var PutIO = function(key, secret){ this.api_options = { hostname: '', path: '/v1/', method: 'GET' }; this.api_key = key; this.api_secret = secret; var self = this; var publicData = {}; var classInterface = function(name, mymethods){ = name; var output = {}; for (var i in mymethods) { var method = mymethods[i]; var classname =; output[method] = (function(classname, method){return function(params, callback){ params = params || {}; callback = callback || function(){};, method, params, callback); }})(classname, method); } return output; }; var methods = { 'files': ['list', 'create_dir', 'info', 'rename', 'move', 'delete', 'search', 'dirmap'], 'messages': ['list', 'delete'], 'transfers': ['list', 'cancel', 'add'], 'urls': ['analyze', 'extracturls'], 'user': ['info', 'friends', 'acctoken'], 'subscriptions': ['list', 'create', 'edit', 'delete', 'pause', 'info'] }; for (var classname in methods) { publicData[classname] = new classInterface(classname, methods[classname]); } this.browser = false; if (typeof process == 'undefined') { if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') { console.error('We seem to be in the browser, but there\'s no jQuery. This library requires jQuery. Sorry, bro.'); } else { this.browser = true; } } = = function(classname, method, params, callback){ if (typeof params == 'function') {callback = params; params = {};} params = params || {}; callback = callback || function(){}; var request = {'api_key': self.api_key, 'api_secret': self.api_secret, 'params': params}; var options = {}; for (var field in self.api_options) { options[field] = self.api_options[field]; } options.path += classname; options.path += '?method='+method+'&request='+JSON.stringify(request); var cb = function(data){ if (data.error) { throw 'putioException'; } else { callback(data.response.results); } }; if (self.browser) { self.browser_request(options, cb); } else { self.node_request(options, cb); } }; this.browser_request = function(options, callback){ jQuery.getJSON('http://'+options.hostname+options.path+'&callback=?', callback); }; this.node_request = function(options, callback){ var http = require('http'); http.request(options, function(res){ res.setEncoding('utf8'); var output = ''; res.on('data', function (chunk) { output += chunk; }); res.on('end', function(){ output = JSON.parse(output); callback(output); }); }).end(); }; return publicData; } if (typeof module != 'undefined') {exports = module.exports = PutIO;}