# SCSS Toolkit 2.1.0 ## UNMAINTAINED **Note: This project is unmaintained. I feel there are still some valuable principles in this repo so can still be taken as a starting point but it is unlikely to be updated.** --- A starter toolkit based on SMACSS for Sass (SCSS) projects, with optional support for Compass. SCSS Toolkit uses a combination of recommendations from: - [Adaptive Web Design](http://easy-readers.net/) - [Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS](http://smacss.com/) (SMACSS) Styles are broken down into the following groups: **Base, Layout, Module, State** ## Requirements * Ruby, along with the `bundler` gem. * NPM (`brew install node`) * Grunt CLI (`npm install -g grunt-cli`) ## Quick Start * Clone the git repo - `git clone git://github.com/davidrapson/scss-toolkit.git` or [download it](https://github.com/davidrapson/scss-toolkit/zipball/master) * Run `bundle install` at the root of the project * Run `npm install` at the root of the project * You should be all set. ## Build tasks * Run `grunt watch` to watch all `.scss` files in `css/scss` for changes. * Run `grunt build` to compile the `.scss` files on demand * Run `grunt build:production` to compile and minify the `.scss` files on demand into `css/build`. ## License ### Major components: - [Normalise.css](http://necolas.github.com/normalize.css/): Public Domain ### Everything else: The Unlicense (aka: public domain) ## Thanks & Resources This toolkit is based on the work of the following fine people & projects. - [HTML5 Boilerplate](https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate) - [Normalise.css](http://necolas.github.com/normalize.css/) - [Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS](http://smacss.com/book/type-state) (SMACSS) - [Adaptive Web Design (book)](http://easy-readers.net/) - [Jake Archibald](http://jakearchibald.github.com/sass-ie/) for the Sass IE implementation - [Ben Bodien](http://neutroncreations.com/) for his advice and feedback