Bespoke Dynamic DNS Updater Release Notes ----------------------------------------- v1.0.3 ------ - Converted Windows Installer over to WiX. - Added support for Amazon Route53 and Dnsimple to the installer. v1.0.2 ------ - Renamed the product to Bespoke Dynamic DNS Updater. - Added Amazon Route53 support. - Added Dnsimple Support. - Added a check to see what the current IP address is the hostname before pushing an update so that updates are only pushed when necessary. - Switched logging to NLog. - Switched NUnit references over to NuGet. - Added the ability to encrypt dns service passwords. - Added the ability to pass parameters to the console application that set config file values. - Added check that the supplied IP Address is valid before sending it to the dynamic dns service. v1.0.1 ------ - Setting recovery options when using the the Windows Setup Project that attempt to restart the service on failure. - Added an icon for the Add/Remove Programs interface. v1.0.0 ------ - Initial Release - Windows Service that can be installed with the included Windows Setup Project. - Command Line Application that can be run via batch script as a Scheduled Task or otherwise. - Versioning all assemblies and programs from an MSBuild script that is run when compiling in release mode. Uses the version that is defined in SharedAssemblyInfo.cs.