// ==UserScript== // @name 4chan Media Player // @version // @namespace dnsev // @description Youtube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, Videncode, and Sounds playback + Sound uploading support // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_info // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @include *://boards.4chan.org/* // @include *://archive.foolz.us/* // @include *://boards.38chan.net/* // @include http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/* // @icon  // @require https://raw.github.com/dnsev/4cs/master/web/jquery.js // @require https://raw.github.com/dnsev/4cs/master/web/zlib.js // @require https://raw.github.com/dnsev/4cs/master/web/png.js // @require https://raw.github.com/dnsev/4cs/master/web/Loop.js // @require https://raw.github.com/dnsev/4cs/master/web/DataImage.js // @require https://raw.github.com/dnsev/4cs/master/web/ve_api.js // @require https://raw.github.com/dnsev/4cs/master/web/MediaPlayer.js // ==/UserScript== // ==Meta== // @updateURL https://raw.github.com/dnsev/4cs/master/web/{{meta}} // @downloadURL https://raw.github.com/dnsev/4cs/master/web/{{target}} // ==/Meta== /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base site version comparing /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var no_load = false; var is_homepage = false; if (/http\:\/\/dnsev\.github\.io\/4cs\//.test(window.location.href + "")) { is_homepage = true; if (/http\:\/\/dnsev\.github\.io\/4cs\/play($|\/.*)/.test(window.location.href + "")) { // play } else { $(document).ready(function () { // Get the version var version = ""; try { version = GM_info.script.version; } catch (e) { try { version = GM_getMetadata("version").toString(); } catch (e) { version = null; } } // Perform an update check document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("api_4cs_version_check", { detail: { version: version } })); }); no_load = true; } } if (/:\/\/boards\.4chan\.org\/f\//.test(window.location.href + "")) { no_load = true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Bug-fixes for other userscripts and compatability /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// window.$.prototype.exists = function () { // Bugfix for 4chan Style Script on Google Chrome in Tampermonkey // Somehow, their pseudo-jQuery conflicts with this legit jQuery return (this.length > 0); } var overwrite = false; try { overwrite = (!GM_getValue || (GM_getValue.toString && GM_getValue.toString().indexOf("not supported") >= 0)); } catch (e) { overwrite = true; } if (overwrite) { // Make sure get/set value functions exist var GM_getValue = function (key, def) { return localStorage.getItem(key, def); }; var GM_setValue = function (key, value) { return localStorage.setItem(key, value); }; var GM_deleteValue = function (key) { return localStorage.removeItem(key); }; } overwrite = false; try { overwrite = !GM_xmlhttpRequest; } catch (e) { overwrite = true; } if (overwrite) { var GM_xmlhttpRequest = function () { alert("Used GM_xmlhttpRequest when not defined."); }; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Multi-use /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var is_38 = ((document.location + "").indexOf("boards.38chan.net") >= 0); var is_archive = !is_38 && ((document.location + "").indexOf("boards.4chan.org") < 0); var string_to_uint8array = function (str) { var array = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(str.length)); for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { array[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); } return array; }; function arraybuffer_to_uint8array(buffer) { return new Uint8Array(buffer); } function uint8array_compare(a1, a2, start1, start2, len) { if (a1.length < start1 + len || a2.length < start2 + len) return false; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (a1[start1 + i] != a2[start2 + i]) return false; } return true; } function is_chrome() { return ((navigator.userAgent + "").indexOf(" Chrome/") >= 0); } function ajax_get(url, return_as_string, callback_data, progress_callback, done_callback) { if (is_chrome()) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", url, true); if (!return_as_string) xhr.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"); xhr.responseType = (return_as_string ? "text" : "arraybuffer"); xhr.onload = function (event) { if (typeof(done_callback) == "function") { if (this.status == 200) { done_callback( true, callback_data, (return_as_string ? this.response : arraybuffer_to_uint8array(this.response)) ); } else { done_callback(false, callback_data, { status: this.status, response: this.response, status_text: this.statusText }); } } }; if (typeof(progress_callback) == "function") { xhr.onprogress = function (event) { progress_callback(event, callback_data); }; } xhr.send(); return xhr; } else { var arg = { method: "GET", url: url, onload: function (event) { if (typeof(done_callback) == "function") { if (event.status == 200) { done_callback( true, callback_data, (return_as_string ? event.responseText : string_to_uint8array(event.responseText)) ); } else { done_callback(false, callback_data, { status: event.status, response: event.responseText, status_text: event.statusText }); } } } }; if (!return_as_string) arg.overrideMimeType = "text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"; if (typeof(progress_callback) == "function") { arg.onprogress = function (event) { progress_callback(event, callback_data); }; } var g = GM_xmlhttpRequest(arg); return g; } } function ajax(data) { var on = data.on || {}; if (is_chrome() || data.force_xhr) { // Create var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Open xhr.open(data.method || "GET", data.url, true); if (data.cred) xhr.withCredentials = true; // Return type if (data.return_type == "arraybuffer") { xhr.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; } else { xhr.responseType = "text"; } // Load if (typeof(on.done) == "function") { xhr.onload = function (event) { if (this.status == 200) { // Convert to array buffer if (data.return_type == "arraybuffer") { this.response = arraybuffer_to_uint8array(this.response); } // Good callback on.done(true, data, this.response); } else { // Bad callback on.done(false, data, { status: this.status, response: this.response, status_text: this.statusText }); } }; } // Progress if (typeof(on.progress) == "function") { xhr.onprogress = function (event) { on.progress(event, data); }; } // Error if (typeof(on.error) == "function") { xhr.onerror = function (event) { on.error(event, data); }; } // Abort if (typeof(on.abort) == "function") { xhr.onabort = function (event) { on.abort(event, data); }; } // Upload progress if (on.upload && typeof(on.upload.progress) == "function") { xhr.upload.onprogress = function (event) { on.upload.progress(event, data); }; } // Upload error if (on.upload && typeof(on.upload.error) == "function") { xhr.upload.onerror = function (event) { on.upload.error(event, data); }; } // Abort if (on.upload && typeof(on.upload.abort) == "function") { xhr.upload.onabort = function (event) { on.upload.abort(event, data); }; } // Send if (data.post_data) xhr.send(data.post_data); else xhr.send(); // Return return xhr; } else { // Args var arg = { method: (data.method || "GET"), url: data.url, }; // Data if (data.post_data) { arg.data = data.post_data; } // Return type if (data.return_type == "arraybuffer") { arg.overrideMimeType = "text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"; } // Load if (typeof(on.done) == "function") { arg.onload = function (event) { if (event.status == 200) { if (data.return_type == "arraybuffer") { event.responseText = arraybuffer_to_uint8array(event.responseText); } on.done(true, data, event.responseText); } else { on.done(false, data, { status: event.status, response: event.responseText, status_text: event.statusText }); } }; } // Progress if (typeof(on.progress) == "function") { arg.onprogress = function (event) { on.progress(event, data); }; } // Error if (typeof(on.error) == "function") { arg.onerror = function (event) { on.error(event, data); }; } // Abort if (typeof(on.abort) == "function") { arg.onabort = function (event) { on.abort(event, data); }; } // Upload progress if (on.upload && typeof(on.upload.progress) == "function") { arg.upload.onprogress = function (event) { on.upload.progress(event, data); }; } // Upload error if (on.upload && typeof(on.upload.error) == "function") { arg.upload.onerror = function (event) { on.upload.error(event, data); }; } // Upload abort if (on.upload && typeof(on.upload.abort) == "function") { arg.upload.onabort = function (event) { on.upload.abort(event, data); }; } // Send var g = GM_xmlhttpRequest(arg); // Return return g; } } function xml_find_nodes_by_name(xml, name) { // Because chrome is bad var nodes = [], n2; for (var n = 0; n < xml.childNodes.length; ++n) { if (xml.childNodes[n].nodeName != "#text") { if (xml.childNodes[n].nodeName == name) nodes.push(xml.childNodes[n]); n2 = xml_find_nodes_by_name(xml.childNodes[n], name); if (n2.length > 0) nodes = nodes.concat(n2); } } return nodes; } function E(elem) { return jQuery(document.createElement(elem)); } function T(text) { return jQuery(document.createTextNode(text)); } function text_to_html(str) { return str.replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(/>/g, ">") .replace(/") .replace(/&/g, "&"); } function string_remove_tags(str) { return str.replace(/<[^>]*>?/g, ""); } function dom_replace(tag, check_callback, replace_callback) { var c = tag.contents(); var sub_tags = [ new Array() ]; var check, t; var f, found = false; var i = 0; for (var j = 0; j < c.length; ++j) { t = $(c[j]); check = check_callback(t, sub_tags[i]); // 0: Ignore tag, don't parse into // 1: Parse standalone // 2: Parse in group if (check <= 1 && sub_tags[i].length > 0) { sub_tags.push(new Array()); ++i; } if (check >= 1) { // Sub-scan f = false; if ( t.prop("tagName") === undefined || t.contents().length <= 0 || !(f = dom_replace(t, check_callback, replace_callback)) ) { sub_tags[i].push(t); } else if (!found && f) { found = true; } } } // Replace for (i = 0; i < sub_tags.length && sub_tags[i].length > 0; ++i) { found = (replace_callback(sub_tags[i]) || found); } // Done return found; } function decode_utf8(s) { return decodeURIComponent(escape(s)); } function encode_utf8(s) { return unescape(encodeURIComponent(s)); } function has_4chan_pass() { var p = document.cookie.match(/pass_enabled=([^;]+)/); return (p ? true : false); } function random_string(len, chars) { var s = ""; chars = chars || "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { s += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)]; } return s; } function random_integer(max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * max); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Any images /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var image_load_function = function (Loop, load_tag_all_sounds, string_to_uint8array, decode_utf8) { var image_load_callback = function (url_or_filename, load_tag, raw_ui8_data, done_callback) { raw_ui8_data = new Uint8Array(raw_ui8_data); // Not an image var ext = url_or_filename.split(".").pop().toLowerCase(); if (ext != "png" && ext != "gif" && ext != "jpg" && ext != "jpeg" && ext != "webm") { done_callback(null); return; } // Footer var has_footer = true; var footer = "4SPF"; for (var i = 0; i < footer.length; ++i) { if (raw_ui8_data[raw_ui8_data.length - footer.length + i] != footer.charCodeAt(i)) { has_footer = false; break; } } // Search image var sounds = []; if (has_footer) { // Not supported done_callback(null); } else { // No footer var magic_strings = [ "OggS\x00\x02" , "moot\x00\x02" , "Krni\x00\x02" ]; var magic_strings_ui8 = [ string_to_uint8array(magic_strings[0]) , string_to_uint8array(magic_strings[1]) , string_to_uint8array(magic_strings[2]) ]; var magic_strings_ui8_length = magic_strings_ui8.length; var magic_strings_fix_size = 4; var len, s, i, j, k, found, tag, temp_tag, data, id; var sound_index = 0; var sound_start_offset = -1; var sound_magic_string_index = -1; var sound_masked_state = null; var sound_masked_mask = null; var unmask_state = 0, mask, unmask_state_temp, mask_temp, masked; var tag_start = 0, tag_start2 = 0, tag_state, tag_mask, tag_pos, tag_indicators = [ "[".charCodeAt(0) , "]".charCodeAt(0) ]; var tag_max_length = 100; var imax = raw_ui8_data.length - magic_strings_ui8[0].length; var ms, t1, ms_len, bit_ord; for (i = 0; i < imax; ++i) { // Unmasking unmask_state = (1664525 * unmask_state + 1013904223) & 0xFFFFFFFF; mask = unmask_state >>> 24; unmask_state += (t1 = (raw_ui8_data[i] ^ mask)); // Tag check if (t1 == tag_indicators[0]) { tag_start = i; tag_state = unmask_state; tag_mask = mask; } if (raw_ui8_data[i] == tag_indicators[0]) tag_start2 = i; // Match headers found = false; masked = false; for (s = 0; s < magic_strings_ui8_length; ++s) { ms = magic_strings_ui8[s]; ms_len = ms.length; for (j = 0; j < ms_len; ++j) { if (raw_ui8_data[i + j] != ms[j]) break; } if (j == ms_len) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { for (s = 0; s < magic_strings_ui8_length; ++s) { ms = magic_strings_ui8[s]; ms_len = ms.length; unmask_state_temp = unmask_state; mask_temp = mask; bit_ord = (raw_ui8_data[i] ^ mask_temp); for (j = 0; true; ) { if (bit_ord != ms[j]) break; if (++j >= ms_len) break; unmask_state_temp = (1664525 * unmask_state_temp + 1013904223) & 0xFFFFFFFF; mask_temp = unmask_state_temp >>> 24; bit_ord = (raw_ui8_data[i + j] ^ mask_temp); unmask_state_temp += bit_ord; } if (j == ms_len) { found = true; masked = true; break; } } } if (found) { // Find the key location tag_pos = i; k = 1; tag = load_tag || "[Name Unknown]"; if (masked) { // Get the tag if (i - tag_start < tag_max_length) { temp_tag = ""; for (j = tag_start + 1; j < i; ++j) { tag_state = (1664525 * tag_state + 1013904223) & 0xFFFFFFFF; tag_mask = tag_state >>> 24; bit_ord = (raw_ui8_data[j] ^ tag_mask); tag_state += bit_ord; if (bit_ord == tag_indicators[1]) break; temp_tag += String.fromCharCode(bit_ord); } if (j < i) { try { tag = decode_utf8(temp_tag); } catch (e) { tag = temp_tag; } tag_pos = tag_start; } } } else { if (i - tag_start2 < tag_max_length) { temp_tag = ""; for (j = tag_start2 + 1; j < i; ++j) { if (raw_ui8_data[j] == tag_indicators[1]) break; temp_tag += String.fromCharCode(raw_ui8_data[j]); } if (j < i) { try { tag = decode_utf8(temp_tag); } catch (e) { tag = temp_tag; } tag_pos = tag_start; } } } tag = (tag && tag !== true ? tag : "?"); // If there was an old sound, complete it if (sounds.length > 0) { image_load_callback_complete_sound( sounds, raw_ui8_data, sound_start_offset, tag_pos, sound_masked_state, sound_masked_mask, sound_magic_string_index, magic_strings_fix_size, magic_strings_ui8 ); } // New sound sounds.push({ "title": tag, "flagged": (load_tag != load_tag_all_sounds && load_tag.toLowerCase() != tag.toLowerCase()), "index": sound_index, "position": i, "data": null, "format": "concat." + s + (masked ? ".masked" : "") }); // Next sound_start_offset = i; sound_magic_string_index = s; sound_masked_state = (masked ? unmask_state : null); sound_masked_mask = (masked ? mask : null); sound_index += 1; } } // Complete any sounds if (sounds.length > 0) { image_load_callback_complete_sound( sounds, raw_ui8_data, sound_start_offset, raw_ui8_data.length, sound_masked_state, sound_masked_mask, sound_magic_string_index, magic_strings_fix_size, magic_strings_ui8 ); } // Fix sound headers s = 0; for (i = 0; i < sounds.length; ++i) { if (sounds[i].data.length > magic_strings_ui8[s].length) { for (j = 0; j < magic_strings_ui8[s].length; ++j) { sounds[i].data[j] = magic_strings_ui8[s][j]; } } } } // Search if (sounds.length == 0) { done_callback(null); return; } // List names var sound_names = []; for (var i = 0; i < sounds.length; ++i) sound_names.push(sounds[i]["title"] + ".ogg"); // Single sound? if (load_tag !== load_tag_all_sounds) { // Find the correct tag to use var found = null; for (var i = 0; i < sounds.length; ++i) { if (sounds[i]["title"] == load_tag) { found = i; break; } } if (found === null) { for (var i = 0; i < sounds.length; ++i) { if (sounds[i]["title"].toLowerCase() == load_tag.toLowerCase()) { found = i; break; } } if (found === null) { found = 0; } } // Modify sounds sounds = [ sounds[found] ]; } // Done done_callback([ sound_names , sounds ]); }; var image_load_callback_asynchronous = function (url_or_filename, load_tag, raw_ui8_data, done_callback) { try { var loop = new Loop(); loop.steps = script.settings["performance"]["async_rate"]; loop.timeout = script.settings["performance"]["async_delay"]; } catch (e) { return image_load_callback(url_or_filename, load_tag, raw_ui8_data, done_callback); } raw_ui8_data = new Uint8Array(raw_ui8_data); // Not an image var ext = url_or_filename.split(".").pop().toLowerCase(); if (ext != "png" && ext != "gif" && ext != "jpg" && ext != "jpeg" && ext != "webm") { done_callback(null); return; } // Footer var has_footer = true; var footer = "4SPF"; for (var i = 0; i < footer.length; ++i) { if (raw_ui8_data[raw_ui8_data.length - footer.length + i] != footer.charCodeAt(i)) { has_footer = false; break; } } // Search image var sounds = []; var on_complete = function () { // Search if (sounds.length == 0) { done_callback(null); return; } // List names var sound_names = []; for (var i = 0; i < sounds.length; ++i) sound_names.push(sounds[i]["title"] + ".ogg"); // Single sound? if (load_tag !== load_tag_all_sounds) { // Find the correct tag to use var found = null; for (var i = 0; i < sounds.length; ++i) { if (sounds[i]["title"] == load_tag) { found = i; break; } } if (found === null) { for (var i = 0; i < sounds.length; ++i) { if (sounds[i]["title"].toLowerCase() == load_tag.toLowerCase()) { found = i; break; } } if (found === null) { found = 0; } } // Modify sounds sounds = [ sounds[found] ]; } // Done done_callback([ sound_names , sounds ]); }; if (has_footer) { // Not supported done_callback(null); } else { // No footer var magic_strings = [ "OggS\x00\x02" , "moot\x00\x02" , "Krni\x00\x02" ]; var magic_strings_ui8 = [ string_to_uint8array(magic_strings[0]) , string_to_uint8array(magic_strings[1]) , string_to_uint8array(magic_strings[2]) ]; var magic_strings_fix_size = 4; var len, s, i, j, k, found, tag, temp_tag, data, id; var sound_index = 0; var sound_start_offset = -1; var sound_magic_string_index = -1; var sound_masked_state = null; var sound_masked_mask = null; var unmask_state = 0, mask, unmask_state_temp, mask_temp, masked; var tag_start = 0, tag_start2 = 0, tag_state, tag_mask, tag_pos, tag_indicators = [ "[".charCodeAt(0) , "]".charCodeAt(0) ]; var tag_max_length = 100; var imax = raw_ui8_data.length - magic_strings_ui8[0].length; var ms, t1; loop.for_lt( 0, imax, 1, {}, function (i, data, loop) { // Unmasking unmask_state = (1664525 * unmask_state + 1013904223) & 0xFFFFFFFF; mask = unmask_state >>> 24; unmask_state += (t1 = (raw_ui8_data[i] ^ mask)); // Tag check if (t1 == tag_indicators[0]) { tag_start = i; tag_state = unmask_state; tag_mask = mask; } if (raw_ui8_data[i] == tag_indicators[0]) tag_start2 = i; // Match headers found = false; masked = false; for (s = 0; s < magic_strings_ui8.length; ++s) { ms = magic_strings_ui8[s]; for (j = 0; j < ms.length; ++j) { if (raw_ui8_data[i + j] != ms[j]) break; } if (j == ms.length) { found = true; break; } if (found) break; } if (!found) { for (s = 0; s < magic_strings_ui8.length; ++s) { ms = magic_strings_ui8[s]; unmask_state_temp = unmask_state; mask_temp = mask; for (j = 0; true; ) { if ((raw_ui8_data[i + j] ^ mask_temp) != ms[j]) break; if (++j >= ms.length) break; unmask_state_temp = (1664525 * unmask_state_temp + 1013904223) & 0xFFFFFFFF; mask_temp = unmask_state_temp >>> 24; unmask_state_temp += (raw_ui8_data[i + j] ^ mask_temp); } if (j == ms.length) { found = true; masked = true; break; } } } if (found) { // Find the key location tag_pos = i; k = 1; tag = load_tag || "[Name Unknown]"; if (masked) { // Get the tag if (i - tag_start < tag_max_length) { temp_tag = ""; for (j = tag_start + 1; j < i; ++j) { tag_state = (1664525 * tag_state + 1013904223) & 0xFFFFFFFF; tag_mask = tag_state >>> 24; tag_state += (raw_ui8_data[j] ^ tag_mask); if ((raw_ui8_data[j] ^ tag_mask) == tag_indicators[1]) break; temp_tag += String.fromCharCode(raw_ui8_data[j] ^ tag_mask); } if (j < i) { tag = temp_tag; tag_pos = tag_start; } } } else { if (i - tag_start2 < tag_max_length) { temp_tag = ""; for (j = tag_start2 + 1; j < i; ++j) { if (raw_ui8_data[j] == tag_indicators[1]) break; temp_tag += String.fromCharCode(raw_ui8_data[j]); } if (j < i) { tag = temp_tag; tag_pos = tag_start; } } } tag = (tag && tag !== true ? tag : "?"); // If there was an old sound, complete it if (sounds.length > 0) { image_load_callback_complete_sound( sounds, raw_ui8_data, sound_start_offset, tag_pos, sound_masked_state, sound_masked_mask, sound_magic_string_index, magic_strings_fix_size, magic_strings_ui8 ); } // New sound sounds.push({ "title": tag, "flagged": (load_tag != load_tag_all_sounds && load_tag.toLowerCase() != tag.toLowerCase()), "index": sound_index, "position": i, "data": null, "format": "concat." + s + (masked ? ".masked" : "") }); // Next sound_start_offset = i; sound_magic_string_index = s; sound_masked_state = (masked ? unmask_state : null); sound_masked_mask = (masked ? mask : null); //i += magic_strings_ui8[s].length; } return i; }, function (i, data, loop) { // Complete any sounds if (sounds.length > 0) { image_load_callback_complete_sound( sounds, raw_ui8_data, sound_start_offset, raw_ui8_data.length, sound_masked_state, sound_masked_mask, sound_magic_string_index, magic_strings_fix_size, magic_strings_ui8 ); } // Fix sound headers s = 0; for (i = 0; i < sounds.length; ++i) { if (sounds[i].data.length > magic_strings_ui8[s].length) { for (j = 0; j < magic_strings_ui8[s].length; ++j) { sounds[i].data[j] = magic_strings_ui8[s][j]; } } } on_complete(); } ); } } var image_check_callback = function (url_or_filename, raw_ui8_data, callback_data, done_callback) { raw_ui8_data = new Uint8Array(raw_ui8_data); // Not an image var ext = url_or_filename.split(".").pop().toLowerCase(); if (ext != "png" && ext != "gif" && ext != "jpg" && ext != "jpeg" && ext != "webm") { done_callback(null); return; } // Footer var has_footer = true; var footer = "4SPF"; for (var i = 0; i < footer.length; ++i) { if (raw_ui8_data[raw_ui8_data.length - footer.length + i] != footer.charCodeAt(i)) { has_footer = false; break; } } // Search image if (has_footer) { // Not supported done_callback(null, done_callback); } else { var sounds = [0, [], []]; var magic_strings = [ "OggS\x00\x02" , "moot\x00\x02" , "Krni\x00\x02" ]; var magic_strings_ui8 = [ string_to_uint8array(magic_strings[0]) , string_to_uint8array(magic_strings[1]) , string_to_uint8array(magic_strings[2]) ]; var magic_strings_fix_size = 4; var len, s, i, j, k, found, tag, temp_tag, data, id; var unmask_state = 0, mask, unmask_state_temp, mask_temp, masked; var tag_start = 0, tag_start2 = 0, tag_state, tag_mask, tag_pos, tag_indicators = [ "[".charCodeAt(0) , "]".charCodeAt(0) ]; var tag_max_length = 100; var imax = raw_ui8_data.length - magic_strings_ui8[0].length; var ms, t1; var loop = new Loop(); loop.steps = script.settings["performance"]["async_rate"]; loop.timeout = script.settings["performance"]["async_delay"]; loop.for_lt( 0, imax, 1, {}, function (i, data, loop) { // Unmasking unmask_state = (1664525 * unmask_state + 1013904223) & 0xFFFFFFFF; mask = unmask_state >>> 24; unmask_state += (t1 = (raw_ui8_data[i] ^ mask)); // Tag check if (t1 == tag_indicators[0]) { tag_start = i; tag_state = unmask_state; tag_mask = mask; } if (raw_ui8_data[i] == tag_indicators[0]) tag_start2 = i; // Match headers found = false; masked = false; for (s = 0; s < magic_strings_ui8.length; ++s) { ms = magic_strings_ui8[s]; for (j = 0; j < ms.length; ++j) { if (raw_ui8_data[i + j] != ms[j]) break; } if (j == ms.length) { found = true; break; } if (found) break; } if (!found) { for (s = 0; s < magic_strings_ui8.length; ++s) { ms = magic_strings_ui8[s]; unmask_state_temp = unmask_state; mask_temp = mask; for (j = 0; true; ) { if ((raw_ui8_data[i + j] ^ mask_temp) != ms[j]) break; if (++j >= ms.length) break; unmask_state_temp = (1664525 * unmask_state_temp + 1013904223) & 0xFFFFFFFF; mask_temp = unmask_state_temp >>> 24; unmask_state_temp += (raw_ui8_data[i + j] ^ mask_temp); } if (j == ms.length) { found = true; masked = true; break; } } } if (found) { // Find the key location tag_pos = i; k = 1; tag = "[Name Unknown]"; if (masked) { // Get the tag if (i - tag_start < tag_max_length) { temp_tag = ""; for (j = tag_start + 1; j < i; ++j) { tag_state = (1664525 * tag_state + 1013904223) & 0xFFFFFFFF; tag_mask = tag_state >>> 24; tag_state += (raw_ui8_data[j] ^ tag_mask); if ((raw_ui8_data[j] ^ tag_mask) == tag_indicators[1]) break; temp_tag += String.fromCharCode(raw_ui8_data[j] ^ tag_mask); } if (j < i) { tag = temp_tag; tag_pos = tag_start; } } } else { if (i - tag_start2 < tag_max_length) { temp_tag = ""; for (j = tag_start2 + 1; j < i; ++j) { if (raw_ui8_data[j] == tag_indicators[1]) break; temp_tag += String.fromCharCode(raw_ui8_data[j]); } if (j < i) { tag = temp_tag; tag_pos = tag_start; } } } tag = tag || "?"; // Old sound if (sounds[0] > 0) { sounds[2][sounds[2].length - 1] += i; } // New sound ++sounds[0]; sounds[1].push(tag + ".ogg"); sounds[2].push(-i); } // Done return i; }, function (i, data, loop) { // Old sound if (sounds[0] > 0) { sounds[2][sounds[2].length - 1] += raw_ui8_data.length; } else { sounds = null; } done_callback(sounds, callback_data); } ); } } var image_load_callback_complete_sound = function (sounds, raw_ui8_data, sound_start_offset, sound_end_offset, sound_masked_state, sound_masked_mask, sound_magic_string_index, magic_strings_fix_size, magic_strings_ui8) { // Set data var id = sounds.length - 1; sounds[id].data = raw_ui8_data.subarray(sound_start_offset, sound_end_offset); var sound_data = sounds[id].data; var sound_data_len = sound_data.length; // Fix var i, j, k; if (sound_masked_state !== null) { i = 0; var bit_ord = (sound_data[i] ^ sound_masked_mask); while (true) { sound_data[i] = bit_ord; // Done/next if (++i >= sound_data_len) break; sound_masked_state = (1664525 * sound_masked_state + 1013904223) & 0xFFFFFFFF; sound_masked_mask = sound_masked_state >>> 24; bit_ord = (sound_data[i] ^ sound_masked_mask); sound_masked_state += bit_ord; } } if (sound_magic_string_index != 0) { var len = sound_data.length - magic_strings_fix_size; for (j = 0; j < len; ++j) { for (k = 0; k < magic_strings_fix_size; ++k) { if (sound_data[j + k] != magic_strings_ui8[sound_magic_string_index][k]) break; } if (k == magic_strings_fix_size) { // Fix it for (k = 0; k < magic_strings_fix_size; ++k) { sound_data[j + k] = magic_strings_ui8[0][k]; } j += magic_strings_fix_size - 1; } } } } return { load: image_load_callback, load_async: image_load_callback_asynchronous, check: image_check_callback, }; }; var image_load = null; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PNG images /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var png_load_function = function (Loop, load_tag_all_sounds, DataImage, DataImageReader) { var png_load_callback = function (url_or_filename, load_tag, raw_ui8_data, done_callback) { raw_ui8_data = new Uint8Array(raw_ui8_data); // Not a PNG if (url_or_filename.split(".").pop().toLowerCase() != "png") { done_callback(null); return; } // Load image from data var img = new DataImage(raw_ui8_data); // Unpack files var reader = new DataImageReader(img); var r = reader.unpack(); if (typeof(r) == typeof("")) { // Error done_callback(null); return; } // Done done_callback(png_load_callback_find_correct(r, load_tag)); }; var png_load_callback_asynchronous = function (url_or_filename, load_tag, raw_ui8_data, done_callback) { raw_ui8_data = new Uint8Array(raw_ui8_data); // Not a PNG if (url_or_filename.split(".").pop().toLowerCase() != "png") { done_callback(null); return; } // Loop for image decoding var i_loop = new Loop(); i_loop.steps = script.settings["performance"]["async_rate"]; i_loop.timeout = script.settings["performance"]["async_delay"]; // Load image from data var img = new DataImage( raw_ui8_data, {}, function (img, data) { // Loop var loop = new Loop(); loop.steps = script.settings["performance"]["async_rate"]; loop.timeout = script.settings["performance"]["async_delay"]; // Unpack files var reader = new DataImageReader(img); reader.unpack_asynchronous(function (r) { if (typeof(r) == typeof("")) { // Error done_callback(null); } else { // Loaded done_callback(png_load_callback_find_correct(r, load_tag)); } }, loop); }, function (img, data) { // Error done_callback(null); }, true, i_loop ); }; var png_check_callback = function (url_or_filename, raw_ui8_data, callback_data, done_callback) { raw_ui8_data = new Uint8Array(raw_ui8_data); // Not a PNG if (url_or_filename.split(".").pop().toLowerCase() != "png") { done_callback(null, callback_data); return; } try { // Loop for image decoding var i_loop = new Loop(); i_loop.steps = script.settings["performance"]["async_rate"]; i_loop.timeout = script.settings["performance"]["async_delay"]; var img = new DataImage( raw_ui8_data, {}, function (img, data) { // Unpack files var reader = new DataImageReader(img); var about = reader.unpack_names(); if (typeof(about) !== typeof("") && about[0] > 0) { // Has images done_callback(about, callback_data); } else { done_callback(null, callback_data); } }, function () { // Error done_callback(null, callback_data); }, true, i_loop ); } catch (e) { done_callback(null, callback_data); } }; var png_load_callback_find_correct = function (r, load_tag) { if (r[0].length == 0) { return null; } // List names var sound_names = []; for (var i = 0; i < r[0].length; ++i) sound_names.push(r[0][i]); // Loaded var ret = []; var found = false; var earliest = -1; var earliest_name = ""; for (var i = 0; i < r[0].length; ++i) { var filename = r[0][i].split("."); var ext = filename.pop(); filename = filename.join("."); // Must be an ogg if (ext.toLowerCase() == "ogg") { if (load_tag === load_tag_all_sounds) { // Load all ret.push({ "title": filename, "flagged": false, "index": i, "position": -1, "data": r[1][i], "format": "stego" }); found = true; } else { // Tag match if (filename.toLowerCase() == load_tag.toLowerCase()) { ret.push({ "title": filename, "flagged": false, "index": i, "position": -1, "data": r[1][i], "format": "stego" }); found = true; break; } if (earliest < 0) { earliest = i; earliest_name = filename; } } } } // Nothing found if (!found) { if (earliest >= 0) { ret.push({ "title": earliest_name, "flagged": true, "index": earliest, "position": -1, "data": r[1][earliest], "format": "stego" }); } else { return [ sound_names , null ]; } } return [ sound_names , ret ]; }; return { load: png_load_callback, load_async: png_load_callback_asynchronous, check: png_check_callback, }; }; var png_load = null; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Thread Manager /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ThreadManager() { // Manager this.posts = {}; this.post_queue = []; this.post_queue_timeout = null; var self = this; // xch API if (xch) { xch.api.on("post_prepare", function (event) { self.xch_parse_post(event.post, event.post_instance); }); //xch.api.on("post_unprepare", function (event) {}); var posts = xch.api.get("posts"); for (var i = 0, j; i < posts.length; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < posts[i].instances.length; ++j) { this.xch_parse_post(posts[i], posts[i].instances[j]); } } } else { // Update content if (is_archive) { $(".thread") .each(function (index) { if ($(this).attr("id")) { // needs an id if (index == 0) { self.post_queue.push($(this)); } } }); } this.check_for_posts_in($("body")); // Mutation manager var MutationObserver = (window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver); if (MutationObserver) { try { var mo = new MutationObserver(function (records) { for (var i = 0; i < records.length; ++i) { if (records[i].type == "childList") { var nodes; if ((nodes = records[i].addedNodes)) { for (var j = 0; j < nodes.length; ++j) { // Check self.on_dom_mutation_add($(nodes[j])); } // Parse if (self.post_queue.length > 0) { self.parse_group(); } } if ((nodes = records[i].removedNodes)) { for (var j = 0; j < nodes.length; ++j) { // Check self.on_dom_mutation_remove($(nodes[j])); } } } } }); mo.observe( $("body")[0], { "childList": true, "subtree": true, "characterData": true } ); } catch (e) { console.log(e); MutationObserver = null; } } if (!MutationObserver) { $("body") .on("DOMNodeInserted", function (event) { self.on_dom_mutation_add($(event.target)); // Parse if (self.post_queue.length > 0) { self.parse_group(); } return true; }) .on("DOMNodeRemoved", function (event) { self.on_dom_mutation_remove($(event.target)); return true; }); } // Parse posts this.parse_group(); } } ThreadManager.prototype = { constructor: ThreadManager, check_for_posts_in: function (container) { var self = this; container.find(is_38 ? ".post" : (is_archive ? ".post" : ".postContainer")) .each(function (index) { if (!$(this).hasClass("stub")) { self.post_queue.push($(this)); } }); }, parse_group: function () { if (this.post_queue_timeout == null) { // Execute var len = this.post_queue.length; if (script.settings["performance"]["post_parse_group_size"] > 0 && len > script.settings["performance"]["post_parse_group_size"]) { len = script.settings["performance"]["post_parse_group_size"]; } for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { var p = this.post_queue[i]; this.post_queue[i] = null; if (p != null) this.parse_post(p); } this.post_queue.splice(0, len); // Create timer if more exist if (this.post_queue.length > 0) { var self = this; this.post_queue_timeout = setTimeout(function () { self.post_queue_timeout = null; self.parse_group(); }, script.settings["performance"]["post_parse_group_delay"] * 1000); } } }, post_exists: function (post_id) { if (post_id in this.posts) return true; for (var i = 0; i < this.post_queue.length; ++i) { if (this.post_queue[i] == null) continue; var id = (this.post_queue[i].attr("id") || "0").replace(/(\w+_)?[^0-9]/g, ""); if (id == post_id) return true; } return false; }, on_dom_mutation_add: function (target) { // Updating if (target.hasClass("thread") || target.hasClass("board")) { this.check_for_posts_in(target); } else if ((target.hasClass("postContainer") || target.hasClass("post")) && target.attr("id") !== undefined && !target.hasClass("stub")) { this.post_queue.push(target); } else if (target.attr("id") == "qr" || target.attr("id") == "quickReply") { inline_manager.uploader.append_controls(target); } else if (target.attr("id") == "soundsPanel") { inline_manager.uploader.hide_other_panel(target); } }, on_dom_mutation_remove: function (target) { // Updating inline_manager.uploader.removal_check(target); // Removal checking if (target[0].mp_data_removal_check_function) { target[0].mp_data_removal_check_function.call(target[0], target[0].mp_data_removal_check_function_data); } }, parse_post: function (container) { // Get id var post_id; if (is_38) { post_id = (container.find(".intro .post_no:nth-of-type(2)").html() || "").trim(); } else { post_id = container.attr("id"); } post_id = (post_id || "0").replace(/(\w+_)?[^0-9]/g, ""); var redo = !!container.attr("data-4cs-attached");//this.post_exists(post_id); container.attr("data-4cs-attached", "true"); var image = container.find(is_38 ? ".fileinfo a" : (is_archive ? ".thread_image_link" : ".fileThumb")); if (is_38 && container.hasClass("op")) { image = container.parent().find(".fileinfo:nth-of-type(1) a"); } var post = container.find(is_38 ? ".body" : (is_archive ? ".text" : ".postMessage")); image = (image.length > 0 ? (image.attr("href") || "") : null); // Redirect links from the archive if (is_archive && image !== null) { var match; if ((match = /\/(\w+)\/redirect\/(.+)/.exec(image)) !== null) { // match.index image = "//images.4chan.org/" + match[1] + "/src/" + match[2]; } } // Original image name var image_name = null; if (image !== null) { if (is_archive) { // Archive method var ft = container.find(".post_file"); if (ft.length > 0) { var c; if ((c = $(ft[0]).find(".post_file_filename")) && c.length > 0) { // Shortened filename image_name = c.attr("title"); } else { c = $(ft[0]).contents(); if (c.length > 2) { // Not OP image_name = $(c[2]).text(); if (image_name) { image_name = image_name.trim(); image_name = image_name.substr(0, image_name.length - 1); } } else { // OP image_name = $(c[0]).text(); if (image_name) image_name = image_name.split(",").splice(2).join(",").trim(); } } } } else if (is_38) { // TODO : fix this to get the original filename } else { var ft = container.find(".fileText"); if (!(image_name = ft.attr("data-filename"))) { // 4chan x method // Default method image_name = ft.find("span"); if (image_name.length > 0 && image_name.last().attr("title")) { image_name = image_name.last().attr("title"); } else if ((image_name = ft.find("a")).length > 0) { image_name = $(image_name[image_name.length - 1]).html().trim(); } else { image_name = null; } } } // Deafult if (!image_name) { image_name = image.split("/").pop(); } } // Data var post_data_copy = { "container": container, "image_url": image, "image_name": image_name, "post": (post.length > 0 ? $(post[0]) : null) }; if (post_data_copy.post != null) { if (!redo) { this.posts[post_id] = post_data_copy; } // Auto checking images inline_manager.parse_post(this.posts[post_id], redo, post_data_copy); if (script.settings["inline"]["url_replace"]) { inline_manager.parse_post_for_urls(this.posts[post_id], redo, post_data_copy); } } }, xch_parse_post: function (xch_post, xch_instance) { // Data var post_data = { container: xch_instance.container, image_url: (xch_post.image ? xch_post.image.url || null : null), image_name: (xch_post.image ? xch_post.image.filename_original || null : null), post: xch_instance.container.find(".post_body").first() }; var redo = (xch_post.id in this.posts); if (!redo) { this.posts[xch_post.id] = post_data; } // Auto checking images inline_manager.parse_post(this.posts[xch_post.id], redo, post_data); if (script.settings["inline"]["url_replace"]) { inline_manager.parse_post_for_urls(this.posts[xch_post.id], redo, post_data); } }, post: function (index) { index += ""; return (index in this.posts ? this.posts[index] : null); } } var thread_manager = null; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Settings /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function SettingsManager(inline_manager) { var self = this; // Insert stylesheet $("head") .append( //{ Stylesheet E("style") .attr("id", "MPStyleSettings") // random_string(16 + random_integer(17))) .html( ".MPMenu,.MPMenu.post.reply{display:inline-block !important;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;box-shadow:0px 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.25);z-index:10001;margin:0px !important;padding:2px !important;width:auto !important;height:auto !important;}\n" + ".MPMenuClosed,.MPMenu.MPMenuClosed,.MPMenu.MPMenuClosed.post.reply{display:none !important;}\n" + "a.MPMenuItem,a.MPMenuItem:link,a.MPMenuItem:visited{display:block !important;padding:2px !important;text-decoration:none !important;}" + ".MPMenuItem + .MPMenuItem{margin-top:1px;}\n" + ".MPSettingsContainerOuter{position:fixed;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;z-index:10001;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.25);}\n" + ".MPSettingsClosed{display:none !important;}\n" + ".MPSettingsContainerInner{position:relative;width:100%;height:100%;}\n" + "div.MPSettingsBox{display:block !important;position:absolute !important;left:25%;top:15%;right:25%;bottom:15%;border:0px !important;box-shadow:0px 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.25);border-radius:6px !important;padding:0px !important;margin:0px !important;overflow:hidden;width:auto !important;}\n" + "div.MPSettingsTitleContainer{position:relative;z-index:1;padding:4px !important;}\n" + "div.MPSettingsTitle{position:relative;display:inline-block !important;font-size:2em !important;vertical-align:top !important;font-weight:bold;}\n" + "div.MPSettingsTitleVersion{padding-left:4px !important;display:inline-block !important;vertical-align:top !important;font-style:italic;}\n" + "a.MPSettingsTitleUpdate{position:absolute;right:4px;top:4px;vertical-align:top !important;}\n" + "div.MPSettingsContainer{overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto;margin:4px !important;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;position:absolute;}\n" + ".MPSettingsSingleLabel{font-size:1.25em !important;font-weight:bold;padding:2px 2px 2px 0px !important;}\n" + ".MPSettingsSingleContainer + .MPSettingsSingleLabel{margin-top:4px;}\n" + ".MPSettingsSingleContainer{border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.125);padding:1px !important;border-radius:2px;}\n" + ".MPSettingsSingleItem{padding:2px !important;position:relative;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.03125);}\n" + ".MPSettingsSingleItem.MPSettingsSingleItemEven{background:rgba(0,0,0,0.0625) !important;}\n" + ".MPSettingsSingleItem + .MPSettingsSingleItem{margin-top:1px !important;}\n" + ".MPSettingsSingleItem:hover{z-index:1;}\n" + ".MPSettingsSingleItemValue{float:right;}\n" + ".MPSettingsSingleItemValueAfter{clear:both;}\n" + ".MPSettingsSingleItemLabel{}\n" + ".MPSettingsSingleItemDescription{font-size:0.8em !important;opacity:0.5 !important;}\n" + "input.MPSettingsTextbox[type=text]{padding:2px !important;margin:0px !important;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.03125) !important;border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.125) !important;color:inherit !important;}\n" + ".MPSettingsTextboxRight{text-align:right;}\n" + ".MPSettingsTextboxContainer{position:relative;}\n" + ".MPSettingsTextboxLinkContainer{position:absolute;right:2px;top:2px;}\n" ) ); //} // Menu this.menu_order = true; $("body").append( //{ Menu (this.menu_list = E("div")) .addClass("MPMenu MPMenuClosed MPHighlightShadow2px") .addClass(is_archive ? "post_wrapper" : "reply post") .append( E("a") .addClass("MPMenuItem") .attr("href", "#") .html("Open Player") .on("click", {item:0}, function (event) { return self.on_menu_item_click($(this), event); }) ) .append( E("a") .addClass("MPMenuItem") .attr("href", "#") .html("Settings") .on("click", {item:1}, function (event) { return self.on_menu_item_click($(this), event); }) ) .append( E("a") .addClass("MPMenuItem") .attr("href", "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/") .attr("target", "_blank") .html("Homepage") .on("click", {item:2}, function (event) { return self.on_menu_item_click($(this), event); }) ) .append( E("a") .addClass("MPMenuItem") .attr("href", "#") .html("Help") .on("click", {item:3}, function (event) { return self.on_menu_item_click($(this), event); }) ) .append( E("a") .addClass("MPMenuItem") .attr("href", "#") .html("Load All") .on("click", {item:4}, function (event) { return self.on_menu_item_click($(this), event); }) ) ); //} $(document) .on("scroll", {}, function (event) { self.menu_close(); }) .on("click", {}, function (event) { self.menu_close(); }); var script_name = "Userscript"; var version = ""; try { script_name = GM_info.script.name; version = GM_info.script.version; } catch (e) { try { script_name = GM_getMetadata("name").toString(); version = GM_getMetadata("version").toString(); } catch (e) {} } $("body").append( //{ Settings (this.settings_container = E("div")) .addClass("MPSettingsContainerOuter MPSettingsClosed") .on("click", {}, function (event) { self.settings_close(); }) .append( E("div") .addClass("MPSettingsContainerInner") .append( E("div") .addClass("MPSettingsBox MPHighlightShadow2px") .addClass(is_archive ? "post_wrapper" : "reply post") .on("click", {}, function (event) { return false; }) .append( (this.settings_region_title = E("div")) .addClass("MPSettingsTitleContainer") .append( E("div") .addClass("MPSettingsTitle") .html(script_name) ) .append( E("div") .addClass("MPSettingsTitleVersion") .html(version) ) .append( (this.settings_update_link = E("a")) .addClass("MPSettingsTitleUpdate") .css("display", "none") .attr("href", "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/") .attr("target", "_blank") .html("An update is available!") .on("click", function (event) { if (event.which == 1) { script.on_update_click(event); return false; } return true; }) ) ) .append( (this.settings_region = E("div")) .addClass("MPSettingsContainer") ) ) ) ); //} // Management this.section_default = "Other Settings"; this.sections = {}; this.settings_data = []; if (xch) { // xch menu xch.api.on("main_menu_open", function (event) { // Build option var option = { html: ( E("a") .attr("href", "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/") .attr("target", "_blank") .text("Media Player") ), order: 1, on: { click: { callback_data: self, callback: function (event) { if (event.which != 1) return true; event.data.option.menu.close(); return false; } } }, options: [{ html: ( E("a") .attr("href", "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/") .attr("target", "_blank") .text("Open Player") ), on: { click: { callback_data: { self: self, item: 0 }, callback: function (event) { if (event.which != 1) return true; event.data.option.menu.close(); return event.data.callback_data.self.on_menu_item_click(this, event); } } } }, { html: ( E("a") .attr("href", "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/") .attr("target", "_blank") .text("Settings") ), on: { click: { callback_data: { self: self, item: 1 }, callback: function (event) { if (event.which != 1) return true; event.data.option.menu.close(); return event.data.callback_data.self.on_menu_item_click(this, event); } } } }, { html: ( E("a") .attr("href", "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/") .attr("target", "_blank") .text("Homepage") ), on: { click: { callback_data: { self: self, item: 2 }, callback: function (event) { if (event.which != 1) return true; event.data.option.menu.close(); return event.data.callback_data.self.on_menu_item_click(this, event); } } } }, { html: ( E("a") .attr("href", "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/") .attr("target", "_blank") .text("Help") ), on: { click: { callback_data: { self: self, item: 3 }, callback: function (event) { if (event.which != 1) return true; event.data.option.menu.close(); return event.data.callback_data.self.on_menu_item_click(this, event); } } } }, { html: ( E("a") .attr("href", "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/") .attr("target", "_blank") .text("Load All") ), on: { click: { callback_data: { self: self, item: 4 }, callback: function (event) { if (event.which != 1) return true; event.data.option.menu.close(); return event.data.callback_data.self.on_menu_item_click(this, event); } } } }] }; // Add event.menu.add_option(option); }); } else if (inline_manager.mode == "4chanx3") { // 4chan-x 3 var menu_close = function () { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CloseMenu", { detail: {} })); }; var sub_entries = [{ el: (E("a")) .attr("href", "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/") .attr("target", "_blank") .html("Open Player")[0], open: function () { $(this.el).off("click").on("click", {menu_close: menu_close, item: 0}, function (event) { return self.on_menu_item_click(this, event); }); return true; }, type: "header" }, { el: (E("a")) .attr("href", "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/") .attr("target", "_blank") .html("Settings")[0], open: function () { $(this.el).off("click").on("click", {menu_close: menu_close, item: 1}, function (event) { return self.on_menu_item_click(this, event); }); return true; }, type: "header" }, { el: (E("a")) .attr("href", "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/") .attr("target", "_blank") .html("Homepage")[0], open: function () { $(this.el).off("click").on("click", {menu_close: menu_close, item: 2}, function (event) { return self.on_menu_item_click(this, event); }); return true; }, type: "header" }, { el: (E("a")) .attr("href", "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/") .attr("target", "_blank") .html("Help")[0], open: function () { $(this.el).off("click").on("click", {menu_close: menu_close, item: 3}, function (event) { return self.on_menu_item_click(this, event); }); return true; }, type: "header" }, { el: (E("a")) .attr("href", "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/") .attr("target", "_blank") .html("Load All")[0], open: function () { $(this.el).off("click").on("click", {menu_close: menu_close, item: 4}, function (event) { return self.on_menu_item_click(this, event); }); return true; }, type: "header" }]; var el; (el = E("a")) .attr("href", "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/") .attr("target", "_blank") .html("Media Player"); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("AddMenuEntry", { detail: { el: el[0], open: function () { $(this.el).off("click").on("click", function (event) { if (event.which != 1) menu_close(); return (event.which != 1); }); return true; }, type: "header", subEntries: sub_entries, order: 130 } })); } } SettingsManager.prototype = { constructor: SettingsManager, on_menu_item_click: function (link, event) { var close = true; var menu_close = null; var item = -1; if (event.data.callback_data) { close = false; item = event.data.callback_data.item; } else if (event.data.menu_close) { menu_close = event.data.menu_close; item = event.data.item; } else { item = event.data.item; } var ret = true; if (event.which == 1) { switch (item) { case 0: { media_player_manager.open_player(true); ret = false; } break; case 1: { this.settings_open(); ret = false; } break; case 3: { inline_manager.display_info("help"); ret = false; } break; case 4: { // Load all if (sound_auto_loader.enabled) { sound_auto_loader.disable(); } else { sound_auto_loader.enable(); } ret = false; } break; default: { event.stopPropagation(); } break; } } if (close) { if (menu_close) menu_close.call(this); else this.menu_close(); } return ret; }, menu_arrange_order: function (order) { if (order !== this.menu_order) { this.menu_order = order; var items = this.menu_list.find(".MPMenuItem"); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) { $(items[i]).parent().prepend(items[i]); } } }, menu_open: function (parent) { this.menu_list.removeClass("MPMenuClosed"); this.menu_arrange_order(InlineManager.prototype.position_relative(parent, this.menu_list, [0,2], [false, true])[1]); }, menu_close: function () { this.menu_list.addClass("MPMenuClosed"); }, settings_open: function () { this.settings_container.removeClass("MPSettingsClosed"); this.settings_region.css("top", this.settings_region_title.outerHeight() + "px"); this.settings_region.scrollTop(0); }, settings_close: function () { this.settings_container.addClass("MPSettingsClosed"); }, settings_update_all: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.settings_data.length; ++i) { if ("values" in this.settings_data[i]) { // Regen this.settings_data[i].update_value.call(this.settings_data[i]); this.setting_update_link(this.settings_data[i]); } } }, setting_update_link: function (data) { if (data.change_link) { var i; for (i = 0; i < data.values.length; ++i) { if (data.current == data.values[i]) break; } data.change_link .off("click") .on("click", {values: data.values, descr: data.descr, current: i % data.values.length, change: data.change}, function (event) { if (event.which == 1) { event.data.current = (event.data.current + 1) % event.data.values.length; $(this).html(event.data.descr[event.data.current]); event.data.change(event.data.values[event.data.current]); return false; } return true; }) .html(data.descr[i % data.values.length]); } }, setting_add: function (data) { this.settings_data.push(data); // Section label var section = data.section || this.section_default; if (!(section in this.sections)) { var c, s; (c = E("div")) .addClass("MPSettingsSingleLabel") .html(section); if (this.section_default in this.sections) { this.sections[this.section_default][0].before(c); } else { this.settings_region.append(c); } c.after( (s = E("div")) .addClass("MPSettingsSingleContainer") ); this.sections[section] = [ c , s , 0 ]; } // Setup var container = this.sections[section][1]; // Value clickable var value = ""; data.change_link = null; if ("values" in data) { // Re-get value data.update_value.call(data); // HTML (value = data.change_link = E("a")) .attr("href", "#"); this.setting_update_link(data); } else if ("html" in data) { value = data.html; } // HTML var label; container.append( E("div") .addClass("MPSettingsSingleItem MPHighlightShadow2pxOnHover" + (this.sections[section][2] % 2 == 1 ? "" : " MPSettingsSingleItemEven")) .append( E("div") .addClass("MPSettingsSingleItemValue") .html( value ) ) .append( (label = E("div")) .addClass("MPSettingsSingleItemLabel") .html(data.label) ) .append( E("div") .addClass("MPSettingsSingleItemValueAfter") ) ); if (data.description) { label.after( E("div") .addClass("MPSettingsSingleItemDescription") .html(data.description) ); } ++this.sections[section][2]; }, }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Uploader /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function InlineUploader(inline_manager) { var self = this; this.mode = ""; this.open = false; this.auto_opened = false; this.default_no_image_text = "no image selected"; this.max_size = parseInt($("input[name=MAX_FILE_SIZE]").val() || "") || 3145728; this.observer = null; this.upload_modified = false; this.form_submit_button_clone = null; this.error_container = null; this.uploading = false; this.abortable_upload = null; this.good_header = string_to_uint8array("OggS\x00\x02"); this.use_original_animation = false; if (script.settings["upload"]["enabled"]) { // Inline notice (for plebeians) var pf = $("#postForm"); if (pf.length > 0) { $($(pf[0]).find("tbody").find(".rules")[0]).before( E("tr") .append( E("td") .html("Sounds") ) .append( E("td") .html("Sound posting is only enabled in quick reply.
Get a real extension.") ) ); } if (script.settings["upload"]["block_other_scripts"]) { pf.find(".soundsLinkDiv").remove(); } } this.mime_types = { audio: ["audio/ogg", "video/ogg"], image: ["image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif", "video/webm"] }; // Post data this.post_fields = { "MAX_FILE_SIZE": {type:0, alt:["MAX_FILE_SIZE",function (form, container) { var p = $("*[name=MAX_FILE_SIZE]"); return (p.length > 0 ? p.val() : null); }]}, "mode": {type:1, value:"regist"}, "resto": {type:0, missing:true, alt:["resto",function (form, container) { var t = container.find("select[title~=\"thread\"]"); return (t.length == 1 && t.val() != "new") ? t.val() : null; },function (form, container) { var p = $("*[name=resto]"); return (p.length > 0 ? p.val() : null); }]}, "name": {type:0, alt:["name",function (form, container) { var x = form.find("input[data-name=\"name\"]"); return (x.length > 0 ? x.val() : null); }]}, "email": {type:0, alt:["email",function (form, container) { var x = form.find("input[data-name=\"email\"]"); return (x.length > 0 ? x.val() : null); }]}, "sub": {type:0, alt:["sub",function (form, container) { var x = form.find("input[data-name=\"sub\"]"); return (x.length > 0 ? x.val() : null); }]}, "com": {type:0, alt:["com",function (form, container) { var x = form.find("textarea.field"); return (x.length > 0 ? x.val() : null); }]}, "recaptcha_challenge_field": {type:0, blank:false, missing_with_pass:true, alt:["recaptcha_challenge_field",function (form, container) { var x = form.find((self.mode == "4chanx3" ? ".captcha-img img" :".captchaimg img")); return (x.length > 0 ? x.attr("src").match(/\?c=([A-Za-z0-9\-_]*)/)[1] : null); }]}, "recaptcha_response_field": {type:0, blank:false, missing_with_pass:true, blank_error:"Captcha missing", alt:["recaptcha_response_field",function (form, container) { var c = form.find((self.mode == "4chanx3" ? ".captcha-input.field" : ".captchainput .field")); return (c.length == 1 ? c.val() : null); }]}, "upfile": {type:3, key:"file", missing:true}, "filetag": {type:0, alt:["filetag"], missing:true}, "spoiler": {type:2, alt:["spoiler",function (form, container) { var x = form.find("#qr-file-spoiler"); return (x.length > 0 ? x : null); }], value:"on", missing:true}, "pwd": {type:0, alt:["pwd",function (form, container) { var p = document.cookie.match(/4chan_pass=([^;]+)/); return (p ? decodeURIComponent(p[1]) : null); },function (form, container) { var p = $("input[name=pwd]"); return (p.length > 0 ? p.val() : null); }]}, }; // Stylesheet $("head") .append( //{ Stylesheet E("style") .attr("id", "MPStyleUploader") // random_string(16 + random_integer(17))) .html( ".MPSoundUploaderSoundLabel{display:inline-block !important;}\n" + "label:not([hidden]) + .MPSoundUploaderSoundLabel{margin:0px 0px 0px 8px !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderSoundLabel + label:not([hidden]) {margin:0px 0px 0px 8px !important;}\n" + "span#qrSpoiler + .MPSoundUploaderSoundLabel{margin:0px 0px 0px 8px !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderSoundLabel input[type=checkbox]{vertical-align:middle !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploader{overflow:hidden;position:relative;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderSeparator{margin:4px 0px 0px 0px !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderHeader{text-align:center !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderFileSelectorContainer{display:block;overflow:hidden;height:0px !important;width:0px !important;opacity:0.0;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderSoundList{margin:0px !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderSoundList > div:not(.MPSoundUploaderSoundListNone) + div{margin-top:0.25em;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderSoundListNone{}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderSoundListItem{margin-left:2em;position:relative;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderSoundListItem > input[type=text]{display:inline-block !important;margin-left:0px !important;width:100%;font-style:italic;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderSoundListItem > .MPSoundUploaderSoundListItemCheck:not(:checked) + input[type=text]{text-decoration:line-through !important;}\n" + "input[type=text].MPSoundUploaderSoundListItemBad{color:#d00 !important;text-decoration:line-through !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderSoundListItemTagName{font-style:normal !important;width:100% !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderSoundListItemOriginal .MPSoundUploaderSoundListItemTagName{font-weight:bold !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderSoundListItemCheck,.MPSoundUploaderSoundListItemTagName + .MPSoundUploaderSoundListItemCheck + div.riceCheck{position:absolute;left:-1.75em;top:0px;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderSoundCounter{display:inline-block !important;margin-left:0.5em !important;font-weight:bold;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderSoundCounter > span{display:inline-block;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderSoundCounter > span + span{margin-left:0.25em;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderBytesAvailableContainer{display:inline-block !important;margin-left:0.5em !important;opacity:0.75;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderBytesAvailableContainer > span{display:inline-block;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderBytesAvailableContainer > span + span{margin-left:0.25em;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderBytesAvailable{font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderBytesAvailableLabel{font-style:italic;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderModifiedIndicator{display:inline-block !important;margin-left:0.5em !important;font-weight:bold;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderModifiedIndicator.MPSoundUploaderModifiedIndicatorOff{display:none !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderImageFilenameContainer{margin-left:2em;position:relative !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderImageFilename{display:inline-block !important;margin-left:0px !important;width:100% !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderImageFilenameNotSet{font-style:italic;cursor:pointer !important;}\n" + "input[type=text].MPSoundUploaderImageFilenameBad{color:#d00 !important;text-decoration:line-through !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderImageFilenameContainer > input[type=checkbox],.MPSoundUploaderImageFilename + input[type=checkbox] + div.riceCheck{position:absolute;left:-1.75em;top:0px;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderSoundFilename{cursor:pointer !important;width:100% !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderRelater{position:relative !important;width:100%;height:0px;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderSpacer{height:0.25em;width:100%;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderLinksContainer{margin:0.25em 0.25em 0px 0.25em !important;display:block;text-align:right !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderHelpLink{}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderOriginalFileUploadHidden{opacity:0 !important;}\n" + "div > input[type=submit].MPSoundUploaderOriginalSubmitButtonHidden{display:none !important;width:0px !important;height:0px !important;max-width:0px !important;max-height:0px !important;opacity:0 !important;overflow:hidden !important;vertical-align:top !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderDragDropNotifier{display:block;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.125);z-index:1;font-size:2em;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderDragDropNotifier.MPSoundUploaderDragDropNotifierOff{display:none !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderCustomError{color:red;cursor:pointer;padding-left:6px;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderBiggerAlert{opacity:0.8;padding-top:2px;}\n" + ".MPSoundUploaderBiggerAlertHidden{display:none !important;}\n" + ((script.settings["upload"]["enabled"] && script.settings["upload"]["block_other_scripts"]) ? ( "div.soundsLinkDiv{display:none !important}\n" + "div#soundsPanel{display:none !important}\n" ) : "") ) ); //} // Search var qr = $("#qr"); if (qr.length > 0) this.append_controls(qr); else if ((qr = $("#quickReply")).length > 0) this.append_controls(qr); } InlineUploader.prototype = { constructor: InlineUploader, nullify: function () { this.observer.disconnect(); this.observer = null; }, append_controls: function (target) { if (!script.settings["upload"]["enabled"]) return; // Type var form = target.find("form"); if (target.attr("id") == "quickReply") this.mode = "inline"; else if (target.attr("id") == "qr") { this.mode = "4chanx"; if (target.find("input#qr-file-spoiler").length > 0) this.mode = "4chanx3"; else if (target.find("#qrtab.move").length > 0) this.mode = "appchanx"; else if (form.find("#spoilerLabel").find(".riceCheck").length > 0) this.mode += "+ss"; } // Alias var self = this; // Hide others if (script.settings["upload"]["block_other_scripts"]) form.find(".soundsLinkDiv").css("display", "none"); // Vars this.auto_load_file = null; this.reply_container = target; this.reply_form = form; this.form_file_select = form.find("input[type=file]"); this.form_submit_button = form.find("input[type=submit]"); this.form_submit_button_sub = null; this.form_file_select_parent = this.form_file_select.parent(); var form_file_select_rice = null; if (this.mode == "4chanx") { var sp = form.find("#spoilerLabel"); sp.find("input[type=checkbox]").css("vertical-align", "middle"); // why devs sp.after( //{ Sounds checkbox E("label") .addClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundLabel") .append( (this.enable_checkbox = E("input")) .attr("type", "checkbox") ) .append( "Sounds" ) ); //} } else if (this.mode == "4chanx3") { var sp = form.find("#file-n-submit"); var main_div; sp.after( //{ Sounds checkbox (main_div = E("div")) .html( E("label") .addClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundLabel") .append( (this.enable_checkbox = E("input")) .attr("type", "checkbox") ) .append( "Sounds" ) ) .append( (this.error_container = E("span")) .addClass("MPSoundUploaderCustomError") .css("display", "none") .on("click", function (event) { $(this).html("").css("display", "none"); }) ) ); //} if (!($("html").hasClass("seaweedchan") || $("html").hasClass("ihavenoface") || $("html").hasClass("zixaphir"))) { main_div.css({ position: "relative", "margin-top": "20px" }); } } else if (this.mode == "4chanx+ss") { var sp = form.find("#spoilerLabel"); sp.after( E("label") .addClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundLabel") .append( (this.enable_checkbox = E("input")) .attr("type", "checkbox") .attr("hidden", "true") ) .append("
") .append( E("span") .attr("vertical-align", "middle") .html("Sounds") ) ); sp.css({"position": "relative", "left": "0px", "top": "0px"}); } else if (this.mode == "appchanx") { form_file_select_rice = this.form_file_select_parent.find("#file"); var sp = form.find("#spoilerLabel"); var d; sp.before( (d = E("div")) .css("text-align", "left") ); d.append(sp); sp.css("width", "auto"); sp.before( E("label") .addClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundLabel") .append( (this.enable_checkbox = E("input")) .attr("type", "checkbox") .attr("hidden", "true") ) .append("
") .append( E("span") .attr("vertical-align", "middle") .html("Sounds") ) ); sp.css({"position": "relative", "left": "0px", "top": "0px"}); } else if (this.mode == "inline") { var sp = form.find("#qrSpoiler"); if (sp.length == 0) sp = form.find("#qrFile"); sp.parent().after(sp); // move this sp.nextAll("div:not([class]):not([id])").remove(); // remove the message put in the constructor var spc = sp.find("label").contents(); $(spc[spc.length - 1]).after($(spc[spc.length - 1]).text().replace(/\]/, " ]")).remove(); // formatting sp.find("input[type=checkbox]").css("vertical-align", "middle"); // why moot sp.after( E("label") .addClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundLabel") .append("[") .append( (this.enable_checkbox = E("input")) .attr("type", "checkbox") ) .append( "Sounds ]" ) ); } // Bigger message form.append( (this.bigger_alert = E("div")) .addClass("MPSoundUploaderBiggerAlert MPSoundUploaderBiggerAlertHidden") .append( "Sounds image not working? Make it " ) .append( E("a") .attr("href", "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/#bigger") .attr("target", "_blank") .html("bigger") ) .append("!") ); var MutationObserver = (window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver); if (MutationObserver) { try { var error_obj = $($(".MPSoundUploaderCustomError,#qrError,.warning")[0]); var mo = new MutationObserver(function (records) { if (error_obj.html().trim().length == 0 || !error_obj.is(":visible")) { // Disappeared self.bigger_alert.addClass("MPSoundUploaderBiggerAlertHidden"); } else { // Appeared self.bigger_alert.removeClass("MPSoundUploaderBiggerAlertHidden"); } }); mo.observe( error_obj[0], { "attributes": true, "characterData": true, "subtree": true, "childList": true } ); } catch (e) { console.log(e); MutationObserver = null; } } // Enabling this.enable_checkbox.on("click", {}, function (event) { self.set_panel_state($(this).is(":checked"), null); }) // Relation if (this.use_original_animation) { if (this.mode == "4chanx" || this.mode == "appchanx") { form.find(".captchainput").after( (this.relater = E("div")) .addClass("MPSoundUploaderRelater") .append( (this.form_submit_button_sub = E("div")) ) ); } } // Controls form.append( (this.control_panel = E("div")) .addClass("MPSoundUploader") .css("display", "none") ); // Separator if (this.mode == "4chanx" || this.mode == "4chanx+ss") { this.control_panel.append( E("hr") .addClass("abovePostForm MPSoundUploaderSeparator") ); } else if (this.mode == "inline") { this.control_panel.append( E("div") .addClass("postblock MPSoundUploaderHeader") .html("Sounds") ); } // New file select this.control_panel .append( E("div") .addClass("MPSoundUploaderFileSelectorContainer") .append( (this.form_file_select_file = E("input")) .attr("type", "file") .attr("max", (this.form_file_select.attr("max") || this.max_size.toString())) .attr("accept", this.mime_types.image.join(", ")) ) .append( (this.form_file_select_sound = E("input")) .attr("type", "file") .attr("max", (this.form_file_select.attr("max") || this.max_size.toString())) .attr("accept", this.mime_types.audio.join(", ") + ", " + this.mime_types.image.join(", ")) .attr("multiple", "true") ) ); // Old file select this.form_file_select.on("change", function (event) { self.on_file_change_old(event, $(this)); }); // More this.sound_image = null; this.sound_list_items = []; this.control_panel //{ .append( E("div").addClass("MPSoundUploaderSpacer") ) .append( //{ Stats E("div") .html( "Sounds:" ) .append( (this.sound_count_container = E("span")) .addClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundCounter") .attr("title", "0 sounds") .append( (this.sound_count = E("span")) .html("0") ) .append( (this.sound_count_sep = E("span")) .css("display", "none") .html("+") ) .append( (this.sound_count_original = E("span")) .css("display", "none") .html("0") ) ) .append( E("span") .addClass("MPSoundUploaderBytesAvailableContainer") .append( E("span") .html("[") ) .append( (this.file_size_available = E("span")) .addClass("MPSoundUploaderBytesAvailable") .css("display", "none") .html("?") ) .append( (this.file_size_available_sep = E("span")) .css("display", "none") .html("/") ) .append( (this.file_size_available_full = E("span")) .addClass("MPSoundUploaderBytesAvailable") .html("?") ) .append( E("span") .addClass("MPSoundUploaderBytesAvailableLabel") .html("available") ) .append( E("span") .html("]") ) ) .append( (this.upload_modified_indicator = E("span")) .addClass("MPSoundUploaderModifiedIndicator MPSoundUploaderModifiedIndicatorOff") .html("*") .attr("title", "This indicates that your image will be re-encoded on upload") ) ) //} .append( E("div").addClass("MPSoundUploaderSpacer") ) .append( E("div") .addClass("MPSoundUploaderImageFilenameContainer") .append( (this.sound_image_display = E("input")) .attr("type", "text") .addClass("MPSoundUploaderImageFilename MPSoundUploaderImageFilenameNotSet field") .attr("readonly", "true") .attr("value", this.default_no_image_text) .on("click", {"obj": this.form_file_select_file}, function (event) { event.data.obj.click(); $(this).blur(); return false; }) ) .append( (this.remove_sound_image = E("input")) .attr("type", "checkbox") .css("display", "none") .on("change", {}, function (event) { return self.on_image_checkbox(event, $(this)); }) ) ) .append( E("div").addClass("MPSoundUploaderSpacer") ) .append( (this.sound_list = E("div")) .addClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundList") .html( (this.sound_list_none = E("div")) .addClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundListItem MPSoundUploaderSoundListNone") .append( E("input") .addClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundFilename field") .attr("type", "text") .attr("readonly", "true") .attr("value", "add a new sound") .on("click", {"obj": this.form_file_select_sound}, function (event) { event.data.obj.click(); $(this).blur(); return false; }) ) ) ); //} // Help if (script.settings["upload"]["show_help"]) { this.control_panel.append( E("div") .addClass("MPSoundUploaderLinksContainer") .append("[ ") .append( E("a") .attr("href", "#") .html("Help") .addClass("MPSoundUploaderHelpLink") .on("click", function (event) { if (event.which == 1) { inline_manager.display_info("upload help"); return false; } return true; }) ) .append(" ]") ); } this.control_panel.append( E("div").addClass("MPSoundUploaderSpacer") ); // Captcha reloading form.find(".captchaimg img,#qrCaptcha,.captcha-img img") .on("load", {form: form}, function (event) { var cv = event.data.form.find(".captchainput .field,#qrCapField,.captcha-input.field"); if (cv.attr("placeholder_temp") !== undefined) { cv .attr("placeholder", cv.attr("placeholder_temp")) .removeAttr("placeholder_temp") .removeAttr("readonly"); } }); // Drag/drop this.control_panel .append( (this.drag_drop_notifier = E("div")) .addClass("MPSoundUploaderDragDropNotifier MPSoundUploaderDragDropNotifierOff") .html("Drop Images and Sounds Here") ) .on("dragover", function (event) { return self.on_container_dragover(event, $(this)); }) .on("dragenter", function (event) { return self.on_container_dragenter(event, $(this)); }) .on("dragexit", function (event) { return self.on_container_dragexit(event, $(this)); }) .on("drop", function (event) { return self.on_container_drop(event, $(this)); }); // Events this.form_file_select_file.on("change", {sound: false}, function (event) { self.on_file_change(event, $(this)); }); this.form_file_select_sound.on("change", {sound: true}, function (event) { self.on_file_change(event, $(this)); }); // Make enter in the captcha field work form.find("input[name=recaptcha_response_field],.captchainput .field").on("keydown", function (event) { if (event.which == 13 && self.form_submit_button_clone) { self.form_submit_button_clone.click(); $(this).blur(); return false; } return true; }); // Observer var MutationObserver = (window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver); if (MutationObserver) { try { this.observer = new MutationObserver(function (records) { for (var i = 0; i < records.length; ++i) { if (records[i].target.hidden) { // Hidden self.set_panel_state(false, {instant: true}); } } }); this.observer.observe(target[0], {"attributes": true}); } catch (e) { console.log(e); this.observer = null; } } }, on_container_dragover: function (event, obj) { event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "move"; // Done return false; }, on_container_dragenter: function (event, obj) { this.drag_drop_notifier.removeClass("MPSoundUploaderDragDropNotifierOff"); // Done return false; }, on_container_dragexit: function (event, obj) { this.drag_drop_notifier.addClass("MPSoundUploaderDragDropNotifierOff"); // Done return false; }, on_container_drop: function (event, obj) { // Close overlay this.drag_drop_notifier.addClass("MPSoundUploaderDragDropNotifierOff"); // Load if (event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files.length; ++i) { // Whip up a nice fake event here this.on_file_change({ target: { files: [ event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files[i] ] }, data: { auto_detect: true } }, null); } } else { // not implemented } // Done return false; }, set_panel_state: function (open, vars) { if (open == this.open) return; this.open = open; if (this.enable_checkbox.is(":checked") != this.open) { this.enable_checkbox.prop("checked", true); if (this.enable_checkbox.is(":checked") != this.open) { this.enable_checkbox.click(); } } var ani_speed = (vars && vars.instant ? 0 : script.settings["upload"]["animation_time"] * 1000); var self = this; if (open) { // Open this.auto_opened = (vars && vars.auto_opened) || false; this.control_panel.css("display", ""); this.error(""); // Animate closed var h; if (this.use_original_animation) { h = this.form_file_select_parent.height(); this.form_file_select_parent.attr("_mp_animate_height", h); this.form_file_select_parent.css({ "height": this.form_file_select_parent.height() + "px", "overflow": "hidden" }); this.form_file_select_parent.stop(true).animate({ "height": 0 },{ duration: ani_speed, complete: function () { $(this).css({"height": "0px", "display": "none"}); } }); } else { // Object list var objs = [this.form_file_select[0]]; // Rice var o = this.reply_form.find("#file,.riceFile,#qr-file-button,#qr-no-file,#qr-filename,#qr-filerm"); for (var i = 0; i < o.length; ++i) { objs.push(o[i]); } // Animate $(objs) .attr("disabled", "disabled") .stop(true).animate({ "opacity": 0.0 },{ duration: ani_speed, complete: function () { $(this) .css("opacity", "0.0") .addClass("MPSoundUploaderOriginalFileUploadHidden"); } }); } // Stuff if (this.form_submit_button_sub == null) { // Clone this.form_submit_button.after( (this.form_submit_button_clone = this.form_submit_button.clone()) ); this.form_submit_button.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } else { var o1 = this.relater.offset(); var o2 = this.form_submit_button.offset(); var s; this.form_submit_button.after(s = E("div")); this.form_submit_button_sub.replaceWith( (this.form_submit_button_clone = this.form_submit_button.clone()) .css({ "position": "absolute", "left": (o2.left - o1.left) + "px", "top": (o2.top - o1.top) + "px", "margin": "0px", "padding": "0px", "z-index": "1", "width": this.form_submit_button.outerWidth() + "px", "height": this.form_submit_button.outerHeight() + "px" }) ); this.form_submit_button_sub = s; } this.form_submit_button.addClass("MPSoundUploaderOriginalSubmitButtonHidden").attr("hidden", ""); this.form_submit_button_clone.on("click", function (event) { self.on_form_submit(event, $(this)); return false; }); // Animate open h = this.control_panel.height(); this.control_panel.css("height", "0px").stop(true).animate({ "height": h },{ duration: ani_speed, complete: function () { $(this).css({"height": ""}); if (self.auto_load_file != null && (!vars || vars.auto_load !== false)) self.change_image(self.auto_load_file); } }); } else { // Animate open if (this.use_original_animation) { this.form_file_select_parent.css("display", "").stop(true).animate({ "height": parseFloat(this.form_file_select_parent.attr("_mp_animate_height")) },{ duration: ani_speed, complete: function () { $(this).css("overflow", "").removeAttr("_mp_animate_height"); } }); } else { // Object list var objs = [this.form_file_select[0]]; // Rice var o = this.reply_form.find("#file,.riceFile,#qr-file-button,#qr-no-file,#qr-filename,#qr-filerm"); for (var i = 0; i < o.length; ++i) { objs.push(o[i]); } // Animate $(objs) .removeClass("MPSoundUploaderOriginalFileUploadHidden") .removeAttr("disabled") .stop(true).animate({ "opacity": 1.0 },{ duration: ani_speed, complete: function () { $(this).css("opacity", ""); } }); } // Animate closed this.control_panel.css("height", this.control_panel.height() + "px").stop(true).animate({ "height": 0.0 },{ duration: ani_speed, complete: function () { $(this).css({"height": "", "display": "none"}); // Stuff if (self.form_submit_button_sub == null) { self.form_submit_button_clone.remove(); self.form_submit_button.removeAttr("disabled"); } else { var s; self.form_submit_button_clone.after(s = E("div")); self.form_submit_button_clone.remove(); self.form_submit_button_sub.remove(); self.form_submit_button_sub = s; } this.form_submit_button_clone = null; self.form_submit_button.removeClass("MPSoundUploaderOriginalSubmitButtonHidden").removeAttr("hidden"); // Reset self.reset(); } }); } }, reset: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.sound_list_items.length; ++i) { this.sound_list_items[i].item.remove(); } this.sound_list_items = []; this.remove_image(); this.upload_modified = false; }, hide_other_panel: function (target) { if (!script.settings["upload"]["enabled"]) return; if (script.settings["upload"]["block_other_scripts"]) { this.form_submit_button.removeAttr("disabled"); var self = this; setTimeout(function () { self.error( E("span") .append("4cs has blocked another ") .append( E("a") .attr("href", "#") .html("uploader userscript") .on("click", function () { inline_manager.display_info("uploader blocked"); return false; }) ), true ); }, 100); } }, change_image: function (file, ext_data) { var self = this; this.sound_image = { original_file: file, file_name: file.name, source: null, size: -1, truncate_to: -1, mime_type: file.type, }; this.sound_image_display.val(this.sound_image.file_name); this.sound_image_display .removeClass("MPSoundUploaderImageFilenameBad") .removeClass("MPSoundUploaderImageFilenameNotSet"); // Un-original-ify for (var i = 0; i < this.sound_list_items.length; ++i) { if (this.sound_list_items[i].is_original) { this.sound_list_items[i].is_original = false; this.sound_list_items[i].item.removeClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundListItemOriginal"); } } // Checkbox this.remove_sound_image .css("display", "") .prop("checked", true); if (!this.remove_sound_image.is(":checked")) this.remove_sound_image.click(); // Parse callback var files_callback = function (data, files, type) { // TODO // Find starting point and load for (var i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) { if (data.truncate_to < 0 || files[i].position < data.truncate_to) { data.truncate_to = files[i].position; } self.add_sound(files[i], true); } }; if (ext_data) { // This skips the validation this.sound_image.source = ext_data.source; this.sound_image.size = this.sound_image.source.length; files_callback(this.sound_image, ext_data.files); return; } // Image complete function var img_good = function () { // Update self.update_sound_count(); // Check for stuff self.image_check_callback(self.sound_image, media_player_manager.callbacks, 0, files_callback); }; // Read the file source var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (event) { self.sound_image.source = new Uint8Array(event.target.result); self.sound_image.size = self.sound_image.source.length; if (self.sound_image.size > self.max_size) { self.remove_image(); self.error("Image too large"); return; } self.sound_image_display.attr("title", self.bytes_to_size(self.sound_image.size) + " (" + InlineManager.prototype.commaify_number(self.sound_image.size) + " byte" + (self.sound_image.size == 1 ? "" : "s") + ")"); if (script.settings["upload"]["validate_files"]) { var blob_url = (window.webkitURL || window.URL).createObjectURL(new Blob([self.sound_image.source], {type: self.sound_image.mime_type})); // Validation image var img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { (window.webkitURL || window.URL).revokeObjectURL(blob_url); img_good(); }; img.onerror = function() { (window.webkitURL || window.URL).revokeObjectURL(blob_url); self.on_bad_image(); } img.src = blob_url; } else { img_good(); } }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); }, add_sound: function (file, original, pseudo_original) { // File can either be: // 1) a File() object (if original = false) // 2) a return value of an image-audio decoding (if original = true) var self = this; var file_tag = (original ? file.title : file.name).replace(/.og[ga]$/i, ""); // Data var data = { file_name: file.name, is_original: original && !pseudo_original, source: null, size: -1, original_format: (original && !pseudo_original ? file.format : ""), original_tag: file_tag }; var maxlen = 98; (data.item = E("div")) .html( E("div") .addClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundListItem") .append( (data.tag_name = E("input")) .addClass("field MPSoundUploaderSoundListItemTagName") .attr("type", "text") .attr("maxlength", maxlen.toString()) .val(file_tag) .on("change", function () { // Update value var v = $(this).val().replace(/\[/g, "").replace(/\]/g, ""); if (v.length > maxlen) v = v.substr(0, maxlen); while (v.length > 0 && encode_utf8(v).length > maxlen) v = v.substr(0, v.length - 1); // uft8 safe $(this).val(v); // Change tag self.update_modified_check(); // Update size requirements self.update_sound_count(); }) ) .append( (data.checkbox = E("input")) .addClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundListItemCheck") .attr("type", "checkbox") .prop("checked", true) .on("change", {data: data}, function (event) { return self.on_sound_checkbox(event, $(this)); }) ) ); if (data.is_original) { this.sound_list.prepend(data.item); data.item.addClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundListItemOriginal"); } else { this.sound_list_none.before(data.item); } // Add to list this.sound_list_items.push(data); // Mod change this.update_modified_check(); this.update_sound_count(); // Done callback var sound_good = function () { // Update self.update_sound_count(); }; // Validate callback var validate = function () { if (data.size > self.max_size) { self.remove_sound(data, true); self.error("Sound file too large"); return; } if (!uint8array_compare(self.good_header, data.source, 0, 0, self.good_header.length)) { self.remove_sound(data, true); self.error("Invalid .ogg file"); return; } data.item.attr("title", self.bytes_to_size(data.size) + " (" + InlineManager.prototype.commaify_number(data.size) + " byte" + (data.size == 1 ? "" : "s") + ")"); if (script.settings["upload"]["validate_files"]) { var blob_url = (window.webkitURL || window.URL).createObjectURL(new Blob([data.source], {type: "audio/ogg"})); // Validation sound var audio; $("body").append( (audio = E("audio")) .css("display", "none") .on("durationchange", function() { (window.webkitURL || window.URL).revokeObjectURL(blob_url); $(this).remove(); sound_good(); }) .on("error", function() { (window.webkitURL || window.URL).revokeObjectURL(blob_url); $(this).remove(); self.on_bad_sound(data); }) ); audio.attr("src", blob_url); } else { sound_good(); } }; // Read the file source if (original) { data.source = file.data; data.size = data.source.length; validate(); } else { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (event) { data.source = new Uint8Array(event.target.result); data.size = data.source.length; validate(); }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); } }, add_sounds_from_image: function (file) { // Read the file source var self = this; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (event) { var data = { source: new Uint8Array(event.target.result), file_name: file.name }; self.image_check_callback(data, media_player_manager.callbacks, 0, function (data, files, type) { // TODO // Find starting point and load for (var i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) { self.add_sound(files[i], true, true); } }); }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); }, remove_image: function () { if (this.sound_image == null) return; this.sound_image_display .removeClass("MPSoundUploaderImageFilenameBad") .addClass("MPSoundUploaderImageFilenameNotSet") .removeAttr("title") .val(this.default_no_image_text); this.remove_sound_image.prop("checked", false) .css("display", "none"); for (var i = 0; i < this.sound_list_items.length; ++i) { if (this.sound_list_items[i].is_original) { this.sound_list_items[i].is_original = false; this.sound_list_items[i].item.removeClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundListItemOriginal"); } } this.update_modified_check(); this.sound_image = null; this.update_sound_count(); }, remove_sound: function (data, full_remove) { for (var i = 0; i < this.sound_list_items.length; ++i) { if (data == this.sound_list_items[i]) { if (!this.sound_list_items[i].is_original || full_remove) { data.item.remove(); this.sound_list_items.splice(i, 1); } break; } } // Update count this.update_modified_check(); this.update_sound_count(); }, image_check_callback: function (data, callbacks, index, found_callback) { if (index >= callbacks.length) { return; } var self = this; callbacks[index](data.file_name, MediaPlayer.ALL_SOUNDS, data.source, function (files) { if (files == null) { self.image_check_callback(data, callbacks, index + 1, found_callback); } else { if (files[1] != null) { // Done found_callback(data, files[1]); } } }); }, removal_check: function (target) { // Called when the panel should be removed completely if (this.control_panel && $.contains(target, this.control_panel)) { this.set_panel_state(false, {instant: true}); this.nullify(); } }, update_modified_check: function () { // Check modified state var modified = false; for (i = 0; i < this.sound_list_items.length; ++i) { if ( (this.sound_list_items[i].is_original != this.sound_list_items[i].checkbox.is(":checked") && (!this.sound_list_items[i].is_original || !this.sound_list_items[i].original_format.match(/(stego)/))) || // If it's an original stego-image, this doesn't matter this.sound_list_items[i].original_tag != this.sound_list_items[i].tag_name.val() || (this.sound_list_items[i].is_original && !this.sound_list_items[i].original_format.match(/(concat\..+\.mask|stego)/)) ) { modified = true; break; } } // Change if (modified != this.upload_modified) { this.upload_modified = modified; if (modified) this.upload_modified_indicator.removeClass("MPSoundUploaderModifiedIndicatorOff"); else this.upload_modified_indicator.addClass("MPSoundUploaderModifiedIndicatorOff"); } }, update_sound_count: function () { var count = 0; var ocount = 0; var bytes = 0; var full_size = (this.sound_image ? (this.sound_image.truncate_to >= 0 ? this.sound_image.truncate_to : this.sound_image.size) : -1); // Count var ret = true; for (var b = 0; b == 0 || b == 2; ) { ++b; // Check for (var i = 0; i < this.sound_list_items.length; ++i) { if (!this.sound_list_items[i].tag_name.hasClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundListItemBad") && this.sound_list_items[i].size >= 0) { if (this.sound_list_items[i].is_original) { if (this.sound_list_items[i].original_format.indexOf("stego") < 0) { if (this.sound_list_items[i].checkbox.is(":checked")) { ++ocount; bytes += this.sound_list_items[i].size + encode_utf8(this.sound_list_items[i].tag_name.val()).length + 2; } } else { ++ocount; // cannot remove stego image (presently) } } else { if (this.sound_list_items[i].checkbox.is(":checked")) { ++count; bytes += this.sound_list_items[i].size + encode_utf8(this.sound_list_items[i].tag_name.val()).length + 2; } } } } // Validate if ((this.max_size - full_size) - bytes < 0) { ret = (ocount + count == 1); for (var i = 0; i < this.sound_list_items.length; ++i) { if (this.sound_list_items[i].checkbox.is(":checked")) { this.sound_list_items[i].checkbox.prop("checked", false); if (this.sound_list_items[i].checkbox.is(":checked")) { this.sound_list_items[i].checkbox.click(); } } } b = 2; count = 0; ocount = 0; bytes = 0; } } // Count this.sound_count.html(count.toString()); if (ocount > 0) { this.sound_count_sep.css("display", ""); this.sound_count_original.html(ocount.toString()).css("display", ""); this.sound_count_container.attr("title", (count + ocount) + " sound" + ((count + ocount) == 1 ? "" : "s") + " total; " + ocount + " embedded in the current image"); } else { this.sound_count_container.attr("title", count + " sound" + (count == 1 ? "" : "s")); this.sound_count_sep.css("display", "none"); this.sound_count_original.css("display", "none"); } // Bytes if (full_size < 0) { this.file_size_available_full.html("?"); this.file_size_available_sep.css("display", "none"); this.file_size_available.css("display", "none"); } else if (bytes == 0) { this.file_size_available_full.html(this.bytes_to_size(this.max_size - full_size)); this.file_size_available_sep.css("display", "none"); this.file_size_available.css("display", "none"); } else { this.file_size_available_full.html(this.bytes_to_size(this.max_size - full_size)); this.file_size_available_sep.css("display", ""); this.file_size_available.html(this.bytes_to_size(Math.max(0, (this.max_size - full_size) - bytes))).css("display", ""); } return ret; }, submit: function () { var f_data = {file: null, file_name: null}; var self = this; // Image if (this.sound_image != null) { if (this.upload_modified) { // 0: Get blob size var image_size = (this.sound_image.truncate_to >= 0 ? this.sound_image.truncate_to : this.sound_image.size); var array_size = image_size; var sounds = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.sound_list_items.length; ++i) { if (this.sound_list_items[i].checkbox.is(":checked") && !this.sound_list_items[i].tag_name.hasClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundListItemBad") && this.sound_list_items[i].size >= 0) { array_size += this.sound_list_items[i].size + encode_utf8(this.sound_list_items[i].tag_name.val()).length + 2; sounds.push(this.sound_list_items[i]); } } // 1: Create the array var array = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(array_size)); // 2: Copy image var pos = 0; array.set(this.sound_image.source.subarray(0, image_size), pos); pos += image_size; // 3: Hash the image var unmask_state = 0, mask; for (var i = 0; i < pos; ++i) { unmask_state = (1664525 * unmask_state + 1013904223) & 0xFFFFFFFF; mask = unmask_state >>> 24; unmask_state += (array[i] ^ mask); } // 4: Add the sounds var data, ch; for (var s = 0; s < sounds.length; ++s) { // Encode the key data = string_to_uint8array("[" + encode_utf8(sounds[s].tag_name.val()) + "]"); for (var key = true; true; key = false) { // Encode for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { unmask_state = (1664525 * unmask_state + 1013904223) & 0xFFFFFFFF; mask = unmask_state >>> 24; unmask_state += data[i]; array[pos + i] = (data[i] ^ mask); } pos += data.length; // Encode the data if (!key) break; data = sounds[s].source; } } // 5: Create blob var blob = new Blob([array], {type: this.sound_image.mime_type}); //var blob_url = (window.webkitURL || window.URL).createObjectURL(blob); // 6: Set data f_data.file = blob; f_data.file_name = this.sound_image.file_name; } else { f_data.file = this.sound_image.original_file; f_data.file_name = null;//this.sound_image.file_name; } } // 7: Build the form data var data = this.build_form_data(this.reply_form, this.reply_container, this.post_fields, f_data); // 7.5: Error if (data.quick_error != null) { this.error(data.quick_error); return false; } // 8: Target var f = $("form"); var target_url = null if (f.length > 0) { target_url = $(f[0]).attr("action"); } else { data.errors.push("Could not find the post target."); } // 9: Error checking if (data.errors.length > 0) { this.error("Error acquiring post data"); inline_manager.display_info("upload error", {errors: data.errors}); return false; } // 10: Posting this.uploading = true; if (this.form_submit_button_clone) this.form_submit_button_clone.val("..."); this.abortable_upload = ajax({ method: "POST", url: target_url, post_data: data.form_data, force_xhr: true, cred: true, on: { done: function (okay, data, response) { // Check status if (okay) { var title = /([^<]*)/i.exec(response); title = (title ? title[1] : ""); var error = /"errmsg"[^>]*>([^<]*)/i.exec(response); error = (error ? error[1] : ""); if (error != "") { self.error(error); self.captcha_reload(); } else if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf("post successful") >= 0) { // Okay self.on_successful_post(); } } else { self.error("Posting error (" + response.status + " / " + response.status_text + ")"); self.captcha_reload(); } if (self.form_submit_button_clone) { self.form_submit_button_clone .val(self.form_submit_button.val()); } self.uploading = false; self.abortable_upload = null; }, upload: { progress: function (event, data) { var percent = Math.round(event.loaded / event.total * 100); if (self.form_submit_button_clone) { self.form_submit_button_clone.val(percent + "%"); } }, error: function (event, data) { self.error("Connection error"); self.captcha_reload(); if (self.form_submit_button_clone) { self.form_submit_button_clone .val(self.form_submit_button.val()); } self.uploading = false; self.abortable_upload = null; }, abort: function (event, data) { self.error("Upload aborted"); self.captcha_reload(); if (self.form_submit_button_clone) { self.form_submit_button_clone .val(self.form_submit_button.val()); } self.uploading = false; self.abortable_upload = null; } } } }); // Done return false; }, build_form_data: function (form, container, fields, data) { var s = ""; var str_type = typeof(""); var form_data = new FormData(); var errors = []; var quick_error = null; var has_pass = has_4chan_pass(); for (var key in fields) { var can_be_missing = (fields[key].missing_with_pass && has_pass); switch (fields[key].type) { case 0: // Search by name { var e, v; var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < fields[key].alt.length; ++i) { v = null; if (typeof(fields[key].alt[i]) == str_type) { // Value e = form.find("[name=\"" + fields[key].alt[i] + "\"]"); if (e.length > 0) { v = e.val(); if (v === undefined) v = null; } } else { // Function call var v = fields[key].alt[i](form, container); } // Check if (v != null) { if (fields[key].blank === false && v.length == 0 && !can_be_missing) { quick_error = fields[key].blank_error; } form_data.append(key, v); found = true; break; } } if (!found && !fields[key].missing && !can_be_missing) { errors.push("Submit form key \"" + key + "\" could not be found."); } } break; case 1: // Direct value { form_data.append(key, fields[key].value); } break; case 2: // Checkbox { var e = form.find("[name=\"" + key + "\"]"); if (e.length > 0) { if (e.is(":checked")) { form_data.append(key, fields[key].value); } } else { e = form.find("#" + key + ""); if (e.length == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < fields[key].alt.length; ++i) { if (typeof(fields[key].alt[i]) == str_type) { // Value e = form.find("[name=\"" + fields[key].alt[i] + "\"]"); } else { // Function call e = fields[key].alt[i](form, container); } } if (e != null && e.length > 0) { if (e.is(":checked")) { form_data.append(key, fields[key].value); } } else if (!fields[key].missing && !can_be_missing) { errors.push("Submit form key \"" + key + "\" could not be found."); } } else if (e.is(":checked")) { form_data.append(key, fields[key].value); } } } break; case 3: // From data { if (fields[key].key in data && data[fields[key].key] != null) { // Assumed to be the file if (data.file_name) { form_data.append(key, data[fields[key].key], data.file_name); } else { form_data.append(key, data[fields[key].key]); } } else if (!fields[key].missing && !can_be_missing) { errors.push("Submit form key \"" + key + "\" could not be found."); } } break; } } return { form_data: form_data, errors: errors, quick_error: quick_error, }; }, error: function (status, un_disable) { if (this.mode == "inline") { if (status) this.reply_container.find("#qrError").css("display", "block").html(status); else this.reply_container.find("#qrError").css("display", "").html(""); } else if (this.mode == "4chanx3") { if (status) this.error_container.css("display", "").html(status); else this.error_container.css("display", "none").html(""); } else { if (this.reply_container) this.reply_container.find(".warning").html(status || ""); } }, captcha_reload: function () { // Manual notice var cv = this.reply_form.find(".captchainput .field,#qrCapField,.captcha-input.field"); cv.val("").attr("placeholder_temp", cv.attr("placeholder")).attr("placeholder", "Reload your captcha; click the image!").attr("readonly", "readonly"); // Auto-reload (hopefully) if (this.reply_form) this.reply_form.find(".captchaimg img,.captchaimg,#qrCaptcha,.captcha-img img").click(); }, is_mime_type: function (s, type) { for (var i = 0; i < this.mime_types[type].length; ++i) { if (s == this.mime_types[type][i]) return true; } return false; }, bytes_to_size: function (b) { if (b < 1000) return b + "B"; b = Math.round(b / 102.4) / 10; if (b < 1000) return b + "KB"; b = Math.round(b / 102.4) / 10; return b + "MB"; }, check_old_files: function (files) { if (files) { // Check if (files.length == 0) { this.auto_load_file = null; } else { this.auto_load_file = null; for (var i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) { if (this.is_mime_type(files[i].type, "image")) { this.auto_load_file = files[i]; break; } } // Auto-detection? if (this.auto_load_file != null && script.settings["upload"]["autodetect_when_not_open"] && !this.open) { var self = this; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (event) { var data = { source: new Uint8Array(event.target.result), file_name: self.auto_load_file.name }; self.image_check_callback(data, media_player_manager.callbacks, 0, function (data, files2, type) { // TODO // Sounds found: auto-open panel self.set_panel_state(true, {auto_load: false, auto_opened: true}); // Find starting point and load self.change_image(self.auto_load_file, { source: data.source, files: files2 }); }); }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(this.auto_load_file); } } } else { this.auto_load_file = null; } }, on_file_change: function (event, obj) { if (event.target.files) { var files = []; var e_files = []; var image = null; var errors = 0; // Check for (var i = 0; i < event.target.files.length; ++i) { if (event.data.auto_detect) { // Auto-detect if (this.is_mime_type(event.target.files[i].type, "audio")) { files.push(event.target.files[i]); } else if (this.is_mime_type(event.target.files[i].type, "image")) { if (this.sound_image == null) { image = event.target.files[i]; } else { e_files.push(event.target.files[i]); } } else { ++errors; } } else if (!event.data.sound && this.is_mime_type(event.target.files[i].type, "image")) { // Image image = event.target.files[i]; } else if (event.data.sound) { if (this.is_mime_type(event.target.files[i].type, "audio")) { files.push(event.target.files[i]); } else if (this.is_mime_type(event.target.files[i].type, "image")) { e_files.push(event.target.files[i]); } else { ++errors; } } else { ++errors; } } // Found any? if (files.length > 0 || e_files.length > 0 || image != null) { this.error(""); if (image != null) { this.change_image(image); } if (files.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) { this.add_sound(files[i], false); } } if (e_files.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < e_files.length; ++i) { this.add_sounds_from_image(e_files[i]); } } } else if (errors > 0) { this.error("Bad file type"); } // Clear if (obj) obj.val(""); } }, on_file_change_old: function (event, obj) { if (this.open) return; // why this would ever happen is beyond me if (this.mode == "4chanx3") { var self = this; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent( "QRGetSelectedPost", { detail: function (post) { // Check self.check_old_files([post.file]); } } )); return; } // Check this.check_old_files(event.target.files); }, on_bad_image: function () { this.remove_image(); this.error("Bad image format"); }, on_bad_sound: function (sound_data) { sound_data.tag_name.addClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundListItemBad"); // Un-tick sound_data.checkbox.prop("checked", false); if (sound_data.checkbox.is(":checked")) { sound_data.checkbox.click(); } // Update count this.update_modified_check(); this.update_sound_count(); }, on_sound_checkbox: function (event, obj) { var i; if (!obj.is(":checked")) { // Remove this.remove_sound(event.data.data, false); } else { // Update count this.update_modified_check(); this.update_sound_count(); } }, on_image_checkbox: function (event, obj) { if (!obj.is(":checked") || event.data.data.tag_name.hasClass("MPSoundUploaderSoundListItemBad")) { this.remove_image(); } }, on_form_submit: function (event, obj) { if (this.uploading) { // Abort this.abortable_upload.abort(); this.abortable_upload = null; this.uploading = false; return false; } return (this.submit() || false); }, on_successful_post: function () { // Reset file uploader if (this.auto_opened) { this.set_panel_state(false, null); } else { this.reset(); } // Clear error this.error(""); // Clear subject this.reply_form.find("[name=\"sub\"],[data-name=\"sub\"]").val(""); // Clear comment this.reply_form.find("[name=\"com\"],[data-name=\"com\"]").val(""); // De-spoiler var sp = this.reply_form.find("[name=spoiler],#spoiler,#qr-file-spoiler"); if (sp.length > 0 && sp.is(":checked")) { sp.click(); if (sp.is(":checked")) sp.prop("checked", false); } // Force reload captcha this.captcha_reload(); // Clear file this.form_file_select.val(""); this.reply_form.find("#file.field").html(""); if (this.mode == "4chanx3") { var self = this; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent( "QRGetSelectedPost", { detail: function (post) { // Check post.file = null; post.load(); } } )); } // Update thread if (script.settings["upload"]["autoupdate_after_post"]) { setTimeout(function () { var o = $("input[type=\"button\"][name=\"Update Now\"]"); if (o.length == 0) o = $("input[type=\"button\"][name=\"Update\"]"); o.click(); }, 2000); } }, }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inline text /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function InlineManager() { if ($("html").find("head").length == 0) { $("html").prepend(document.createElement("head")); } var self = this; // Detect other userscripts this.mode = "inline"; if (is_homepage) { this.mode = "home"; } else if (xch) { this.mode = "xch"; } else if (is_archive) { this.mode = "archive"; } else if (is_38) { this.mode = "38"; } else { if ($("html").hasClass("fourchan-x")) this.mode = "4chanx3"; else if ($("body").hasClass("fourchan_x")) { this.mode = "4chanx"; if ($("#ch4SS").length > 0) this.mode += "+ss"; if ($("input[type=checkbox].riced").length > 0) this.mode = "appchanx"; // probably a better way to do this } else { if ($("html.top").length > 0) this.mode = "appchanx2"; // v2+ } } this.oneechan = false; if ($("html").hasClass("oneechan")) { this.oneechan = true; } // Insert stylesheet $("head") .append( //{ Stylesheet E("style") .attr("id", "MPStyleInline") // random_string(16 + random_integer(17))) .html( "a.MPNavLink,.MPNavSpan{}\n" + ".MPHidden{display:none !important;}\n" + ".MPControlBar{}\n" + ".MPThreadControls{}\n" + ".MPSoundsAbout{font-size:0.75em !important;line-height:normal !important;margin:8px 0px 0px 0px !important;}\n" + ".MPSoundsAbout ol{margin:0px 0px 0px 2em !important;padding:0px !important;display:inline-block !important;}" + ".MPSoundsAbout li{margin:0px !important;padding:0px !important;line-height:normal !important;}" + "a.MPLoadLink,a.MPLoadLink:visited{color: inherit;}\n" + ".MPImageSearchingTextContainer{}\n" + ".MPImageSearchingText{}\n" + ".MPLoadLinkTop{}\n" + ".MPLoadLinkTopFile{}\n" + ".MPLoadAllLink{}\n" + ".MPReplacedURL{}\n" + ".MPIconedURLText{vertical-align:baseline;}\n" + ".MPIconedURLTextNotFound{font-style:italic;}\n" + ".MPURLIcon{display:inline-block;width:20px;height:16px;vertical-align:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:top left;background-size:16px 16px;}\n" + ".spoiler:not(:hover) .MPURLIcon,s:not(:hover) .MPURLIcon{background-image:none !important;}\n" + ".MPURLIconVimeo{background-image:url(//vimeo.com/favicon.ico);}\n" + ".MPURLIconYoutube{background-image:url(//youtube.com/favicon.ico);}\n" + ".MPURLIconSoundcloud{background-image:url(//soundcloud.com/favicon.ico);}\n" + ".MPReplacedURLContainer{display:inline;position:relative;}\n" + ".MPVideoInfo{display:none !important;}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplay{z-index:10;text-align:center;padding:8px !important;display:block;position:absolute;left:0;top:100%;box-shadow:0px 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.25);border-radius:4px;width:auto !important;}\n" + ":root div.post.reply.MPVideoInfoDisplay.MPVideoInfoDisplayHidden,:root div.post_wrapper.MPVideoInfoDisplay.MPVideoInfoDisplayHidden{display:none !important}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplayContainer{}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplayTitle{text-align:left;margin-bottom:2px;}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplayTitleStart{opacity:0.5 !important;}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplayTitleViews{float:right;}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplayTitleEnd{clear:both;}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplayRatingBg{position:relative;z-index:1;background:#f02020;height:2px;width:100%;opacity:1.0 !important;overflow:hidden;}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplayRatingGood{background:#80d820;height:2px;}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplayContent{white-space:nowrap;}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplayPreview{display:inline-block;vertical-align:top !important;}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplayThumbnailContainerOuter{border-width:0px 2px 2px 2px;border-style:solid;border-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.25);}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplayThumbnailContainerOuterTop{border-width:2px !important;}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplayThumbnailContainer{background:#000;display:block;width:100%;white-space:nowrap !important;line-height:0px;overflow:hidden;}\n" +// ".MPVideoInfoDisplayThumbnail{display:inline-block;}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplayThumbnailFirst{display:block;}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplayDescription{display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;text-align:left;vertical-align:top !important;}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplayDescriptionInner{padding-left:2px;white-space:normal !important;}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplayDescriptionInner p{padding:0px !important;margin:0px !important;}\n" + ".MPVideoInfoDisplayDescriptionInner p + p{margin-top:0.375em !important;}\n" + ".MPPopupContainerOuter{position:fixed;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;z-index:10001;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.25);}\n" + ".MPPopupClosed{display:none !important;}\n" + ".MPPopupContainerInner{position:relative;width:100%;height:100%;}\n" + "div.MPPopupBox{display:block !important;position:absolute !important;left:25%;top:15%;right:25%;bottom:15%;border:0px !important;box-shadow:0px 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.25);border-radius:6px !important;padding:0px !important;margin:0px !important;padding:4px !important;}\n" + ".MPPopupInfoContainer{width:100%;height:100%;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto;line-height:normal !important;}\n" + ".MPPopupInfoContainer p{margin:0px 0px 0px 4px !important;padding:0px !important;}\n" + ".MPPopupInfoContainer p + p{margin-top:4px !important;}\n" + ".MPPopupInfoContainer p + p.MPPopupInfoLabel{margin-top:16px !important;}\n" + ".MPPopupInfoContainer ul{margin:0px 0px 0px 1.25em !important;padding:0px !important;}" + ".MPPopupInfoContainer li{margin:0px !important;padding:0px !important;line-height:normal !important;}" + "p.MPPopupInfoLabel{font-weight:bold;margin-left:0px !important;}\n" + "p.MPPopupInfoCentered{text-align:center;}\n" + "p.MPPopupInfoBottom{margin-bottom:16px !important;}\n" ) ) .append( (this.custom_styles = E("style")) .attr("id", "MPStyleCustomInline")// random_string(16 + random_integer(17))) ); //} this.update_styles(); // Control bars var brackets = [ " [" , "] " ]; var brackets2 = [ " [" , "] " ]; var sep = "/"; if (this.mode == "home") { $("body").append("<span class=\"MPControlBar\" settings=\"true\"></span>"); brackets = [ " [ " , " ] " ]; brackets2 = [ " [ " , " ] " ]; sep = " / "; } else if (this.mode == "archive") { $(".letters").append(" <span class=\"MPControlBar\" settings=\"true\"></span>"); brackets = [ " [ " , " ] " ]; brackets2 = [ " [ " , " ] " ]; sep = " / "; } else if (this.mode == "38") { $(".boardlist").append(" <span class=\"MPControlBar\" settings=\"true\"></span>"); brackets = [ " [ " , " ] " ]; brackets2 = [ " [ " , " ] " ]; } else if (this.mode == "inline") { $("#navtopright,#navbotright").prepend("<span class=\"MPControlBar\" settings=\"true\"></span> "); } else if (this.mode == "4chanx") { $("#navtopright,#navbotright").prepend("<span class=\"MPControlBar\" settings=\"true\"></span> "); } else if (this.mode == "4chanx+ss") { $("#navtopright,#navbotright").prepend("<span class=\"MPControlBar\" settings=\"true\"></span>"); brackets = [ "" , "" ]; } else if (this.mode == "4chanx3") { $(".navLinks").prepend("<span class=\"MPControlBar\" settings=\"true\"></span>"); } else if (this.mode == "appchanx") { var o; if ((o = $("#boardNavDesktop.desktop")).length > 0) { o.append("<span class=\"MPControlBar\" settings=\"true\"></span>"); } } else if (this.mode == "appchanx2") { var o; if ((o = $(".navLinks.mobile")).length > 0) { $(o[0]).after("<div><span class=\"MPControlBar\" settings=\"true\"></span></div>"); } } // Settings link $(".MPControlBar[settings=\"true\"]") .html( E("span") .addClass("MPNavSpan") .append(T(brackets[0])) .append( //{ E("a") .addClass("MPNavLink") .html("Media Player") .attr("href", "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/") .attr("target", "_blank") .on("click", function (event) { return self.on_menu_link_click($(this), event); }) ) //} .append(T(brackets[1])) ); // Popups this.popup_easy_close = true; $("body").append( //{ (this.popup_container = E("div")) .addClass("MPPopupContainerOuter MPPopupClosed") .on("click", {}, function (event) { self.popup_close(); }) .append( E("div") .addClass("MPPopupContainerInner") .append( E("div") .addClass("MPPopupBox MPHighlightShadow2px") .addClass(is_archive ? "post_wrapper" : "post reply") .on("click", {}, function (event) { return false; }) .append( (this.popup_info_container = E("div")) .addClass("MPPopupInfoContainer") ) ) ) ); //} // Settings this.settings_manager = new SettingsManager(this); // Uploader this.uploader = new InlineUploader(this); } InlineManager.prototype = { constructor: InlineManager, parse_color: function (color) { var m; var c = [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ]; // Scan if ((m = /^\s*\#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3})\s*$/.exec(color))) { for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { c[i] = parseInt(m[1][i], 16) * 16; } } else if ((m = /^\s*\#?([0-9a-fA-F]{6})\s*$/.exec(color))) { for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { c[i] = parseInt(m[1].substr(i * 2, 2), 16); } } else if ((m = /^\s*rgb\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*\)\s*$/.exec(color))) { for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { c[i] = parseInt(m[1 + i], 10); } } else if ((m = /^\s*rgba\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9\.]+)\s*\)\s*$/.exec(color))) { for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { c[i] = parseInt(m[1 + i], 10); } c[3] = parseFloat(m[1 + 3]); } // Correct for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (c[i] < 0) c[i] = 0; else if (c[i] > 255) c[i] = 255; } if (c[3] < 0.0) c[3] = 0.0; else if (c[3] > 1.0) c[3] = 1.0; // Return return c; }, color_to_style: function (color, alpha) { var a = (alpha === undefined ? color[3] : alpha); return (a >= 1.0 ? "rgb(" : "rgba(") + color[0] + "," + color[1] + "," + color[2] + "," + a + ")"; }, update_styles: function () { var c = this.parse_color(script.settings["inline"]["highlight_color"]); this.custom_styles.html( ".MPHighlightShadow2px{box-shadow:0px 0px 2px 2px " + this.color_to_style(c, 0.25) + " !important;}\n" + ".MPHighlightBorderColor{border-color:" + this.color_to_style(c, 0.25) + " !important;}" + ".MPHighlightShadow2pxOnHover:hover{box-shadow:0px 0px 2px 2px " + this.color_to_style(c, 0.25) + " !important;}" ); }, parse_post: function (post_data, redo, post_data_copy) { if (!post_data) return; if (post_data.image_url != null) { var self = this; if (redo) { // Re-replace post_data_copy.post.find(".MPLoadLink").each(function (index) { var tag_id = parseInt($(this).attr("mp_tag_id")); $(this) .html(post_data.sounds[tag_id]) .off("click") .on("click", {"post_data": post_data, "tag_id": tag_id, "manager": self}, self.on_sound_tag_click); }); post_data_copy.container.find(".MPLoadAllLink").each(function (index) { $(this) .attr("href", "#") .html(post_data.sounds.load_all_text) .on("click", {"post_data": post_data, "manager": self}, self.on_load_all_click); }); post_data_copy.container.find(".MPLoadLinkTop").each(function (index) { $(this) .off("click") .on("click", {"post_data": post_data, "sound_id": parseInt($(this).attr("mp_sound_id"))}, self.on_link_top_click); }); } else { // Sound data post_data.sounds = { "post_tags": [], "load_all_link": null, "load_all_text": script.settings["inline"]["sound_source_text"], "sound_names": [], "loaded": false, "about_container": null, "about_count_label": null, "about_expand_label": null, "about_list_container": null, "about_list_container_inner": null, "auto_check": { "search_span": null, "search_status": null } }; // Replace tags in post var sounds_found = script.settings["inline"]["sound_tags_replace"] && dom_replace( post_data.post, function (tag, old_tags) { // check var name = tag.prop("tagName"); if (name === undefined) return 2; name = name.toLowerCase(); if (is_38) { if ( (name == "span" && tag.hasClass("quote")) || (name == "span" && tag.hasClass("spoiler")) ) return 1; } else if (is_archive) { if ( (name == "span" && tag.hasClass("greentext")) || (name == "span" && tag.hasClass("spoiler")) ) return 1; } else { if ( (name == "span" && tag.hasClass("quote")) || name == "s" ) return 1; } return 0; }, this.replace_tags ); // Sounds links if (sounds_found) { post_data.post.find(".MPLoadLink").each(function (index) { var tag_id = post_data.sounds.post_tags.length; post_data.sounds.post_tags.push($(this).html()); $(this) .attr("href", "#") .attr("mp_tag_id", tag_id) .on("click", {"post_data": post_data, "tag_id": tag_id, "manager": self}, self.on_sound_tag_click); }); } // Load all if (script.settings["inline"]["sound_source"]) { this.parse_post_update_sourcing(post_data, null, null); } // Status post_data.post .before( (post_data.sounds.about_container = E("div")) .addClass("MPSoundsAbout") .css("display", "none") .append( E("div") .append( (post_data.sounds.about_count_label = E("span")) ) .append( (post_data.sounds.about_expand_label = E("span")) ) ) .append( (post_data.sounds.about_list_container = E("div")) ) ); // Queue sound_auto_loader.add_to_queue(post_data); } } }, parse_post_for_urls: function (post_data, redo, post_data_copy) { var self = this; if (redo) { // Fix the link's click events post_data_copy.post.find(".MPReplacedURL").each(function (index) { var href = $(this).attr("mp_original_url") || null; var media_type = $(this).attr("mp_media_type") || null; var media_id = $(this).attr("mp_media_id") || null; var media_cache = $(this).attr("mp_media_cache") || null; if (media_cache) media_cache = JSON.parse(media_cache); $(this) .off("click") .on("click", {"post_data": post_data, "media_type": media_type, "media_id": media_id, "media_cache": media_cache, "url": href}, self.on_url_click); if (media_type !== null) { // Preview if (script.settings["inline"]["video_preview"]) { var hover_data = {}; $(this) .on("mouseover", hover_data, self.on_video_url_mouseover) .on("mouseout", hover_data, self.on_video_url_mouseout); } } }); } else { // Hijack links var links_found = false; if (script.settings["inline"]["url_hijack"]) { post_data.post.find("a:not(.quotelink):not(.backlink)").each(function (index) { var href = html_to_text(string_remove_tags($(this).html())); if ($(this).hasClass("youtubeTitle")) { // Hijack from 4chan x href = $(this).attr("href"); var embed_link = $(this).next(); $(this).before( E("a") .addClass("MPReplacedURL") .attr("href", href) .html(href) ); if (script.settings["inline"]["url_hijack_remove"]) { if (embed_link.hasClass("embed")) { embed_link.remove(); } $(this).remove(); } else { if (embed_link.hasClass("embed")) { embed_link.css("vertical-align", "middle"); } $(this).addClass("MPHidden"); } links_found = true; } else if ($(this).attr("href")) { $(this).addClass("MPReplacedURL"); links_found = true; } }); } // Text replace var links_found = dom_replace( post_data.post, function (tag, old_tags) { // check var name = tag.prop("tagName"); if (name === undefined) return 2; name = name.toLowerCase(); if (is_38) { if ( (name == "span" && tag.hasClass("quote")) || (name == "span" && tag.hasClass("spoiler")) ) return 1; } else if (is_archive) { if ( (name == "span" && tag.hasClass("greentext")) || (name == "span" && tag.hasClass("spoiler")) ) return 1; } else { if ( (name == "span" && tag.hasClass("quote")) || (name == "s") ) return (script.settings["inline"]["url_replace_smart"] ? 2 : 1); if (name == "wbr") return 2; } return 0; }, this.replace_urls ) || links_found; if (links_found) { // Sounds links post_data.post.find(".MPReplacedURL").each(function (index) { // Wrap var obj = $(this); var temp = E("span").addClass("MPReplacedURLContainer"); obj.after(temp); temp.append(obj); // Link URL var href = obj.attr("href"); if (!href) { href = html_to_text(string_remove_tags(obj.html())).replace(/\s/g, ""); if (href.indexOf(":") < 0 && href[0] != "/") href = "http://" + href; } // Video settings var media_type = null; var media_id = null; var media_not_found = "Video not found"; var icon_class = ""; var api_url = ""; var temp_prefix = ""; var response_parse = null; var inline_preview = true; var media_cache_keys = null; if (script.settings["inline"]["url_replace_media_links"]) { // Video check if ((media_id = MediaPlayer.prototype.url_get_youtube_video_id(href)) !== null) { // Youtube media_type = "youtube"; temp_prefix = "Youtube: "; icon_class = "MPURLIconYoutube"; api_url = "//gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/" + media_id; response_parse = self.parse_response_youtube; media_cache_keys = [ "title" , "duration" ]; } else if ((media_id = MediaPlayer.prototype.url_get_vimeo_video_id(href)) !== null) { // Vimeo media_type = "vimeo"; temp_prefix = "Vimeo: "; icon_class = "MPURLIconVimeo"; api_url = "//vimeo.com/api/v2/video/" + media_id + ".xml"; response_parse = self.parse_response_vimeo; media_cache_keys = [ "title" , "duration" ]; } else if ((media_id = MediaPlayer.prototype.url_get_soundcloud_info(href)) !== null) { // Vimeo media_type = "soundcloud"; temp_prefix = "Soundcloud: "; icon_class = "MPURLIconSoundcloud"; api_url = "//soundcloud.com/oembed?format=json&iframe=true&show_comments=false&show_artwork=false&show_user=false&show_playcount=false&sharing=false&download=false&liking=false&buying=false&url=" + href; response_parse = self.parse_response_soundcloud; media_not_found = "Sound not found"; inline_preview = false; media_cache_keys = [ "title" , "embed_code" ]; } // Is a video url if (media_type !== null) { $(this) .attr("mp_media_type", media_type) .attr("mp_media_id", media_id) .html( $(document.createElement("div")).addClass("MPURLIcon " + icon_class) ) .append( E("span").addClass("MPIconedURLText").html(temp_prefix + media_id) ); // API query var callback_count = 0; var callback_count_max = 3; var callback_multiple_wait = 15000; var ajax_call = null; var callback = function (okay, data, response) { if (okay) { // Get XML variables var results = self.parse_response_init(); response_parse(response, results); var media_cache = {}; for (var i = 0; i < media_cache_keys.length; ++i) { media_cache[media_cache_keys[i]] = results[media_cache_keys[i]]; } // Update link's text and click event data.link.find(".MPIconedURLText") .removeClass("MPIconedURLTextNotFound") .html(results.title); data.link .attr("mp_media_cache", JSON.stringify(media_cache)) .off("click") .on("click", { "post_data": post_data, "media_type": media_type, "media_id": media_id, "media_cache": media_cache, "url": href }, self.on_url_click); // Preview if (script.settings["inline"]["video_preview"] && inline_preview) { results.start = /[\!\#\?\&]t=[0-9smh]+/.exec(href); results.start = (results.start ? MediaPlayer.prototype.youtube_time_to_number(results.start[0].substr(3, results.start[0].length - 3)) : 0.0); var hover_data = {}; data.link .after( self.attributeify( E("span").addClass("MPVideoInfo"), results ) ) .on("mouseover", hover_data, self.on_video_url_mouseover) .on("mouseout", hover_data, self.on_video_url_mouseout); } } else { // Queue again if (response.status == 403 && ++callback_count < callback_count_max) { setTimeout(ajax_call, callback_multiple_wait * callback_count); } // Not found data.link.find(".MPIconedURLText") .addClass("MPIconedURLTextNotFound") .html(temp_prefix + media_not_found); } }; var newself = $(this); ajax_call = function () { ajax_get( api_url, true, {"link": newself}, null, callback ); }; ajax_call(); } } // Set link settings obj .attr("href", href) .attr("target", "_blank") .attr("mp_original_url", href) .on("click", {"post_data": post_data, "media_type": media_type, "media_id": media_id, "media_cache": null, "url": href}, self.on_url_click); }); } } }, parse_post_update_sourcing: function (post_data, element1, element2) { if (xch) { var file_size_label; file_size_label = post_data.container.find(".xch.post_file_info_extra_links") file_size_label.append( element1 || (post_data.sounds.load_all_link = E("a")).addClass("MPLoadAllLink xch post_file_info_extra_link") ); } else if (is_38) { var file_size_label; if (post_data.container.hasClass("op")) { file_size_label = post_data.container.parent().find(".fileinfo:nth-of-type(1) .unimportant"); } else { file_size_label = post_data.container.find(".fileinfo .unimportant"); } file_size_label = $(file_size_label[0]); file_size_label.after( element1 || (post_data.sounds.load_all_link = E("a")).addClass("MPLoadAllLink") ); file_size_label.after(T(" ")); } else if (is_archive) { var file_size_label = post_data.container.find(".post_file_controls").find("a"); file_size_label = $(file_size_label[0]); file_size_label.before( element1 || (post_data.sounds.load_all_link = E("a")).addClass("MPLoadAllLink btnr parent") ); } else { var file_size_label = post_data.container.find(".fileText"); file_size_label.append(T(" ")); file_size_label.append( element1 || (post_data.sounds.load_all_link = E("a")).addClass("MPLoadAllLink") ); } // Set link if (!element1) { post_data.sounds.load_all_link .attr("href", "#") .html(post_data.sounds.load_all_text) .on("click", {"post_data": post_data, "manager": this}, this.on_load_all_click); } // Second element (post_data.sounds.load_all_link || element1) .after( element2 || ( (post_data.sounds.auto_check.search_span = E("span")) .addClass("MPImageSearchingTextContainer") .css("display", "none") .html("...") .append( (post_data.sounds.auto_check.search_status = E("span")) .addClass("MPImageSearchingText") ) ) ); // Set data if (!element1 && !element2) { post_data.sounds.load_all_link[0].mp_data_removal_check_function = this.parse_post_remake_sourcing; post_data.sounds.load_all_link[0].mp_data_removal_check_function_data = [ this, post_data.container[0], post_data.sounds.auto_check.search_span[0] ]; } }, parse_post_remake_sourcing: function (args) { // Timeout to make it work better setTimeout(function () { // this, container, search_span args[0].parse_post_update_sourcing({ container: $(args[1]), sounds: {} }, $(this), $(args[2])); }.bind(this), 50); }, parse_response_init: function () { return { title: "Unknown Title", description: "", duration: 0.0, thumbnails: [], views: 0, rating: 1.0, raters: 0, embed_code: null, }; }, parse_response_youtube: function (xml, results) { xml = $.parseXML(xml); var elem = xml_find_nodes_by_name(xml, "yt:duration"); if (elem.length > 0) { results.duration = elem[0].getAttribute("seconds"); results.duration = parseFloat(results.duration); results.duration = (isFinite(results.duration) ? results.duration : 0.0); } elem = xml_find_nodes_by_name(xml, "title"); if (elem.length > 0) { results.title = text_to_html($(elem[0]).text()); } elem = xml_find_nodes_by_name(xml, "content"); if (elem.length > 0) { results.description = text_to_html($(elem[0]).text()); } elem = xml_find_nodes_by_name(xml, "media:thumbnail"); for (var i = 0; i < elem.length; ++i) { results.thumbnails.push({ "url": elem[i].getAttribute("url"), "width": parseInt(elem[i].getAttribute("width")), "height": parseInt(elem[i].getAttribute("height")) }); } elem = xml_find_nodes_by_name(xml, "yt:statistics"); if (elem.length > 0) { results.views = parseInt(elem[0].getAttribute("viewCount")); } elem = xml_find_nodes_by_name(xml, "gd:rating"); if (elem.length > 0) { var m = parseFloat(elem[0].getAttribute("min")); results.raters = parseInt(elem[0].getAttribute("numRaters")) || 0; results.rating = ((parseFloat(elem[0].getAttribute("average")) - m) / (elem[0].getAttribute("max") - m)) || 0; } }, parse_response_vimeo: function (xml, results) { xml = $.parseXML(xml); var elem = xml_find_nodes_by_name(xml, "duration"); if (elem.length > 0) { results.duration = $(elem[0]).text(); results.duration = parseFloat(results.duration); results.duration = isFinite(results.duration) ? results.duration : 0.0; } elem = xml_find_nodes_by_name(xml, "title"); if (elem.length > 0) { results.title = text_to_html($(elem[0]).text()); } elem = xml_find_nodes_by_name(xml, "description"); if (elem.length > 0) { results.description = text_to_html($(elem[0]).text().replace(/\<br\s*\/?\>/g, "\n")); } var w = xml_find_nodes_by_name(xml, "width"); var h = xml_find_nodes_by_name(xml, "height"); w = (w.length > 0 ? parseInt($(w[0]).text()) : 1); h = (h.length > 0 ? parseInt($(h[0]).text()) : 1); elem = xml_find_nodes_by_name(xml, "thumbnail_large"); if (elem.length > 0) { results.thumbnails.push({ "url": $(elem[0]).text(), "width": w, "height": h }); } elem = xml_find_nodes_by_name(xml, "stats_number_of_plays"); if (elem.length > 0) { results.views = parseInt($(elem[0]).text()); } }, parse_response_soundcloud: function (json, results) { json = JSON.parse(json); results.title = json.title; var match = " by " + json.author_name; if ( json.author_name.length > 0 && results.title.length > match.length && results.title.substr(results.title.length - match.length, match.length) == match ) { results.title = results.title.substr(0, results.title.length - match.length); } results.title = text_to_html(results.title); if ("description" in json && json.description) results.description = text_to_html(json.description.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n")); results.thumbnails.push({ "url": json.thumbnail_url, "width": 130, "height": 130 }); results.embed_code = json.html; }, attributeify: function (element, attributes, prefix) { prefix = prefix || ""; for (var key in attributes) { element.attr(key, JSON.stringify(attributes[key])); } return element; }, commaify_number: function (number) { return number.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }, update_about_image: function (post_data) { // Show container post_data.sounds.about_container.css("display", ""); var sound_count = 0; var file_count = post_data.sounds.sound_names.length; // Create a list of sounds (and files) var display_count = 0; var container, container_outer; post_data.sounds.about_list_container.html( (container_outer = E("div")) .append( container = E("ol") ) ); post_data.sounds.about_expand_label.html(""); for (var sound = true; ; sound = false) { for (var i = 0; i < post_data.sounds.sound_names.length; ++i) { var is_sound = (post_data.sounds.sound_names[i].split(".").pop().toLowerCase() == "ogg"); if (sound == is_sound) { // Only display 2 without expansion if (display_count++ == 2 && file_count > 3) { var label = "and " + (file_count - 2) + " more not displayed..."; var hide = "hide " + (file_count - 2) + " files"; // New list container post_data.sounds.about_list_container.append( (container_outer = E("div")) .append( (container = post_data.sounds.about_list_container_inner = E("ol")) .attr("start", display_count.toString()) ) .css("display", "none") ); // Toggler post_data.sounds.about_expand_label .append(T(", ")) .append( E("a") .attr("href", "#") .css("font-style", "italic") .html(label) .on( "click", {"container": container_outer, "label": label, "hide": hide}, function (event) { if (event.data.container.css("display") == "none") { event.data.container.css("display", ""); $(this).html(event.data.hide); } else { event.data.container.css("display", "none"); $(this).html(event.data.label); } return false; } ) ); } // Append to list if (sound) { ++sound_count; container.append( E("li") .append( E("a") .attr("href", "#") .attr("mp_sound_id", i.toString()) .addClass("MPLoadLinkTop") .html(text_to_html(post_data.sounds.sound_names[i].substr(0, post_data.sounds.sound_names[i].length - 4))) // remove extension .on("click", {"post_data": post_data, "sound_id": i}, this.on_link_top_click) ) ); } else { container.append( E("li") .append( E("span") .addClass("MPLoadLinkTopFile") .html(text_to_html(post_data.sounds.sound_names[i])) ) ); } } } // Done if (!sound) break; } // Found string var str = ""; if (sound_count > 0) { str += sound_count + " sound" + (sound_count == 1 ? "" : "s") + " found"; } if (file_count > sound_count) { str += (str.length == 0 ? "" : " of ") + file_count + " file" + (file_count == 1 ? "" : "s"); } post_data.sounds.about_count_label.html(str); }, activate_load_all_link: function (link, post_data, done_callback) { // Change status link = link || post_data.sounds.load_all_link; var load_str = "loading"; if (link) link.html(load_str); // Load sound var self = this; post_data.sounds.loaded = true; media_player_manager.open_player(true); media_player_manager.media_player.queue_load( post_data.image_url, MediaPlayer.ALL_SOUNDS, { "image_name": post_data.image_name }, { "link": link, "post_data": post_data, "load_str": load_str }, function (event, data) { var progress = Math.floor((event.loaded / event.total) * 100); if (data.link) data.link.html(data.load_str + " (" + progress + ")"); }, function (okay, data, response) { if (data.link) data.link.html(data.post_data.sounds.load_all_text); if (!okay) { if (data.link) { data.link .append(" (") .append( E("a") .attr("href", "#") .html("ajax error") .on("click", function (event) { if (event.which == 1) { response.url = post_data.image_url; inline_manager.display_info("ajax error", response); return false; } return true; }) ) .append(")"); } if (typeof(done_callback) == "function") done_callback(false, data.post_data); } }, function (status, data, all_files) { if (all_files !== null && data.post_data.sounds.sound_names.length == 0 && all_files.length > 0) { data.post_data.sounds.sound_names = all_files; self.update_about_image(data.post_data); } if (typeof(done_callback) == "function") done_callback(false, data.post_data); } ); // Done return false; }, replace_urls: function (tags) { var full_text = ""; var in_url = false; var any_found = false; var length_add; var link_str = [ "<a class=\"MPReplacedURL\">" , "</a>" ]; for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) { if (tags[i].prop("tagName") === undefined) { var text = text_to_html(tags[i].text()); var start = 0; // Previous URL if (in_url) { in_url = false; text = text.replace(/^(?:[^\s]*)/im, function (match, offset) { in_url = (text.length == offset + match.length); return match + (in_url ? "" : link_str[1]); }); } // New URLs if (!in_url) { length_add = 0; text = text.replace(/(?:(?:\w+):\/\/|www\.)(?:[^\s]+)/im, function (match, offset) { // Interesting note: If all groups have the prefix of "?:", then the callback parameter // order is "match, offset, groups". If you remove one of the "?:" (say the first one) // then the order is changed to "match, groups, offset". (in Nightly) any_found = true; in_url = (offset + match.length == text.length + length_add); length_add += (link_str[0].length + (in_url ? 0 : link_str[1].length)); return link_str[0] + match + (in_url ? "" : link_str[1]); }); } // Update full_text += text; } else { /*if (script.settings["inline"]["url_replace_smart"]&&0) { // TODO : do this later rather than using an assumption } else {*/ full_text += $("<div>").append(tags[i].clone()).html(); // } } } if (in_url) { in_url = false; full_text += link_str[1]; } // DOM update if (any_found) { tags[0].before(full_text); for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) tags[i].remove(); } return any_found; }, replace_tags: function (tags) { var sounds_found = false; var new_text = text_to_html(tags[0].text()).replace(/\[.+?\]/g, function (match) { sounds_found = true; return "[<a class=\"MPLoadLink\">" + match.substr(1, match.length - 2) + "</a>]"; }); if (sounds_found) { if (tags[0].prop("tagName")) { tags[0].html(new_text); } else { tags[0].after(new_text).remove(); } return true; } return false; }, enable_update: function (url) { this.settings_manager.settings_update_link .css("display", "") .attr("href", url); if (!is_archive && !is_38) { $(".MPNavLink").addClass("quotelink"); } }, position_relative: function (parent, obj, offset, flippable) { offset = offset || [ 0 , 0 ]; flippable = flippable || [ true , true ]; var scroll = [ $(document).scrollLeft() , $(document).scrollTop() ]; var win_size = [ $(window).width() , $(window).height() ]; var obj_size = [ obj.outerWidth() , obj.outerHeight() ]; var par_size = [ parent.width() , parent.height() ]; var off = parent.offset(); var pos = [0,0], pos_label = ["left","top"], pos2; var ret = [ true , true ]; off = [off.left,off.top]; // Top alignment if ( (pos[1] = off[1] + offset[1] + par_size[1]) + obj_size[1] - scroll[1] > win_size[1] && (pos2 = off[1] - offset[1] - obj_size[1]) > scroll[1] && flippable[1] ) { pos[1] = pos2; ret[1] = false; } // Left alignment if ( (pos[0] = (off[0] + offset[0])) + obj_size[0] / 2 > win_size[0] / 2 && flippable[0] ) { obj.css("left", "auto"); pos_label[0] = "right"; pos[0] = win_size[0] - (off[0] + par_size[0]); ret[0] = false; } else { obj.css("right", ""); } obj.css(pos_label[0], pos[0] + "px"); obj.css(pos_label[1], pos[1] + "px"); return ret; }, on_content_drag: function (data) { var url_lower = data.text.split("#")[0]; if (url_lower.substr(0, 2) == "//") url_lower = window.location.protocol + url_lower; else if (url_lower.indexOf(":") < 0) url_lower = window.location.protocol + "//" + url_lower; if (url_lower) { for (var post_id in thread_manager.posts) { if (thread_manager.posts[post_id].image_url) { var u = thread_manager.posts[post_id].image_url.split("#")[0]; if (u.substr(0, 2) == "//") u = window.location.protocol + u; else if (u.indexOf(":") < 0) u = window.location.protocol + "//" + u; if (url_lower == u) { // Found; activate manual load this.activate_load_all_link(null, thread_manager.posts[post_id]); data.text = ""; return false; } } } } return true; }, on_url_click: function (event) { // Add to playlist if (event.which == 1) { if (event.data.media_type && script.settings["inline"]["url_media_links_open_in_player"]) { // Theatre-view activation var n = "link_click_theatre_" + event.data.media_type; var skip_to = (media_player_manager.media_player !== null && script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_force_start"]); var tv_activate = ( n in script.settings["inline"] && script.settings["inline"][n] === true ); // Theatre-view var tv_enable = function () { media_player_manager.media_player.theatre_enter({ duration: script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_animate"], no_info: !script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_info"], info_text: (script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_info"] && script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_how_to"] ? "(more options in Global settings) " : ""), close_on_finish: script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_close_on_finish"], close_on_finish_interference: script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_close_on_finish_interference"], }); // Disable this if (script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_how_to"]) { script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_how_to"] = false; script.settings_save(); script.settings_update(); } }; // Open media_player_manager.open_player(true); // Custom var fn = media_player_manager.media_player.queue_load; // Generic var pl_data = {}; if (event.data.media_cache) pl_data.media_cache = event.data.media_cache; fn.call( media_player_manager.media_player, event.data.url, null, pl_data, { "post_data": event.data.post_data, "link": $(this) }, function (event, data) { }, function (okay, data) { }, function (status, data, xml_info) { if (status >= 0 && tv_activate) { if (skip_to) { // Skip to this one media_player_manager.media_player.start(status); } if (media_player_manager.media_player.playlist_current() == status) { tv_enable(); } } } ); return false; } return (script.settings["inline"]["url_left_click_open"]); } return true; }, on_sound_tag_click: function (event) { // Change status var load_str = "loading..."; $(this).html(load_str); // Load sound var self = event.data.manager; event.data.post_data.sounds.loaded = true; media_player_manager.open_player(true); media_player_manager.media_player.queue_load( event.data.post_data.image_url, event.data.post_data.sounds.post_tags[event.data.tag_id], { "image_name": event.data.post_data.image_name }, { "object": $(this), "post_data": event.data.post_data, "tag_id": event.data.tag_id, "load_str": load_str }, function (event, data) { var progress = Math.floor((event.loaded / event.total) * 100); data.object.html(data.load_str + " (" + progress + ")"); }, function (okay, data, response) { data.object.html(data.post_data.sounds.post_tags[data.tag_id]); if (!okay) { data.object .append(" (") .append( E("a") .attr("href", "#") .html("ajax error") .on("click", function (event) { if (event.which == 1) { response.url = data.post_data.image_url; inline_manager.display_info("ajax error", response); return false; } return true; }) ) .append(")"); } }, function (status, data, all_files) { if (all_files !== null && data.post_data.sounds.sound_names.length == 0 && all_files.length > 0) { data.post_data.sounds.sound_names = all_files; self.update_about_image(data.post_data); } } ); // Done return false; }, on_link_top_click: function (event) { // Change status var load_str = "loading..."; $(this).html(load_str); var tag = event.data.post_data.sounds.sound_names[event.data.sound_id]; if (tag.substr(tag.length - 4, 4).toLowerCase() == ".ogg") { tag = tag.substr(0, tag.length - 4); } // Load sound var self = this; event.data.post_data.sounds.loaded = true; media_player_manager.open_player(true); media_player_manager.media_player.queue_load( event.data.post_data.image_url, tag, { "image_name": event.data.post_data.image_name }, { "object": $(this), "post_data": event.data.post_data, "sound_id": event.data.sound_id, "load_str": load_str, "tag": tag }, function (event, data) { var progress = Math.floor((event.loaded / event.total) * 100); data.object.html(data.load_str + " (" + progress + ")"); }, function (okay, data) { data.object.html(data.tag + (okay ? "" : " (ajax error)")); }, function (status, data, all_files) { if (all_files !== null && data.post_data.sounds.sound_names.length == 0 && all_files.length > 0) { data.post_data.sounds.sound_names = all_files; self.update_about_image(data.post_data); } } ); // Done return false; }, on_load_all_click: function (event) { event.data.manager.activate_load_all_link($(this), event.data.post_data); // Done return false; }, on_load_all_in_thread_click: function (event) { if (event.which == 1) { if (sound_auto_loader.enabled) { sound_auto_loader.disable(); } else { sound_auto_loader.enable(); } return false; } return true; }, on_menu_link_click: function (link, event) { if (event.which == 1) { // Position this.settings_manager.menu_open(link.parent()); // Done return false; } return true; }, on_video_url_descr_open_timeout: function (event) { event.data.description_timeout = null; var desc = event.data.display_container.find(".MPVideoInfoDisplayDescription"); if (script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_animate_description"] > 0) { desc.animate({ "width": script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_image_space"] },{ duration: script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_animate_description"] * 1000, }); } else { desc.css("width", script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_image_space"] + "px"); } }, on_video_url_timeout: function (event) { event.data.timeout = null; // Generate if (!event.data.display_container) { // Create var container; var max_size = script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_image_space"]; $("body").append( (event.data.display_container = E("div")) .css("opacity", "0") .addClass("MPVideoInfoDisplay MPHighlightShadow2px") .addClass(is_archive ? "post_wrapper" : "reply post") .append( (container = E("div")) .addClass("MPVideoInfoDisplayContainer") ) ); // Info var info; if (!(info = $(this).parent().find(".MPVideoInfo")).length > 0) return; // Duration var c, value = parseInt(info.attr("duration")) || 0; container.append( (c = E("div")) .addClass("MPVideoInfoDisplayTitle") .html("Duration: " + MediaPlayer.prototype.duration_to_string(value)) ); // Start time value = parseInt(info.attr("start")) || 0; if (value > 0) { c.append( E("span") .addClass("MPVideoInfoDisplayTitleStart") .html(" @" + MediaPlayer.prototype.duration_to_string(value)) ); } // View count value = parseInt(info.attr("views")); c.prepend( E("div") .addClass("MPVideoInfoDisplayTitleViews") .html( InlineManager.prototype.commaify_number(value) + " view" + (value === 1 ? "" : "s") ) ) .append(E("div").addClass("MPVideoInfoDisplayTitleEnd")); // Content var content_container, preview_container; container.append( (content_container = E("div")) .addClass("MPVideoInfoDisplayContent") .append( (preview_container = E("div")) .addClass("MPVideoInfoDisplayPreview") ) ); // Rating var raters = parseInt(info.attr("raters")) || 0; var ex_class = ""; if (raters > 0) { preview_container.append( E("div") .addClass("MPVideoInfoDisplayRatingBg") .append( E("div") .addClass("MPVideoInfoDisplayRatingGood") .css("width", ((parseFloat(info.attr("rating")) || 0) * 100) + "%") ) ); } else { ex_class = " MPVideoInfoDisplayThumbnailContainerOuterTop"; } // Thumbnails var thumbs = JSON.parse(info.attr("thumbnails")); if (thumbs.length > 0) { // Calculate scale var w = thumbs[0].width; var h = thumbs[0].height; var scale = Math.min(max_size / w, max_size / h); w *= scale; h *= scale; var h_space = max_size - h; var thumb_container; preview_container.append( E("div") .addClass("MPVideoInfoDisplayThumbnailContainerOuter MPHighlightBorderColor" + ex_class) .append( (thumb_container = E("div")) .addClass("MPVideoInfoDisplayThumbnailContainer") ) ); // Output for (var i = 0; true; ) { thumb_container.append( E("div") .addClass("MPVideoInfoDisplayThumbnail" + (i == 0 ? "First" : "")) .css({ "width": w + "px", "height": h + "px", "background-size": w + "px " + h + "px", "background-image": "url(" + thumbs[i].url + ")" }) ); if (++i >= thumbs.length) break; w = thumbs[i].width; h = thumbs[i].height; scale = h_space / h; w *= scale; h *= scale; } } // Description var height = content_container.outerHeight(); var descr = JSON.parse(info.attr("description")).replace(/\n/g, "</p><p>"); if (descr.length > 0) { content_container.append( E("div") .addClass("MPVideoInfoDisplayDescription") .css({ "width": 0 + "px", "height": height + "px", "font-size": script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_description_font_size"] + "em", "line-height": "normal" }) .append( E("div") .addClass("MPVideoInfoDisplayDescriptionInner") .css("width", max_size + "px") .html("<p>" + descr + "</p>") ) ); } // Viewable event.data.display_container.css("opacity", ""); } // Display if (event.data.display_container) { // Description resize var desc = event.data.display_container.find(".MPVideoInfoDisplayDescription"); if (desc.length > 0) { desc.css("width", "0px").stop(true, true); } // Animation event.data.display_container.stop(true); if (script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_animate_open"] > 0) { event.data.display_container .css("opacity", 0.0) .animate({ "opacity": 1.0 },{ duration: script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_animate_open"] * 1000, complete: function () { $(this).css("opacity", ""); } }); } else { event.data.display_container.css("opacity", ""); } event.data.display_container.removeClass("MPVideoInfoDisplayHidden"); // Description if (desc.length > 0 && script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_description_timeout"] >= 0) { var self = this; event.data.description_timeout = setTimeout(function () { InlineManager.prototype.on_video_url_descr_open_timeout.call(self, event); }, script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_description_timeout"] * 1000); } InlineManager.prototype.position_relative($(this), event.data.display_container, [ 0 , 2 ]); } }, on_video_url_mouseover: function (event) { if (script.settings["inline"]["video_preview"]) { var self = this; if (!event.data.timeout && event.data.timeout !== 0) { event.data.timeout = setTimeout(function () { InlineManager.prototype.on_video_url_timeout.call(self, event); }, script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_timeout"] * 1000); } } }, on_video_url_mouseout: function (event) { if (event.data.timeout || event.data.timeout === 0) { clearTimeout(event.data.timeout); event.data.timeout = null; } if (event.data.description_timeout || event.data.description_timeout === 0) { clearTimeout(event.data.description_timeout); event.data.description_timeout = null; } if (event.data.display_container) { event.data.display_container.stop(true); if (script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_animate_close"] > 0) { event.data.display_container .animate({ "opacity": 0.0 },{ duration: script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_animate_close"] * 1000, complete: function () { $(this).css("opacity", "").addClass("MPVideoInfoDisplayHidden"); } }); } else { event.data.display_container.addClass("MPVideoInfoDisplayHidden"); } } }, popup_close: function (forced) { if (forced || this.popup_easy_close) { this.popup_container.addClass("MPPopupClosed"); } }, display_info: function (index, data) { data = data || {}; var self = this; this.popup_info_container.html(""); this.popup_easy_close = ("easy_close" in data ? data.easy_close : true); switch (index) { case "help": { this.popup_info_container .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Userscript Information") ) .append( E("p") .html( "4cs is able to play embedded sound files, Youtube videos, Vimeo videos, and Soundcloud media." ) ) .append( E("p") .html( "Once you've closed this message once, it won't appear automatically again; " + "it can be opened again from the settings menu." ) ) .append( E("p") .html( "<b>Additionally</b>, if you want to re-download the userscript without sitting through the readme again, " + "you can navigate the source code repository." ) ) .append( E("p") .html( "It's found under <a href=\"https://github.com/dnsev/4cs\" target=\"_blank\">4cs</a>/<a href=\"https://github.com/dnsev/4cs/tree/master/web\" target=\"_blank\">web</a>/<a href=\"https://github.com/dnsev/4cs/blob/master/web/4cs.user.js\" target=\"_blank\">4cs.user.js</a>, and then clicking the \"<a href=\"https://github.com/dnsev/4cs/raw/master/web/4cs.user.js\" target=\"_blank\">Raw</a>\" button." ) ) .append( E("p") .html( "The link to close this message is at the " ) .append( E("a") .attr("href", "#") .html("bottom") .on("click", {}, function (event) { if (event.which == 1) { var c = $(this).parent().parent(); c.scrollTop((c[0].scrollHeight || 0) - c.outerHeight()); return false; } return true; }) ) .append(".") ) .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Media Player") ) .append( E("p") .html( "The player itself can be moved around the screen and resized as desired." ) ) .append( E("p") .html( "Clicking and dragging the title bar will move the player, and hovering " + "near the edges of the player window will display the dragging handles for " + "resizing." ) ) .append( E("p") .html( "The image/video part can be resized by clicking and dragging on it as well." ) ) .append( E("p") .html( "Finally, most of the controls of the player are hidden when not in use. Hover over the left and right side of the title-bar to view the options." ) ) .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Playlist") ) .append( E("p") .html( "Media can be added to the playlist in the following ways:<ul>" + "<li>Clicking on inline [tags] to load any sounds in the corresponding image</li>" + "<li>Clicking on any media links, denoted with an icon on the left side</li>" + "<li>Clicking and dragging a sounds-image onto the player from your browser</li>" + "<li>Clicking and dragging a sounds-image onto the player from your computer</li>" + "<li>Clicking and dragging a URL onto the player</li>" + "</ul>" ) ) .append( E("p") .html( "Once added to the playlist, there are several control buttons related to that specific media. " + "Hover over the right side of the playlist item to view them; hover a button for info about what it does." ) ) .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Settings") ) .append( E("p") .html( "There are 2 main locations for settings:<ul>" + "<li>The menu link in the navigation section, for global settings</li>" + "<li>The [S] button in the player, for player-specific settings</li>" + "</ul>" ) ) .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Customization") ) .append( E("p") .html( "The player's look can be customized on the player's 3 settings pages." ) ) .append( E("p") .html( "For simplicity, it comes with 4 default styles that you can easily change between and modify." ) ) .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Broken?") ) .append( E("p") .html( "If you manage to break the player by messing with the settings, you can reset the player settings by " ) .append( E("a") .attr("href", "#") .html("clicking this link") .on("click", {}, function (event) { if (event.which == 1) { // Regen var keep_open = false; if (media_player_manager.media_player !== null) { media_player_manager.media_player.destructor(); keep_open = true; } media_player_manager.open_player(false); script.settings_save(); if (!keep_open) { media_player_manager.media_player.destructor(); } return false; } return true; }) ) .append(".") ) .append( E("p") .html( "If your player has issues playing, you can report a bug on the " ) .append( E("a") .html("script's homepage") .attr("href", "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/") .attr("target", "_blank") .on("click", {}, function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); return true; }) ) .append(".") ) .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Done") ) .append( E("p") .html( "Now that you (presumably) understand what's going on, click the link below to close this message." ) ) .append( E("p") .addClass("MPPopupInfoCentered MPPopupInfoBottom") .html( E("a") .attr("href", "#") .html("Close Message") .on("click", {}, function (event) { if (event.which == 1) { self.popup_close(true); script.settings["script"]["first_run"] = false; script.settings_save(); return false; } return true; }) ) ); } break; case "ajax error": { this.popup_info_container .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Ajax Error") ) .append( E("p") .html("Ajax errors occur when your browser tries to fetch an image using Javascript, but for some reason it can't retrieve it.") ) .append( E("p") .html("This might be due to the image being deleted/404'd, server issues, or some sort of browser issue.") ) .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Error Info") ) .append( E("p") .html("Error your browser encountered: <b>" + data.status + "</b> - " + data.status_text) ) .append( E("p") .html("URL: <i>" + data.url + "</i>") ); } break; case "upload error": { var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i < data.errors.length; ++i) { s += (s.length == 0 ? "" : "<br />") + data.errors[i]; } this.popup_info_container .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Upload Error") ) .append( E("p") .html("An error occured while attempting to submit your post.") ) .append( E("p") .html( "This may happen due to script incompatability. If you want to use this feature, " + "submit an <a href=\"https://github.com/dnsev/4cs/issues\" target=\"_blank\">issue request</a>, or disable " + "this feature and install a different upload script." ) ) .append( E("p") .html("You can try to submit your post by closing the sounds panel.") ) .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Errors") ) .append( E("p") .html(s) ); } break; case "upload help": { this.popup_info_container .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Uploader Information") ) .append( E("p") .html( "The sound uploader is able to put sounds inside of images, along with re-tagging " + "and/or removing sounds from currently embedded images. It also supports masking images " + "in the correct format." ) ) .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Basic Features") ) .append( E("p") .html( "<ul>" + "<li>Currently only uses the masked format, as the stego format isn't widely used. This will be added " + "if necessary or desired.</li>" + "<li>You can re-tag any (non-stego) sound inside an image on the fly. This is particularly useful " + "for all the images with the [1] tag.</li>" + "<li>You can add sounds to your image from other images with embedded sounds by selecting them from the " + "sound file selection.</li>" + "</ol>" ) ) .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Settings") ) .append( E("p") .html( "If there are any settings you dislike, or you don't want the sound uploader enabled at all, " + "just about any feature you may or may not want can be enabled/disabled in the settings." ) ) .append( E("p") .html( "If you have any other sound uploader(s) enabled and you want to use this uploader, it is " + "suggested that you turn the other one(s) off." ) ) .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Availability") ) .append( E("p") .html( "The sound uploader is currently only available in the quick reply forms. The main reply form " + "at the top of the page does not currently support it. If this feature is desired, " + "<a href=\"https://github.com/dnsev/4cs/issues\" target=\"_blank\">open a feature request</a> on " + "the source site." ) ) .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Having Problems?") ) .append( E("p") .html( "If you have problems such as \"<i>Where is my submit button?</i>\", \"<i>Clicking the boxes doesn't let me select files</i>\", " + "or \"<i>Why can't I submit my post?</i>\", you may want to <a href=\"https://github.com/dnsev/4cs/issues\" target=\"_blank\">open an issue</a> " + "on the source site." ) ) .append( E("p") .html( "Problems like this occur because it's difficult to add compatability for every browser + " + "userscript combination out there; and that's not even including the ways users might customize " + "the userscripts themselves." ) ) } break; case "uploader blocked": { this.popup_info_container .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Uploader Blocked") ) .append( E("p") .html( "If you get this message while trying to add a file to the uploader, this means that you have another " + "userscript which tries to upload sounds enabled." ) ) .append( E("p") .html( "This message shouldn't affect uploading." ) ) .append( E("p").addClass("MPPopupInfoLabel") .html("Removing This Message") ) .append( E("p") .html( "To make this message no longer appear, you have two options:<ul>" + "<li>Disable the other userscript in your browser</li>" + "<li>Disable the integrated uploader in the [ Media Player ] settings link</li>" ) ) .append( E("p") .html( "It is advised to do at least one of the above, as keeping them both enabled can slow down " + "your browser." ) ); } break; } this.popup_container.removeClass("MPPopupClosed"); this.popup_info_container.scrollTop(0); }, }; var inline_manager = null; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Auto-loading images /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function SoundAutoLoader() { this.looping = false; this.timer = null; this.delay = 1; this.queue = new Array(); this.serial = true; this.enabled = false; this.link = null; } SoundAutoLoader.prototype = { constructor: SoundAutoLoader, add_to_queue: function (post_data) { // Set to loaded post_data.loaded = true; // Add to queue this.queue.push(post_data); this.loop(); }, enable: function () { if (!this.enabled) { for (var i = 0; i < this.queue.length; ++i) { this.queue[i].sounds.auto_check.search_span.css("display", ""); } if (this.link) { this.link.removeAttr("href"); this.link.html("Loading All Sounds"); } this.enabled = true; this.loop(); } }, disable: function () { if (this.enabled) { for (var i = 0; i < this.queue.length; ++i) { this.queue[i].sounds.auto_check.search_span.css("display", "none"); } if (this.link) { this.link.attr("href", "#"); this.link.html("Load All Sounds"); } this.enabled = false; this.looping = false; if (this.timer != null) { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = null; } } }, loop: function () { if (!this.enabled || this.looping) return; this.looping = true; this.loop_next(); }, loop_next: function () { if (!this.enabled) return; this.looping = (this.queue.length > 0); if (!this.looping) { this.disable(); return; } while (this.queue.length > 0) { var post_data = this.queue.shift(); this.load_single(post_data); post_data.sounds.auto_check.search_span.css("display", "none"); if (this.serial) break; } }, load_single: function (post_data) { var self = this; inline_manager.activate_load_all_link(null, post_data, function (okay, post_data) { self.load_single_done(); }); }, load_single_done: function () { var self = this; this.timer = setTimeout(function () { self.timer = null; self.loop_next(); }, this.delay); } }; var sound_auto_loader = null; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Hotkeys /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function HotkeyListener() { this.keycode_names = { 8: "BACKSPACE", 9: "TAB", 13: "ENTER", 18: "ESCAPE", 20: "CAPS LOCK", 32: "MPACE", 33: "PAGE UP", 34: "PAGE DOWN", 35: "END", 36: "HOME", 37: "LEFT", 38: "UP", 39: "RIGHT", 40: "DOWN", 112: "F1", 113: "F2", 114: "F3", 115: "F4", 116: "F5", 117: "F6", 118: "F7", 119: "F8", 120: "F9", 121: "F10", 122: "F11", 123: "F12", 173: "-", 192: "`", 219: "[", 220: "\\", 221: "]", 222: "'", 188: "<", 190: ">", 191: "/", }; this.hotkeys = [ [ "player_open" , this.on_player_open , "Open Player" ], [ "player_close" , this.on_player_close , "Close Player" ], [ "player_minmax" , this.on_player_minmax , "Min/Max Player" ], [ "theatre_view_toggle" , this.theatre_view_toggle , "Toggle Theatre-View" ], [ "playlist_play" , this.on_playlist_play , "Play/Pause" ], [ "playlist_next" , this.on_playlist_next , "Next" ], [ "playlist_previous" , this.on_playlist_previous , "Previous" ], [ "volume_up" , this.on_volume_up , "Volume Up" ], [ "volume_down" , this.on_volume_down , "Volume Down" ], ]; $(window) .off("keydown.HotkeyListener") .on("keydown.HotkeyListener", {self: this}, function (event) { if (!(event.which >= 16 && event.which <= 18)) { var flags = (event.shiftKey ? 1 : 0) | (event.ctrlKey ? 2 : 0) | (event.altKey ? 4 : 0); // Not typing var t = $(document.activeElement).prop("tagName").toLowerCase(); if (t !== "input" && t !== "textarea") { // Hotkey loop for (var i = 0; i < event.data.self.hotkeys.length; ++i) { var k = event.data.self.hotkeys[i][0]; if ( script.settings["hotkeys"][k][0] != 0 && script.settings["hotkeys"][k][0] == event.which && script.settings["hotkeys"][k][1] == flags ) { event.data.self.hotkeys[i][1].call(event.data.self); return false; } } } } return true; }); } HotkeyListener.prototype = { constructor: HotkeyListener, settings_update: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.hotkeys.length; ++i) { script.settings["hotkeys"][this.hotkeys[i][0]] = [ 0 , 0 ]; } }, key_to_string: function (keycode, modifiers) { var str = ""; if ((modifiers & 1) != 0) str += "Shift"; if ((modifiers & 2) != 0) str += (str.length > 0 ? " + " : "") + "Ctrl"; if ((modifiers & 4) != 0) str += (str.length > 0 ? " + " : "") + "Alt"; if (keycode != 0) str += (str.length > 0 ? " + " : "") + ( keycode in this.keycode_names ? this.keycode_names[keycode] : (keycode >= 127 || keycode < 32 ? keycode : String.fromCharCode(keycode)) ); return str; }, create_hotkey_setting: function (hotkey_label, hotkey_name) { // Settings var hotkey_settings = { "section": "Hotkeys", "label": hotkey_label, "html": null, "html_input": null, "html_input_clear": null, "value": "", "value_code": script.settings["hotkeys"][hotkey_name][0], "value_modifiers": script.settings["hotkeys"][hotkey_name][1], "value_modifiers_current": 0, // 1 = shift, 2 = ctrl, 4 = alt "update_value": null, "listener": this }; hotkey_settings.update_value = function (hotkey_settings) { // Update hotkey_settings.value = hotkey_settings.listener.key_to_string( hotkey_settings.value_code, hotkey_settings.value_modifiers ); hotkey_settings.html_input.val(hotkey_settings.value); }; // HTML (hotkey_settings.html = E("div")) .append( //{ DOM E("div") .addClass("MPSettingsTextboxContainer") .append( (hotkey_settings.html_input = E("input")) .addClass("MPSettingsTextbox") .attr("type", "text") .val(hotkey_settings.value) ) .append( E("div") .addClass("MPSettingsTextboxLinkContainer") .append( (hotkey_settings.html_input_clear = E("a")) .attr("href", "#") .html("Clear") ) ) ); //} // Update value hotkey_settings.update_value(hotkey_settings); // Events hotkey_settings.html_input_clear.on("click", {"hotkey_settings": hotkey_settings, "hotkey_name": hotkey_name}, function (event) { // Clear value event.data.hotkey_settings.value_code = 0; event.data.hotkey_settings.value_modifiers = 0; event.data.hotkey_settings.value_modifiers_current = 0; event.data.hotkey_settings.update_value(event.data.hotkey_settings); // Update script.settings["hotkeys"][event.data.hotkey_name][0] = event.data.hotkey_settings.value_code; script.settings["hotkeys"][event.data.hotkey_name][1] = event.data.hotkey_settings.value_modifiers; script.settings_save(); return false; }); hotkey_settings.html_input.on("keydown", {"hotkey_settings": hotkey_settings, "hotkey_name": hotkey_name}, function (event) { event.data.hotkey_settings.value_modifiers_current = (event.shiftKey ? 1 : 0) | (event.ctrlKey ? 2 : 0) | (event.altKey ? 4 : 0); event.data.hotkey_settings.value_modifiers = event.data.hotkey_settings.value_modifiers_current; if (event.which >= 16 && event.which <= 18) { event.data.hotkey_settings.value_code = 0; } else { event.data.hotkey_settings.value_code = event.which; } event.data.hotkey_settings.update_value(event.data.hotkey_settings); return false; }) .on("keyup", {"hotkey_settings": hotkey_settings, "hotkey_name": hotkey_name}, function (event) { if (event.which >= 16 && event.which <= 18) { var v = 1 << (event.which - 16); event.data.hotkey_settings.value_modifiers_current &= ~v; event.data.hotkey_settings.update_value(event.data.hotkey_settings); } return false; }) .on("blur", {"hotkey_settings": hotkey_settings, "hotkey_name": hotkey_name}, function (event) { // No key? if (event.data.hotkey_settings.value_code == 0) { event.data.hotkey_settings.value_modifiers = 0; } event.data.hotkey_settings.update_value(event.data.hotkey_settings); // Update script.settings["hotkeys"][event.data.hotkey_name][0] = event.data.hotkey_settings.value_code; script.settings["hotkeys"][event.data.hotkey_name][1] = event.data.hotkey_settings.value_modifiers; script.settings_save(); }) .on("focus", {"hotkey_settings": hotkey_settings, "hotkey_name": hotkey_name}, function (event) { // Clear modifiers event.data.hotkey_settings.value_modifiers_current = 0; }); // Done return hotkey_settings; }, on_player_open: function () { // Open the player media_player_manager.open_player(true); }, on_player_close: function () { // Close the player if (media_player_manager.media_player !== null) { media_player_manager.media_player.destroy(true); } }, on_player_minmax: function () { // Min/maximize the player if (media_player_manager.media_player !== null) { if (media_player_manager.media_player.is_maximized()) { media_player_manager.media_player.minimize(); } else { media_player_manager.media_player.maximize(); } } }, theatre_view_toggle: function () { // Theatre-view if (media_player_manager.media_player !== null) { if (media_player_manager.media_player.is_in_theatre()) { media_player_manager.media_player.theatre_exit(); } else { media_player_manager.media_player.theatre_enter({no_info: true}); } } }, on_playlist_play: function () { // Play/pause if (media_player_manager.media_player !== null) { if (media_player_manager.media_player.is_paused()) { media_player_manager.media_player.play(); } else { media_player_manager.media_player.pause(); } } }, on_playlist_next: function () { // Next if (media_player_manager.media_player !== null) { media_player_manager.media_player.next(false); } }, on_playlist_previous: function () { // Previous if (media_player_manager.media_player !== null) { media_player_manager.media_player.previous(); } }, on_volume_up: function () { // Previous if (media_player_manager.media_player !== null) { media_player_manager.media_player.set_volume(media_player_manager.media_player.get_volume() + 0.05); } }, on_volume_down: function () { // Previous if (media_player_manager.media_player !== null) { media_player_manager.media_player.set_volume(media_player_manager.media_player.get_volume() - 0.05); } } }; var hotkey_listener = null; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Media player manager /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function MediaPlayerManager() { this.media_player = null; this.update_callbacks(); this.css_color_presets = { "yotsubab": { "@name": "Yotsuba B", "bg_outer_color": [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.25 ], "bg_color_lightest": [ 255 , 255 , 255 , 1.0 ], "bg_color_light": [ 238 , 242 , 255 , 1.0 ], "bg_color_dark": [ 214 , 218 , 240 , 1.0 ], "bg_color_darker": [ 183 , 197 , 217 , 1.0 ], "bg_color_darkest": [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 1.0 ], "color_special_1": [ 52 , 52 , 92 , 1.0 ], "color_special_2": [ 221 , 0 , 0 , 1.0 ], "color_standard": [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 1.0 ], "color_disabled": [ 120 , 124 , 128 , 1.0 ], "color_light": [ 120 , 124 , 128 , 1.0 ], "color_highlight_light": [ 255 , 255 , 255 , 1.0 ], "volume_colors": [ [ 52 , 52 , 92 , 1.0 ] ] }, "photon": { "@name": "Photon", "bg_outer_color": [ 51 , 51 , 51 , 0.25 ], "bg_color_lightest": [ 255 , 255 , 255 , 1.0 ], "bg_color_light": [ 238 , 238 , 238 , 1.0 ], "bg_color_dark": [ 221 , 221 , 221 , 1.0 ], "bg_color_darker": [ 204 , 204 , 204 , 1.0 ], "bg_color_darkest": [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 1.0 ], "color_special_1": [ 0 , 74 , 153 , 1.0 ], "color_special_2": [ 255 , 102 , 0 , 1.0 ], "color_standard": [ 51 , 51 , 51 , 1.0 ], "color_disabled": [ 128 , 128 , 128 , 1.0 ], "color_light": [ 128 , 128 , 128 , 1.0 ], "color_highlight_light": [ 255 , 255 , 255 , 1.0 ], "volume_colors": [ [ 255 , 102 , 0 , 1.0 ] ] }, "tomorrow": { "@name": "Tomorrow", "bg_outer_color": [ 197 , 200 , 198 , 0.25 ], "bg_color_lightest": [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 1.0 ], "bg_color_light": [ 29 , 31 , 33 , 1.0 ], "bg_color_dark": [ 40 , 42 , 46 , 1.0 ], "bg_color_darker": [ 54 , 56 , 60 , 1.0 ], "bg_color_darkest": [ 255 , 255 , 255 , 1.0 ], "color_special_1": [ 197 , 200 , 198 , 1.0 ], "color_special_2": [ 129 , 162 , 190 , 1.0 ], "color_standard": [ 197 , 200 , 198 , 1.0 ], "color_disabled": [ 125 , 128 , 126 , 1.0 ], "color_light": [ 125 , 128 , 126 , 1.0 ], "color_highlight_light": [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 1.0 ], "volume_colors": [ [ 129 , 162 , 190 , 1.0 ] ] }, "foolz": { "@name": "Foolz", "bg_outer_color": [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.25 ], "bg_color_lightest": [ 255 , 255 , 255 , 1.0 ], "bg_color_light": [ 238 , 248 , 240 , 1.0 ], "bg_color_dark": [ 214 , 240 , 218 , 1.0 ], "bg_color_darker": [ 183 , 217 , 197 , 1.0 ], "bg_color_darkest": [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 1.0 ], "color_special_1": [ 17 , 119 , 67 , 1.0 ], "color_special_2": [ 0 , 85 , 128 , 1.0 ], "color_standard": [ 54 , 64 , 65 , 1.0 ], "color_disabled": [ 120 , 128 , 124 , 1.0 ], "color_light": [ 120 , 128 , 124 , 1.0 ], "color_highlight_light": [ 255 , 255 , 255 , 1.0 ], "volume_colors": [ [ 17 , 119 , 67 , 1.0 ] ] } }; this.css_size_presets = { "yotsubab": { "@name": "Yotsuba B", "bg_outer_size": 2, "bg_outer_border_radius": 6, "bg_inner_border_radius": 4, "border_radius_normal": 4, "border_radius_small": 2, "main_font": "arial,helvetica,sans-serif", "controls_font": "Verdana", "font_size": 12, "font_size_small": 8, "font_size_controls": 12, "padding_scale": 1.0, "font_scale": 1.0, "border_scale": 1.0 }, "photon": { "@name": "Photon", "bg_outer_size": 2, "bg_outer_border_radius": 6, "bg_inner_border_radius": 4, "border_radius_normal": 4, "border_radius_small": 2, "main_font": "arial,helvetica,sans-serif", "controls_font": "Verdana", "font_size": 12, "font_size_small": 8, "font_size_controls": 12, "padding_scale": 1.0, "font_scale": 1.0, "border_scale": 1.0 }, "tomorrow": { "@name": "Tomorrow", "bg_outer_size": 2, "bg_outer_border_radius": 6, "bg_inner_border_radius": 4, "border_radius_normal": 4, "border_radius_small": 2, "main_font": "arial,helvetica,sans-serif", "controls_font": "Verdana", "font_size": 12, "font_size_small": 8, "font_size_controls": 12, "padding_scale": 1.0, "font_scale": 1.0, "border_scale": 1.0 }, "foolz": { "@name": "Foolz", "bg_outer_size": 2, "bg_outer_border_radius": 6, "bg_inner_border_radius": 4, "border_radius_normal": 4, "border_radius_small": 2, "main_font": "arial,helvetica,sans-serif", "controls_font": "Verdana", "font_size": 12, "font_size_small": 8, "font_size_controls": 12, "padding_scale": 1.0, "font_scale": 1.0, "border_scale": 1.0 } }; } MediaPlayerManager.prototype = { constructor: MediaPlayerManager, media_player_destruct_callback: function (media_player) { // Save settings script.settings_save(); // Nullify this.media_player = null; }, open_player: function (load_settings) { if (this.media_player != null) { // Focus player this.media_player.focus(); return this.media_player; } // CSS var media_player_css = new MediaPlayerCSS("yotsubab", this.css_color_presets, this.css_size_presets); // Load CSS settings if (load_settings) media_player_css.load(script.settings["style"]); // Custom settings var extra_options = []; // Player var self = this; this.media_player = new MediaPlayer( media_player_css, this.callbacks, function (data) { inline_manager.on_content_drag(data); }, function (media_player) { script.settings_save(); }, function (media_player) { self.media_player_destruct_callback(media_player); }, extra_options ); // Load settings if (load_settings) this.media_player.load(script.settings["player"]); // Async this.media_player.set_async_state(script.settings["performance"]["async_videcode_load"], script.settings["performance"]["async_rate"], script.settings["performance"]["async_delay"]); // Display this.media_player.create(); return this.media_player; }, update_callbacks: function () { this.callbacks = [ (script.settings["performance"]["async_image_load"] ? image_load.load_async : image_load.load), (script.settings["performance"]["async_png_load"] ? png_load.load_async : png_load.load) ]; if (this.media_player != null) { this.media_player.set_load_callbacks(this.callbacks); this.media_player.set_async_state(script.settings["performance"]["async_videcode_load"], script.settings["performance"]["async_rate"], script.settings["performance"]["async_delay"]); } }, }; var media_player_manager = null; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Script settings /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Script() { this.settings_loaded = false; this.settings = { "player": {}, "style": {}, "script": { "last_update": 0, "update_found": false, "update_version": "", "current_version": "", "update_message": "", "first_run": true }, "hotkeys": {}, // loaded elsewhere "performance": { "post_parse_group_size": 25, "post_parse_group_delay": 0.125, "async_image_load": true, "async_png_load": true, "async_videcode_load": true, "async_rate": 64000, "async_delay": 1, "fast_functions": true }, "inline": { "highlight_color": "000000", "sound_tags_replace": true, "sound_source": true, "sound_source_text": "sounds", "url_replace": true, "url_replace_smart": false, "url_hijack": true, "url_hijack_remove": false, "url_replace_media_links": true, "url_media_links_open_in_player": true, "url_left_click_open": false, "video_preview": true, "video_preview_timeout": 0.5, "video_preview_image_space": 240, "video_preview_description_font_size": 0.8, "video_preview_description_timeout": 0.5, "video_preview_animate_open": 0.375, "video_preview_animate_close": 0.375, "video_preview_animate_description": 0.375, "link_click_theatre_animate": 0.25, "link_click_theatre_info": true, "link_click_theatre_how_to": true, "link_click_theatre_youtube": true, "link_click_theatre_vimeo": true, "link_click_theatre_force_start": false, "link_click_theatre_close_on_finish": true, "link_click_theatre_close_on_finish_interference": false, }, "upload": { "enabled": true, "block_other_scripts": true, "animation_time": 0.25, "validate_files": true, "show_splash": true, "show_help": true, "autodetect_when_not_open": true, "autoupdate_after_post": true, } }; this.storage_name = "4cs"; this.forced_update_name = "4cs_forced_update"; this.forced_update_value = 1; // Changelog URL this.update_version_url = "http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/changelog.txt"; // Update URL this.update_url = "https://raw.github.com/dnsev/4cs/master/web/4cs.dev.user.js"; try { this.update_url = GM_getMetadata("downloadURL").toString(); } catch (e) { try { var m = /\/\/\s*@downloadURL\s+(.+)/.exec(GM_info.scriptMetaStr); if (m) { this.update_url = m[1].trim(); } } catch (e) { this.update_url = "https://raw.github.com/dnsev/4cs/master/web/4cs.user.js"; } } } Script.prototype = { constructor: Script, settings_save: function () { // Get if (media_player_manager.media_player != null) { this.settings["player"] = media_player_manager.media_player.save(); this.settings["style"] = media_player_manager.media_player.css.save(); } // Save try { GM_setValue(this.storage_name, JSON.stringify(this.settings)); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }, settings_load: function () { // Load if (!this.settings_loaded) { this.settings_loaded = true; try { var s = GM_getValue(this.storage_name); if (s) { s = JSON.parse(s); // load based on keys; overwrite if empty, else load on a per-key basis for (var key in this.settings) { if (key in s) { var len = 0; for (var key2 in this.settings[key]) { ++len; if (key2 in s[key]) this.settings[key][key2] = s[key][key2]; } if (len == 0) { this.settings[key] = s[key]; } } } } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } }, update_check_interval: function (time) { var time_update; var version = ""; try { version = GM_info.script.version; } catch (e) { try { version = GM_getMetadata("version").toString(); } catch (e) { version = null; } } if ( version !== null && ( (time_update = ((new Date()).getTime() - this.settings["script"]["last_update"] >= time)) || (time_update = (version != this.settings["script"]["current_version"])) || this.settings["script"]["update_found"] ) ) { this.settings["script"]["current_version"] = version; this.update_check(time_update); } }, update_check: function (ajax) { var self = this; var fn = function () { inline_manager.enable_update(self.update_url); }; if (ajax) { ajax_get( this.update_version_url, true, {}, null, function (okay, data, response) { if (okay) { var version; try { version = GM_info.script.version; } catch (e) { try { version = GM_getMetadata("version").toString(); } catch (e) { version = null; } } if (version !== null) { // Get the log var log = self.parse_change_log(response); // Settings self.settings["script"]["update_version"] = log[0][0].toString(); self.settings["script"]["last_update"] = (new Date()).getTime(); self.settings["script"]["update_message"] = ""; // Version compare self.settings["script"]["update_found"] = false; var current_version_split = version.toString().split("."); var new_version_split = self.settings["script"]["update_version"].split("."); var len = (new_version_split.length > current_version_split.length ? new_version_split.length : current_version_split.length); for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if ( (i < new_version_split.length ? (parseInt(new_version_split[i]) || 0) : 0) > (i < current_version_split.length ? (parseInt(current_version_split[i]) || 0) : 0) ) { // Get the update notes var version_count = 0; for (var k = 0; k < log.length; ++k) { new_version_split = log[k][0].split("."); len = (new_version_split.length > current_version_split.length ? new_version_split.length : current_version_split.length); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if ( (i < new_version_split.length ? (parseInt(new_version_split[i]) || 0) : 0) > (i < current_version_split.length ? (parseInt(current_version_split[i]) || 0) : 0) ) { if (++version_count > 5) { self.settings["script"]["update_message"] += "...\n"; i = len; break; } self.settings["script"]["update_message"] += log[k][0] + "\n"; for (i = 1; i < log[k].length; ++i) { self.settings["script"]["update_message"] += "- " + log[k][i] + "\n"; } i = -1; break; } } if (i >= len) break; } // Update alert fn(); self.settings["script"]["update_found"] = true; break; } else if ( (i < new_version_split.length ? (parseInt(new_version_split[i]) || 0) : 0) < (i < current_version_split.length ? (parseInt(current_version_split[i]) || 0) : 0) ) { // Ahead break; } } // Update settings self.settings_save(); } } } ); } else { fn(); } }, parse_change_log: function (data) { // Parse change log data = data.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n").split("\n\n"); var log = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { data[i] = data[i].trim(); if (data[i].length == 0) continue; log.push([]); data[i] = data[i].split("\n"); for (var j = 0; j < data[i].length; ++j) { if (j == 0) { log[log.length - 1].push(data[i][j]); } else { if (data[i][j][0] == "-") { log[log.length - 1].push(data[i][j].substr(1).trim()); } else { log[log.length - 1][log[log.length - 1].length - 1] += "\n" + (data[i][j].substr(1).trim()); } } } } return log; }, on_update_click: function (event) { if (event.which == 1) { var scr_name = ""; var scr_version = ""; try { scr_name = GM_info.script.name; scr_version = GM_info.script.version; } catch (e) { scr_name = "userscript.js"; scr_version = GM_getMetadata("version").toString(); } var s = "An update is available to \"" + scr_name + "\":\n\n" + "Current version: " + scr_version + "\n" + "Update Version: " + this.settings["script"]["update_version"] + "\n\n" + "Changes:\n" + this.settings["script"]["update_message"] + "\n\n" + "Middle click the link or copy and paste the following url: "; prompt(s, this.update_url); return false; } return true; }, settings_forced_update: function () { var val = 0; try { val = parseInt(GM_getValue(this.forced_update_name, "0")) || 0; } catch (e) { console.log(e); } if (val != this.forced_update_value) { GM_setValue(this.forced_update_name, this.forced_update_value.toString()); // Force updates for (val = 0; val < this.forced_update_value; ++val) { switch (val) { case 0: // Async change for Firefox { if (!is_chrome()) { this.settings["performance"]["async_image_load"] = false; this.settings["performance"]["async_png_load"] = false; this.settings["performance"]["async_videcode_load"] = false; } } break; default: break; } } } }, setup_options: function (inline_manager) { // Custom settings var extra_options = [ //{ { "section": "Sounds", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["sound_tags_replace"]; }, "label": "Tag Replacing", "description": "Replace [tags] in posts with links to load sounds", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["sound_tags_replace"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Sounds", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["sound_source"]; }, "label": "Image Link", "description": "Put the \"sounds\" link next to the attributes of images", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["sound_source"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Sound Uploading", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["upload"]["enabled"]; }, "label": "Enable Sound Uploading Controls", "description": "A sound embedder will be available in the quick reply box", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["upload"]["enabled"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Sound Uploading", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["upload"]["animation_time"]; }, "label": "Animation Time", "description": "How long it takes for the upload controls region to appear", "values": [ 1.0 , 0.75 , 0.5 , 0.375 , 0.25 , 0.125 , 0.0 ], "descr": [ "1 second" , "0.75 seconds" , "0.5 seconds" , "0.375 seconds" , "0.25 seconds" , "0.125 seconds" , "instant" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["upload"]["animation_time"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Sound Uploading", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["upload"]["validate_files"]; }, "label": "Validate Files", "description": "Validate any images/audio files as well formatted before uploading", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["upload"]["validate_files"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Sound Uploading", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["upload"]["block_other_scripts"]; }, "label": "Block Other Uploaders", "description": "Attempt to block other uploading scripts (STILL A GOOD IDEA TO DISABLE THEM)", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["upload"]["block_other_scripts"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Sound Uploading", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["upload"]["autodetect_when_not_open"]; }, "label": "Always Autodetect", "description": "Run autodetection on every image put in the uploader, even when the panel isn't open", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["upload"]["autodetect_when_not_open"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Sound Uploading", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["upload"]["autoupdate_after_post"]; }, "label": "Auto-update After Post", "description": "Attempt to auto-update the page after you post using the sounds panel", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["upload"]["autoupdate_after_post"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Sound Uploading", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["upload"]["show_help"]; }, "label": "Help Link", "description": "Display the help link in the uploader form", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["upload"]["show_help"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Performance", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["performance"]["async_image_load"]; }, "label": "Asynchronous Image Loading", "description": "When enabled, may reduce browser lag when loading an image; when disabled, the image loads as quickly as possible", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["performance"]["async_image_load"] = value; media_player_manager.update_callbacks(); script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Performance", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["performance"]["async_png_load"]; }, "label": "Asynchronous Stego-Image Loading", "description": "When enabled, may reduce browser lag when loading an image; when disabled, the image loads as quickly as possible", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["performance"]["async_png_load"] = value; media_player_manager.update_callbacks(); script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Performance", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["performance"]["async_videcode_load"]; }, "label": "Asynchronous Videcode Image Loading", "description": "When enabled, may reduce browser lag when loading an image; when disabled, the image loads as quickly as possible", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["performance"]["async_videcode_load"] = value; media_player_manager.update_callbacks(); script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Performance", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["performance"]["async_rate"]; }, "label": "Asynchronous Step Size", "description": "The approximate number of loop iterations to perform at a time; larger = faster, but browser may lag; smaller = less lag, but longer", "values": [ 1024000 , 512000 , 256000 , 128000 , 64000 , 32000 , 16000 , 8000 , 4000 ], "descr": [ "1024K" , "512K" , "256K" , "128K" , "64K" , "32K" , "16K" , "8K" , "4K" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["performance"]["async_rate"] = value; media_player_manager.update_callbacks(); script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Performance", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["performance"]["async_delay"]; }, "label": "Asynchronous Delay", "description": "The delay between groups of async data parsing; higher = longer", "values": [ 500 , 400 , 300 , 200 , 100 , 75 , 50 , 25 , 15 , 1 ], "descr": [ "500ms" , "400ms" , "300ms" , "200ms" , "100ms" , "75ms" , "50ms" , "25ms" , "15ms" , "ASAP" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["performance"]["async_delay"] = value; media_player_manager.update_callbacks(); script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Performance", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["performance"]["fast_functions"]; }, "label": "Fast Fucntions", "description": "Attempt to use native speed Javascript functions", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["performance"]["fast_functions"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Post Parsing", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["performance"]["post_parse_group_size"]; }, "label": "Group Size", "description": "The number of posts to parse at one time; may decrease lag time when loading a page", "values": [ -1 , 100 , 75 , 50 , 40 , 30 , 25 , 20 , 15 , 10 , 5 , 2 , 1 ], "descr": [ "All" , "100" , "75" , "50" , "40" , "30" , "25" , "20" , "15" , "10" , "5" , "2" , "1" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["performance"]["post_parse_group_size"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Post Parsing", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["performance"]["post_parse_group_delay"]; }, "label": "Group Delay", "description": "The delay between parsing a group of posts", "values": [ 1.0 , 0.75 , 0.5 , 0.375 , 0.25 , 0.125 , 1.0 / 128.0 ], "descr": [ "1 second" , "0.75 seconds" , "0.5 seconds" , "0.375 seconds" , "0.25 seconds" , "0.125 seconds" , "ASAP" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["performance"]["post_parse_group_delay"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Link Replacement", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["url_replace"]; }, "label": "URL Replacing", "description": "Replace URLs in posts", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["url_replace"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Link Replacement", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["url_replace_smart"]; }, "label": "Extended URLs", "description": "Attempt to replace urls through spoilers", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["url_replace_smart"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Link Replacement", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["url_hijack"]; }, "label": "URL Hijacking", "description": "Take over URLs replaced by other scripts", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["url_hijack"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Link Replacement", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["url_hijack_remove"]; }, "label": "Complete URL Hijacking", "description": "Disabling this may leave certain useful features from the original embed, otherwise they are stripped", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["url_hijack_remove"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Link Replacement", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["url_replace_media_links"]; }, "label": "Media URL Replacement", "description": "Transforms media links into titled links with some popup info", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["url_replace_media_links"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Link Replacement", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["url_media_links_open_in_player"]; }, "label": "Media URLs Open In Player", "description": "Media links are opened in the player", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["url_media_links_open_in_player"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Link Replacement", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["url_left_click_open"]; }, "label": "Left Click Open", "description": "Replaced links cannot be left clicked to open; middle click must be used", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["url_left_click_open"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Video Links", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["video_preview"]; }, "label": "Hover Preview", "description": "When enabled, hovering a video link will display a preview image", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["video_preview"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Video Links", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_timeout"]; }, "label": "Hover Time", "description": "How long you have to hover a link for the preview to appear", "values": [ 2.0 , 1.5 , 1.0 , 0.75 , 0.5 , 0.25 , 0.125 , 0.0 ], "descr": [ "2 seconds" , "1.5 seconds" , "1 second" , "0.75 seconds" , "0.5 seconds" , "0.25 seconds" , "0.125 seconds" , "instant" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_timeout"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Video Links", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_image_space"]; }, "label": "Preview Size", "description": "Size to use for the preview image", "values": [ 480 , 320 , 240 , 120 ], "descr": [ "Huge (480px)" , "Large (320px)" , "Normal (240px)" , "Small (120px)" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_image_space"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Video Links", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_description_timeout"]; }, "label": "Description Display", "description": "Time to wait to display the video description", "values": [ 5.0 , 4.0 , 3.0 , 2.0 , 1.0 , 0.75 , 0.5 , 0.375 , 0.25 , 0.125 , 0.0 , -1 ], "descr": [ "5 seconds" , "4 seconds" , "3 seconds" , "2 seconds" , "1 second" , "0.75 seconds" , "0.5 seconds" , "0.375 seconds" , "0.25 seconds" , "0.125 seconds" , "instant" , "off" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_description_timeout"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Video Links", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_description_font_size"]; }, "label": "Description Font Size", "description": "The scaling of the description text's font size", "values": [ 1.0 , 0.9 , 0.8 , 0.7 , 0.6 , 0.5 ], "descr": [ "normal" , "90%" , "80%" , "70%" , "60%" , "50%" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_description_font_size"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Video Links", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_animate_description"]; }, "label": "Description Animation", "description": "Display the opening animation for the video description", "values": [ 1.0 , 0.75 , 0.5 , 0.375 , 0.25 , 0.125 , 0.0 ], "descr": [ "1 second" , "0.75 seconds" , "0.5 seconds" , "0.375 seconds" , "0.25 seconds" , "0.125 seconds" , "instant" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_animate_description"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Video Links", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_animate_open"]; }, "label": "Opening Animation", "description": "Fade the preview window open", "values": [ 1.0 , 0.75 , 0.5 , 0.375 , 0.25 , 0.125 , 0.0 ], "descr": [ "1 second" , "0.75 seconds" , "0.5 seconds" , "0.375 seconds" , "0.25 seconds" , "0.125 seconds" , "instant" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_animate_open"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Video Links", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_animate_close"]; }, "label": "Closing Animation", "description": "Fade the preview window closed", "values": [ 1.0 , 0.75 , 0.5 , 0.375 , 0.25 , 0.125 , 0.0 ], "descr": [ "1 second" , "0.75 seconds" , "0.5 seconds" , "0.375 seconds" , "0.25 seconds" , "0.125 seconds" , "instant" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["video_preview_animate_close"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Theatre-View", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_youtube"]; }, "label": "Youtube", "description": "Enable Theatre-View on Youtube video links", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_youtube"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Theatre-View", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_vimeo"]; }, "label": "Vimeo", "description": "Enable Theatre-View on Vimeo video links", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_vimeo"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Theatre-View", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_animate"]; }, "label": "Opening Time", "description": "Time it takes for the theatre view to open", "values": [ 1.0 , 0.75 , 0.5 , 0.375 , 0.25 , 0.125 , 0.0 ], "descr": [ "1 second" , "0.75 seconds" , "0.5 seconds" , "0.375 seconds" , "0.25 seconds" , "0.125 seconds" , "instant" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_animate"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Theatre-View", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_force_start"]; }, "label": "Force Start", "description": "Added media will be forced to start playing", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_force_start"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Theatre-View", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_close_on_finish"]; }, "label": "Close On Finish", "description": "Theatre-View will close once the added media completes", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_close_on_finish"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Theatre-View", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_close_on_finish_interference"]; }, "label": "Close On Finish After Interaction", "description": "Theatre-View will close on finish, even if playback was interacted with", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_close_on_finish_interference"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Theatre-View", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_info"]; }, "label": "Display Information", "description": "Show info when entering Theatre-View from video links", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_info"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, { "section": "Theatre-View", "update_value": function () { this.current = script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_how_to"]; }, "label": "Settings Information", "description": "Show additional information about Theatre-View settings", "values": [ true , false ], "descr": [ "Enabled" , "Disabled" ], "change": function (value) { script.settings["inline"]["link_click_theatre_how_to"] = value; script.settings_save(); } }, ]; //} // Stylings var o; extra_options.push(o = { "section": "Styling", "label": "Highlight Color", "description": "The highlight color used for video previews, settings, etc.", "html": null }); (o.html = E("div")) .append( //{ DOM E("div") .addClass("MPSettingsTextboxContainer") .append( (o.html_input = E("input")) .addClass("MPSettingsTextbox MPSettingsTextboxRight") .attr("type", "text") .val(script.settings["inline"]["highlight_color"]) .on("change", {}, function (event) { script.settings["inline"]["highlight_color"] = $(this).val(); script.settings_save(); inline_manager.update_styles(); }) ) ); //} extra_options.push(o = { "section": "Styling", "label": "Image Link Text", "description": "The text of the link next to the image.", "html": null }); (o.html = E("div")) .append( //{ DOM E("div") .addClass("MPSettingsTextboxContainer") .append( (o.html_input = E("input")) .addClass("MPSettingsTextbox MPSettingsTextboxRight") .attr("type", "text") .val(script.settings["inline"]["sound_source_text"]) .on("change", {}, function (event) { script.settings["inline"]["sound_source_text"] = $(this).val(); script.settings_save(); }) ) ); //} // Hotkeys for (var i = 0; i < hotkey_listener.hotkeys.length; ++i) { extra_options.push( hotkey_listener.create_hotkey_setting(hotkey_listener.hotkeys[i][2], hotkey_listener.hotkeys[i][0]) ); } // Generate for (var i = 0; i < extra_options.length; ++i) { inline_manager.settings_manager.setting_add(extra_options[i]); } }, settings_update: function () { inline_manager.settings_manager.settings_update_all(); }, }; var script = null; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fast functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var Fast = (function () { var create_fast_function = function (fcn, args) { // Create script var src = '(function () {' + 'window.api_4cs_fast_function = ' + fcn.toString() + ';' + '})();'; // Inject script var parent = document.body || document.head || document.documentElement; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.innerHTML = src; parent.appendChild(script); parent.removeChild(script); // Get the function fcn = window.api_4cs_fast_function || undefined; delete window.api_4cs_fast_function; // Return if (!args) return fcn; for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { fcn = fcn.bind(window, args[i]); } return fcn.call(window); }; var inject = function (source) { var parent = document.body || document.head || document.documentElement; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.innerHTML = source; parent.appendChild(script); parent.removeChild(script); }; var setup = function () { // Inject function creation code var src = 'document.addEventListener("api_4cs_fast_function_create", function (event) {' + 'event.detail.ret = (' + create_fast_function.toString() + ').call(window, event.detail.fcn, event.detail.args);' + '}, false);' + 'document.addEventListener("api_4cs_fast_function_execute", function (event) {' + 'event.detail.ret = event.detail.fcn.apply(event.detail.this_obj, event.detail.args);' + 'event.detail.okay = true;' + '}, false);'; inject(src); }; var time_now = (function () { // Get the function var fcn = window.performance ? ( window.performance.now || window.performance.mozNow || window.performance.msNow || window.performance.oNow || window.performance.webkitNow ) : null; if (fcn) { // Bind it fcn = fcn.bind(window.performance); } else { // Default fcn = function() { return new Date().getTime(); }; } return fcn; })(); var functions = { setup: function () { if (setup) { setup(); setup = null; }; }, create: function (fcn, args, slow) { if (!slow) { if (setup) { setup(); setup = null; }; // Create data and event var detail = { fcn: fcn, args: args, ret: undefined }; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("api_4cs_fast_function_create", { detail: detail })); // Return value if (detail.ret) return detail.ret // Error console.log("Fast function creation failed"); } // Slow function for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { fcn = fcn.bind(window, args[i]); } return fcn.call(window); }, clone: function (fcn, slow) { if (!slow) { if (setup) { setup(); setup = null; }; // Create data and event var detail = { fcn: fcn, args: null, ret: undefined }; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("api_4cs_fast_function_create", { detail: detail })); // Return value if (detail.ret) return detail.ret // Error console.log("Fast function clone failed"); } // Slow function return fcn; }, execute: function (fcn, this_obj, args) { /* if (setup) { setup(); setup = null; };*/ // Create data and event var detail = { fcn: fcn, this_obj: this_obj, args: args, okay: false, ret: undefined }; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("api_4cs_fast_function_execute", { detail: detail })); // Return value if (detail.okay) { return detail.ret; } // Error console.log("Fast function execution failed"); // Slow function return fcn.apply(this_obj, args); }, wrap: function (fcn) { // Return a wrapper function return function () { return functions.execute(fcn, this, arguments); }; }, wrap_safe: function (fcn) { // Return a wrapper function return function () { try { // Execute the main function with its arguments var t1 = time_now(); var r = functions.execute(fcn, this, arguments); console.log(time_now() - t1); return r; } catch (e) { console.log("Wrapping error: " + e); } }; } }; return functions; })(); var Accelerate = function () { // Use acceleration? var accelerate = script.settings["performance"]["fast_functions"] && !is_chrome(); // Setup var FastLoop = Loop; if (accelerate) { Fast.setup(); FastLoop = Fast.create(LoopCreate, []); } // Create image_load image_load = Fast.create(image_load_function, [ FastLoop, MediaPlayer.ALL_SOUNDS, string_to_uint8array, decode_utf8 ], true); // Create png_load png_load = Fast.create(png_load_function, [ FastLoop, MediaPlayer.ALL_SOUNDS, DataImage, DataImageReader ], true); // Wrap if (accelerate) { for (var f in image_load) { image_load[f] = Fast.wrap(image_load[f]); } for (var f in png_load) { png_load[f] = Fast.wrap(png_load[f]); } } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // xch compatability /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function xch_acquire() { // xch detection xch = null; var xch_detail = { event: "acquire", return_value: undefined }; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("xch_api_event", { detail: xch_detail })); if (xch_detail.return_value !== undefined) { try { // Found xch = xch_detail.return_value; xch.api = new xch.API(); // Done return true; } catch (e) { xch = null; } } // Not found return false; }; var xch = null; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Entry /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $(document).ready(function () { // Don't load if (no_load) return; // Detection xch_acquire(); // Object setup script = new Script(); hotkey_listener = new HotkeyListener(); // Settings hotkey_listener.settings_update(); script.settings_load(); script.settings_forced_update(); // Setup function acceleration Accelerate(); // More object setup media_player_manager = new MediaPlayerManager(); sound_auto_loader = new SoundAutoLoader(); inline_manager = new InlineManager(); thread_manager = new ThreadManager(); // Options script.setup_options(inline_manager); // First run if (script.settings["script"]["first_run"]) { inline_manager.display_info("help", {easy_close: false}); } // Hack move the scope out of sandbox window._unsafe_exec = function () { var win_object = window; document.addEventListener("api_4cs_unsafe_exec", function (event) { event.detail.ret = event.detail.fcn.call(win_object, event.detail.data); }, false); }; var tag = document.createElement("script"); tag.innerHTML = "(" + window._unsafe_exec.toString() + ")();"; document.head.appendChild(tag); window._unsafe_exec = function (exec_function, data) { var detail = { fcn: exec_function, data: data, ret: null }; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("api_4cs_unsafe_exec", { detail: detail })); return detail.ret; } // Youtube API var onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function () { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("api_4cs_youtube_ready", { detail: { YT: window.YT } })); }; document.addEventListener("api_4cs_youtube_ready", function (event) { window.YT = event.detail.YT; }, false); tag = document.createElement("script"); tag.innerHTML = "var onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = " + onYouTubeIframeAPIReady.toString() + ";"; document.head.appendChild(tag); $.getScript("//www.youtube.com/iframe_api", function (script, status, jqXHR) {}); // Update check once a day script.update_check_interval(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); });