// Backbone.ModelBinding v0.2.0 // // Copyright (C)2011 Derick Bailey, Muted Solutions, LLC // Distributed Under MIT Liscene // // Documentation and Full Licence Availabe at: // http://github.com/derickbailey/backbone.modelbinding // ---------------------------- // Backbone.ModelBinding // ---------------------------- Backbone.ModelBinding = (function(){ function handleConventionBindings(view, model){ var conventions = Backbone.ModelBinding.Conventions; for (var conventionName in conventions){ if (conventions.hasOwnProperty(conventionName)){ var conventionElement = conventions[conventionName]; var handler = conventionElement.handler; var conventionSelector = conventionElement.selector; handler.bind(conventionSelector, view, model); } } } return { version: "0.2.0", call: function(view, options){ Backbone.ModelBinding.Configuration.configureBindingAttributes(options); handleConventionBindings(view, view.model); Backbone.ModelBinding.Configuration.resetConfiguration(); } } })(); // ---------------------------- // Model Binding Configuration // ---------------------------- Backbone.ModelBinding.Configuration = (function(){ var config = { text: "id", textarea: "id", password: "id", radio: "name", checkbox: "id", select: "id" }; return { configureBindingAttributes: function(options){ if (options) { Backbone.ModelBinding._config = _.clone(config); _.extend(config, options); } }, resetConfiguration: function(){ if (Backbone.ModelBinding._config) { config = Backbone.ModelBinding._config; delete Backbone.ModelBinding._config; } }, getBindingAttr: function(type){ return config[type]; }, getBindingValue: function(element, type){ var bindingAttr = Backbone.ModelBinding.Configuration.getBindingAttr(type); return element.attr(bindingAttr); } } })(); // ---------------------------- // Binding Conventions // ---------------------------- Backbone.ModelBinding.Conventions = (function(){ function getElementType(element) { var type = element[0].tagName.toLowerCase(); if (type == "input"){ type = element.attr("type"); } return type; } var StandardInput = { bind: function(selector, view, model){ view.$(selector).each(function(index){ var element = view.$(this); var field = Backbone.ModelBinding.Configuration.getBindingValue(element, getElementType(element)); Backbone.ModelBinding.Binders.bidirectionalBinding.call(view, field, element, model); }); } }; var SelectBox = { bind: function(selector, view, model){ view.$(selector).each(function(index){ var element = view.$(this); var field = Backbone.ModelBinding.Configuration.getBindingValue(element, 'select'); Backbone.ModelBinding.Binders.bidirectionalSelectBinding.call(view, field, element, model); }); } }; var RadioGroup = { bind: function(selector, view, model){ var self = this; var foundElements = []; view.$(selector).each(function(index){ var element = view.$(this); var group_name = Backbone.ModelBinding.Configuration.getBindingValue(element, 'radio'); if (!foundElements[group_name]) { foundElements[group_name] = true; var bindingAttr = Backbone.ModelBinding.Configuration.getBindingAttr('radio'); Backbone.ModelBinding.Binders.bidirectionalRadioGroupBinding.call(view, group_name, model, bindingAttr); } }); } }; var Checkbox = { bind: function(selector, view, model){ var self = this; view.$(selector).each(function(index){ var element = view.$(this); var field = Backbone.ModelBinding.Configuration.getBindingValue(element, 'checkbox'); Backbone.ModelBinding.Binders.bidirectionalCheckboxBinding.call(view, field, element, model); }); } }; var DataBind = { bind: function(selector, view, model){ view.$(selector).each(function(index){ var element = view.$(this); var databind = element.attr("data-bind").split(" "); var elementAttr = databind[0]; var modelAttr = databind[1]; model.bind("change:" + modelAttr, function(changedModel, val){ switch(elementAttr){ case "html": element.html(val); break; case "text": element.text(val); break; default: element.attr(elementAttr, val); } }); }); } }; return { text: {selector: "input[type=text]", handler: StandardInput}, textarea: {selector: "textarea", handler: StandardInput}, password: {selector: "input[type=password]", handler: StandardInput}, radio: {selector: "input[type=radio]", handler: RadioGroup}, checkbox: {selector: "input[type=checkbox]", handler: Checkbox}, select: {selector: "select", handler: SelectBox}, databind: { selector: "*[data-bind]", handler: DataBind}, } })(); // ---------------------------- // Bi-Directional Binding Methods // ---------------------------- Backbone.ModelBinding.Binders = (function(){ methods = {}; methods.bidirectionalBinding = function(attribute_name, element, model){ var self = this; // bind the model changes to the form elements model.bind("change:" + attribute_name, function(changed_model, val){ element.val(val); }); // bind the form changes to the model element.bind("change", function(ev){ data = {}; data[attribute_name] = self.$(ev.target).val(); model.set(data); }); // set the default value on the form, from the model var attr_value = model.get(attribute_name); if (attr_value) { element.val(attr_value); } }, methods.bidirectionalSelectBinding = function(attribute_name, element, model){ var self = this; // bind the model changes to the form elements model.bind("change:" + attribute_name, function(changed_model, val){ element.val(val); }); // bind the form changes to the model element.bind("change", function(ev){ data = {}; data[attribute_name] = self.$(ev.target).val(); data[attribute_name + "_text"] = self.$(":selected", ev.target).text(); model.set(data); }); // set the default value on the form, from the model var attr_value = model.get(attribute_name); if (attr_value) { element.val(attr_value); } }, methods.bidirectionalRadioGroupBinding = function(group_name, model, bindingAttr){ var self = this; // bind the model changes to the form elements model.bind("change:" + group_name, function(changed_model, val){ var value_selector = "input[type=radio][" + bindingAttr + "=" + group_name + "][value=" + val + "]"; self.$(value_selector).attr("checked", "checked"); }); // bind the form changes to the model var group_selector = "input[type=radio][" + bindingAttr + "=" + group_name + "]"; self.$(group_selector).bind("change", function(ev){ var element = self.$(ev.currentTarget); if (element.attr("checked")){ data = {}; data[group_name] = element.val(); model.set(data); } }); // set the default value on the form, from the model var attr_value = model.get(group_name); if (attr_value) { var value_selector = "input[type=radio][" + bindingAttr + "=" + group_name + "][value=" + attr_value + "]"; self.$(value_selector).attr("checked", "checked"); } }, methods.bidirectionalCheckboxBinding = function(attribute_name, element, model){ var self = this; // bind the model changes to the form elements model.bind("change:" + attribute_name, function(changed_model, val){ if (val){ element.attr("checked", "checked"); } else{ element.removeAttr("checked"); } }); // bind the form changes to the model element.bind("change", function(ev){ data = {}; var changedElement = self.$(ev.target); var checked = changedElement.attr("checked")? true : false; data[attribute_name] = checked; model.set(data); }); // set the default value on the form, from the model var attr_exists = model.attributes.hasOwnProperty(attribute_name); if (attr_exists) { var attr_value = model.get(attribute_name); if (attr_value){ element.attr("checked", "checked"); } else{ element.removeAttr("checked"); } } } return methods; })();