### 1.1 (5/12/2014) * Initial maintained CocoaPods release, fork off [DZamataev/DZTSMiniWebBrowser](https://github.com/DZamataev/DZTSMiniWebBrowser) and [tonisalae/TSMiniWebBrowser](https://github.com/tonisalae/TSMiniWebBrowser) - [@dblock](https://github.com/dblock). * Added `TSMiniWebBrowser:showToolBar`, `opaque` and `backgroundColor` - [@dblock](https://github.com/dblock). * Renamed `TSMiniWebBrowser:initWithUrl` to `initWithURL` - [@dblock](https://github.com/dblock). * Exposed `TSMiniWebBrowser:requestWithURL:(NSURL *)url` for subclasses of `TSMiniWebBrowser` - [@dblock](https://github.com/dblock). * Exposed `(NSURL *)TSMiniWebBrowser:currentURL` which is no longer an `NSString` and is also set after `initWithURL` - [@dblock](https://github.com/dblock). * Interface orientation changes reflect on the scrolling inspectors as limits - [@dzamataev](https://github.com/DZamataev). * Added support for hiding top bar on scroll - [@dzamataev](https://github.com/DZamataev). * Added storyboard support - [@simonrice](https://github.com/simonrice), [@dzamataev](https://github.com/DZamataev). * Fix: cropped content when the content of the scrollview is smaller than the frame of the scrollview - [@dzamataev](https://github.com/DZamataev). * Animation duration now respects left distance - [@dzamataev](https://github.com/DZamataev). * Added scroll view pan gesture recognizer state detection via KVO in order to know when touch (dragging) ended - [@dzamataev](https://github.com/DZamataev). * Corrected animation for target reaching limit if it was left half-way up or down - [@dzamataev](https://github.com/DZamataev). * Implemented webView `contentInset` setting according to browser presentation mode - [@dzamataev](https://github.com/DZamataev). * Added `statusBarStyle` property - [@dzamataev](https://github.com/DZamataev). * Added podspec - [@neoneye](https://github.com/neoneye). * Open actionsheet from action button - [@pj4533](https://github.com/pj4533).