bits 16 org 0x7c00 _boot_start: ; The cli instruction disables maskable external interrupts. cli ; Fetch Control Register 0, set bit 0 to 1 (Protection Enable bit) ; This basically enables 32-bit mode mov eax, cr0 or al, 1 mov cr0, eax ; Now we have to jump into the 32-bit zone. The 0x08 is a 386-style segment ; descriptor, which theoretically references the Global Descriptor Table, ; though in this bare-bones bootloader we haven't even bothered to set that ; up yet and it works anyway. jmp 0x08:_32_bits bits 32 _32_bits: ; Now we're going to set up the page tables for 64-bit mode. ; Since this is a minimal example, we're just going to set up a single page. ; The 64-bit page table uses four levels of paging, ; PML4E table => PDPTE table => PDE table => PTE table => physical addr ; You don't have to use all of them, but you have to use at least the first ; three. So we're going to set up PML4E, PDPTE, and PDE tables here, each ; with a single entry. %define PML4E_ADDR 0x8000 %define PDPTE_ADDR 0x9000 %define PDE_ADDR 0xa000 ; Set up PML4 entry, which will point to PDPT entry. mov dword eax, PDPTE_ADDR ; The low 12 bits of the PML4E entry are zeroed out when it's dereferenced, ; and used to encode metadata instead. Here we're setting the Present and ; Read/Write bits. You might also want to set the User bit, if you want a ; page to remain accessible in user-mode code. or dword eax, 0b011 ; Would be 0b111 to set User bit also mov dword [PML4E_ADDR], eax ; Although we're in 32-bit mode, the table entry is 64 bits. We can just zero ; out the upper bits in this case. mov dword [PML4E_ADDR+4], 0 ; Set up PDPT entry, which will point to PD entry. mov dword eax, PDE_ADDR or dword eax, 0b011 mov dword [PDPTE_ADDR], eax mov dword [PDPTE_ADDR+4], 0 ; Set up PD entry, which will point to the first 2MB page (0). But we ; need to set three bits this time, Present, Read/Write and Page Size (to ; indicate that this is the last level of paging in use). mov dword [PDE_ADDR], 0b10000011 mov dword [PDE_ADDR+4], 0 ; Enable PGE and PAE bits of CR4 to get 64-bit paging available. mov eax, 0b10100000 mov cr4, eax ; Set master (PML4) page table in CR3. mov eax, PML4E_ADDR mov cr3, eax ; Set IA-32e Mode Enable (read: 64-bit mode enable) in the "model-specific ; register" (MSR) called Extended Features Enable (EFER). mov ecx, 0xc0000080 rdmsr ; takes ecx as argument, deposits contents of MSR into eax or eax, 0b100000000 wrmsr ; exactly the reverse of rdmsr ; Enable PG flag of CR0 to actually turn on paging. mov eax, cr0 or eax, 0x80000000 mov cr0, eax ; Load Global Descriptor Table (outdated access control, but needs to be set) lgdt [gdt_hdr] ; Jump into 64-bit zone. jmp 0x08:_64_bits bits 64 _64_bits: mov rdi, 0xb8000 ; This is the beginning of "video memory." mov rdx, rdi ; We'll save that value for later, too. mov rcx, 80*25 ; This is how many characters are on the screen. mov ax, 0x7400 ; Video memory uses 2 bytes per character. The high byte ; determines foreground and background colors. See also ; ; In this case, we're setting red-on-gray (MIT colors!) rep stosw ; Copies whatever is in ax to [rdi], rcx times. mov rdi, rdx ; Restore rdi to the beginning of video memory. mov rsi, hello ; Point rsi ("source" of string instructions) at string. mov rbx, hello_end ; Put end of string in rbx for comparison purposes. hello_loop: movsb ; Moves a byte from [rsi] to [rdi], increments rsi and rdi. inc rdi ; Increment rdi again to skip over the color-control byte. cmp rsi, rbx ; Check if we've reached the end of the string. jne hello_loop ; If not, loop. hlt ; If so, halt. hello: db "Hello, kernel!" hello_end: ; Global descriptor table entry format ; See Intel 64 Software Developers' Manual, Vol. 3A, Figure 3-8 ; or %macro GDT_ENTRY 4 ; %1 is base address, %2 is segment limit, %3 is flags, %4 is type. dw %2 & 0xffff dw %1 & 0xffff db (%1 >> 16) & 0xff db %4 | ((%3 << 4) & 0xf0) db (%3 & 0xf0) | ((%2 >> 16) & 0x0f) db %1 >> 24 %endmacro %define EXECUTE_READ 0b1010 %define READ_WRITE 0b0010 %define RING0 0b10101001 ; Flags set: Granularity, 64-bit, Present, S; Ring=00 ; Note: Ring is determined by bits 1 and 2 (the only "00") ; Global descriptor table (loaded by lgdt instruction) gdt_hdr: dw gdt_end - gdt - 1 dd gdt gdt: GDT_ENTRY 0, 0, 0, 0 GDT_ENTRY 0, 0xffffff, RING0, EXECUTE_READ GDT_ENTRY 0, 0xffffff, RING0, READ_WRITE ; You'd want to have entries for other rings here, if you were using them. gdt_end: ; Very important - mark the sector as bootable. times 512 - 2 - ($ - $$) db 0 ; zero-pad the 512-byte sector to the last 2 bytes dw 0xaa55 ; Magic "boot signature"