import DSWaveformImage import DSWaveformImageViews import SwiftUI struct SwiftUIExampleView: View { private enum ActiveTab: Hashable { case recorder, shape, overview } private static let colors = [UIColor.systemPink, UIColor.systemBlue, UIColor.systemGreen] private static var randomColor: UIColor { colors.randomElement()! } private static var audioURLs: [URL?] = [ Bundle.main.url(forResource: "example_sound", withExtension: "m4a"), Bundle.main.url(forResource: "example_sound_2", withExtension: "m4a") ] private static func randomURL(_ current: URL?) -> URL? { audioURLs.filter { $0 != current }.randomElement()! } @StateObject private var audioRecorder: AudioRecorder = AudioRecorder() @State private var configuration: Waveform.Configuration = Waveform.Configuration( style: .striped(Waveform.Style.StripeConfig(color: Self.randomColor, width: 3, lineCap: .round)), verticalScalingFactor: 0.9 ) @State private var liveConfiguration: Waveform.Configuration = Waveform.Configuration( style: .striped(.init(color: randomColor, width: 3, spacing: 3)) ) @State private var audioURL: URL? = audioURLs.first! @State private var samples: [Float] = [] @State private var silence: Bool = true @State private var selection: ActiveTab = .overview var body: some View { VStack { Text("SwiftUI examples") .font(.largeTitle.bold()) Picker("Hey", selection: $selection) { Text("Recorder").tag(ActiveTab.recorder) Text("Shape").tag(ActiveTab.shape) Text("Overview").tag(ActiveTab.overview) } .pickerStyle(.segmented) .padding(.horizontal) switch selection { case .recorder: recordingExample case .shape: shape case .overview: overview } } .padding(.vertical, 20) } @ViewBuilder private var recordingExample: some View { VStack { WaveformLiveCanvas( samples: audioRecorder.samples, configuration: liveConfiguration, renderer: CircularWaveformRenderer(kind: .circle), shouldDrawSilencePadding: silence ) Toggle("draw silence", isOn: $silence) .controlSize(.mini) .padding(.horizontal) RecordingIndicatorView( samples: audioRecorder.samples, duration: audioRecorder.recordingTime, shouldDrawSilence: silence, isRecording: $audioRecorder.isRecording ) .padding(.horizontal) } } @ViewBuilder private var shape: some View { VStack { Text("WaveformView").font(.monospaced(.title.bold())()) HStack { Button { configuration = configuration.with(style: .striped(Waveform.Style.StripeConfig(color: Self.randomColor, width: 3, lineCap: .round))) liveConfiguration = liveConfiguration.with(style: .striped(.init(color: Self.randomColor, width: 3, spacing: 3))) } label: { Label("color", systemImage: "dice") .frame(maxWidth: .infinity) } .font(.body.bold()) .padding(8) .background(Color(.systemGray6)) .cornerRadius(10) Button { audioURL = Self.randomURL(audioURL) print("will draw \(audioURL!)") } label: { Label("waveform", systemImage: "dice") .frame(maxWidth: .infinity) } .font(.body.bold()) .padding(8) .background(Color(.systemGray6)) .cornerRadius(10) } .padding(.horizontal) // the if let is left here intentionally to illustrate how to deal with optional URLs // as this was asked in an older GitHub issue if let audioURL { WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: configuration) WaveformView( audioURL: audioURL, configuration: configuration, renderer: CircularWaveformRenderer(kind: .ring(0.7)) ) { shape in // you may completely override the shape styling this way shape .stroke( LinearGradient(colors: [.red, Color(Self.randomColor)], startPoint: .zero, endPoint: .topTrailing), style: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 3, lineCap: .round)) } Divider() Text("WaveformShape").font(.monospaced(.title.bold())()) /// **Note:** It's possible, but discouraged to use WaveformShape directly. /// As Shapes should not do any expensive computations, the analyzing should happen outside, /// hence making the API a tiny bit clumsy if used directly, since we do require to know the size, /// even though the Shape of course intrinsically knows its size already. GeometryReader { geometry in WaveformShape(samples: samples) .fill( .task { do { let samplesNeeded = Int(geometry.size.width * configuration.scale) let samples = try await WaveformAnalyzer().samples(fromAudioAt: audioURL, count: samplesNeeded) await { self.samples = samples } } catch { assertionFailure(error.localizedDescription) } } } } } } @ViewBuilder private var overview: some View { if let audioURL { HStack { VStack { WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .filled(.red))) WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .outlined(.blue, 0.5))) WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .gradient([.yellow, .orange]))) WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .gradientOutlined([.yellow, .orange], 1))) WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .striped(.init(color: .red, width: 2, spacing: 1)))) WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .striped(.init(color: .black)))) { shape in shape // override the shape styling .stroke(LinearGradient(colors: [.blue, .pink], startPoint: .bottom, endPoint: .top), lineWidth: 3) } placeholder: { ProgressView() } } VStack { WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .filled(.red)), renderer: CircularWaveformRenderer()) WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .outlined(.blue, 0.5)), renderer: CircularWaveformRenderer()) WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .gradient([.yellow, .orange])), renderer: CircularWaveformRenderer()) WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .gradientOutlined([.yellow, .orange], 1)), renderer: CircularWaveformRenderer()) WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .striped(.init(color: .red, width: 2, spacing: 2))), renderer: CircularWaveformRenderer()) WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .striped(.init(color: .black))), renderer: CircularWaveformRenderer()) { shape in shape // override the shape styling .stroke(LinearGradient(colors: [.blue, .pink], startPoint: .bottom, endPoint: .top), lineWidth: 3) } placeholder: { ProgressView() } } VStack { WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .filled(.red)), renderer: CircularWaveformRenderer(kind: .ring(0.5))) WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .outlined(.blue, 0.5)), renderer: CircularWaveformRenderer(kind: .ring(0.5))) WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .gradient([.yellow, .orange])), renderer: CircularWaveformRenderer(kind: .ring(0.5))) WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .gradientOutlined([.yellow, .orange], 1)), renderer: CircularWaveformRenderer(kind: .ring(0.5))) WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .striped(.init(color: .red, width: 2, spacing: 2))), renderer: CircularWaveformRenderer(kind: .ring(0.5))) WaveformView(audioURL: audioURL, configuration: .init(style: .striped(.init(color: .black))), renderer: CircularWaveformRenderer(kind: .ring(0.5))) { shape in shape // override the shape styling .stroke(LinearGradient(colors: [.blue, .pink], startPoint: .bottom, endPoint: .top), lineWidth: 3) } placeholder: { ProgressView() } } } } } } struct SwiftUIExampleView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { SwiftUIExampleView() } } private class AudioRecorder: NSObject, ObservableObject, RecordingDelegate { @Published var samples: [Float] = [] @Published var recordingTime: TimeInterval = 0 @Published var isRecording: Bool = false { didSet { guard oldValue != isRecording else { return } isRecording ? startRecording() : stopRecording() } } private let audioManager: SCAudioManager override init() { audioManager = SCAudioManager() super.init() audioManager.prepareAudioRecording() audioManager.recordingDelegate = self } func startRecording() { samples = [] audioManager.startRecording() isRecording = true } func stopRecording() { audioManager.stopRecording() isRecording = false } // MARK: - RecordingDelegate func audioManager(_ manager: SCAudioManager!, didAllowRecording flag: Bool) {} func audioManager(_ manager: SCAudioManager!, didFinishRecordingSuccessfully flag: Bool) {} func audioManager(_ manager: SCAudioManager!, didUpdateRecordProgress progress: CGFloat) { let linear = 1 - pow(10, manager.lastAveragePower() / 20) // Here we add the same sample 3 times to speed up the animation. // Usually you'd just add the sample once. recordingTime = audioManager.currentRecordingTime samples += [linear, linear, linear] } }