChild(n1); } }; var create_nodes_font_size_selection = function (container) { var size = Annotation.font_size_settings.base, size_incr = Annotation.font_size_settings.base_step, i, j, n1; for (i = 0; i < Annotation.font_size_settings.step_count; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < Annotation.font_size_settings.step_duration; ++j) { n1 = $.node("option", "iex_ae_selection_option"); n1.textContent = "Size: " + size + "px"; n1.value = (i * Annotation.font_size_settings.step_duration + j).toString(); container.appendChild(n1); size += size_incr; } size_incr *= Annotation.font_size_settings.step_multiplier; } }; var create_nodes_editing_text = function (container) { var n1, n2, n3, n4, n5; n1 = $.div("iex_ae_t6c0"); container.appendChild(n1); n2 = $.div("iex_ae_t6c1"); n1.appendChild(n2); n3 = $.div("iex_ae_t6c2"); n2.appendChild(n3); this.nodes.edit_container = n3; n4 = $.div("iex_ae_add_annotation_container_empty"); n3.appendChild(n4); this.nodes.edit_container_empty = n4; n5 = $.a("iex_ae_add_annotation_container_empty_link"); n4.appendChild(n5); n5.textContent = "Add annotation"; n5.addEventListener("click", on_new_note_empty_click.bind(this), false); n4 = $.div("iex_ae_restore_annotations_container_empty"); n3.appendChild(n4); this.nodes.edit_container_empty_restore = n4; n5 = $.a("iex_ae_restore_annotations_container_empty_link"); n4.appendChild(n5); n5.textContent = "Restore recent annotations"; n5.addEventListener("click", on_restore_annotations_click.bind(this), false); set_empty_links_visible.call(this, true); }; var remove_nodes = function () { }; var setup_qr_events = function () { var movable_sections = this.qr_container.querySelectorAll(".move,.drag,textarea"), i; // Events for (i = 0; i < movable_sections.length; ++i) { add_event_listener(this.qr_event_list, movable_sections[i], "mousedown", on_movable_mousedown.bind(this), false); } }; var remove_qr_events = function () { remove_event_listeners(this.qr_event_list); this.qr_event_list = []; }; var update_size = function () { var max_rect = style.get_document_rect(), doc_left = max_rect.left, doc_top = max_rect.top, header_rect = api.get_header_rect(), qr_rect = style.get_object_rect(this.qr_container), container = this.nodes.container, x_mid, x, y, w, h; // Subtract header if (header_rect.top <= max_rect.top && header_rect.bottom > max_rect.top) { // It's on the top max_rect.top = header_rect.bottom; } else if (header_rect.bottom >= max_rect.bottom && header_rect.top < max_rect.bottom) { // It's on the bottom max_rect.bottom = header_rect.top; } // Subtract size of quick reply if it results in a large enough container x_mid = (doc_left + max_rect.right) / 2.0; if (qr_rect.left >= x_mid + this.paddings.left) { // On the right max_rect.right = qr_rect.left; } else if (qr_rect.right <= x_mid - this.paddings.right) { // On the left max_rect.left = qr_rect.right; } // Finalize position x = (max_rect.left + this.paddings.left); y = (max_rect.top + this.paddings.top); w = (max_rect.right - this.paddings.right) - x; h = (max_rect.bottom - this.paddings.bottom) - y; x -= doc_left; y -= doc_top; if (w < 16) w = 16; if (h < 16) h = 16; // Set size container.style.left = x + "px"; container.style.top = y + "px"; container.style.width = w + "px"; container.style.height = h + "px"; // Ratio if (w / h >= this.minimum_ratio_for_wide) { style.remove_class(container, "iex_annotation_editor_vertical"); } else { style.add_class(container, "iex_annotation_editor_vertical"); } // Preview size update_preview_size.call(this); }; var update_preview_size = function (offset_x, offset_y) { var w, h, size, r; // Resize this.cpreview.update_auto_size(); size = this.cpreview.size; // Get image size w = this.image.size.width; h = this.image.size.height; // Ratios r = w / h; if ((size.width / size.height) > r) { // fit width w = size.width; h = w / r; } else { // fit height h = size.height; w = h * r; } // Zoom w *= this.cpreview_zoom; h *= this.cpreview_zoom; this.cpreview.set_size(w, h, offset_x, offset_y); // Annotation scaling this.preview_scale = 1.0; if (this.image.size.width > 0) this.preview_scale = (this.cpreview.size.width / this.image.size.width); if (Annotation.scaling_mode_px) { this.nodes.annotation_container.style.fontSize = this.preview_scale.toFixed(4) + "px"; } else { this.nodes.annotation_container.style[this.style_transform] = "scale(" + this.preview_scale.toFixed(4) + ")"; } // Scrollbars update_preview_scrollbars.call(this); show_preview_scrollbars.call(this); }; var update_preview_scrollbars = function () { var size = this.cpreview.size, display_size = this.cpreview.display, w, h; if (size.width > display_size.width + 0.001) { style.add_class(this.nodes.annotation_scroll_h, "iex_ae_preview_scroll_displayable"); w = (size.width - display_size.width) / size.width; this.nodes.annotation_scroll_h_size.style.width = ((1 - w) * 100).toFixed(4) + "%"; } else { style.remove_class(this.nodes.annotation_scroll_h, "iex_ae_preview_scroll_displayable"); w = 0; } if (size.height > display_size.height + 0.001) { style.add_class(this.nodes.annotation_scroll_v, "iex_ae_preview_scroll_displayable"); h = (size.height - display_size.height) / size.height; this.nodes.annotation_scroll_v_size.style.height = ((1 - h) * 100).toFixed(4) + "%"; } else { style.remove_class(this.nodes.annotation_scroll_v, "iex_ae_preview_scroll_displayable"); h = 0; } this.preview_scroll_range[0] = w * 100; this.preview_scroll_range[1] = h * 100; update_preview_scrollbar_positions.call(this); }; var update_preview_scrollbar_positions = function () { this.nodes.annotation_scroll_h_size.style.left = (this.cpreview.offset_x * this.preview_scroll_range[0]).toFixed(4) + "%"; this.nodes.annotation_scroll_v_size.style.top = (this.cpreview.offset_y * this.preview_scroll_range[1]).toFixed(4) + "%"; }; var show_preview_scrollbars = function () { style.add_class(this.nodes.annotation_scroll_h, "iex_ae_preview_scroll_visible"); style.add_class(this.nodes.annotation_scroll_v, "iex_ae_preview_scroll_visible"); }; var hide_preview_scrollbars = function () { style.remove_class(this.nodes.annotation_scroll_h, "iex_ae_preview_scroll_visible"); style.remove_class(this.nodes.annotation_scroll_v, "iex_ae_preview_scroll_visible"); }; var set_image = function (url, mode, extra) { // Events clear_image_events.call(this); this.image.url = url; this.image.mode = mode; this.image.extra = extra; this.image.size.width = 0; this.image.size.height = 0; var image = this.nodes.image; style.remove_class(image, "iex_ae_preview_image_visible"); style.remove_class(image, "iex_ae_preview_image_loaded"); style.remove_class(image, "iex_ae_preview_image_error"); style.remove_class(this.nodes.annotation_scroll_h, "iex_ae_preview_scroll_visible"); style.remove_class(this.nodes.annotation_scroll_v, "iex_ae_preview_scroll_visible"); image.removeAttribute("src"); if (url === null) { // Image not available this.nodes.image_error.textContent = "Image not available"; return; } this.nodes.image_error.textContent = ""; add_event_listener(this.image_events, image, "load", on_image_load.bind(this, image), false); add_event_listener(this.image_events, image, "error", on_image_error.bind(this, image), false); this.image_load_poll = setInterval(on_image_status_poll.bind(this, image), 200); update_preview_size.call(this); image.setAttribute("src", url); update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); }; var clear_image_events = function () { if (this.image_events.length > 0) { on_image_abort.call(this, this.nodes.image); remove_event_listeners(this.image_events); this.image_events = []; if (this.image_load_poll !== null) { clearInterval(this.image_load_poll); this.image_load_poll = null; } } }; var change_zoom_level = function (new_zoom, update_offset, mx, my) { var left, top; if (update_offset) { var rect = style.get_object_rect_relative(this.cpreview.nodes.container), image_rect = style.get_object_rect_relative(this.nodes.image), scale = (this.cpreview_zoom / new_zoom), w = image_rect.width / scale, h = image_rect.height / scale, left_max = (w - rect.width) / w, top_max = (h - rect.height) / h; left = (((mx - rect.left) * (1 - scale)) + (rect.left - image_rect.left)) / image_rect.width; top = (((my - rect.top) * (1 - scale)) + (rect.top - image_rect.top)) / image_rect.height; if (left_max > 0) { if (left < 0) left = 0; else if (left > left_max) left = left_max; left /= left_max; } else { left = 0; } if (top_max > 0) { if (top < 0) top = 0; else if (top > top_max) top = top_max; top /= top_max; } else { top = 0; } } this.cpreview_zoom = new_zoom; update_preview_size.call(this, left, top); }; var set_empty_links_visible = function (visible) { var s1 = "iex_ae_add_annotation_container_empty_visible", s2 = "iex_ae_restore_annotations_container_empty_visible"; if (visible) { style.add_class(this.nodes.edit_container_empty, s1); } else { style.remove_class(this.nodes.edit_container_empty, s1); } if (visible && this.annotations_previous !== this.annotations && this.annotations_previous.length > 0) { style.add_class(this.nodes.edit_container_empty_restore, s2); } else { style.remove_class(this.nodes.edit_container_empty_restore, s2); } }; var clear_previous_annotations = function () { // Clear previous if (this.annotations_previous !== this.annotations) { for (var i = 0; i < this.annotations_previous.length; ++i) { this.annotations_previous[i].destroy(); } this.annotations_previous = this.annotations; this.annotation_text_suffix_previous = null; } }; var set_no_annotations_selected = function () { var ns = this.nodes.edit_color_buttons, i; i = this.nodes.edit_color_selected; if (i >= 0) { style.remove_class(ns[i], "iex_ae_color_selector_selected"); for (i = 0; i < ns.length; ++i) { style.add_class(ns[i], "iex_ae_color_selector_disabled"); } this.nodes.edit_color_selected = -1; } ns = this.nodes.edit_color_index_labels; for (i = 0; i < ns.length; ++i) { style.remove_class(ns[i], "iex_ae_top_color_link_selected"); } this.nodes.edit_font_selector.disabled = true; this.nodes.edit_font_selector.selectedIndex = 0; this.nodes.edit_font_size_selector.disabled = true; this.nodes.edit_font_size_selector.selectedIndex = 0; this.nodes.edit_halign_selector.disabled = true; this.nodes.edit_halign_selector.selectedIndex = 0; this.nodes.edit_valign_selector.disabled = true; this.nodes.edit_valign_selector.selectedIndex = 0; this.nodes.edit_decoration_selector.disabled = true; this.nodes.edit_decoration_selector.selectedIndex = 0; this.nodes.edit_font_bold_check.disabled = true; this.nodes.edit_font_bold_check.checked = false; this.nodes.edit_font_italic_check.disabled = true; this.nodes.edit_font_italic_check.checked = false; this.annotation_selected_index = -1; }; var set_annotation_selected = function (annotation_index, select_text) { if (annotation_index === this.annotation_selected_index) return; // Update selection if (this.annotation_selected_index >= 0) { this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index].set_selected(false); } this.annotation_selected_index = annotation_index; update_annotation_color_selected.call(this); update_annotation_color_index_selected.call(this); update_annotation_align_selected.call(this); update_annotation_font_selected.call(this); update_annotation_font_size_selected.call(this); update_annotation_text_decoration_selected.call(this); update_annotation_font_bold_selected.call(this); update_annotation_font_italic_selected.call(this); this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index].set_selected(true, !select_text); }; var add_new_annotation = function (text_before, simple_mode) { if (this.annotations_previous !== this.annotations) { clear_previous_annotations.call(this); } // Create new var index = this.annotations.length, sz = get_annotation_default_size.call(this, simple_mode), a, m, i; if (text_before === undefined) { if (this.annotation_text_suffix === null) { text_before = null; this.annotation_text_suffix = ""; // will add an additional newline before the tag } else { m = /\s*$/.exec(this.annotation_text_suffix)[0]; i = this.annotation_text_suffix.length - m.length; text_before = this.annotation_text_suffix.substr(0, i); this.annotation_text_suffix = this.annotation_text_suffix.substr(i).replace(/^(?:\r\n?|\n)/, ""); if (text_before.length === 0) text_before = null; } } a = new Annotation(this, { edit: true, index: index, font_size_index: sz.font_size_index, font: settings.values.annotations.defaults.font, bold: settings.values.annotations.defaults.bold, italic: settings.values.annotations.defaults.italic, x: sz.x, y: sz.y, width: sz.width, height: sz.height, text_before: text_before }); this.annotations.push(a); a.add_to(this.nodes.annotation_container, this.nodes.edit_container); if (!simple_mode) { set_empty_links_visible.call(this, false); set_annotation_selected.call(this, index, true); update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); } return a; }; var remove_annotation = function (index, update) { var a = this.annotations[index], tb = a.get_text_before(), tb2, i; // Remove if (this.annotations.length === 1) { this.annotations = []; a.remove_nodes(); this.annotation_text_suffix_previous = this.annotation_text_suffix; } else { this.annotations.splice(index, 1); a.destroy(); } // Update indices for (i = index; i < this.annotations.length; ++i) { this.annotations[i].set_index(i); } // Update text before if (tb !== null) { if (index < this.annotations.length) { tb2 = this.annotations[index].get_text_before(); tb2 = (tb2 === null) ? tb : (tb + "\n" + tb2); this.annotations[index].set_text_before(tb2); } else { tb2 = this.annotation_text_suffix; this.annotation_text_suffix = (tb2 === null) ? tb : (tb + "\n" + tb2); } } // Update selection if (this.annotation_selected_index === index) { i = this.annotation_selected_index; if (i > 0) --i; if (i < this.annotations.length) { this.annotation_selected_index = -1; set_annotation_selected.call(this, i, true); } else { set_no_annotations_selected.call(this); } } else if (this.annotation_selected_index > index) { --this.annotation_selected_index; } // Update text if (update) update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); // Show links if (this.annotations.length === 0) { // Show set_empty_links_visible.call(this, true); } }; var get_annotation_default_size = function (simple_mode) { // New size var x = 0, y = 0, w = 100, h = 100, font_size, s; if (this.image.size.width > 0 && this.image.size.height > 0 && !simple_mode) { // Font size s = Math.min(this.image.size.width, this.image.size.height) / 32; font_size = Annotation.font_size_to_size_info(s); w = Math.round(w * font_size[1] / 16); h = Math.round(h * font_size[1] / 16); // Size if (w > this.image.size.width) { w = this.image.size.width; } else { s = this.image.size.width / this.cpreview.size.width; x = (this.cpreview.size.width - this.cpreview.display.width) * s * this.cpreview.offset_x + (this.cpreview.display.width * s - w) / 2; x = Math.round(x); } if (h > this.image.size.height) { h = this.image.size.height; } else { s = this.image.size.height / this.cpreview.size.height; y = (this.cpreview.size.height - this.cpreview.display.height) * s * this.cpreview.offset_y + (this.cpreview.display.height * s - h) / 2; y = Math.round(y); } } else { font_size = Annotation.font_size_to_size_info(16); } return { font_size_index: font_size[0], x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h, }; }; var rebound_annotations = function () { if (this.image.size.width <= 0 || this.image.size.height <= 0) return; // Update annotation bounds var i, a, sz, pos, x, y, w, h, update; for (i = 0; i < this.annotations.length; ++i) { update = false; a = this.annotations[i]; sz = a.get_size(); pos = a.get_position(); x = pos[0]; y = pos[1]; w = sz[0]; h = sz[1]; if (w > this.image.size.width) { x = 0; w = this.image.size.width; update = true; } else if (x + w > this.image.size.width) { x = this.image.size.width - w; update = true; } if (h > this.image.size.height) { y = 0; h = this.image.size.height; update = true; } else if (y + h > this.image.size.height) { y = this.image.size.height - h; update = true; } if (update) { a.set_annotation_rect(x, y, w, h); } } }; var apply_default_size_to_annotations = function (annotations) { var sz = get_annotation_default_size.call(this, false), i, a; for (i = 0; i < annotations.length; ++i) { a = annotations[i]; a.set_font_size(sz.font_size_index); a.set_annotation_rect(sz.x, sz.y, sz.width, sz.height); } }; var update_annotation_color_selected = function () { var a = this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index], ns = this.nodes.edit_color_buttons, i; if (this.nodes.edit_color_selected >= 0) { style.remove_class(ns[this.nodes.edit_color_selected], "iex_ae_color_selector_selected"); } else { for (i = 0; i < ns.length; ++i) { style.remove_class(ns[i], "iex_ae_color_selector_disabled"); } } this.nodes.edit_color_selected = a.get_color(a.get_color_index_selected()); style.add_class(ns[this.nodes.edit_color_selected], "iex_ae_color_selector_selected"); }; var update_annotation_color_index_selected = function () { var sel = this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index].get_color_index_selected(), cls = "iex_ae_top_color_link_selected", ns, i; ns = this.nodes.edit_color_index_labels; for (i = 0; i < ns.length; ++i) { if (i === sel) { style.add_class(ns[i], cls); } else { style.remove_class(ns[i], cls); } } }; var update_annotation_align_selected = function () { var a = this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index]; this.nodes.edit_halign_selector.disabled = false; this.nodes.edit_halign_selector.selectedIndex = (a.get_align() & Annotation.AlignHorizontal); this.nodes.edit_valign_selector.disabled = false; this.nodes.edit_valign_selector.selectedIndex = (a.get_align() & Annotation.AlignVertical) >> 2; }; var update_annotation_font_selected = function () { var a = this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index]; this.nodes.edit_font_selector.disabled = false; this.nodes.edit_font_selector.selectedIndex = a.get_font(); }; var update_annotation_font_size_selected = function () { var a = this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index]; this.nodes.edit_font_size_selector.disabled = false; this.nodes.edit_font_size_selector.selectedIndex = a.get_font_size(); }; var update_annotation_text_decoration_selected = function () { var a = this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index]; this.nodes.edit_decoration_selector.disabled = false; this.nodes.edit_decoration_selector.selectedIndex = a.get_text_decoration(); }; var update_annotation_font_bold_selected = function () { var a = this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index]; this.nodes.edit_font_bold_check.disabled = false; this.nodes.edit_font_bold_check.checked = a.get_font_bold(); }; var update_annotation_font_italic_selected = function () { var a = this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index]; this.nodes.edit_font_italic_check.disabled = false; this.nodes.edit_font_italic_check.checked = a.get_font_italic(); }; var clear_annotation_lines = function () { var i; // Clear, move into previous if (this.annotations.length > 0) { // Remove nodes of every annotation set_no_annotations_selected.call(this); for (i = 0; i < this.annotations.length; ++i) { this.annotations[i].remove_nodes(); } this.annotations = []; this.annotation_text_suffix_previous = this.annotation_text_suffix; } // Show set_empty_links_visible.call(this, true); }; var load_annotation_lines = function (lines, lines_before, remaining, tag) { if (!this.visible) return; var a_len_pre = this.annotations.length, sz = null, i, j, a, t, can_size; this.annotation_text_suffix = remaining; if (lines.length === 0) { clear_annotation_lines.call(this); } else { // Completely remove previous clear_previous_annotations.call(this); // Hide set_empty_links_visible.call(this, false); // Create new annotations for (i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { if (i < a_len_pre) { a = this.annotations[i]; a.set_text_before(lines_before[i]); } else { a = add_new_annotation.call(this, lines_before[i], true); } } // Select if (this.annotation_selected_index < 0 || this.annotation_selected_index >= i) { set_annotation_selected.call(this, i - 1, true); } // Remove extras while (i < this.annotations.length) { remove_annotation.call(this, i, false); } // Tag and text i = 0; if (tag !== null && (t = Annotator.process_tag(tag)) !== null) { // Load from state j = Math.min(this.annotations.length, t.annotations.length); for (; i < j; ++i) { this.annotations[i].load_from_state(t.annotations[i], lines[i]); } } // Text and default size can_size = (this.image.size.width > 0 && this.image.size.height > 0); if (!can_size) this.update_annotation_sizes_on_image_load = []; for (; i < lines.length; ++i) { a = this.annotations[i]; a.set_text(a.escape_text(lines[i])); if (i >= a_len_pre) { if (can_size) { // Default position if (sz === null) sz = get_annotation_default_size.call(this, false); a.set_font_size(sz.font_size_index); a.set_annotation_rect(sz.x, sz.y, sz.width, sz.height); } else { this.update_annotation_sizes_on_image_load.push(a); } } } // Re-bound rebound_annotations.call(this); } // Update update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); }; var update_annotation_full_text = function (omit_tag) { if (!omit_tag && (this.image.size.width <= 0 || this.image.size.height <= 0 || !this.visible)) return; var text = "", i, a, t; for (i = 0; i < this.annotations.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) text += "\n"; a = this.annotations[i]; if ((t = a.get_text_before()) !== null) { text += t; text += "\n"; } text += ">"; if (a.text_display.length > 0 && a.text_display[0] === ">") text += " "; text += a.text_display; } if (this.annotation_text_suffix !== null) { if (i > 0) text += "\n"; text += this.annotation_text_suffix; ++i; } // Tag if (this.annotations.length > 0 && !omit_tag) { if (i > 0) text += "\n"; text += Annotator.generate_tag(this.image, this.annotations, this.annotation_text_suffix); } // Set text this.qr_controller.set_text(text); }; var on_movable_mousedown = function (event) { if (this.move_event_list.length > 0) { remove_event_listeners(this.move_event_list); this.move_event_list = []; } add_event_listener(this.move_event_list, document, "mousemove", on_movable_document_mousemove.bind(this), true); add_event_listener(this.move_event_list, document, "mouseup", on_movable_document_mouseup.bind(this), true); }; var on_movable_document_mousemove = function (event) { // Potentially moving if (this.qr_resize_timer === null) { this.qr_resize_timer = setTimeout(on_resize_delay_timeout.bind(this), 100); update_size.call(this); } else { this.qr_resized_during_timer = true; } }; var on_movable_document_mouseup = function (event) { // Clear events if (this.qr_resize_timer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.qr_resize_timer); this.qr_resize_timer = null; this.qr_resized_during_timer = false; } remove_event_listeners(this.move_event_list); this.move_event_list = []; update_size.call(this); }; var on_resize_delay_timeout = function () { this.qr_resize_timer = null; if (this.qr_resized_during_timer) { this.qr_resized_during_timer = false; update_size.call(this); } }; var on_window_resize = function (event) { if (this.qr_container !== null) { if (this.qr_resize_timer === null) { this.qr_resize_timer = setTimeout(on_resize_delay_timeout.bind(this), 100); update_size.call(this); } else { this.qr_resized_during_timer = true; } } }; var on_image_load = function (node, event) { if (this.image_load_poll !== null) { // Update image size this.image.size.width = node.naturalWidth; this.image.size.height = node.naturalHeight; style.add_class(node, "iex_ae_preview_image_visible"); update_preview_size.call(this); rebound_annotations.call(this); if (this.update_annotation_sizes_on_image_load !== null) { apply_default_size_to_annotations.call(this, this.update_annotation_sizes_on_image_load); this.update_annotation_sizes_on_image_load = null; } update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); } clear_image_events.call(this); style.add_class(node, "iex_ae_preview_image_loaded"); }; var on_image_error = function (node, event) { clear_image_events.call(this); style.remove_class(node, "iex_ae_preview_image_visible"); style.remove_class(node, "iex_ae_preview_image_loaded"); style.add_class(node, "iex_ae_preview_image_error"); this.nodes.image_error.textContent = "Image failed to load"; }; var on_image_abort = function (node) { }; var on_image_status_poll = function (node) { if (node.naturalWidth > 0 && node.naturalHeight > 0) { clearInterval(this.image_load_poll); this.image_load_poll = null; // Update image size this.image.size.width = node.naturalWidth; this.image.size.height = node.naturalHeight; style.add_class(node, "iex_ae_preview_image_visible"); update_preview_size.call(this); rebound_annotations.call(this); if (this.update_annotation_sizes_on_image_load !== null) { apply_default_size_to_annotations.call(this, this.update_annotation_sizes_on_image_load); this.update_annotation_sizes_on_image_load = null; } update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); } }; var on_container_mouseover = function (event) { show_preview_scrollbars.call(this); }; var on_container_mouseout = function (event) { hide_preview_scrollbars.call(this); }; var on_container_mousewheel = function (event) { if (this.preview_move_events.length === 0) { // Get direction var delta = (event.wheelDelta || -event.detail || 0), new_zoom; if (delta > 0) { if (this.cpreview_zoom < 4) { new_zoom = this.cpreview_zoom + 0.5; } else { new_zoom = this.cpreview_zoom * 2; } if (new_zoom > 32) new_zoom = 32; } else { if (this.cpreview_zoom <= 4) { new_zoom = this.cpreview_zoom - 0.5; } else { new_zoom = this.cpreview_zoom / 2; } if (new_zoom < 1) new_zoom = 1; } if (new_zoom !== this.cpreview_zoom) { change_zoom_level.call(this, new_zoom, true, event.clientX, event.clientY); } } // Stop return stop_event(event); }; var on_container_mousedown = function (event) { var button = get_event_mouse_button(event), display_size = this.cpreview.display, inner_size = this.cpreview.size, w, h; // Stop if (button !== 1 && button !== 2) { return stop_event(event); } // Else, start dragging w = (inner_size.width - display_size.width); h = (inner_size.height - display_size.height); if (w > 0) w = 1.0 / w; else w = 0; if (h > 0) h = 1.0 / h; else h = 0; this.preview_move_speed[0] = w; this.preview_move_speed[1] = h; this.preview_move_origin[0] = event.clientX; this.preview_move_origin[1] = event.clientY; this.preview_move_offset[0] = this.cpreview.offset_x; this.preview_move_offset[1] = this.cpreview.offset_y; remove_event_listeners(this.preview_move_events); this.preview_move_events = []; add_event_listener(this.preview_move_events, document, "mousemove", on_conatiner_move_document_mousemove.bind(this), true); add_event_listener(this.preview_move_events, document, "mouseup", on_conatiner_move_document_mouseup.bind(this), true); // Stop return stop_event(event); }; var on_container_contextmenu = function (event) { return stop_event(event); }; var on_conatiner_move_document_mousemove = function (event) { var xo, yo; xo = this.preview_move_offset[0] + (this.preview_move_origin[0] - event.clientX) * this.preview_move_speed[0]; yo = this.preview_move_offset[1] + (this.preview_move_origin[1] - event.clientY) * this.preview_move_speed[1]; if (xo < 0) xo = 0; else if (xo > 1) xo = 1; if (yo < 0) yo = 0; else if (yo > 1) yo = 1; this.cpreview.set_offset(xo, yo); update_preview_scrollbar_positions.call(this); }; var on_conatiner_move_document_mouseup = function (event) { on_conatiner_move_document_mousemove.call(this, event); remove_event_listeners(this.preview_move_events); this.preview_move_events = []; }; var on_color_index_select = function (index, event) { if (this.annotation_selected_index >= 0) { var a = this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index]; a.set_color_index_selected(index); update_annotation_color_index_selected.call(this); update_annotation_color_selected.call(this); } }; var on_color_select = function (index, event) { if (this.annotation_selected_index >= 0) { var a = this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index]; a.set_color(a.get_color_index_selected(), index); update_annotation_color_selected.call(this); update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); } }; var on_new_note_empty_click = function (event) { on_new_note_click.call(this, event); }; var on_new_note_click = function (event) { add_new_annotation.call(this); }; var on_font_select = function (node, event) { if (this.annotation_selected_index >= 0) { var a = this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index]; a.set_font(parseInt(node.value, 10)); update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); } }; var on_font_scale_select = function (node, event) { if (this.annotation_selected_index >= 0) { var a = this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index]; a.set_font_size(parseInt(node.value, 10)); update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); } }; var on_font_bold_change = function (node, event) { if (this.annotation_selected_index >= 0) { var a = this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index]; a.set_font_bold(node.checked); update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); } }; var on_font_italic_change = function (node, event) { if (this.annotation_selected_index >= 0) { var a = this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index]; a.set_font_italic(node.checked); update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); } }; var on_halign_select = function (node, event) { if (this.annotation_selected_index >= 0) { var a = this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index], align = a.get_align(); align = (align & ~Annotation.AlignHorizontal) | parseInt(node.value, 10); a.set_align(align); update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); } }; var on_valign_select = function (node, event) { if (this.annotation_selected_index >= 0) { var a = this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index], align = a.get_align(); align = (align & ~Annotation.AlignVertical) | parseInt(node.value, 10); a.set_align(align); update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); } }; var on_text_decoration_select = function (node, event) { if (this.annotation_selected_index >= 0) { var a = this.annotations[this.annotation_selected_index]; a.set_text_decoration(parseInt(node.value, 10)); update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); } }; var on_restore_annotations_click = function (event) { if (this.annotations_previous !== this.annotations && this.annotations_previous.length > 0) { // Hide links set_empty_links_visible.call(this, false); // Clear var i; for (i = 0; i < this.annotations.length; ++i) { this.annotations[i].destroy(); } // Restore this.annotations = this.annotations_previous; for (i = 0; i < this.annotations.length; ++i) { this.annotations[i].add_to(this.nodes.annotation_container, this.nodes.edit_container); } this.annotation_text_suffix = this.annotation_text_suffix_previous; this.annotation_text_suffix_previous = null; // Select set_annotation_selected.call(this, 0, true); // Update update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); } }; var on_annotation_event = { select: function (annotation) { if (!annotation.is_selected()) { set_annotation_selected.call(this, annotation.index, false); } }, align: function (annotation) { var a = annotation.get_align(), ha = a & Annotation.AlignHorizontal; a &= ~Annotation.AlignHorizontal; if (ha === Annotation.AlignCenter) ha = Annotation.AlignRight; else if (ha === Annotation.AlignRight) ha = Annotation.AlignLeft; else if (ha === Annotation.AlignLeft) ha = Annotation.AlignJustify; else ha = Annotation.AlignCenter; annotation.set_align(a | ha); if (annotation.is_selected()) { update_annotation_align_selected.call(this); } update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); }, color: function (annotation) { annotation.set_color_index_selected((annotation.get_color_index_selected() + 1) % annotation.get_color_count()); if (annotation.is_selected()) { update_annotation_color_index_selected.call(this); update_annotation_color_selected.call(this); } update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); }, font: function (annotation) { if (annotation.get_font_bold()) { if (annotation.get_font_italic()) { annotation.set_font_bold(false); } else { annotation.set_font_italic(true); } } else { if (annotation.get_font_italic()) { annotation.set_font_italic(false); } else { annotation.set_font_bold(true); } } if (annotation.is_selected()) { update_annotation_font_bold_selected.call(this); update_annotation_font_italic_selected.call(this); } update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); }, font_size: function (annotation) { var size = annotation.get_font_size(); size = (size + 1) % (Annotation.font_size_settings.step_duration * Annotation.font_size_settings.step_count); annotation.set_font_size(size); if (annotation.is_selected()) { update_annotation_font_size_selected.call(this); } update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); }, move_up: function (annotation) { if (annotation.index > 0) { var annotation_index_old = annotation.index, annotation_index_new = annotation_index_old - 1, other = this.annotations[annotation_index_new], b = annotation.get_text_before(); annotation.insert_before(other); annotation.set_index(annotation_index_new); other.set_index(annotation_index_old); this.annotations.splice(annotation_index_old, 1); this.annotations.splice(annotation_index_new, 0, annotation); annotation.set_text_before(other.get_text_before()); other.set_text_before(b); if (this.annotation_selected_index === annotation_index_old) { this.annotation_selected_index = annotation_index_new; } else if (this.annotation_selected_index === annotation_index_new) { this.annotation_selected_index = annotation_index_old; } update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); } }, move_down: function (annotation) { var index_max = this.annotations.length - 1, other, annotation_index_new, annotation_index_old, b; if (annotation.index < index_max) { annotation_index_old = annotation.index; annotation_index_new = annotation_index_old + 1; other = this.annotations[annotation_index_new]; b = annotation.get_text_before(); if (annotation_index_old === index_max - 1) { annotation.add_to(this.nodes.annotation_container, this.nodes.edit_container); } else { annotation.insert_before(this.annotations[annotation_index_new + 1]); } annotation.set_index(annotation_index_new); other.set_index(annotation_index_old); this.annotations.splice(annotation_index_old, 1); this.annotations.splice(annotation_index_new, 0, annotation); annotation.set_text_before(other.get_text_before()); other.set_text_before(b); if (this.annotation_selected_index === annotation_index_old) { this.annotation_selected_index = annotation_index_new; } else if (this.annotation_selected_index === annotation_index_new) { this.annotation_selected_index = annotation_index_old; } update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); } }, remove: function (annotation) { remove_annotation.call(this, annotation.index, true); }, // text_input: function (annotation) {}, text_change: function (/*annotation*/) { update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); }, rect_changed: function (/*annotation*/) { update_annotation_full_text.call(this, false); }, }; AnnotationEditor.prototype = { constructor: AnnotationEditor, set_qr_container: function (qr_container) { if (this.qr_container !== qr_container) { if (this.qr_container !== null) { remove_nodes.call(this); remove_qr_events.call(this); } this.qr_container = qr_container; if (this.qr_container !== null) { create_nodes.call(this); setup_qr_events.call(this); } } }, set_file: function (file, url, mode, extra) { // Set image set_image.call(this, url, mode, extra); }, show: function () { if (this.qr_container === null || this.visible) return; this.visible = true; style.add_class(this.nodes.container, "iex_annotation_editor_visible"); update_size.call(this); //this.load_annotations_from_text(this.qr_controller.get_text()); }, hide: function () { if (this.qr_container === null || !this.visible) return; this.visible = false; style.remove_class(this.nodes.container, "iex_annotation_editor_visible"); update_annotation_full_text.call(this, true); clear_annotation_lines.call(this); }, is_visible: function () { return this.visible; }, load_annotations_from_text: function (text) { var lines = [], lines_before = [], tag = null, m; // Find lines while ((m = re_load_annotations.exec(text)) !== null) { text = text.substr(m.index + m[0].length); lines.push(m[2].trim()); lines_before.push(m[1] === undefined ? null : m[1]); if (m[3].length === 0) { text = null; break; } } // Find tag if (text !== null && (m = re_load_tag.exec(text)) !== null) { // Load tag text = (m[1] === undefined ? null : m[1]); tag = m[3]; } // Load load_annotation_lines.call(this, lines, lines_before, text, tag); }, get_image_scale: function () { return this.preview_scale; }, get_image_size: function () { return this.image.size; }, on_annotation_event: function (annotation, event_name) { var fn = on_annotation_event[event_name]; if (fn !== undefined) { fn.call(this, annotation); } }, }; return AnnotationEditor; })(); // Setup objects style = new Style(); api = new API(); sync = new Sync(); settings = new Settings(); hotkey_manager = new HotkeyManager(); // Execute once page type is detected api.on("page_type_detected", function (event) { if (event.page_type == "board" || event.page_type == "thread" || event.page_type == "catalog") { // Settings settings.setup(); // Insert stylesheet style.insert_stylesheet(); // Create new hover hover = new Hover(); hover.start(); // Create image hover manager image_hover = new ImageHover(hover); settings.on_ready(image_hover.start.bind(image_hover)); // Create image link modifier file_link = new FileLink(); settings.on_ready(file_link.start.bind(file_link)); settings.on_ready(function () { // Check if enabled if (settings.values.annotations.enabled) { // Insert stylesheet style.insert_stylesheet_annotations(); // Annotator var annotator = new Annotator(); settings.on_ready(annotator.start.bind(annotator, image_hover, file_link)); if (settings.values.annotations.editor) { // Quick reply controller new QuickReplyController(); } } }); } else if (event.page_type == "image" || event.page_type == "video") { // Settings settings.setup(); // File view file_view = new FileView(); file_view.on("image", function (image) { // Check if enabled if (settings.values.annotations.enabled_standalone) { // Check url var d = Annotator.check_url(); if (d !== null) { // Insert stylesheet style.insert_stylesheet_annotations(); // Create overlay Annotator.create_image_overlay(image, d); } } }); settings.on_ready(file_view.start.bind(file_view)); } }); api.setup(); })();