-- file_slurp.lua -- (c) 2011-2012 David Manura. Licensed under Lua 5.1 terms (MIT license). local FS = {_TYPE='module', _NAME='file_slurp', _VERSION=''} local function check_options(options) if not options then return {} end local bad = options:match'[^tTsap]' if bad then error('ASSERT: invalid option '..bad, 3) end local t = {}; for v in options:gmatch'.' do t[v] = true end if t.T and t.t then error('ASSERT: options t and T mutually exclusive',3) end return t end local function fail(tops, err, code, filename) err = err..' [code '..code..']' err = err..' [filename '..filename..']' -- maybe make option if tops.s then return nil, err else error(err, 3) end end function FS.readfile(filename, options) local tops = check_options(options) local open = tops.p and io.popen or io.open local data, ok local fh, err, code = open(filename, 'r'..((tops.t or tops.p) and '' or 'b')) if fh then data, err, code = fh:read'*a' if data then ok, err, code = fh:close() else fh:close() end end if not ok then return fail(tops, err, code, filename) end if tops.T then data = data:gsub('\r', '') end return data end function FS.writefile(filename, data, options) local tops = check_options(options) local open = tops.p and io.popen or io.open local ok local fh, err, code = open(filename, (tops.a and 'a' or 'w') .. ((tops.t or tops.p) and '' or 'b')) if fh then ok, err, code = fh:write(data) if ok then ok, err, code = fh:close() else fh:close() end end if not ok then return fail(tops, err, code, filename) end return data end function FS.testfile(filename, options) local fh, err, code = io.open(filename, options or 'r') if fh then fh:close(); return true else return false, err .. ' [code '..code..']' end end return FS -- Implementation footnotes: The (optional) stack `level` parameter on -- functions like `error` and lack of automatic finalization (close) on scope -- exit is less then elegant, but this module hides such details.