describe("Core - Utils", function () { var MAXOUT = 5000, utils, $; beforeEach(function () { runs(function () { require.config({ baseUrl: "../js/" }); require(["jquery", "core/utils"], function (jq, u) { $ = jq; utils = u; }); }); waitsFor(function () { return utils; }, MAXOUT); }); // linkCSS() it("should add a link element", function () { runs(function () { utils.linkCSS(document, "BOGUS"); expect($("link[href='BOGUS']").length == 1).toBeTruthy(); $("link[href='BOGUS']").remove(); }); }); it("should add several link elements", function () { runs(function () { utils.linkCSS(document, ["BOGUS", "BOGUS", "BOGUS"]); expect($("link[href='BOGUS']").length == 3).toBeTruthy(); $("link[href='BOGUS']").remove(); }); }); // $.renameElement() it("should rename the element", function () { runs(function () { var $div = $("

some text
").appendTo($("body")); $div.find("p").renameElement("span"); $div.find("b").renameElement("i"); expect($div.find("span").length).toEqual(1); expect($div.find("i").text()).toEqual("some text"); $div.remove(); }); }); // lead0 it("should prepend 0 only when needed", function () { runs(function () { expect(utils.lead0("1")).toEqual("01"); expect(utils.lead0("01")).toEqual("01"); }); }); // concatDate it("should format the date as needed", function () { runs(function () { var d = new Date(); d.setFullYear(1977); d.setMonth(2); d.setDate(15); expect(utils.concatDate(d)).toEqual("19770315"); expect(utils.concatDate(d, "-")).toEqual("1977-03-15"); }); }); // parseSimpleDate it("should parse a simple date", function () { runs(function () { var d = utils.parseSimpleDate("1977-03-15"); expect(d.getFullYear()).toEqual(1977); expect(d.getMonth()).toEqual(2); expect(d.getDate()).toEqual(15); }); }); // parseLastModified it("should parse a date in lastModified format", function () { runs(function () { var d = utils.parseLastModified("03/15/1977 13:05:42"); expect(d.getFullYear()).toEqual(1977); expect(d.getMonth()).toEqual(2); expect(d.getDate()).toEqual(15); }); }); // humanDate it("should produce a human date", function () { runs(function () { expect(utils.humanDate("1977-03-15")).toEqual("15 March 1977"); var d = new Date(); d.setFullYear(1977); d.setMonth(2); d.setDate(15); expect(utils.humanDate(d)).toEqual("15 March 1977"); }); }); // isoDate it("should produce an ISO date", function () { runs(function () { expect(utils.isoDate("2013-06-25")).toMatch(/2013-06-2[45]T/) ; var d = new Date(); d.setFullYear(2013); d.setMonth(5); d.setDate(25); d.setHours(0); d.setMinutes(0); d.setSeconds(0); expect(utils.isoDate(d)).toMatch(/2013-06-2[45]T/); }); }); // joinAnd it("should join with proper commas and 'and'", function () { runs(function () { expect(utils.joinAnd([])).toEqual(""); expect(utils.joinAnd(["x"])).toEqual("x"); expect(utils.joinAnd(["x", "x"])).toEqual("x and x"); expect(utils.joinAnd(["x", "x", "x"])).toEqual("x, x, and x"); expect(utils.joinAnd(["x", "x", "x", "x"])).toEqual("x, x, x, and x"); expect(utils.joinAnd(["x", "x", "x", "x"], function (str) { return str.toUpperCase(); })).toEqual("X, X, X, and X"); }); }); // xmlEscape it("should escape properly", function () { runs(function () { expect(utils.xmlEscape("&<>\"")).toEqual("&<>""); }); }); // norm it("should normalise text", function () { runs(function () { expect(utils.norm(" a b ")).toEqual("a b"); }); }); // $.dfnTitle() it("should find the definition title", function () { runs(function () { var $dfn = $("TEXT").appendTo($("body")); expect($dfn.dfnTitle()).toEqual("dfn"); $dfn.removeAttr("title"); expect($dfn.dfnTitle()).toEqual("abbr"); $dfn.find("abbr").removeAttr("title"); expect($dfn.dfnTitle()).toEqual("text"); $dfn.remove(); }); }); // $.makeID() it("should create the proper ID", function () { runs(function () { expect($("

").makeID()).toEqual("ID"); expect($("

").makeID()).toEqual("title"); expect($("


").makeID()).toEqual("text"); expect($("

").makeID(null, "PASSED")).toEqual("passed"); expect($("

").makeID("PFX", "PASSED")).toEqual("PFX-passed"); expect($("


").makeID("PFX")).toEqual("PFX-text"); var $p = $("


"); $p.makeID(); expect($p.attr("id")).toEqual("text"); expect($("

A--Bé9\n C

").makeID()).toEqual("a--b-9-c"); expect($("

").makeID()).toEqual("generatedID"); expect($("


").makeID()).toEqual("x2017"); var $div = $("

").appendTo($("body")); expect($div.find("span").makeID()).toEqual("a-2"); $div.remove(); }); }); // $.allTextNodes() it("should find all the text nodes", function () { runs(function () { var tns = $("


").allTextNodes(["pre"]); expect(tns.length).toEqual(4); var str = ""; for (var i = 0, n = tns.length; i < n; i++) str += tns[i].nodeValue; expect(str).toEqual("aabbccdd"); }); }); });