#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*- #pylint: disable-msg=C0301,W0702,C0103,R0903,R0914,R0912,R0915,R0913,C0302,W0141 """ File : cmssh_install.py Author : Valentin Kuznetsov [ vkuznet AT gmail DOT com ] Description: cmssh installation script Some useful URLs http://www.globus.org/ftppub/gt5/5.0/5.0.4/installers/src/gt5.0.4-all-source-installer.tar.bz2 http://www.nikhef.nl/pub/projects/grid/gridwiki/index.php/Using_voms-proxy-init_on_an_OSX_(10.4_or_higher)_system https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/VomsInstallGuide """ import sys if sys.version_info < (2, 6): raise Exception("cmssh requires python 2.6 or higher") # system modules import os import re import stat import copy import time import shutil import socket import urllib2 import tarfile import subprocess # local modules from optparse import OptionParser def osx_test(): "Test XCode presence for OSX" for tool in ['/usr/bin/make', '/usr/include/limits.h']: if not os.path.isfile(tool): msg = """######## ERROR ######## Can't locate %s In order to install and run cmssh on Mac OS X, your system must have the following components: Snow Leopard (OSX version 10.8.x) - Install Xcode from your installation media (CD/DVD) Lion (OSX version 10.7.x) - Install Xcode 4.2.x from your installation media (CD/DVD) or from the Mac App Store Mountain Lion (OSX version 10.8.x) - Install Xcode 4.4.x from the Mac App Store - drag the Xcode app to your /Applications folder, then run it - It will install almost everything needed - Open Xcode preferences to install command line tools, see http://bit.ly/TIdOgS - Make sure that Java is installed, see http://bit.ly/NoAmkv """ % tool print msg sys.exit(1) def osx_ver(): "Determine OSX version" cmd = 'sw_vers -productVersion' res = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) ver = res.stdout.read().replace('\n', '').strip() return '.'.join(ver.split('.')[:2]) def get_scram_arch(): "Determine SCRAM architecture" if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin': osx_test() # For OSX Lion I need osx107, but existing packages # have problem with bootstrap, see # https://hypernews.cern.ch/HyperNews/CMS/get/sw-develtools/1743/1/1/1/1/2/1.html # I need to wait until it is fixed, therefore I use arch osx106_amd64_gcc421 # which seems to be working arch = 'osx106_amd64_gcc421' if osx_ver() == '10.7': arch = 'osx107_amd64_gcc462' if osx_ver() == '10.8': arch = 'osx108_amd64_gcc470' elif os.uname()[0] == 'Linux': if os.uname()[-1] == 'x86_64': arch = 'slc5_amd64_gcc462' else: arch = 'slc5_ia32_gcc434' # test presence of readline if hasattr(subprocess, "check_output"): cond = re.search("libreadline\.so\.5", subprocess.check_output(["/sbin/ldconfig", "-p"])) else: cmd = "/sbin/ldconfig -p" res = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) libs = [l for l in res.stdout.readlines() if l.find('libreadline.so.5') != -1] cond = len(libs) if not cond: msg = 'cmssh on Linux requires readline5. Please verify that' msg += ' you have it installed on your system.' raise Exception(msg) else: print 'Unsupported platform' sys.exit(1) return arch # generate pkgconfig pc file def pc_file(path, name, ver, lib, inc): "Generate pkgconfig file" tmpl = """ prefix=%(path)s exec_prefix=${prefix} libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib includedir=${prefix}/include/lib%(lib)s Name: %(name)s Description: %(name)s Version: %(ver)s Libs: -L${libdir} -l%(lib)s Libs.private: -lz -lbz2 Cflags: -I${includedir} -I${includedir}/%(inc)s """ % {'path':path, 'name':name, 'lib': lib, 'inc':inc, 'ver': ver} return tmpl # helper function to make natural sort def try_int(sss): "Convert to integer if possible." try: return int(sss) except: return sss def natsort_key(sss): "Used internally to get a tuple by which s is sorted." return map(try_int, re.findall(r'(\d+|\D+)', sss)) def natcmp(aaa, bbb): "Natural string comparison, case sensitive." return cmp(natsort_key(aaa), natsort_key(bbb)) def natsort(seq, compare=natcmp): "In-place natural string sort." seq.sort(compare) def natsorted(seq, compare=natcmp): "Returns a copy of seq, sorted by natural string sort." temp = copy.copy(seq) natsort(temp, compare) return temp # Retrieve default scram arch based on OS version and use it globally # in the rest of the code DEF_SCRAM_ARCH = get_scram_arch() # IMPORTANT # The 2.6.4 version of CMSSW python has bug in OpenSSL # see https://hypernews.cern.ch/HyperNews/CMS/get/sw-develtools/1667/1.html # We need to avoid it, otherwise usage of HTTPS will be broken # So, the osx106_amd64_gcc462 has broken python 2.6.4 # the osx106_amd64_gcc461 has correct python 2.6.4, but broken 2.6.4-cmsX # the osx106_amd64_gcc421 has corrent python 2.6.4, but it picks root 5.30.02 # which does not have pyROOT library def find_pkg(pkg, rel_pkgs): "Find given package in list of release packages" for rel_pkg in rel_pkgs: if pkg == rel_pkg or rel_pkg.find(pkg) != -1: return rel_pkg def find_cms_package(apt_init, pkg, debug=None, lookup=None, rel_pkgs=[]): """ Find latest version of given package in CMSSW repository. """ if not lookup: lookup = pkg cmd = 'source %s; apt-cache search %s | grep "%s" | grep -v toolfile ' % (apt_init, pkg, lookup) if debug: print cmd if DEF_SCRAM_ARCH == 'osx107_amd64_gcc462': rel_pkg = find_pkg(lookup, rel_pkgs) if rel_pkg: name = rel_pkg elif pkg == 'coral': # fix coral lib issue for this arch # https://hypernews.cern.ch/HyperNews/CMS/get/softwareDistrib/682.html name = 'cms+coral+CORAL_2_3_21-cms25' else: res = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) vers = [r.replace('\n', '').split()[0] for r in res.stdout.readlines()] name = natsorted(vers)[-1] elif DEF_SCRAM_ARCH == 'osx106_amd64_gcc421': # Snow Leopard if pkg == 'root': name = 'lcg+root+5.30.02-cms4' elif pkg == 'py2-matplotlib': name = 'external+py2-matplotlib+1.0.1-cms3' elif pkg == 'py2-scipy': name = 'external+py2-scipy+0.8.0-cms3' elif pkg == 'coral': name = 'cms+coral+CORAL_2_3_12-cms30' elif pkg == 'py2-pycurl': name = 'external+py2-pycurl+7.19.0' else: res = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) vers = [r.replace('\n', '').split()[0] for r in res.stdout.readlines()] name = natsorted(vers)[-1] else: rel_pkg = find_pkg(lookup, rel_pkgs) if rel_pkg: name = rel_pkg else: res = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) vers = [r.replace('\n', '').split()[0] for r in res.stdout.readlines()] name = natsorted(vers)[-1] return name def find_installed_pkg(name, debug=0): "Find latest version (via natural sort) of installed package for a given name" cmd = 'find $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/$SCRAM_ARCH/%s/*/etc/profile.d -name init.sh' % name res = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) script = '/etc/profile.d/init.sh' vers = [r.replace('\n', '').split()[0].replace(script, '') for r in res.stdout.readlines()] try: init = natsorted(vers)[-1] + script except: if debug: print "Unable to process, name=%s, ver=%s" % (name, vers) if vers: print natsorted(vers) return None, None, None root = '/'.join(init.split('/')[:-3]) ver = init.split('/')[-4] return init, root, ver def available_architectures(): "Fetch CMSSW drivers" arch = os.uname()[0] pat1 = re.compile('.*-driver.txt.*') pat2 = re.compile('^[osx,slc].*') url = 'http://cmsrep.cern.ch/cmssw/cms/' data = urllib2.urlopen(url) for line in data.readlines(): if pat1.match(line): line = line.split('')[0].split('">')[-1] if pat2.match(line): if arch == 'Linux' and line[:3] == 'slc': yield line.replace('-driver.txt', '') elif arch == 'Darwin' and line[:3] == 'osx': yield line.replace('-driver.txt', '') def install_pip_pkg(pkgs, cms_env, path, debug, pkg, ver=None, opts=None, env_list=None): """ Install pip package. User must provide: - pkgs, installed package list - cms_env, cms_environment source string - path, cmssh install path - debug flag - pkg to be installed - optional: version, options and environment list (key-value tuple) """ print "Install", pkg cmd = cms_env if env_list: for key, val in env_list: os.environ[key] = val if debug: print "os.environ[%s]=%s" % (key, val) if not pkgs.has_key(pkg): if ver: cmd += '%s/install/bin/pip install %s==%s' % (path, pkg, ver) else: cmd += '%s/install/bin/pip install --upgrade %s' % (path, pkg) if opts: cmd += ' ' + opts exe_cmd(path, cmd, debug, log='%s.log' % pkg) if env_list: for key, val in env_list: del os.environ[key] # clean-up env settings def replace_in_file(fname, pat, new_pat): "Replace given pattern to new one for given file name" new_fname = '%s.%s' % (fname, int(time.time())) with open(fname, 'r') as old_file: with open(new_fname, 'w') as new_file: lines = old_file.read() lines = lines.replace(pat, new_pat) new_file.write(lines) os.remove(fname) shutil.move(new_fname, fname) def siteconfig(): "Generate dummy site config file used by lumiDB" header = """""" bottom = """""" body = "" idict = {'proxy': {'host': 'cmst0frontier', 'port': 3128}, 'backupproxy': {'host': 'cmsbpfrontier', 'port': 3128}, 'server': {'host': 'cmsfrontier', 'port': 8000, 'api': 'FrontierInt'}} for tag, item in idict.items(): for num in ['', '1', '2']: url = "http://%s%s.cern.ch:%s" % (item['host'], num, item['port']) if item.has_key('api'): url += "/%s" % item['api'] entry = '<%s url="%s"/>' % (tag, url) body += entry return header + body + bottom class MyOptionParser: """option parser""" def __init__(self): self.parser = OptionParser() self.parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store", type="int", default=0, dest="debug", help="verbose output") self.parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", action="store", type="string", default=None, dest="install_dir", help="install directory") self.parser.add_option("-i", "--install", action="store_true", dest="install", help="install cmssh and its dependencies") self.parser.add_option("-u", "--upgrade", action="store_true", dest="upgrade", help="upgrade cmssh") self.parser.add_option("--version", action="store", type="string", default="1.0.0", dest="version", help="get specific version of cmssh, e.g. master") drivers = ', '.join(available_architectures()) self.parser.add_option("--arch", action="store", type="string", default=None, dest="arch", help="CMSSW architectures:\n%s, default %s" % (drivers, DEF_SCRAM_ARCH)) self.parser.add_option("--cmssw", action="store", type="string", default=None, dest="cmssw", help="specify location of CMSSW install area") if socket.gethostname().find('cern.ch') != -1: lcg_default = '/afs/cern.ch/cms/LCG/LCG-2/UI/cms_ui_env.sh' else: lcg_default = '' self.parser.add_option("--lcg", action="store", type="string", default=lcg_default, dest="lcg", help="specify script to setup LCG/OSG environment") self.parser.add_option("--multi-user", action="store_true", default=False, dest="multi_user", help="install cmssh in multi-user environment") self.parser.add_option("--unsupported", action="store_true", dest="unsupported", help="enforce installation on unsupported CMS platforms, e.g. non SLC Linux") self.parser.add_option("--seed", action="store", type="string", default="", dest="seed", help="seed dependencies from given release") def get_opt(self): """Returns parse list of options""" return self.parser.parse_args() def getdata(url, verbose=0): """Invoke URL call and retrieve data for given url/params/headers""" headers = {} if verbose: print '+++ getdata url=%s' % url req = urllib2.Request(url) for key, val in headers.items(): req.add_header(key, val) if verbose > 1: handler = urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=1) opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler) urllib2.install_opener(opener) data = urllib2.urlopen(req) return data.read() def is_installed(url, path): "Check if already installed a package for given URL" fname = os.path.join(path, '.packages') if os.path.isfile(fname): with open(fname, 'r') as packages: for line in packages.readlines(): if url == line.replace('\n', ''): return True return False def add_url2packages(url, path): "Add url to packages file" with open(os.path.join(path, '.packages'), 'a') as packages: packages.write(url + '\n') def get_file(url, fname, path, debug, ext='r:gz'): """Fetch tarball from given url and store it as fname, untar it into given path""" os.chdir(path) with open(fname, 'w') as tar_file: tar_file.write(getdata(url, debug)) tar = tarfile.open(fname, ext) top_names = set([r.split('/')[0] for r in tar.getnames()]) if len(top_names) == 1: dir_name = top_names.pop() if os.path.isdir(dir_name): try: os.removedirs(dir_name) except: pass tar.extractall(path) tar.close() add_url2packages(url, path) def exe_cmd(idir, cmd, debug, msg=None, log='install.log'): """Execute given command in a given dir""" if msg: print msg os.chdir(idir) if debug: print "cd %s\n%s" % (idir, cmd) with open(log, 'w') as logstream: try: retcode = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=logstream, stderr=logstream) if retcode < 0: print >> sys.stderr, "Child was terminated by signal", -retcode except OSError, err: print >> sys.stderr, "Execution failed:", err def check_system(unsupported): "Check system requirements" # check presence of Java, required for GRID middleware if not os.environ.has_key('JAVA_HOME'): print "JAVA_HOME environment is required to install GRID middleware tools" print "Please install Java and appropriately setup JAVA_HOME" print "For example, export JAVA_HOME=/usr" sys.exit(1) # check Ubuntu default shell if os.uname()[3].find('Ubuntu') != -1 or unsupported: if os.readlink('/bin/sh') != 'bash': msg = 'The /bin/sh is pointing to %s.\n' msg += 'For proper installation of CMSSW software\n' msg += 're-configure /bin/sh to point to /bin/bash.\n' msg += 'On Ubuntu, if you have /bin/sh -> /bin/dash, just do:\n' msg += 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash' print msg sys.exit(1) def test_Fortran(): "Test presence of Fortran on the system" for cmd in ['g95', 'f95', 'f90', 'f77', \ 'xlf90', 'xlf', 'ifort', 'ifc', \ 'g77', 'gfortran', 'pgfortran']: cmd = 'which %s' % cmd res = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) rpath = res.stdout.read() return rpath def main(): "Main function" mgr = MyOptionParser() opts, _ = mgr.get_opt() use_lcg = opts.lcg platform = os.uname()[0] if platform == 'Darwin': if not os.environ.has_key('JAVA_HOME'): os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] = '/Library/Java/Home' elif platform == 'Linux': if not os.environ.has_key('JAVA_HOME'): if os.path.isfile('/usr/bin/java') or os.path.islink('/usr/bin/java'): os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] = '/usr' elif os.path.isfile('/usr/local/bin/java') or os.path.islink('/usr/local/bin/java'): os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] = '/usr/local' elif os.path.isfile('/opt/local/bin/java') or os.path.islink('/opt/local/bin/java'): os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] = '/opt/local' if not opts.install and not opts.upgrade: print "Usage: cmssh_install.py --help" sys.exit(0) check_system(opts.unsupported) debug = opts.debug idir = opts.install_dir if not idir: msg = "Please specify the install area" msg += " (it should have enough space to hold CMSSW releases)" print msg sys.exit(1) if idir[0] != '/': msg = "Please specify absolute path for install area, e.g. /path/%s" % idir print msg sys.exit(1) arch = opts.arch path = os.path.join(idir, 'soft') # setup platform and unsupported flag unsupported_linux = False if os.uname()[3].find('Ubuntu') != -1 or opts.unsupported: unsupported_linux = True # setup system architecture parch = 'x86' arch = opts.__dict__.get('arch', None) if platform == 'Linux': parch = 'x86_64' if unsupported_linux: vdt_ver = 'deb_5.0' else: vdt_ver = 'rhap_5' if not arch: arch = DEF_SCRAM_ARCH elif platform == 'Darwin': vdt_ver = 'macos_10.4' if not arch: arch = DEF_SCRAM_ARCH else: print 'Unsupported OS "%s"' % platform sys.exit(1) if not arch: print "Unsupported architecture" sys.exit(1) print 'Checking CMSSW' if debug: print 'Probe architecture', arch try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, 'logs')) except: pass os.chdir(path) os.environ['LANG'] = 'C' sdir = '%s/CMSSW' % path if opts.cmssw: # check if default architecture is present if arch in os.listdir(opts.cmssw): if not os.path.islink(sdir): os.symlink(opts.cmssw, sdir) os.environ['SCRAM_ARCH'] = arch os.environ['VO_CMS_SW_DIR'] = sdir if debug: print 'Will use %s/%s' % (sdir, arch) else: print "Please supply via --arch the architecture from %s you wish to use"\ % opts.cmssh sys.exit(1) else: # do local CMSSW bootstrap try: os.makedirs(sdir) except: pass os.environ['VO_CMS_SW_DIR'] = sdir os.environ['SCRAM_ARCH'] = arch url = 'http://cmsrep.cern.ch/cmssw/cms/bootstrap.sh' os.chdir(path) if not is_installed(url, path): os.chdir(sdir) with open('bootstrap.sh', 'w') as bootstrap: bootstrap.write(getdata(url, debug)) if os.uname()[0].lower() == 'linux': os.rename('bootstrap.sh', 'b.sh') cmd = 'cat b.sh | sed "s,\$seed \$unsupportedSeeds,\$seed \$unsupportedSeeds libreadline5,g" > bootstrap.sh' subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) os.chmod('bootstrap.sh', 0755) cmd = 'sh -x $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/bootstrap.sh setup -path $VO_CMS_SW_DIR -arch $SCRAM_ARCH' if unsupported_linux: cmd += ' -unsupported_distribution_hack' os.chdir(path) exe_cmd(sdir, cmd, debug, 'Bootstrap CMSSW', log='bootstrap.log') apt_init, _root, _ver = find_installed_pkg('external/apt', debug) cmd = 'source %s' % apt_init cmd += 'apt-get install external+fakesystem+1.0; ' cmd += 'apt-get update; ' exe_cmd(sdir, cmd, debug, 'Init CMSSW apt repository', log='aptget.log') # get latest non-patched/non-pre release and find out package versions latest_release = opts.seed if not latest_release: cmd = "source %s; apt-cache search CMSSW_ " % apt_init cmd += '| egrep -v -i "fwlite|pre|patch|dqm"' cmd += "| awk '{print $1}'" cmd += '| grep "^cms[+]cmssw[+]CMSSW_[0-9]_[0-9]_[0-9]$"' cmd += "| tail -1" exe_cmd(sdir, cmd, debug, 'Find latest CMSSW release', log='cmssw_rel.log') with open('cmssw_rel.log', 'r') as stream: latest_release = stream.read().replace('\n', '').strip() rel_pkgs = [] if latest_release: cmd = 'source %s; echo "N" | apt-get install %s' % (apt_init, latest_release) exe_cmd(sdir, cmd, debug, 'Find %s release deps' % latest_release, log='cmssw_rel_dep.log') with open('cmssw_rel_dep.log', 'r') as stream: rel_pkgs = [p for p in stream.read().split() if p.find('+')!=-1] if debug: print "Packages:" for pkg in rel_pkgs: print pkg # install useful set of CMS libraries cms_libs = ['root', 'coral', 'py2-pycurl', 'py2-matplotlib', 'py2-scipy'] if platform == 'Darwin' and osx_ver() == '10.6': cms_libs += ['freetype'] for cmspkg in cms_libs: msg = 'Install CMSSW %s' % cmspkg if cmspkg == 'root': lookup = 'lcg+root' elif cmspkg == 'coral': lookup = 'coral+CORAL' else: lookup = '' name = find_cms_package(apt_init, cmspkg, debug, lookup, rel_pkgs) cmd = 'source %s; echo "Y" | apt-get install %s' % (apt_init, name) log = '%s/logs/%s.log' % (path, cmspkg) exe_cmd(sdir, cmd, debug, msg, log) # add bootstrap url into soft/.packages add_url2packages(url, path) # command to setup CMSSW python _coral_init, coral_root, coral_ver = find_installed_pkg('cms/coral', debug) python_init, python_root, python_ver = find_installed_pkg('external/python', debug) if not python_init.find('init.sh') != -1: msg = '\nUnable to locate python in:' msg += '\n%s/%s/external/python' % (os.environ['VO_CMS_SW_DIR'], os.environ['SCRAM_ARCH']) msg += '\nPlease check CMSSW area and/or choose another architecture\n' print msg sys.exit(1) pver = '.'.join(python_ver.split('.')[0:2]) install_dir = '%s/install/lib/python%s/site-packages' % (path, pver) os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = install_dir try: os.makedirs(install_dir) except: pass cms_env = 'source %s;' % python_init if debug: print "CMSSW python: %s/%s" % (python_root, python_ver) print "python version", pver if platform == 'Darwin' and osx_ver() == '10.6': # CMSSW pcre is too old and srm software uses grep which linked to newer # pcre library, therefore install pcre 7.9 which is suitable for this case print "Install pcre" ver = '7.9' url = 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/pcre/%s/pcre-%s.tar.gz' % (ver, ver) if not is_installed(url, path): get_file(url, 'expat-%s.tar.gz' % ver, path, debug) cmd = cms_env + './configure --prefix=%s/install; make; make install' % path os.chdir(os.path.join(path, 'pcre-%s' % ver)) exe_cmd(os.path.join(path, 'pcre-%s' % ver), cmd, debug, log='pcre.log') print "Install expat" ver = '2.0.1' url = 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/expat/files/expat/%s/expat-%s.tar.gz/download?use_mirror=iweb' % (ver, ver) if not is_installed(url, path): get_file(url, 'expat-%s.tar.gz' % ver, path, debug) if parch == 'x86': cflags = 'CFLAGS=-m32' else: cflags = '' cmd = cms_env + '%s ./configure --prefix=%s/install; make; make install' % (cflags, path) os.chdir(os.path.join(path, 'expat-%s' % ver)) exe_cmd(os.path.join(path, 'expat-%s' % ver), cmd, debug, log='expat.log') # I need to clone whole CMSSW and then copy PythonUtilities into FWCore print "Download CMSSW" ver = 'CMSSW_7_0_X' if not os.path.isfile('%s.zip' % ver): cmd = 'curl -L -O https://github.com/cms-sw/cmssw/archive/%s.zip' % ver exe_cmd(path, cmd, debug) cmssw_gdir = 'cmssw-%s' % ver if not os.path.isdir(cmssw_gdir): cmd = 'unzip -qq %s.zip' % ver exe_cmd(path, cmd, debug) # install python utilities print "Install PythonUtilities" cmd = 'mkdir FWCore; touch FWCore/__init__.py' exe_cmd(path, cmd, debug) cmd = 'cp -r %s/FWCore/PythonUtilities/{python,scripts} FWCore' % cmssw_gdir exe_cmd(path, cmd, debug) # print "Install CRAB3" # ver = '3.0.6a' # url = 'http://cmsrep.cern.ch/cmssw/comp/SOURCES/slc5_amd64_gcc461/cms/crab-client3/%s/crabclient3.tar.gz' % ver # if not is_installed(url, path): # get_file(url, 'crabclient3.tar.gz', path, debug) print "Install CRAB" os.chdir(path) crab_ver = 'CRAB_current' url = 'http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/cms/ccs/wm/www/Crab/Docs/%s.tgz' % crab_ver if not is_installed(url, path): try: get_file(url, 'crab.tar.gz', path, debug) cmd = 'cd %s; ./configure' % crab_ver exe_cmd(path, cmd, debug, log='crab.log') except: print "Unable to fetch CRAB tar ball, will skip this step" print "Install WMCore" ver = '0.8.21' url = 'http://cmsrep.cern.ch/cmssw/comp/SOURCES/slc5_amd64_gcc461/cms/wmcore/%s/WMCORE.tar.gz' % ver if not is_installed(url, path): get_file(url, 'wmcore.tar.gz', path, debug) print "Install certificates" url = 'http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/software/certificates/62/certificates-62-1.tar.gz' url = 'http://dist.eugridpma.info/distribution/igtf/current/accredited/igtf-preinstalled-bundle-classic.tar.gz' opath = os.getcwd() cpath = os.path.join(path, 'certificates') if not is_installed(url, cpath): os.makedirs(cpath) get_file(url, 'certificates.tar.gz', cpath, debug) os.chdir(opath) # test local setup of GRID middleware (LCG/OSG) if platform == 'Linux' and use_lcg: print "Skip GRID middleware install, use local setup" else: print "Install Globus" os.chdir(path) url = 'http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/software/globus/4.0.8_VDT2.0.0gt4nbs/vdt_globus_essentials-VDT2.0.0-3-%s_%s.tar.gz' % (parch, vdt_ver) if not is_installed(url, path): get_file(url, 'globus.tar.gz', path, debug) print "Install Myproxy" url = 'http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/software/myproxy/5.3_VDT-2.0.0/myproxy_client-5.3-%s_%s.tar.gz' % (parch, vdt_ver) if not is_installed(url, path): get_file(url, 'myproxy_client.tar.gz', path, debug) url = 'http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/software/myproxy/5.3_VDT-2.0.0/myproxy_essentials-5.3-%s_%s.tar.gz' % (parch, vdt_ver) if not is_installed(url, path): get_file(url, 'myproxy_essentials.tar.gz', path, debug) print "Install VOMS" url = 'http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/software/voms/1.8.8-2p1-1/voms-client-1.8.8-2p1-%s_%s.tar.gz' % (parch, vdt_ver) if not is_installed(url, path): get_file(url, 'voms-client.tar.gz', path, debug) url = 'http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/software/voms/1.8.8-2p1-1/voms-essentials-1.8.8-2p1-%s_%s.tar.gz' % (parch, vdt_ver) if not is_installed(url, path): get_file(url, 'voms-essentials.tar.gz', path, debug) print "Install LCG info" url = 'http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/software/lcg-infosites/2.6-2/lcg-infosites-2.6-2.tar.gz' if not is_installed(url, path): get_file(url, 'lcg-infosites.tar.gz', path, debug) url = 'http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/software/lcg-info//1.11.4-1/lcg-info-1.11.4-1.tar.gz' if not is_installed(url, path): get_file(url, 'lcg-info.tar.gz', path, debug) print "Install SRM client" ver = '' url = 'http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/software/srm-client-lbnl/%s/srmclient2-%s.tar.gz' \ % (ver, ver) if not is_installed(url, path): get_file(url, 'srmclient.tar.gz', path, debug) cmd = cms_env + './configure --with-java-home=$JAVA_HOME --enable-clientonly' cmd += ' --with-globus-location=%s/globus' % path cmd += ' --with-cacert-path=%s/certificates' % path cmd += ' --with-srm-home=%s/srmclient2' % path exe_cmd(os.path.join(path, 'srmclient2/setup'), cmd, debug, log='srmclient.log') # fix Lion, Unable to load native library: libjava.jnilib problem # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1482450/broken-java-mac-10-6 if platform == 'Darwin' and osx_ver() == '10.6': pat = 'export CLASSPATH' new_pat = pat + '\nunset DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH\n' for fname in os.listdir(os.path.join(path, 'srmclient2/bin')): if fname.find('srm-') != -1: filename = os.path.join(path, 'srmclient2/bin/' + fname) replace_in_file(filename, pat, new_pat) os.chmod(filename, 0755) print "Install zmq" os.chdir(path) zmq_ver = '2.2.0' url = 'http://download.zeromq.org/zeromq-%s.tar.gz' % zmq_ver if not is_installed(url, path): get_file(url, 'zmq.tar.gz', path, debug) # it call add_url2packages cmd = 'cd zeromq-%s; ./configure --prefix=%s/install' % (zmq_ver, path) cmd += '; make install' exe_cmd(path, cmd, debug, log='zmq.log') print "Install setuptools" os.chdir(path) s_ver = '0.6c11' url = 'http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/setuptools/setuptools-%s.tar.gz' % s_ver if not is_installed(url, path): get_file(url, 'setuptools.tar.gz', path, debug) # it call add_url2packages cmd = cms_env + 'cd setuptools-%s; python setup.py install --prefix=%s/install' % (s_ver, path) exe_cmd(path, cmd, debug, log='setuptools.log') print "Install pip" os.chdir(path) ver = '1.10.1' url = 'https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/v/virtualenv/virtualenv-%s.tar.gz' % ver if not is_installed(url, path): get_file(url, 'virtualenv.tar.gz', path, debug) # it call add_url2packages cmd = cms_env + 'python virtualenv.py %s/install' % path cmd += '; . %s/install/activate' % path idir = '%s/virtualenv-%s' % (path, ver) exe_cmd(idir, cmd, debug, log='pip.log') add_url2packages(url, path) # url = 'https://raw.github.com/pypa/virtualenv/master/virtualenv.py' # if not is_installed(url, path): # with open('virtualenv.py', 'w') as fname: # fname.write(getdata(url, debug)) # cmd = cms_env + 'python %s/virtualenv.py %s/install' % (path, path) # cmd += '; . %s/install/activate' % path # exe_cmd(path, cmd, debug, log='pip.log') # add_url2packages(url, path) # get list of installed packages in pip repository cmd = cms_env + '%s/install/bin/pip freeze' % path exe_cmd(path, cmd, debug, log='installed.pkg') pip_packages = {} logfile = '%s/installed.pkg' % path with open(logfile, 'r') as installed_packages: for line in installed_packages.readlines(): if line.lower().find('warning') != -1 or line.find('#') != -1: continue if not line: continue try: pkg, ver = line.replace('\n', '').split('==') pip_packages[pkg] = ver except Exception as exp: print "Fail at line '%s'" % line print exp raise pkg = 'ipython' install_pip_pkg(pip_packages, cms_env, path, debug, pkg) # fix pylab message fname = '%s/install/lib/python%s/site-packages/IPython/core/pylabtools.py' \ % (path, pver) content = None with open(fname, 'r') as source: content = source.read() content = content.replace('Welcome to pylab, a matplotlib-based', 'cmssh+pylab') content = content.replace("For more information, type 'help(pylab)'.", '') if content: with open(fname, 'w') as output: output.write(content) # update local pkgconfig with libpng/freetype try: os.makedirs('%s/install/lib/pkgconfig' % path) except: pass with open('%s/install/lib/pkgconfig/libpng.pc' % path, 'w') as stream: png_init, png_root, png_ver = find_installed_pkg('external/libpng', debug) prefix = '%s/install' % path name = 'libpng' lib = 'png%s' % ''.join(png_ver.split('.')[:2]) ver = png_ver inc = '' stream.write(pc_file(prefix, name, ver, lib, inc)) with open('%s/install/lib/pkgconfig/freetype2.pc' % path, 'w') as stream: ft_init, ft_root, ft_ver = find_installed_pkg('external/freetype', debug) prefix = '%s/install' % path name = 'freetype' lib = 'freetype' ver = ft_ver inc = 'freetype2' stream.write(pc_file(prefix, name, ver, lib, inc)) # install standard libraries std_pkgs = ['Routes', 'python-dateutil', 'decorator', 'pyOpenSSL', 'paramiko', 'pyzmq', 'tornado', 'pytz', 'pycrypto', 'numpy', 'matplotlib', 'html2text', 'feedparser', 'jinja2', ] for pkg in std_pkgs: ver = None args = None env_list = [] if pkg.lower() == 'feedparser': ver = '5.1.2' # tested if pkg.lower() == 'pyopenssl': # use 0.12 version of pyOpenSSL due to # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7340784/easy-install-pyopenssl-error ver = '0.12' if pkg.lower() == 'pyzqm': # add intstall path option for zmq args = '--install-option="--zmq=%s/install"' % path if pkg == 'matplotlib': try: if platform == 'Darwin' and \ os.path.isfile('/usr/bin/llvm-gcc') and \ os.path.isfile('/usr/bin/llvm-g++'): env_list = [('CC', 'llvm-gcc'), ('CXX', 'llvm-g++')] env_list += [('MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET', osx_ver())] ft_init, ft_root, _ = find_installed_pkg('external/freetype', debug) png_init, png_root, _ = find_installed_pkg('external/libpng', debug) cms_env2 = 'source %s; source %s; source %s;' \ % (python_init, ft_init, png_init) cflags = '-I%s/include -I%s/include/freetype2 -I%s/include' \ % (ft_root, ft_root, png_root) ldflags = '-L%s/lib -L%s/lib' % (ft_root, png_root) env_list += [('CFLAGS', cflags), ('LDFLAGS', ldflags)] pkgconfig = '%s/install/lib/pkgconfig' % path env_list += [('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', pkgconfig)] install_pip_pkg(pip_packages, cms_env2, path, debug, pkg, ver, args, env_list) except: pass else: install_pip_pkg(pip_packages, cms_env, path, debug, pkg, ver, args, env_list) # install readline after pip, since it requires setuptools print "Install readline" # if platform == 'Darwin' and not is_installed(url, path): # if pver == '2.7': # url = 'http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.7/r/readline/readline-6.2.2-py2.7-macosx-10.7-intel.egg' # md5 = '25383d860632d4a1521961ba68a52fe2' # if pver == '2.6': # url = 'http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.6/r/readline/readline-6.2.2-py2.6-macosx-10.6-universal.egg' # md5 = '13d63c76be4ff09c5d55fbbe3b6ab2c7' # with open('readline.egg', 'w') as readline: # readline.write(getdata(url, debug)) # cmd = 'cd %s/install/lib/python%s/site-packages; unzip -n %s/readline.egg' % (path, pver, path) # exe_cmd(path, cmd, debug, log='readline.log') ver = '6.2.2' url = 'http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/r/readline/readline-%s.tar.gz' % ver if platform == 'Darwin' and not is_installed(url, path): get_file(url, 'readline.tar.gz', path, debug) cmd = """#!/bin/bash export CMSSH_ROOT={path} export VO_CMS_SW_DIR=$CMSSH_ROOT/CMSSW export SCRAM_ARCH={arch} export LANG="C" source {python_init} idir={path}/install mkdir -p $idir/lib/python{pver}/site-packages export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/python{pver}/site-packages:$idir/lib/python{pver}/site-packages python setup.py install --prefix=$idir export CFLAGS='-arch x86_64' export LDFLAGS='-arch x86_64' cd readline ./configure CPPFLAGS='-DNEED_EXTERN_PC -fPIC' make cd - python setup.py install --prefix=$idir """.format(path=path, arch=arch, pver=pver, python_init=python_init) exe_cmd(os.path.join(path, 'readline-%s' % ver), cmd, debug, log='readline.log') print "Install LumiDB" os.chdir(path) dst = os.path.join(path, 'install/lib/python%s/site-packages/RecoLuminosity' % pver) if not os.path.isdir(dst): try: os.makedirs(dst) except: pass shutil.copytree('%s/RecoLuminosity/LumiDB/python' % cmssw_gdir, os.path.join(dst, 'LumiDB')) with open(os.path.join(dst, '__init__.py'), 'w') as init_file: init_file.write("") shutil.copy(os.path.join(dst, '__init__.py'), os.path.join(dst, 'LumiDB')) if opts.upgrade: print "Upgrade cmssh" else: print "Install cmssh" os.chdir(path) url = 'http://github.com/dmwm/cmssh/tarball/%s/' % opts.version cmssh_ver = [i for i in url.split('/') if i][-1] cmssh_ts = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime()) if opts.upgrade or not is_installed(url, path): try: cmd = 'rm -rf dmwm-cmssh*; rm -rf cmssh' exe_cmd(path, cmd, debug) except: pass try: cmd = 'rm -rf .ipython' exe_cmd(path, cmd, debug) except: pass get_file(url, 'cmssh.tar.gz', path, debug) cmd = 'mv dmwm-cmssh* %s/cmssh' % path exe_cmd(path, cmd, debug) print "Create configuration" os.chdir(path) with open('setup.sh', 'w') as setup: msg = '#!/bin/bash\nexport CMSSH_ROOT=%s\n' % path msg += """ # Clean-up release environment dir=$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/release_lib if [ -d $dir ] || [ -L $dir ]; then rm -rf $dir fi dir=$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/release_root if [ -d $dir ] || [ -L $dir ]; then rm -rf $dir fi dir=$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/release_external if [ -d $dir ] || [ -L $dir ]; then rm -rf $dir fi """ msg += 'export CMSSH_INSTALL_DIR=$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/python%s/site-packages\n' % pver msg += 'echo -n "Loading dependencies:"\n' msg += """cms_init() { if [ -f $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/$SCRAM_ARCH/$1/$2/etc/profile.d/init.sh ]; then echo -n "." source $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/$SCRAM_ARCH/$1/$2/etc/profile.d/init.sh fi } set_cmd() { if [ "$1" == "lcg" ]; then export LCG_CP=`command -v lcg-cp` export LCG_LS=`command -v lcg-ls` export LCG_RM=`command -v lcg-del` fi if [ "$1" == "srm" ]; then if [ -n "`command -v srm-ls`" ]; then export SRM_CP=`command -v srm-copy` export SRM_LS=`command -v srm-ls` export SRM_RM=`command -v srm-rm` export SRM_MKDIR=`command -v srm-mkdir` export SRM_RMDIR=`command -v srm-rmdir` fi if [ -n "`command -v srmls`" ]; then export SRM_CP=`command -v srmcp` export SRM_LS=`command -v srmls` export SRM_RM=`command -v srmrm` export SRM_MKDIR=`command -v srmmkdir` export SRM_RMDIR=`command -v srmrmdir` fi fi } link_root() { dir=$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/release_root if [ -d $dir ] || [ -L $dir ]; then rm -rf $dir fi ln -s $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/$SCRAM_ARCH/$1/$2 $dir } coral_init() { coral=$CORAL_DIR/$SCRAM_ARCH coral_external=$CORAL_DIR/external/$SCRAM_ARCH/lib export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$CMSSH_ROOT:$coral/python:$coral/lib:$coral_external export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:$coral/lib:$coral_external export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$coral/lib:$coral_external if [ -f $CORAL_DIR/$SCRAM_ARCH/lib/liblcg_PyCoral.dylib ]; then if [ ! -f $CORAL_DIR/$SCRAM_ARCH/lib/liblcg_PyCoral.so ]; then ln -s $CORAL_DIR/$SCRAM_ARCH/lib/liblcg_PyCoral.dylib $CORAL_DIR/$SCRAM_ARCH/lib/liblcg_PyCoral.so fi fi if [ -f $CORAL_DIR/$SCRAM_ARCH/lib/liblcg_ConnectionService.dylib ]; then if [ ! -f $CORAL_DIR/$SCRAM_ARCH/lib/liblcg_ConnectionService.so ]; then ln -s $CORAL_DIR/$SCRAM_ARCH/lib/liblcg_ConnectionService.dylib $CORAL_DIR/$SCRAM_ARCH/lib/liblcg_ConnectionService.so fi fi } \n """ msg += 'export VO_CMS_SW_DIR=$CMSSH_ROOT/CMSSW\n' msg += 'export SCRAM_ARCH=%s\n' % arch msg += 'export LANG="C"\n' if not opts.multi_user: msg += 'export CMSSW_RELEASES=$CMSSH_ROOT/Releases\n' msg += 'if [ -f $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/cmsset_default.sh ]; then\n' msg += ' source $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/cmsset_default.sh\nfi\n' msg += "network=`hostname -d 2> /dev/null`\n" msg += 'if [ X$network == X"cern.ch" ]; then\n' msg += "source /afs/cern.ch/project/eos/installation/pro/etc/setup.sh\n" msg += "export CMSSH_EOS=1\nfi\n" msg += 'export CRAB_ROOT=$CMSSH_ROOT/%s\n' % crab_ver if not opts.multi_user: msg += 'export OLD_PATH=$PATH\n' msg += 'export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin\n' msg += 'unset PYTHONPATH\n' if use_lcg: msg += '# use local LCG installation\n' msg += '. %s\n\n' % use_lcg if os.environ.has_key('LD_LIBRARY_PATH'): msg += 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s\n' % os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] deps = ['external/apt', 'lcg/root', 'external/python', 'external/xz', 'external/pcre', 'external/freetype', 'external/libpng', 'external/lapack', 'external/libjpg', 'external/libtiff', 'external/libungif', 'external/py2-matplotlib', 'external/py2-scipy', 'external/py2-numpy', 'external/curl', 'external/py2-pycurl', 'external/xrootd', 'external/boost', 'cms/coral'] if platform == 'Darwin' and osx_ver() == '10.6': deps += ['external/xerces-c', 'external/frontier_client'] matplotlib_ver = None for pkg in deps: func = 'cms_init' _init, _root, pkg_ver = find_installed_pkg(pkg, debug) if pkg == 'external/py2-matplotlib': matplotlib_ver = pkg_ver if not pkg_ver: continue if pkg == 'lcg/root': func = 'link_root' msg += '%s "%s" "%s"\n' % (func, pkg, pkg_ver) msg += '# Recreate release dirs in order to add them to PATHs\n' msg += 'mkdir -p $CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/release_lib\n' msg += 'mkdir -p $CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/release_root/lib\n' msg += 'mkdir -p $CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/release_external/lib\n' msg += 'export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$CMSSH_ROOT/globus/lib:$CMSSH_ROOT/glite/lib:$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib\n' msg += 'export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/release_lib:$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/release_external:$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/release_external/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH\n' msg += 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$CMSSH_ROOT/globus/lib:$CMSSH_ROOT/glite/lib:$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n' msg += 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/release_lib:$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/release_external/lib:$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/release_root/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n' if parch == 'x86_64': msg += 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$CMSSH_ROOT/globus/lib64:$CMSSH_ROOT/glite/lib64:$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n' msg += 'export PATH=$VO_CMS_SW_DIR/bin:$CMSSH_ROOT/install/bin:$PATH\n' msg += 'export PATH=$PATH:$CMSSH_ROOT/globus/bin\n' msg += 'export PATH=$PATH:$CMSSH_ROOT/glite/bin\n' msg += 'export PATH=$PATH:$CMSSH_ROOT/srmclient2/bin\n' msg += 'export PATH=$PATH:$CMSSH_ROOT/bin\n' msg += 'export PATH=$PATH:$CMSSH_ROOT/lcg/bin\n' msg += 'export PATH=$PATH:$CMSSH_ROOT/CRABClient/bin\n' msg += 'set_cmd "lcg"\n' msg += 'set_cmd "srm"\n' msg += 'export PYTHONPATH=$CMSSH_ROOT/cmssh/src:$PYTHONPATH\n' msg += 'export PYTHONPATH=$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/release_root/lib:$PYTHONPATH\n' msg += 'export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$CMSSH_ROOT\n' msg += 'export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$CMSSH_ROOT/CRABClient/src/python\n' msg += 'export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$CMSSH_ROOT/WMCore/src/python\n' msg += 'export PYTHONPATH=$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/python%s/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH\n' % pver msg += 'export DBS_INSTANCE=cms_dbs_prod_global\n' msg += 'export LCG_GFAL_INFOSYS=lcg-bdii.cern.ch:2170\n' msg += 'export VOMS_USERCONF=$CMSSH_ROOT/glite/etc/vomses\n' msg += 'export VOMS_LOCATION=$CMSSH_ROOT/glite\n' msg += 'export MYPROXY_SERVER=myproxy.cern.ch\n' msg += 'export X509_CERT_DIR=$CMSSH_ROOT/certificates\n' msg += 'export GLOBUS_ERROR_VERBOSE=true\n' msg += 'export GLOBUS_OPTIONS=-Xmx512M\n' msg += 'export GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE=34000,35000\n' msg += 'export GLOBUS_PATH=$CMSSH_ROOT/globus\n' msg += 'export GLOBUS_LOCATION=$CMSSH_ROOT/globus\n' msg += 'export VOMS_PROXY_INFO_DONT_VERIFY_AC=anything_you_want\n' msg += 'export MATPLOTLIBRC=$CMSSH_ROOT/cmssh/src/config\n' msg += 'export CORAL_DIR=$CMSSH_ROOT/CMSSW/$SCRAM_ARCH/cms/coral/%s\n' % coral_ver fname = '/afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSCOMM/COMM_DQM/certification/Collisions12/8TeV/Prompt/Cert_190456-202305_8TeV_PromptReco_Collisions12_JSON.txt' if os.path.isfile(fname): msg += 'export CMS_JSON=%s\n' % fname else: msg += 'export CMS_JSON=None\n' msg += 'coral_init\n' cmssw = opts.cmssw if opts.cmssw else '' msg += 'export CMSSH_CMSSW=%s\n' % cmssw msg += 'echo " DONE"' if debug: print "+++ write setup.sh" setup.write(msg) os.chmod('setup.sh', 0755) if not os.path.islink(os.path.join(path, 'CMSSW')): sconfig_dir = os.path.join(path, 'CMSSW/SITECONF/local/JobConfig') try: os.makedirs(sconfig_dir) except: pass with open(os.path.join(sconfig_dir, 'site-local-config.xml'), 'w') as sconfig: sconfig.write(siteconfig() + '\n') vomses = os.path.join(path, 'glite') print "Create vomses area" vdir = os.path.join(vomses, 'etc') try: os.makedirs(vdir) except: pass fname = os.path.join(vdir, 'vomses') if not os.path.isfile(fname): with open(fname, 'w') as fds: msg = '"cms" "voms.fnal.gov" "15015" "/DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=Services/CN=http/voms.fnal.gov" "cms"' fds.write(msg + '\n') msg = '"cms" "voms.cern.ch" "15002" "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/CN=voms.cern.ch" "cms"' fds.write(msg + '\n') msg = '"cms" "lcg-voms.cern.ch" "15002" "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/CN=lcg-voms.cern.ch" "cms"' fds.write(msg + '\n') os.chmod(fname, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IRGRP) print "Create cmssh" try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, 'bin')) except: pass with open(os.path.join(path, 'bin/cmssh'), 'w') as cmssh: msg = '#!/bin/bash\n' msg += """ if [ $# == 1 ]; then list="help -help --help -h" if [[ $list =~ $1 ]]; then echo "Usage: $0 " echo " notebook - start cmssh in notebook mode" echo " (will start cmssh session in a browser)" exit; fi fi\n""" msg += 'echo "Welcome to cmssh, %s@%s"\n' % (cmssh_ver, cmssh_ts) msg += 'source %s/setup.sh\n' % path if opts.multi_user: msg += 'ipdir="/tmp/$USER/.ipython"\nmkdir -p $ipdir\n' else: msg += 'ipdir="%s/.ipython"\nmkdir -p $ipdir\n' % path msg += """ soft_dir=%(path)s if [ ! -d $ipdir/extensions ]; then mkdir -p $ipdir/extensions fi if [ ! -d $ipdir/profile_cmssh ]; then mkdir -p $ipdir/profile_cmssh fi if [ -f $ipdir/extensions/cmssh_extension.py ]; then /bin/rm -f /tmp/$USER/.ipython/extensions/cmssh_extension.py fi if [ ! -f $ipdir/extensions/cmssh_extension.py ]; then cp $soft_dir/cmssh/src/config/cmssh_extension.py $ipdir/extensions/ fi if [ ! -f $ipdir/profile_cmssh/ipython_config.py ]; then cp $soft_dir/cmssh/src/config/ipython_config.py $ipdir/profile_cmssh/ fi if [ ! -f $HOME/.globus/userkey.pem ]; then echo "You don't have $HOME/.globus/userkey.pem on this system" echo "Please install it to proceed" exit -1 fi if [ ! -f $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem ]; then echo "You don't have $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem on this system" echo "Please install it to proceed" exit -1 fi export IPYTHONDIR=$ipdir pylab=" --pylab=auto" osname=`uname -s` if [ "$osname" == "Darwin" ]; then cms_osx_driver=$CMSSH_ROOT/CMSSW/$SCRAM_ARCH/external/py2-matplotlib/%(mver)s/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/backends_macosx.so osx_driver=$CMSSH_ROOT/install/lib/python%(pver)s/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/_macosx.so if [ -f "$osx_driver" ] || [ -f "$cms_osx_driver" ]; then pylab=" --pylab=osx" fi fi notebook="--no-banner" if [ $# == 1 ]; then if [ $1 == "notebook" ]; then notebook="notebook" pylab="--pylab=inline" export CMSSH_NOTEBOOK=1 fi fi # TODO: fix pylab issue on OSX, upon load it claims that python is not installed as framework #opts="$notebook $pylab" opts="$notebook" ipython $opts --ipython-dir=$ipdir --profile=cmssh """ % {'path':path, 'pver':pver, 'mver': matplotlib_ver} cmssh.write(msg) os.chmod('bin/cmssh', 0755) # remove soflinks in coral, since matplotlib fails to load if platform == 'Darwin' and osx_ver() == '10.6': cdir = coral_root + '/external/%s/lib' % get_scram_arch() for item in os.listdir(cdir): fname = os.path.join(cdir, item) if os.path.islink(fname): os.remove(fname) print "Make links" xrdcp = os.path.join(path, 'install/bin/xrdcp') if not os.path.islink(xrdcp): _xrootd_init, xrootd_root, _xrootd_ver = find_installed_pkg('external/xrootd', debug) os.symlink(os.path.join(xrootd_root, 'bin/xrdcp'), xrdcp) print "Clean-up soft area" os.chdir(path) subprocess.call("rm *.tar.gz", shell=True) if not os.path.isdir('logs'): os.makedirs('logs') subprocess.call("mv *.log logs", shell=True) print "Congratulations, cmssh is available at %s/bin/cmssh" % path if __name__ == '__main__': main()