#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from os.path import join from fabric.api import env, task from fagungis.tasks import * @task def example(): # name of your project - no spaces, no special chars env.project = 'example_production' # hg repository of your project env.repository = 'https://bitbucket.org/DNX/example' # type of repository (git or hg) env.repository_type = 'hg' # hosts to deploy your project, users must be sudoers env.hosts = ['root@', ] # additional packages to be installed on the server env.additional_packages = [ 'mercurial', ] # system user, owner of the processes and code on your server # the user and it's home dir will be created if not present env.django_user = 'django' # user group env.django_user_group = env.django_user # the code of your project will be located here env.django_user_home = join('/opt', env.django_user) # projects path env.projects_path = join(env.django_user_home, 'projects') # the root path of your project env.code_root = join(env.projects_path, env.project) # the path where manage.py of this project is located env.django_project_root = env.code_root # the Python path to a Django settings module. env.django_project_settings = 'settings' # django media dir env.django_media_path = join(env.code_root, 'media') # django static dir env.django_static_path = join(env.code_root, 'static') # django media url and root dir env.django_media_url = '/site_media/media/' env.django_media_root = env.code_root # django static url and root dir env.django_static_url = '/site_media/static/' env.django_static_root = env.code_root # do you use south in your django project? env.south_used = False # virtualenv root env.virtenv = join(env.django_user_home, 'envs', env.project) # some virtualenv options, must have at least one env.virtenv_options = ['distribute', 'no-site-packages', ] # location of your pip requirements file # http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/requirements.html#the-requirements-file-format # set it to None to not use env.requirements_file = join(env.code_root, 'requirements.txt') # always ask user for confirmation when run any tasks env.ask_confirmation = True ### START gunicorn settings ### # be sure to not have anything running on that port env.gunicorn_bind = "" env.gunicorn_logfile = '%(django_user_home)s/logs/projects/%(project)s_gunicorn.log' % env env.rungunicorn_script = '%(django_user_home)s/scripts/rungunicorn_%(project)s.sh' % env env.gunicorn_workers = 2 env.gunicorn_worker_class = "eventlet" env.gunicorn_loglevel = "info" ### END gunicorn settings ### ### START nginx settings ### env.nginx_server_name = 'example.com' # Only domain name, without 'www' or 'http://' env.nginx_conf_file = '%(django_user_home)s/configs/nginx/%(project)s.conf' % env env.nginx_client_max_body_size = 10 # Maximum accepted body size of client request, in MB env.nginx_htdocs = '%(django_user_home)s/htdocs' % env # will configure nginx with ssl on, your certificate must be installed # more info here: http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpSslModule env.nginx_https = False ### END nginx settings ### ### START supervisor settings ### # http://supervisord.org/configuration.html#program-x-section-settings # default: env.project env.supervisor_program_name = env.project env.supervisorctl = '/usr/bin/supervisorctl' # supervisorctl script env.supervisor_autostart = 'true' # true or false env.supervisor_autorestart = 'true' # true or false env.supervisor_redirect_stderr = 'true' # true or false env.supervisor_stdout_logfile = '%(django_user_home)s/logs/projects/supervisord_%(project)s.log' % env env.supervisord_conf_file = '%(django_user_home)s/configs/supervisord/%(project)s.conf' % env ### END supervisor settings ###