#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import sys import os import urllib import re import xbmc from utilities import * from song import * import lyrics __language__ = sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__language__ __title__ = __language__(30031) __allow_exceptions__ = True class WikiaFormat: @staticmethod def __condense_strings(parseList): while(True): if ( len(parseList) < 2 or not isinstance(parseList[-1], basestring) or not isinstance(parseList[-2], basestring) ): return parseList lastStr = parseList[-1] parseList.pop() for i in range(len(parseList)-1, -1, -1): if ( isinstance(parseList[i], basestring) ): lastStr = parseList[i] + lastStr parseList.pop() else: parseList.append(lastStr) return parseList parseList.append(lastStr) @staticmethod def __parse_stack(parseList): while(True): if ( len(parseList) < 3 or isinstance(parseList[-1], basestring) or not isinstance(parseList[-2], basestring) or isinstance(parseList[-3], basestring) ): return parseList beginTags = {2:'[I]', 3:'[B]', 5:'[I][B]'} endTags = {2:'[/I]', 3:'[/B]', 5:'[/I][/B]'} begin = parseList[-3] str = parseList[-2] end = parseList[-1] if ( begin == end ): parseList = parseList[:-3] if ( str ): parseList.append(beginTags[begin] + str + endTags[end]) elif ( begin == 5 ): parseList = parseList[:-3] begin = 5-end parseList.append(begin) if ( str ): parseList.append(beginTags[end] + str + endTags[end]) elif ( end == 5 ): parseList = parseList[:-3] end = 5-begin if ( str ): parseList.append(beginTags[begin] + str + endTags[begin]) parseList.append(end) else: return parseList @staticmethod def __push_stack(q, str, stack): if ( q >= 5 ): stack.append(5) q -= 5 elif ( q >= 3 ): stack.append(3) q -= 3 elif ( q >= 2 ): stack.append(2) q -= 2 stack = WikiaFormat.__parse_stack(stack) str = "'"*q + str q = 0 if ( str ): stack.append(str) WikiaFormat.__condense_strings(stack) return stack @staticmethod def to_xbmc_format(s): t = s.split("'") numQuotes = 0 stack = [] for line in t: if (line): stack = WikiaFormat.__push_stack(numQuotes, line, stack) numQuotes = 1 else: numQuotes += 1 if ( numQuotes > 1 ): stack = WikiaFormat.__push_stack(numQuotes, "", stack) #Take care of any unclosed tags if ( not isinstance(stack[-1], basestring) ): stack.append("") stack = WikiaFormat.__push_stack(5, "", stack) if ( not isinstance(stack[-1], basestring) ): stack.pop() return str.join("", stack) class XmlUtils : def getText (self, nodeParent, childName ): # Get child node... node = nodeParent.getElementsByTagName( childName )[0] if node == None : return None # Get child text... text = "" for child in node.childNodes: if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE : text = text + child.data return text @staticmethod def removeComments(text): begin = text.split("") if ( len(end) > 1 ): return XmlUtils.removeComments(begin[0] + str.join("", end[1:])) return text class LyricsFetcher: def __init__( self ): self.clean_lyrics_regex = re.compile( "<.+?>" ) self.normalize_lyrics_regex = re.compile( "&#[x]*(?P[0-9]+);*" ) self.clean_br_regex = re.compile( "[\s]*", re.IGNORECASE ) self.clean_info_regex = re.compile( "\[[a-z]+?:.*\]\s" ) def get_lyrics_start(self, *args): lyricThread = threading.Thread(target=self.get_lyrics_thread, args=args) lyricThread.setDaemon(True) lyricThread.start() def get_lyrics_thread(self, song): print "SCRAPER-DEBUG-lyricstime: LyricsFetcher.get_lyrics_thread %s" % (song) l = lyrics.Lyrics() l.song = song try: # first try direct url direct_url = "http://www.tekstowo.pl/piosenka,%s,%s.html" % (song.artist.lower().replace(" ","_").replace(",","_"), song.title.lower().replace(" ","_").replace(",","_"), ) direct_url = direct_url.replace("__","_") print "TEKSTOWO: try direct url: %s" % (direct_url) song_html = urllib.urlopen(direct_url).read() #print "TEKSTOWO: html: %s" % (song_html) if ( song_html.find("404 - Nie ma takiego pliku") >= 0): print "TEKSTOWO: 404 for: %s" % (song_html) # direct url miss, so perform search # example url for artist "Budka Suflera" and title "Zostań jeszcze" is: # http://www.tekstowo.pl/szukaj,wykonawca,budka+suflera,tytul,zostan+jeszcze.html search_url = "http://www.tekstowo.pl/szukaj,wykonawca,%s,tytul,%s.html" % (song.artist.lower().replace(" ","+").replace(",","+"), song.title.lower().replace(" ","+").replace(",","+"), ) print "TEKSTOWO: search url: %s" % (search_url) search_html = urllib.urlopen(search_url).read() #print "TEKSTOWO: Search html: %s" % (search_html) # look for search results - example response is: #

Znalezione utwory:

# first_search_result = search_html.split('

Znalezione utwory:

')[1] #print "TEKSTOWO: first_search_result: %s" % (first_search_result) first_search_result = first_search_result.split('
')[0] #print "TEKSTOWO: first_search_result: %s" % (first_search_result) # get relative url to first hit first_hit_relative_url = first_search_result.split('href="')[1].split('"')[0] #print "TEKSTOWO: first hit relative url: %s" % (first_hit_relative_url) # first hit absolute url first_hit_absolute_url = "http://www.tekstowo.pl" + first_hit_relative_url print "TEKSTOWO: first hit url: %s" % (first_hit_absolute_url) song_html = urllib.urlopen(first_hit_absolute_url).read() if ( song_html.find("404 - Nie ma takiego pliku") >= 0): return None, __language__(30032) % (url) lyr = song_html.split('
')[0] lyr = lyr.replace("Tekst piosenki:","") lyr = lyr.split('


')[0] # sometimes search gets unexpected results, so get artist and title for found song artist_and_title = song_html.split('
')[1] print "TEKSTOWO: artist_and_title: %s" % (artist_and_title) artist_and_title = artist_and_title.split('')[0].split('>')[1] artist = artist_and_title.split("-")[0].strip() title = artist_and_title.split("-")[1].strip() # find translated lyrics #


')[0] #print "TEKSTOWO: transl: %s" % (transl) result = lyr + "
" + title + "
* * *
" + translation result = self.clean_br_regex.sub( "\n", result ).strip() result = self.clean_lyrics_regex.sub( "", result ).strip() result = self.normalize_lyrics_regex.sub( lambda m: unichr( int( m.group( 1 ) ) ), result.decode("UTF-8") ) result = u"\n".join( [ lyric.strip() for lyric in result.splitlines() ] ) result = self.clean_info_regex.sub( "", result ) #print "TEKSTOWO: result clean: %s" % (result) l.lyrics = result l.source = __title__ return l, None except: print "%s::%s (%d) [%s]" % ( self.__class__.__name__, sys.exc_info()[ 2 ].tb_frame.f_code.co_name, sys.exc_info()[ 2 ].tb_lineno, sys.exc_info()[ 1 ]) return None, __language__(30004) % (__title__)