Permission: 'You do not have the required permissions.' Ban: Arguments: '&f/ban {player} (-s/-a) (reason) &4Not Enough Arguments' Failed: '&4%victim%&c is already in banned.' Denied: '&4Your ban attempt has been denied!' Emo: '&4You cannot ban yourself!' MsgToVictim: '&6You have been banned by &7%admin%&6. Reason: &7%reason%&6!' MsgToBroadcast: '&7%victim%&6 was banned by &7%admin%&6. Reason: &7%reason%&6!' Login: '&7%admin%&6 banned you from this server! Reason: &7%reason%&6!' CheckBan: Arguments: '&f/checkban {player} &4Not Enough Arguments' Header: '&6Found &7%amt%&6 records for &7%victim%&6.' None: '&cNo records found for &4%victim%&c.' CheckIP: Arguments: '&f/checkip {player} &4Not Enough Arguments' NoPlayer: '&7Player not found!' MSG1: '&eHost Address: ' MSG2: '&eHost Name: ' Exception: '&4Gathering Information Failed!' Clean: Complete: '&6Deleted &7%amt%&6 player.dat files.' DupeIP: Arguments: '&f/dupeip {player} &4Not Enough Arguments' NoPlayer: '&7Player not found!' Header: '&6Scanning Current IP of &7%victim%&6: &7%ip% !' Completed: '&aScanning Complete!' Export: Failed: '&4Could not export ban lists.' Completed: '&aExported banlists.' History: Failed: '&4Unable to find any information' Header: '&6Ultrabans Listing &7%amt% &6Records.' Import: Loading: '&aBe patient. Loading...' Failed: '&4Could not import ban lists.' Completed: '&aSystem imported the banlist to the database.' InvOf: Arguments: '&f/invof {player} &4Not Enough Arguments' Console: '&4This command must be executed by a player.' Failed: '&4Unable to find player.' IPBan: Arguments: '&f/ipban {player} (-s/-a) (reason) &4Not Enough Arguments' Failed: '&4%victim%&c is already ipbanned.' Denied: '&4Your ipban attempt has been denied!' Emo: '&4You cannot ipban yourself!' IPNotFound: '&4IP address not found. &6Processed as a normal ban for &7%victim%&6!' MsgToVictim: '&6You have been ipbanned by &7%admin%&6. Reason: &7%reason%&6!' MsgToBroadcast: '&7%victim%&6 was ipbanned by &7%admin%&6. Reason: &7%reason%&6!' Login: '&7%admin%&6 ipbanned you from this server! Reason: &7%reason%&6!' Jail: Arguments: '&f/jail {setjail/setrelease/player} (reason) &4Not Enough Arguments' SetFail: '&4Unable to set position.' SetJail: '&6Set Jail Position.' SetRelease: '&6Set Release Position' MsgToVictim: '&6You have been jailed by &7%admin%&6. Reason: &7%reason%&6!' MsgToBroadcast: '&7%victim%&6 was jailed by &7%admin%&6. Reason: &7%reason%&6!' SetJail: '&aJail has been set!' SetRelease: '&aRelease has been set!' Failed: '&4%victim%&c is already in jail.' Online: '&4%victim%&c must be online to be jailed.' Denied: '&cYour jail attempt has been denied!' Emo: '&cYou cannot jail yourself!' PlaceMsg: '&cYou cannot place blocks while you are jailed!' BreakMsg: '&cYou cannot break blocks while you are jailed!' Kick: Arguments: '&f/kick {player/*/"all"} (-s/-a) (reason) &4Not Enough Arguments' MsgToAll: '&6Everyone has been kicked by &7%admin%&6. Reason: &7%reason%&6!' MsgToVictim: '&6You have been kicked by &7%admin%&6. Reason: &7%reason%&6!' MsgToBroadcast: '&7%victim%&6 was kicked by &7%admin%&6. Reason: &7%reason%&6!' Online: '&4Player must be online.' Denied: '&cYour kick has been denied!' Emo: '&cYou cannot kick yourself!' Lockdown: Arguments: '&f/lockdown {on/off/status} &4Not Enough Arguments' Start: '&cLockdown initiated. &4Player Login&c disabled.' End: '&aLockdown ended. &2Player Login&a reenabled.' Status: '&cLockdown is disabled.' LoginMsg: '&4Server is under a lockdown, Try again later!&c Sorry.' Mute: Arguments: '&f/umute {player} (reason) &4Not Enough Arguments' MuteMsgToSender: '&6You have muted &7%victim%&6.' MuteMsgToVictim: '&4You have been muted!' UnmuteMsgToSender: '&6You have unmuted &7%victim%&6.' UnmuteMsgToVictim: '&aYou have been unmuted.' Denied: '&cYour mute has been denied!' Emo: '&cYou cannot mute yourself!' Chat: '&cYour cry falls on deaf ears.' Pardon: Arguments: '&f/pardon {player} &4Not Enough Arguments' Msg: '&7%victim%&6 was released from jail by &7%admin%&6!' Failed: '&4Player must be online.' PermaBan: Arguments: '&f/permaban {player} (-s/-a) (reason) &4Not Enough Arguments' MsgToVictim: '&6You have been permabanned by &7%admin%&6. Reason: &7%reason%&6!' MsgToBroadcast: '&7%victim%&6 was permabanned by &7%admin%&6. Reason: &7%reason%&6!' Failed: '&4%victim%&c is already banned.' Online: '&4%victim%&c must be online.' Denied: '&cYour permaban has been denied!' Emo: '&cYou cannot permaban yourself!' Ping: Failed: '&7Unable to retrieve ping.' Personal: '&6Your ping is &7%amt%ms.' Other: '&7%victim%&6 ping is &7%amt%ms.' Reload: '&aReloaded Ultrabans.' Spawn: Arguments: '&f/spawn {player} &4Not Enough Arguments' MsgToVictim: '&cYou have been sent to spawn!' MsgToSender: '&7%victim%&6 is now at spawn!' Failed: '&4%victim%&c is not online.' Starve: Arguments: '&f/spawn {player} &4Not Enough Arguments' MsgToVictim: '&cYou are now starving!' MsgToSender: '&6%victim%&7 is now starving!' Failed: '&4%victim%&c is not online.' Status: Usage: '&6Estimated Usage: &7%amt% bytes.' CacheHeader: '&7--- [&6Currently Loaded&7] ---' CacheBans: '&6All Cached Players: &7%amt%' CacheIPBans: '&6All IPs Banned: &7%amt%' Tempban: Arguments: '&f/tempban {player} (-s/-a) {amt} {sec/min/hour/day} {Reason} &4Not Enough Arguments' MsgToVictim: '&6You have been tempbanned by &7%admin%&6 for &7%amt% %mode%s.&6 Reason: &7%reason%&6!' MsgToBroadcast: '&7%victim%&6 was tempbanned by &7%admin%&6 for &7%amt% %mode%s.&6 Reason: &7%reason%&6!' Failed: '&4%victim%&c is already tempbanned!' Denied: '&cYour tempban has been denied!' Emo: '&cYou cannot tempban yourself!' Login: '&6You have been tempbanned by &7%admin%&6 for &7%time%&6. Reason: &7%reason%&6!' TempIpBan: Arguments: '&f/tempipban {player} (-s/-a) {amt} {sec/min/hour/day} {Reason} &4Not Enough Arguments' MsgToVictim: '&6You have been tempipbanned by &7%admin%&6 for &7%amt% %mode%s.&6 Reason: &7%reason%&6!' MsgToBroadcast: '&7%victim%&6 was tempipbanned by &7%admin%&6 for &7%amt% %mode%s.&6 Reason: &7%reason%&6!' Failed: '&4%victim%&c is already tempipbanned!' Denied: '&cYour tempipban has been denied!' Emo: '&cYou cannot tempipban yourself!' IPNotFound: '&cIP address not found.&6 Processed as a normal tempban for &7%victim%&6!' TempJail: Arguments: '&f/tempjail {player} (-s/-a) {amt} {sec/min/hour/day} {Reason} &4Not Enough Arguments' MsgToVictim: '&6You have been tempjailed by &7%admin%&6 for &7%amt% %mode%s.&6 Reason: &7%reason%&6!' MsgToBroadcast: '&7%victim%&6 was tempjailed by &7%admin%&6 for &7%amt% %mode%s.&6 Reason: &7%reason%&6!' Failed: '&4%victim%&c is already jailed!' Denied: '&cYour tempjail has been denied!' Emo: '&cYou cannot tempjail yourself!' Unban: Arguments: '&f/unban {player} &4Not Enough Arguments' MsgToBroadcast: '&7%victim%&6 was unbanned by &7%admin%&6!' PermaBanned: '&cUnable to unban, &7%victim%&c was Permabanned.' Failed: '&4%victim%&c is already unbanned!' Warn: Arguments: '&f/warn {player} (-s/-a) (reason) &4Not Enough Arguments' MsgToVictim: '&6You have been warned by &7%admin%&6. Reason: &7%reason%&6!' MsgToBroadcast: '&7%victim%&6 was warned by &7%admin%&6. Reason: &7%reason%&6!' Denied: '&cYour warning has been denied!' Emo: '&cYou cannot warn yourself!' MaxWarn: MsgToBroadcast: '&7%cmd%&6 performed by Ultrabans on &7%victim%&6. Reason: &7Reached Max Warnings&6!'