BoardView: boardExists: "A board with this name already exists." boardTooHigh: "Board altitude is too high - roof would be above top of world." boardWouldIntersect: "Board would intersect existing board {0}." noFreeBoards: "There are no free boards to create a game on." noSuchBoard: "No such board {0}." ChessAI: AIbusy: "AI is busy right now" AIdisabled: "AI games are disabled" AIloadError: "AI Loading Error" AInotFound: "AI not found" AIunexpectedException: "Unexpected Exception in AI: {0}" computer: "Computer" human: "Human" noAvailableAIs: - "There are no AIs available to play right now" - "(all {0,number,integer} are currently in a game)." noFreeAI: "No free AI was found" ChessCommandExecutor: activeGameChanged: "Your active game is now &6{0}&-." activeGameIs: "Your active game is &6{0}&-." AIdefsReloaded: "AI definitions have been reloaded." AIList: "&6{0}&- ({1})&- {2}" AIpayout: "payout={0,number,integer}%" algebraicNotation: "&5 (standard algebraic notation)" allBoardsRedrawn: "All boards have been redrawn." boardCantBeDeleted: "Can''t delete board &6{0}&- - it is being used by game &6{1}&-." boardCreationPrompt: - "Left-click a block: create board &6{0}&-. Right-click: cancel." - "This block will become the centre of the board's A1 square." boardDeleted: "Deleted board &6{0}&-." boardDetail: board: "Chessboard &6{0}:" boardStyle: "Board Style: &f{0}" enclosure: "Enclosure: &f{0}" frameWidth: "Frame width: &f{0,number,integer} ({1})" game: "Game: &f{0}" height: "Height: &f{0,number,integer}" lightLevel: "Light level: &f{0,number,integer}" boardExtents: "Board Extents: &f{0} - {1}" pieceStyle: "Piece Style: &f{0}" squareSize: "Square size: &f{0,number,integer} ({1}/{2})" struts: "Enclosure struts: &f{0}" boardOrientation: "Board Orientation: &f{0}" defaultStake: "Default Stake: &f{0} {1}" defaultTimeControl: "Default Time Control: &f{0} {1}" locked: (locked) teleportDest: "Teleport-out destination: &f{0}" boardList: "&6{0}&-: loc=&f{1}&- style=&6{2}&- game=&6{3}&-" boardRedrawn: "Board &6{0}&- has been redrawn." boardStyleChanged: "Board &6{0}&- style changed." boardStyleSuggestSave: "Use &f/chess board save []&- to save changes." boardStyleSaved: "Board &6{0}&- style saved as &6{1}&-." boardStyleBadParam: "Invalid style parameter value &6{0}&-." boardTeleportSet: "The teleport-out destination has been set for board &6{0}&-." boardTeleportCleared: "The teleport-out destination has been cleared for board &6{0}&-." cantAffordStake: "You can't afford that stake!" canTeleport: "You can teleport to your game with &f/chess tp {0}" chessSaved: "Chess boards and games have been saved." configKeySet: "{0} is now set to: {1}" configReloaded: "Configuration (config.yml) has been reloaded" designMode: "Board is in design mode (set &6{0}&-)." drawOfferedOther: "&6{0}&- has offered a draw." drawOfferedYou: "You have offered a draw to &6{0}&-." gameCreated: - "Game &6{0}&- has been created on &6{1}&-." - "Now type (or use control panel buttons):" - "&5‣&- &f/chess invite &- to invite someone" - "&5‣&- &f/chess invite&- to create an open invitation" - "&5‣&- just &f/chess start&- to play a random AI opponent" gameDeleted: "Game &6{0}&- has been deleted." gameDeletedAlert: "Game deleted by &6{0}&-!" gameDetail: blackToPlay: "&8Black&- to play" clock: "Clock: &fWhite&-: {0}, &8Black&-: {1}" invitation: "&6{0}&- has been invited. Awaiting response." moveHistory: "&eMove history:" name: "&eGame {0} [{1}]:" openInvitation: "Game has an open invitation" players: "&6{0}&- (&fWhite&-) vs. &6{1}&- (&8Black&-) on board &6{2}&-." stake: "&eStake: &f{0}" whiteToPlay: "&fWhite&- to play" halfMoves: "&f{0,number,integer}&- half-moves made" timeControlType: "&eTime Control: &f{0}" globalTeleportSet: "The global teleport-out destination has been set." globalTeleportCleared: "The global teleport-out destination has been cleared." goingToSpawn: "Can't find a safe place to send you - going to spawn point." invalidFromSquare: "Invalid FROM square in {0}" invalidMoveString: "Invalid move string {0}" invalidNumeric: "Invalid numeric value: {0}" invalidToSquare: "Invalid TO square in {0}" invited: " invited: &6{0}&-" joinedGame: "You have joined the chess game &6{0}&- as &f{1}&-." needToWait: "You need to wait {0,number,integer} seconds more." noActiveGame: "You have no active game. Use &f/chess game &- to set one." noBoards: "There are currently no boards." noCurrentGames: "There are currently no games." noGame: "(none)" noPendingInvitation: "You don't have any pending invitations right now." noTeleporting: "Teleporting to or from boards is not permitted right now." notFromConsole: "This command cannot be run from the console." notOnChessboard: "Not on a chessboard!" otherPlayerMustBeOffline: "You can only do this if the other player has gone offline." persistedReloaded: "Persisted board and game data has been reloaded." PGNarchiveWritten: "Wrote PGN archive to {0}" positionUpdatedFEN: - "Game position for &6{0}&- has been updated. {1} to play." - "&4NOTE: &-move history invalidated, this game can no longer be saved." promotionPieceSet: "Promotion piece for game &6{0}&- has been set to &6{1}&-." sanNotation: "&5 (SAN notation)" scoreRecord: "&e{0,number,integer}) &6{1}&-: &f{2}&-" sideSwapOfferedOther: "&6{0}&- has offered to swap sides." sideSwapOfferedYou: "You have offered to swap sides with &6{0}&-." stakeChanged: "Stake for this game is now {0}." undoOfferedOther: "&6{0}&- wishes to undo their last move." undoOfferedYou: "You have asked &6{0}&- if you may undo your last move." undoAIWithStake: "You may not undo moves when playing for a stake against the computer." stakeChanged: "Stake for this game is now {0}." teleportDestObstructed: "Teleport destination obstructed!" timeControlSet: "Time control for this game set to {0} ({1})" timeControlsReloaded: "Time control definitions have been reloaded." typeYesOrNo: "Type &f/chess yes&- to accept, or &f/chess no&- to decline." ChessConfig: invalidBoolean: "Invalid boolean value: {0} (use true/yes or false/no)" invalidInteger: "Invalid integer value: {0}" invalidFloat: "Invalid floating-point value: {0}" invalidDuration: "Invalid duration: {0}" noSuchKey: - "No such configuration key: {0}" - "Use &f/chess getcfg&- to list all valid keys" ChessEntityListener: goingToSpawn: "Can't find a safe place to displace you - going to spawn." ChessPlayerListener: boardCreationCancelled: "Board creation cancelled." currentGames: "Your current chess games: {0}" moveCancelled: "Move cancelled." pieceSelected: "&f{0}&- at &f{1}&- selected. Left-click to move it." playerBack: "{0} is back in the game!" playerInviteCancelled: "&6Player invitation cancelled." playerQuit: "{0} quit. If they don''t rejoin within {1,number,integer} seconds, you can type &f/chess win&- to win by default." squareMessage: "Square &6[{0}]&-, board &6{1}" youPlayed: "You played &f{0}&-." ChessUtils: bishop: "Bishop" king: "King" knight: "Knight" pawn: "Pawn" queen: "Queen" rook: "Rook" anything: "anything" # Button text definitions may contain a semicolon (;). This indicates a line break on the sign text. ControlPanel: acceptDrawBtn: "Accept Draw?" acceptSwapBtn: "Accept Swap?" acceptUndoBtn: "Accept Undo?" blackPawnPromotionBtn: "Black Pawn;Promotion" boardInfoBtn: ";Board;Info" chessInviteReminder: "Type &f/chess invite &- to invite someone" chessInvitePrompt: "Type a player name to invite. Left or right-click cancels." createGameBtn: ";Create;Game" gameInfoBtn: ";Game;Info" halfmoveClock: "Halfmove;Clock" inviteAnyoneBtn: ";Invite;ANYONE" invitePlayerBtn: ";Invite;Player" noBtn: ";;No" offerDrawBtn: ";Offer;Draw" playNumber: "Play Number" resignBtn: ";Resign" stakeBtn: "Stake;;" startGameBtn: ";Start;Game" teleportOutBtn: ";Teleport;Out" timeControl: "Time Control" timeElapsed: "Elapsed" timeRemaining: "Remaining" undoBtn: ";Undo;Last Move" whitePawnPromotionBtn: "White Pawn;Promotion" yesBtn: ";;Yes" Designer: inDesignMode: "Board &6{0}&- is now in design mode." outOfDesignMode: "Board &6{0}&- is now out of design mode." styleSaved: - "Custom piece style &6{0}&- saved." - "Use &f/chess board set piecestyle {0}&- while standing on a suitable board to use it." styleLoaded: - "Piece style &6{0}&- loaded. You can make changes now." - "Use &f/chess design save [] to save it." mustBeInDesignMode: "You must be in design mode first. Use &f/chess design&-." gameRunning: "You cannot design on a board with a game in progress." notOnBoard: "You are not standing on a chess board." cleared: "The current piece design has been cleared." ExpectBoardCreation: boardCreated: "Board &6{0}&- has been created at {1}." ExpectYesNoOffer: drawOfferAccepted: "Your draw offer has been accepted by &6{0}&-." drawOfferDeclined: "Your draw offer has been declined by &6{0}&-." undoOfferAccepted: "Your undo offer has been accepted by &6{0}&-." undoOfferDeclined: "Your undo offer has been declined by &6{0}&-." swapOfferAccepted: "Your swap offer has been accepted by &6{0}&-." swapOfferDeclined: "Your swap offer has been declined by &6{0}&-." youDeclinedDrawOffer: "You have declined the draw offer." youDeclinedSwapOffer: "You have declined the swap offer." youDeclinedUndoOffer: "You have declined the undo offer." Flight: flightEnabled: - You are close enough to a chess board to fly. - Double-tab Space to toggle flight. flightDisabled: You are no longer close enough to a chess board to fly. flightDisabledByAdmin: Chess board flight has been disabled by a server admin. interactionStopped: You may not interact with the world while flying around a chess board! Game: boardAlreadyHasGame: "That board already has a game on it." boardInDesignMode: "That board is being used for piece designing." sitePGN: " in Minecraftia" AIisBusy: "That AI is currently busy playing a game." alertPrefix: "&6♚ &-Game &6{0}&-: " archiveExists: "Archive file {0} exists - won''t overwrite." abandoned: "&6{0}&- drew with &6{1}&- (game abandoned) in a game of Chess!" autoDeleteFinished: "Finished game auto-deleted." autoDeleteNotStarted: "Game auto-deleted (not started within {0})." autoDeleteRunning: "Game auto-deleted (no move made within {0})." black: "Black" cantAffordToStart: "{0} can''t afford to play! (need {1})" cantAffordToJoin: "You can''t afford the stake for this game (need {0})!" cantWriteArchive: "Can''t write PGN archive {0}: {1}" check: " &5+++&dYou are in Check&5+++" checkmated: "&6{0}&- checkmated &6{1}&- in a game of Chess!" drawAgreed: "&6{0}&- drew with &6{1}&- (draw agreed) in a game of Chess!" fiftyMoveRule: "&6{0}&- drew with &6{1}&- (50-move rule) in a game of Chess!" forfeited: "&6{0}&- beat &6{1}&- (forfeited) in a game of Chess!" gameHasStake: "This game has a stake of &f{0}&-." gameIsFull: "This game already has two players." getStakeBack: "You get your stake of {0} back." invalidPromoPiece: "Invalid promotion piece: {0}." inviteCooldown: "You must wait {0,number,integer} seconds before sending another open invitation." inviteSent: "An invitation has been sent to &6{0}&-." inviteWithdrawn: "Your invitation has been withdrawn." joinPrompt: "Type &f/chess join&- to join the game." joinPromptGlobal: "Type &f/chess join {0}&- to join the game." lostStake: "You lost your stake of {0}." moveUndone: "The last move has been undone. &f{0}&- to play." newTimeControlPhase: "New time control phase started: &6{0}&-." noActiveGame: "No active game - set one with &f/chess game &-." noNegativeStakes: "Negative stakes are not permitted!" noSuchGame: "No such game &6{0}&-." notInGame: "You are not in this game!" notInvited: "You don't have an invitation for this game." notStarted: "The game has not yet started." notYourTurn: "It is not your turn." nowPlayingBlack: "Side swap! You are now playing Black." nowPlayingWhite: "Side swap! You are now playing White." openInviteCreated: "&6{0}&e has created an open invitation to a chess game." paidStake: "You have paid a stake of {0}." playerJoined: "&6{0}&- has joined your game." playerNotOnline: "Player {0} is not online." playerPlayedMove: "{0} played [&f{1}&-]. Your move." resigned: "&6{0}&- beat &6{1}&- (resigned) in a game of Chess!" shouldBeState: "Game should be in state {0}." stakeCantBeChanged: "Stake cannot be changed once both players have joined." stakeLocked: "The stake for this game is locked and may not be changed." stakeTooHigh: "The maximum stake allowed is {0,number,currency}." stalemated: "&6{0}&- drew with &6{1}&- (stalemate) in a game of Chess!" started: - "Game started! You are playing &f{0}&-." - "To move a piece, look at it while holding {1}, and left-click." startPrompt: "Start the game by typing &f/game start&-." timeControlLocked: "The time control for this game is locked may not be changed." timeControlWarning: "You have {0,number,integer} seconds left to move!" white: "White" youAreInvited: "You have been invited to this game by &6{0}&-." yourMove: "It is your move &f({0})&-." youWon: "You have won {0}!" MessageBuffer: header: "| {0,number,integer}-{1,number,integer} of {2,number,integer} lines (page {3,number,integer}/{4,number,integer}) |" footer: "| Use /chess page [#|n|p] to see other pages |" # these messages need to be 15 characters max. (including colour codes) because they are displayed on signs SMSIntegration: boardInfo: "&1Board Info" createGame: "&1Create Game" gotoGame: "&1Go to Game" gameInfo: "&1Game Info" deleteGame: "&4*Delete Game" gotoBoard: "&1Go to Board" TerrainBackup: cantDeleteTerrain: "Could not delete {0}" cantRestoreTerrain: "Terrain backup could not be restored: {0}" cantWriteTerrain: "Terrain backup could not be written: {0}"