/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM - CHuoi's Input Method ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- copyright : (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 by Dao Hai Lam/ website : http://xvnkb.sf.net/chim email : daohailamyahoocom last modify : Thu, 05 Jul 2007 23:07:22 +0700 version : 0.9.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mudim - Mudzot's Input Method (c)2008 by Mudzot http://code.google.com/p/mudim email: mudzotgmail.com version: 0.8 date: 29.05.08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Development environment: Firefox with Firebug extension with console debug if (typeof(console)=='undefined') { //if console doesnt exist, use the annoying alert instead console=function () {return this;}; // console.debug <--- instruct the build script remove this line console.debug = function (a) {alert(a)}; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: CHIM //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM = function() { return this; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class Mudim //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mudim = function() { return this; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constants: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mudim.DISPLAY_ID=['mudim-off','mudim-vni','mudim-telex','mudim-viqr','mudim-mix','mudim-auto']; Mudim.SPELLCHECK_ID='mudim-checkspell'; Mudim.ACCENTRULE_ID='mudim-accentrule'; CHIM.CHAR_A = 'A'; CHIM.CHAR_a = 'a'; CHIM.CHAR_E = 'E'; CHIM.CHAR_e = 'e'; CHIM.CHAR_U = 'U'; CHIM.CHAR_u = 'u'; CHIM.CHAR_G = 'G'; CHIM.CHAR_g = 'g'; CHIM.CHAR_Q = 'Q'; CHIM.CHAR_q = 'q'; CHIM.CHAR_y = 'y'; CHIM.CHAR_Y = 'Y'; CHIM.CHAR_i = 'i'; CHIM.CHAR_I = 'I'; CHIM.CHAR_0x80 = String.fromCharCode(0x80); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.vowels = "AIUEOYaiueoy"; CHIM.separators = " !@#$%^&*()_+=-{}[]|\\:\";'<>?,./~`\r\n\t"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.off = 0; CHIM.buffer = []; CHIM.foundOtherInputMethod = false; CHIM.dirty = false; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.CharIsUI // Checking if given character is in U & I set or not // // Parameters: // u - given char // // Returns: // True - if u is in [U,I] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.CharIsUI = function(u) { var n, UI = CHIM.UI; u = u.charCodeAt(0); for ( n = 0; UI[n] != 0 && UI[n] != u; n++ ) {} return UI[n] != 0 ? n : -1; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.CharIsO // Checking if given character is O or not // Parameters: // u: the char //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.CharIsO = function(u) { var n, O = CHIM.O; u = u.charCodeAt(0); for ( n = 0; O[n] != 0 && O[n] != u; n++ ){} return O[n] != 0 ? n : -1; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.CharPriorityCompare // Compare 2 chars using VNese priority table //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.CharPriorityCompare = function(u1, u2) { var VN = CHIM.VN; var n, i = -1, j = -1, u; for ( n = 0, u = u1.charCodeAt(0); VN[n] != 0 && VN[n] != u; n++ ){} if ( VN[n] != 0 ) {i = n;} for ( n = 0, u = u2.charCodeAt(0); VN[n] != 0 && VN[n] != u; n++ ){} if ( VN[n] ) {j = n;} return i - j; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.SetCharAt //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.SetCharAt = function( n, c ) { CHIM.buffer[n] = String.fromCharCode( c ); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: CHIM.Speller //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.Speller = function() { return this; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.Speller.enabled = true; CHIM.Speller.position = 0; CHIM.Speller.count = 0; CHIM.Speller.vowels = []; CHIM.Speller.lasts = []; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.Speller.Toggle = function() { CHIM.Speller.enabled = !CHIM.Speller.enabled; Mudim.SetPreference(); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.Speller.Set = function(position, key) { CHIM.Speller.vowels[CHIM.Speller.count] = CHIM.Speller.position; CHIM.Speller.lasts[CHIM.Speller.count++] = key; CHIM.Speller.position = position; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.Speller.Clear = function() { CHIM.Speller.position = -1; CHIM.Speller.count = 0; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.Speller.Last = function() { return CHIM.Speller.lasts[CHIM.Speller.count - 1]; }; Mudim.consonants = "BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZbcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz"; Mudim.spchk = "AIUEOYaiueoy|BDFJKLQSVWXZbdfjklqsvwxz|'`~?.^*+="; Mudim.vwchk = "|oa|uy|ue|oe|ou|ye|ua|uo|ai|ui|oi|au|iu|ia|eu|ie|ao|eo|ay|uu|io|yu|"; Mudim.nvchk = "FfJjWwZz"; Mudim.separators = "!@#$%^&*()_+=-{}[]|\\:\";'<>?,./~`"; Mudim.tailConsonantsPattern = '|c|ch|p|t|m|n|ng|nh|'; /** * Spell checking (if necessary) * If spelling error detected, assign the error index in buffer to CHIM.off * @param (char) key Current key * @param (int) Accent group, 0 means non-accent key * @return true if spelling error detected */ Mudim.CheckSpell = function(key, grp) { var b = CHIM.buffer; var len = b.length; var n = key.toLowerCase(); if (CHIM.Speller.enabled && !Mudim.tempDisableSpellCheck) { console.debug('Begin CheckSpell'); // Rule based on the ending consonants if (grp > 0 && CHIM.off == 0) { if (Mudim.tailConsonants.length>0) { var ecIdx=Mudim.tailConsonantsPattern.indexOf('|'+Mudim.tailConsonants+'|'); if (ecIdx<0) { // spelling rule as described in Issue #16 comment #1 CHIM.off = len; Mudim.tailConsonants=''; console.debug('Tail consonants not in pattern, just append'); return true; } else if (ecIdx<9 && grp==2) { var typeid = Mudim.GetMarkTypeID(n,2); if (typeid !=0 && typeid!=1 && typeid!=5) { CHIM.off = len; Mudim.tailConsonants=''; console.debug('Tail consonants not in pattern, just append'); return true; } } } if (len == 2 && (b[1]==CHIM.CHAR_u || b[1]==CHIM.CHAR_U) && (b[0]==CHIM.CHAR_q || b[0]==CHIM.CHAR_Q) && (grp==2 || (grp==1 && Mudim.GetMarkTypeID(n,1)==1))) { //spelling rule as described in Issue #16 comment #0 CHIM.off = len; return CHIM.Append(len, c, key); } } else if ( !CHIM.off ) { var kp = Mudim.spchk.indexOf(key); if (len>0) { var lkey = b[len-1].toLowerCase(); } if ( len==0 ) { console.debug('Buffer empty'); if ( Mudim.nvchk.indexOf(key) >= 0 ) { CHIM.off = -1; } else if ( kp >= 0 && kp < 12 ) { CHIM.Speller.Set(0, key); } else if( kp == 12 || kp > 37 ) { return; } else { CHIM.Speller.Clear(); } } else if( kp == 12 || kp > 37 ) { // | or `~^.? CHIM.ClearBuffer(); return; } else if( kp > 12 ) { // b, d, f,... CHIM.off = len; } else if( kp >= 0 ) { // vowels var i = 0; while (Mudim.consonants.indexOf(b[i])>=0) { i++; } if (i>0) { Mudim.headConsonants = b.slice(0,i).toString().replace(/,/g,'').toLowerCase(); } if ( CHIM.Speller.position < 0 ) { if (Mudim.headConsonants == 'q') { // q must be followed by u if (len==1 && n!='u') { console.debug('Q not followed by u: spelling error'); CHIM.off = len; } else if (b[1] == 'u' && n == 'u') { console.debug('QUU: spelling error'); CHIM.off = len; } } else if (lkey == 'p' && n!= 'h') { // p must be followed by h console.debug('P not followed by h: spelling error'); CHIM.off = len; } else if (lkey == 'k' && n != 'i' && n !='e' && n!='y') { console.debug('K not followed by [iey]: spelling error'); CHIM.off = len; } else if (Mudim.headConsonants == 'ngh' && n!='i' && n!='e') { console.debug('NGH not followed by [ie]: spelling error'); CHIM.off = len; } else { CHIM.Speller.Set(len, key); if (n == 'y') { if ('hklmst'.indexOf(lkey) < 0) { console.debug('Y must follow [hklms]: spelling error'); CHIM.off = len; } } else if (n=='e' || n=='i') { if (len>1 && (lkey=='g')) { console.debug('xg[ie]: spelling error'); CHIM.off=len; } if (lkey=='c') { console.debug('c[ie] : spelling error'); CHIM.off=1; } } } } else if( len - CHIM.Speller.position > 1 ) { console.debug('Spelling error'); CHIM.off = len; } else { var w = "|"+CHIM.Speller.Last().toLowerCase()+key.toLowerCase()+"|"; var idx = Mudim.vwchk.indexOf(w); if ( idx < 0 ) { console.debug('Vowel composition not found: spelling error'); CHIM.off = len; } else if (idx < 18 && (Mudim.headConsonants == 'c' || Mudim.headConsonants == 'C')){ console.debug('C doesnt come with this vowel composition'); CHIM.off = len; } else if (lkey == 'y' && Mudim.headConsonants == '' && n != 'e') { console.debug('y[^e] : spelling error'); CHIM.off = len; } else { CHIM.Speller.Set(len,key); } } } else { // special cases switch( key ) { case 'h': case 'H': // [cgknpt]h if( lkey >= CHIM.CHAR_0x80 || "CGKNPTcgknpt".indexOf(lkey) < 0 ) { CHIM.off = len; } break; case 'g': case 'G': // [n]g if( lkey != 'n' && lkey != 'N' ) { CHIM.off = len; } break; case 'r': case 'R': // [t]r if( lkey != 't' && lkey != 'T' ) { CHIM.off = len; } break; default: if( Mudim.consonants.indexOf(lkey) >= 0 ) { CHIM.off = len; } break; } } } if (CHIM.off != 0) { return true; } } return false; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.Append // Add key to buffer and check spelling // Parameters: // count: current buffer length // lastkey: last key in buffer // key: current key //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.Append = function(count, lastkey, key) { console.debug('|%s| (Begin Append)',CHIM.buffer); if ( Mudim.separators.indexOf(key) >= 0 ) { CHIM.ClearBuffer(); return; } Mudim.my='mu'; CHIM.buffer.push(key); return Mudim.AdjustAccent(CHIM.modes[Mudim.method-1][2].charAt(0)); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.AddKey // Add key to internal buffer // // Parameters: // key - the key to add // // Returns: // -1 - if nothing change in the internal buffer // N >= 0 - indicate the position of internal buffer has been changed // Remarks: // Some spell checking with the consonats at the end occur here //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.AddKey = function( key ) { var p = -1; var i, j = -1; var b, c = 0, cc, l; var count = CHIM.buffer.length; var m = CHIM.modes[ Mudim.method-1 ], n; var v = null; var autoModeProbe = false; console.debug('|%s| (Begin AddKey)',CHIM.buffer); if( !count || CHIM.off != 0 || Mudim.tempOff) { if (Mudim.CheckSpell(key,l)) { return CHIM.Append(count, c, key); } return CHIM.Append(0, 0, key); } b = CHIM.buffer; c = b[p = count - 1]; n = key.toLowerCase(); for( l = 1; l < m.length; l++ ) if( m[l].indexOf(n) >= 0 ) {break;} if( l >= m.length ) { console.debug('Not mark key, just append to buffer'); Mudim.CheckSpell(key,0); return CHIM.Append(count, c, key); } if (Mudim.method == 5) { //Auto detect Mudim.method = Mudim.AutoDetectMode(n); console.debug("Method detected: "+Mudim.method); autoModeProbe = true; } if ((p=Mudim.FindAccentPos(n))<0) { console.debug('Appropriate accent position not found, just append'); if (autoModeProbe) { Mudim.method = 5; autoModeProbe = false; } Mudim.CheckSpell(key,0); return CHIM.Append(count, c, key); } console.debug('Found mark position: %d',p); Mudim.lord='dz'; if (Mudim.CheckSpell(key,l)) { if (autoModeProbe) { Mudim.method = 5; autoModeProbe = false; } return CHIM.Append(count, c, key); } c=b[p]; var x = c.charCodeAt(0); var found = false; //Actually put the mark on defined position if( l == 1 ) { //group 1 console.debug('Mark key group 1 detected'); m = m[0]; for( i = 0; !found && i < m.length; i++ ) { var k = m[i]; if( k[0] == n ) { for( i = 1; i < k.length; i++ ) { v = CHIM.vncode_1[k[i]]; Mudim.AdjustAccent(n); x=b[p].charCodeAt(0); if (Mudim.GetMarkTypeID(n,1)==3) { //Exception of dd, replace the first char console.debug('Receive 2nd d, consider 1st char to put mark'); p=0;c=b[p];x=c.charCodeAt(0); } if (Mudim.PutMark(p,x,1,v,n,true)) { console.debug('Successfully put mark of group 1'); if (p>0 && Mudim.GetMarkTypeID(n,1)==1 && p=0 && CHIM.CharIsUI(b[p-1])>=0 && b[0]!=CHIM.CHAR_q && b[0]!=CHIM.CHAR_Q) { // uox+ when x!=i ---> u+o+ console.debug('uoxw when x!=i : put additional + on u'); Mudim.PutMark(p-1,b[p-1].charCodeAt(0),1,CHIM.vn_UW,n,false); } found=true; break; } } break; } } } else { //and group 2 console.debug('Mark key group 2 detected'); for( i = 0; i < CHIM.vncode_2.length; i++ ) { v = CHIM.vncode_2[i]; if (Mudim.PutMark(p,x,2,v,n,true)) { console.debug('Successfully put mark of group 2'); found=true; break; } } } if( !found ) { console.debug('Mark isnt compatible with this position'); Mudim.CheckSpell(key,0); if (autoModeProbe) { console.debug("Change back to method 5"); Mudim.method = 5; } autoModeProbe = false; return CHIM.Append(count, c, key); } else { if (autoModeProbe) { CHIM.SetDisplay(); } autoModeProbe = false; } if (CHIM.off!=0) { console.debug('Push the key into buffer due to double mark'); CHIM.buffer.push(key); } return p>=0; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.BackSpace // Delete the last char in internal buffer and update Speller status //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.BackSpace = function() { var count = CHIM.buffer.length; if( count <= 0 ) { CHIM.dirty = true; } else { if (Mudim.accent[0]==count-1) Mudim.ResetAccentInfo(); var i=CHIM.vn_OW.length-1; var code = CHIM.buffer[count-1].charCodeAt(0); while (i>=0 && CHIM.vn_OW[i] != code) { // test if this is o+ i--; } if (i<0) { i=CHIM.vn_UW.length-1; while (i>=0 && CHIM.vn_UW[i] != code) { // is this u+ ? i--; } } if (i>=0 && (i%2) == 1) { console.debug('Decrease w'); Mudim.w--; } --count; CHIM.buffer.pop(); if( count == CHIM.Speller.position ) { CHIM.Speller.position = CHIM.Speller.vowels[--CHIM.Speller.count]; } if( (CHIM.off < 0 && !count) || (count <= CHIM.off) ) { CHIM.off = 0; } } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.ClearBuffer // Clear internal buffer & Speller status //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.ClearBuffer = function() { CHIM.off = 0; Mudim.w=0; CHIM.Speller.Clear(); Mudim.ResetAccentInfo(); Mudim.tailConsonants=''; Mudim.headConsonants=''; Mudim.ctrlSerie = 0; Mudim.shiftSerie = 0; if (CHIM.buffer.length>0) { Mudim.tempOff = false; Mudim.tempDisableSpellCheck = false; } CHIM.buffer = []; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.SetDisplay // Show current status on browser //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.SetDisplay = function() { if ( typeof(Mudim.DISPLAY_ID) != "undefined" && Mudim.method < Mudim.DISPLAY_ID.length ) { var r; //Clear all button. This is needed by only the lazy rendering engine of my Konqueror for (var i=0;i<5;i++) { r=document.getElementById(Mudim.DISPLAY_ID[i]); if (r) {r.checked = false;} } //Set the selected method on r = document.getElementById( Mudim.DISPLAY_ID[Mudim.method] ); if ( r ) {r.checked = true;} } if ( typeof(Mudim.SPELLCHECK_ID) != "undefined" ) { var r = document.getElementById( Mudim.SPELLCHECK_ID ); if ( r ) {r.checked = CHIM.Speller.enabled;} } if ( typeof(Mudim.ACCENTRULE_ID) != "undefined" ) { var r = document.getElementById( Mudim.ACCENTRULE_ID ); if ( r ) {r.checked = Mudim.newAccentRule;} } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.SwitchMethod // Switching to next pecking method //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.SwitchMethod = function() { CHIM.ClearBuffer(); Mudim.method = (++Mudim.method % 6); CHIM.SetDisplay(); Mudim.SetPreference(); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.SetMethod // Set pecking method :-) // // Parameters: // m - value of pecking method //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.SetMethod = function(m) { CHIM.ClearBuffer(); Mudim.method = m; CHIM.SetDisplay(); Mudim.SetPreference(); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.Toggle //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.Toggle = function() { var p; if (!(p=Mudim.Panel)) {Mudim.InitPanel();} if (Mudim.method == 0) { CHIM.SetMethod(Mudim.oldMethod); } else { Mudim.oldMethod=Mudim.method; CHIM.SetMethod(0); } Mudim.SetPreference(); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.GetTarget // Get the current target which CHIM's pointing to // // Parameters: // e - the current active event // // Returns: // The current target //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.GetTarget = function(e) { var r; if ( e == null ) { e = window.event; } if ( e == null ) { return null; } if ( e.srcElement != null ) { // IE r = e.srcElement; } else { r = e.target; while ( r && r.nodeType != 1 ) // climb up from text nodes on Moz r = r.parentNode; } if (r.tagName == 'BODY') { r = r.parentNode; } CHIM.peckable = r.tagName=='HTML' || r.type=='textarea' || r.type=='text' || r.type=='search'; return r; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.GetCursorPosition //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.GetCursorPosition = function( target ) { if (target == null || target.value == null || target.value.length == 0) { return -1; } // Moz/Opera if (typeof(target.selectionStart) != 'undefined') { if (target.selectionStart < 0 || target.selectionStart > target.length || target.selectionEnd < 0 || target.selectionEnd > target.length || target.selectionEnd < target.selectionStart) { return -1; } return target.selectionStart; } // IE if (document.selection) { var selection = document.selection.createRange(); var textRange = target.createTextRange(); // if the current selection is within the edit control if (textRange == null || selection == null || ((selection.text != "") && textRange.inRange(selection) == false)) { return -1; } if (selection.text == "") { var index = 1; if ( target.tagName == "INPUT" ) { var contents = textRange.text; while (index < contents.length) { textRange.findText(contents.substring(index)); if (textRange.boundingLeft == selection.boundingLeft) {break;} index++; } } // Handle text areas. else if ( target.tagName == "TEXTAREA" ) { var caret = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); index = target.value.length + 1; while (caret.parentElement() == target && caret.move("character", 1) == 1) { --index; if (target.value.charCodeAt(index) == 10) {index -= 1;} } if (index == target.value.length + 1) {index = -1;} } return index; } return textRange.text.indexOf(selection.text); } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.SetCursorPosition //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.SetCursorPosition = function(target, p) { if (p < 0) {return;} if (target.setSelectionRange) { target.setSelectionRange(p, p); } else if (target.createTextRange) { var range = target.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); // odd behaviour each 4th times when a mark is put at the end of line var i; var dec = 0; for (i = 0; i 0 ) { while ( c >= 0 && separators.indexOf(target.value.charAt(c)) < 0 ) { CHIM.buffer.unshift(target.value.charAt(c)); c = c - 1; } } Mudim.startWordOffset = c + 1; } else { CHIM.buffer = CHIM.HTMLEditor.GetCurrentWord(target).split(''); } CHIM.dirty = false; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.VK_TAB = 9; CHIM.VK_BACKSPACE = 8; CHIM.VK_ENTER = 13; CHIM.VK_DELETE = 46; CHIM.VK_SPACE = 32; CHIM.VK_LIMIT = 128; CHIM.VK_LEFT_ARROW = 37; CHIM.VK_RIGHT_ARROW = 39; CHIM.VK_HOME = 36; CHIM.VK_END = 35; CHIM.VK_PAGE_UP = 33; CHIM.VK_PAGE_DOWN = 34; CHIM.VK_UP_ARROW = 38; CHIM.VK_DOWN_ARROW = 40; CHIM.VK_ONOFF = 120; //F9 CHIM.VK_ONOFF2 = 121; //F10 CHIM.VK_PANELTOGGLE = 119; //F8 CHIM.VK_CTRL = 17; CHIM.VK_SHIFT = 16; CHIM.VK_ALT = 18; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: ProcessControlKey //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.ProcessControlKey = function(keyCode, release) { switch ( keyCode ) { case CHIM.VK_TAB: case CHIM.VK_ENTER: CHIM.ClearBuffer(); break; case CHIM.VK_BACKSPACE: if (!release) {CHIM.BackSpace();} break; case CHIM.VK_DELETE: case CHIM.VK_LEFT_ARROW: case CHIM.VK_RIGHT_ARROW: case CHIM.VK_HOME: case CHIM.VK_END: case CHIM.VK_PAGE_UP: case CHIM.VK_PAGE_DOWN: case CHIM.VK_UP_ARROW: case CHIM.VK_DOWN_ARROW: CHIM.dirty = true; break; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: IsHotkey // Check if key pressed is a CHIM hotkey or not // // Parameters: // e - the event object // k - the value of key // // Returns: // True - if k is a hotkey // // See also: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.IsHotkey = function(e, k) { if ( k == CHIM.VK_PANELTOGGLE ) { Mudim.TogglePanel();return true; } else if (k == CHIM.VK_ONOFF || k == CHIM.VK_ONOFF2) { CHIM.Toggle(); return true; } return false; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: CHIM.HTMLEditor //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.HTMLEditor = function() { return this; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.HTMLEditor.GetRange //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.HTMLEditor.GetRange = function(target) { if (!target.parentNode.iframe) {return;} var win = target.parentNode.iframe.contentWindow; return (!window.opera && document.all) ? win.document.selection.createRange() : win.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.HTMLEditor.SetRange //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.HTMLEditor.SetRange = function(target, range, container, offset) { range.setEnd(container, offset); range.setStart(container, offset); var latestRange = CHIM.HTMLEditor.GetRange(target); if (latestRange.startOffset == range.startOffset && latestRange.endOffset == range.endOffset) { // look like the range has been updated correctly } else { console.debug('Failed to update existing Range object, force push it now!'); var win = target.parentNode.iframe.contentWindow; if (!window.opera && document.all) { // TODO } else { var selection = win.getSelection(); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.HTMLEditor.GetCurrentWord //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.HTMLEditor.GetCurrentWord = function(target) { var range = CHIM.HTMLEditor.GetRange(target); if (!range) {return '';} if (!window.opera && document.all) { while (range.moveStart('character', -1) == -1) { if (CHIM.separators.indexOf(range.text.charAt(0)) >= 0) { range.moveStart('character', 1); break; } } return range.text; } var word = ''; var s; if (!(s = range.startContainer.nodeValue)) {return '';} var c = range.startOffset - 1; if (c > 0) { while ( c >= 0 && CHIM.separators.indexOf(s.charAt(c)) < 0 && s.charCodeAt(c)!=160) { //It's so strange that space character appears to have code 160 in iframe. But issue 7 fixed word = s.charAt(c) + word; c = c - 1; } } return word; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.HTMLEditor.Process //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.HTMLEditor.Process = function(target, l) { var range = CHIM.HTMLEditor.GetRange(target); if (typeof(range)=='undefined') { return; } var b = CHIM.buffer; if (!window.opera && document.all) { var x = -l; range.moveStart('character', x); range.moveEnd('character', x+b.length); range.pasteHTML(b.toString().replace(/,/g,'')); return; } var container = range.startContainer; var offset = range.startOffset; var start = offset - l; container.nodeValue = container.nodeValue.substring(0, start) + b.toString().replace(/,/g,'') + container.nodeValue.substring(start + l); if (l 0) { for ( var i = 0; i < ign.length; i++ ) { if( target.id == ign[i] ) {return true;} } } return false; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.KeyHandler // Handle key press event //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.KeyHandler = function(e) { if ( e == null ) {e = window.event;} if (e.isHandled==true) {return;} e.isHandled=true; var keyCode = e.keyCode; if ( keyCode == 0 ) { // as it might on Moz keyCode = e.charCode; } if ( keyCode == 0 ) { // unlikely to get here keyCode = e.which; } if ( Mudim.method == 0 ) {return;} var target = null; if ( !(target = CHIM.GetTarget(e)) || !CHIM.peckable || CHIM.Freeze(target) ) {return;} if ( e.ctrlKey || e.ctrlLeft || e.metaKey) { if (keyCode == CHIM.VK_BACKSPACE || keyCode == CHIM.VK_LEFT_ARROW || keyCode == CHIM.VK_RIGHT_ARROW) { CHIM.dirty = true; } return; } if ( e.charCode == null || e.charCode != 0 ) { // process ASCII only var key = String.fromCharCode(keyCode); if ( keyCode == CHIM.VK_SPACE || keyCode == CHIM.VK_ENTER ) { CHIM.ClearBuffer(); CHIM.foundOtherInputMethod = false; } else if ( keyCode > CHIM.VK_SPACE && keyCode < CHIM.VK_LIMIT && !CHIM.foundOtherInputMethod ) { if ( CHIM.dirty ) { CHIM.UpdateBuffer( target ); } var l = CHIM.buffer.length; if (l==0) { Mudim.startWordOffset=CHIM.GetCursorPosition(target); } if (Mudim.newTempDisableSpellCheckRequest) { CHIM.ClearBuffer(); Mudim.startWordOffset=CHIM.GetCursorPosition(target); Mudim.newTempDisableSpellCheckRequest = false; } if (CHIM.AddKey(key) ) { if (e.stopPropagation) {e.stopPropagation();} if (e.preventDefault) {e.preventDefault();} e.cancelBubble = true; e.returnValue = false; Mudim.UpdateUI(target,l); } } else { CHIM.dirty = true; if ( keyCode > 255 ) { CHIM.foundOtherInputMethod = true; } } } else { // process control key CHIM.ProcessControlKey( keyCode, true ); } }; /** *Catch keyup event to implement escaping Mudim for current word *@param (object) e Event passed by browser */ CHIM.KeyUp = function(e) { if ( e == null ) {e = window.event;} if ( e.keyCode == CHIM.VK_SHIFT ) { if (Mudim.shiftSerie == 1) { console.debug('Temporarily turn off'); Mudim.tempOff = true; Mudim.shiftSerie = 0; } } if ( e.keyCode == CHIM.VK_CTRL ) { if (Mudim.ctrlSerie == 1) { console.debug('Temporarily disable spell checking'); Mudim.tempDisableSpellCheck = true; Mudim.ctrlSerie = 0; Mudim.newTempDisableSpellCheckRequest = true; } } console.debug('ctrl: '+Mudim.ctrlSerie+' || tempDis: '+Mudim.tempDisableSpellCheck); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: KeyDown // Handle the key down event // // Parameters: // e - event which is passed by some browsers //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.KeyDown = function(e) { var target = null; if ( e == null ) {e = window.event;} if (CHIM.IsHotkey(e,e.keyCode)) {return;} if (e.altKey || e.altLeft) { return; } if ( e.shiftKey || e.shiftLeft || e.metaKey ) { Mudim.shiftSerie |= 1; //Shift pressed if (e.keyCode != CHIM.VK_SHIFT) { // Shift-x Mudim.shiftSerie |= 2; } return; } if ( e.ctrlKey || e.ctrlLeft || e.metaKey ) { Mudim.ctrlSerie |= 1; //Ctrl pressed if (e.keyCode != CHIM.VK_CTRL) { // Ctrl-x Mudim.ctrlSerie |= 2; } return; } if ( !(target = CHIM.GetTarget(e)) || !CHIM.peckable || CHIM.Freeze(target) ) {return;} var keyCode = e.keyCode; if ( keyCode == 0 ) { // as it might on Moz keyCode = e.charCode; } if ( keyCode == 0 ) { // unlikely to get here keyCode = e.which; } CHIM.ProcessControlKey( keyCode, false ); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: MouseDown // Handle the mouse down event //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.MouseDown = function(e) { CHIM.Activate(); CHIM.dirty = true; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: Attach // Attach CHIM to an element // // Parameters: // e - element to attach // r - boolean value indicates that CHIM functions will replace the // default handlers //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.Attach = function(e, r) { if (!e) {return;} if (!e.chim) { if (!r) { if (!window.opera && document.all) { // IE e.attachEvent('onkeydown', CHIM.KeyDown); e.attachEvent('onkeyup', CHIM.KeyUp); e.attachEvent('onkeypress', CHIM.KeyHandler); e.attachEvent('onmousedown', CHIM.MouseDown); } else { // Moz & others e.addEventListener('keydown', CHIM.KeyDown, false); e.addEventListener('keyup', CHIM.KeyUp, false); e.addEventListener('keypress', CHIM.KeyHandler, false); e.addEventListener('mousedown', CHIM.MouseDown, false); } } else { e.onkeydown = CHIM.KeyDown; e.onkeyup = CHIM.KeyUp; e.onkeypress = CHIM.KeyHandler; e.onmousedown = CHIM.MouseDown; } if (e.iframe) { // add support for Redactor var body = e.getElementsByTagName('body'); if (body.length > 0) { body = body[0]; if (body.getAttribute && body.getAttribute('contenteditable') == 'true') { CHIM.Attach(body, true); } } } e.chim = true; } var f = e.getElementsByTagName('iframe'); for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { if (f[i].src != '') { // bypass iframe with `src` attribute // TODO: find way to detect cross-origin frames continue; } var doc = (!window.opera && document.all) ? f[i].contentWindow.document : f[i].contentDocument; try { doc.iframe = f[i]; CHIM.Attach(doc, false); } catch(e) {} } var f = e.getElementsByTagName('frame'); for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { var doc = (!window.opera && document.all) ? f[i].contentWindow.document : f[i].contentDocument; try { doc.iframe = f[i]; CHIM.Attach(doc, false); } catch(e) {} } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CHIM.Activate //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.Activate = function() { try { CHIM.Attach(document, true); CHIM.SetDisplay(); } catch (exc) { } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Code tables //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.vn_A0=[65,193,192,7842,195,7840]; CHIM.vn_a0=[97,225,224,7843,227,7841]; CHIM.vn_A6=[194,7844,7846,7848,7850,7852]; CHIM.vn_a6=[226,7845,7847,7849,7851,7853]; CHIM.vn_A8=[258,7854,7856,7858,7860,7862]; CHIM.vn_a8=[259,7855,7857,7859,7861,7863]; CHIM.vn_O0=[79,211,210,7886,213,7884]; CHIM.vn_o0=[111,243,242,7887,245,7885]; CHIM.vn_O6=[212,7888,7890,7892,7894,7896]; CHIM.vn_o6=[244,7889,7891,7893,7895,7897]; CHIM.vn_O7=[416,7898,7900,7902,7904,7906]; CHIM.vn_o7=[417,7899,7901,7903,7905,7907]; CHIM.vn_U0=[85,218,217,7910,360,7908]; CHIM.vn_u0=[117,250,249,7911,361,7909]; CHIM.vn_U7=[431,7912,7914,7916,7918,7920]; CHIM.vn_u7=[432,7913,7915,7917,7919,7921]; CHIM.vn_E0=[69,201,200,7866,7868,7864]; CHIM.vn_e0=[101,233,232,7867,7869,7865]; CHIM.vn_E6=[202,7870,7872,7874,7876,7878]; CHIM.vn_e6=[234,7871,7873,7875,7877,7879]; CHIM.vn_I0=[73,205,204,7880,296,7882]; CHIM.vn_i0=[105,237,236,7881,297,7883]; CHIM.vn_Y0=[89,221,7922,7926,7928,7924]; CHIM.vn_y0=[121,253,7923,7927,7929,7925]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.vncode_2=[ CHIM.vn_A0,CHIM.vn_a0,CHIM.vn_A6,CHIM.vn_a6,CHIM.vn_A8,CHIM.vn_a8, CHIM.vn_O0,CHIM.vn_o0,CHIM.vn_O6,CHIM.vn_o6,CHIM.vn_O7,CHIM.vn_o7, CHIM.vn_U0,CHIM.vn_u0,CHIM.vn_U7,CHIM.vn_u7, CHIM.vn_E0,CHIM.vn_e0,CHIM.vn_E6,CHIM.vn_e6, CHIM.vn_I0,CHIM.vn_i0,CHIM.vn_Y0,CHIM.vn_y0 ]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.vn_AA=[ 65,194,193,7844,192,7846,7842,7848,195,7850,7840,7852,258,194,7854,7844, 7856,7846,7858,7848,7860,7850,7862,7852,97,226,225,7845,224,7847,7843, 7849,227,7851,7841,7853,259,226,7855,7845,7857,7847,7859,7849,7861,7851, 7863,7853 ]; CHIM.vn_AW=[ 65,258,193,7854,192,7856,7842,7858,195,7860,7840,7862,194,258,7844,7854, 7846,7856,7848,7858,7850,7860,7852,7862,97,259,225,7855,224,7857,7843, 7859,227,7861,7841,7863,226,259,7845,7855,7847,7857,7849,7859,7851,7861, 7853,7863 ]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.vn_OO=[ 79,212,211,7888,210,7890,7886,7892,213,7894,7884,7896,416,212,7898,7888, 7900,7900,7902,7892,7904,7894,7906,7896,111,244,243,7889,242,7891,7887, 7893,245,7895,7885,7897,417,244,7899,7889,7901,7891,7903,7893,7905,7895, 7907,7897 ]; CHIM.vn_OW=[ 79,416,211,7898,210,7900,7886,7902,213,7904,7884,7906,212,416,7888,7898, 7890,7900,7892,7902,7894,7904,7896,7906,111,417,243,7899,242,7901,7887, 7903,245,7905,7885,7907,244,417,7889,7899,7891,7901,7893,7903,7895,7905, 7897,7907 ]; CHIM.vn_UW=[ 85,431,218,7912,217,7914,7910,7916,360,7918,7908,7920,117,432,250, 7913,249,7915,7911,7917,361,7919,7909,7921]; CHIM.vn_EE=[ 69,202,201,7870,200,7872,7866,7874,7868,7876,7864,7878,101,234,233,7871, 232,7873,7867,7875,7869,7877,7865,7879 ]; CHIM.vn_DD=[68,272,100,273]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.vncode_1=[ CHIM.vn_AA,CHIM.vn_EE,CHIM.vn_OO, CHIM.vn_AW,CHIM.vn_OW,CHIM.vn_UW, CHIM.vn_DD ]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.modes=[ [[['6',0,1,2],['7',4,5],['8',3],['9',6]],'6789','012345'], [[['a',0],['e',1],['o',2],['w',3,4,5],['d',6]],'ewoda','zsfrxj'], [[['^',0,1,2],['+',4,5],['(',3],['d',6]],'^+(d',"='`?~."], [[['6',0,1,2],['7',4,5],['8',3],['9',6],['a',0],['e',1],['o',2],['w',3,4,5],['d',6]],'6789ewoda',"012345zsfrxj"], [[['6',0,1,2],['7',4,5],['8',3],['9',6],['a',0],['e',1],['o',2],['w',3,4,5],['d',6],['^',0,1,2],['+',4,5],['(',3],['d',6]],'6789ewoda^+(d',"012345zsfrxj='`?~."] ]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.UI=[ 85,218,217,7910,360,7908,117,250,249,7911,361,7909,431,7912,7914,7916, 7918,7920,432,7913,7915,7917,7919,7921,73,205,204,7880,296,7882,105,237, 236,7881,297,7883,0 ]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.O=[ 79,211,210,7886,213,7884,111,243,242,7887,245,7885,212,7888,7890,7892, 7894,7896, 244,7889,7891,7893,7895,7897,416,7898,7900,7902,7904,7906, 417,7899,7901,7903,7905,7907,0]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIM.VN=[ 97,65,225,193,224,192,7843,7842,227,195,7841,7840,226,194,7845,7844,7847, 7846,7849,7848,7851,7850,7853,7852,259,258,7855,7854,7857,7856,7859,7858, 7861,7860,7863,7862,101,69,233,201,232,200,7867,7866,7869,7868,7865,7864, 234,202,7871,7870,7873,7872,7875,7874,7877,7876,7879,7878,111,79,243,211, 242,210,7887,7886,245,213,7885,7884,244,212,7889,7888,7891,7890,7893, 7892,7895,7894,7897,7896,417,416,7899,7898,7901,7900,7903,7902,7905,7904, 7907,7906,121,89,253,221,7923,7922,7927,7926,7929,7928,7925,7924,117,85, 250,218,249,217,7911,7910,361,360,7909,7908,432,431,7913,7912,7915,7914, 7917,7916,7919,7918,7921,7920,105,73,237,205,236,204,7881,7880,297,296, 7883,7882,273,272,0 ]; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: UpdateUI // Synchronize text content with internal buffer after adding key // Parameters: // target: the text container (textbox, textarea, ...) // l : buffer length BEFORE adding key //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mudim.UpdateUI = function(target,l) { var b=CHIM.buffer; if (target.tagName == 'HTML') { CHIM.HTMLEditor.Process(target, l); if (l < CHIM.buffer.length) {return;} return false; } var start = Mudim.startWordOffset < 0 ? 0 : Mudim.startWordOffset; var end = CHIM.GetCursorPosition(target); var t = target.scrollTop; target.value = target.value.substring( 0, start ) + b.toString().replace(/,/g,'') + target.value.substring( end ); CHIM.SetCursorPosition( target, start + b.length); target.scrollTop = t; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function FindAccentPos // Find position to put accent based on current internal buffer content, provided with the most possible next key // Return: // the position (index in buffer) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mudim.FindAccentPos = function(nKey) { var k=nKey.toLowerCase(); var m=CHIM.modes[Mudim.method-1]; var b=CHIM.buffer; var len=b.length; var i,j,l,p,c; if (!len || CHIM.off!=0) {return -1;} for( i = 1; i < m.length; i++ ) if( m[i].indexOf(k) >= 0 ) {break;} p=len-1; Mudim.is='ot'; switch (l=i) { case 1: if (Mudim.GetMarkTypeID(k,1)==3) {break;} // d in telex case 2: default: i=p; while (i>=0 && b[i] < CHIM.CHAR_0x80 && CHIM.vowels.indexOf(b[i])<0) i--; //Find the last vowel if (i<0) {return -1;} if (i= 0 && (CHIM.vowels.indexOf(b[i-1]) >=0 || b[i-1] > CHIM.CHAR_0x80) && CHIM.CharPriorityCompare( b[i-1], b[i] ) < 0 ) i--; if( i == len-1 && i-1 >= 0 && (j = CHIM.CharIsUI(b[i-1])) > 0 ) { switch( b[i] ) { case CHIM.CHAR_a: case CHIM.CHAR_A: //something like lu'a, bu`a, .. BUT only change when deal with mark group 2 or ( of group 1 if ( (i-2 < 0 || (j < 24 && b[i-2] != CHIM.CHAR_q && b[i-2] != CHIM.CHAR_Q) || (j >= 24 && b[i-2] != CHIM.CHAR_g && b[i-2] != CHIM.CHAR_G) ) && (l==2 || (l==1 && Mudim.GetMarkTypeID(k,1)==1))) i--; break; case CHIM.CHAR_u: case CHIM.CHAR_U: if( i-2 < 0 || (b[i-2] != CHIM.CHAR_g && b[i-2] != CHIM.CHAR_G) ) i--; break; case CHIM.CHAR_Y: case CHIM.CHAR_y: //old accent rule : tu`y, hu?y, .... but quy` , quy? if ( (!Mudim.newAccentRule) && i-2>=0 && b[i-2]!=CHIM.CHAR_q && b[i-2]!=CHIM.CHAR_Q ) {i--;} break; } } if ( i == len-1 && i-1 >=0 && CHIM.CharIsO(b[i-1]) > 0) { switch(b[i]) { case CHIM.CHAR_a: case CHIM.CHAR_A: if (!Mudim.newAccentRule && (l==2 || (l==1 && Mudim.GetMarkTypeID(k,1)!=1))) i--; break; case CHIM.CHAR_e: case CHIM.CHAR_E: if (!Mudim.newAccentRule) i--; break; }; } if (i == len-2 && i-1 >= 0) { // qux ---> put mark on x var uipos=CHIM.CharIsUI(b[i]); if (uipos>=0 && uipos<24 & (b[i-1]==CHIM.CHAR_q || b[i-1]==CHIM.CHAR_Q)) { i++; } } p=i; break; }; if (Mudim.GetMarkTypeID(k,1)==3 && b[0]=='d') {return 0;} return p; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Function Mudim.PutMark // put diacritical mark //Parameters: // pos: position in buffer to put // charCodeAtPos: code of the character at pos // group: mark group (1 or 2 ), define which table (vncode_1 or vncode_2) // idx: index in the table // key: the key added // checkDouble: raise CHIM.off when delete mark //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mudim.PutMark = function(pos,charCodeAtPos,group,subsTab,key,checkDouble) { var v = subsTab; var i; console.debug('|'+CHIM.buffer+'| (Begin PutMark)'); for (i=0;i= 0 ) { if( j != i ) { CHIM.SetCharAt( pos, v[j] ); console.debug('Mark group 2 added'); Mudim.accent=[pos,(CHIM.buffer[pos]).charCodeAt(0),v,key]; } else { CHIM.SetCharAt(pos, v[0]); Mudim.ResetAccentInfo(); if (checkDouble) { console.debug('Double mark, clear now'); CHIM.off = CHIM.buffer.length + 1; } } } break; } return true; } } return false; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function ResetAccentInfo // Reset information about current accent //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mudim.ResetAccentInfo = function() { Mudim.accent = [-1,0,null,'z']; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function AdjustAccent // Update accent position when it is changed // Return: // true if accent has been updated successfully //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mudim.AdjustAccent = function(vk) { console.debug('|'+CHIM.buffer+'| (Begin AdjustAccent)'); if (CHIM.off!=0) { return false; } var p=Mudim.FindAccentPos(vk); var a = Mudim.accent; var b=CHIM.buffer; var v,i,j,c; if (p<0) { return false;} i = CHIM.vn_OW.length-1; c = b[p].charCodeAt(0); while (i>=0 && CHIM.vn_OW[i]!=c) {i--;} j = CHIM.vn_UW.length-1; if (p>0) { c=b[p-1].charCodeAt(0); while (j>=0 && CHIM.vn_UW[j]!=c) {j--;} } else { j=-1; } //uo if (p0 && i>=0 && j>=0) { console.debug('uo detected with w = '+Mudim.w); if (Mudim.w==1) { if (i%2==0) { //u+o Mudim.PutMark(p,b[p].charCodeAt(0),1,CHIM.vn_OW,CHIM.modes[Mudim.method-1][1].charAt(1),false); //u+ o+ if (b[0]==CHIM.CHAR_q || b[0]==CHIM.CHAR_Q) { //if word starts with 'q' then change to uo+ console.debug('Change to quo+'); Mudim.PutMark(p-1,b[p-1].charCodeAt(0),1,CHIM.vn_UW,CHIM.modes[Mudim.method-1][1].charAt(1),false); } } else { //uo+ if (b[0]!=CHIM.CHAR_q && b[0]!=CHIM.CHAR_Q) { //if word doesnt start with 'q' then change to u+o+ Mudim.PutMark(p-1,b[p-1].charCodeAt(0),1,CHIM.vn_UW,CHIM.modes[Mudim.method-1][1].charAt(1),false); } } return true; } } if (a[0]>=0 && p>0 && a[0]!=p) { // Automatically adjust the accent, when position changes console.debug('Accent position changed, adjust now'); Mudim.PutMark(a[0],a[1],2,a[2],a[3],false); for( i = 0; i < CHIM.vncode_2.length; i++ ) { v = CHIM.vncode_2[i]; if (Mudim.PutMark(p,b[p].charCodeAt(0),2,v,a[3],true)) { break; } } return true; } return false; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: GetMarkTypeID // get the index in mark string of each method // Parameters: // key: the key // group: mark group (1 or 2) // Return: // -1 if this key is not a mark key // or the index in mark key string. // Remarks: // Use global variable Mudim.method // For group 1, the return value is stable only for the ones used in implementation (1 and 3) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mudim.GetMarkTypeID = function (key,group) { var m = CHIM.modes[Mudim.method-1]; if (Mudim.method != 4) { return m[group].indexOf(key); } else { var j = -1; for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { j = CHIM.modes[i][group].indexOf(key); if (j>=0) { return j; } } return j; } }; /** * Auto detect typing mode based on current character * @param(char) c Current character *@return typing mode */ Mudim.AutoDetectMode = function(c) { var gi; if ((gi = CHIM.modes[4][1].indexOf(c))>=0) { if (gi<4) { return 1; } else if (gi<9) { return 2; } else { return 3; } } else if ((gi = CHIM.modes[4][2].indexOf(c))>=0) { if (gi<6) { return 1; } else if (gi<12) { return 2; } else { return 3; } } else { return 0; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: Mudim.SetPreference() //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mudim.SetPreference = function() { var d=new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime()+604800000); var tail=';expires='+d.toGMTString()+';path=/'; var value = Mudim.method; var value= CHIM.Speller.enabled ? value + 8 : value; value = Mudim.newAccentRule ? value + 16 : value; value = Mudim.showPanel ? value + 32 : value; value += Mudim.displayMode * 64; document.cookie=Mudim.COOKIE_KEY_NAME+'='+value+tail; console.debug('Cookie value written : '+Mudim.COOKIE_KEY_NAME+'='+value+tail); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: Mudim.GetPreference() //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mudim.GetPreference = function() { var c=document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i=0;i>6; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: MudimToggleAccentRule() //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mudim.ToggleAccentRule = function() { Mudim.newAccentRule = !Mudim.newAccentRule; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: Mudim.TogglePanel() //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mudim.TogglePanel = function() { Mudim.showPanel = !Mudim.showPanel; Mudim.Panel.style.display = Mudim.showPanel ? '' : 'None'; Mudim.SetPreference(); }; Mudim.ShowPanel = function() { Mudim.showPanel = true; Mudim.Panel.style.display = ''; }; Mudim.HidePanel = function() { Mudim.showPanel = false; Mudim.Panel.style.display = 'None'; }; Mudim.InitPanel = function() { if (!Mudim.Panel) { Mudim.GetPreference(); Mudim.panels =['
Mudim v0.8 '+Mudim.LANG[0]+' '+Mudim.LANG[1]+' '+Mudim.LANG[2]+' '+Mudim.LANG[3]+' '+Mudim.LANG[4]+' '+Mudim.LANG[5]+' '+Mudim.LANG[6]+''+Mudim.LANG[7]+' [ '+Mudim.LANG[8]+' (F9) '+Mudim.LANG[9]+' (F8) ]
', '
']; var f=document.createElement('div'); f.innerHTML=Mudim.panels[Mudim.displayMode].replace('#METHOD#',Mudim.LANG[Mudim.method]); f.style.display = 'None'; document.body.appendChild(f); Mudim.Panel=f; if (Mudim.showPanel) { Mudim.ShowPanel(); } else { Mudim.HidePanel(); } } }; Mudim.ToggleSpeller = function() { CHIM.Speller.Toggle(); }; Mudim.Toggle = function() { CHIM.Toggle(); }; Mudim.ToggleDisplayMode = function() { if (Mudim.displayMode) { Mudim.displayMode = 0; } else { Mudim.displayMode = 1; } Mudim.BeforeInit(); Mudim.Panel.innerHTML=Mudim.panels[Mudim.displayMode].replace('#METHOD#',Mudim.LANG[Mudim.method]); Mudim.AfterInit(); Mudim.SetPreference(); }; Mudim.SetMethod = function(m) { CHIM.SetMethod(m); }; Mudim.SwitchMethod = function() { CHIM.SwitchMethod(); }; /** * User-defined hook */ Mudim.BeforeInit = function() { }; /** * User-defined hook */ Mudim.AfterInit = function() { }; /** * Initialize Mudim */ Mudim.Init = function() { Mudim.BeforeInit(); Mudim.InitPanel(); CHIM.Activate(); Mudim.AfterInit(); }; /** * Get the style object of the Panel. Dont't use in BeforeInit hook */ Mudim.GetPanelStyle = function() { return Mudim.Panel.firstChild.style; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Define method * Values: 0 - off, 1 - vni, 2 - telex, 3 - viqr, 4 - combined, 5 - auto */ Mudim.method = 4; /** * Use the new accent rule */ Mudim.newAccentRule = true; /** *Last used method */ Mudim.oldMethod = 4; /** *Visibility of panel. Assign to this variable to set default value */ Mudim.showPanel = true; /** * */ Mudim.accent=[-1,0,null,-1]; //[position, code, substitution table, index] /** * */ Mudim.w = 0; /** *Temporarily turn Mudim off for current word */ Mudim.tempOff = false; /** *Temporarily disable spell checking for current word */ Mudim.tempDisableSpellCheck = false; /** *Last state of tempDisableSpellCheck */ Mudim.newTempDisableSpellCheckRequest = false; /** *Indicate CTRL is being pressed */ Mudim.ctrlSerie = 0; /** *Indicate SHIFT is being pressed */ Mudim.shiftSerie = 0; /** * Head consonants */ Mudim.headConsonants = ''; /** * Tail consonants */ Mudim.tailConsonants = ''; /** *The word, which is stored in buffer, starts at this offset */ Mudim.startWordOffset=0; /** * Control panel text color */ Mudim.COLOR='Black'; /** * Control panel background color */ Mudim.PANEL_BACKGROUND='lightYellow'; /** *Phrases used in panel */ Mudim.LANG=['Tắt','VNI','Telex','Viqr','Tổng hợp','Tự động','Chính tả','Bỏ dấu kiểu mới','Bật/Tắt','Ẩn/Hiện']; /** *Array containing ID of elements which doesn't need Vietnamese typing */ Mudim.IGNORE_ID = []; /** *Panel display mode. 0 = full; 1 = minimized */ Mudim.displayMode = 0; /** *Panel's HTML content for each display mode */ Mudim.panels = ['','']; Mudim.COOKIE_KEY_NAME = '|mudim-settings'; Mudim.REV = 153; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- for (var i=1;i<100;i++) { setTimeout("Mudim.Init()",2000*i); } // Change log // Add display modes (full and minimized) // Move panel from top to bottom of the page // Add 2 hooks BeforeInit and AfterInit // Use polling method to activate Mudim // Changes in 0.8 // Add escape method with Ctrl and Shift // Fix issue #10 // Improve compatibility with other js input methods (specifically, with avim) // Fix issue #30 // Changes in 0.7 // Fix issue #21 (return false in toggle links) // Fix issue #23 (typo error in creating cookie) // Fix issue #19 : some word cannot put accent on due to new spell checking rule // Fix issue #20 about error in console when there's no text target // Remove Viqr from method Auto // Save accent rule setting, and show/hide panel setting // Add spelling rule as described in Issue #16 comment #0 and comment #1 // Take frequently used array from Append, make them global // Forbid ng[ie], c[ie] and q[^u] // Fix the qui't issue // Fix the appear-again khuyur issue as magically as when it disappeared //Changes in 0.6 // Add AUTO method, which allows user to type in any of 3 methods // Fix issue 9 // Fix issue 8 //SetPreference when Show/Hide Panel //Changes in 0.5 // Issue 6,7 fixed //Changes in 0.4 // - Standardize coding style for compatibility with javascript compressor (issue 3) // - Fix spelling feature (issue 4) // - Fix problem with readding accent //Changes in version 0.3 // - First public release // - Shorthand ruoiw for ruwowi and similar situations // - Refactoring work: // + FindAccentPos and PutMark from AddKey // + UpdateUI from KeyHandler // - Added attribute Mudim.accent which store information about the last accent function ResetAccentInfo // - Auto adjust accent position // - The problem with khuyur in 0.2 disappeared magically (Why?) // - Fix serious problem with textbox and textarea due to caret position (issue 2) // - Fix su73a in VNI and some issue related to 'uo' composiotion (issue 1) //Changes in version 0.2 // - Happy to see it run on Opera and Konqueror, some modifications in hotkey implementation, though, // which use new attribute Mudin.oldMethod to store the old method when toggle. // - Fix some bugs with 'ua' composition // - Limited support for old accent rule with new attribute Mudin.newAccentRule. // I peronally recommend the new accent rule, that's why I don't store this attribute in cookie. // It means that if you prefer the old rule, you have to explicitly select it every time you open a new page. // - Add 1 more toggle hotkey F10 as an alternative to F9 in case of conflict with browser hotkeys. // - Fix permission error in javascript console when try to attach to cross-site iframe // - Known issue : khuyur //Changes in Mudim 0.1 from CHIM: // - Easy-to-use control panel (credit for this smart idea goes to Wasabi with his BIM) // - Save settings in cookie // - Ability to put ALL diacritical marks at the end of word // - Fix hotkey problem in IE