/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Dmitriy Likhten Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* version 1.2.0 */ (function(_, Backbone) { var defaultFilter = function() {return true;}; /** * This represents a filtered collection. You can either pass a filter or * invoke setFilter(filter) to give a filter. The filter is identical to * that which is used for _.select(array, filter) * * false filter indicates no filtering. * * do not modify this collection directly via #add/#remove, modify the * underlying origModel. * * Events: * add - something was added (via filter or trickling from underlying collection) * remove - something was removed (via filter or trickling from underlying collection) * reset - the whole thing was reset * sort - same as reset, but via sort * filter-complete - filtering is complete -- very useful if you want to trigger a re-draw * of the whole collection */ Backbone.FilteredCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ collectionFilter: null ,defaultFilter: defaultFilter /** Default initializer. @param {Boolean} [models=false] - By default we must to use a falsy value here. @param {Object} data - Options. @param {Backbone.Collection} data.collection - Collection to be filtered @param {Function} data.collectionFilter - Filter to be applied to the collection. @constructor **/ ,initialize: function(models, data) { if (models) throw "models cannot be set directly, unfortunately first argument is the models."; this.collection = data.collection; this.setFilter(data.collectionFilter); this._bindEvents(); } /** * Replace the current underlying collection with a new one. * note: only a reset event will be fired. */ ,resetWith: function(newCollection) { this.stopListening(this.collection); this.collection = newCollection; this.resetCollection(); this._bindEvents(); return this; } ,_bindEvents: function () { this.listenTo(this.collection, "add", this.addModel); this.listenTo(this.collection, "remove", this.removeModel); this.listenTo(this.collection, "reset", this.resetCollection); this.listenTo(this.collection, "sort", this.resortCollection); this.listenTo(this.collection, "change", this._modelChanged); this.listenTo(this.collection, "filter-complete", this._filterComplete); } ,_reset: function(options) { Backbone.Collection.prototype._reset.call(this, options); this._mapping = []; } ,add: function() { throw "Do not invoke directly"; } ,remove: function() { throw "Do not invoke directly"; } ,reset: function() { throw "Do not invoke directly"; } ,_modelChanged: function(model, collection, options){ options || (options = {}); var ownIndexOfModel = this.indexOf(model); var self = this; if (this.collectionFilter(model)){ // Model passed filter if (ownIndexOfModel < 0){ // Model not found, add it var index = this.collection.indexOf(model); this._forceAddModel(model, {index: index}); } // the model passes the filter and is already in the collection // therefore we want to indicate that the model has changed else { _.each(_.keys(model.changed), function(key) { self.trigger("change:" + key, model, model.changed[key], options); }); this.trigger("change", model, this); } } else { // Model did not pass filter if (ownIndexOfModel > -1){ this._forceRemoveModel(model, {index: ownIndexOfModel}); } } if (! options.silent) { this._filterComplete(); } } ,resortCollection: function() { // note: we don't need to do any filter work since sort // implies nothing changed, only order var newModels = []; var newMapping = []; var models = this.models; _.each(this.collection.models, function(model, index) { if (models.indexOf(model) >= 0) { newModels.push(model); newMapping.push(index); } }); this.models = newModels; this._mapping = newMapping; this.trigger("sort", this); } ,resetCollection: function() { this._mapping = []; this._reset(); this.setFilter(undefined, {silent: true}); this.trigger("reset", this); } // this is to synchronize where the element exists in the original model // to our _mappings array ,renumberMappings: function() { this._mapping = [] var collection = this.collection; var mapping = this._mapping; _(this.models).each(function(model) { mapping.push(collection.indexOf(model)); }); } ,removeModel: function(model, colleciton, options) { var at = this._mapping.indexOf(options.index); if (at > -1) { this._forceRemoveModel(model, _.extend({index: at}, options)); } this.renumberMappings(); } // the options.index here is the index of the current model which we are removing ,_forceRemoveModel: function(model, options) { this._mapping.splice(options.index, 1); Backbone.Collection.prototype.remove.call(this, model, {silent: options.silent}); if (! options.silent) { this.trigger("remove", model, this, {index: options.index}) } } ,addModel: function(model, collection, options) { if (this.collectionFilter(model)) { this._forceAddModel(model, _.extend(options || {}, {index: (options && options.at) || collection.indexOf(model)})); } this.renumberMappings(); } // the options.index here is the index of the original model which we are inserting ,_forceAddModel: function(model, options) { var desiredIndex = options.index; // determine where to add, look at mapping and find first object with the index // great than the one that we are given var addToIndex = _.sortedIndex(this._mapping, desiredIndex, function(origIndex) { return origIndex; }); // add it there Backbone.Collection.prototype.add.call(this, model, {at: addToIndex, silent: options.silent}); this._mapping.splice(addToIndex, 0, desiredIndex); if (! options.silent) { this.trigger("add", model, this, {index: addToIndex}) } } ,setFilter: function(newFilter, options) { options || (options = {}); if (newFilter === false) { newFilter = this.defaultFilter } // false = clear out filter this.collectionFilter = newFilter || this.collectionFilter || this.defaultFilter; // this assumes that the original collection was unmodified // without the use of add/remove/reset events. If it was, a // reset event must be thrown, or this object's .resetCollection // method must be invoked, or this will most likely fall out-of-sync // why HashMap lookup when you can get it off the stack var filter = this.collectionFilter; var mapping = this._mapping; // this is the option object to pass, it will be mutated on each // iteration var passthroughOption = _.extend({}, options); this.collection.each(function(model, index) { var foundIndex = mapping.indexOf(index); if (filter(model, index)) { // if already added, no touchy if (foundIndex == -1) { passthroughOption.index = index this._forceAddModel(model, passthroughOption); } } else { if (foundIndex > -1) { passthroughOption.index = foundIndex == -1 ? this.length : foundIndex; this._forceRemoveModel(model, passthroughOption); } } }, this); if (! options.silent) { this._filterComplete(); } } ,_onModelEvent: function(event, model, collection, options) { // noop, this collection has no business dealing with events of the original model // they will be handled by the original normal collection and bubble up to here } ,_filterComplete: function() { this.trigger("filter-complete", this); } }); })(_, Backbone);