import AVFoundation #if os(macOS) import AppKit public typealias DSColor = NSColor public typealias DSImage = NSImage public enum DSScreen { public static var scale: CGFloat { NSScreen.main?.backingScaleFactor ?? 1 } } #else import UIKit public typealias DSColor = UIColor public typealias DSImage = UIImage public enum DSScreen { public static var scale: CGFloat { #if swift(>=5.9) && os(visionOS) return (UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes.first(where: {$0 is UIWindowScene}) as? UIWindowScene)?.traitCollection.displayScale ?? 1 #else return UIScreen.main.scale #endif } } #endif /** Renders the waveformsamples on the provided `CGContext`. Default implementations are `LinearWaveformRenderer` and `CircularWaveformRenderer`. Check out those if you'd like to implement your own custom renderer. */ public protocol WaveformRenderer: Sendable { /** Calculates a CGPath from the waveform samples. - Parameters: - samples: `[Float]` of the amplitude envelope to be drawn, normalized to interval `(0...1)`. `0` is maximum (typically `0dB`). `1` is the noise floor, typically `-50dB`, as defined in `WaveformAnalyzer.noiseFloorDecibelCutoff`. - lastOffset: You can typtically leave this `0`. **Required for live rendering**, where it is needed to keep track of the last drawing cycle. Setting it avoids 'flickering' as samples are being added continuously and the waveform moves across the view. */ func path(samples: [Float], with configuration: Waveform.Configuration, lastOffset: Int, position: Waveform.Position) -> CGPath /** Renders the waveform samples on the provided `CGContext`. - Parameters: - samples: `[Float]` of the amplitude envelope to be drawn, normalized to interval `(0...1)`. `0` is maximum (typically `0dB`). `1` is the noise floor, typically `-50dB`, as defined in `WaveformAnalyzer.noiseFloorDecibelCutoff`. - with configuration: The desired configuration to be used for drawing. - lastOffset: You can typtically leave this `0`. **Required for live rendering**, where it is needed to keep track of the last drawing cycle. Setting it avoids 'flickering' as samples are being added continuously and the waveform moves across the view. */ func render(samples: [Float], on context: CGContext, with configuration: Waveform.Configuration, lastOffset: Int, position: Waveform.Position) } public extension WaveformRenderer { func path(samples: [Float], with configuration: Waveform.Configuration, lastOffset: Int, position: Waveform.Position = .middle) -> CGPath { path(samples: samples, with: configuration, lastOffset: lastOffset, position: position) } func render(samples: [Float], on context: CGContext, with configuration: Waveform.Configuration, lastOffset: Int, position: Waveform.Position = .middle) { render(samples: samples, on: context, with: configuration, lastOffset: lastOffset, position: position) } } public enum Waveform { /** Position of the drawn waveform. */ public enum Position: Equatable { /// **top**: Draws the waveform at the top of the image, such that only the bottom 50% are visible. case top /// **middle**: Draws the waveform in the middle the image, such that the entire waveform is visible. case middle /// **bottom**: Draws the waveform at the bottom of the image, such that only the top 50% are visible. case bottom /// **custom**: Draws the waveform at the specified point of the image. Clamped within range `(0...1)`. Where `0` /// is equal to `.top`, `0.5` is equal to `.middle` and `1` is equal to `.bottom`. case custom(CGFloat) func offset() -> CGFloat { switch self { case .top: return 0.0 case .middle: return 0.5 case .bottom: return 1.0 case let .custom(offset): return min(1, max(0, offset)) } } } /** Style of the waveform which is used during drawing: - **filled**: Use solid color for the waveform. - **outlined**: Draws the envelope as an outline with the provided thickness. - **gradient**: Use gradient based on color for the waveform. - **gradientOutlined**: Use gradient based on color for the waveform. Draws the envelope as an outline with the provided thickness. - **striped**: Use striped filling based on color for the waveform. */ public enum Style: Equatable, Sendable { public struct StripeConfig: Equatable, Sendable { /// Color of the waveform stripes. Default is clear. public let color: DSColor /// Width of stripes drawn. Default is `1` public let width: CGFloat /// Space between stripes. Default is `5` public let spacing: CGFloat /// Line cap style. Default is `.round`. public let lineCap: CGLineCap public init(color: DSColor, width: CGFloat = 1, spacing: CGFloat = 5, lineCap: CGLineCap = .round) { self.color = color self.width = width self.spacing = spacing self.lineCap = lineCap } } case filled(DSColor) case outlined(DSColor, CGFloat) case gradient([DSColor]) case gradientOutlined([DSColor], CGFloat) case striped(StripeConfig) } /** Defines the damping attributes of the waveform. */ public struct Damping: Equatable, Sendable { public enum Sides: Equatable, Sendable { case left case right case both } /// Determines the percentage of the resulting graph to be damped. /// /// Must be within `(0..<0.5)` to leave an undapmened area. /// Default is `0.125` public let percentage: Float /// Determines which sides of the graph to damp. /// Default is `.both` public let sides: Sides /// Easing function to be used. Default is `pow(x, 2)`. public let easing: @Sendable (Float) -> Float public init(percentage: Float = 0.125, sides: Sides = .both, easing: @escaping @Sendable (Float) -> Float = { x in pow(x, 2) }) { guard (0...0.5).contains(percentage) else { preconditionFailure("dampingPercentage must be within (0..<0.5)") } self.percentage = percentage self.sides = sides self.easing = easing } /// Build a new `Waveform.Damping` with only the given parameters replaced. public func with(percentage: Float? = nil, sides: Sides? = nil, easing: (@Sendable (Float) -> Float)? = nil) -> Damping { .init(percentage: percentage ?? self.percentage, sides: sides ?? self.sides, easing: easing ?? self.easing) } public static func == (lhs: Waveform.Damping, rhs: Waveform.Damping) -> Bool { // poor-man's way to make two closures Equatable w/o too much hassle let randomEqualitySample = Float.random(in: (0.. 1`: louder waveform samples will extend out of the view boundaries and clip. */ public let verticalScalingFactor: CGFloat /// Waveform antialiasing. If enabled, may reduce overall opacity. Default is `false`. public let shouldAntialias: Bool public var shouldDamp: Bool { damping != nil } public init(size: CGSize = .zero, backgroundColor: DSColor = DSColor.clear, style: Style = .gradient([, DSColor.gray]), damping: Damping? = nil, scale: CGFloat = DSScreen.scale, verticalScalingFactor: CGFloat = 0.95, shouldAntialias: Bool = false) { guard verticalScalingFactor > 0 else { preconditionFailure("verticalScalingFactor must be greater 0") } self.backgroundColor = backgroundColor = style self.damping = damping self.size = size self.scale = scale self.verticalScalingFactor = verticalScalingFactor self.shouldAntialias = shouldAntialias } /// Build a new `Waveform.Configuration` with only the given parameters replaced. public func with(size: CGSize? = nil, backgroundColor: DSColor? = nil, style: Style? = nil, damping: Damping? = nil, scale: CGFloat? = nil, verticalScalingFactor: CGFloat? = nil, shouldAntialias: Bool? = nil ) -> Configuration { Configuration( size: size ?? self.size, backgroundColor: backgroundColor ?? self.backgroundColor, style: style ??, damping: damping ?? self.damping, scale: scale ?? self.scale, verticalScalingFactor: verticalScalingFactor ?? self.verticalScalingFactor, shouldAntialias: shouldAntialias ?? self.shouldAntialias ) } } }