import DSWaveformImage import SwiftUI @available(iOS 15.0, macOS 12.0, *) /// Renders and displays a waveform for the audio at `audioURL`. public struct WaveformView: View { private let audioURL: URL private let configuration: Waveform.Configuration private let renderer: WaveformRenderer private let priority: TaskPriority private let content: (WaveformShape) -> Content @State private var samples: [Float] = [] /** Creates a new WaveformView which displays a waveform for the audio at `audioURL`. - Parameters: - audioURL: The `URL` of the audio asset to be rendered. - configuration: The `Waveform.Configuration` to be used for rendering. - renderer: The `WaveformRenderer` implementation to be used. Defaults to `LinearWaveformRenderer`. Also comes with `CircularWaveformRenderer`. - priority: The `TaskPriority` used during analyzing. Defaults to `.userInitiated`. - content: ViewBuilder with the WaveformShape to be customized. */ public init( audioURL: URL, configuration: Waveform.Configuration = Waveform.Configuration(damping: .init(percentage: 0.125, sides: .both)), renderer: WaveformRenderer = LinearWaveformRenderer(), priority: TaskPriority = .userInitiated, @ViewBuilder content: @escaping (WaveformShape) -> Content ) { self.audioURL = audioURL self.configuration = configuration self.renderer = renderer self.priority = priority self.content = content } public var body: some View { GeometryReader { geometry in content(WaveformShape(samples: samples, configuration: configuration, renderer: renderer)) .onAppear { guard samples.isEmpty else { return } update(size: geometry.size, url: audioURL, configuration: configuration) } .modifier(OnChange(of: geometry.size, action: { newValue in update(size: newValue, url: audioURL, configuration: configuration) })) .modifier(OnChange(of: audioURL, action: { newValue in update(size: geometry.size, url: audioURL, configuration: configuration) })) .modifier(OnChange(of: configuration, action: { newValue in update(size: geometry.size, url: audioURL, configuration: newValue) })) } } private func update(size: CGSize, url: URL, configuration: Waveform.Configuration) { Task(priority: priority) { do { let samplesNeeded = Int(size.width * configuration.scale) let samples = try await WaveformAnalyzer().samples(fromAudioAt: url, count: samplesNeeded) await { self.samples = samples } } catch { assertionFailure(error.localizedDescription) } } } } public extension WaveformView { /** Creates a new WaveformView which displays a waveform for the audio at `audioURL`. - Parameters: - audioURL: The `URL` of the audio asset to be rendered. - configuration: The `Waveform.Configuration` to be used for rendering. - renderer: The `WaveformRenderer` implementation to be used. Defaults to `LinearWaveformRenderer`. Also comes with `CircularWaveformRenderer`. - priority: The `TaskPriority` used during analyzing. Defaults to `.userInitiated`. */ init( audioURL: URL, configuration: Waveform.Configuration = Waveform.Configuration(damping: .init(percentage: 0.125, sides: .both)), renderer: WaveformRenderer = LinearWaveformRenderer(), priority: TaskPriority = .userInitiated ) where Content == AnyView { self.init(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: configuration, renderer: renderer, priority: priority) { shape in AnyView(DefaultShapeStyler().style(shape: shape, with: configuration)) } } /** Creates a new WaveformView which displays a waveform for the audio at `audioURL`. - Parameters: - audioURL: The `URL` of the audio asset to be rendered. - configuration: The `Waveform.Configuration` to be used for rendering. - renderer: The `WaveformRenderer` implementation to be used. Defaults to `LinearWaveformRenderer`. Also comes with `CircularWaveformRenderer`. - priority: The `TaskPriority` used during analyzing. Defaults to `.userInitiated`. - placeholder: ViewBuilder for a placeholder view during the loading phase. */ init( audioURL: URL, configuration: Waveform.Configuration = Waveform.Configuration(damping: .init(percentage: 0.125, sides: .both)), renderer: WaveformRenderer = LinearWaveformRenderer(), priority: TaskPriority = .userInitiated, @ViewBuilder placeholder: @escaping () -> Placeholder ) where Content == _ConditionalContent { self.init(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: configuration, renderer: renderer, priority: priority) { shape in if shape.isEmpty { placeholder() } else { AnyView(DefaultShapeStyler().style(shape: shape, with: configuration)) } } } /** Creates a new WaveformView which displays a waveform for the audio at `audioURL`. - Parameters: - audioURL: The `URL` of the audio asset to be rendered. - configuration: The `Waveform.Configuration` to be used for rendering. - renderer: The `WaveformRenderer` implementation to be used. Defaults to `LinearWaveformRenderer`. Also comes with `CircularWaveformRenderer`. - priority: The `TaskPriority` used during analyzing. Defaults to `.userInitiated`. - content: ViewBuilder with the WaveformShape to be customized. - placeholder: ViewBuilder for a placeholder view during the loading phase. */ init( audioURL: URL, configuration: Waveform.Configuration = Waveform.Configuration(damping: .init(percentage: 0.125, sides: .both)), renderer: WaveformRenderer = LinearWaveformRenderer(), priority: TaskPriority = .userInitiated, @ViewBuilder content: @escaping (WaveformShape) -> ModifiedContent, @ViewBuilder placeholder: @escaping () -> Placeholder ) where Content == _ConditionalContent { self.init(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: configuration, renderer: renderer, priority: priority) { shape in if shape.isEmpty { placeholder() } else { content(shape) } } } }