import AtomicTransition extension AnyNavigationTransition { /// A transition that fades the pushed view in, fades the popped view out, or cross-fades both views. public static func fade(_ style: Fade.Style) -> Self { .init(Fade(style)) } } /// A transition that fades the pushed view in, fades the popped view out, or cross-fades both views. public struct Fade: NavigationTransition { public enum Style { case `in` case out case cross } private let style: Style public init(_ style: Style) { = style } public var body: some NavigationTransition { switch style { case .in: MirrorPush { OnInsertion { ZPosition(1) Opacity() } } case .out: MirrorPush { OnRemoval { ZPosition(1) Opacity() } } case .cross: MirrorPush { Opacity() } } } } extension Fade: Hashable {}