#!/bin/bash ### # MAKE ME BETTER ### : ' see https://github.com/jamiew/git-friendly for more ideas maybe this should be two files one which includes cloning diaspora/diaspora, and one that assumes you already cloned it yourself maybe one script just calls another? other ideas what we could do 1. check that you have ruby installed, if not, point to wiki page and exit 2. check to see if we need sudo (generally, if it is a system ruby you need sudo, which you can check if which ruby is /usr/bin/ruby, or does not have rvm in the path) 3. check if you have bundle installed and install it, and install with/without sudo if you need it check if you have mysql and/or postgres installed, point to wiki page if neither is found. (maybe even switch database.yml if this is the case?) make it work if you have just cloned diapsora and want a quick setup, or support magic install, like this http://docs.meteor.com/#quickstart ' #### #### # # # DEFAULT VARS # # # #### #### BINARIES="git ruby gem bundle sed" # required programs D_GIT_CLONE_PATH="/srv/diaspora" # path for diaspora D_REMOTE_REPO_URL="git://github.com/diaspora/diaspora.git" D_WIKI_URL="https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/wiki" D_IRC_URL="irc://freenode.net/diaspora" D_DB="mysql" D_DB_CONFIG_FILE="config/database.yml" D_DB_HOST="localhost" D_DB_USER="diaspora" D_DB_PASS="diaspora" #### #### # # # FUNCTIONS, etc. # # # #### #### #... could be put in a separate file and sourced here # heredoc for variables - very readable, http://stackoverflow.com/a/8088167 # use like this: # define VAR <<'EOF' # somecontent # EOF define(){ IFS='\n' read -r -d '' ${1}; } # expand aliases in this script shopt -s expand_aliases # alias echo to alway print \newlines alias echo='echo -e' # nicely output error messages and quit error() { echo "\n" echo "[ERROR] -- $1" echo " --" echo " -- have a look at our wiki: $D_WIKI_URL" echo " -- or join us on IRC: $D_IRC_URL" exit 1 } # check if all necessary binaries are available binaries_check() { for exe in $BINARIES; do echo -n "checking for $exe... " which "$exe" if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then error "you are missing $exe"; fi done echo "" } # check for rvm define RVM_MSG <<'EOT' RVM was not found on your system (or it isn't working properly). It is higly recommended to use it, since it's making it extremely easy to install, manage and work with multiple ruby environments. For more details check out https://rvm.io// EOT rvm_check() { echo "checking for rvm..." rvm >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo "$RVM_MSG" read -p "Press [Enter] to continue without RVM or abort this script and install RVM" fi echo "" } # do some sanity checking sane_environment_check() { binaries_check rvm_check } # find or set up a working git environment git_stuff_check() { echo "Where would you like to put the git clone?" echo "(or, where is your existing git clone)?" read -e -p "-> " D_GIT_CLONE_PATH echo "" test -d "$D_GIT_CLONE_PATH" \ && cd "$D_GIT_CLONE_PATH" \ && git status # folder exists? go there. is a good git clone? if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then mkdir "$D_GIT_CLONE_PATH" # only if it doesn't exist # not a git repo, create it? echo "the folder you specified does not contain a git repo" read -p "Press [Enter] to create it... " git clone "$D_REMOTE_REPO_URL" "$D_GIT_CLONE_PATH" else git checkout master git pull fi echo "" } # handle database decision database_question() { echo "Which database type are you using?" select choice in "MySQL" "PgSQL"; do case $choice in MySQL ) D_DB="mysql" # we're done, mysql is default break ;; PgSQL ) D_DB="postgres" # replace default with postgres sed -i'' -r 's/(<<: \*mysql)/#\1/g' $D_DB_CONFIG_FILE sed -i'' -r 's/(#(<<: \*postgres))/\2/g' $D_DB_CONFIG_FILE break ;; esac done } # ask for database credentials database_credentials() { read -e -p "hostname: " D_DB_HOST read -e -p "username: " D_DB_USER read -e -p "password: " D_DB_PASS sed -i'' -r "s/(host:)[^\n]*/\1 $D_DB_HOST/g" $D_DB_CONFIG_FILE sed -i'' -r "s/(username:)[^\n]*/\1 $D_DB_USER/g" $D_DB_CONFIG_FILE sed -i'' -r "s/(password:)[^\n]*/\1 $D_DB_PASS/g" $D_DB_CONFIG_FILE } # setup database # (assume we are in the Diaspora directory) database_setup() { echo "Database setup" cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml database_question database_credentials echo "" } #### #### # # # START # # # #### #### # display a nice welcome message define WELCOME_MSG <<'EOT' ##################################################################### DIASPORA* INSTALL SCRIPT This script will guide you through the basic steps to get a copy of Diaspora* up and running ##################################################################### EOT echo "$WELCOME_MSG" # check if we have everything we need sane_environment_check # check git stuff and pull if necessary git_stuff_check # goto working directory cd "$D_GIT_CLONE_PATH" # configure database setup database_setup echo "copying application.yml.example to application.yml" cp config/application.yml.example config/application.yml echo "" echo "bundling..." bundle install echo "" echo "creating and migrating default database in config/database.yml. please wait..." rake db:create db:migrate --trace echo "" define GOODBYE_MSG <<'EOT' ##################################################################### It worked! :) Now, you should have a look at - config/database.yml and - config/application.yml and change them to your liking. Then you should be able to start Diaspora* in development mode with: `rails s` EOT echo "$GOODBYE_MSG" echo "For further information read the wiki at $D_WIKI_URL" echo "or join us on IRC $D_IRC_URL" echo "" exit 0