Installation Instructions for DZAI 1.7.0+ (mission file version) Last Updated: 7:39 PM 1/19/2014 About the Mission File Version of DZAI: Use these instructions to convert the DZAI install package for compatibility with your mission pbo if you are unable to edit your dayz_server.pbo What you need: ---------------------------------------------------- - cpbo* or PBO Manager**. - A text editor (Notepad++ is recommended). - Access to your mission .pbo. - A downloaded copy of DZAI * cpbo can be downloaded as part of the Arma Tools package here: ** PBO Manager can be downloaded here: Basic Installation Guide: ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Unpack your mission pbo. If using cpbo, right click the .pbo file and click "Extract". 2. Copy the downloaded DZAI folder from the download package inside your unpacked mission folder. In this folder, you should also see init.sqf, mission.sqm, description.ext. 3. Edit your mission init.sqf with a text editor. Add this line at the end of your init.sqf: if (isServer) then {[] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "DZAI\dzai_initserver.sqf";}; 4. Optionally, you may edit DZAI's settings in DZAI\init\dzai_config.sqf 5. Repack your mission pbo by right-clicking the unpacked folder, then click on "create PBO". If prompted to overwrite, click "Yes".