import webapp2 import json #import ijson.backends.python as ijson import ijson import msgpack import errno import sys def getDefinitionMsgPack(dictionaryName,word,self): response = {} dictionary = {} try: infile = open(dictionaryName + ".mpack", "rb") except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: response = {'found':False,'why':'Dictionary not supported'} else: self.response.write('No exception - about to unpack
') with infile: try: dictionary = msgpack.unpackb( except Exception as e: response = {"Error":e.message} else: if len(dictionary) != 0: if word == "": response = {'found':False, 'why':'No word was submitted'} if word in dictionary: definition = dictionary[word] if(definition != ""): response = {'found':True, 'definition':definition} else: response = {'found':False, 'why':'A definition for ' + word + ' was not found in ' + d.upper()} else: response = {'found':False, 'why':word + ' was not found in ' + d.upper()} else: response = {'found':False, 'why':'Dictionary ' + d + " is not supported"} return response def getDefinition(dictionary,word): response = {} try: infile = open(dictionary + ".json", "rb") except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: response = {'found':False,'why':'Dictionary not supported'} else: with infile: try: parser = ijson.parse(infile) for prefix,event, value in parser: if prefix == word: response = {'found':True,'definition':value,'prefix':prefix} return response #File parsed successfully but nothing was found response = {'found':False,'definition':word + ' was not found in ' + dictionary.upper()} return response except Exception as e: response = {'found':False,'why':e} return response class MainPage(webapp2.RequestHandler): def get(self): response = {} d = self.request.get('d', default_value='collins') word = self.request.get('word').upper() method = self.request.get('method') if method == "getdef": ''' dictionary = getDictionary(d) if len(dictionary) != 0: if word == "": response = {'found':False, 'why':'No word was submitted'} if word in dictionary: definition = dictionary[word] if(definition != ""): response = {'found':True, 'definition':dictionary[word],} else: response = {'found':False, 'why':'A definition for ' + word + ' was not found in ' + d.upper()} else: response = {'found':False, 'why':word + ' was not found in ' + d.upper()} else: response = {'found':False, 'why':'Dictionary ' + d + " is not supported"} dictionary = {} ''' response = getDefinitionMsgPack(d,word,self) #Write JSON Header self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' self.response.write(json.dumps(response)) application = webapp2.WSGIApplication([ ('/', MainPage), ], debug=True)